Posted by | Warrior Cats RP [Nightclan Chat] |
![]() Icestar (#72469) Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-05-26 10:52:03 |
This is Nightclan chat Member sheet link Happen to stumble upon this thread and want to sign up? well, you can sign up here! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Event: The Frosty Journey of the New Leader Frostflight will soon become Froststar, but there is a threat that once again looms over Nightclan. But, this one more dangerous than the last.. the spot light will be on the new leader, every conflict a test of her leadership skills as well as the clans loyalty. Will this threat be taken care of or will it be the end of Nightclan? Clan Info: [Will add everything soon, just making up templates and such..] Character SheetsNo thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.![]() Edited on 04/01/17 @ 20:43:03 by Icestar0413 (#72469) |
Sunneh (#95479)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-01 16:04:51 |
Shadestep Mentions: Sunfang, Lynks (kits) Shadestep nodded at Sunfang's words, glad to hear the kits were fine but worried about Sunfang's state. He watched curiously as Lynks approached Sunfang and smiled at her reaction to the kit. "I never thought much of it, but I suppose it'd be nice." He chuckled at her excitement. "I'm coming," he replied to Sunfang happily. Shadestep was glad to be returning to camp with the rogues finally gone and it plainly showed on his features. "You'll have to have some of this when we get back, Sunfang," he said as he picked up the vole he caught. ![]() |
RedEclipesWolf (#96769)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-01 18:13:35 |
Lynks>>Shadestep, Sunfang Lynk nodded her head before picking up the two small rabbit carcasses. She run up next to Shadestep her head high, tail wagging, and purring uncontrollably. Stoneclaw>>Shadestep, Sunfang, Bumbletail, Lynks Stoneclaw laid in the middle of camp keeping watch while Bumbletail took herself a small catnap. His ears perked up as rustling in the bushes caught his attention, he stood up and got between the noise and Bumbletail. His hackles raised, his claws dug into the dirt he was ready for anything. His relaxed as Shadestep came into view followed by Sunfang and a strange she-cat. He stood infront of Bumbletail at the sight of her, he wasn't taking any chances. "Who may I ask is this?" He said looking coldly at Lynks but shown no signs of attacking. Bumbletail>>Shadestep, Stoneclaw, Sunfang, Lynks Bumbletail woke up at Stoneclaw voice, she blinked as her eyes focused. She slowly got up as her crooked tail swayed happily at the sight of her clan mates. "Hey guys, how was your temporary leave from all the drama." She said her voice sweet and soft as usual. She soon spotted Lynks, "Hello there, Im Bumbletail, this is my brother Stoneclaw please forgive him." She said with a warm smile. "He is just being over protective." She finished walking uo to Shadestep and rubbing her head on his. "Glad you came back and with Sunfang none the less." She said with a soft purr. ![]() |
Icestar (#72469)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-01 22:50:03 |
Sunfang ~ 46 moons ~ Queen ~ She-cat ~ Mentions: Shadestep, Lynx, Stoneclaw, Bumbletail and kits She smiled warmly at Shadestep, "I'm fine.. thank you though.." she said softy before giving Lynx a warm smile. She urged to kits on, hoping to Starclan they would be ok here.. as they made their way towards camp, she wondered how long they had been gone. It felt like quite a few moons and she wondered if other would even be happy to see her.. then Stoneclaw came into view as they entered camp. Her yellow eyes were on him as he sort of greeted them.. she just nodded to him, not really having much to say really since before she left. She looked at Bumbletail as she heard her name, she hadn't really paid attention because she was trying not to really be noticed as she had been for moons. She stared at Bumbletail for a second.. it was hard, she was trying to remember cats and such.. then she finally remembered her.. she smiled at Bumbletail, she was happy to see the She-cat but, she didn't really speak. She looked at Pebblekit, who just walked right in and he looked at Stoneclaw. She watched Pebblekit, she was still mad at the young cat for what he said to Nightfang. Pebblekit ~ 7 moons ~ kit ~ Tom ~ Mentions: Sunfang, Shadestep, Lynx, Stoneclaw, Bumbletail He looked at Shadestep, his yellow eyes never left him until the weird She-cat came up to him.. who was that? He definitely never saw her before.. his eyes went a little wide as he looked at her. He let out a tiny sigh as she moved away and started to walk. He remembered sort of what clan life was.. he padded beside Sunfang and he felt small, he was smaller than three cats. He stayed beside his mother as they entered camp, looking at Stoneclaw with wide eyes as he talked about the weird She-cat.. he wasn't exactly paying attention as she said her name and he wasn't paying really paying attention to anyone else but the big tom. Well, he was big to him anyway.. he was tough (or so he thinks) but, he wasn't all about taking on cats bigger than him.. he looked at the She-cat who called the big tom her brother. He didn't remember her.. he didn't see a cat like her in the nursery before, that he could remember anyway.. but she sounded nice and he was curious. He seemed to crouch and act like Stoneclaw wouldn't see him as he 'snuck' over to Bumbletail. He looked at her, maybe a little too closely by accident because he was almost on top of her. He saw the scars and the weird way her tail looked.. he wondered what happened. He just looked at her, maybe for a moment before actually speaking. "Hi, I'm Pebblekit.. what's your name?" He said happily. ![]() |
Sunneh (#95479)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-03 14:37:21 |
Shadestep Mentions: Sunfang, Lynks, Stoneclaw, Bumbletail, (Pebblekit) The black tom nodded hesitantly to Sunfang as they started walking, still hoping that she'd have one of the catches once back to camp. He smiled around the prey in his jaws when Lynks joined him by his side, and he nudged her playfully with his shoulder as they walked. When Stoneclaw came into view and quickly stood between them and Bumbletail his amber eyes shone in faint amusement. Still as protective as ever, it seemed. Shadestep lowered his head and set the vole by his paws. "This is a good-natured loner I picked up, I think you know by now I'm too friendly for my own good. She's a curious one too, and nothing at all like those lousy rogues, so no worries there." His eyes lit up when Bumbletail approached and he purred loudly, rubbing his head against hers as well while she did so. He was ecstatic to be home, to have the rogues gone. And he was equally pleased with how Sunfang and Bumbletail were taking to his new friend. There was hope for her joining, if she wanted to... He glanced to Lynks. Shadestep was sure she'd consider it. Clan life would do her well, not leaving her alone like the life in which she was raised. "I'm glad to be back. And it'll be even better with Sunfang and the kits here too." He chuckled as he drew away from Bumbletail, eyeing Pebblekit in content curiosity. ![]() |
☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)
Amiable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-04 04:47:57 |
Frostflight | She-Cat | Warrior | Nightclan | Mentions: NIghtfang, Sunfang, Kits Frostflight swallowed hard, she and Riverwhisker hadn't associated much since she was an apprentice; but he was a brave and loyal cat. "Dead?" She choked, glancing around to make sure that Sunfang was really gone "Yes." She still vividly remembered his body being hauled back to camp... Sunfang's devastated face. She squeezed her eyes shut, forcing herself to focus on the present. She dipped her head down, smelling the stale smell of other cats beneath her feet. She knew this must be one of the scent borders, so she glanced up to Nightfang, eager to fill the silence that hung in the air. "I'm glad Sunfang is back, isn't Pebblekit cute?" She purred, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. ![]() |
Icestar (#72469)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-04 13:39:33 |
Nightfang ~ 30 Moons ~ Apprentice: None ~ Tom ~ Senior Warrior ~ Mentions: Frostflight He was looking around as he heard her voice and he sighed.. he felt bad for Sunfang.. he knew how much it hurt to lose someone dear to them but, he couldn't imagine just how much more painful it was to know that there was no chance to see them again. He could probably see his siblings again some day but, Sunfang didn't even have that chance at this point.. he couldn't imagine how it would feel to lose Frostflight now that he had her.. he didn't want to think about it anyway. He looked around as she sniffed for the border and then turned his attention to her at her question, the little weird kit beside Sunfang? He looked like Riverwhisker but with yellow eyes like Sunfang.. "Yea, all kits are cute.." He said with a smile, he wanted his own kits but, would probably hold off for a while.. he sniffed the air, and wondered why there was a weird odour.. what was that scent? It just wafted over and then went away.. oh well, probably just him.. he chose not to say anything, "let's get these borders freshened up, shall we?" He said. (Dun dun dun duuuuuuuun starting of the event ;p not taking spot light from anyone, just trying to get these started now.. XD) ![]() |
☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)
Amiable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-08 06:55:02 |
Frostflight | She-Cat | Warrior | Nightclan | Mentions: NIghtfang, Sunfang, Kits Frostflight's heart felt cold and heavy in her chest, she couldn't shake the image of Sunfang's devastated face. She smiled weakly when Nightfang spoke of kits, and thought about how Pebblekit may never have a father figure. A thought struck her, and she turned to face the tom again "I wonder if I'll see Riverwhisker when we go to the starry pond?" She mumbled, knowing that even if she did, she wouldn't be allowed to tell Sunfang what happened or what he said. Frostflight hoped that her mother and father would be there, happy and healthy; the one person she didn't want to see was her brother. She forced a smile, and kind of pushed the thoughts away, padding closer to the borders. "Let's," she said, moving forward slowly and brushing her pelt against the plants. (sorry I took forever to reply) ![]() |
Icestar (#72469)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-08 11:13:05 |
Nightfang ~ 30 Moons ~ Apprentice: None ~ Tom ~ Senior Warrior ~ Mentions: Frostflight He nodded to her as she spoke, "you probably will.. you might see my parents but, who knows? The possibilities are endless when it comes to those who give you your nine lives." He smiled and then looked around once more as she said "let's" and then padded after her. He thought about what was happening around them.. what was becoming of their clan anyway? He hoped this was all going to be ok.. he didn't want anymore harm to come to his clan or Frostflight.. soon he would have to call her Froststar and that was going to sound weird in his head for a while. He was that one cat that disliked change, from when his world had been totally torn apart and then he slowly built it back up.. all by himself when he felt alone.. now he had to adjust to having another cat in his world. She had become a big part of his world and he hoped it would never change.. (It's fine c: sorry short..) ![]() |
RedEclipesWolf (#96769)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-09 16:43:36 |
Stoneclaw>>Everyone Stoneclaw only turned around and walked a few feet away, plumping himself down. "Finally I can get some real sleep." He signed he felt the familiar burning in the back of his head. *Sunfang hasn't change doesn't bother me one bit." he said with a heavy sign as he drifted into sleep. Bumbletail>>Everyone at camp Bumbletail watched her brother leave a warm smile on her face. She turned to face Shadestep once again. "What of Frostflight?" her sweet soft voice never changing. She looked at the kits then at Sunfang, "The nursery will need to be cleaned it a little dusty and stale." She said thinking about her unborn kits, she then remembered Boulder she looked around for her mate. Lynks>>Everyone at camp Lynks only purred as she stood by Shadestep, "Oh wow this place is amazing." She said looking around not noticing that Stoneclaw had left. "Nursery, as in kits?" She said happily her bobtail wagging again. "Shadestep can we go see the kits?" She plead with a purr. She would love to see how a newborn looked, as Sunfangs kits were the youngest she has ever seen. ((I kept posting on here but I've been on mobile and it literally didn't want to)) ![]() Edited on 09/01/17 @ 23:44:30 by DarkShamess🎭 (#96769) |
☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)
Amiable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-09 17:17:40 |
Frostflight | She-Cat | Warrior | Nightclan | Mentions: NIghtfang Frostflight wondered what was happening back at camp, she hoped no one had freaked out about the whole Lynx thing. Her thoughts then drifted back to Bumbletail, it wouldn't be long before her kits were born, Frostflight couldn't wait to see them. Perhaps one day Frostflight could have kits of her own? Although she suspected it would be a while before that happened, being a leader was a big responsibility and as much as she wanted them raising a family would be hard. Realising she probably looked a little distraught Frostflight to face the way she had come, pleased that she had covered a lot of ground. She padded over to Nighyfang "if I do see your parents I'll tell you, I can't imagine how much they miss you, but they'd be proud of who you've become." She said softly, meaning every word. (it seems that every time I post my OOC is 'it's too short' or 'it's really rushed' XD) ![]() |
RedEclipesWolf (#96769)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-09 17:32:26 |
Sunneh (#95479)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-09 17:35:43 |
(i hate posting on my phone oml, im procrastinating rn about posting since im on it rip) ![]() |
RedEclipesWolf (#96769)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-09 17:42:09 |
((I feel you Sunneh.. My daughter broke my laptop and I've been phone bound since Christmas)) ![]() |
Icestar (#72469)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-10 00:53:43 |
(I'm almost always on my phone xD so I don't know what is wrong..) Nightfang ~ 30 Moons ~ Apprentice: None ~ Tom ~ Senior Warrior ~ Mentions: Frostflight He had gone pretty far, he had made sure that his part was distinct so no cat could make a mistake.. he even sniffed it himself and he nodded to how strong it was. His ear flicked as he heard Frostflight coming and he he padded towards her too. He just silently nodded at her comment, he was a little touchy with that subject.. he wondered how his sister was doing.. obviously his brother was fine. But, his sister.. he hadn't seen her in forever.. he couldn't help but wonder if she was ok. He thought about the look Sunfang had when she remembered Riverwhisker. He felt an aching feeling as he thought about his own sister.. he shook his head but, stayed silent and he looked around to make sure everything was in order before he started to pad off towards camp so that she could get at least one more warrior to come and then they could be on their way.. his tail twitched as he walked, he stayed silent. The aching feeling wasn't going away.. Sunfang ~ 46 moons ~ Queen ~ She-cat ~ Mentions: everyone around her She watched as Stoneclaw left and she wasn't going to stop him.. she looked to Bumbletail and smiled, "Yea.. we better get ready for your kits." She said, she hadn't known that Bumbletail had a mate but, she saw the kitten filled stomach and by the size, she knew she wasn't eating a lot.. that was a kit stomach. She only had one litter, three kits. Two of them died and surprisingly, the runt of the litter had survived. She watched as Pebblekit padded after Stoneclaw, even when the Tom laid down to sleep.. her kit just went after him. She couldn't stop him, her kit was old enough to know what not to do.. plus, she didn't really want to go near Stoneclaw.. she looked to Lynx and smiled, "there aren't any newborn kits just yet.. soon though." She said with a purr as she made her way over to the nursery. Right then, she decided to stay a queen and help the other cats with their kits and such.. that is where she felt she belonged. Pebblekit ~ 7 moons ~ kit ~ Tom ~ Mentions: Stoneclaw He padded after the huge tom, wondering why he was so grumpy.. he was used to his gentle mother protecting them and he didn't see any Tom's like him. He had only seen loners that looked like they were so scrawny that they wouldn't be able to even take on a mouse... this tom he was following was the opposite. He had noticed his mother's decline in weight and he guessed she was going to get sick because of it.. but, that didn't stop him. He was curious and when the Tom laid down, he went right up into his face, even when he closed his eyes. He wasn't going to leave the cat alone.. "hi! ... why are you so grumpy?" He asked curiously, not meaning anything by it.. his yellow eyes were full of wonder and they never left the Tom. He wondered if this tom was related to the nice She-cat that was talking to Sunfang. He sat down in front of the huge tom and waited patiently for his reply, if he didn't give one and fell asleep, he was most likely going to cuddle up next to him and sleep too... (I love how Pebblekit doesn't care how a cat looks.. if they are nice, he will cuddle with them and sleep XD) ![]() |
RedEclipesWolf (#96769)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-10 08:54:06 |
Stoneclaw >> Pebblekit Stoneclaw opened one eye seeing pebblekit was in his face. "Im not grumpy your mother just doesn't like me so I keep my distance for peace." He said lazily. "Plus I haven't been able to sleep well in the passed few nights, I had to keep a good eye on my sister." He began to close his eye again. He grabbed the Pebblekit, pulling the kit close to himself. "There's nothing to fear now, so might as well sleep while I can." He said falling asleep with Pebblekit smothered next to him. Bumbletail>>Sunfang Bumbletail gave a warm smile towards Sunfang. "Of course but I have time so it really wasn't important to me, my brother just wants me to eat and be well." She said looking at Stoneclaw who was cuddling Pebblekit. "He hasn't changed one bit since kithood." She chuckled softly. ![]() |