Posted by Escape (A leopard RP sign-ups)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-07-29 15:38:16


What? Where am I? What happened?! The last you remembered you were stalking that tasty looking zebra, the next something pierces your side and your out like a light. Now your in a strange cage in a circle-like room with other leopards, there are no lights but you don't need them. Some have obviously been here longer then you as somethings wrong with them. Is... Is that one glowing!? You've been captured by mad scientists and transported to a underground facility hidden under the Savannah. Once a day your let out with the other leopards to hunt in a force fielded room. Inside is prey much larger then the ones out in the wild. Does that leopard have wings!? Whats going on here? Can you and the others find a way out or are you doomed to live in forced captivity forever?


1) No Mating/Birthing scenes! <*b>Fade to Black<*/b*>
2) No force mating.
3) NO Powerplay/godmodding; Such as using another character thats not yours in any way. Insta-hitting. Indestructible/Powerful characters. give others a chance to reply before you do!
4) 4+ Sentences! Be Descriptive. Correct grammer and spelling to the best of your ability. NO "Kills prey runs back home drops and sleeps." Or "__ Panted and slept, it was hot outside." Or "Doug asked Jay 'do u know the best place to hunt? r u hungry?' "
5) Keep Cussing to a minimum.
5A) Put 'marshmallowz' if you read this far.
6) Keep the genders even.
7) As many characters as you can handle.
8) Hate the character not the player
9) You cant be in one place then suddenly go to another if something is going on that you dont like.
10) If your character dies, it is DEAD. No Regeneration.
11) Destiny (#17200) & Cora (#38247) are the owners of this RP.
12) Be nice OOC
13) Animals allowed : Leopards! (THREE Jaguars ; Sprinkles & Kiwi(?) reserved one.)
14) This is a semi-literate roleplay and I understand writers block... Ignore rule 5A and put 'Crazy Catz' in the cats bio if read this far.
15) Please don't 1v1 if others don't reply. You can do this for 4 total posts. IE You, them, you, them. Then YOU have to wait for at least 2 other people.. I don't want my thread clogged with 1v1ing.
16) PREY REFERENCE: Large: Rhinoceros, Young Giraffe, blue wildebeest, Buffalo, Zebra Medium: Kudu, Impala, Eland, Okapi, Hirola, Antelope. XX
17)NEW RULE! There can only be 1 kind of each mutation! There can be different 'variations' of them like the O5 winged, there can be 1 with wings that aren't fully developed or don't work. Or may have feathers growing from their legs and shoulder or something. NO TWO MAY BE THE SAME!
18)NEW RULE! In the beginning all leopards will be there! Though the O5 (Original 5) will call them by their arrival numbers until they fully learn the names and such. The escape will NOT happen until I or Cora says so. I have planned what the escape is and most will have developed their mutations within the first 3 IRL days of being in the lab.

Character List:


~Original Five... I was planning on having those ones planned and have them lead the leopards (since their more skilled)
1. Winged (Tires quickly when flying)(For never, Forever ; Lead Warrior)
2. Glow in the dark (Can choose to glow or not)(? ; Cub Watcher??)
3. Elemental (VERY limited use on the powers. VERY weak when in use. 10 minutes tops or gets very weak. etc)(Mine ; Leader)
4. Over grown claws & teeth (Cinder ; Deputy)
5. Shadow Manipulation (Can form shadow 'creatures' and move shadows and such. Can't really do anything with powers just yet.)(Cora ; Lead Hunter)~

~For every 3 leopards there shall be 1 caretaker.
They are in a circular room, cages are kinda rounded on the sides and about 2 feet apart. In total there are 20 cages, 2 door ways (One for the caretakers and one to the outdoor arena). They get to hunt twice a day, before sunrise and after sunset, ALL leopards go out at once. 24/7 water by electric pipes that run through the tops of the cages into good sized bowls. Cages are big enough for cats to walk in circles and lay out fully like this XX~

~The originals are anywhere from 3-4 years old, while the newbies are anywhere from 1-2 1/2.~


~ Name ~
~ Age ~
~ Gender ~
~ Mutation ~
~ Sexuality ~
(Orientation; Bisexual, heterosexual, ETC)
~ Rank ~
(For when ranks are formed)
~ Personality ~
~ Appearance ~
~ Biography ~
~ Family/Relationships ~
~ Other ~
Anything else?



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Edited on 06/08/16 @ 08:12:52 by Wolflord (#17200)

Phoenix [WCU] (#85565)

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Posted on
2016-07-31 11:53:33
~ Name ~ Azure

~ Age ~ 2.5 years

~ Gender ~ Female

~ Mutation ~ Eyes change colour, e.g. bright amber/orange when angry, teal with an amber ring around the outside when neutral, warm amber when loving, deep blue when sad

~ Sexuality ~ Heterosexual

~ Rank ~ Hunter

~ Personality ~ Azure is a very kind leopard, she's willing to help anyone, even if she knows she really shouldn't. She's a very loyal leopard, and if she betrays those close to her, something's not right. Although she has her sweet side, Azure is pretty wicked with enemies and is very smart, tricking and playing mind games with enemies if she can, and is fiercely protective of those she loves

~ Appearance ~

~ Biography ~ As a young leopard, she grew up with a loving family, her mother took good care of her and her siblings, and her father surprisingly stayed with her mother. Soon, another young leopard slightly younger than her came to live with them, and they became best friends. The other young leopard was Rainy.

~ Family/Relationships ~ Mother: Luna, a very pale leopard with grey-blue eyes, deceased. Father: A gorgeous leopard, although he had no distinctive markings, deceased

~ Other ~ Azure would eventually like a mate, feel free to PM if interested lol (Crazy catz)

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Edited on 01/08/16 @ 15:36:52 by Phoenix [WCU] (#85565)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-07-31 11:57:20
What rank is she gonna be? warrior or hunter?

(We'll have a slightly off number of warrior to hunter ratio but it'll be fine. 8 females to 7 males, yikes.)

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Phoenix [WCU] (#85565)

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Posted on
2016-07-31 11:58:06
edited :)

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-07-31 12:00:53
Accepted ^^

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-07-31 12:02:21

Hey hey hey! :3 it's Christi! <3

Like Legolas, my fav spot was chosen so I'll go with warrior!
May I reserve a warrior male? Thank you.


Moderator removed image due to improper source

"You know my name, not my story. You know what I've done, not what I've been through. If you were in my paws, you'd fall with the first step."

~ Name ~


~ Age ~
2 years, 4 months

~ Gender ~

~ Mutation ~
Animal Traits (Snake, Cheetah, Owl/Hawk)

For unknown reasons, Claw has traits from three animals: a Snake, a Cheetah, and a Owl/Hawk.

~ From the snake, Claw has venom. He has sharp fangs that produce a poisonous liquid that can be used to kill if he bites. He chooses whether or not he lets the venom out. He also has gained a good sense of smell.

~ From the cheetah, he has speed. He can run as fast as a cheetah, but tires if he runs for too long. He has special pads on his feet for traction and a long tail for balance. He also gained better eyesight as well, able to see very clearly across the hot terrain.

~ From the Owl/Hawk, Claw has increased senses, including an extremely keen sight (night vision included, etc) and sharp claws.

~ Sexuality ~
Hetersexual + Heteroromantic

~ Rank ~

~ Personality ~
Claw is a very aggressive, vicious, and overall fearless brute which can even be bad at some times, as he will take on any opponent and will rush into a fight, though his strength is helpful. He lacks fear overall. He only fears one thing, losing someone he loves, whether it be romantic, friend-wise, or family-wise. Given his slightly short temper, Claw is very quick-to-fight and, due to his large size and strength, he can almost always cause damage if he does attack. As mentioned before, the male is very aggressive, likely to attack if he has a reason. He is definitely quick to jump with claws out if he or someone he cares for is injured, insulted, or threatened, often causing damage. Hence the name Claw. If someone manages to break the stone called his heart, Claw is one of the most passionate males there is, able to hold those dear to him very close. Even though his rather reserved and cold personality can push away the females, he can be quite charming if he wants to and if he ever does find a mate, he would be interested in having pups. Though for the most part, Claw will most likely never get a mate, and he believes this himself, as he is one of the most rough and vicious canines, one that doesn't let himself get very close to another- he'd have to actually fall in love, which is unlikely.

~ Appearance ~
Picture Above! || Source

A fearsome - yet attractive - male with pitch black fur and intimidating yellow eyes. Standing at a fearsome 34 inches (at the shoulder) and weighing at a startling 155 pounds (a lot of it muscle), Claw is typically a "beast among beasts", one of the largest - if not the largest - leopards in the group, with an immense amount of strength, like his father before him. Like a snake, he has poisonous fangs. He is very strong, with rippling muscles like stone to the touch, earned from violent and rather aggressive training (from his father+by himself), and the large quantity of fights he has fought in his lifetime. Due to his size and intimidating figure, Claw is a leopard known to strike fear into others, having a fearsome appearance. This broad-shouldered male has a few scars on his body from the many battles he has fought, including a long one down/across the left side of his neck from his mortal enemy [OPEN], three faint claw marks on his left back leg, and a small, barely noticeable one across his dorsal bridge (nose). The fighter also has other various scars on his pelt, but none as significant as the ones mentioned before. Despite all the scars Claw wears, the brute is still an attractive wolf, though he does appear as a fearsome and intimidating brute- his black fur, scars, piercing eyes, and his large, stocky body all making this so.
(this paragraph made no sense -facedesk-)

~ Biography ~
Crazy Catz love Marshmallowz


~ Family/Relationships ~
Hawk [Father - Despises] [Deceased; Throat Wound <-Claw]
Luna [Mother - Loves / Grieves] [Deceased; Throat Wound <-Hawk]
Squirrel [Brother - Loves / Protects] [Status Unknown]

Wanheda [Soon Friend / Soon Crush - Cares for / Protects] [Alive] [ Legolas (#81091) ]

Open for Other Relationships! PM Me!

~ Other ~
So Excited <3

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Edited on 29/08/16 @ 12:04:22 by Msasi (Caesar of Romesepia) (#21461)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-07-31 12:03:11
Yes you may ^^ I'll save your spot on the docs now! What's his name gonna be?

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Legolas (#81091)

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Posted on
2016-07-31 12:03:53

I'm hyped tonight. c:

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☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2016-07-31 12:05:43
Is your bestie coming tonight?

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-07-31 12:06:45
Thanks and Oh my freaking dog his names gonna be Claw I'm so excited.


same omd. :D

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Legolas (#81091)

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Posted on
2016-07-31 12:06:52
My bestie just reserved a warrior male spot x3 Lol.

- Rolls as a barrel to the Chat thread -

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

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Posted on
2016-07-31 12:07:43
-points at chat with cocked eyebrow-

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{Hirthstar's Side} (#88043)

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Posted on
2016-08-01 06:12:11
Um, hello everyone. Could I reserve a female warrior please?

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-08-01 06:18:42
No... Gotta be male

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Edited on 01/08/16 @ 13:21:52 by Wolflord {Oynx Rosette Stud< (#17200)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-08-01 06:24:40
Had to drop claw to 2.5 years... As that's the oldest for the newbies ^^

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-08-01 06:41:57
It's cool :)

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