Posted by Nomads Of The Horizon|Wolf Roleplay|Open

Legolas (#81091)

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Posted on
2016-07-12 12:57:46

Nomads Of The Horizon
A wolf roleplay

Hellur! Welcome to Nomads Of The Horizon, a literate, realistic wolf roleplay. Our main goal is to create a fun environment, always open to new members that wish join the lands of Greylea.

The Rules

I. All LioDen Roleplay Rules apply.

II. No godmodding, powerplaying, gary/mary issues, etc.

III. Posts should be in third-person and past-tense, and players are expected to use correct spelling, grammar, capitalization, and punctuation to the best of their abilities. At least a paragraph is required.

IV. We know that life can get in the way sometimes, but please, if you know beforehand that you won't be able to post for a while, let us all know!

V. Fade to black when necessary. I suppose you all get it by now.

VI. Please be polite to everyone OOC. If there is any problem with other members of the roleplay, i would like you to let me or moderators know rather than creating something unnecessary.

VII. You cannot harm or kill another character without making the action an attempt.

VIII. For the most part we are a realistic wolf roleplay; the only fantasy elements should be the characters’ “humanized” personalities and their ability to speak. This means no magical abilities, accessories, or unnatural physical traits (wings, horns, etc). However, there are some new exceptions about the eye colors. You will find a size chart and a eye color chart for better guidelines below.

IX. We encourage you to 'follow the current'; Not knowing what will happen makes the roleplay more interesting and fun, reason why we attempt to avoid OOC plotting. "Character A should meet Character B" is acceptable. "Character A and character B should become mates and start a pack" is not.

X. There will be no formed packs at the beginning. These will be created throughout the roleplay, and to do so, a minimum of five wolves with a common goal assemble and claim a land as their territory. In order for the pack to be accepted, the player of the lead wolf should PM me the pack creation form (See below) will all the information needed. As for now, we believe that three packs would be a good maximum, though this can change in the future depending on how many members join. Also, please don't create packs right away.

Pack Creation Form

Name of the Pack:
Territory claimed:
Pack description: A brief explanation of the pack's way of life/alignments, etc.

Wolf Sizes


Made with PhotoScape. Heights are measured at shoulder-level.

Eye Colours

In the real world, the majority of wolves have amber eyes. However, there are rare instances of brown, gray, orange, yellow, blue, and green. For the sake of fun and diversity, we allow characters with any of these natural eye color. Although these are rare genetic peculiarities as well, melanism and albinism are allowed. For these two, there will be a limit of one wolf per case; One melanistic wolf, one albino wolf. Any other color not mentioned above is not allowed (Red eyes are an exception only for the albino wolf).


I suggest you take a look at the page itself (Click for the source). It has great information about wolves' lifespan, reproduction, etc.

Application Form

Please delete all in italics. Putting the subjects in bold is preferred. Feel free to add or adapt anything else you'd like.

General Information

|Full Name|







As said before, all of the wolves will start off as wanderers. If your character joins a pack, please update this and add a 'Rank' section below.





|Crush | Mate|


|Other Relationships|





This is were you update your character's most important progress in the roleplay, such as the wolves they meet, injuries gained, etc. Feel free to add anything you want. This helps us all to keep a better track of your character. Please ask if you have any doubts.


Roleplay Thread [ Now open! ]

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Edited on 31/08/16 @ 17:45:55 by Legolas (#81091)

🌺 TRAGIC 🌺 (#95899)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-08-18 09:15:49
Thanks, Legolas, everyone was fine in the end! Turns out it wasn't too bad haha.
Howdy again, finally getting round to writing this up! Hehe, I've been excited to do this - I hope my characters will be fine! Also, apologies but I'd rather avoid placing pictures in my applications. To be honest, I like the reader of the form to be able to paint a picture in their head of the character or get an idea (at least) of what they look like.

General Information

|Full Name|


4 years


140 lbs




// Fear, previously Ike //
Haha... I look up to you, you twisted savage. Thank you for raising me well...
Fear was not a very fatherly wolf. He was the main reason Shadow had been driven to her current state and was such a cruel being. But she, despite everything, kind of looked up to him and respected him. No doubt, she was his favourite pup. Fear trained her at a rather young age to fight and hunt, giving her only one scar. Not to say she didn't mess up (a lot) and she was not very good at hunting, tricking or stalking, despite her dark fur. Fear praised her for what she did well but also was scolded on what she did wrong. He is the only family member Shadow did not kill.

// Snowflake //
Oh, mother... How weak you came to be. If only you were like father. Perhaps that would have never happened to you.
Snowflake tried her best to be a good mother, but Shadow was never one to listen to her. The female had always acted soft around the dark pup, something that later made her 'weak' in her growing daughter's eyes. Within the last weeks in which Shadow remained in the pack, Snowflake was discovered dead in the snow. And the killer was revealed to be no other than Shadow.

// Eldest pup, male, Red //
Look how strong I have grown to be, brother! Or maybe you saw that the day you perished.
Even though she hated him strongly, Red had never actually physically abused Shadow. He did, however, say things, Now, most words would not do anything to Shadow. She didn't care much about what others said about her, but Red knew her like no other and always said things that got to her. This lead to a stronger hatred, and he was the first that Shadow confronted and killed out of her three siblings.

// Male, Rakou //
You were the one who led them on, correct? You got what you deserved... but you didn't really deserve it, did you?
Rakou was the one who encouraged Ekaila to harm Shadow. The two weren't the best with their fighting skills and neither was Shadow at the time. When their father had trained the black she-wolf to harness good battle abilities, Rakou was the second victim.

// Youngest pup, female, Ekaila //
I don't know which one I hated more: you, or Rakou. Funny how the ones with such... interesting names were the ones to become so blind. You could have been strong like me, sister.
Ekaila was less involved in everything than Red or Rakou, being the least confident of the four. Shadow often felt sympathy for Ekaila and questioned herself the day she planned to catch the female alone. That was why she hated her: Shadow always questioned herself at every thought and plan. She had always wondered what would have happened if Ekai had been on her side, or if she had spared her, and decided that perhaps there could have been a future for them together. Maybe better than what had happened.

|Crush | Mate|
// Scar, male, previous partner //
You were wise to never come back. But maybe nothing would have happened to you if you had just stayed. My wrath was to be suffered either way, but it may have been better for you if you hadn't left.
Scar and Shadow had actually met when she came across him scavenging out in the forest. She had no idea that he was part of a pack and offered the small, skinny male food and shelter, an offer which was gladly accepted. The two gradually grew closer, Shadow not knowing if she'd ever have to kill him. The two became partners after a while, but eventually Scar was found to have had pups with another wolf and left. Shadow grew greatly upset with him and later attacked, leaving the male injured, but not dead.

Shadow never had pups, and never wished to. Not after what she had done to Scar and her mother. Besides, who would ever love her anyway?

|Other Relationships|
// Jade, female //
Ooh, I hated you so much it hurt. I'm glad I got rid of you and your brother, and I'm glad I never met that sister of yours. I don't know what made you do everything but you needed to stop. Forever.
Jade actually never did anything bad to Shadow. She just tried to make her a better wolf, but did not succeed.


Shadow is a melanistic she-wolf, hence the name 'Shadow'. This means that her pelt is entirely black. Her eyes are grey.
The female's fur is scruffy, though she is not thin at all and is strangely well-fed. Or at least she appears so. Despite the messy appearance, she is well-built, not underweight. Her muscles are strong, but not visible through her fur. Shadow is... well, some would say she is menacing just from her appearance. Whilst being a large wolf, her eyes are sometimes completely empty, but other times they may be filled with an unexplained rage or anger. But it is only displayed there, never in her expression.
That remains the same most of the time: a straight face. Her stare, because of this emptiness or anger, can be incredibly unnerving at times. Not only is her gaze odd, but her body is covered in scars. Not literally, but she has clearly been in quite a... few fights.

Shadow is aggressive and does not like those she sees as 'weak'. Of course, those wolves she sometimes believes have strength and can improve, but other times she takes a strong disliking, no matter how much they relate to her or not. She is confident that she is able to take care of herself, but cannot hunt well. This is surprising since she is decently fed, but she was able to scavenge for food. Or is able to steal it from someone less fortunate. Shadow is also not confident with her stalking and stealth abilities, often messing up when trying to remain undetected. In addition to this, her skill in trickery is not the best despite her intelligence. She finds that she is unable to trick opponents or animals. What she is good at is her fighting abilities, taught mainly by her father. The female often praises the opposing side on what they do well and tells herself off whenever something goes wrong or she messes up. Not only does she have ability in battle but she is rather intelligent. She is proud of that. Shadow is not the kind of wolf who stays quiet in an argument and is usually quick to take sides and can sometimes switch, proving to be unpredictable at times, and possibly violent. But she has learned that being violent... well, it sometimes doesn't end well.

(-Will be written up on paper, then copied onto here.)

DAY 1:: (tba)

Shadow will sometimes be heard muttering little things quietly to herself. Things that make little sense to others who haven't heard her talk about her family.

~ ~ ~

General Information

|Full Name|
Éric (don't worry about typing the accent all the time! It's just a little thing so I can remember the pronounciation: AY-RIK)


4 years


63 lbs




// Pascal //
I thought us males were meant to be strong? What a poor excuse for strength... Huh, I suppose you have helped me out throughout the time I knew you. I suppose that's something to be thankful for.
Pascal was a kind father and Éric appreciated that. Despite seeing that his son was a rather scrawny little thing, Pas was kind and took care of him, hoping that one day, when he left, he'd take care of himself. However, the male was rather weak, standing up for Éric but not always being able to protect him. But the young pup never got scars from that. In fact, most of the scars he could have earned went to Pascal. And for that, Éric was kind to him when he grew.

// Askana //
Oh, how I appreciated you... I want you to know, somehow, that you were a fine mother and I wish I'd been there to help you. Okay?
Askana was not only a rather protective and strong she-wolf, but she always worked to make sure Éric and his siblings were strong enough to survive in the wild. She also allowed them to wander off from time to time, and she would follow, making sure that they were okay but watching to see what they were doing. This lead to her discovering their hidden talents, and Éric admired her for her sneaky plans and intelligence. So he planned to grow up just like her. The pup later heard of her death, a fight with a pack wolf who was well-fed and strong. He wished he could have been there to help her.

// Female, Adder //
You were such a snappy wolf, sister. But I know you loved us, didn't you? Haha... I apologise for the 'accident' though. Because I take full credit.
Adder and Éric were close, but could have been closer. The two often bickered but never really fought too badly, and other times worked well together and spoke like a brother and sister ought to. They were both good at hunting, Éric's intelligence and trickery allowing Adder to use her excellent stealth and stalking skills to trap and hunt down prey. However, the two fought one day, verbally, over how weak Éric truly was. He didn't like that at all. So he prepared a plan on their next hunting trail, suggesting a nearby herd of elk to his sister. She headed off, with Éric close behind. The two came to a river. There were a few stepping stones. He went first now, moving across until they were close to the end. Then he stopped, causing Adder to bump into him, losing her grip and sliding into the deep water. Éric watched as she was swept away. And he kind of regretted it.

// Youngest pup, male, Tosko //
You were so sweet and kind... How could anyone want to hurt you, brother?
Tosko was always there to comfort his siblings. He was a very empathetic wolf and tried his best to make sure everyone was okay and feeling well. If anyone so much as coughed he would be at their side, tripping over his words as he tried to ask if they were alright. Éric found this amusing and would sometimes make fun of Tosko, but they remained very close brothers, even after Adder and Askana's deaths. When it came time for Éric to leave, Tosko tried to go with him and tried to persuade Pascal to come too. But the male refused, saying he had to go alone. It was his own life now.

|Crush | Mate|
Éric never had a mate.

Éric never even thought about having pups.

|Other Relationships|

Éric is a cream male with brown eyes and rough, scruffy fur. He is a small wolf and is clearly not well-fed, a skinny little thing. Whilst he has a quite frail and weak appearance, Éric is not afraid to fight. Those brown eyes are not as bright as they used to be, and it is clear they hold experience and slight grief.
Not only is he weak-looking, but he is scarred. The most noticeable scar runs down his left shoulder. Another runs down his right eye. He is not blind in that eye, luckily, but some may assume so due to where the scar is. His hind right leg, however, is scarred a lot and he usually walks with that one up. His leg has been damaged, possibly beyond repair, and to put pressure on it is to walk with great pain. But Éric has learned to deal with walking with three legs, and even running and fighting.

Éric is intelligent and loves to play pranks or tricks. He is rather serious, though, not making sarcastic comments when he gets the chance and never joking too much. He will become less serious the more you get to know him, but he dislikes making friends. The male is afraid that if he gets too attached to anyone they may end up breaking his heart, whether it be through death or other kinds of ways that end up leaving him alone. This is why he does not want a mate or pups, because if that mate ever died he would be beyond heartbroken and he could never handle having his pups go off to live their own lives. He would worry so much... But Éric has learned that he has to be strong, emotionally, to get about. With his smarts, he can survive physically. With a strong mind, he can survive mentally and emotionally.
Éric can be different from what he is when you first meet him. He can begin as a rather careful and suspicious wolf, but will slowly begin to calm down the more you talk or get to know him.

Éric was born to Pascal and Askana. He grew to respect his parents and siblings, not much happening through his younger years. Everything got worse when he became two years of age. That was when he and Adder had the argument that lead to her death. His plan was to lead her out to the river, which was deep and had swept away animals before, and make her somehow slip into it, knowing she couldn't swim. Éric succeeded, watching as she was pulled down the river, likely to her death. He regretted it.

Not too long after, Éric ended up splitting from the family after Askana's death, heading off alone. He didn't really know what to expect, but he soon found out that the world was full of danger. For the next two years, he found himself getting into fights with others and earning scars and growing more cautious, learning to trust nobody and only care for himself. He got his leg pretty badly messed up from trusting someone. And that's where he is now: a wolf with an injured leg, a small wolf with no idea what is coming next.

DAY 1:: (tba)

Éric will not sleep until everyone else has dropped off into whatever kind of dreamland they enter. He likes to make sure they're all okay and will often stay up for a long time afterwards, watching out until his eyes forced him to rest.

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Edited on 20/08/16 @ 09:15:27 by Thanatomaniac (#95899)

Rice (#70588)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-08-18 09:47:59
@Thanatomaniac I prefer it too, but I've been trying to do it all day and i kinda gave up.

@NaiPherah My character i'm making is kinda similar, maybe they could be in cahoots?

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Legolas (#81091)

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Posted on
2016-08-18 09:53:17

Shadow is accepted! :') Ah, i'm glad everything is okay then! As for the backstory, i believe that it's all good and already explained in the relationships. Though as only you know for sure, you can add more whenever you want. c:

Feel free to create the second character ^-^ Awiie, you have all won a spot in the roleplay and in our hearts <3

Get accustomed to my corny thingy things, everyone :v

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Rice (#70588)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-08-18 09:53:35



Around 5 years

Gayest gay in all the lands

Approximately 80

32 inches

None yet


Unsourced image removed by moderator.

Bear – Huge brute, Deep chocolate fur that lightened at the roots of fur to a cream.
“what's it like? Being so perfect.”

< ">

Nikki – Average sized she-wolf, smoky gray with darker pattering along black and shoulders.
”You are such a COWARD!”

Unsourced image removed by moderator.

Domino – Cream she-wolf, fur color leaning towards more yellow than white
“Out of all of them, I wish you would've understood.”

None (so far)

“Maybe one or two, if I found the right wolf (and it was physically possible)”

Other relations
None so fare


Sparrow is surprisingly cold, She refuses to let anyone close to her due to fear of rejection.
Most of the time she's calm an collected, but sometimes she has an off day and is angry and short-tempered about almost everything.

Not to long ago, two wolves lived peacefully side by side as mates in the Eastern Plains.
The Male was a huge brute that went by the name of Bear, Which suited him well, not only due to his broad head and shoulders, but he was also very protective of his possessions, He was also a strict rule follower, and believed anyone who disobeyed should be punished.
The female was kind and soft, The polar opposite of her mate.
She gave birth to two pups, completing their family.
For years the four were tightly knit, but not as close as the two daughters.
Now, Bear was never able to blame himself for any situation.
Usually this ended up with Nikki getting snapped at and maybe lightly injured.
But once the two pups were born things were calm.
((Anyway, I can't seem to word this right, but Sparrow's father attacks her for being homosexual, and her mother and sister just watch. Sparrow plans revenge and ends up killing her father, then her mother for just watching while her father tried to tear her to shreds. Domino comes in on the scene shocked to find her parents dead and Sparrow hovering over their bodies. Sparrow goes on a crazy rant about how they can run away together and never have to deal with their fathers abuse and their mothers cowardness ever again, But she tries to run away and sparrow catches up and kills her too.))

Day One
Met Zeriko (Neutral)

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Edited on 18/09/16 @ 19:18:24 by Feather :: Ostomate (#42722)

Legolas (#81091)

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Posted on
2016-08-18 09:59:49
Alley Cat,

Sparrow is accepted! ^-^

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MoonBeam(RSC) (#88078)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-08-18 10:19:12
I can't wait for the roleplay thread to be out!!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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🌵 | zoinked (#88158)

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Posted on
2016-08-18 10:19:38
You mean Graylethe right?

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Imperial Disease (#74494)

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Posted on
2016-08-18 16:34:55
"Once you start running, don't stop or else I will find you."

|Full Name|







Unknown Male

Xera, Unknown whereabouts.

None. Pm to offer

|Crush | Mate|
None. Pm to offer

None. Pm to offer

|Other Relationships|
None so far.

Appearance: Click

Personality: The red beast known as Mephesto is a.. oddity. At one moment during the day he can be jolly, happy and a bit weird. And durong another part of the day he can be a psychotic creature that just wants to see you suffer. Call it.. Joker syndrome.

History: There is not much to know about this brute. He was born to a pair of wolves in the southern plains. Traveled with the so called couple and their other offspring before he came of age and left one day to explore on his own.

Tracker: Day 1, TBA

Other: Hiya cx

"Bow down to the king, or be slaughtered."
|Full Name|







Piloren, Deceased

Unknown female.

Verona, deceased.

|Crush | Mate|
None. Pm to offer

None. Pm to offer

|Other Relationships|

Appearance: Click

Personality: Let's make it simple: He's a twisted, sexist, masochistic, power hungry asshole. There is no good within his DNA except for how he can be merciful when he kills you if you have humored him correctly.

History: He would prefer to keep his history to himself. Only a trusted ally will know his great tale.

Tracker: Day 1, TBA

Other: Hiya

*Coughs* xD dams wolf is hawt

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Edited on 20/08/16 @ 12:24:25 by Imperial Disease (#74494)

Phoenix [WCU] (#85565)

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Posted on
2016-08-18 17:10:30
|Full Name| Moon (close friends call her 'Luna')

|Gender| Female

|Age| 3 years, 6 months

|Sexuality| Heterosexual

|Weight| 70 lbs

|Height| 25"



|Father| Midnight (pitch black wolf, deceased)

|Mother| Celestial (pure white wolf, deceased)

|Siblings| Bee, a golden wolf who was orphaned, then adopted by Luna. Bee and Shadow were great friends, but now Shadow has no memory of where she went.

|Crush | Mate| None, open. PM me :)

|Offspring| None, possibly open

|Other Relationships| None

Shadow is a reasonably small wolf, and has silvery white and dark grey/black fur. Really, she looks like she was once white, and walked through a cloud of smoke that stuck. She has fur at a regular length, although it leans towards the long side. Shadow has a slender build, and is built more for running and stamina than fighting, this said, she doesn't like fights. She's a great hunter, however, but would only attempt deer with friends due to her size.

Personality: She is a very loyal, reliable wolf. To her close friends, she is a fun, loveable, kind wolf but to strangers she is not kind at all, new wolves definitely have to earn her trust, but once she trusts them, they can trust her, she will stand up for her friends and pack without a second thought. Also a very smart wolf, she can't be fooled easily and likes to confuse enemies when she can. She enjoys playing games, and really is a playful, fun wolf on the inside.

History: She had a very good pup-hood, at 3 months, Bee was adopted into her family. They were best friends, inseparable. When they were both 2 years old, their parents were killed while hunting an angry stag's herd, Bee and Shadow stuck together for a while, but got separated, as one day Bee got lost. No matter how much she looked, Shadow couldn't find her, so she gave up.

Tracker: No details

Other: If anyone wants to RP as Bee, feel free to do so :)

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Edited on 22/08/16 @ 13:29:39 by Phoenix [WCU] (#85565)

🌺 TRAGIC 🌺 (#95899)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-08-18 22:54:39
Howdy again - I updated my reply to add my new bab. He's just below Shadow, I made a large header which I will likely remove to split them up! I hope Éric is okay. c:

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-08-19 00:00:24
@Thanatomaniac - Éric is accepted! I will add him as soon as possible!! :3

@Imp - Mephesto and Xerxes are accepted! I'll add them soon ^^

Phoenix - Shadow Moon is accepted! But I'd prefer you change the name as there is already a wolf named Shadow. :3

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Legolas (#81091)

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Posted on
2016-08-19 10:06:19

The roleplay thread has been created and is done! ^-^ -Christi, you only need to post the character's and pack's list <3- However, before the roleplay officially begins, we would like to have all the WIP applications done. And yes, dear Imperial, this includes your charries. x3

~This dwarf's excitement is real~

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Imperial Disease (#74494)

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Posted on
2016-08-19 10:42:18
Damn it Lego xD do you know how much I gotta type on my shitty phone lol

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Legolas (#81091)

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Posted on
2016-08-19 10:42:38

I stated above that before the roleplay begins, the WIP applications must be ready.

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LunarLiones (#95755)

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Posted on
2016-08-19 10:59:07
Oh sorry!!!!Heh!Didn't notice that.....can I still leave it up there?Again,sorry.

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