Posted by Escape (A leopard RP sign-ups)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-07-29 15:38:16


What? Where am I? What happened?! The last you remembered you were stalking that tasty looking zebra, the next something pierces your side and your out like a light. Now your in a strange cage in a circle-like room with other leopards, there are no lights but you don't need them. Some have obviously been here longer then you as somethings wrong with them. Is... Is that one glowing!? You've been captured by mad scientists and transported to a underground facility hidden under the Savannah. Once a day your let out with the other leopards to hunt in a force fielded room. Inside is prey much larger then the ones out in the wild. Does that leopard have wings!? Whats going on here? Can you and the others find a way out or are you doomed to live in forced captivity forever?


1) No Mating/Birthing scenes! <*b>Fade to Black<*/b*>
2) No force mating.
3) NO Powerplay/godmodding; Such as using another character thats not yours in any way. Insta-hitting. Indestructible/Powerful characters. give others a chance to reply before you do!
4) 4+ Sentences! Be Descriptive. Correct grammer and spelling to the best of your ability. NO "Kills prey runs back home drops and sleeps." Or "__ Panted and slept, it was hot outside." Or "Doug asked Jay 'do u know the best place to hunt? r u hungry?' "
5) Keep Cussing to a minimum.
5A) Put 'marshmallowz' if you read this far.
6) Keep the genders even.
7) As many characters as you can handle.
8) Hate the character not the player
9) You cant be in one place then suddenly go to another if something is going on that you dont like.
10) If your character dies, it is DEAD. No Regeneration.
11) Destiny (#17200) & Cora (#38247) are the owners of this RP.
12) Be nice OOC
13) Animals allowed : Leopards! (THREE Jaguars ; Sprinkles & Kiwi(?) reserved one.)
14) This is a semi-literate roleplay and I understand writers block... Ignore rule 5A and put 'Crazy Catz' in the cats bio if read this far.
15) Please don't 1v1 if others don't reply. You can do this for 4 total posts. IE You, them, you, them. Then YOU have to wait for at least 2 other people.. I don't want my thread clogged with 1v1ing.
16) PREY REFERENCE: Large: Rhinoceros, Young Giraffe, blue wildebeest, Buffalo, Zebra Medium: Kudu, Impala, Eland, Okapi, Hirola, Antelope. XX
17)NEW RULE! There can only be 1 kind of each mutation! There can be different 'variations' of them like the O5 winged, there can be 1 with wings that aren't fully developed or don't work. Or may have feathers growing from their legs and shoulder or something. NO TWO MAY BE THE SAME!
18)NEW RULE! In the beginning all leopards will be there! Though the O5 (Original 5) will call them by their arrival numbers until they fully learn the names and such. The escape will NOT happen until I or Cora says so. I have planned what the escape is and most will have developed their mutations within the first 3 IRL days of being in the lab.

Character List:


~Original Five... I was planning on having those ones planned and have them lead the leopards (since their more skilled)
1. Winged (Tires quickly when flying)(For never, Forever ; Lead Warrior)
2. Glow in the dark (Can choose to glow or not)(? ; Cub Watcher??)
3. Elemental (VERY limited use on the powers. VERY weak when in use. 10 minutes tops or gets very weak. etc)(Mine ; Leader)
4. Over grown claws & teeth (Cinder ; Deputy)
5. Shadow Manipulation (Can form shadow 'creatures' and move shadows and such. Can't really do anything with powers just yet.)(Cora ; Lead Hunter)~

~For every 3 leopards there shall be 1 caretaker.
They are in a circular room, cages are kinda rounded on the sides and about 2 feet apart. In total there are 20 cages, 2 door ways (One for the caretakers and one to the outdoor arena). They get to hunt twice a day, before sunrise and after sunset, ALL leopards go out at once. 24/7 water by electric pipes that run through the tops of the cages into good sized bowls. Cages are big enough for cats to walk in circles and lay out fully like this XX~

~The originals are anywhere from 3-4 years old, while the newbies are anywhere from 1-2 1/2.~


~ Name ~
~ Age ~
~ Gender ~
~ Mutation ~
~ Sexuality ~
(Orientation; Bisexual, heterosexual, ETC)
~ Rank ~
(For when ranks are formed)
~ Personality ~
~ Appearance ~
~ Biography ~
~ Family/Relationships ~
~ Other ~
Anything else?



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Edited on 06/08/16 @ 08:12:52 by Wolflord (#17200)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-07-29 17:29:27
Nope. .-.

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☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2016-07-29 17:33:05
Crazy catz

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-07-29 17:33:23
thank you

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_away (#90939)

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Posted on
2016-07-29 18:53:36
Is this baby allowed: ?

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Misfit-Kiwi (#93064)

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Posted on
2016-07-29 19:51:26
Is the Glow in the Dark still open?

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Misfit-Kiwi (#93064)

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Posted on
2016-07-29 20:43:04
Because if it is, this will be her. XD

~ Name ~ Nightlight
~ Age ~ 3 years old
~ Gender ~ Female
~ Mutation ~
Glow in the Dark:
- Her fur glows in the dark, causing her to be an easy target at times.
- She can't control it completely, her fur will glow when there is not light. But as soon as day light or any light hits, the glow will stop.
- She though can force her fur to glow during day, full light. It's hard and tiring and it's on a time limit unlike if it was naturally on at night. But it's like snapping a glow stick, once she has done it. Her fur will glow until it dies out and she'll have to "snap" it again at a later day once her energy is restored. It's like a timer.
~ Sexuality ~ Heterosexual
~ Rank ~ Cub Watcher or whatever available | Original
~ Personality ~
Nightlight's main traits is honesty, patience and over-confidence. It will always be seen and is pretty much the control over her personality. Her minor ones though... it's like a split personality, or well it seems that way. Like a light switch, or glow stick. When the light is on, she is bright, motherly and kind mixed in with her main traits. But with the light off, or glow off. She redeems a cool head, and can be slightly cold at times. So if you are to ever strike up a friendly conversation with her, it's best done at night, when her "glow" is naturally on. Because during the day, she becomes cold, and doesn't really care about anything... Though, there is times when she forces her glow during the day that her personality will change to that of her bubbly one.
~ Appearance ~
Nightlight holds a plain and common fur color, her build is though slightly thinner and bony then others and her eyes are a light brown. Though, when she glows, her pale brown sections start to hold a pale green almost yellow hint type of glow colour, in fact, at night, the glow becomes so strong that you can not see the original coat color then if it was during day. Where the glow is only minor and her fur colour is still slightly visible. Also the black sections of her fur and face though remain the same and do not glow.
~ Biography ~ Crazy Catz.
Nightlight was taken into captivity at the age of 5 months, while out with her mother on a hunt, in which she was taken away. Her mother's life is though unknown and she went into a depression almost with that fact. She arrived not long after another leopard named Jasper, and at first meeting, she wasn't a very pleasant leopard. The scientists did experiments on the them there. And after a few months and a few other leopards joining them. She noticed that they all started to change. In fact, her fur started to glow at night, which irritated her to no end. Not only because she sometimes couldn't sleep, but because she was happy. For no reason, and she even was friendly to the others. But once day hit and light shone through the small windows in the room, her mood changed back to normal and much like her fur. Over the years there, her glow got stronger at night and her personality become more split then ever. So much so that she even learned to force her glow for a small amount of time during day where her personality would light up much like her fur.
~ Family/Relationships ~
- Mother: Unknown if alive or dead.
- Jasper: Admires him when she is in her "happy" personality, but when she is in her "unhappy" personality, she rather he just give up with his anger towards humans.
- Aozora: In her "happy" mood, she likes and respects her. When in her other mood, she gets slightly aggravated by her at times.
- Rainy: She gets along quite well with her, regardless of mood. But she still handles her better in her happy mood. Her unhappy mood is hard to please.
- Astra: She get's along with her much like with Rainy.

(That's her relationships with what I got on their information. That doesn't mean you characters will feel the same about her. XD)

~ Other ~
Nightlight all in all, is split personality, so though she may have one relationship through her "happy" personality. It could change when she is in her "unhappy" personality. It all depends on you guys how your characters react and adapt. And maybe she still likes them all regardless of personality or hates them. But we will see when we start, I can only base Relationships on what I have read on your characters so far.

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Edited on 30/07/16 @ 03:44:30 by Misfit-Kiwi (#93064)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-07-30 04:26:16
@larentia, No sorry... It's an african leopard roleplay ^^'
@Misfit, nightlight will be the fifth to arrive at the compound ^^..

NOW looking for regular jaguars for the compound!!! They WILL gain their powers after a day or so of experimentation. I will inform you when ^^

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Kiwi (#28328)

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Posted on
2016-07-30 04:38:01
Kiwi is 290000% confused
What is this

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-07-30 04:40:00
x3 it's an advanced leopard rp. They were experimented on and it caused random mutations

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Kiwi (#28328)

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Posted on
2016-07-30 04:41:35
Kiwi is not advanced
Kiwi has not RPed in years


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☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2016-07-30 04:43:17
Leopard RP chat

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-07-30 05:47:57

:: Name ::
:: Age ::
3 years 3 months
:: Gender ::
:: Mutation ::
Sten's wingspan is about 20 feet, huge, but what you would expect for a winged leopard. His wings are mostly a bright bronze like color, except for his primary and secondary feathering, which is a shade of dark brown, almost black. (see this image for a better understanding on what feathers.) He tires very quickly when flying, his weight tends to weigh him down and tire him out, especially with his large wingspan.
:: Sexuality ::
:: Rank ::
Original/Lead warrior
:: Personality ::
Sten is an intelligent warrior. He is friendly, and sarcastic at some times. He has also been known to be fairly strict when he needs to be, disobedience from the warriors can really piss him off. If you stay on his good side, he is known to be a very good friend, protective and always honest. if you get on his bad have a big storm ahead of you. good luck. Sten can be a bit irritable now a days, he doesn't enjoy the locked away area and the cages, but he can't do anything about it.

Did i mention that Sten has a huge soft spot for cubs? x3
:: Appearance ::
Sten is a large leopard, standing at 31 inches at his shoulders and weighing roughly 90 pounds. His build is strong and agile, he is very well coordinated and focused with his appendages. his coloration is very light, a light tan base complemented by fairly dark speckling. He has very faint white unders that are almost unnoticeable against his tan fur. His eyes are a striking yellow that gleam with intelligence.
:: Biography ::
Sten doesn't really remember anything before the compound. He only remembers waking up in this strange facility moments before humans injected something into his scruff. He roared in pain but quickly fell asleep again. When he awoke, everything ached. He could hardly stand. When he got his full consciousness back he realized something was...different. Once he noticed that he had wings, he automatically freaked out. who wouldn't? He screeched and ran around his cage, running into walls and swiping at his own wings. This was a dream right? He soon realized he was mistaken....this was real. He came to calm down and accept that he had grown wings, which still sounded ridiculous to him. There were a few other leopards there, and more came. He is now a lead warrior of the group in the facility. We will see what happen with him next.
:: Family/Relationships ::
none at the moment
:: Other ::
Image is linked to source
(crazy catz)

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Edited on 30/07/16 @ 13:14:04 by For never, forever (#61889)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-07-30 06:12:39
you didn't read the whole rules never :P Otherwise, accepted.

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bucky barnes
{1032/3000} (#48555)

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Posted on
2016-07-30 07:28:48

img_0692.jpg source
{ Vesper }
{ Age }
2 years
{ Gender }
{ Mutation } wip
*//- ////
*Telepathy- 'ability to read the thoughts of or communicate with with others' Vespers strongest ability and the one that drains him the least.
{ Sexuality }
{ Rank }
to be decided
{ Personality }
Vesper is a sweet little leopard, he deeply cares for others and makes sure he doesn't invade anyone's privacy. Vesper is rather intelligent, even before the experiments began. He is rather timid and distrustful due to the abuse he's been facing with experimentation. As he begins to open up he shows more emotion, showing his sarcastic and sometimes snarky side. Once you gain the male's trust he's loyal. To extend his survival he remains an opportunist.
{ Appearance }
A lithe male leopard with a light tan coat and strawberry spots, along with a underwhite marking. His eyes are a hazel shade. He stands at an average height however is quite lighter than he should be.
{ Biography }
'crazy cat'
Vesper was born in a zoo with his mother. Little before he turned 6 months the zoo was shut down and the animals were sold off in auctions. Vesper was seperated from his mother and bought by the institution. The experiments and testing began as soon as he arrived. It took sometime before his telepathy showed itself, he's still being tested on to improve his skills and expose any other potential mutations. His mutation(s) aren't physical or as powerful as others, Vesper tends to stay distant from the group, he's a bit self-conscious.
{ Family/Relationships }
unknown father

{Other }

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Edited on 30/07/16 @ 14:38:03 by bucky barnes (#48555)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-07-30 07:34:11
hmm.. the possession might be a bit OP for this rp... Telepathy is... ok as it's not controlling another.

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