Posted by Windclan

Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-21 05:04:13
Here's Windclan!

Special event: none
(( if you have not made a cat please go to this link))

Cats allowed to RolePlay here (so far!)
-CloudMist (medicine cat)
-FogStar (Leader)
-SmokeStep (Deputy)
-Breezepaw (Apprentice)
-MeadowPaw (apprentice)
-RavenClaw (Warrior)
-Rabbitfoot (Warrior)
-TallPaw (med cat apprentice)
-Bird paw (Apprentice)
-AshLeaf (Warrior)
-CheetahPaw (Apprentice)
-MarshFowl (warrior)

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Edited on 20/10/17 @ 14:18:09 by Eden [WCU] (Lights On) (#107390)

Spaghetti Enthusiast (#121187)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-29 19:07:23
Meadowpaw, Rank - Apprentice, location - camp, Mentions - Fogstar

She looked a bit disappointed he said there was nothing for her to help with at the moment. But then she cheered up at his invitation. Meadowpaw felt honored their leader invited her to share prey with him. She was just an apprentice, and only a few moons into her training at that. She dipped her head respectfully and gratefully, "Of course!" She meowed. She was glad that her leader could be so laid-back some times, yet other times he could be serious and get the job done.

The she-cat padded out of the apprentice den, unaware of the StarClan cat. She sat down next to Fogtstar and nodded gratefully again. Then she stopped short, realizing how much she had just nodded and dipped her head that day. Meadowpaw smiled instead of the usual nodding and and head dipping.

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Edited on 29/09/17 @ 19:08:17 by Meadow (#121187)

lynx [it/its] (#95875)

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Posted on
2017-09-29 19:08:43
Tallpaw-9 Moons-Location: Camp (MC den)-Mentions: Cheetahpaw, Meadowpaw, Fogstar (Open)

Tallpaw looked as Cheetahpaw exited the medicine cat's den, he frowned but quickly looked at Fogstar "I wouldn't mind sharing" he looked over at Meadowpaw "How about you?" he asked the other apprentice before noticing that Fogstar had exited the den, he quickly followed him and grabbed a leg from the rabbit, he purred with happines and looked at the rabbit tail that was being held by his paws, well it was no wonder that rabbit was his favorite prey if it tasted this good, however he didn't notice the StarClan cat that was a few pawsteps away from him.

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Edited on 29/09/17 @ 19:11:20 by CrowCrow {BMC thrash}{WCU} (#95875)

ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2017-09-29 19:17:19
Smokestep|Deputy of Windclan|She-cat| Location- Camp| Mentions-(D) Cheetahpaw, [ID] Meadowpaw, Fogstar
Smokestep listened to the she-cat, her tail curling to brush the apprentice gently as her gaze looked into the apprentice.
"Fogstar has much to worry about these days. The gathering was, not exactly as planned." She mewed gently.
"You nkow every cat is important, and every voice is heard, even if it may not seem that way." plumy tail retreated from Cheetahpaw, and wrapped around Smokestep's paws. Her gaze broke from the younger cat, and she turned up to the sky.
"We can only do what we think is best." The words were quiet, half muttered before she was jolted back to reality, blinking in curiosity. Rarely did apprentices ask about her own particular feelings, and it caused the deputy to chuckle slightly, plumy fur quivering with the gesture. Cheetahpaw was a curious one for sure.
"I'm always fine." Her purr almost drowned out the words. "As fine as a deputy can be when the sky is turning red and wolves can be killed with a single struggle." She mused, tail tip twitching. Her gaze fell upon the other apprentices and Fogstar, as the emerged from the den. What had they spoken about? That would be something to inquire later on. Her gaze lingered on Meadowpaw for longer than the others. Training, and perhaps a warrior ceremony were not to far off in the cats future, if it were based on her recommendation. The cat young cat had been proving herself lately. The thoughts swirled swiftly through Smokesteps mind before returning to the present.
"Perhaps if Fogstar decides to go to the Moonstone, I can ask him for you and Meadowpaw to accompany. You are both due for the trip I'd imagine." Thinking of the future, apprentices and ceremonies may have seemed silly, but Smokestep knew that in any situation, maintaining the status quo was vital.

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Cheetahstar {POH} (#123835)

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Posted on
2017-09-29 19:30:49
"Oh my Starclan yes!" Excitement bubbled from the surface of her bad mood and overflowed. "Well that is if Fogstar even trusts me to go to the Moonstone without having a nervous breakdown. . ." Cheetahpaw did not let the reality of the situation get her down. She really wanted to go to the Moonstone, in hopes that she could actually see her mother in a not freaky way. If Fogstar would not let her go, then she would go by herself, no matter what anyone said. "Thank you Smokestep. I really appreciate you being there for me when it seems like no other adult cat is."

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Cobia (#95963)

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Posted on
2017-09-29 19:31:19
FOGSTAR - leader OF windclan - SEASON: Almost leaf bare - LOCATION: In Camp - MENTIONS: Meadowpaw, Tallpaw, Eden's Cat, All - TOPIC: Prophecy, Basic discussion - VOICE: Allesandro Juliani

Fogstar smiled softly at the two cats as he pushed the rabbit towards them. "Enjoy. You guys should eat up. VVho knows how much longer we will be able to eat in such peace like this." Voice drifted off to a sad softness at the end of his words. Honestly, the tom was worried. Painfully worried. His optimism simply helped him hide his true feelings of raw panic, of bitter agony at having barely any truly trustworthy friends, and the fear of losing his entire clan and having to submit to some false godly cats over the river.

He snapped out of his thoughts when strange, distant whispers began to fill the clearing. His senses were thrown off, slate optics searching around the camp in desperation as it faded into a small patch of gray. His body swayed for a few moments, a dull clicking sounding deep within his cranium. He could faintly see the outline of the clearing with all the other felines erased from his field of view.

No. Someone was out there.

A glossy cat with stunning features slid into view. He stared at her with confused eyes, eyebrows furrowing. Did he pass out? VVas he seeing a prophecy? VVas the rabbit he had eaten bad? "Hello. I'm not sure you can hear me, as you seem to be from Starclan. I'm not sure if others can hear me. If they can, I must sound as crazy as I look." He let a tense laugh slip apprehensively from his throat. Shifting his weight from his paws to forelegs he considered what was going on. Hopefully, he said enough so that if any felines could hear him they could guess at what was happening.

VVas this a sign? He had been blissfully thinking about doing extra patrolling and other things such as when he was greeted with this ghostly, disturbing sight. Long blinks shaded his optics from the world as he considered every option of what was happening. This had to be a Starclan cat. Or.. a Dark Forester in disguise? Oh, who knew. All Fogstar had to do was keep a level head and switch himself back into the stoic mode of decision making.

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-30 05:08:57

The Feline chuckled. "I can only say this before my time is up: Trust in RiverClan..." The feline looked as if she wanted to say more, but soon she faded away as if nothing was there.

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2017-09-30 10:25:11
Smokestep|Deputy of Windclan|She-cat| Location- Camp| Mentions-(D) Cheetahpaw, [ID] Fogstar
Listening to the younger cat's concerns, Smokestep gave an encouraging purr.
"Well, then you'll just have to work extra hard to prove otherwise. When you put forth effort, you always get a return." she mewed, pushing herself up from her crouch. At Cheetahpaw's thanks, she shook her head with a smile.
"Every cat is here for you, Cheetahpaw. When you're older you just, often have a lot more on the mind to distract you." The responsibility of a warrior, something that could not be learned no matter how much training was given. There was a blissful ignorance with being an apprentice, or at least had been in Smokestep's case. With age came experiences, for better or worse. The cloud of memories past entered Smokestep's eyes for a moment, then evaporated as swiftly as it came. There would be time later to feel sentimental.

Suddenly, she noticed it out of the corner of her eye. Fogstar had stiffened to alertness. Working under the cat had given her a faint understanding of the tom, and to see him change focus so swiftly meant something had to have caught his senses. A quick assessment of her surroundings put her at slight ease. No odd scents, nothing looked out of the ordinary, she didn't hear anything bizarre. Amber eyes narrowed slightly, and she watched her leader, paws ready to take herself over in case something was wrong.

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Cheetahstar {POH} (#123835)

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Posted on
2017-10-03 12:45:11
Mewing her thanks to Smokestep, she turned around. Her leader sat nearby, talking to the apprentices, when he suddenly stiffened. His ears flicked back and forth, and his eyes widened. He began to mouth something, but Cheetahpaw could not make out the sound coming from him. Startled, she raced over to the apprentices den and sat in her nest. She listened to what was happening outside, hoping that Fogstar was not really going crazy.

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Cobia (#95963)

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Posted on
2017-10-03 15:47:00
FOGSTAR - leader OF windclan - SEASON: Almost leaf bare - LOCATION: In Camp, Tallrock - MENTIONS: Smokestep, Cheetahpaw[ID] Eden's Cat, All - VOICE: Allesandro Juliani

"Oh, god. Even Starclan is trying to force me to ally with Riverclan? There are four clans, not just Riverclan and, eh, the other ones, you know." An exasperated hiss slid from his jaws as the Starclan cat faded away. As her glimmering pelt left his field of vision, breath seemed to leave the tom and he crumpled to the ground below. There he laid for a few moments, regaining his strength. It was as if the mystical feline had sucked away his strength as she parted to the stars.

Slate optics rose to meet Smokestep's, quickly parting and racing over the rest of his clan. Surely, this little episode would not be forgotten soon. Dangit. There needed to only be one collapsing cat in VVindclan. Two just makes it a problem. Silver claws slid from their sheaths, clawing at the loose soil underneath. Many thoughts were collapsing inward his cranium. Every single cat in every single clan were kissing up to Riverclan. It wasn't the way things worked. Even Starclan tried to warn him to ally with the fish-breaths. It was getting on his nerves on a serious level.

The blank tom, trapped in a vortex of dilemas, pushed to his feet. He looked at the cats near him, and the one that had siappeared. Of course, Cheetahpaw had fled as Fogstar was visited by the Starclan cat. Could he really rely on that she-cat? VVhat was she, almost the age of a warrior. Hm. He made a mental note to get some extra training in with the apprentices while making his way towards the Tallrock. "Make sure to not step on the rabbit once I call you guys over. It was a good one. Finish it, please. VVho knows how many chubby rabbits we have left." He mused over his shoulder while feebily leaping up to the top of the large stone.

"May all cats old enough to run on the moors gather under the Tallsrock for a clan meeting." He called, voice warbled at the edges yet strong enough to rebound around the camp. Ashen paws fidgeted with eachother as he awaited his clan to gather around, ready to hear his words. A deep inhale crimped his chest and he let himself savor each second of fresh, stillen air before the breeze began picking up. Silky strands of fur from the tom blew in every direction, fluffing his pelt in an odd way. A tiny smile spread over his features as he noticed his strange appearance.

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Spaghetti Enthusiast (#121187)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-03 16:26:44
Meadowpaw | Rank - apprentice | Location - camp | Mentions - Tallpaw, Fogstar

Meadowpaw nodded politely to Tallpaw as he came to share the rabbit with her and Fogstar. But suddenly while she was taking a bite of the rabbit, her leader collapsed to the ground. Her eyes widened in surprise. What happened? The apprentice opened her jaws about to saw something, but then closed them again as he got up and walked over to the Tallrock for a meeting. What just happened? the young she-cat thought curiously. She took a few more bites from the rabbit, falling her leader's orders, but left the rest for Tallpaw. Curiously, she padded over to the Tallrock, her face turned up to stare at her leader with a questioning look in her eye. What was going on?

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Edited on 03/10/17 @ 16:32:45 by Meadow (#121187)

Cheetahstar {POH} (#123835)

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Posted on
2017-10-03 16:31:12
Cheetahpaw sighed at Fogstars call. She was really starting to become annoyed at the leader. She reluctantly came out of the apprentices den so she could listen to what the leader had to say. She chose a spot next to Meadowpaw and Tallpaw, who were finishing up a plump rabbit. She looked at the kill and realized that this could be one of the last meals her clanmates would have. She had a far away gaze as she mewed hello to the two cats. She began to groom her spotted fur her green eyes closing slightly as she waited for her clanmates to assemble.

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-04 12:49:59

As of now, land prey has completely vanished. Not a trace of land prey left behind. For plot purposes, windclan is starting to starve. Please dont worry, none of your cat will die :3 This is for plot purposes, please dont complain))

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Cobia (#95963)

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Posted on
2017-10-04 14:31:22

Hello Eden. I will not be having the prey just randomly disappear for no reason, as that is really just 100% unrealistic, even on warrior standards haha. I will begin the plot in VVindclan which causes our prey to flee. Thanks :)

Thank you for understanding,
Cobia / Fogstar

ps. will be replying and beginning the meeting soon, windclanners! <3

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-04 17:22:52
((@Cobia lol i didn't mean to put that (copied and pasted) i meant that there was a sharp declline in prey, and mostly mice and small things are left X3 Sorry 'bout that XD when it does dissapear im blaming it on da foxes :p))

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Cobia (#95963)

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Posted on
2017-10-04 18:21:43
FOGSTAR - leader OF windclan - SEASON: Almost leaf bare - LOCATION: Tallrock - MENTIONS: All - VOICE: Allesandro Juliani

[OOC] Thanks for clarifying, Eden! :)

After the majority of his clan had gathered underneath him, jaws parted to begin speech. "Hey guys. Sorry about another meeting, I'm sure all of you just want to relax and nap after the events of yesterday." He let a light chuckle fall from his chest, optics slithering over each of his clanmates. "I'm sure the majority of you saw that little scene involving me and a little fall overthere. Don't worry, I'm not insane. I believe I was visited by a Starclan cat, or, possibly, a Dark-Forester in disguise." He paused for a moment to let his words tumble about the clearing.

"She told me one thing. VVe must trust in Riverclan. Now, I personally have many problems with this. I'm sure most of you have heard me trying to get a sane word in at the gathering." A grin cracked across his ashen-hued features, face lighting up with alabaster teeth. "I may be seen as a stubborn old VVindclan grump by the other clans. Maybe, by a few cats here." Eyes danced across the crowd, landing on one cat for a hesitated moment compared to the others, before moving on. "It's okay to think of me this way. I just see it as, there are four clans. There always have been 4, and there always will be; unless, one of you decide to split off."

A deep breath creaked his lungs as he thought for a few seconds, considering his next words. "If possible, I will be choosing to try and do the peaceful opposite of kissing up. If Riverclan is in need, they can come and they will be supported by us. If Shadowclan needed medicine for their kits had fallen ill, we would give our herbs. If Thunderclan's trees died and collapsed onto their camp, we would give them a nest. You see, we all are here for eachother. Yet, there is no need to pray to one clan over the other. Only when dire needs force us to the brink of downfall will we willingly grovel at another clan's feet."

A little smile crossed his face and he let out a little woo to himself. Silken banner flicked behind strong hinds as he gained momentum in his words. "I believe we should have three types of patrols. Border patrols ensure no messangers wait at our borders, and remark them each time they go out. They are responsible for defending the territory we hold close to our hearts." He nodded towards the moorland streching out beyond camp. Dazzling arrays of bronze-like grasses covered each hillside until mixing with the thrashing blues of the gorge. VVhat a beautiful home.

He turned his cranium back and began once more to speak. "Second, is hunting parties. They catch and bring back prey. But, they first have to know how much they can possibly capture. This is the job of our third patrol. The Recon patrol, for lack of a better title. It has concerned me that all the prophecies promise a decline in prey. So, it should be our goal to keep our food source plentiful for as long as possible, not to catch as much at one time. It would be their duty to go out and scout around. They would see how many prey items of what type can be found in what area. If you haven't noticed, time is running short, VVindclanners. Soon, a prophecy make take place. VVe cannot waste any extra time by going around an empty moor while all the prey is actually in one area. I believe this will be for the best."

He sat back and prepared for outlash. This idea was rather idiotic sounding, yet, Fogstar believed in it. He put trust in his cats and thought that their efforts combined would be able to sustain them for as long as possible. On. Their. Own. He leaned back forwards and gave some last words before letting the others give opinions. "Oh, of course. If you think that this will get us killed, it's okay. If you think depending on the clan of swimmers is the best choice, that's completely okay. Just, remember who you are. If you want to kiss up to them just because you are scared.." He paused for a moment, slate optics blinking slowly.

"You may have been born in the wrong clan."

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