Posted by Primal Instinct RP

Feyre [G5 Ubaste
4.7k] (#91899)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-13 10:12:38
Add a kitty here - link

This is the roleplay thread for Primal Instinct, you must add a cat before roleplaying.

No godmodding
No playing other peoples cats
All lioden rules apply
Remember these cats are evil, they like to kill but no killing other cats without permission, feel free to get in fights.

Those who rule and heal the group.

Nemesis -- Severine rped by Anna (#91899)
Warden -- tba
Shaman -- Gwyn
Mage -- Primrose

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Edited on 15/06/16 @ 13:43:55 by Anna (#91899)

bucky barnes
{1032/3000} (#48555)

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Posted on
2016-06-15 05:21:04

Yasha | Male | Camp | Mentions: Hawk; Imperia; Severine|

Yasha was the last to wake as always. The morning sun poured into his den, golden light showering him in warmth. It irritated the small cat, he was very much prepared to sleep another hour into the day. He curled up further until hissing at the uselessness of the action.

He stretched his legs out before getting up and slinking out of his bed. Most of the cats had been gathered around their Nemesis, Severine. She must have called a meeting and Yasha missed it. Oh well. He was sure he'd hear some chatter as to what it was about but the tom had a pretty good guess. Foxes were upon their land and prey was scarce. He didn't really care much for the little red dogs but they were stealing food and land. He's already seen a few and did nothing more than puff up and hiss. It usually did the job of scaring them off. When given the chance he'd kill one, they had soft fur, it'd probably make for a nice blanket. He could use an extra coat during winter.

Yasha didn't bother showing his face at the meeting, instead making his way to the fresh-kill pile where Hawk and Imperia were. "'Morning." He mumbled to the cats. He politely waited for Severine to grab herself food before he went.

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sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-06-15 05:23:40
~Finch~ ~She-cat~ ~Camp~ ~Mentions: Discord~

Finch got up and trotted to the fresh kill pile. Her ears perked at Discord. "We're chasing off foxes, since they recently increased in number." Finch purred, grabbing a large vole.

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Edited on 15/06/16 @ 12:24:30 by Cinnamon-sinner (#50436)

nym | g1 13bo inpu (#92223)

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Posted on
2016-06-15 05:26:29
Hawk | Tom | Assassin | location; camp | mention; Discord

“Well look whos up.” Hawk rolled his eyes at the young assasin, his idea was cruel, but these cats were cruel so he continued. “Well if you didnt sleep in, maybe you’d know. I’d tell you but I think you need to learn not to miss an important meeting.” He calmly said to the young tom, flicking his tail.

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MoonBeam(RSC) (#88078)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-06-15 05:28:53
"Okay." Ankti replies. Ankti heads over to the food pile, She grabbed a vole, which was her favorite. She layed down near the entrance of the camp and ate the vole. Ankti memorizes the path to where she scented the fox den,* go straight out of camp then turn left, continue left till come across a field, the den should be right behind the old oak on the other side of the field, seems simple enough* Ankti thought.

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Salix (#22732)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-15 05:44:38
Imperia | She-cat | Assassin | Camp | Mentions: Yasha

Imperia looked over as Yasha came up. She grunted. "Well look who's finally awake. Did you sleep well? I hope the meeting didn't disturb your sleep. After all, nothing is more important than sleep, not even a meeting." Sarcasm dripped from her words as she glared at the assassin.

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Nea (#18363)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-06-15 05:51:22
Chaos // Assassin // She-cat // Camp

Chaos stretched out her little white toes and got up. She shook out her thick pelt and warmed it in the sun a little before fully waking up. She yawned and padded out into the camp.

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Jadefeather (#27167)

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Posted on
2016-06-15 05:53:33
Jade|| Assasin || Camp || Mentions: None (open)
Jade stood up and shook her pelt and stretched. She waited for Severine to grab something to eat before grabbing a bird from the pile. She ate it and exited the camp and decided to hunt. She knows that she isn't a hunter but what would hurt and she was just helping the clan.

After hunting she arrived back in camp with two birds, a mouse and a vole. She set them down at the pile before heading to a rock that was a little ways from the camp, but she was alone and liked to sit up here at night and watch the moon and stars.

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bucky barnes
{1032/3000} (#48555)

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Posted on
2016-06-15 05:54:06

Yasha |Male | Camp | Mentions: Imperia

Yasha dug into his little meal of mouse, licking the blood away from his mouth. His ears laid against his head as he heard Imperia speak.

"I slept very well thank you for asking. The meeting didn't disturb me at all." He finished off the mouse and licked his paws. "You're right though, nothing is more important as sleep. I wouldn't be as handsome as I am if I didn't sleep lots." He purred as he continued grooming himself, ignoring the hard stare Imperia was throwing him. He didn't care much for her criticism laced with sarcasm and nor was he a vain cat. He simply needed something to tell her.

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sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-06-15 05:56:04
~Finch~ ~She-cat~ ~Mentions: Chaos, Yasha~ ~Camp~

Finch turned her gaze over to Chaos. "Oh, look a you. You finally woke up. And I thought Yasha was the heavy sleeper." She said, laying down. She soon started to sink her teeth into the scruff of the vole, and then bit off chunks.

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Feyre [G5 Ubaste
4.7k] (#91899)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-15 05:56:16
Discord -- Assassin -- Mentions: Finch and Hawk

Discord raised his shoulders in a light shrug and grinned at Hawk, " I was out late last night, plus I love my sleep." The young tom turned and nodded his thanks to Finch for filling him in on the meeting.

Severine -- Nemesis.
With the mouse in her jaws, the red and gold furred feline retreated to the edge of the camp, calling the cats of her patrol to come sit with her. They'd need to decide their best plan of action as well as decide which part of the territory they'd like to cover.

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nym | g1 13bo inpu (#92223)

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Posted on
2016-06-15 06:01:14
Hawk | Tom | Assassin | location; camp | mention; Discord, Finch, Severine

Hawk swiped over the cats ear, missing barley on purpose, “Discord, you’d best watch your tone, or else ill make you.” He hissed, narrowing his eyes again, “and, your lucky Finch filled you in, ill make sure,” he paused glaring at the she-cat “she doesnt again. And you’ll have to suffer the consequences.” he snorted before heading off to Severine, sitting down, his eyes still ablaze.

[Well Hawk’s off to a good start xD]

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Edited on 15/06/16 @ 13:01:41 by sky--lines (#92223)

sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-06-15 06:04:52
~Finch~ ~She cat~ ~Camp~ ~Mentions: Hawk~

Finch got up and trotted over to Hawk. "Oh, i'll fill it in again if I have to. And trust me, i'll make sure you keep your muzzle shut for now on, ok?" She purred, a grin was on her face.

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Edited on 15/06/16 @ 13:05:15 by Cinnamon-sinner (#50436)

nym | g1 13bo inpu (#92223)

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Posted on
2016-06-15 06:11:41
Hawk | Tom | Assassin | location; camp | mention; Finch

Hawk hissed, “Sweetheart, im positive you dont know who your messing with.” He narrowed his eyes, “But thats alright, because im going to show you.” He leaped at the she-cat he knew there would be consequences but he didnt care this time, he raked her side smirking, waiting for her to make a move his ears flat against his head.

[hope this is okay]

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Nea (#18363)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-06-15 06:12:56
Chaos // Assassin// Camp// Mentions: Finch, Discord, and Hawk

Chaos rolled her eyes at the she-cat and sat down. "Pff, if you think I'm a heavy sleeper you should've seen my brother." Chaos's brother was missing, and she had no idea where he was or if he even wanted to come back. "Anarchy could've slept for a moon if he wanted to, he was an expert at sleeping." She looked at the cats eating around her and her stomach rumbled. She darted over to the fresh kill pile and grabbed a squirrel before heading back to the small group that was congregated. "So, what was this meeting about?"

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MoonBeam(RSC) (#88078)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-06-15 06:16:10
Hearing the Nemesis call for her patrol group, Ankti rushed over to join the rest of the patrol. As she reaches the group she sits down and glances up at the Nemesis. Ankti already knew the fox den she scented was on the north side of the territory. * We have to go to the north side of the territory, if we don't kill or drive the fox cubs away they'll grow into adult foxes and wipe out all the prey and we would be forced to flee.* Ankti thought.

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