Posted by Nomads Of The Horizon|Wolf Roleplay|Open

Legolas (#81091)

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Posted on
2016-07-12 12:57:46

Nomads Of The Horizon
A wolf roleplay

Hellur! Welcome to Nomads Of The Horizon, a literate, realistic wolf roleplay. Our main goal is to create a fun environment, always open to new members that wish join the lands of Greylea.

The Rules

I. All LioDen Roleplay Rules apply.

II. No godmodding, powerplaying, gary/mary issues, etc.

III. Posts should be in third-person and past-tense, and players are expected to use correct spelling, grammar, capitalization, and punctuation to the best of their abilities. At least a paragraph is required.

IV. We know that life can get in the way sometimes, but please, if you know beforehand that you won't be able to post for a while, let us all know!

V. Fade to black when necessary. I suppose you all get it by now.

VI. Please be polite to everyone OOC. If there is any problem with other members of the roleplay, i would like you to let me or moderators know rather than creating something unnecessary.

VII. You cannot harm or kill another character without making the action an attempt.

VIII. For the most part we are a realistic wolf roleplay; the only fantasy elements should be the characters’ “humanized” personalities and their ability to speak. This means no magical abilities, accessories, or unnatural physical traits (wings, horns, etc). However, there are some new exceptions about the eye colors. You will find a size chart and a eye color chart for better guidelines below.

IX. We encourage you to 'follow the current'; Not knowing what will happen makes the roleplay more interesting and fun, reason why we attempt to avoid OOC plotting. "Character A should meet Character B" is acceptable. "Character A and character B should become mates and start a pack" is not.

X. There will be no formed packs at the beginning. These will be created throughout the roleplay, and to do so, a minimum of five wolves with a common goal assemble and claim a land as their territory. In order for the pack to be accepted, the player of the lead wolf should PM me the pack creation form (See below) will all the information needed. As for now, we believe that three packs would be a good maximum, though this can change in the future depending on how many members join. Also, please don't create packs right away.

Pack Creation Form

Name of the Pack:
Territory claimed:
Pack description: A brief explanation of the pack's way of life/alignments, etc.

Wolf Sizes


Made with PhotoScape. Heights are measured at shoulder-level.

Eye Colours

In the real world, the majority of wolves have amber eyes. However, there are rare instances of brown, gray, orange, yellow, blue, and green. For the sake of fun and diversity, we allow characters with any of these natural eye color. Although these are rare genetic peculiarities as well, melanism and albinism are allowed. For these two, there will be a limit of one wolf per case; One melanistic wolf, one albino wolf. Any other color not mentioned above is not allowed (Red eyes are an exception only for the albino wolf).


I suggest you take a look at the page itself (Click for the source). It has great information about wolves' lifespan, reproduction, etc.

Application Form

Please delete all in italics. Putting the subjects in bold is preferred. Feel free to add or adapt anything else you'd like.

General Information

|Full Name|







As said before, all of the wolves will start off as wanderers. If your character joins a pack, please update this and add a 'Rank' section below.





|Crush | Mate|


|Other Relationships|





This is were you update your character's most important progress in the roleplay, such as the wolves they meet, injuries gained, etc. Feel free to add anything you want. This helps us all to keep a better track of your character. Please ask if you have any doubts.


Roleplay Thread [ Now open! ]

Chat Thread

HTML Guide


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Edited on 31/08/16 @ 17:45:55 by Legolas (#81091)

_away (#90939)

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Posted on
2016-08-19 17:07:09




2 years, 3 month







Moon, known by close friends as Luna

|Crush | Mate|


Bee is small and ligth. Her eyes are big and brown, making her look inocent. She has fluffy cream and golden fur.

Bee has a very bright, optimistic personality, and always sees the positive side of everyone and everything. To her, everything happens for a reason. She is a strong believer in fate and signs.
Bee also values peace and hates to see others getting hurt, but despite this she will do anything to protect her friends.
Even though she is small and often underestimated she can attack with sheer ferocity and determination.

Bee was born at the beginning of spring and so grew up among clear mountain springs and trees bedecked with emerald canopy. Even though she was adopted she has no memories of time before that. All she can remember are the joyful days spend with her childhood playmate, Luna. They were best friends, inseparable.

It is cruel how easy such joy can be destroyed. It was Bee's second year of live when it happend. Their parents were hunting deer when all of a sudden a huge stag came charging at them. From than on it fell to Luna to take care of Bee. They stayed together for a while and maybe Bee would have never left hadn't the humans came.

Bee was out, hunting alone when she saw them. She didn't know whether she was stalking them or they were hunting her but when she decided to turn tail it was too late. The next thing she remembered was waking up inside an metal cage.

The humans brought her into a world full of new scents and smell. They were other wolves but she didn't recognise their smell. The land was strange. All around her was a high fence out of stone and wire mesh, the earth smelled very different and once a day food came from above, they never new where it came from but it never failed to appear. Bee should have been happy, but she couldn't. Maybe it was the fact that all other wolves didn't seem to care about her worries or the constant smell of humans, Bee couldn't have said.

Than one day it was over. The humans came. Again she couldn't remember how she had gotten into the metal cage but the next thing she new they were gone and she was free again. All around where trees and the earth smelled rich and there wasn't any wire mesh or stone walls to hem her in.


Day 1 - Mood|Action|News


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Edited on 21/08/16 @ 00:59:06 by Varda (#90939)

Legolas (#81091)

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Posted on
2016-08-20 00:20:17

Varda is accepted ^-^

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_away (#90939)

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Posted on
2016-08-20 01:56:46
And Bee?

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Legolas (#81091)

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Posted on
2016-08-20 02:01:23
Ah, sorry. I mean't Bee x3. Both are accepted though!

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_away (#90939)

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Posted on
2016-08-20 02:08:16
Thank you |:)

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Legolas (#81091)

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Posted on
2016-08-20 11:11:50
The Roleplay Thread is open now! ^-^ Go ahead and post, lovely bees >:)

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Finnegan (#91215)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-08-21 04:38:48

General Information

|Full Name|
Cisgender Male
Four years, five months
Demisexual, Panromantic


Seema - Sister - Open for adoption
|Crush | Mate|
|Other Relationships|
Will add in later.





This is were you update your character's most important progress in the roleplay, such as the wolves they meet, injuries gained, etc. Feel free to add anything you want. This helps us all to keep a better track of your character. Please ask if you have any doubts.


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Edited on 21/08/16 @ 14:55:56 by Finnegan (#91215)

Vex (#57493)

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Posted on
2016-08-21 05:33:47


My past does not
Define me
Destroy me
Deterred me
Or defeat me
It only strengthened me

4 years
Talayah weighs around 115 lbs
2.6 ft tall a little smaller then the average she-wolf
Deceased Mother
I am sorry, I couldn't say goodbye, I'm sorry, I wasn't there when you needed me most

Deceased Father
As a great warrior you will be remembered

Little Brother
"My brother I will fight and give my life for you"

Talayah as a soft and well kept golden pelt, it's thick like armor but soft to the touch. She has a white snout and paws and white spotted underbelly.

Talayah's body is rather slim from the lack of food and hunting abilities, she does have visible muscles but actually isn't that strong though she appears to be.

Talayah has beautiful ice blue irises, with a hint of green in them. Her eyes are soft and gentle and rarely every hold anger.


Talayah has barely any scars on her body besides little claw marks that will eventually fade she has one large claw mark on her flank from a bear attack that almost killed her.

Talayah isn't very gentle and kind and speaks with a soft soothing voice, she is always calm and kind witch makes others happy. She is rarely angered and if so it's usually because, another in harming her brother.

Talayah is not brave, this is surtain she has a lot to fear and so should every other wolf in the forest. She will act out and be brave only if her brother or someone she loves in in danger

Talayah is very hopeful she believes that there is a better life for her and her brother to live, and as her father and mother are watching over them they will find there home.
I will be role playing it out if it's ok with you, and if so just ask her and she might just tell you
Talayah - meaning golden ray of sunshine

cute_male_wolf_pup-1920x1200.jpgA good life
Is when you smile often
Dream big, laugh a lot
And realize how blessed you are
For what you have

16 months
83 lbs a little heavier then the an average pup
1.8 ft tall
I never gotten the chance to meet you, but I know you walking within the stars

Noble and strong warrior, someday I will make you proud

I thank you for my life, my protector and my only kin I love you very much
With a dark handsome red coat, he will be with no doubt a ladies man when he's older, well that's what Talayah says. Amells coat is matted muddy and has leaves stuck to his coat.

Amells body has a large structure, with long legs but a scrawny body figure due to lack of food.

His eyes are a dark Amber eyes, that always show his happieness. Tarik always smiles because he is greatful of his life even though his life isn't the greatest.

No scars at the moment due to his young age and lack of fights

A very fun loving and adventures pup always up for new things, anytime of the day. He gets barely any sleep due to his hyperactive side, witch makes him quite fit and can outrun an average wolfs speed including his sister.

Curiosity killed the wolf, in Amells case. As a young pup Amell is very curious and jumps into danger not on purpose of course but this trait makes if a hand full for talayah.

Like his sister just a lot more Amell is very stubborn, not listening to his sister and quick to run off and quick to get himself into harms way, he is a very cute pup but can easily annoy anyone.
i will role play it out
Amell - meaning "A fight for freedom"

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Edited on 21/08/16 @ 16:44:37 by Sahara (#57493)

Raine [Mott
Stripe/Ros Dense] (#835)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-21 09:19:45

Credit to Gray Wolf Conservation of Yellowstone's Druid Pack|Full Name|


3 Years and 7 Months



35" at the shoulder






|Crush | Mate|


|Other Relationships|
Feel free to make your way into his life...

Yellowstone-Wolf-Druid-1.jpg Credit to Mark Brown
A solid statue of representation of the animal species known as Canis lupus, this male wolf appears as a formative shadow despite dawn. A charcoal hue fifths his outer coat of two, clouds of splatter staining his innards. This combination, plastering his overall imagery of black and white. His dorsal area mostly planted to stand out in every environment including the snow, while his face of white glazes his standoffish demeanor, giving him a friendlier gesture. Encrusted around those large yellow stone eyes are the black mascara-like rings that allow his eyes to stare towards the sun and not miss a single motion. Standing 35 inches at the shoulder, this large male wolf is quite impressive in both size and personality if anyone has known him, which isn't much. Four appendages stacked with powerful striations of skeletal muscle in tune with thick bones, allowing his thoracic cavity and abdominal to be carried with ease. Each stride, allowing his gait to increase with tremendous speed and agility, but nimble enough to allow frequent jumps. Each paw, equipped with four phalanxes spread evenly to accompany his girth, while allowing easily voyage between the landscapes. The side facing the outskirts is also darkened, giving this shade of blade, a husky-like background. While inside his limbs lines white, signaling the exportable underside that will signal any rival to attack easily. A large sturdy head, carried by thick cervical muscles that allow each perk, thrash, and hunched posture that wolves are very famous for. Polished white lips with black rims, easily pull-able to display the sight of formed canines, all accounted for. His nose, rubbery but plastered black to help blend in with the majority of his coat, and ears eager to follow the same color scheme. A fleshy pink tongue held fimrly in his submandibular cavity.And his tail..thick; but not as thick as a fox's, completely black with mists of white along the underside to follow the white trail under his belly.

What a mysterious quarry that proves useful to any pack of social gathering, words seem to be inconsiderate despite his vocabulary of growls, and yips. Learning the life of a rouge is not easy but he has learned, and learned fast. Hardship strikes his heart each and every day that often leaves him depressing but still seeking life worth living. Upon encountering him, he is un-trusting and cautious, not afraid to show anyone who they are dealing with. His size and musculature is able to back him up easily, and so a sly growl isn't foreign for his initial greeting. Strangers mean some form of threat to him one way or another, thus explaining his timid and hostile introduction. If acquaintanceship is what you seek, keep your distance until trust buys you time. He is not this hard, cold-stone that he appears to be; infact most of the time this helps him keep intruders at bay. Intruders... pfft, he is the one intruding here for he lacks a pack. Do not expect him to bow so humbily before you, alpha or not.... He is a judging opponent, observing his opponent above and below before debating his choice. Purposefully, I'll admit, he can be a true stubborn asshole..

I'd prefer to initiate his history into the roleplay. ( I need to think of one. Haha)

(If accepted)
Traveling through the Eastern Plains in search of a fresh meal, ignoring all boundaries. /hunger: 80%/ /thirst:65%/ Possibly in the mood for company...

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Edited on 21/08/16 @ 23:47:27 by Raine Tigress (#835)

Legolas (#81091)

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Posted on
2016-08-21 10:00:52
Sahara & Raine Tigress,

Both's characters are accepted! C: You may join the rest in the roleplay thread!

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Phoenix [WCU] (#85565)

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Posted on
2016-08-21 19:59:21
Full Name| Charcoal (often shortened to Char)

|Gender| Female

|Age| 5

|Sexuality| Heterosexual

|Weight|109 lbs

|Height| 30"



|Father| Unknown



|Crush | Mate| None

|Offspring| None

|Other Relationships| None


Charcoal is a normal sized wolf, but leans toward the larger side of the scale. She is pure muscle, and has unbelievable strength and fighting ability, but could never be mistaken for a male. She walks with an air of dignity, pride in herself. She never backs down from a challenge, which is responsible for her scars. She has a few, but the most noticeable is a jagged scar that runs across her shoulder, a reminder from a certain stag to stay out of it's territory. That scar shows her only fear. Stags.

Personality: Charcoal is a very proud wolf, and as said earlier, won't back down to a fight. She is feared, yet respected by many wolves, and those who don't respect her, certainly learn to. She is also a very protective wolf, whether it be over a carcass, or a male. She'll challenge any other wolf that gets near. She often snaps and growls, but when simply speaking, has a clear, dominating voice. Char is also very brave, and will lead other wolves greatly, always protecting her pack, yet keeping them in order at the same time. Another thing about her- Charcoal isn't afraid to kill.

History: She was born to a strong Alpha and respected warrior, which is where she gets her strength from. Charcoal, however, doesn't remember anything from her past except for being alone. She's always been a lone wolf, but is now seeking a possible pack. There isn't much history to her, except for that fateful day she tried to hunt a strong, alert stag's herd, earning her a deep scar across her left shoulder.

Nothing atm


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Edited on 22/08/16 @ 13:28:45 by Phoenix [WCU] (#85565)

Legolas (#81091)

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Posted on
2016-08-22 00:58:13

Charcoal is accepted!

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Remus Lupin (#90897)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-08-22 01:14:19
I think i finally finished.

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Legolas (#81091)

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Posted on
2016-08-22 02:22:25
Charlie/Remus Lupin,

Personalities are somewhat short, so you may want to add some more stuff. Other than that, your characters are accepted! c: Also, i think that Alice is too young to survive on her own, so i suggest she gets adopted or something similar!

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Remus Lupin (#90897)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-08-22 02:30:26
I Have Asked Christi If she/he would Adopt her.

And do you want me to add more to the Personalities?

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Edited on 22/08/16 @ 09:36:04 by Remus Lupin (#90897)

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