Posted by Warrior Cats RP [Nightclan Chat]

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-05-26 10:52:03
This is Nightclan chat

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Event: The Frosty Journey of the New Leader
Frostflight will soon become Froststar, but there is a threat that once again looms over Nightclan. But, this one more dangerous than the last.. the spot light will be on the new leader, every conflict a test of her leadership skills as well as the clans loyalty. Will this threat be taken care of or will it be the end of Nightclan?

Clan Info:

[Will add everything soon, just making up templates and such..]

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Edited on 04/01/17 @ 20:43:03 by Icestar0413 (#72469)

RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-11 16:42:02
((Sorry I was going to reply earlier but I just had my son this morning and just been super tired after labor))
Lynks>>Shadestep, Lionstrike
Lynk watched the two toms talk to each other. She padded up towards Shadestep when she saw how sad he had gotten while talking to Lionstrike. She couldn't figure out why but seeing him like this pained her, she pressed up close to him resting her head on his chest. "D-don't be sad Shadestep, I know your clan will get back to normal." She said her voice was sweet and calm. "I wouldn't mind helping you all out ethier." She said before glancing at Lionstrike, "Hi I'm Lynk, are you another clan member?" She said staying pressed up tightly against Shadestep.

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☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2017-01-11 16:46:43
( CONGRADULATIONNNNNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )

Lionstrike | Nightclan |Senior Warrior | 38 Moons | Mentions: Nightfang, Frostflight

Lionstrike listened to Shadestep carefully nodding as the now warrior spoke "It's fine, I understand" he said quietly, gaze traveling to the nursery where he could see shadows. Ravenstar's gone?! He thought to himself, he wondered how long they'd been without a leader. "The rogues..." He meowed,
"that rings a bell, I know there was a group that lived on the edge of the two-leg place. Leg by Bloodclaw or Bloodfang or something? Those rogues attacked you, but why?" He asked, hoping he wasn't overwhelming the tom with questions. He stopped and brought his gaze back to Shadestep "Frostflight..." He said, repeating the name a couple of times before smiling. Before he had left Nightclan unwillingly Lionstrike had loved Frostflight like a sister. However, when he was younger and they were both apprentices he had loved her as something more. He found it hard to picture her now, all grown up and not the apprentice she had been when he left. "Shadestep, nice name" he purred, his smile faltering slightly when the tom spoke again
"You've all done well, all by yourselves, this incident only proves what a strong clan you are; even without a leader. So, who is your new leader anyway?" He asked, eyes traveling around the camp again, no doubt looking for Frostflight. He was interrupted as a rather strange looking cat padded over to Shadestep. "I'm Lionstrike, and I guess you could say I'm part of this clan. I used to be anyway, but I was forced to leave, I'll explain more when Frostflight returns." He sighed, casting his deep gaze to the floor
"something tells me she won't be all that happy to see me."

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Edited on 12/01/17 @ 12:54:43 by Sprinkles (#86006)

Sunneh (#95479)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-11 17:47:59
(!!! don't apologize tf you just gave birth, congratulations i hope it all went well)

Shadestep Mentions: Lionstrike, Lynks, (Frostflight, Nightfang, Riverwhisker)
"What are you talking about? 'M not sad," Shadestep snorted, nudging Lynks with his muzzle. He hadn't even noticed he had been becoming more downcast, but he appreciated Lynks' comfort and ability to notice for him. At hearing the offer to help them he smiled and drew his face away from brushing against Lynks' fur. Picturing her in his clan's future was only becoming more of a possibility in his mind.
When Lionstrike spoke about a rogue group he knew of, Shadestep ran the name Bloodclaw and Bloodfang through his head, but couldn't quite place it. "Maybe this Blood cat you're speaking of was part of Drake's group." Shadestep then shrugged, expression becoming slightly irritated. "I doubt they had a reason besides killing time. At least, they didn't show one. They just went on about how they didn't like clan cats like that was any reason to imprison us in our own camp." And kill one of us... He didn't mention Riverwhisker's death out loud, not wanting to upset a cat who was already dealing with differences all around. Shadestep smiled and dipped his head to the comment on his name. "Thanks." He shifted against Lynks and looked around at the mention of Frostflight again. Mouth opening partially, Shadestep scented the air. His ears perked when he was met with the scent of Frostflight and Nightfang, no doubt coming back to camp. "We'll have a new leader soon. And Frostflight is sure to have mixed feelings about your return. You have been gone forever. But even if she doesn't appear it at first, she probably is happy you're alive." He hoped his small reassurance would be enough for Lionstrike as Frostflight's scent grew closer.

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Edited on 12/01/17 @ 00:52:13 by Sunneh (#95479)

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-01-11 22:36:07
(Omg I'm so late.. sorry! DX congrats on the little angel! :D)

Nightfang ~ 30 Moons ~ Apprentice: None ~ Tom ~ Senior Warrior ~ Mentions: Frostflight, Lionstrike, Shadestep and Lynx

He felt bad for just being quiet but, he didn't know what to say.. his parents had been his world along with the rest of his family and then, they were gone.. he had hated Starclan for it when he was younger, so did his brother. So his brother died and tried to get him to go too but, he had stayed with his sister until she left and he stayed in the shadows because he wanted to stay but, he didn't know where his brother was.. his sister wanted to go alone so, he had no where else to go. When Frostflight stopped, his eyes basically dug into Lionstrike when he saw the Tom. He watched as he entered camp and decided to pad after him.. he looked back to see why Frostflight was just standing there. "You ok?" He asked gently.

Sunfang ~ 46 moons ~ Queen ~ She-cat ~ Mentions: Bumbletail, Lionstrike, Shadestep and Lynx.

She was pulling some tendrils into the camp and towards the nursery when a Ginger tom caught her eye. She only briefly looked over, wanting to get the work done so she could go out and hunt for a change and not worry about kits.. she just hoped Stoneclaw wasn't going to get irritated but the little curious cat. She pulled the brambles close to the nursery but, didn't exactly know how to go about this.. so, she padded up to the little gathering group with a smile. "Hello everyone!" She looked at each of them, even Lionstrike. She felt a little embarrassed but, she was going to ask after a little chat.

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☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2017-01-12 06:19:39
Frostflight | She-Cat | Warrior | Nightclan | Mentions: Nightfang, Lionstrike, Shadestep

Frostflight didn't know whether to be happy or mad, after Skystorm's disappearance Lionstrike had always been there for her. She looked up to him as a brother, as the only family, she still had. And then, when the patrol came back minus Lionstrike she was devastated. Most assumed that he strayed too far from camp and was killed by Snowclan, but Ravenstrike had always felt that he took a similar path to Skystorm. Nightfang spoke, pulling her out of her memories, she met his eyes and didn't quite know how to react. "I...I don't know" she said quietly after a moment, her eyes drifting back to Lionstrike. He sat down, and a similar rage burned in her stomach, although she wanted to explain she found herself pushing past Nightfang and padding briskly into the camp. Her eyes locked with his, she saw a fondness in his but he wouldn't find that in hers. "Traitor, backstabber! What are you doing here?" She hissed, icy eyes locking with his. Looking into his eyes she felt the anger and hate melt, an all too familiar brotherly hole in her heart had been filled. A purr escaped her throat, and she rubbed her face against his warmly. She remembered NIghtfang, and quickly pulled away, she felt guilty for pushing him away, not explaining and then acting this was around Lionstrike.

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Edited on 12/01/17 @ 14:00:16 by Sprinkles (#86006)

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-01-12 14:23:56
Nightfang ~ 30 Moons ~ Apprentice: None ~ Tom ~ Senior Warrior ~ Mentions: Frostflight, Sunfang

He was totally confused when she spoke and then padded past him. He had watched her walk up to the Tom he didn't recognize and wondered what was happening. He heard her shouting and then she started to run against the Tom.. what? Then she started padding away from the Tom.. what was going on? All he could do was pad into camp and looked at the group. He sat down beside Sunfang and wondered what was going on.. why was she acting like that around that tom? Some might say he was jealous but, he was uderly confused and frankly, having mixed emotions about those whole situation.. but, he just sat there next to Sunfang and watched as she looked around. He wondered if she was ok now.. well better anyway..

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☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2017-01-13 20:12:57
Lionstrike | Nightclan |Senior Warrior | 38 Moons | Mentions: Nightfang, Frostflight, Sunfang,

Lionstrike's gaze drifted over to Sunfang when he heard her speak, he felt himself smile, it felt good to see a familiar face. He was about to speak but was interrupted by a somewhat expected hiss from Frostflight. He attempted to keep a poker face for the majority of the time that she spoke, but quite frankly it was hard. He felt proud looking at her for the first time in Seasons; he was curious to see who she'd become. He was a little shocked when she rubbed against him, he hadn't expected that he was glad she did it, though. Although they looked nothing alike, Lionstrike would often call her his sister, she had never complained before but he wondered how she would react now. When she pulled away he studied her for a moment longer before his gaze drifted to the tom who had just sat down, he felt like he should remember him, but he didn't. He turned back to Frostflight "It's good to see you again" he said after a moment, his eyes saddening upon seeing Frostflight look around; silently searching for Skystorm. He wanted so badly to tell her that he was gone, that she would never see him again, but he couldn't bring himself to do it; not yet. Whilst waiting for her reply he turned somewhat expectantly to the tom, smiling weakly. He looked... Almost like a rogue, but of course, he wouldn't dream of saying that out loud.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-01-14 05:10:32
(Haha XD everyone basically looks at him, omg a rogue :o XD)

Sunfang ~ 46 moons ~ Queen ~ She-cat ~ Mentions: Lionstrike, Frostflight and Nightfang

She looked at Lionstrike and Frostflight, she saw the tension and then was relieved when they didn't fight.. she felt like an outcast at the moment.. no longer used to a very large group and she had just got back herself so, she knew how the Tom might feel about being here. She didn't dare speak because it was them who were close and she wasn't going to interrupt.. she looked towards Nightfang and he had an odd expression on his face as he looked around and then stared at his paws.. she saw him look at Lionstrike, though he didn't seem hostile, there was something different in his gaze.. she couldn't pick it out.. but, she was still being quiet because she knew the Tom was probably confused about everything going on.. she turned back to Frostflight and Lionstrike. She remembered the Tom, she had been an old Apprentice when he was born. She remembered him but, not really what happened.. life was a blurr before she met Riverwhisker really..

Nightfang ~ 30 Moons ~ Apprentice: None ~ Tom ~ Senior Warrior ~ Mentions: Frostflight, Lionstrike and Sunfang

He had looked around and ended up looking at his paws until he felt a pair of eyes gaze at him.. he looked up to see the new tom looking at him, thinking bad of him probably.. they always did. He looked at Sunfang who had looked him for a moment before looking back to the other two and the Tom just stared at him... what did he want? Besides.. he was going to greet him.

(Sorry short dX)

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-14 07:16:49
Bumbletail came back with a mouthful of moss and feathers. "Is this ok Sunfa-" She said looking at the new arrival. She tried to smile but she could only manage a tilt of her head and a friendly wink. She then began to pad over to the nursery.
(Short sorry)

Stoneclaw opened his eyes hearing more cats in the camp. He lifted his head and looked around seeing everyone sitting around a long haired tom. He nudged Pebblekit awake, "Wake up small fry, looks like company." He said slowly getting up, immediately looking for Bumbletail.

Lynks scooted away slightly from Shadestep it was awkward for her to see so many cats in one place and not rip each others troats out. She looked relaxed but Lynks was ready for anything, not realizing that she had some what scooted a little away from the group.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-01-14 07:36:00
Pebblekit ~ 7 moons ~ kit ~ Tom ~ Mentions: Stoneclaw and everyone else

He slowly opened his eyes as Stoneclaw nudged him. He yawned, standing up after Stoneclaw had and he stayed close to the huge tom. He saw him start to look for something.. he looked around and saw that nice She-cat pad into the nursery and he saw a new, weird tom.. "is that the company you were talking about?" He asked, looking up to Stoneclaw after he nodded towards Lionstrike. Then he went quiet as he looked at his mother.. she seemed to look different in a way.. she was shaking slightly and he was getting worried. "Um.. is Sunfang ok?" He asked Stoneclaw, hoping he could answer..

Sunfang ~ 46 moons ~ Queen ~ She-cat ~ Mentions: Bumbletail and everyone else

She heard Bumbletail sort of say her name as she looked at Lionstrike. She turned her head to look at Bumbletail and the She-cat was already off towards the nursery.. was she ok? As she went to stand, she started to shake slightly.. she felt a little weak but, she stood up anyway and padded towards Bumbletail, still shaking slightly as she went. She finally reached Bumbletail and smiled, "that looks like a successful Moss hunt" she said, glancing towards the tendrils she had left.. "want some help putting the Moss around?" She asked kindly.

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-14 14:00:18
Stoneclaw>>Pebblekit, Bumbletail, Sunfang
Stoneclaw watched as Sunfang padded towards the nursery then looked at Pebblekit. "Follow me." He said walking towards a dried up bush. He began to dig in the dirt, he pulled out a half eaten rabbit he dropped it infront of Pebblekit. "Give this to her, make sutlre she eats every bite." He said looking at the kit seriously. "It's the only way to make her stop shaking." He gave Pebblekit a livk across the forhead. "After that she will be fine, I promise." He said smiling at Pebblekit.

Bumbletail looked back at Sunfang, "If you don't mind Im still pretty new at this." she said slightly embarrassed that she couldn't even know how to fix a nest.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-01-14 14:37:45
Pebblekit ~ 7 moons ~ kit ~ Tom ~ Mentions: Stoneclaw

He looked at Stoneclaw as he dug and then looked up at him when he spoke. He sat there for a moment after Stoneclaw stopped speaking, "are you friends with Sunfang? You care a lot.." He said warmly, giving him a smile. "Either way.. thank you!" He went to pick up the rabbit and then he looked back up to Stoneclaw, "what do I call you? I'm Pebblekit! Also.. can I call you family?" He asked sweetly as he looked up to Stoneclaw, he looked like an older kit, not of Apprentice age but close.. he was just small but, he didn't lose the kit cuteness..

Sunfang ~ 46 moons ~ Queen ~ She-cat ~ Mentions: Bumbletail

She smiled, "it's no problem at all.." she said and then looked around. "Well.. first let's lay some Moss down on the floor just in case the curious little kits decide to try and get out of the nest.." she said with a smile. She went to assess the walls again, trying to figure out where not to put Moss yet so it could be fixed.. but, there was no alarms so, she looked to Bumbletail. "We can get started" she smiled.

(Sorry, short Dx)

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☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2017-01-14 14:49:39
( XD Aww poor Nightfang <3)

Frostflight | She-Cat | Warrior | Nightclan | Mentions: Nightfang, Lionstrike

Frostflight stepped away from Lionstrike, meeting Nightfang's confused gaze. She looked back at Lionstrike briefly, anger flashing in her eyes for a fleeting moment. She padded over to Nightfang, flopping down next to him. Even his scent gave her comfort and newfound confidence, tail flicking nervously she met and read his dark gaze. "This is Nightfang, Nightfang this is Lionstrike my..." She searched for the right words "My half brother." After looking between the two for a moment she hesitantly mustered the courage to talk to Lionstrike again. "Well, you said you had a good explination... So where were you, and more importantly... W-where is Skystorm?"

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-01-14 14:57:05
(Lol he will be ok XD she is sitting beside him now)

Nightfang ~ 30 Moons ~ Apprentice: None ~ Tom ~ Senior Warrior ~ Mentions: Frostflight and Lionstrike

He was uderly confused.. he managed to look up just as Frostflight padded over and flopped down beside him. He listened to her, as attentive as he can like usual and he nodded. But, he wasn't won over just yet.. he still wasn't going to greet the Tom.. then he realised Sunfang must know the cat, she was like Frostflight in some ways.. so friendly and basically knows every cat.. except, Sunfang was older.. he snapped from his thoughts as he heard her ask Lionstrike a few questions and he looked at the Tom. She might have called him her half brother.. but, like any cat, he was cautious of the Tom he had never met once in his life. He heard Stoneclaw talking and then he heard Pebblekit, he looked towards the two and wondered what was going on.. though his face was blank, as usual, he wondered if the little tom was ok.. but he was going to be fine with Stoneclaw. He then looked back towards the two and just kept quiet, he didn't really have anything to say right now..

(OK... he is.. getting better? XD)

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-14 15:01:16
"The names Stoneclaw, I care for your mother though she might hate me for good reasons." He said a little saddened "As for family well I always wanted a brother, what do you think?" He said with a shark like smile. He liked the kit he felt like he didn't judge him as others did.

"Like this, I think I got it." She said doing what she saw Sunfang do. She watched as Sunfang inspected the walls, smiling once she gave the ok. "What is next Sunfang, ohh this is so exciting." She said she crooked tail swaying happily behind her.

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