Posted by Nomads Of The Horizon|Wolf Roleplay|Open

Legolas (#81091)

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Posted on
2016-07-12 12:57:46

Nomads Of The Horizon
A wolf roleplay

Hellur! Welcome to Nomads Of The Horizon, a literate, realistic wolf roleplay. Our main goal is to create a fun environment, always open to new members that wish join the lands of Greylea.

The Rules

I. All LioDen Roleplay Rules apply.

II. No godmodding, powerplaying, gary/mary issues, etc.

III. Posts should be in third-person and past-tense, and players are expected to use correct spelling, grammar, capitalization, and punctuation to the best of their abilities. At least a paragraph is required.

IV. We know that life can get in the way sometimes, but please, if you know beforehand that you won't be able to post for a while, let us all know!

V. Fade to black when necessary. I suppose you all get it by now.

VI. Please be polite to everyone OOC. If there is any problem with other members of the roleplay, i would like you to let me or moderators know rather than creating something unnecessary.

VII. You cannot harm or kill another character without making the action an attempt.

VIII. For the most part we are a realistic wolf roleplay; the only fantasy elements should be the characters’ “humanized” personalities and their ability to speak. This means no magical abilities, accessories, or unnatural physical traits (wings, horns, etc). However, there are some new exceptions about the eye colors. You will find a size chart and a eye color chart for better guidelines below.

IX. We encourage you to 'follow the current'; Not knowing what will happen makes the roleplay more interesting and fun, reason why we attempt to avoid OOC plotting. "Character A should meet Character B" is acceptable. "Character A and character B should become mates and start a pack" is not.

X. There will be no formed packs at the beginning. These will be created throughout the roleplay, and to do so, a minimum of five wolves with a common goal assemble and claim a land as their territory. In order for the pack to be accepted, the player of the lead wolf should PM me the pack creation form (See below) will all the information needed. As for now, we believe that three packs would be a good maximum, though this can change in the future depending on how many members join. Also, please don't create packs right away.

Pack Creation Form

Name of the Pack:
Territory claimed:
Pack description: A brief explanation of the pack's way of life/alignments, etc.

Wolf Sizes


Made with PhotoScape. Heights are measured at shoulder-level.

Eye Colours

In the real world, the majority of wolves have amber eyes. However, there are rare instances of brown, gray, orange, yellow, blue, and green. For the sake of fun and diversity, we allow characters with any of these natural eye color. Although these are rare genetic peculiarities as well, melanism and albinism are allowed. For these two, there will be a limit of one wolf per case; One melanistic wolf, one albino wolf. Any other color not mentioned above is not allowed (Red eyes are an exception only for the albino wolf).


I suggest you take a look at the page itself (Click for the source). It has great information about wolves' lifespan, reproduction, etc.

Application Form

Please delete all in italics. Putting the subjects in bold is preferred. Feel free to add or adapt anything else you'd like.

General Information

|Full Name|







As said before, all of the wolves will start off as wanderers. If your character joins a pack, please update this and add a 'Rank' section below.





|Crush | Mate|


|Other Relationships|





This is were you update your character's most important progress in the roleplay, such as the wolves they meet, injuries gained, etc. Feel free to add anything you want. This helps us all to keep a better track of your character. Please ask if you have any doubts.


Roleplay Thread [ Now open! ]

Chat Thread

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Edited on 31/08/16 @ 17:45:55 by Legolas (#81091)

Hetchi🦂👑 (#39590)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-08-17 15:18:57

|Full Name|


Four Years


Eighty Two Pounds



Hex Senior
“You are not mine by blood, this is fine as blood isn’t always pack”

“I love you no less or more than your siblings. Taking you in is a choice I’ll never regret”

“Because my word is law Respect your elders, Kid.”
Hex Junior
“You’ll never be pack to me, no matter what they say!”
“You’ll come back, right Jax?”

||Crush | Mate|


|Other Relationships|

Ajax is lean and built for swiftness. Under his tri-colored fur are well developed muscles and ‘knowing’ amber eyes. He is an average sized wolf with a roguish look about him. Just looking at him will give you the feel that he just doesn’t care…. About anything; this isn’t true. Its just his stance and face that scream boredom. At second glance you truly understand where the term ‘wolfish smile’ comes from. A smile that is set off by the scar that runs around his muzzle. Its still charming none the less.

He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. All Kind smiles and soft words. You could say he’s docile, but you’d be very wrong. Ajax is an apex predator of the mind. He wont sit back shuffling his paws and let you walk all over him. He is all about the long term plan. It only a matter of time before he hurts what or who you love in retaliation.
But that’s only if you’ve done the same. Jax is very family orientated and he believe that blood has nothing to do with the bonds of pack. This doesn’t stop him from wanting a mate; though its not his first priority. First he wants to find his place in the world. He’s friendly to everyone if not a little skeptical of others. Ajax enjoys late night walks, rain, sweet grass and ripping the ears off bunnies.

The first thing he remembers is the cold. The second the warmth of his mother. His adoptive mother. It was never talked about in detail and Ajax doesn’t mind as he loves his siblings and parents very much. Even Junior; whose not the most happy of wolves. Even in the prosperity and happiness of it all, he felt as if he didn’t belong. There was always something more out there that Ajax wanted. So he set out and is looks for it on his own.
The beginning of the journey wasn’t as well spent as he wanted. He found not all packs were as excepting as his fathers was. He earned his first scar in that year and only now started being able to think of it without wincing. Sometimes he thinks he might just be searching for his origins.

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Edited on 18/08/16 @ 13:15:30 by Hetchi (#39590)

Christicat15 (#54511)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-08-17 15:34:48
@Hetchi - Yay! A different colored wolf. I'm so happy ~ there's so many white wolves.
Anyway, so far so good, he's accepted I'll add him soon.

@Everyone - By the way, I'm sorry if I haven't added your characters yet! I'll do that soon! :3

Well, guys, I'm getting tired. I live in Brazil so it's 2:30 right now. I'm surprised I have not passed out lmao

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Hetchi🦂👑 (#39590)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-17 15:39:32
@Christicat, I've noticed and thank you.

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LunarLiones (#95755)

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Posted on
2016-08-17 23:02:19
Oh,I'll change that ^_^

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🌵 | zoinked (#88158)

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Posted on
2016-08-18 05:22:18
Is there still room for me to join?
I am apart of four other roleplays, so it might take a while for me to reply, but this just looks so exciting *o*

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Legolas (#81091)

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Posted on
2016-08-18 05:40:16

Christi and i have made some changes about the eye colours problem, and we believe that this decision will end with everyone happy! We have also added a size chart and a eye color chart to avoid similar problems in the future, as well as the pack creation form, and you can check these out under the rules. Everyone has different opinions about the matter, and it is completely fine to tell yours! Though none of us can be 100% sure of the correct answer to this, and with all these pages stating different things, less. However, we took word of the ones saying that these genetic defects are possible in order to keep everyone happy and, as stated below and in the main post, to maintain diversity.

"In the real world, the majority of wolves have amber eyes. However, there are rare instances of brown, gray, orange, yellow, blue, and green. For the sake of fun and diversity, we allow characters with any of these natural eye colors. Although these are rare genetic peculiarities as well, melanism and albinism are allowed. For these two, there will be a limit of one wolf per case; One melanistic wolf, one albino wolf. Any other color not mentioned above is not allowed (Red eyes are an exception only for the albino wolf).", this is what i wrote on the eye color guideline. Again, i apologize for all the trouble that this created. Also remember that we all must try to make this a fun and 'chill' environment. <3 If you have any concerns, please PM either me or Christi! ^-^

EDIT: Yes there is, NaiPherah. ^-^

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Edited on 18/08/16 @ 12:41:09 by Legolas (#81091)

Lumiere (#86771)

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Posted on
2016-08-18 06:00:48
I have updated my forms, and they are complete ^^

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Legolas (#81091)

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Posted on
2016-08-18 06:29:18
Your characters are accepted, Sierra! ^-^ Sorry for the delay.

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Rice (#70588)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-08-18 06:36:13
I really want to make a wolf, but due to time and me stressing out with details (Codes to make it look nice, long and detailed descriptions,ect) it might take awhile.

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-08-18 06:36:53
@Alley Cat - No worries! ^^ Please take your time! We do not want you to feel rushed! :3

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Edited on 18/08/16 @ 13:37:12 by Christicat15 (#54511)

Lumiere (#86771)

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Posted on
2016-08-18 06:48:26

It's not problem ^^

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🌵 | zoinked (#88158)

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Posted on
2016-08-18 08:18:48


:: Quote ::
"Sometimes it's better to be alone, that way no body can hurt you,"

:: Gender ::

:: Age ::
3 Years | 18 In Human Years

:: Sexuality ::
Demiromantic | Asexual

:: Weight ::
187 Pounds Of Muscle

:: Height ::
3.4 At The Shoulder
5.10 On His Hind Legs

:: Pack ::

:: Relationships ::
| Accalia |
His late mother, who he misses with all his heart.
"May your walk to the Star Wolves be peaceful and effortless, and one day I will meet you there,"

| Vex |
An evil wolf, who had no tears whilst slaying his own kin.
"I can no longer call you my brother..."

Will be updates as needed

:: Appearance ::
A fairly large wolf with dark grey fur, almost a black silver in the light. His eyes are a steely grey blue, turning an icy cold near his pupil, and always holding a strong hardness to them. He is a little larger than the average grey wolf, weighing a bit more as well, though this is caused by years of pushing himself to be stronger after haven been forced to leave his family at such a young age.

Despite all this, Graylethe could be considered a rather attractive brute, but his striking irises contrasting against his midnight pelt, not to mention his abundance of scars ranging from all sizes and grotesque appearances, can come off as a bit intimidating to some, and this has caused him to be alone for quite some time. Though the male has no issue with it, he can't deny he misses the feeling of a warm body pressed against his own when the nights are cold.

:: Personality ::
| Distant/Gaurded |
Graylethe is not your average wolf, choosing rather to be alone then with a pack. Though he knows it is much safer to be in a group, wether big or small, he can become shy, or even nervous around animals he doesn't know, and this causes him to become guarded and distant, which hasn't helped him gain any companions in his past years.

| Determined/Stubborn |
A determined wolf, Graylethe never backs down from a fight, and has become an excellent warrior throughout his years of harsh training. those he has come to tussle with have described him has never knowing when to quit, or being a stubborn and foolish pup, and he could never help but agree with them, finding these traits of his to be a good thing. Yet he can't deny someday his obsession with always having to get back on his feet could end up being the death of him.

| Confused/Untrustworthy |
Deep down under the scars, size, and murderous gaze, Graylethe is nothing but a young wolf deprived of any affection. Having his mother torn away from him at such a young age, seemed to have really confused his mind, and he fears getting close to anyone else, will only lead to history repeating itself. He has terrible trust issues, unable to trust even his own twin brother, and refuses to let anyone get to close to his heart. Oblivious to the fact that if he goes any longer with no interaction wth another living creature, he could possible lose himself, and his sanity.

:: History ::
Born in a small litter of two, him and his brother Vex were dearly loved. There mother Accalia, a noble she-wolf who even without a mate was strong enough to care for her two pups, never gave up on them, and happily watched them grow into two attractive young males. Though as time went on, Graylethe could feel something was... Wrong. His brother Vex, was different. He would sit alone, laughing and talking to himself, he was quick to anger, and would cause fights with Gralethe for the silliest of things. Worried for his older twin, he one day decided to tell his mother. Only that day, was when he lost everything.

He came to the den, to see Vex standing over the she-wolfs body, blood dripping from his maw, and down his neck, a deranged smile plastered on his face as he stared down at her, no muscle in his body moving. Graylethe left that day, ran far from the den, leaving Vex, and his mother behind. He hasn't seen his twin sense then, and any mention of a black wolf with green eyes as dark as a dying forest has him on edge.

:: Tracker ::
Will be updated as needed

:: Other ::
* His past and and any mentions of his brother can cause him to hyperventilate, and freeze. This being one of his only weaknesses, along with the fear of dark caves.

* He is most likely not to fall in love, unless he becomes extremely close with another wolf. And this is un likely, due to his desire to be alone, and his problem with trusting strangers.


:: Quote ::
"Some call me insane, but I prefer... Creative,"

:: Gender ::

:: Age ::
3 Years | 18 In Human Years

:: Sexuality ::
Aromantic | Asexual
(Though he is Aromantic, he still has a chance of falling in love)

:: Weight ::
163 Pounds Of Muscle

:: Height ::
2.3 At The Shoulder
5.5 On His Hind Legs

:: Pack ::

:: Relationships ::
| Accalia |
First victim.
"Don't worry mother, Graylethe will be joining you shortly,"

| Graylethe |
Lost brother.
"Brother, I will see you soon"

Will be updates as needed

:: Appearance ::
An average wolf with dark fur, midnight black even in the brightest light. His eye is a dull green, reminiscence of a dead forest. He is a scarred wolf, with a torn ear, and left side of the face, nearly bald, and in place of the dark fur lies a battlefield of scratches and puckered flesh. Leaving his left eye a milky white from almost being completely torn out.

Vex has been recognized manly due to his distinguishing appearance, and reputation for murder, and on rare occasion canibalism. He is always seen with an eerie smile, large yellow teeth lined in black lips, and pale gums. His green eye is piercing and intimidating, with a small pupil, and the white surrounding the green bloodshot. He is known to show no mercy, killing any who stand in his way, and because of this, the odor of decay, and blood fallow him like a second shadow.

:: Personality ::
| Ruthless/Evil |
Vex has no compassion for the innocence, and will kill them on the spot if standing in his way. Never batting an eye or looking back on those he's caused misery and pain to. He just has no room in his unbeating black heart to care.

| Fearless/Intimidating |
Showing no signs of fear, some are convince this demon wolf has none. He never thinks twice of an animals size or appearance before lunging for the kill. His way of words can come across as calm, causing those to become wary of him, and choosing to stay away. Which he pays no mind to, as long as they don't interfere with his self given missions.

:: History ::
Vex says he was born with his insanity, but the real cause for it was jealousy. He always felt as if his mother loved the blue eyed twin more, and grew furious, but more so heartbroken. He felt left out, and alone, because of this he snapped. Beginning to talk to himself, telling himself jokes, and playing games alone, he soon became his own friend, though this still never blocked out the love and affection his mother Accalia only ever showed his twin brother. No matter how badly he wanted, he could not stop thinking of her death, then maybe Graylethe could finally be his friend? And they could play together? Though he had to do it when his brother was away.

So one day, after convincing himself, he did it. Killed her in her sleep, and watched as the life source slowly drained from his mothers eyes. Though he came to realize... He liked it. Shocked at this discovery, he was frozen over his mother, repeating the way it happened over, and over in his head. Oblivious to his brother standing in the entrance of the den.

:: Tracker ::
Will be updated as needed

:: Other ::
* Maybe later on he will turn normal, or maybe he could fall in love with a she-wolf and she can try to change him. Though I don't know why a she-wolf would return his desires, lol.

* He will not kill another wolf without that character owners permission first.

* If anyone wants their wolf to die, he could be the one to get rid of them sense he is a murderer and he has a reputation to uphold ;)

* Theme song ~ Beekeeper by Keaton Henson

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Edited on 18/08/16 @ 17:23:21 by NaiPherah (#88158)

Ravenflare (#89598)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-08-18 08:58:42
To be updated
|Full Name|


5 Years


118 Ibs


(To be updated)
As said before, all of the wolves will start off as wanderers. If your character joins a pack, please update this and add a 'Rank' section below.




Heilo|Sister|Alive (OPEN)
"I will never leave you nor forsake you"

|Crush | Mate|


|Other Relationships|
Friends: OPEN

Screen Shot 2016-08-18 at 12.48.48 PM

Redwood has a russet-like pelt, with a mix of brown and gray, while his underbelly is white. His eyes are brown-amber and he has a small scar over the bridge of his nose.

Redwood is a loyal wolf who will always stand by your side. He tries to stay calm in sticky situations, and tries his best to make decisions that will help or benefit every wolf. Although all those good qualities, Redwood can sometimes become insecure due to his past. He can get troubled or distracted easily, and sometimes become distant. He'll defend his only remaining sister, Heilo, no mtter what the cost. He never wants to lose her. In the future, he hopes to put his past behind him and either lead a pack or join one.

Redwood was born into a family of loners. His mother and father would hunt and fend for themselves, him, and his siblings. They all worked together to survive, until one fateful morning. His parents had awoken to the noises of barks from dogs, and that meant one thing... hunters. They tried to run, but the dogs had caught up and over taken them. While his parents tried to defend their cubs, Redwood and Heilo managed to escape. They had just crossed a river when a dog blocked their path, behind them, another one stood. They were trapped. They decided the only way was to escape by the river. After they jumped in, they could hear dog barks and gun shots in the distant, as they tumbled and thrashed in the cold water. Eventually, they managed to drag themselves out and started walking. Wherever the wind would take them, there was no point going back. They traveled far and stuck together, trying to find a pack to join or lead.

(To be updated)
This is were you update your character's most important progress in the roleplay, such as the wolves they meet, injuries gained, etc. Feel free to add anything you want. This helps us all to keep a better track of your character. Please ask if you have any doubts.


|Full Name|
Harley, but likes to be called Raven


3 Years Old


60 Ibs, if well fed


(To be updated)
As said before, all of the wolves will start off as wanderers. If your character joins a pack, please update this and add a 'Rank' section below.





|Crush | Mate|


|Other Relationships|
Friends: OPEN

Screen Shot 2016-08-18 at 6.54.49 PM

Raven has a mostly black pelt with some silvery parts. Her eyes are amber, sticking out from her dark pelt. She has a small, slim, build.

Raven is a loner, and prefers it that way. She's not much of a social wolf, but will tolerate it if necessary. She can have a prickly attitude if you get on her bad side, but she's generally a decent wolf. She can be pretty easy going, and sometimes even have a good temper. She's used to getting fed daily, and can become grouchy if she doesn't get enough food. Although, once you get to know her, she can become quite enjoyable to be around.

Raven was born in captivity, at a zoo like place. Her parents were born in the wild, and brought into captivity, where they met each other and instantly fell in love. She was always fascinated in the stories about the wild, never the love stories. They never interested her, but that's because she's ever been in a relationship like that before. Anyways, ever since she was little, she promised herself to leave this life behind, and start a new one in the wild. Her parents and siblings laughed, asking how she would survive and even escape the facility. With many attempts, she was finally able to escape into the wild. She's been trying to survive ever since. She often misses her family.

Day 1:
Has found


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Edited on 24/08/16 @ 08:17:59 by Ravenflare (#89598)

Legolas (#81091)

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Posted on
2016-08-18 09:02:57

Both of your characters are accepted! I loved Vex, may i say. An evil character, hehehe.


They look good so far! ^-^

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🌵 | zoinked (#88158)

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Posted on
2016-08-18 09:13:30
Yay thank you! ^3^

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