Posted by A Pet's Love (OPEN)

Ravi (#105549)

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Posted on
2018-02-17 19:59:41

The image is from this website, go check it out! It has facts all about kittens (For this roleplay)

Chat here
Approximately 1.5 million animals are euthanized each year due to space in shelters. You work at a shelter in the USA and have been trying to stop this. Raising puppies, chicks, kittens and even small farm animals has been your job for years. You have a group of friends who help you do this! You foster animals in your home and give your time and tlc to them, allowing them to grow from pitiful euthanizable newborns to adoptable young animals. Each animal comes and goes, always looking for your love.

Hi! Welcome to A Pet's Love! This roleplay will probably not be popular, but oh well! Anyway, as you can see, this roleplay is all about animal rescuing. You can be a simple voluenteer or even just a citizen who visits! Its really up to you!


So, Now that thats over, let me state the rules
1. Always listen to anyone who i have stated is in charge
2. This is a free for all roleplay, stick to the facts, have a good character and i wont really care!
3. Follow all Lioden Rules!
4. Respect everyone's opinions.
5. I may or may not allow animal roleplaying. I may make something to figure it out,
6. DO NOT describe gruesome animal diseases with detail. Some people do not want to be stuck with this image forever.
7. OOC talk is to be on the chatter topic.
7. Most importantly, HAVE FUN

Note: These rules will change if i feel the need for it

Now, onto jobs!

Your character may be a vet, citizen or anything else. Just PM me if you have a question!

Well, thats about it, have fun!

Character List

Lillie Ashilda Bjorndotti

Pets in care







Adopted animals

Skye (Lillie)
Tigger (Cass)
Jess (Cass)
Salem (Cass)
Ellie (Cass)
Robin (Euphoria)
Cashew (Euphoria)
Crumble (Euphoria)
Alishaba (Lia)
Sneakers (Lia)
Chronos (Jackie)
Azzura (Jackie)
Daisy (Willow)
Owl (Willow)
Buddy (Willow)
Apollo (Madisyn)
Teacup (Madisyn)
Peabody (Madisyn)
Honey (Madisyn)
Lilian (Madisyn)
Sherry (Madisyn)

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Edited on 23/02/18 @ 21:35:59 by Stormclaw (#105549)

Farrah (#120513)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-24 14:00:53
~ Angel Gray ~

Angel scurried into the main lobby, grabbing the phone in her small hands. "River Stone Animal Hospital. This is Angel speaking, how may I help you?" She asked sweetly. She looked down, flipping through papers.

(Is everyone ok with that name? It doesn't have one right now so I kinda just made one up xD)

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Edited on 24/02/18 @ 14:03:02 by Farrah (#120513)

2Weird2Live (Moon) (#135104)

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Posted on
2018-02-24 14:12:50

"Hi, my cat, Alishaba is not looking herself, when you pet her, big hand fulls of fur come out and she's hardly breathing".
Lia looked at her cat in her hands.

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Farrah (#120513)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-24 14:18:50
~ Angel Gray ~

Angel formed a worried expression on her face. "Okay," Her voice remained calm. "We can make space for you in about 15 minutes. Is that good?" She asked, jotting down notes on a scrap peice of paper. She held the phone between her cheek and shoulder as she typed out information on the computer.

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2Weird2Live (Moon) (#135104)

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Posted on
2018-02-24 14:21:09

"Yes, that's good". Lia was barely holding her phone as she held tightly to Alishaba.

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rvedBetter (#99089)

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Posted on
2018-02-24 14:31:38
Jacqueline "Jackie" Davenport

Jackie watched nervously before the woman spoke. She almost sagged in relief, but a small frown worked it's way to her face. "Can't say for before I got him, but he currently has a 120 watt mercury vapor bulb. I've only had him for about a month or two, however." She said after a brief consideration as she watched the woman stroke the tortoise's head. "I do let him get outside as much as I can." She added quickly.

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Farrah (#120513)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-24 14:31:38
~ Angel Gray ~

Angel scrambled through the halls to Madisyn. "Madisyn!" She finally spotted her in exam room B. "We have an emergency appointment with a cat." She hollered, clinging to the doorway frame. She handed her some notes.

~ Madisyn / Dr. Meyer ~

Madisyn read through the notes plastered on the paper with chicken scratch writing. She must had been in a hurry. "Alright..." She swung back to face Jackie and Danielle. "I'll be back. Just hang tight, alright?" She pulled out her phone, looking at the time.

"where's Charlie?" She asked, peering down the hallway. "Angel, can you ask him to finish Bowden's appointment?"

~ Angel Gray ~

"Of course." Angel shuffled towards the other end of the hallway, appearing in the main entrance. "Charlie!" She hollered. "Do you mind finishing Bowden's monthly appointment?" She questioned.

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Ravi (#105549)

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Posted on
2018-02-24 16:10:38

Lillie picked up the kitten and pulled it towards her, rubbing it down with her shirt and coat. She then grabbed a syringe, filled it up with milk and started feeding her. "Lets get back."

Danielle was confused. She knew there was something with a cat. "Whats happened to the cat?"

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Farrah (#120513)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-24 16:20:38
~ Madisyn / Dr. Meyer ~

Madisyn glanced at the notes once again. "It's struggling to breathe and has extreme hair loss..." Her voice faded the deeper she got into thought. She shook her head. "Aloplecia is usually caused by skin infections or parasites...I suppose it could have caused a respitory infection or unfortunatley heart difficulties.." She paused, her head bouncing back up to see Danielle. "You can tag along if we get you scrubbed up. I think we have some extras in the maintenance closet." She reached on the counter, squirting handsanitizer in her hands and massaging it in.

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Farrah (#120513)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-24 16:29:23
~ Matthew Hocks ~

Matthew barged through the front door, lifting his glasses farther up his nose with his knuckle. He was surprised to see the activity in the clinic at this time of day. He headed behind the counter, scooping up a small dog being boarded there for the weekend. The dog was very well fed. "Hey Marlo." He cheered, ruffling the dog's fur.

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2Weird2Live (Moon) (#135104)

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Posted on
2018-02-24 17:22:54

Lia held Alishaba close to her chess as she hurried to her car and drove off.

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Turnip Chair (#117787)

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Posted on
2018-02-24 18:38:55
Charlie turned to Skylar, somehow missing her as he walked in. "Oh! I didn't see you there Skylar! And hello Miss Delilah," he greeted, reaching down to pet the dog as he laughed. At Skylar's question, he groaned, shooting Louie a harmless glare (the capuchin was still patting Delilah's head happily and didn't see his owner glaring at him). "Someone decided to destroy my couch again." He gave the monkey a pointed look, as if it weren't already obvious who could have possibly done it.

Charlie waved cheerfully as Angel entered the lobby at the phone ringing, knowing better than to try and talk to her while she was rushing to take a call. Upon hearing there was an emergency, he immediately went stoic, ready to take the job. He was a bit disappointed that Madisyn was chosen to handle it instead, but he was late to work. Besides, he had Louie, and he wasn't exactly the most patient animal to have in the emergency room.

He was distracted from his thoughts by Angel asking him to finish Bowden's check-up. Happy to oblige, he replied with an eager "Sure!" and headed into the exam room. "Hey Jackie! How are you?" he asked before turning to the patient in question, eyes lighting up with glee. "And how's our favorite tortoise? My how he's grown!" He began to thumb the juvenile's shell and exposed skin, checking for any abnormalities. He was certain Dr. Meter had already done so, but there was no harm in double checking. Louie immediately made himself comfortable on the desk chair beside the exam table, watching the procedure intently.

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sinister (#112820)

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Posted on
2018-02-24 18:40:11
Euphoria Griffins

The small female walked out the place, quickly tidying up her hair before just sitting outside, the bottom half of her jeans getting dirtied slightly.

(i didn't know what to write .-.)

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rvedBetter (#99089)

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Posted on
2018-02-24 19:09:02
Jacqueline "Jackie" Davenport

Jackie waited patiently for a new vet to come in, knowing that this happened occasionally. Her foot tapped on the ground, fidgeting. She was never good at staying still, even now that she was getting close too thirty. It seemed not to long ago that she was in high school- but those were bad years. She wasn't going too think about that anymore. She took a breathe in and held it. Then released. Then repeat. Like she and Dr. Emily Brown had practiced.

The door opened, and her head snapped up to meet soft brown eyes that she knew by the name Charlie. He greeted her and she smiled. "Hey Charlie. I'm good, you?" She asked in return politely, watching as he walked towards the table keenly. "He seems to be doin' fine, but you never know. Doctor..." She paused, her short-term memory scraping up what it could, "Meyer, er Madisyn, said he might have some pyramiding." She recalled.

She threw a short look at the monkey. Today wasn't very slow, so that means he was either clingy today or had destroyed something. She was betting the latter. "Bad monkey today?" She mused as the black and white primate sat on a chair.

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Mewmew (has a
cloudburst) (#139182)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-25 00:01:29
Delihla let out a happy bark, and tries to follow Charlie into the room, until Skylar calls her back "On the blanket" Skylar commands, pionting to said object. Delihla once again lies down, and Skylar puts Luna next to her "Alright you two, i'm going to see if Pionter or Rex need anything, i'll be back soon" she promised, and walked into the place that they kept the dogs. Only to be met with two big wagging tails attached to two excited dogs "Let me guess, you two want to walk?" the two start barking and howling in agreement "Alright, quiet down" Skylar chuckled, grabbing Pointer's leash and putting it on the excited german pointer "Lets go boys" Skylar openes the door and clicks with her tounge, as the two male dogs run towards the entrance "Alright! Alright! I'm not as fast as you two" Skylar chuckles, and calls to noone in particular "Keep a close eye on Luna! If she starts having problems, call me!" it wasn't, leaving Luna alone, the poor thing had digestive problems, and a very weak stomach in general. All thanks to the lack of food that backyard breeder gave Delihla, forcing Luna to fight with her two brothers and sister over the little milk Delihla did make

A bark snapped her out of her thoughts, Pointer and Rex are waiting at the door, Rex with a look of 'are you coming?''and Pointer just smiling at the door, like it would open for his doggy smile. She sigh and opens the door before walking out, Rex walking next to her, she'll have to thank whoever trained Rex, because they did a great job. she noticed Euphoria and smiled "Hey, how are things going?"

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Farrah (#120513)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-25 07:46:49
~ Madisyn / Dr. Meyer ~

Madisyn waited patiently for the woman to arrive. She typed frantically on the computer then paused to roll her neck. She sighed lightly. Stray strands of hair dangled at her cheeks. The glow of the computer reflected in her bright blue eyes.

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