Posted by [Aug] Buffalo Scrotums for 500 Dry Bones

Tikka [mottled king
cheetah] (#90262)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 07:22:05
Yes, many people think that 700 is wayy too much, so it'd be better if it was 500 like a lot of players originally thought.

This suggestion has 530 supports and 39 NO supports.

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Edited on 18/11/17 @ 08:29:03 by Katze (#3)

Mystery (#38000)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 15:20:53
What really adds a good 'ol slap in the face with this is that they still haven't addressed this. I mean yeah, they warned us that some items might get adjusted, but they didn't tell us which items and how much they'd be adjusted. They waited until the last minute, without sending out a warning, and wanted us to find out the hard way. If someone hadn't seen the price adjustment on the wiki, we would not have known about it until the shop opened.
Basically, yeah, they waited until it was too late to do anything about it. Honestly, Heda is probably right. They can't go back and "fix" what they've done now. ;-;

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{side} (#57113)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 15:21:20
buff balls are available many events of the year. earlier I heard people mentioning they still had plenty from Febuary. its not as if upping cub litters matters so much, I had enough DB to buy 2, I spent it all on drones, they're more useful to me. I'm not worried.

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Panda (#66351)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-08-12 15:22:47
I've honestly felt very punished lately. It originally started the whole:

"Oh, you guys worked your butts off to get the event bar open? Let's push it back then."

That alone is frustrating, now this? It's just stressful because I feel like I never know when they're going to drop a bombshell on us.

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Finnegan II (#85926)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 15:25:34
"It's just stressful because I feel like I never know when they're going to drop a bombshell on us."

Because we don't know. They don't tell us, they don't warn us, they don't even poll us about these things. They just do them and ignore the backlash. -shrug- It's how things have been for awhile.

So, yeah. Heda's right. This thread won't do anything.

But it lets me voice my displeasure and assert that I won't be buying another GB from Lioden, so that's what I'll do, unfortunately.

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Attic of The Sky (#12149)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 15:26:00
I wouldn't say many events, just two events right? Just. Two. .n.

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Edited on 12/08/17 @ 15:27:42 by Ladwick (2nd) (#12149)

Mystery (#38000)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 15:26:14
I was extremely surprised with the tier adjustment last month. We literally had the stone open for what, 4 days or so? I've been around for this event for two years at least, it has never taken us that long to get it open. I was sacrificing ladies for dayyyyssss before.
I guess when it comes down to it, when adjustments are made, they're pretty much overkill. If anything is going to be adjusted, it shouldn't be so drastic. ;-;

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Bamon (#12532)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2017-08-12 15:27:00
Same. I won't be buying any more GB and at this rate I can't find any motivation to buy anything with event currency either. Whats the point if the price is just going to get higher with no warning and no justifiable reason for it?

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Notevy |
Çß | (#115741)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 15:27:21
I'm still having trouble understanding the price change though when you also consider the amount we needed to even open the peddler. We didn't even have enough to unlock it yet and we were already told we collected too much? In that case, why was it set to that amount to unlock? That explanation made no sense to me. If you were going to set the bar that high, you should've set the items a little higher at the same time. You don't wait until we have 7% left on the bar to change everyone's plans.

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NeptuneNebula (#64036)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 15:27:58
Damn it, I was really excited to get 2 this month, I guess I'll only be getting one. I haven't even collected 200 bones and I'm on for a minimum of 3 hours per day. It's extremely stressful and disappointing to see that this change was made without even giving the lioden players a chance to get a notice about it beforehand. All I can see this doing is adding more stress to the game, which makes players want to reach their goal less, which means, less GB that is to be bought, and also, less players. To me, and being honest, it makes me trust lioden's staff members less, and I can see other players having the same thoughts like this as well :(

I didn't mean to sound offensive, and I hope everyone has a great day.


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Fea [eyup chuck] (#42722)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 15:28:09
I'd like to point out that the admins don't deliberately make actions with malicious intent. At no stage do the admins or mods sit down and discuss how would be best to sneakily change something in-game to make people angry, or trick them into anything. Changes are made because they believe that those changes will have a positive effect on some area of the game, or are really needed to keep balance. It would make no sense to make decisions based on spite. Are those decisions always right the first time around? Absolutely not. They are human, they get things wrong.

I think everyone is perfectly entitled to have an opinion on a change, and to request reasonable adjustments, but I completely disagree and take issue with some of the posts that are purely finding reasons to come up with erroneous theories of how the staff are personally determined to somehow trick them, or do them a deliberate disservice. All of the staff do their best to make the game enjoyable to play, from every experience I've ever had of them.

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[SunsetPrimal] (#116228)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-12 15:28:14
@Finnigan II

It's looking like the same for me. Won't be purchasing GB. Not when things are like this.

I don't believe the staff were intentionally trying to piss everyone off, but they really should have made the price change public knowledge and not left it last minute.

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Edited on 12/08/17 @ 15:31:47 by rattus (#116228)

Heda Vampiric (#56702)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 15:30:16

Maahes, I think we've probably explained some of this stuff to at least some extent, and if not it should be collective knowledge, I will explain though.

1. It is a breeding item, correct, but it's important. Lioden has a shitty 1 cub system so this item is essential to get more than that more times that not (I've got a stud I have to use bc there is NO other stud like him. His fee is 3,600Sb. So far all the litters have been 1 cub. And usually they don't even get all the right markings. If I had balls to use It would be more worth it). Of course, you could use a grain, but you can only get those once a month, and it's only 2. Also, they are important for getting currency to fund projects. Personally I was hoping for 3-4 per account to sell so I could fund my project further, but honestly I'll probably get 1-2 unless I dive in hard core for the rest of the month. Right now I have enough for one. Adding onto this, in reply to helping the market, if they wanted to then this month was not the month to do this. They should have done it in February where they are ass cheap to buy, not this month where you must work your ass off and sacrifice getting anything else with DB just to get one or two. As someone else said, going by this result they will probably raise the price for a GMO cow, which is only obtainable during that month.

2. I get that you seem to have really great luck with collecting DB, that is, if you didn't have anything save from last year and you're not using energy items, but there are users who don't. Most of the people in this thread, if you had happened to read, clearly do not have your luck. They are barely scraping together enough for the one when it was 500, let alone one at 700. Like most people have stated. They just want 1-2, and with this jump they can't even get that. Furthermore, it's not worth it to grind an entire month just for a single 1-use item. I would also like to mention that scrotums are not the only thing bones are needed for. People need lots of bones if they want a chance at breeding to our man eater studs, which come with unique, breed only features.

EDIT: I honestly haven't bought GB in a while, and will continue to not do so because I feel like Lioden is going down hill and I do not want to waste investment on it.

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Edited on 12/08/17 @ 15:37:05 by Heda RedBox (#56702)

skink-legs (#93894)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-12 15:30:59
honestly when it's laid out like finn explained, it does look like a jump at players' wallets. especially because it's following so closely to the even more blatant cash grab that was the hidden marking nonsense a while ago. if more money is what the devs want, there are so many better ways to get it than unapologetically screwing over their player base. i'm an adult with the capacity to donate who usually doesn't mind forking over a couple dollars for the privilege of playing games like this, but the more a site slavers at my bank account, the less likely i am to give them anything.

if this wasn't meant to be a cash grab and was honestly just an attempt to regulate the item, then it was poorly thought out and poorly executed. i personally would've taken a lot kinder to the change if there was more transparency about what was going to happen to the price of such an important item. you could say we were warned, sure, but it was so damn vague i hesitate to call it a warning. maybe if admins were more open about their intentions off the bat then we could have had this conversation before the peddler opened and avoided this kerfuffle altogether.

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Finnegan II (#85926)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 15:35:19
"I'd like to point out that the admins don't deliberately make actions with malicious intent. At no stage do the admins or mods sit down and discuss how would be best to sneakily change something in-game to make people angry, or trick them into anything."

No one claimed that's what they were doing. Please don't create a strawman of an argument that doesn't exist on this thread and try to tear it down. It doesn't address anything that's been said here.

No one stated that the administrators were deliberately trying to "make people angry" or "trick them."

The administrators aren't trying to ruin the game. We all know that. But they are running a business, and I feel like their focus has turned to profit lately. If they need money, that's okay. They could open a Patreon or something and I'd happily have supported them there.

Instead, many people, myself included, feel like they've begun to change the game and force folks to buy premium currency to keep making the same amount of progress on their personal goals every year. No matter how you try to spin it, raising the price of an item (the only decent item this month, actually) without giving individuals the means to gain more currency is a punishment for the individual player. It will always be a punishment for the individual player, even if it wasn't meant that way.

Springing it on us with just a few hours of notice (no notice, if you don't religiously check the wiki) is even worse.

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Legless Lego Legolas (#46739)

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Posted on
2017-08-12 15:38:17
Well I think Finn hit the nail right on the head. I shook my head a bit as I was even THINKING along the same lines.... maybe I should buy some more GB to grab up some since I need as many as possible for my project..... no chance I'm doing that now.
It's a real shame all around.

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