Posted by Warrior Cats RP [Nightclan Chat]

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-05-26 10:52:03
This is Nightclan chat

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Event: The Frosty Journey of the New Leader
Frostflight will soon become Froststar, but there is a threat that once again looms over Nightclan. But, this one more dangerous than the last.. the spot light will be on the new leader, every conflict a test of her leadership skills as well as the clans loyalty. Will this threat be taken care of or will it be the end of Nightclan?

Clan Info:

[Will add everything soon, just making up templates and such..]

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Edited on 04/01/17 @ 20:43:03 by Icestar0413 (#72469)

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-01-14 15:11:37
Pebblekit ~ 7 moons ~ kit ~ Tom ~ Mentions: Stoneclaw

He listened and moved closer, rubbing his head on Stoneclaw's leg when he heard the sadness in his voice. "Sunfang doesn't hate anyone.." He said as he looked up to Stoneclaw. Then he smiled wide as Stoneclaw asked about being his brother and he nodded, giving a kitten purr. "Awesome, we are brothers!" He said, still purring and jumped up and down excitedly. He smiled up at Stoneclaw, "Thank you" he purred.

Sunfang ~ 46 moons ~ Queen ~ She-cat ~ Mentions: Bumbletail

She smiled as Bumbletail laid down the Moss and asked what to do next. "Well.. we have to get your nest for you and your kits done.. then I will patch up the wall, I was having trouble getting the tendrils weaved into these ones.." she said as she padded to the left over Moss and started to lay it down in the warmest part of the den, she made sure it wasn't too warm but not too cold either. "In leaf bare, we could stuff your nest with Feathers too" she smiled and then continued to get the nest ready.

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-14 15:35:04
Stoneclaw chuckled at Pebblekit excitement. "Now go give your mother the meal, she is in the nursery I will be close by if you wish to return." He said nudging the kit towards the nursery.

Bumbletail nodded in agreement, "So is pebblekit the only kit you had, or was there another litter." She said with a big smile.
(Ughh writers block sorry next one will be long, or ok size at least))

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Sunneh (#95479)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-14 18:26:29
(finally aged up shadestep)

Shadestep | Male | 30 moons | Warrior | Mentions: Lynks, (Frostflight, Nightfang, Lionstrike)
Not feeling he had any part in the reunion, Shadestep carefully moved away from Frostflight, Nightfang, and Lionstrike as they got acquainted. He gestured for Lynks to come join him as well. He hadn't noticed he was enjoying her closeness so much until she'd shifted away from his side. Though Lynks appeared calm, Shadestep knew appearances often didn't show one's true sentiments, and he wondered how she was fairing.

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-14 19:12:23
Lynks smiled as she followed Shadestep. "So where we going Shadestep." She said nudging him as she caught up to him. She let out a small purr as she was glad to be away from everyone. She was still getting use to the whole clan cats thing.

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Sunneh (#95479)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-14 19:29:09
Shadestep | Male | 30 moons | Warrior | Mentions: Lynks
"Just away from the crowd," Shadestep chuckled in response, nudging her back. "Sorry if you thought we were going anywhere exciting." Once a reasonable distance away, the sleek black tom sat and tilted his head to Lynks. "So," he began, tilting his chin up and taking on the disapproving look of an elder listening to the excuses of a kit, "how do you like the clan so far?"

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-14 19:59:55
Lynks smiled at Shadestep "It's ok all of this is exciting enough." She said sitting infront of the black tom. "It's wonderful, still got to get use to being around others." She said with an awkward smile. "But it's alot easier with you around Shadestep." She said looking into Shadestep's amber eyes, besided his coat they were one of her favorite features about him. She couldn't help but get lost in them. She didn't know why her heart was always beating fast with Shadestep, but she loved the feeling of being next to him.

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Sunneh (#95479)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-14 20:33:17
Shadestep | Male | 30 moons | Warrior | Mentions: Lynks
Shadestep quickly broke character, a warm smile taking over at hearing she liked the clan. "You're doing great for not being used to having this many cats around. I thought you might get overwhelmed but you're fitting right in." His smile turned shy at her last words. "I'm glad." Shadestep gazed back at the curious cat, her unique pelt, tail, and attitude still captivated him. He eventually snapped his gaze away, not wanting to be rude by staring—and he recalled his plan. Not wanting to put it off any longer, he thought this was a sound moment. He looked back to her, amber eyes caring and holding meaning. "You could always stay here."

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-14 20:48:21
Lynks heart stopped when Shadestep looked away, but quickly smiled when he told her she could stay. "I would like that Shadestep very much." She said with a purr walking up to him and rubbing her head against his. Her tail wagged so fast even her rump was shaking a little.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-01-15 03:01:05
Pebblekit ~ 7 moons ~ kit ~ Tom ~ Mentions: Stoneclaw, Bumbletail and Sunfang

He purred as Stoneclaw nudged him, "I will be back" He said, still purring. Then he picked up the rabbit and padded into the nursery, it looked cozy.. he spotted his mother and the nice She-cat so, he bounded up to them, rabbit in jaws. "Hi! I brought you food.. Stoneclaw said it will help you stop shaking!" He said, pride in his body language and ton as he said Stoneclaw. He put it down in front of his mother's paws and then looked at Bumbletail, his yellow eyes were very curious.. "I'm Pebblekit, what is your name?" He squeaked with a smile.

Sunfang ~ 46 moons ~ Queen ~ She-cat ~ Mentions: Bumbletail and Pebblekit (Stoneclaw)

She nodded with a smile and then her smile started to fade.. "Um... I only had one litter.. but there were three kits.. the other two had passed away when they reached only 2 moons.. Pebblekit was the only one to survive." She said, she had wanted to stay with Riverwhisker.. she didn't know how to live much now. She snapped out of it when she heard little paw steps, she smiled at Pebblekit as he came in front of her. She listened to him and then looked at Bumbletail with an amused expression when he was so proud to say Stoneclaw. She looked back to Pebblekit, "He did? Well, I will have to thank him later.. just as soon as we are done this" she smiled and noticed how Pebblekit sat there and stared at her, she had to eat it.. but, she didn't really want to..

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-15 03:41:28
Bumbletail >> Pebblekit, Sunfang.
Bumbletail watched with a warm smile as Pebblekit came bouncing in and dropped a rabbit infront of Sunfang. Her smile grew even more when she heard it was one of Stoneclaw's buried meals. "My name is Bumbletail, I am Stoneclaw's little sister." She said with a sweet soft voice, she then looked at Sunfang. "You should eat, Stoneclaw isn't ine to give his meals away to just anyone." She said her tail flicking behind her. She waited with Pebblekit until Sunfang ate every bite possible.

Stoneclaw>>Pebblekit, Shadestep, Lynks
Stoneclaw watched as Pebblekit ran off dragging the rabbit as he did. He then began to walk around the camp soon spotting Shadestep with the strange looking she cat. He continued to walk around til he came to the leader's den. *I brought Bumbletail here to this clan so she can be safe, instead the opposite has happened I'm such a fool for thinking that.* He said anger began to boil in his vein.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-01-15 04:31:34
Sunfang ~ 46 moons ~ Queen ~ She-cat ~ Mentions: Bumbletail and Pebblekit (Stoneclaw)

She looked at Bumbletail and sighed, "ok then.." she sat down and started to eat it, fully aware of the eyes on her.. she ate slowly as her body wasn't used to so much food.. she had only ate little bits, just enough to keep her going. She only kept on living for her kit in all honesty.. she didn't want this life anymore.. so much heart ache.. once she was done she washed her face and looked at them both, "are you quite happy now?" She smiled. She looked at Pebblekit as he purred, she purred back and pulled him close. Her eyes went dull with sadness once again, making sure Pebblekit didn't see though. She smiled when he looked up at her, "why don't you go run along and play? I'm sure some cat will be happy to play with you while we finish up here" she said and then looked at Bumbletail, "looks like he took a liking to Stoneclaw, I am not surprised.." she said fondly, thinking about how alike he was to his father. But, at the same time it hurt so bad.. she watched as Pebblekit padded out of the nursery and she slumped onto the ground. She sighed, "I thank Stoneclaw.. but I don't know what to do.. I am only here because I want to see Pebblekit grow up.. if it weren't for him, I don't think I would have ever come back.." she said, obviously pained, "it isn't the same without Riverwhisker.. it has been so long since his death yet I cannot fix the hole that was left in my heart.." she said sadly. She stood up again, clearing her throat, "I'm sorry.. I will get started on fixing the wall..." she said before disappearing out of the nursery entrance and grabbed hold of one of the tendrils she left by the wall and picked it up as best as she could and tried her hardest to weave it into the wall but, she was failing.. she wasn't exactly strong enough to do it right now.

Pebblekit ~ 7 moons ~ kit ~ Tom ~ Mentions: Sunfang, Bumbletail and Stoneclaw

He smiled at Bumbletail, "really? Awesome!" He purred when she said she was Stoneclaw's younger sister. He watched as his mother ate and he smiled, he nodded when she asked if they were happy now, he purred when she pulled him close as she purred to him after he started it. He then nodded when she said to go play, he picked up the bones and padded out of the den, he dug a shallow hole and put them in then buried them before looking around for Stoneclaw. When he spotted him, he bounded off towards him, looking very happy and he wanted to play with the Tom. He wasn't like most kits.. he was content with staying in the camp.

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Sunneh (#95479)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-15 08:26:19
Shadestep | Male | 30 moons | Warrior | Mentions: Lynks, (Stoneclaw)
Shadestep purred and rubbed his head against Lynks' as well, before rubbing his muzzle up along her nose and then licking her forehead. "I'll have to show you to the warrior den, and introduce you properly to everyone. Also our territory's borders, and would you want a warrior's name?..." Shadestep rambled on about the parts of clan life. His gaze briefly caught onto the form of Stoneclaw walking around the camp, but his attention turned back to Lynks not a moment later. The black cat was too preoccupied with the arrangements of Lynks becoming a NightClanner, eyes shining with exuberance.

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Edited on 15/01/17 @ 15:27:38 by Sunneh (#95479)

RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-15 09:39:42
Stoneclaw snapped out of his trance when he heard Pebblekit running up. "Good job buddy, always take care of those you love." He said with a warm smile. "Now this might sound boring but how about we fix up the warrior's den, after that I'll ask your mother if we can go on a small hunting patrol." He said his tail wrapping around his paws. "We won't go that far, but I think she will eat if you bring her back something." He said knowing that he needed a way to get the she cat back to health.

Bumbletail face saddened as Sunfang talked. "You know you aren't the only one suffering here, Boulder has been missing for quiet some time now." She said a tear rolling down her face. "Yes I don't understand knowing that a loved one is dead, so im not completely sure of your feelings." She said looking at Sunfang. "I am sure of one thing, I am going to be a mother. My kits alone bring me enough happiness, Boulder wouldn't want me to mourn for him as you do Riverwhisker." She said anger filling her voice. "How do you think Pebblekit will feel knowing he isn't enough to keep his mother from a deep saddened state." She said walking up to Sunfang. "So why don't you stop being so stubborn and and just.. Just let it all out Sunfang." She said tearing up. "It's ok to cry it the only way to fight the sadness sometimes." She said tears rolling down her face.

Lynks pressed herself against Shadestep taking in his scent. "As long as you are there, I'll be happy." She said not realizing she had spoken her mind out loud, her bobbed tail wiggling out of control. "Why don't you choose my new name Shadestep, I don't know much about clan names." She said her face getting hot as she stared into his eyes.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-01-15 10:17:44
Sunfang ~ 46 moons ~ Queen ~ She-cat ~ Mentions: Bumbletail (Pebblekit)

Her jaws clenched as she heard Bumbletail say she wasn't the only one suffering.. she knew this.. Bumbletail, Pebblekit and basically the whole clan were all saddened by something.. she heard her call her stubborn, which she was. She just didn't appreciate the fact that she didn't see how she was dealing with it. She nodded, "I will deal with things my way.. you do it your way.. you may be able to pull through, Pebblekit is just as pained as me, if not more.. sometimes it isn't enough ok." She might have sound harsh.. but, she had always been the one to smile through the hardest of times and that was just what she was going to do. She smiled at Bumbletail before turning back to the tendril and trying her hardest to pick it up high enough. She remembered the last she had to do this, it was when she was an Apprentice, Silverfang, Silverpaw at the time, and Riverwhisker, who was also Riverpaw, and they had always complained about it. She would laugh when they fought about who would pick it up and who would help her push it through the wall. They were all such great friends and then Riverwhisker had lost his dear brother.. shortly after they all had become warriors, Silverfang had lost his life for his clan.. Riverwhisker had been in the worst slump, worse than she was now. She remembered cheering him up with jokes and her company.. just being there for him. She remembered how he slowly came out of it after moons of that,she had realised that he was her world and they had kits. Two died and one stayed, she felt blessed, even now she felt so happy with her kit.. she unsheathed her claws and dug them into the tendrils, trying her hardest to push it through.. how hard was this going to get?

Pebblekit ~ 7 moons ~ kit ~ Tom ~ Mentions: Stoneclaw

He smiled as he approached Stoneclaw, basically barreling into him (not really) and giving him a sort of hug. "I will.. now I have to take care of you and my mom" He purred, he looked up at Stoneclaw as he spoke about taking Pebblekit with him to hunt and he got excited. "Really? I know how to hunt! Well.. sort of.. I saw Sunfang do it a lot.." He said happily, sadness hidden deep within his eyes. He knew how sad his mother was.. but he couldn't help her because he was sad too.. but, he hid it almost as well as his mother. He smiled, "you think she will?" He said with a bigger smile. "You're the best!" He said with a purr, still hugging Stoneclaw.

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☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2017-01-15 16:16:24
Lionstrike | Nightclan |Senior Warrior | 48 Moons | Mentions: Nightfang, Frostflight

Lionstrike drew himself away from the somewhat familiar looking Nightfang when Frostflight spoke. He swallowed hard, wondering whether to be direct with her or beat around the bush. "Skystorm isn't coming back, because... He's dead" he said, his voice low and full of guilt "you need to believe me when I say there was a good reason that he left. He had a mate outside of the clan, and she was having his kits, he had to leave to protect them. I was out hunting and she approached me saying that her mate needed help. I followed her and she led me to a den in the mountains, that was where I discovered Skystorm; only it was too late. His mate gave birth and died shortly after, I had to stay and protect the kits. You're an aunt, Frostflight, you have kin now, only one kit survived and her name is Petal." Lionstrike padded forward and rested a tail tip on her shoulder. He knew no she would be grieving "I'm sorry," he said softly.

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