Posted by Primal Instinct RP

Feyre [G5 Ubaste
4.7k] (#91899)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-13 10:12:38
Add a kitty here - link

This is the roleplay thread for Primal Instinct, you must add a cat before roleplaying.

No godmodding
No playing other peoples cats
All lioden rules apply
Remember these cats are evil, they like to kill but no killing other cats without permission, feel free to get in fights.

Those who rule and heal the group.

Nemesis -- Severine rped by Anna (#91899)
Warden -- tba
Shaman -- Gwyn
Mage -- Primrose

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Edited on 15/06/16 @ 13:43:55 by Anna (#91899)

sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-06-15 06:20:34
[Thats fine]

~Finch~ ~She-cat~ ~Camp~ ~Mentions: Hawk~

The silver tabby let out a yelp in suprise after getting knocked onto the ground. Her nose wrinkled as she felt the claws tear through her side. She lifted a paw onto his stomach and slowly raked his stomach, trying to get it deeper than her wounds.

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Edited on 15/06/16 @ 13:21:26 by Cinnamon-sinner (#50436)

Feyre [G5 Ubaste
4.7k] (#91899)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-15 06:22:25
Discord -- Assassin
The ebony tom just continued to grin at the older warrior. He was a little reckless, well, a lot reckless. He nodded at Finch and he was kind of surprised when the tom jumped at the she-cat. After a moment a grin appeared again and he settled down to watch.

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Edited on 15/06/16 @ 13:28:30 by Anna (#91899)

Salix (#22732)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-15 06:22:38
Imperia | She-cat | Assassin | Camp | Mentions: Yasha, Severine

Imperia scowled. "I don't see how sleeping can make one handsome, as you say. Really, I'd imagine it would do the opposite! When you're sleeping, you might toss and turn. That can't be too good for your fur, now can it? When you're awake, you can groom yourself." Imperia's ears flicked up as she heard Severine call her over. With a sneer in Yasha's direction, she made her way over to the Nemesis.

She watched as Hawk swiped at Finch with mild disinterest. Honestly, this all was stupid. They were getting ready to fight, and fighting amongst themselves wasn't going to help any! "Hawk, Finch, you do realize this is all pointless? Do you want others to get hurt when we're about to fight a battle? Are you really that stupid?"

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nym | g1 13bo inpu (#92223)

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Posted on
2016-06-15 06:23:29
Hawk | Tom | Assassin | location; camp | mention; Finch

The tom let out a hiss of pain, and grinned, “This is going to be fun,” he murmured, despite his pain he leaped onto her back digging his claws and aiming a swipe at the back of her neck, an leapt off quickly, he nipped at her leg, and pulled back smirking at the she-cat. Getting pushed by Severine, he hissed at the Nemesis distracted by his blood-thirst. The tom got up a let out a hiss at Imperia, “Dont get involved in things that arent your business.” he shot a glare at Severine, and stalked out of camp.

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Edited on 15/06/16 @ 13:26:36 by sky--lines (#92223)

sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-06-15 06:27:27
~Finch~ ~She-cat~ ~Camp~ ~Mentions: Hawk

The she-cat let out a yowl as she felt the claws digging into her skin. She got up and turned around. "Sweetie, this was fun to begin with." She meowed. She leaped at the tom cat, using all the power in her back legs. Her jaws opened as she aimed for Hawk's neck.

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Bailysis (#71958)

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Posted on
2016-06-15 06:29:04
<> Male <> Assassin <> Location: P.I Camp<> Mentions: Jade, Discord, Severine<>

Lynx sat a bit taller, hearing that he got to lead a patrol. Was Severine thinking of making him Warden? Either way, Lynx wanted to prove to the Nemesis that he would be a good leader. Jade and Discord, hm? Lynx got to his feet, turning to groom his pelt for a few moments. After, he glanced around the camp. Jade was just leaving camp- Where was she off to? He would talk to her later. Then, he spotted Discord talking to other cats. Alright, he's over there. Lynx noticed Severine over by a far corner, calling her patrol. He padded over, hoping to talk with the Nemesis. "Severine. Should we talk about the two...Patrols? Where we're planning to go, and all. For a location, I was thinking my patrol could go up north, where the waterfall is." He paused, thinking. "At sun-high, we could meet at the river stones?" The river stones, meaning a place on the river where rocks fell from a cliff and into the river, making it possible to cross the river without having to swim. The location wasn't too far from camp. And, it was in the middle of Primal Instinct's territory. "How does that sound?"

<><> Vixen <><>
<> Female <> Assassin <> Location: P.I Camp <> Mentions: P.I Cats<>

Vixen padded into camp, her steps light and happy. She carried prey- Mice and voles. Vixen slowed as she walked into camp, watching all of her clanmates talk to each other. Near the back where the nests were, Hawk and Finch were...Oh! Hawk attacked Finch. She had it coming, really. Vixen huffed as she walked toward he prey pile, keeping an eye on the fight. The red she-cat kept a mouse, heading toward the group that gathered to watch the show.

(I take a nap and I come back to see so much going on ahh I'm behind D: )

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Feyre [G5 Ubaste
4.7k] (#91899)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-15 06:29:10

Severine -- Nemesis
Severine had lowered her head to take a bite of her mouse when she heard arguing, which escalated quickly into a fight. Severine usually wouldnt mind a good fight but not when there was so many foxes that they needed their energy to chase out. A low growl rumbled in her throat which quickly increased into a vibrating growl that could be heard all across camp. She got to her paws and stalked across the clearing, her green eyes glinting with ice. As she reached the two fighting cats, her lips peeled from her teeth in a snarl and in a flash she hooked her claws around Hawks back leg, hitting the tendon just right so he fell. With his back to the ground, Severine placed her paw on his chest, digging her claws into his fur. "Don't ever start a fight when we have worse enemies to deal with." She snarled, her eyes alight with fury, "We dont have enough herbs to waste on pointless scraps."

(Honestly its okay ^·^ im fine with everyone fighting its apart of being an evil group so dont let this sway anyone.)

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Feyre [G5 Ubaste
4.7k] (#91899)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-15 06:30:11
[Oh gosh so many people I'm getting so lost xD]

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Bailysis (#71958)

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Posted on
2016-06-15 06:31:21
(I type so slow >.> There wasn't a fourth page when I started hnn)
(And yes I am very lost as well Anna.)

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bucky barnes
{1032/3000} (#48555)

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Posted on
2016-06-15 06:31:33

Yasha | Male | Camp | Mentions: Hawk, Imperia
Yasha narrowed his eyes, growing annoyed. "Of course you haven't heard of beauty sleep. Try it sometime. He called after her. He stood up and shook out any grass or dirt that may have made it into his coat.

Yasha heard the scrap between the cats, over something so pointless no less. Severine quickly ended it, seperating the two and of course Imperia needed to add in a few comments of herself. He sighed. This was the reason why he didn't wake up early. He heard Hawk hiss and yell something at Imperia before stalking off. His feet were moving on their own, drifting himself over to the camp entrance. He watched the brown tabby disappear into the forest and he quickly followed.

"Hawk? He called out.

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Nea (#18363)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-06-15 06:32:28
Chaos // Assassin // Camp

Chaos flattened her ears back as the two began to fight. She made sure she was well out of reach of the flay before she sat down to watch, squirrel sitting by her side, tail wrapped around her feet. She shrank back as Severine came in and broke it up. She swiveled her ears back and smirked at Hawk, he should have known better. She kept one eye on the Nemesis and continued to eat her meal.

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nym | g1 13bo inpu (#92223)

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Posted on
2016-06-15 06:35:08
[Hawk got angry at discord then at finch then they both got into a fight and severine broke it up]

Hawk | Tom | Assassin | location; camp | mention; Yasha

The toms ears perked, “What do you want?” He sighed, trying to sound as calmly as possible as he turned around to see Yasha. His tail flicked angrily, he regretted glaring at the nemesis, but he didnt regret what he started back there.

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sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-06-15 06:36:14
~Finch~ ~She cat~ ~Camp~

Finch ended up flying over Hawk as Severine threw Hawk down. She landed on her paws, nearly tripping over. Her wounds stung, but she looked over at the two with a calm glace until she starts to lick her silver and black paw.

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Edited on 15/06/16 @ 13:36:31 by Cinnamon-sinner (#50436)

Jadefeather (#27167)

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Posted on
2016-06-15 06:37:44
Jade|| Assasin || Camp || Mentions: Lynx
After being alone for awhile, Jade made her way back to camp. As she was about to walk in Hawk stormed pass her with blood on his stomach. She was confused and was a bit angry that she might have missed a fight. She shrugged and walked into the camp to see Severine tensed up. She padded over to Lynx "What did I miss?" She asked sitting down next to the male. She was still watching Severine and Finch.

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Feyre [G5 Ubaste
4.7k] (#91899)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-15 06:39:36
Severine whipped her head around to glare att he foolish tom, her green gaze darkening. She peeled her lips back into another snarl and then turned and walked over to Lynx, the tip of her tail twitching. "That sounds good, there may be more foxes by the waterfall, its hot, the prey will go there and so will they. My patrol will go further down the river near where our territory ends. We can sweep up from the South and you from the North."

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Edited on 15/06/16 @ 13:40:46 by Anna (#91899)

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