Posted by | Windclan |
![]() Eden [WCU] (#107390) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-08-21 05:04:13 |
Here's Windclan! Special event: none (( if you have not made a cat please go to this link)) https://www.lioden.com/topic.php?id=304429278624 Cats allowed to RolePlay here (so far!) -CloudMist (medicine cat) -FogStar (Leader) -SmokeStep (Deputy) -Breezepaw (Apprentice) -MeadowPaw (apprentice) -RavenClaw (Warrior) -Rabbitfoot (Warrior) -TallPaw (med cat apprentice) -Bird paw (Apprentice) -AshLeaf (Warrior) -CheetahPaw (Apprentice) -MarshFowl (warrior) Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 20/10/17 @ 14:18:09 by Eden [WCU] (Lights On) (#107390) |
Spaghetti Enthusiast (#121187)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-10-04 19:05:49 |
Meadowpaw | Rank - apprentice | Location - camp | Mentions - Cheetahpaw, Fogstar The scruffy apprentice nodded to her friend, Cheetahpaw as she sat down next to her and Tallpaw. She opened her jaws to say 'hello' Fogstar started speaking. She looked up curiously at her leader and listened to him speak. A StarClan cat said to trust in RiverClan? It definitely sounded like a Dark Forest cat! What kind of a StarClan cat would say to forget their history, forget everything they were or had been training for a bow down to RiverClan? She looked around unsure about the other cats, but she had decided to follow what Fogstar was suggesting. She didn't ever want to submit to another clan! She may be kind of shy, but she did have a lot of pride when it came to he clan. So what if she had less rabbits? The food couldn't disappear entirely! Could it? ![]() |
Trash|G3Frail.Mot.El ys.| (#121220) Impeccable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-10-04 19:52:08 |
Smokestep|Deputy of Windclan|Smoky Dappled She-Cat|Location- Camp|Mentions- ![]() |
Cheetahstar {POH} (#123835)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-10-05 06:20:09 |
Cheetahpaw sat and listened to her leader intently. She agreed with his idea for having a tertiary patrol in charge of tracking the prey animals. She ignored the pointed glaces given to her by Fogstar, trying to keep her cool. Near the end of his speech she noticed how he was hinting at an un-loyal cat. Did Fogstar think that she was un-loyal? "Oh my Starclan if he does, I don't even know what his problem is anymore" Cheetahpaw thought to herself, breaking eye contact with the glaring leader. She felt rage boiling up inside of her, but she was determined not to let it out. After he finished, Cheetahpaw opened her mouth to say something, but quickly shut it. Fogstar did not believe in her, why would anyone else? She stared at her paws, rage feeding on her heart. ![]() |
Cobia (#95963)
Ruthless View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-10-05 19:16:02 |
FOGSTAR - leader OF windclan - SEASON: Almost leaf bare - LOCATION: Tallrock - MENTIONS: All, Cheetahpaw, Smokestep. - VOICE: Allesandro Juliani OOC:[Oh, I'm sorry Cheetahpaw for the misunderstanding I caused. Foggie didn't look directly at you. I should have clarafied, apologies. He looked at a nameless NPC or character that represented the guilty and unloyal within VVindclan. Sorry about this! I will be more specific with my posts in the future. Thanks! :) ] A smile crossed his maw as he saw his clan in agreed peace with his words. He was glad no major conflicts had popped up yet, and he was satisfied that he was able to please his clanmates while also making what seemed like the best choice for the long run. Slate optics swiveled downwards to look at Meadowpaw. Her features were engulfed with a fog of uncertainy. He could understand why. This was alot for a young mind to compehend, especially with all the events happening before. His attention was swept away to let orbs bore down onto Smokestep. A slight nod bobbed his angular cranium up and down as she spoke. He agreed with all she had spoken of, taking note of her glance towards the elders. Perhaps the oldest cats in the clan would be able to consult the leader about his future choices. A flush of embarrassment hottened his face as his deputy spoke of him. It was not like he was being an amazing angel sent from Starclan. It was his duty, his humane role in life, to ensure the survival of his clan. As her eyes flickered over the apprentices, Fogstar's did as well. He noticed Cheetahpaw staring up at him with a coldness within her gaze. A confused look sheathed his eyes, eyebrows furrowing in a perplexed gesure as her jaws began to part. They snapped shut with resilience. Hm. VVasn't she getting up there in apprentice age? Soon, Fog would have to speak to Smokestep about giving Cheetahpaw her final assessment. He turned back and a large grin grew atop his features. Chest puffed out in pride at his clanmate's words. VVindclan had always survived, and always will. "Oh, don't worry about it, Smokestep. That was great." He dipped his head to the fae while raising his own morale in silent discussion. He knew of so many things he had to say. So many words were caught within his throat, begging to spill, begging to be let free. Fogstar realized all the emotions that he had kept locked inside of his mind for so long were on the brink of spilling outwards, as if Smokestep's words had added water to the oil fire of his head. "VVindclan. VVe're all here today because of eachother. VVe all know how to function with each other, even if it may not seem like it. Alone, you may feel you are nothing. You, just one cat, can't contribute to anything in the world. Right?" He paused for a moment, gaze slithering and prodding into each feline in the clearing below. "VVrong. You, and I. Her, and him. Kitten, and elder. VVe all make eachother stronger. Together, we are unstoppable. All that has and ever will be proven to Starclan is long judged. All we have to do now is prove our own power to ourselves. And, VVindclan, we shall thrive forever." ![]() |
Cheetahstar {POH} (#123835)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-10-09 06:10:01 |
((Hey its all good! I was wondering whether or not that Cheetahpaw was the one he was looking at. The reason I still spoke of that was that Cheetahpaw thinks that Fogstar was speaking of her, which will add more drama to the relationship between our characters. If you do not want this drama, just tell me and I will pretend that it never happened ;3)) Cheetahpaw was impressed. Her leader spoke words of wisdom, words that Cheetahpaw felt as though she could never muster. She let out a mrow of agreement, even though she was still bitter about earlier. Why did Fogstar think that she was not trustworthy? She adverted her gaze from the leaders after realizing that he was staring at her with confusion. A little embarrased by her staring, she began to lick her paws and draw them over her ears and eyes. ![]() |
Cobia (#95963)
Ruthless View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-10-10 15:40:10 |
FOGSTAR - leader OF windclan - SEASON: Almost leaf bare - LOCATION: Tallrock - MENTIONS: All, Cheetahpaw, Smokestep, Tallpaw - VOICE: Allesandro Juliani (Oh no, it's quite alright ! Also, appies, please let me know if you would like your final assessment! c: ) A slight smile churned upwards Fogstar's features as auds heard soft tunes of agreement across the camp. He was proud of his clan for not giving into the Riverclanners, even with seemingly corrupt unknown ancestors pushing for surrender. Slate optics cast warm gaze down yet again onto Cheetahpaw. If he was remembering correctly, she had been training for atleast a few moons now and was almost the age to become a warrior. Perhaps, he should get her final assessment taken care of. It was an uncertain pang within his skull about the other appies that forced him to keep his vocals from giving direct names. Cranium tilted to view Tallpaw. That young tom definetly needed more training, yet, from who? He could request from Shadowclan, as they were staying somewhat neutral while Thunderclan was kissing the swimming feline's rumps. Hm. "Hey, Smokestep." He called while chewing on the inside of his lip. "I believe one or more of our apprentices are the age to have their final assessments." A sly grin bit across his face and lightened his overall mood. "Unless, of course, they would prefer to stay as apprentices and clean some more nests. Hmm, tough choice." His voice rose in a joking 'tsk' while unsheathed claws thrummed across the stone. "I'm sure you'd love some cats to stay appies to fetch you prey, of course, Smokestep." A slight chuckle rolled from his lithe frame. ![]() |
lynx [it/its] (#95875)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-10-10 15:59:35 |
Tallpaw-10 Moons-Location: Under Tallrock-Mentions: Fogstar (open) Tallpaw agreed with Fogstar, he wouldn't be kissing RiveClan's rump just because of the prophecy, surely they could do something about it, his big ears twiched upon hearing that at least one apprentice was ready to become a warrior, he sighed knowing that he still had to wait 2 moons before that happened and until then he would stay as the WindClan medicine cat apprentice, he smiled at the though of being a full medicine cat and being able to help his clanmates when they most needed him. //Mah boi wouldn't be against becoming a medicine cat since there isn't currently one, but he's still 2 Moons too young ;-;// ![]() |
Spaghetti Enthusiast (#121187)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-10-10 16:23:17 |
Meadowpaw | Rank - apprentice | Location - camp | Mentions - Cheetahpaw, Fogstar Meadowpaw cheered gratefully as he spoke wisely about WindClan thriving. She let her cheers stop though when he continued speaking. She twitched her cream colored tail excitedly as he spoke about final assessments. She wished greatly to become a warrior, but she was still two or three moons to young. She knew she had a lot left to train her, though there wasn't a day that went by without Meadowpaw dreaming about being a warrior. Free from apprentice duties, and way more respected by the clan. But not yet for her, though she knew he friend Cheetahpaw was almost ready, if not she was ready. Meadowpaw shot a quick glance at the other apprentice wondering how she'd react to what Fogstar was saying. ![]() |
Trash|G3Frail.Mot.El ys.| (#121220) Impeccable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-10-11 19:46:32 |
Smokestep|Deputy of Windclan|Smoky Dappled She-Cat|Location- Camp|Mentions- ![]() Edited on 11/10/17 @ 19:47:39 by Peachie||Lights Off~ (#121220) |
bugbolt [clean witch!] (#30302) Astral View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-10-11 19:54:34 |
[Not sure where to jump in, so ah, here I go..] ['m also a little rusty, but I promise I'll get better over time lmao] --- Marshfowl scrambled out of the nests, tripping on her own paws and landing not-so-gracefully somewhere in the clearing. With wide, blinking eyes, she glanced around. Must have been a dream. With a slight sigh, she pulled herself to her feet and twisted around, cleaning dust from her back. Somewhere nearby, she could hear other cats talking, but she decided against snooping. [just a start, sorry x-x] ![]() |
Cheetahstar {POH} (#123835)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-10-12 06:41:33 |
((I have some bad news. I will not be able to do this rp much longer due to issues at home. I will not kill off my character too quickly, as I want it to be a part of the story line, and not super sudden. I will still play Lioden, but I just cannot do the rping anymore.)) Cheetahpaw eaves dropped on Fogstar and Smokestep. She felt excitement building up in her chest at the thought of becoming a warrior! She quickly moved over towards Meadowpaw and Tallpaw, who were speaking together at the edge of the clearing. "Did you guys just hear what Fogstar was saying?" Cheetahpaw could not contain the excitement in her mew. "They are going to assess me for my warrior ceremony!" Cheetahpaw unsheathed her claws and began to run them through the dirt, anxiety and impatience building up inside of her. ![]() |
Spaghetti Enthusiast (#121187)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-10-12 15:24:22 |
(( Aww ): )) Meadowpaw | Rank - apprentice | Location - camp | Mentions - Cheetahpaw, Fogstar Meadowpaw turned to face her friend as she came up. She twitched her tail excitedly for the older apprentice. "That's great, Cheetahpaw!" Meadowpaw mewed cheerfully glad for her fellow apprentice. Then she purred adding a joke, "I'll have to continue picking out elders' ticks and fleas while you're allowed to do anything you want!" The creamy colored cat meowed. Meadowpaw's eyes glimmered with amusement, but she was wondering how they'd assess the she-cat with the shortage of prey and all. Prey had become much scarcer lately, though it hadn't disappeared entirely, it was still scarce. Though final assessments still had to take place, apprentices had to be made warriors, no matter what was happening. Or else Fogstar would get to many complaints from his apprentices! ![]() |
Cobia (#95963)
Ruthless View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-10-13 15:27:31 |
FOGSTAR - leader OF windclan - SEASON: Almost leaf bare - LOCATION: In Camp - MENTIONS: Meadowpaw, Tallpaw, Eden's Cat, All - TOPIC: Prophecy, Basic discussion - VOICE: Allesandro Juliani Fogstar nodded. "Meeting dismissed." He called out while lean hinds powered his descent from the rock. Landing with a dull thud atop the dusty earth cranium began to swivel. Slate optics searched for the apprentice he needed to find. Ah. Focus landed onto Cheetahpaw, who had split off and was now discussing something with the other apprentices. He assumed it to be her final assessment as he had given a slightly sarcastic inquiry of it to Smokestep while atop the rock. "Cheetahpaw." His voice sounded as he turned his head from her and towards Smokestep. "You plan on being an apprentice forever? If not, I'd advise getting ready for your assessment right now. VVe'll leave for it at sun high. Not much time." Paws carried lithe frame towards his deputy, a greeting nod dipping his head. "Hey. I'm thinking for Cheetahpaw's assessment, we'll need another apprentice to help. Do you think Meadowpaw could handle it as extra training?" He inquired quietly to the fae, silken tail weaving in the air behind him. ![]() |
Cheetahstar {POH} (#123835)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-10-13 17:09:48 |
"Okay Fogstar!" All of Cheetahpaws anger towards him melted as it was replaced with pure giddiness. As the big tom walked away, Cheetahpaw looked back at her fellow apprentices. "EEEEEE!!!!! I'm so exited! Ugh I have been training FOREVER!" Cheetahpaws heart felt as light as a feather, and she was the happiest she had been in moons! She then realized the depth of the situation. She was going to get her warrior name! She was going to be treated more than just a little apprentice! She felt her heart soar as she thought of her future and how bright it was going to be. ![]() |
Trash|G3Frail.Mot.El ys.| (#121220) Impeccable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-10-13 17:37:42 |
Smokestep|Deputy of Windclan|Smoky Dappled She-Cat|Location- Camp|Mentions- Fogstar, Cheetahpaw, Meadowpaw, Marshfowl ![]() |