Posted by | Riverclan |
![]() Eden [WCU] (#107390) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-08-21 04:53:02 |
Here is the Riverclan thread! Special event: none (( if you have not made a character yet go to this link )) https://www.lioden.com/topic.php?id=304429278624 Cats allowed to RolePlay here (so far!) -NightStar (leader) -Redpelt (Deputy) -CottenTuft (Warrior) -RosePetal (Queen| Kits: LilyKit, AshKit, ThornKit) -Tinypaw (apprentice) -MeadowPaw (Apprentice) -Lilypool (warrior) -Slate (rouge/warrior) -Dovepaw (med cat apprentice) -WillowMoon (Elder) -PatchKit (Kit) -AdderKit (Kit) -FlameStone (warrior) -Olliver (Rouge/Apprentice) -Alex (Rouge/Apprentice) -Gooseneck (Warrior) -ThistleClaw (Warrior) -MetalClaw (Warrior) -TansyPool (Warrior) -SilverClaw (Warrior) -RippleHeart (Warrior) -SilverHeart (Warrior) -RussetSun (Warrior) -ReedNose (Elder) -Lionpaw (apprentice/Loner) -Thistlepaw (Apprentice) -WillowPaw (Apprentice) -SwiftClaw (Warrior) -Fawnpaw (apprentice) -PantherHeart (Medicine cat) Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 14/10/17 @ 11:28:07 by Eden [WCU] (#107390) |
Cheetahstar {POH} (#123835)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-09-28 13:36:00 |
((Ok ready for this? I'm about to add some prophecy stuff into this post. Its kinda creepy so be prepared ;P)Rippleheart dozed in the sun, relishing the warmth of the strengthening rays. He realized that Green-leaf would be here soon and he grudgingly rolled over. He had always hated the green-leaf heat. Something about the cool, crisp mornings of leaf-fall through new-leaf rejuvenated him and gave him more energy to do whatever he pleased. As he drifted into sleep, a vision played in his mind. He was setting on the border between Riverclan and Windclan territory and he saw Cheetahpaw sitting directly in front of him. He tried to ask her what she was doing, but no words escaped his mouth. Instead a loud screeching sounded around him and as he turned around many Windclan cats stood around him, gaunt and bloodied. He yowled in fear, but no sound came still. Fear stuck its icy claws into him and he could not move. As he turned to look at Cheetahpaw, she was coated in blood, letting out blood curdling yowls. "HELP UUUUUUSSSSS!!!!!!" The cats screamed in unison around him. He tried to fight his way out of the crowd but could not break through the slimy cats. He slashed at a tom but the tom did not even move at Ripplehearts touch. Instead Cheetahpaw grabbed him from behind and shoved him into the dirt. This was not dirt though. Blood stained Ripplehearts face as the cats bore down on him, screaming their wretched demands. ![]() |
Eden [WCU] (#107390)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-09-28 15:50:17 |
NightStar NightStar was shaking Ripple heart. "Wake up!" She yowled in his ear. She batted at him, shaking him, until he would wake. His fear scared her greatly, made her fur tremble. ![]() |
ShiningShadows (Falcon1211) (#121693) Total Chad View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-09-28 15:52:09 |
Rosepetal padded into the nursery, carrying her kits. She laid them in their nest and curled around them, letting them sleep. She loved her kits, no matter whom the father was. She groomed them gently while they slept. ![]() |
Cheetahstar {POH} (#123835)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-09-29 06:11:28 |
"Whaa?" Rippleheart yowled and sat up. His fur was bushed out 3 times its original size and he looked like a giant puff. His eyes were round with terror as the nightmare still played in his mind. That vision had felt so real! He was sure that he was actually getting attacked by some un-dead Windclan cats. He turned his gaze upon a frazzled Nightstar whom he thought was covered in blood before his vision cleared. He began to slow his breathing to prevent having a shock attack. "Nightstar, I think that I just had an omen of sorts..." He spoke with a tremble in his voice. "I-I-I think that it was about Windclan and what is going to happen to them." He sat down, still trying to calm his racing heart, but the vision had been to vivid and the bloodied cats still clawed at his fur. "I don't want to scare the kits." He added with a shaky nod to the little noses peeking outside the nusery. "Can we speak about this over a walk? I need to clear my mind." ![]() |
Eden [WCU] (#107390)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-09-29 14:13:41 |
NightStar NightStar's ears perked up. Her face was thoughtful. "Of course, RippleHeart. Let us walk." NightStar set off on a slow pace into the woods, matching RippleHeart's pace. She listened to him tell her everything he had seen, heard, and felt. "That is very troubling...." She replied. Then she scrunched up her face. "I would like to help them, but their leader is the most annoying, stoic, and impossible cat i've ever met." She said with a scowl. "He wont accept help, he would have to come himself." NightStars ear flicked, a sign that she was deep in thought. ![]() |
Trash|G3Frail.Mot.El ys.| (#121220) Impeccable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-09-29 16:57:02 |
Adderkit|Kit of Riverclan|5 Moon Tom|Location- Camp|Mentions- [D] Wolfkit --- It was always interesting when a new kit joined the clan. However as far as Adderkit was aware, they were born not found. Unless the cat was from another clan, or a rogue, or stolen. The orange tom narrowed his eyes, peering at the newcomer with a suspicious glare. He had no idea where the kit had come from, yet Nightstar and Redpelt had been in, talking about how the young cat was theirs. Adderkit shook his head, and rose to his paws. Nightstar had left the nursery, and that meant freedom. Doing anything was infinitely harder when the leader was constantly about. Padding towards the much smaller kit, he extended a paw and gave it a tentative jab, enough to rouse the kit if it was sleeping. "Who are you?" The orange tom was blunt, even for a kit. His own litter had consisted of only him, so this newcomer was the most interesting thing in his young life. He had heard Wolfkit mewling and bumbling around earlier, but his own attention had been elsewhere, as there had been far more important things to do for a kit nearing apprenticehood than watching the younger kits. Until now. ![]() |
Eden [WCU] (#107390)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-09-29 17:03:08 |
((Oop, forgot to add my kit :P You just reminded meh peachie lol :3)) MoonKit- Female-5 moons-nursery-AlderKit, Wolfkit, open MoonKit watched AlderKit pad over to the new kit, WolfKit. They had been expecting SoftKit, so softkit was welcome, but she was unsure about WolfKit. He wasn't clan-born, and that made her nervous. She slowly crept over to the two, stopping a few paw-steps away. She had only spoken to one kit in this nursery before, and he had died of green cough. "Hello..." she meowed quietly to the two toms, her white and silver fur bristling with nervousness. ![]() |
Cheetahstar {POH} (#123835)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-09-29 17:08:24 |
"That is what I am worried about." Rippleheart added when his leader had finished talking. "My dream was just so real. I feel like Fogstar will lead his clan to actually become what I saw," He said with a shudder. He heard a rustle nearby and snapped his head around to see a bird flying into the uppermost branches of a birch tree. He turned back to Nightstar. "I am sorry." He added with a lighter tone in his mew, "I guess I'm still a little jumpy." His gaze turned serious again. "I don't understand something though. Why would Starclan send me this omen?" He mewed with seriousness, "I am just a warrior! We have our medicine cats to interpret these things. Why not send it to them?" His meow became more of a kit-ish whimper. "I am nothing special." He immediately took back what he said, not wanting to make Nightstar worried. "I mean like how a medicine cat is special." He added with a stammer in his voice. ![]() |
Eden [WCU] (#107390)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-09-29 17:14:28 |
NightStar NightStar chuckled at her warriors modesty. "RippleHeart, every single cat in each clan is very special. Everyone has a certain uniqueness, whether that be from the tiniest of scars to the largest of disorders, we are all special. Even you. You may not believe me now, but you will, in time. You are still young, as am i. We have much to learn." NightStar mused, her wise words echoing through the woods. "i know not the reason you were chosen, but there is always a reason. Always a motive, whether it be good or bad. We might never know, and even if we do learn such knowledge, we can do nothing to change it. So please don't fret over why it was you who was chosen to bear this message." NightStar seemed especially wise and thoughtful today, and her eyes were laced with kindness as she looked at RippleHeart. "We will do what we can." She meowed quietly, flicking her tail. ![]() |
ShiningShadows (Falcon1211) (#121693) Total Chad View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-09-29 17:17:12 |
Rosepetal padded out of the nursery, feeling crowded. Her kits were back to sleep. She padded off out of camp to hunt and check the borders. She liked being on solo patrols. It calmed her and let her think. Though she didn't like to be alone. Most cats kind of forgot about her. More because she almost never speaks unless its important. She kept her ears pricked, she had really good hearing. Mostly because she was a protective queen. But she was a very good listener. A clumsy hunter though. She did her best in hunting though, At least she always made a catch in green leaf. ![]() |
Trash|G3Frail.Mot.El ys.| (#121220) Impeccable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-09-29 17:23:33 |
Adderkit|Kit of Riverclan|5 Moon, Orange and White Tabby Tom|Location- Camp|Mentions- [D] Wolfkit, Moonkit --- Adderkit had started slightly at the smaller voice. Now ignoring the new kit, he turned his attention to the cat who crawled closer, his green gaze narrowing even further, until he was staring from slits. He hadn't spoken much to this kit either. Honestly, all of them in the den had been either to weak or to young for him to truly play with. Fur bristling, Adderkit began to groom, trying to control the fluff and keep his cool air. "Hi. You don't talk much." He stated, letting his eyes widen from his glower to better look at the cat. "You're name is something like...Mmm.." He paused, thinking. He had heard the name on occasion but never bothered to truly listen. "Something with that kind of sound." He twitched his small tail, curious but also dismissive at the same time. ![]() |
Cheetahstar {POH} (#123835)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-09-29 17:23:47 |
"Thank you Nightstar. I think I understand-" He was cut off by a heavier rustling in a nearby reed thicket. He got into a hunting crouch and launched himself onto the creature in the bush. ((Sorry so short, but I pounced on Rosepetal and I wanted to give her a chance to react X3)) ![]() |
ShiningShadows (Falcon1211) (#121693) Total Chad View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-09-29 17:27:17 |
"Fox-dung!" she hissed pushing Rippleheart off. "I almost had that rabbit!" She flicked her tail to the hare that was racing off. She sighed and went to climb a tree, going to land on another piece of prey to make it easier to catch. She waited in the tree until she saw the hare make a circle and she landed onto it, killing it soon after to bring back to the camp. ![]() |
Eden [WCU] (#107390)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-09-29 17:31:17 |
MoonKit-Female-5 moons-AlderKit "MoonKit." She replied quietly. "Y'know, that quiet kit who sits in a corner staring at everyone playing while the queens give her pitiful looks?" Moonkit sighed. In truth, she was actually an unusually strong kit, she had defeated apprentices twice her size in matches. But she never told anyone, she was too shy. Cats saw her as the weakling, the runt. She never had the guts to prove them wrong. She stared at the floor, wishing her pretty silver fur would stop gleaming in the moonlight so she could go hide again. ![]() |
Cheetahstar {POH} (#123835)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-09-29 17:31:53 |
"Uh. . . SORRY!" He yowled as Rosepetal raced up a tree. He saw her pounce on something, but did not ask what it was. Embarrased, he drug his paws back to Nightstar. "I am such a mousebrain" He teased with Nightstar. "I didn't even think of scenting before I reacted." He gave his chest fur a few embarrassed licks. "Well I guess we will see what happens in the future." Thinking for a moment, he then added "What would you do, Nightstar, If we had to shelter Windclan?" ![]() |