Posted by Shadowclan

Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-21 05:08:50
Here's Shadowclan!

Special event: none
(( if you don't have a cat please go to this link))

Cats allowed to RolePlay here (so far!)
-SwiftStar (Leader)
-BlossomPaw (med cat apprentice)
-RavenClaw (Warrior)
-ShadowLeaf (Med cat)
-LightningPaw (Apprentice)
-OwlSong (Warrior)
-RussetFlight (Elder)
-SplashPaw (Apprentice)
-Chase (Abandoned Kit)
-Chance (Abandoned Kit)
-Snakepaw (Apprentice)
-IvyTail (warrior)
-CinderFrost (warrior)
-Sunfall (warrior)
-StripedTail (Deputy)
-HoneyKit (Kit)

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Edited on 14/10/17 @ 05:26:20 by Eden [WCU] (#107390)

The Drunken Uchiha
Prodigy (#38424)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-14 19:00:17
Chase|with Honeykit

He wanted to peek his head inside the den, but it seemed like there were cats talking within, and so he let Honeykit lead him away to the center of the camp. He tilted his head as she crouched down, one ear cocked to the side in confusion, "Why would I want to fight you? I'd rather play than fight." His tail flicked as he spoke, his pale grey eyes focused on Honeykit.

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🐱CottonCaat🐱 (#127324)

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Posted on
2017-10-14 19:22:32

SunFall had been watching Chase and HoneyKit together she already didn't like the two they weren't clan born cats. So why were they in her clan she padded over to the two her tail swinging side by side. " hey chase what were you before you came into ShadowClan?" She asked " were you and your sibling rogues or kittypet's?" She mewed.

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2017-10-15 01:32:18
Swiftstar|Leader of Shadowclan|68 Moon Black Tom|Location- Camp|Mentions- Honeykit, Chase and Chance, Sunfall
The clan was alive with activity. More-so than the tom had seen in days. injury, it seemed always brought the clan gawking. While in good intentions, the panic, excitement, and energy caused Swiftstar's pelt to prickle, as if an electrical storm were brewing. The old tom preferred when things were calm, organized and well performed, so when he emerged from his den to see all the activity and bustle, he had to pause, deciding which to tackle first. A warrior had already come and told him of Owlsong's state, and as the she-cat was stable, he would visit when things calmed, and the warrior had some time to rest. So, instead his attention snapped to the closest affair, one that caused his eyes to widen, and his hackles to raise ever so slightly alone his spine.

There were strange kits in the camp. Without a second hesitation, his paws had taken him to the scene, set in the middle of camp for every cat to observe. Yet, no one seemed to give a second thought to what was happening, and this caused the tom to exhale in brief annoyance at his clan. Coming to a hault at the sight, his pale gaze panned slowly over each cat he stood before. From Sunfall, observing with a far to relaxed state, to Honeykit, and the two strangers. fluffed against the chill, with his thicker neck fur, and winter pelt the leader was a sight, glaring down at the kits. while he was not the largest cat by far, to these young cats, he was looming.
"What. Is. This?" His voice was deeper than one would expect, level and demanding of an answer. His pale gaze fell on Honeykit and Sunfall in particular, both of whom were clan cats and therefore, held to higher regard.
"I don't recall our queens giving birth to these." Again, he spoke without raising his voice, however the resonance his tune carried, and the power in his stance not needing to yowl to get his words across. Narrowed eyes slid onto the strangers, and although there was no anger in the gaze, there was a sternness that meant this tom was not one to fool with.

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The Drunken Uchiha
Prodigy (#38424)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-15 02:50:48
Chase | With Honeykit, SunFall, and Swiftstar | Center of camp

The approach of the first stranger had Chase pinning his ears down, his pale grey eyes narrowing in confusion at her words, "What are those?" He would never get his answer though, as another cat approached. It was a Tom this time, one with an automotive air about him. Chase's grey gaze shifted to look unflinchingly up at the older Tom, "My brother and I were abandoned, ShadowLeaf helped us and brought us here. My brother is in the den with her..."

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-15 06:02:24
HoneyKit ((mentions: SwiftStar, chase, chance))

HoneyKit puffed herself up, giving her a larger appearance. "SwiftStar, this is chase. Him and his brother were abandoned, tossed away in a sack. ShadowLeaf saved them. I was merely showing chase around." She said, her voice dull. The friendliness she had shown to chase and chance was gone when she looked at her leader, as if daring him to say they couldn't stay. She held her head high, confidence and bravery the only expression as she looked at her leader. "They can stay. Right?" It was more a statement then a question. But something in HoneyKits eyes said that saying no was a VERY bad idea.

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🐱CottonCaat🐱 (#127324)

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Posted on
2017-10-15 07:49:33
SunFall-warrior- HoneyKit Chase SwiftStar

SunFall's nose wrinkled in disgust " ShadowLeaf shouldn't have brought these two here! We have enough mouths to feed already!" The angry tabby lashed her tail from side to side " They were abandoned for a reason and ShadowClan don't need these two scrawny scraps of fur!" SunFall was furious her pelt bristling it was leaf bare the clan didn't need more mouths to feed, especially not two rogues.

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🐱CottonCaat🐱 (#127324)

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Posted on
2017-10-15 07:58:47
StripedTail-Deputy- camp-Mentions Chase HoneyKit SwiftStar SunFall

StripedTail heard the commotion and remembering his new duty as deputy he padded over standing next to his leader. He dipped his head respectfully at SwiftStar before addressing him, " What is going on here?" The blue tabby asked he looked down just now noticing the scared looking kit. Whose kits are these? He thought bending his head down he took a whiff of the kit not recognizing the smell. His nose scrunched up they smelled like rogues. He heard HoneyKit make her statement and gave her a hard look, " That is not for you to decide" StripedTail said sternly looking back at his leader. He noticed the disgusted look on SunFall's face " Don't you have something better to do!" He mewed flicking his tail to send her away.

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The Drunken Uchiha
Prodigy (#38424)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-15 08:34:55
(They were kittypets, not rogues. And it's just Chase with Honeykit, Chance is in the medicine Den...)

Chase | With Honeykit, SunFall, Swiftstar, and Syripedtail

The older she-cats words had Chase bristling slightly, his ears pinning back as he hissed at her, "I'm not scrawny! I'm half your size and not even half your age!" Being the breed of cat he was, for a young kit his age, he was still very large, though not as large as he claimed to be.

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2017-10-15 08:43:30
Swiftstar|Leader of Shadowclan|68 Moon Black Tom|Location- Camp|Mentions- Honeykit, Chase and Chance, Sunfall, Stripedtail
Swiftstar closed his eyes for a moment, exhaling slowly. Whatever her mother was teaching her, the tom was going to have words. Honeykits lack of respect this early, would only mean trouble in the future. While he prided Shadowclan on their to face down any enemy without fear, to show blatant disrespect to him in front of warriors and strangers meant the small she-cat had much to learn about clan life still. He was glad however, when Sunfall and Stripedtail seemed to snap the odd situation back into a semblance of sense. Pale eyes finally reopened.
"Stripedtail is right, that isn't for you to decide." There was a faint warning in his words to the young kit, His attention swiveled to the warrior, and deputy.
"Sunfall has a point. In hard times, two strange new mouths to feel is hardly a blessing." As the tom sent the warrior off, he returned to look at the kits, thoughts speeding through his mind despite the cool exterior.
Shadowclan did not need more mouths to feed, it was true. However their lack of kits this recent leaf-fall, meant having new paws to work later would be a helpful boon. The tom's brow furrowed. There was also their clan heritage to think about, taking in rogues and kitty pets was much more a Thunderclan move, with their proximity to the two-legs. The tom's unfocused gaze slid back into clarity, and with a flick of his tail, turned to Striped tail.
"Get both of them. I'm calling a meeting. The clan can decide." He was about to turn away, when his gaze fell back on Honeykit, looking stern.
"As for you, remember to respect your elders, Honeykit. Or you're apprentice trailing will consist of nothing but elder aid until you do. "
With that, the black tom swiveled on his paws, bounding to a fallen tree that gave him the vantage to look down on his clan.
"Cat's old enough to catch their own prey, gather under the fallen tree for a clan meeting." his voice was a rumble as he waited.

(Obviously since you wanted them in Shadowclan, Swift will accept, but it's weird cats to be so relaxed about it so need to have their joining make some sense lol.)

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-15 10:58:19


HoneyKit's expression did not change as she was scolded. She raised an eyebrow. "Oh, yes, let the clan of hungry, scrawny, half-beaten cats decide their fate. So much better." She muttered, padding over to chase. She smiled at him half-heartedly. "Their a bunch of grumps. But really they are good cats. Don't let them pull your tail." She purred jokingly, nudging him.

((HoneyKits mother died of greencough when HoneyKit was 3 moons old :p ))

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🐱CottonCaat🐱 (#127324)

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Posted on
2017-10-15 11:17:50
StripedTail-Deputy- camp-Mentions SwiftStar

StripedTail followed after his leader if they decided to keep these two kittypet's that would mean more mouths to feed but StripedTail knew that there was more positives then negatives in this situation. The blue tabby decided to voice his opinion" SwiftStar those two might be kittypet's but their still fairly young, I think we should give them a chance. But we have to remember that just because it worked for thunderclan doesn't mean those two are cut out for clan life." He mewed. " Do they fully grasp what clan life means?" StripedTail was concerned but he knew that StarClan would guide them through this. It was up to the clan to decide.

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2017-10-15 11:41:24
Swiftstar|Leader of Shadowclan|68 Moon Black Tom|Location- Camp|Mentions- Stripedtail, all.
(Its hard to know your cats history since I never see character sheets hah. But ok. Swiftstar still is a pretty stern cat, its weird for a kit to be defying a leader honestly..)
At Honeykits words, Swift star shook his head but ignored the kit. He remembered his own youth, but even still. Her insult to the clan caused his fur to prickle. Half starved or not, they were still family, and unlike some he respected the opinions of every cat. From on top of the fallen tree, he peered down at his deputy.
"I agree. They don't have our blood. However extra paws may help in the days to come. " His gaze fell over the clan who had started to assemble, waiting for the kits to come forward. It was a tricky situation, but he was willing to consider the option of kitty-pets in his clan. He knew their life would be more challenging, their loyalties would constantly be tested. However if they persevered, they would be all.the stronger for it.
"Cats of Shadowclan, we have two strangers in our midsts. Kitty-pets, who one way or another have come to our clan, and desire sanctuary, to join among us." His narrowed gaze slid slowly across the masses.
"Times are hard, and it is unconventional to say the least." tail twitched, wrapping around his pass.
"However if the two accept our ways, extra pass can aid in tough times ahead."
onyx dorm lowered to a crouch, eyes piercing.
"So, I ask your thoughts, for this effects every cat." With that he remained in his crouch, gaze imploring others to speak.

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🐱CottonCaat🐱 (#127324)

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Posted on
2017-10-15 11:51:43
StripedTail-Deputy- camp-Mentions everyone

StripedTail stepped forward he wanted to let every cat know exactly how he felt. " I think that the two additions to our clan will be well rewarded in the future, I know it means more mouths to feed but I'm sure these kits will become fine apprentices and then warriors." The blue tabby sat down he was sure that these kits would be fine and if they left for a softer life than the clan wouldn't suffer.

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The Drunken Uchiha
Prodigy (#38424)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-15 11:54:47
Chase & Chance | in the camp | Lots o kitties

Chase had slunk off to fetch his brother, he wasn't from here, but he could tell what was wanted of him and his brother. With a gentle nudge he awoke his sleeping brother, who let out a yawn as he rolled to his side and stretched his whole body out in one long stretch. After a few seconds he rolled back over and got to his paws, shaking his fur off and turning his green eyes up to the pale grey eyes of his brother. If they trusted no-one else, they at least had each other. So together they padded out to join the growing crowd of cats, sitting next to the deputy, underneath the fallen log for the whole clan to see. Chance kept his side pressed against his brother, truly they were twins, black fur patched with white and tan, where one was white, the other was tan. Chase was very obviously bigger than his brother, one downfall of biological twins was one was always weaker than the other. Chase already had the makings of a very large and formidable fighter if trained properly. Chance on the other hand, with his sleeker and smaller frame would make an excellent hunter if given the proper training. Feeling his little brother start to shiver from all the attention Chase leaned his head down and licked the top of Chance's head, murmuring softly to calm him.

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🐱CottonCaat🐱 (#127324)

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Posted on
2017-10-15 11:58:25

SunFall couldn't help but call out in protest. " but their kittypet's! why should we waste our time and recourses on them just for a small chance that they will stay!" A few voices called out in agreement giving the tan tabby extra confidence. "We are ShadowClan! not thunderclan! we don't take in kittypet's like they do" SunFall growled "Lets give them to Thunderclan and let them handle the burden."

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