Posted by | Warrior Cats RP [Nightclan Chat] |
![]() Icestar (#72469) Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-05-26 10:52:03 |
This is Nightclan chat Member sheet link Happen to stumble upon this thread and want to sign up? well, you can sign up here! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Event: The Frosty Journey of the New Leader Frostflight will soon become Froststar, but there is a threat that once again looms over Nightclan. But, this one more dangerous than the last.. the spot light will be on the new leader, every conflict a test of her leadership skills as well as the clans loyalty. Will this threat be taken care of or will it be the end of Nightclan? Clan Info: [Will add everything soon, just making up templates and such..] Character SheetsNo thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.![]() Edited on 04/01/17 @ 20:43:03 by Icestar0413 (#72469) |
Sunneh (#95479)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-15 17:24:56 |
Shadestep | Male | 30 moons | Warrior | Mentions: Lynks, (Bumbletail) Noticing Lynks' rapidly wiggling tail, Shadestep laughed vibrantly at the sight. He quieted himself and smiled shyly, sending her an apologetic—though still amused—look. His mind drifted to the words she had said, and he felt his heart warm. "Now don't get all sentimental on me, we haven't known each other that long." Despite his words it was clear he enjoyed the attention; he was happy to know how content she was with him. Shadestep blinked at her request, smiling thoughtfully. "The leader's the one who gives warrior names, though you can always slip in a word with them. Considering that and our current arrangements... I'd think it's fair that we get to form your name." He leaned against her, and unlike with Bumbletail or his other clanmates, he felt a different form of contentment at the nearness. Something else was mixed in with the warm, something noticeably different than the fondness he felt with his friends. Shadestep pushed through trying to understand the feeling, instead continuing to talk, the divergent warmness still present. "I don't know if I'd be good at choosing a name... Maybe I could explain how they work to you?" ![]() |
RedEclipesWolf (#96769)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-16 13:17:26 |
Bumbletail>>Sunfang Bumbletail only signed, "You are just going to end up hurting that kit, I can see the saddness in his eyes Sunfang it's just disappointing that you rather wallow in you misery and while your son is doing the same." She said her head lowering. "I'm sorry Sunfang I appreciate your help, I just can't be around this right now." She turned to walk out the den, she stopped at the entrance looking back at Sunfang. "You should be happy Pebblekit met his father, my kits will go not knowing him." She said walking out the den. She looked for Stoneclaw seeing he was busy with Pebblekit she took the chance to sneak out of camp. Stoneclaw >>Pebblekit Stoneclaw chuckled at the kit's excitement. "Come on then let's go see the damage." He said making his way towards the warrior's den. "One day you will be sleeping next to me in this den but by then you will be a warrior and I hope you won't grow tired of me." He laughed knowing his sister would have bonked him on his head for saying that. Lynk>>Shadestep Lynks purred pressing herslef tightly against Shadestep. "I would like that Shadestep." She looked up at the black tom's amber eyes, her face felling as if it was on fire. *Why does being by him feel so natural, why does looking in his eyes make my heart race, why does being this close to him make me feel so weak, why is the way he makes me feel so intoxicating.* She thought to herself, biting her tounge making sure she didn't speak out loud again. ![]() |
Icestar (#72469)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-16 22:23:55 |
Pebblekit ~ 7 moons ~ kit ~ Tom ~ Mentions: Stoneclaw He purred as he said they should go look at the damage and looked very excited when he said that Pebblekit would sleep next to him in this den. Then he made a weird face when he said that he hoped he wouldn't grow tired of him.. "I will never grow tired of you!" He purred and put his paws on Stoneclaw's side with a smile. "Let's go!" He purred happily and excitedly. He looked towards the nursery to see his mother trying her hardest to push the tendril through. He wondered why she was alone.. but, he turned back to Stoneclaw and smiled, "please can we go now??" He asked excitedly. Sunfang ~ 46 moons ~ Queen ~ She-cat ~ Mentions: Bumbletail (Stoneclaw and Pebblekit) She listened to Bumbletail, not trying to stop her as she left. She knew what she was doing.. she didn't want any cat to worry about her and she did her best for her kit. What was she going to do? Go take him from Stoneclaw because she was supposed to make him feel better? By the way he played and stayed with Stoneclaw, the big hearted kit loved Stoneclaw. She wasn't going to let sorrow get to her either like she made it out to be. She wasn't eating because she couldn't, she went so long without eating much that she couldn't get a lot of food down. She gave up on trying to push it in, she sat down in her cute, neat way and watched the camp, smiling at Stoneclaw and Pebblekit as she looked at them. She got it, she would go and find something interesting for them.. she smiled, got up and ran out of camp, not too fast but enough that she was running. She was outside of camp and looked around, she didn't exactly know where to find one of those.. she made a humph sound and looked around some more. What exactly was she looking for? She looked up to see and abandoned nest, maybe they would like that? She unsheathed her claws and started to climb up, trying her best not to slip. It took a little bit but, she reached the branch. She smiled as she did and brained hold of the nest carefully in her jaws, she just realised there were Feathers left there so, she guessed that was a plus.. she climbed down slowly and made her way back to camp. (Poor Bumbletail.. it will be ok, I love you! <3) ![]() |
RedEclipesWolf (#96769)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-17 11:35:16 |
Stoneclaw >>Pebblekit Stoneclaw nodded at the kit. "Come on, this way." He said walking towards the big den. "So Pebblekit, soon there will be more kits to play with." He said with a warm smile something only Pebblekit and Bumbletail have seen. "That way it won't be to boring while im on patrol or out hunting." He said looking at the small kit. He started to examine the walls he looked back at Pebblekit. "We got lucky we just need to clear the roots that are hanging from the top of the den, then we move on to clearing the mold from the walls." He said with a flick of amusement from his tail. Bumbletail>>open Bumbletail walked alone in the crisp night air. She now felt bad for leaving Sunfang the way she did. She had been walking for a long time now when and had reached the newly scented borders. She looked sat at the edge. "Boulder you mouse dung, you said you would never leave yet you did." She looked up at the sky. "Hope you are happy where ever you are?" She turned and started to make her way back ![]() |
Icestar (#72469)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-17 11:44:24 |
Pebblekit ~ 7 moons ~ kit ~ Tom ~ Mentions: Stoneclaw He smiled widely back at Stoneclaw, "sounds like fun.. but, I think I will be too big to play with them anyway.." He said, he wasn't upset about it, "plus, I want to come with you!" He purred and looked at the wall as Stoneclaw had. He nodded, then he looked confused, "how do we do that?" He looked at Stoneclaw and smiled again. "Also.. I can't really remember what this life is like.. all I remember is the walls inside the nursery and then the forest." He said, his eyes still on Stoneclaw, his eyes were full of pride as they were on him. "Also.. no matter if we aren't blood related, you are the best brother I could have ever had!" He purred, looking at the wall once again, still wondering how they were going to do that... he was tiny.. Sunfang ~ 46 moons ~ Queen ~ She-cat ~ Mentions: open She was carrying the nest back to camp and when she laid eyes on her kit and Stoneclaw, she smiled. She wouldn't disturb them, Pebblekit looked like he was having a blast so, she took it into the camp and set it down near the nursery before leaving camp once again. She looked around and then stretched, she climbed up the nearest tree and laid on a branch. She watched everything below with content and it made her feel much better.. she didn't feel so stressed and she groomed her rough looking pelt for a while, hoping to get it back to the way it was.. (Sorry if Sunfang is a downer right now o3o I feel like her at the moment so, I put more feeling into it.. sorry! I am just dealing with things and this is my escape c:) ![]() |
☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)
Amiable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-18 15:29:47 |
(aw, I hope everything sorts itself out Icestar <3) Frostflight | Nightclan | Warrior | Mentions: Nightfang, Lionstrike, Sunfang (indirectly) Even befoe he had spoken Frostflight knew it was bad news, Lionstrike's ample eyes were easy to read. The words washed over her and she felt numb inside. Her brother, the person she had looked up to most of her life was dead. She squeezed her eyes shut and let the waves of pain and anguish ebb through her body. She listened to Lionstrike closely, fearing that if she tried to speak all of her emotions would be set free. Of course, there was a good reason for him leaving, Skystorm was a brave and loyal cat who would never abandon his clan without good reasoning. How could she believe that he would do such a thing out of the blue, she had been too quick to judge. And now, he was dead, and he would never know how sorry she truly was. Her ears pricked up, at the mention of kits, Skystorm had a daughter? She had kin? Her head was swirling with thoughts and emotions, anger, sadness, longing, everything she had tried to hide in the past was back. When Lionstrike rested his tail on her shoulder she simply brushed it off, her eyes were hot and brimming with tears so she bowed her head. Out of the corner of her eye, Frostflight could see Sunfang, her heart went out to the she-cat because Frostflight now felt her pain even more. She stood up slowly, shaking slightly although she didn't quite know why. Without meeting Lionstrike's gaze she stood and began to pad away; tail gently brushing Nightfang's for a moment. She padded towards the warrior's den but stopped when she saw Bumbletail. Frostflight padded over to the queen "How are you Bumbletail, do you need help with the nursery?" She asked, her voice shaking quietly. ![]() Edited on 20/01/17 @ 23:39:58 by Sprinkles (#86006) |
Icestar (#72469)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-20 13:52:33 |
(Thanks me too c: sorry for late reply, just figured out what to RP with XD) Sunfang ~ 46 moons ~ Queen ~ She-cat ~ Mentions: open She had fallen asleep on the branch, soon opening her yellow eyes she yawned. How long had she been asleep? She carefully stretched so that she didn't fall out and looked around. She washed her pelt until she was satisfied with the way she looked more normal now, despite her lack of eating and the way her ribs sort of stuck out.. she thought she was getting better. Just, emotionally, she was still hurting. She put up a strong wall around her kit as best as she could... for his sake she wasn't going to cry in front of him. She dug her claws into the tree as she sort of wobbled as she lost her balance. She soon regained it and sheathed her claws once more. She looked below and wondered what would have happened if she had fallen.. she hoped she wouldn't break anything but, she would never know. She never wanted to find out anyway.. she slowly climbed down after a while of looking around at the scenery. She wondered what she was going to do to cheer up her kit.. Stoneclaw seemed to make him smile with just a hello.. what should she do? She had found him a bird nest to play with but, what else? (I don't know where to put Nightfang o3o) ![]() Edited on 20/01/17 @ 20:53:14 by Icestar0413 (#72469) |
☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)
Amiable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-20 16:35:33 |
OOC: It's fine, it was a pretty awkward situation tbh XD I will edit a little bit but don't feel you have to reply ^^ Edit: Edited, and I mentioned Bumbletail as well. ![]() |
Icestar (#72469)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-20 23:58:02 |
(It's OK c: I don't know what Nightfang would think though o3o maybe I could shove Sunfang into camp later XD she could come see how everyone's doing or something..) ![]() |
RedEclipesWolf (#96769)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-25 10:45:33 |
(I thought I had replied..) Bumbletail >>Frostflight Bumbletail looked up at Frostflight. "Why hello there, I wouldn't mind a little help and company." She said with a sweet voice, but deep down her guilt was eating her up. *Why did I have to yell at Sunfang, why did I tell her such mean things?* She thought as she began to finish up her nest. Stoneclaw>>Pebblekit Stoneclaw leaned down giving pebblekit a small smile. "Hop on my back we can pull the roots off together." He said nodding his head towards his back. ![]() |
Icestar (#72469)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-25 11:14:28 |
Pebblekit ~ 7 moons ~ kit ~ Tom ~ Mentions: Stoneclaw He smiled back at Stoneclaw, he felt better already.. he carefully climbed up, being careful not to unsheathed his claws as he did. He stood on top of Stoneclaw and purred, "now I'm the tallest cat around!" He said with a little giggle and purred at Stoneclaw then he looked at the roots. "What do we do to get them down?" He asked curiously now that he was high enough to reach them. He never did this before so, he had no clue how to go about doing it.. Nightfang ~ 30 Moons ~ Apprentice: None ~ Tom ~ Senior Warrior ~ Mentions: Frostflight, Lionstrike and Sunfang He watched as Frostflight got up and he looked after her when she padded away after she brushed her tail against his. He didn't know what to do.. he looked at Lionstrike, wondering what all happened. He didn't want to ask because it was none of his business. So, he asked a different question, "so, you were here before? You know Sunfang, Shadestep, Bumbletail, Stoneclaw and the others?" He asked curiously, trying to distract himself from everything and then Sunfang caught his attention from the corner of his eye as she came over. "Hi Sunfang, how are you?" He said with a smile. He figured he would let Frostflight have her space right now and then he would go to her when all the mixed feelings, he guessed she had.. he didn't know what to make of the situation anyway. Sunfang ~ 46 moons ~ Queen ~ She-cat ~ Mentions: Nightfang, Lionstrike, (Pebblekit and Stoneclaw) She had padded into camp and looked around until she saw Nightfang and Lionstrike. She wondered what had happened.. but, she kept quiet as she sat down and joined the two Tom's. She smiled as Nightfang spoke, "I'm good, how are you both?" She said then looked towards Stoneclaw and Pebblekit to see Pebblekit on Stoneclaw's back. She smiled some more when she saw the smile on Pebblekit face. At least he was happy, that was all she really wanted now. ![]() |
☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)
Amiable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-26 22:44:02 |
(Oh Lawd, what have I done, it's 1:40 AM here XD) Frostflight | Nightclan | Warrior | Mentions: Bumbletail, Nightfang, Lionstrike Frostflight sat at the entrance to the nursery, her gaze settling on Nightfang and Lionstrike, she was glad the neither of them followed her. For now, she just wanted some quiet time to herself, and she would confront Nightfang and maybe Lionstrike later. She turned to Bumbletail upon hearing her voice, her eyes soft and inquisitive as to what was happening in her life. Frostflight hadn't seen her mate around in a long time, but she decided not to mention it and risk upsetting her. "Great" she purred, standing up and grabbing some moss with her teeth "It's good to get some alone time with you, I wanted to see you before I left; I'm not sure that I will be here when the kits are born." She mumbled, her speech slightly muffled through the layers of moss. Lionstrike | Nightclan | Senior Warrior | Mentions: Nightfang, Frostflight He sighed and cast his gaze to the floor when Frostflight pushed him away and then left. He watched as her gaze lingered on Nightfang and was instantly curious as to what their motives were. His gaze flickered over to the warrior when he spoke, "I remember Sunfang" he began, smiling a little at all of his happy memories here. "I vaguely remember Shadestep, Bumbletail, and Stoneclaw, but like Frostflight they were just apprentices." He paused and looked at Nightfang for a moment, trying his hardest to remember anything but old, faded things but nothing came to mind. "Now, something about you rings a distant bell, but I'm afraid I don't remember you well..." He meowed, his gaze drifting to Sunfang as she padded over. Lionstrike's smile brightened "Sunfang,incase" he said happily, tail curling around himself to makein case she wanted to sit down. ![]() |
Icestar (#72469)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-28 09:41:59 |
Nightfang ~ 30 Moons ~ Apprentice: None ~ Tom ~ Senior Warrior ~ Mentions: Lionstrike and Sunfang He tilted his head slightly to the side at Lionstrike's words. "I ring a distant bell? I don't remember you at all.." He said honestly. Then again, he had shut the whole world around him out once his own world crumbled to the ground within the matter of a few days. He was crushed and this is what happened, he never really showed emotion and acted like he didn't care for most things but, especially Frostflight knew, he was really sweet and caring.. he couldn't bring himself to actually open up any further with any cat but Frostflight. He looked at Sunfang who sat between him and Lionstrike, joining their little conversation and he smiled at the queen. He was trying to welcome the obviously occupied She-cat who was looking towards her kit and Stoneclaw. He looked at Lionstrike and shrugged, his ear flicked to try and get her to say something while he looked at Lionstrike. He guessed they were friends.. but he didn't know really if that was true. He knew she was still aching, he would be too.. if he lost the one cat he loved with all of his heart, he wouldn't be the same. He hoped Frostflight was ok.. he would only go talk to her of she wanted him there, he didn't want to upset her or anything and wanted to give her space so she could do what she needed to. Sunfang ~ 46 moons ~ Queen ~ She-cat ~ Mentions: Lionstrike and Nightfang (Pebblekit and Stoneclaw) She had sat in the space between the two Tom's, not directly between them but, so she joined their little semi circle. She looked towards Pebblekit and Stoneclaw, looking at her kit and wondering if he was OK.. she knew he was still upset about Riverwhisker but, she could tell something was wrong. She didn't know what.. but it didn't feel right. She felt some cat looking at her, she liked at Nightfang and he had been smiling at her and she smiled back. She turned her head to look at the two again, wishing she could have done better for him.. could have helped his father.. could have fixed everything when he cried at night next to her. All she could do was hold him close in so little comfort, she would take his pain if she could.. in a heart beat for her Pebblekit.. she promised she would take care of him.. she was going to. She just.. didn't know what to do to take his pain away.. he was stubborn like her and sometimes wondered if he was too much like her. She realised Lionstrike was there once again, she looked towards him and smiled, trying to greet him when her mind was clouded with what she could have done for Pebblekit.. she could have done better yet she didn't.. her yellow seemed to look at him but, they were dull. She looked away and towards the sky, she wanted to speak but, what could she say? (Sorry, not my best post..) ![]() |
RedEclipesWolf (#96769)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-29 04:21:32 |
Stoneclaw>>Pebblekit,Sunfang Stoneclaw looked up at Pebblekit. "Ok all you have to do is bite the roots off as close to the top as you can." He said standing up straight, he didn't move a muscle as he felt Pebblekit move on his back. "Can you do that?" He said looking out the cave as he felt eyes burning his pelt. He saw Sunfang looking at them, he signed as she looked away. *It's always darkest before the sunrise, things will not be this hard forever.* He thought looking back up at Pebblekit. Bumbletail >>Frostflight "It's ok they will be here when you come back Frostflight." She said smiling warmly at the soon to be leader. "Just come back to us ok." She said grabbing some feathers and placing them on top of her nest. She looked at Frostflight "Stole these from Stoneclaw." She giggled her crooked tail swaying excitedly behind her. ![]() |
☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)
Amiable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-29 07:06:09 |
Frostflight | Nightclan | Warrior | Mentions: Bumbletail Frostflight smiled "they will be, and I'm sure they'll be the finest warriors of medicine cats around" she purred, placing more feathers into the nest. She paused for a moment when Bumbletail spoke, a wave of uncertainty briefly washing over her. "Haven't I always?" she said, remembering the time when Skystorm came back for her... But she turned him away. She lifted her head again to collect more moss when a strange smell wafted through the air for a brief moment. She gagged at the horrific smell, and her eyes darted around curiously. She stepped outside the den and glanced around, wondering if anyone else had smelled it; or if she was just being crazy. (Sorry for the short and late reply, I will reply Lionstrike later, but I'm in a rush at the moment XD) ![]() |