Posted by | Warrior Cats RP [Nightclan Chat] |
![]() Icestar (#72469) Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-05-26 10:52:03 |
This is Nightclan chat Member sheet link Happen to stumble upon this thread and want to sign up? well, you can sign up here! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Event: The Frosty Journey of the New Leader Frostflight will soon become Froststar, but there is a threat that once again looms over Nightclan. But, this one more dangerous than the last.. the spot light will be on the new leader, every conflict a test of her leadership skills as well as the clans loyalty. Will this threat be taken care of or will it be the end of Nightclan? Clan Info: [Will add everything soon, just making up templates and such..] Character SheetsNo thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.![]() Edited on 04/01/17 @ 20:43:03 by Icestar0413 (#72469) |
☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)
Amiable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-12-12 08:47:04 |
*dramatic music* XD Frostflight | She-Cat | Warrior | Nightclan | Mentions: Talon, Nightfang Frostflight watched helplessly as Talon padded away, her shoulder ached a little but it was nothing compared to the injuries that the toms had sustained. She looked towards Nightfang, her stomach twisted with worry as scarlet blood trickled. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have made such a fuss, are you okay?" She asked, padding a few tail-lengths after him before coming to a halt. Perhaps he didn't want her to follow him, he probably needed a bit of time to recover. Speaking of time, now that the rogues had returned to where ever they came from it would soon be Frostflight's time. To leave Nightclan behind and travel to the lake, where she would receive her nine lives and name. She was scared for the future, that she wouldn't be good enough, or that there would be problems too big for the clan to tackle. Yet at the same time she was excited, this would mark the dawn of a new age for Nightclan, a fresh start. They could turn over a new leaf and put the past behind them. ![]() |
Icestar (#72469)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-12-12 11:51:30 |
Nightfang ~ 30 Moons ~ Apprentice: None ~ Tom ~ Senior Warrior ~ Mentions: Frostflight He kept walking, his ear flicked as he heard her, "Im fine.. its not your fault.." he said before disappearing into the medicine den. He found a few cobwebs and just put it on his wound as he had always seen a medicine cat do, though he didnt know what else they put on.. but he didnt really care and padded out of the den a moment later. He gaze went to Frostflight and he sighed, he padded up to her, "can I talk to you?" he said out of nowhere. He wanted to just talk because it seemed they both were unsure.. at least that is what it looked like to him. He stood there and waited, his odd eyes sometimes flickered elsewhere because he was nervous. The butterflies started to flutter in his stomach and he couldn't help but feel nervous and kind of eager to hear her reply. (sorry so dang short DX writers block...) ![]() |
☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)
Amiable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-12-12 12:07:34 |
Frostflight | She-Cat | Warrior | Nightclan | Mentions: Nightfang Frostflight watched as he padded into the den, he said it wasn't her fault but she still felt responsible. She sat outside, her tail flicking back and forth nervously, she hoped he was okay. When he came out she stood quickly, her eyes flickering between the cobwebs and his eyes. "Of course," she said, standing up and padding a little closer, her stomach was in knots as she wondered what he was going to ask her about. Perhaps he has decided to follow Talon after all? Or perhaps he was just going to tell her to keep her distance? She couldn't blame him, not after everything that she had done. (Same here ;-; My mind is so occupied with Christmas lol) ![]() |
Icestar (#72469)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-12-12 12:42:22 |
Nightfang ~ 30 Moons ~ Apprentice: None ~ Tom ~ Senior Warrior ~ Mentions: Frostflight He looked at her, the words caught in his throat. It was like the butterflies fluttering about were keeping the words down when he wanted to say them. It was frustrating and it made him even more nervous as the moments went by without a word. He had opened his mouth to speak but, nothing came out and he let out a huff. He looked around nervously and his claws sheathed in and out a few times, digging into the soft soil under paw. He sat down and looked her right in the eyes, then he finally spit the words out, "I have been thinking about what happened by the lake.." he started, still so nervous.. he found it hard to spit out the next few words because he was so nervous he could hear his own blood rushing to his ears as his heart was beating so fast he thought it might jump out of his chest. He opened his mouth and it came out in a rush so, all of his words were packed together as they came out. "Ihavebeenthinkingand... Iloveyou.." he said it so fast and he felt his face get hot as he realized he had said it. He knew she felt the same way but, it was still nerve racking.. and he finally sorted out how he felt about her. He would never leave her.. not now, not ever. (Yes, he dropped the bomb, sort of XD n lol same here.) ![]() |
Sunneh (#95479)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-12-13 01:15:03 |
(man sorry for the super late replies i hate being busy) Shadestep Mentions: Lynks Shadestep hummed in thought, ears flicking as he gazed at Lynks in good nature. "I'm not sure how they'd react. I wouldn't want other cats in our territory... But at the same time, a friendly loner isn't that bad. Would you like to come ask them with me?" The black cat stifled a yawn, newly-awoken claws flexing a bit in his paws. ![]() |
☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)
Amiable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-12-13 05:38:03 |
(*cue mushroom cloud explosion XD* and I hope everything calms down soon Sunneh) Frostflight | She-Cat | Warrior | Nightclan | Mentions: Nightfang She stood in front of him, waiting for him to speak, her tail flicking back and forth, stirring leaves on the ground. Her icy eyes traced the silhouettes of birds as they danced across the azure sky. Her teeth were clenched together with nerves, she watched as he began to speak, but instead let out a huff. She gave him a small, nervous smile even though he was probably going to say something bad. It seemed that in these situations Frostflight always thought of the worst outcome, today was another example of that. Her eyes widened when he said he had been thinking about the lake, she wanted to tell him that she had been thinking about it too. A lot to be honest, but she still kept her mouth shut. For a moment the world seemed to hold it's breath, he...He said he loved her. Frostflight stood there for a moment, her eyes wide, she had to fight the urge to surge forward. Instead, she stepped forward slowly, brushing her cheek against his chin. "I love you too" she whispered, a purr rumbling in her throat, she knew he already knew how she felt, but she wanted to say it anyway. She hadn't been this happy in a long time. ![]() |
Icestar (#72469)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-12-13 07:15:14 |
Nightfang ~ 30 Moons ~ Apprentice: None ~ Tom ~ Senior Warrior ~ Mentions: Frostflight He stood there, his odd eyes flickering around as he waited for her reaction, even if he knew how she felt.. she might not want him anymore anyway. His eyes were on her expression but by the time he looked she had already brushed her cheek against his chin. He smiled when she said she loved him too, after she said that, he pulled her close without warning. He just cuddled her close, his tail wrapped around her as he held her to his chest. He purred and spoke softly, "I'm never going to leave you.. I'm going to protect you.." He said softly but sweetly. He waited a few moments as they sat there, then he finally got the next words out of his mouth, "be mine?" He said sweetly. He already sort of knew the answer.. but he still asked. He loved having her this close.. no more pushing her away like he had been (I think he was? XD) He was going to keep her close and love her forever. No other cat would ever make him as happy as she made him.. he knew that for a fact.. (Bam! Lol XD) ![]() |
☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)
Amiable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-12-13 19:00:52 |
Frostflight | She-Cat | Warrior | Nightclan | Mentions: Nightfang, (Shadestep) (Stoneclaw) Her worried expression melted into a smile, and she purred and laughed as he drew her in close. She leaned against him, for a moment all her problems seemed to evaporate. She turned her head so she could meet his enchanting eyes, she blinked slowly before purring "forever." Her heart fluttered and she wondered if this was a dream, she cuddled against him firmly, her tail wrapping around him like he did to her. She buried her face in his chest "you'll come with me then?" She asked, her gaze dreamy at the thought of him accompanying her when she needed him most. At the thought of that, her icy gaze scanned the camp, who else was she going to take with her? Perhaps Shadestep, speaking of that where was he, or maybe even the fearless Stoneclaw? (*Is blasted back by explosion and sheer cuteness* XD) ![]() |
Icestar (#72469)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-12-13 23:08:16 |
Nightfang ~ 30 Moons ~ Apprentice: None ~ Tom ~ Senior Warrior ~ Mentions: Frostflight He smiled as she wrapped her tail around him and he purred when she said forever. He cuddled her close, not wanting to let her go, he wanted to stay there in that moment forever. Then she asked him if he was going to come with her and he smiled, "of course I will" He said as he looked at her and then he licked the top of her head. He looked around the camp after he finally came to realise he wasn't actually dreaming.. haha.. he did it. But he better get back to his duties.. maybe she could come hunting before they left? "Want to come hunt before we go get more cats and leave?" He asked sweetly though his eyes were looking around as if he couldn't believe that this wasn't a dream.. (Sorry short! DX) ![]() |
☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)
Amiable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-12-15 19:12:19 |
Frostflight | She-Cat | Warrior | Nightclan | Mentions: Nightfang, Shadestep, Lynx Frostflight's purr deepened, and she licked his chest lovingly, having him there with her would make everything better. Newfound confidence coursed through her, and she wrapped her tail around his neck, her gaze soft. "Sounds good" she purred, slowly and reluctantly pulling away from him so she could stand. She stretched for a moment, forcing herself to look where she was going instead of Nightfang. She padded toward the camp entrance, tail swishing happily behind her, just being in the tom's gaze made her feel so cherished. A feeling she hadn't felt much before. After glancing behind her to make sure he was coming she opened her jaws, scenting the crisp air. Instantly the smell of squirrel hit her, and her mouth watered at the thought of fresh kill. She paused, tail freezing in position, Shadestep's familiar smell wafted through the air, briefly followed by an unfamiliar one. Oh, Starclan! Another one of Drake's rouges? She certainly hoped not, this had better just be a kittypet passing through, the last thing they needed now was trouble. "Shadestep?" She called, her tone low and slightly hostile. (Sorry I took ages D:) ![]() |
Icestar (#72469)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-12-16 00:51:25 |
(It's fine cx) Nightfang ~ 30 Moons ~ Apprentice: None ~ Tom ~ Senior Warrior ~ Mentions: Frostflight, Shadestep and Lynx He purred and licked the top of Frostflight's head and smiled when she said it sounds good. He stood up after she did and he rubbed his head against hers before she started to pad out of camp and he followed behind her. His odd eyes looked around to see what was around and to take in the beautiful scenery of green leaf. He watched as she stopped and sniffed the air so, he looked around silently. His ear flicked as he heard Frostflight all of a sudden sound a little hostile while lowly saying Shadestep's name. He didn't see Shadestep.. so he sniffed the air and scented him as well as some other cat that was not a clan cat. He wondered who it was and what they wanted.. no more rogues please starclan.. he had a enough of those.. he came to stand beside Frostflight. "Wonder who is with him.. doesn't smell like a clan cat or any cat that I've seen around here.. what do you think they are?" He asked curiously. (Not my best post.. sorry, writers block DX) ![]() |
RedEclipesWolf (#96769)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-12-16 05:01:59 |
Lynks> Shadestep Lynks bodded tail wagged with excitement at Shadestep's words. "Oh yes, I would love to come see your pack of cats." Her eyes sparkled with amusement, as she pounced up to Shadestep. (Short Sorry) ![]() |
☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)
Amiable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-12-16 05:09:37 |
Frostflight | She-Cat | Warrior | Nightclan | Mentions: Nightfang, Shadestep, Lynx Frostflight narrowed her eyes, "I don't know..." She meowed, pressing her flank against his. Although all she really wanted right now was to be alone with Nightfang, this cat could be a possible threat. She sighed, better to deal with the cat quickly now, then to have it serve as a large problem later on. She crouched down, her ears flicking curiously, she let out a short, sharp call and landed on the grass in front of the two. Her eyes widened as she examines the cat, she had never seen one with a tail like that before. She tried not to stare, and instead met the newcomer's eyes, her gaze flickered briefly to Shadestep before she meowed "I would be grateful if you could explain yourself." (c: It's fine) ![]() Edited on 16/12/16 @ 12:10:03 by Sprinkles [busy ;-;] (#86006) |
Icestar (#72469)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-12-16 08:41:42 |
Nightfang ~ 30 Moons ~ Apprentice: None ~ Tom ~ Senior Warrior ~ Mentions: Frostflight, Shadestep and Lynx He looked around as she pressed her flank against his and he wanted to protect her.. she had already started moving before he could so, he followed her and just walked out of the bushes and stood slightly beside Frostflight and he looked at the new cat. Was her tail ripped off?? He didn't stare at her tail, but he looked towards Shadestep. He was neutral to the cat because they hardly ever talked.. then his odd eyes swept over to Lynx again. They didn't look friendly but, they didn't look hostile either, he just stood there silently while Frostflight spoke. He didn't really have anything to say anyway.. what was he supposed to say when some other cat was already taking care of it? His odd eyes went looking around but he stayed alert to the cat in front of them that didn't seem to be very hostile but, you can't be too careful. At least, he thinks he can't be because of what happened before.. ![]() |
RedEclipesWolf (#96769)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-12-16 20:58:31 |
Lynks>> Shadestep, Frostflight, Nightfang Lynk eyes grew big but not with fear, but rather with awe. "Oh wow Shadestep you weren't kidding were you." She said her bobbed tail wagging excitedly. "So is this your pack's alpha or one of those rouges." She walked around them sniffing the air as she did. "The female has a really strange coat pattern doesn't she, but at the same time it is gorgeous." She said before looking up at Nightfang. "The name's Lynks and I hope you don't mind me being on your territory, it lacked in border scent." She had walked back to Shadestep sitting down next to him. "Shadestep has told me about your pack life, have to say I wish Lynxes were like that then I would still be with mother." She giving Shadestep a warm smile. "I have also hunted on your territory and in the lynx society that is a sign for war." She looked back at Frostflight. "I wish to have no war, I honestly thought it was an unclaimed territory." ![]() |