Posted by [Aug] Buffalo Scrotums for 500 Dry Bones

Tikka [mottled king
cheetah] (#90262)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 07:22:05
Yes, many people think that 700 is wayy too much, so it'd be better if it was 500 like a lot of players originally thought.

This suggestion has 530 supports and 39 NO supports.

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Edited on 18/11/17 @ 08:29:03 by Katze (#3)

WeepingLamb (#114736)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 13:51:36

*Slow clapping*

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Blue Pigeon 🐦 (#68580)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 13:54:34
I have to agree with Finn. I knew that their excuse that the increase was due to an increase of players held little water, and Finn laid it out beautifully.

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Fakelamb (#41549)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-12 13:54:42
honestly, i believe you're correct :')) it's just another nudge to get people to buy gold beetles

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Heda Vampiric (#56702)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 13:56:04

@Finn - BlessYouShrimpGod

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(TheEbonyPanther) (#49783)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 13:56:11
But Mystery, when there are more players that also means that there are more people needing to use the balls. The demand goes up too, not just the supply. Sure, there might be more balls for sale in aftermarket trades but that wouldn't lower the prices they sell for because with more players more people will be wanting to buy too.
Raising the DB price is more likely to change the aftermarket prices because it will make the scrotes rarer by making the ratio of scrotes to players lower.

More scrotes:more players = normal

Less scrotes:more players = scrotes much harder to get than before (both now and in aftermarket)

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Notevy |
Çß | (#115741)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 13:57:27
@Finnegan good addition to this post! And yeah, I was one of the people who kept calculating how much I would end up with by the end of the event, totaled out to 20+ without the change. Now with the change I should still hit 10, but that's about it.
I don't have much GB ever OR even any real money to spare, so I'm not going to get buffy balls from literally anything else, and I'm definitely not paying $20+ to buy a one use item that only gives me 3 cubs... That's insane and a waste of my time imo.

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Bamon (#12532)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2017-08-12 13:59:15
Thankyou Finn <3

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Kich (#2373)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 14:09:10
"I'll be honest, when they said they were adjusting prices I was expecting it to be lowered, not raised. 500 was already much harder to get the Buffy balls than it is to get them in the Feb event."

Yes, this.. I thought they were going to make them cheaper too, not more expensive. 500 is already a salty price, so to make it even higher.. it's very bad design, imo. Their reasoning for this is absolute bullshit as well, as many people here have pointed out and proven.

Not only that, but I also agree with Finn that in reality this is nothing but a greed-driven move. Personally, I'd love to donate, but in my current money situation I just can't. I donated $10 some time back and sadly that's all I can afford right now. But even if I could donate more, with this change.. I wouldn't. Whenever I donate money to a sim, I want to make an investment. Get a certain amount of currency for it, get some fun out of it. But if I'd get less balls out of it than I could've gotten without the price hike.. yeah, no. That's a waste of my money, right there. You get less stuff for the same amount of money, that doesn't really make me want to donate if I otherwise would've. I donate not only to support the site, but to get the deal out of it that I wanted, so if that deal is ripped out from me, I don't feel my donation is deserved. To me, this seemed a bit of a dick move.

And before people point out that I wouldn't have donated now anyway.. yeah, maybe I can't donate right now, but I'm looking for work all the time. I imagine I'll have a job next year. I'd be able to donate a proper amount then. But if this becomes a trend and repeats itself in the future, I'd rather spend my money elsewhere.

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Mystery (#38000)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 14:17:01
@Cerrates - Oh yeah, that makes sense :o All this supply and demand stuff is a bit confusing. x'D

I mean, I still totally agree with Finn. I'm not exactly a fan of prices being raised, but I was trying to come at it from the staff's point of view, I suppose.
I know for a fact that if I was a newer player and joined in on an event only to see a breeding item valued at 1,000 event currency, I'd just give up on getting one of those. And, I honestly used to go pretty hardcore in events when I first started playing, because I just "had" to have one of every event decor.

I edited my previous post a bit, and I'll paste part of it here:
Personally, 500 DB is a bit difficult for me to obtain in the first place as more of a casual player. I'm just looking to compromise, because I wholeheartedly believe the staff will not reduce the price back to what it was. We've had issues like this before, and while the staff may have acknowledged our position on the matter, they tend to also ignore it.
I mean, raising the price at all, especially with it being so last minute is kinda messed up. But why raise the price by 200? If they were going to raise it at all, it should be at most 100.

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Graps (#114752)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-12 14:27:45
Late to the thread, but support. This is just going to cause inflation. Just because people have DB doesn't mean they're going to spend them exclusively on buff balls. Support all the way.

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(TheEbonyPanther) (#49783)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 14:32:08
I'm with you Mystery. I mean I'm not going to loose my stuffing over it, lol.
Its just that it's a change that is certainly going to make Lioden more difficult, and especially for those players who are new or casual players who love the game but have lives to live as well.
And making the game harder is discouraging especially for those players, so I feel like in general moves like this are likely to have an overall negative impact on player retention.
Most people I know don't have the attention span or dedication to keep playing when they realise that their breeding goal is going to take real life years to reach, and that they will have to pause and wait until next year or at least months when an event comes around again just to get another scrote or whatever item to keep trying. They just quit playing and watch Netflix instead lol.
I've literally pulled 2 of my friends back from the brink of quitting just like this multiple times, and 3 more who I introduced to the game have abandoned it and never returned for this exact reason.

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Lea (#87111)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-12 14:58:42
Its also like the middle of the event! I would be okay if they raised it to 550 or 600 and it was the middle but700?! Some ppl cant get on everyday. It was quite unexpected for it to raise so high, some ppl had plans on what they were gonna get. Im kinda confused why it was raised, its hard enough to get anyways!

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𝑒 (#89197)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 15:02:53
I mean they Are a breeding item so yeah.

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Panda (#66351)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-08-12 15:04:12
GMO Cow is also a breeding item. It's 150 JB next month.

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Lex 🦋 (#56485)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 15:04:37
I don't think I have much to add since Finnegan took it right out of my mouth and made it sound better than I ever could.
If I could like a post I would. Props to finnegan, Good quality post

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