Posted by [Aug] Buffalo Scrotums for 500 Dry Bones

Tikka [mottled king
cheetah] (#90262)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 07:22:05
Yes, many people think that 700 is wayy too much, so it'd be better if it was 500 like a lot of players originally thought.

This suggestion has 530 supports and 39 NO supports.

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Edited on 18/11/17 @ 08:29:03 by Katze (#3)

Angela |Skyward
Queen| (#77401)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 11:49:16
We have had about 200 more active daily players per year compared to previous years.

That's... not a ton of growth honestly? I mean sure there's thousands of new accounts but most of them aren't active most of the time or we'd have a lot more people online.

I feel like it's not enough growth to warrant a big price hike, especially considering how many buffalo scrotums are currently in game and how few are actually available to buy. Much less for reasonable prices. People are already charging $20 or more in GB, and for something that only boosts cub number in a litter that's already very steep.

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PeachMilk 🍑 lil
Low Rider (#8330)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 11:49:46
I would also understand the price increase for cows... as long as there was A warning... like far advance warning.. B a slight increase in JB encounters/other ways to obtain JB and C not a ridiculous increase..

im sorry to say it also... but if admins are stressing over the amount of players vs currency being gained then maybe its time to make LD have a limited time to register once a month like some other sims have done? :/

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Miss Hades [7.2k Ice
Primal] (#100240)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 11:49:58

And see that's an issue. But if every player has to work for their own Dry Bones for shop items I don't see why such a drastic increase is needed. Sure more members means more people buying, but it also means there's more demand. Look at Lion Scrots. They -added- scrots to an event, which was definitely worrying and caused the dwarf market to backslide, but prices for lion scrots have still leveled out again to what they normally are outside of that month

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ChaosAzeroth🐱 (#2690)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-12 11:53:48
A lot of people seem to have that problem honestly. the timing couldn't have been worse short of actually changing it when it opened, because basically we got the just short of that. On top of the timing it was changed in the wiki and may change was touted so much as flat being told I wanted to tear my hair out by the time they stopped the chatting in chat.

Whether or not it's intentional ((my money is on not)) there has been a lot of dismissive tone in many of the replies before a certain point. Granted there were some nasty behaviors on the unhappy side, I don't at the same time appreciate feeling like I'm being talked down to when I'm calmly explaining a thing. That I'm sure hasn't endeared anyone to this either.

When people feel like they're being treated like a child despite trying to be civil it only increases resentment and push back.

The whole thing is a mess, even many people who are willing to accept this aren't happy about the way it was handled. This whole situation just makes me go man I'm sad that talking about other sites is banned it really does because I could drag up a million points on why the way this was handled was bad and how it uses up faith/trust/goodwill. But I'll have to just leave it at that.

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jakory (#9961)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 11:56:27
if they're worried about currency gain... don't let side accounts earn any. I know a lot of sim games that allow side accounts that don't allow earning currency. but that'd be even worse than this in terms of reaction. Lol.

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Delinquent (#95362)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 11:56:41
Personally I think it was just an unneeded increase in event currency. As a casual player, I knew I could reach my 1000DB goal, so I could buy two Buffalo Scrotums. But now, I'm going to have to push super hard to get 1400DB for the two I originally set out to get.

I understand that Felis coming out could've been the cause, but honestly die hard primal breeders will get their hands on those Buffalo Scrotums even if they have to buy them with GB. They could've at least warned us at the start to lessen the sting.

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🎨TheDrawfrog🐸 (#54517)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 12:01:50
So, I just wanna pitch in specifically because I have seen a couple posts relating to this being a way for the site to get more GB.

As a player, I do think the sudden change is annoying- I work a full time job, have a side job and don't have as much time as I'd like to grind for the stuff I want as it is, and a sudden change throws your calculations off. I dunno if I can afford the item, and I'm bummed. So yeah, I would, as a player, like it changed back to 500. But we don't know ultimately why the staff made this change. It could be a server issue, it could be because it felt to 'easy' to get to 500, who knows. They may tell us soon, they may not.

But I really like that this game exists.
I'm an artist myself, and seeing the effort that goes into this site full of illustrations is pretty inspiring. I love how I see regular updates. I like that they do listen to the community, that everytime I take a break and come back, it seems that it keeps building up. It it is technically free to play. It helps keep a site running to pay- and from the looks of it, this is a full time job. So the theory that this change is a roundabout way of getting more GB, we do not know that, I don't really believe it. But "ugh, they are greedy they just want more money" in general? Well.. yeah. They need it to run the site. The fact that we are able to voice our opinions like this and get signatures and recognition shows that they are listening and they can and do make changes and adjustments based on what they see. So yeah! *mashes support button* Gimme' cheap balls!

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Edited on 12/08/17 @ 12:05:35 by TheDrawfrog (#54517)

Heda Vampiric (#56702)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 12:03:34

May I just point out in lue of Feather's earlier comment on us being entitled and used to getting "5-30" scrotums a year that I have noticed a lot of people posting on this thread are merely wanting 1-2. Just 1-2. For a month of work. And they're having to scramble now for that because of the sudden change. I know some people who want like 10, but they were probably gonna buy from other players too to get that, and that's not even have of the max 30 estimate.

Not debating, just adding on; If they knew they were gonna let felis fuck with the buff market why not plan it for, idk, December?

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ChaosAzeroth🐱 (#2690)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-12 12:05:28
I was always pretty active before and never managed near 30, I want whatever helped people get that many. x3

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WeepingLamb (#114736)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 12:06:45

I really hate how they just changed it /right/ before the shop open. That ticks me off.
And they didn't even mention it anywere besides just updated the wiki. What about the people who bid on even currency auctions?

The least they could have done was give everyone a warning or something before just going and changing it right before the shop opens.

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ChaosAzeroth🐱 (#2690)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-12 12:07:53
^ That seems to be something causing a lot of these supports too, not the idea it can never change but the idea it was handled so poorly this time it should be next time.

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Heda Vampiric (#56702)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 12:08:11

@TheDawnFrog - There are people who pump $1k+ into this game. Moderators and Helpers are not paid staff. That leaves the amount of people who need paychecks to a very small number (I understand there are a few out of person expenses). They have a large influx of people buying currency all the time. Where is the money going. I've seen them make a lot of 'money-grab' looking features lately, and I'm not enjoying it.

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Edited on 12/08/17 @ 12:08:45 by Heda RedBox (#56702)

Notevy |
Çß | (#115741)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 12:08:26
@Elizabeth I'm supporting this too, but apparently they did mention it. It was a single bullet point in the august event news post saying "there may be a change in peddler shop prices" ...that was literally the only warning we got, though

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Edited on 12/08/17 @ 12:09:10 by FoxxNote [Main] (#115741)

WeepingLamb (#114736)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 12:11:08
Oh really? They could have done a red notice thing with one of those "clear message" things. That would have been alot better than some little bullet.

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Deku (#117676)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 12:13:18
Is it just me, or has the bar for unlocking the peddler shop frozen at 98%? I've been watching it for the past 4 hours and it hasn't gone up at all, while the other bars have been proceeding as usual. If it really is frozen, then it could mean they've seen our complaints and are working to fix things before the shop opens.

Or I could just be overthinking things.

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