Posted by Primal Instinct RP

Feyre [G5 Ubaste
4.7k] (#91899)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-13 10:12:38
Add a kitty here - link

This is the roleplay thread for Primal Instinct, you must add a cat before roleplaying.

No godmodding
No playing other peoples cats
All lioden rules apply
Remember these cats are evil, they like to kill but no killing other cats without permission, feel free to get in fights.

Those who rule and heal the group.

Nemesis -- Severine rped by Anna (#91899)
Warden -- tba
Shaman -- Gwyn
Mage -- Primrose

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Edited on 15/06/16 @ 13:43:55 by Anna (#91899)

Feyre [G5 Ubaste
4.7k] (#91899)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-13 10:41:22
Severine -- Primal Instinct Camp

Severine is a peculiar and dangerous feline. At a first glance you'd wonder how she came to be one of the most notorious Nemesis's in Primal Instinct history. Yet once she moved, her body moving with a fluid grace, cats know instantly. Aside from that her cold and calculating green gaze would erase any doubts. Her sharp tongue and long curling claws show why she is so infamous.

Eyelids flicked open to reveal forest green optics beneath, eyes that quickly scoped out the den that was growing lighter due to the steady rising sun. Her jaws parted into an enormous yawn and she uncurled her slender body from her nest. The small slivers of sun shining through the wall of lichen covering the entrance caused her fire and gold colored pelt to cast flames on her den wall. She lifted her one snow white paw and began to clean her ears and muzzle. Once her fur was sleek against her sides, and her face was clean she got to her paws and exited her den.

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Edited on 13/06/16 @ 17:41:58 by Anna (#91899)

MoonBeam(RSC) (#88078)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-06-14 03:02:16
Ankti rested in the shade. She was board, there was nothing to do in camp. Ankti decided to go hunting. Padding out into the forest she sends a fox den but only baby foxes.

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Salix (#22732)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-14 07:32:45
Imperia's eyes flickered open, the motion brought on by the rising sun. Her jaws opened in a yawn, showing pointed teeth. With careful movements, she rose and stretched, claws digging into the ground below. After a quick shake, as if trying to wake herself up a bit more, she exited the den and looked around, seeing who all was awake. After a quick glance, she saw Severine. She gave just a curt nod in greeting-no need to say anything, after all.

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nym | g1 13bo inpu (#92223)

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Posted on
2016-06-14 08:27:39
Hawk yawned as he woke up, unsheathing his claws and pawing the ground, he started to groom himself, making him look presentable and went outside "Good Morning Imperia." he winked, and turned to see who else was awake. He spotted Serverine, dipping his head in greeting. He sighed and raked the ground, thinking of what to do. He sat down and curled his tail around his paws, and looked at his surroundings, thinking about getting a piece of prey.

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Edited on 14/06/16 @ 15:28:23 by sky--lines (#92223)

Feyre [G5 Ubaste
4.7k] (#91899)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-14 08:31:16
The Nemesis twitched the tip of her tail in a return greeting as she continued to survey the camp. Only a few Assassins were awake, not unusual due to the increase of foxes within their territory and everyones new job was to keep a look out. Extra patrols had been sent to find and chase out or kill the foxes but only two had been found, yet a dozen had moved into their territory caused by a severe drought, and they had been drawn here due to the large waterfall and river that snaked through their territory. Severine opened her jaw slightly to draw in the scents of the forest beyond the camp. Within the scents of earth and trees was fox, and the lack of prey scent due to the amount of hunters in one area.

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Edited on 14/06/16 @ 15:33:13 by Anna (#91899)

sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-06-14 11:17:02
The silver Assassin let out a loud yawn as she woke up from her nest. Her vision was blurry and sort of dark before it cleared up. Finch got up from her necked and bended over to stretch her long, slender legs. Her olive green eyes scanned the den before walking out. Once she got out she looked up at the sky. It was of course its natural light blue with several specks of scattered clouds.

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Anibae (#92277)

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Posted on
2016-06-14 11:17:14
Primroses eyes forsed themselves open, she had taken a nap, scents of herbs filled the air, and reminded herself that she had a big day planned for herself. She had just been appointed the Mage of the clan. Exited she jumped out of her nest seeing the cat called Severine.

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Jadefeather (#27167)

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Posted on
2016-06-14 11:46:29
Jade yawned before stretching and walking out the den. Her eyes scanned the camp around her along with the cats around her. She headed towards the camps exit and on the path that she goes on every morning after she wakes up. She often catches rodents on the way back to add to the food pile, even though she isn't a hunter. She enjoys being alone, rather being with someone.

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Bailysis (#71958)

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Posted on
2016-06-14 12:37:32
The names can be clicked to show appearance!

<> Male <> Assassin <> Location: P.I Camp <> Mentions: None (Open) <>

Lynx, as usual, was just outside the Primal Instinct camp. He had been away before all the others, silently keeping watch for foxes, and keeping the cats inside camp safe. During the night he had scented one, and the large tom quickly battered it away. He cleaned off his claws, and continued watch. Now that it was morning, Lynx would occasionally look inside camp, nodding at any cat who passed by.

<><> Vixen <><>
<> Female <> Assassin <> Location: P.I Territory <> Mentions: None (Open) <>

Vixen, like her brother, was an early little bird. She was out and about in the forest, hunting as the sun rose to light up the world around her. At first glance, Vixen looked like her name- A fox, trotting through the woods of Primal Instinct. But once a cat caught her familiar scent- Not a fox, it's just Vixen. For some reason, Vixen always smelled pleasant. Maybe she went out and rolled in sweet-smelling herbs? The red she-cat never told her secret.
Now, Vixen was heading back to Primal Instinct's camp, two mice and a vole swinging from her jaws. Her toes were stained with blood that she had yet to clean. An actual fox, maybe? She had heard of the increase in canines- One result of the drought. She definitely noticed that the river was low, and the waterfall wasn't as thunderous. Plus, the lack of prey. Today, Vixen had to travel farther than she usually did- past Primal Instinct's borders, even. It was extremely dangerous. But hey, what's the fun in life without a few thrills and kills?

(haha get that thrills and kills)
(because they kill)

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Feyre [G5 Ubaste
4.7k] (#91899)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-14 14:40:01
Severine -- Nemesis
(Beautiful pun xD)

Severine jumped down from the ledge where her den was located, the sun causing her red and gold pelt to glow like fire. Her forest green optics were darker than usual as she landed, the stench of fox was evident even past the strong smell of PI cats. Her claws uncurled and dug into the grass beneath her paws. Her tail tip twitched with more annoyance than worry at the invasion of the foxes. Her gaze swept the camp once more before she raised her tail above her back and waved it to get everyones attention. When she spoke, her cold yet melodic voice rang clear throughout the camp. "All gather around for a meeting."

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sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-06-14 14:50:17
Crescent's gray and white head popped out of the trainee den. As he padded out of the den he shook his pelt and trotted over to the nemesis' den, wincing after stepping on a few sharp stones. Finch stood up and padded to the nemesis' den. Sunlight sparkled in the silver tabby's green eyes as she sat down, curling her long, silver and black tail over her front paws. Crescent stood beside the tall silver she-cat. His gaze was locked Severine as his light gray tail twitched.

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Jadefeather (#27167)

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Posted on
2016-06-14 14:51:29
Jade|| Assasin || Camp || Mentions: None
Jade was arriving back in camp as the Nemesis had called for a meeting. Jade sat in the back and watched her leader. Her tail flicking as her eyes watched the cats gather around below their leader. Jade was the one that stood out from the others, her height was much different from the other cats, she was much larger and often felt odd around cats that stood next to her. But she used that as a improvement when she fought. She flicked her ears, her thoughts coming back to the meeting that was soon to happen.

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Anibae (#92277)

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Posted on
2016-06-14 15:19:26
Primrose darted her eyes to a dark black cat /That must be Jade./ she guessed quickly taking a seat for the meeting, she looked at the Nemesis, scenting around she smelt yet another cat, she didn't hear anyone talking about a grey and white one, nervously she gulped looking back up at the she.

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sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-06-14 15:27:01

Crescent looked around the large group of cats after unlocking his gaze from the Nemesis. He looked over at the clan's Mage and flickered his light gray ears. After the she-cat turned back to the nemesis and noticed her nervous look, his head turned back to their leader.

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Bailysis (#71958)

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Posted on
2016-06-14 15:33:52
<> Male <> Assassin <> Location: P.I Camp <> Mentions: Jade, Severine <>

A call disturbed Lynx's watch. A voice that he knew very well- The voice of his Nemesis. His leader. This must be important. The muscular tom stood, shaking and grooming his pelt for a few moments before padding into the camp, seating himself around the golden shecat- Severine. He was close to another cat- Jade. Quietly, he was jealous of her height. She was the only cat who was taller than him, and it bugged the tom. Of course, he was much more broad than Jade. And, they were the same age! Still, Lynx was certain that he could win in a fight.

(Oooh I smell drama ;D)

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