Posted by The United Clans Form [WCU RP]
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-07-04 04:47:56

Main Roleplay Thread


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Age (Moons):
Looks (Img or description):
Breed (If applicable):
Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan):
Fur Length:
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe):
Weaknesses (5+):
Strengths (5+):
Do you intend on developing your character?:
Other: Did you read the rules?


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New Rules
*We now require RPers to post at least 5 lines minimum in their reply.

Thread Staff

Admin: Quake™️
Admin: Balder
Moderator: Mellow Marshmallow
Moderator: Light Queen

11/17 CURRENT Summary

Clan life was like any other, hunting and border patrols, injuries, and the training of apprentices. At one point, there was an incident with a rogue who harmed an apprentice, Vixenpaw, who later died from her wounds. Tensions were high for awhile as they sought what to do about this rogue, though as things started to settle down once more, Starclan had something brewing that would eventually come to affect the clan cats in the forest below. The weather took a turn and soon a storm raged on, causing numerous lightning strikes around the forest. Unfortunately, there were a few cats who were injured due to these strikes, severely injuring them. Once the rain stopped, the lightning strikes continued to happen and eventually, one happened in the camp and started a fire. The clan cats had to evacuate from the old camp and settled along the river, making it a temporary camp until they could rebuild their original camp once more. During their stay along the river, Sunstar received a dream from Starclan, telling him of the threat of the Dark Forest preparing to take over Starclan. Shortly after he had given his announcement, all of the high ranking cats(leaders, deputies, and medicine cats) fell into a deep slumber, waking up in Starclan. They were brought up to help defend Starclan against their battle with the Dark Forest. During the battle, both co-medicine cat, Horsetail, and co-deputy, Hollowfall, were killed. However, Horsetail was resurrected and returned back to his body back in the forest. In the end, the Dark Forest ended up winning the battle in Starclan, sealing the deal after Thistlestar stopped from his son, Sunstar, from killing Brokenbone, claiming the Dark Forest cat as his mate. While the high ranks were locked in battle in Starclan, the clan cats had Lioncloud and Earthquake serve as their temporary leaders and Clearsong and Honeyfrost as temporary deputies.
They all tried to get by while the high ranks were away until they had a dog problem occur, injuring a few, but the cats managed to kill the dogs they could. Little did they know, another threat was lurking close by named Glade, disguising himself as a friend to them. While talking with Lioncloud, the rogue killed the temporary leader and claimed it was a dog when the deceased tom was discovered. Over time, Glade established himself as the new clan leader, injuring and starving those of the clan when he felt like it. However, the high ranks have woken up, no memory of their battle in Starclan and yet to see side effects of being away from their physical bodies for so long.

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Edited on 08/08/19 @ 15:21:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

Adella The Hungry (#112740)

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Posted on
2018-07-05 18:02:21
Name: Ivyripple
Gender: She-cat
Age (Moons):20 moons
Looks (Img or description): White with blue eyes
Heritage Riverclan
Sexuality: straight
Fur Length: Long
Disabilities: N/A
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat univers/): N?A
Personality: Kind/ sweet/ but unforgiving/ ambitious
Weaknesses (5+): Smaller in size, lets others take advantage of her, not great at hunting, soft heart,
Strengths (5+): Honest, Great warrior, Amazing sense of smell, genuine, Pretty, loyal
Mate: TBD
Siblings: N/A
Other: 112740


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Edited on 10/07/18 @ 16:34:05 by Queen of Dwarfs (#112740)

Tiger <3 (#137561)

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Posted on
2018-07-05 18:05:53
Name: Vixenpaw
Gender: Female
Age (Moons): 7 Moons
Looks (Img or description): Dark ginger base, with a white underbelly, and black paws. Very bright, piercing green eyes. She has rippling muscles, and a very long body, good for hunting and fighting.
Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan): Skyclan grandparents, but lives in RiverClan.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Fur Length: Short-ish
Disabilities: None
Scars: One long scar running down her back from a RiverClan battle
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): N/A
Personality: Timid, very brave, can be sarcastic, eager, exciting. Good cat to be around.
Weaknesses (5+): Staying awake late, bright light, long grass, dogs, thunder paths, snakes.
Strengths (5+): Running, jumping, swimming (Very good at swimming), fighting, agility, sprinting, hunting, climbing.
Mate: None yet, open :P
Siblings: Nope.
Other: Did you read the rules? Yes, I read the rules :D 137561

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Edited on 05/07/18 @ 18:55:30 by Tiger (#137561)

Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-07-05 18:07:34
Name: Alderpaw (Alderfall)
Gender: Male
Age (Moons): 11
Rank: Apprentice
Looks (Img or description): A black, orange and white calico.
Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan): Windclan heritage
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Fur Length: Mid-length
Disabilities: Blind in left eye
Scars: Short scar over muzzle from a playfight that went wrong
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): N/A
Personality: Listener, quiet, loves to analyze everything before making decisions.
Weaknesses (5+):
+ Low pain tolerance
+ Can be emotionally overwhelmed
+ Lashes out when pressured or prodded into something
+ Allergic to moss
+ Questions leadership and loyalty of others
Strengths (5+):
+ Strong
+ Independent
+ Positive
+ Overall good outlook on life
+ Loyal to clan and friends
Mate: N/A as of now
Siblings: N/A as of now
Other: Did you read the rules? 69866

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Edited on 05/07/18 @ 18:17:27 by Quake™ [WCU] #Apollyon (#69866)

Leaffrost101 (#115608)

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Posted on
2018-07-05 18:39:02

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Edited on 23/07/18 @ 06:02:19 by Leaffrost101 (#115608)

Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2018-07-05 18:40:02
Name: Hollowfall
Gender: Male
Age (Moons): 26 Moons
Rank: Deputy
Looks (Img or description): A smoky grey tom with a darker stripe along his backside and paws, with a lighter grey underbelly and paws. Has icy blue eyes. ( link:
Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan): RiverClan mother and ShadowClan father
Sexuality: Bisexual
Fur Length: Mid-length
Disabilities: Slightly limps due to deep scars on his right hind leg.
Scars: Long gashes along his right ear and right hind leg.
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): Small bunch of feathers that he wears behind his right ear when he feels like it
Personality: Loyal, Even-Tempered, Intelligent, Humorous, Persistent
History / Backstory: Hollowfall's History
Weaknesses (5+):
- Often snarky with no implication as of why
- Aggressive towards specific others
- Usually impatient
- Stubborn
- Pessimistic
Strengths (5+):
- Strong fighter
- Sharp hearing and sense of smell
- Agile
- Ambitious
- Independent
Mate: N/A
Siblings: Sunfart, Hawkpaw (Deceased), and Tigerfrost (Deceased),
Other: Did you read the rules? 66075

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Edited on 11/07/18 @ 20:48:36 by SASSHOLE [WCU] (#66075)

Sam (#142259)

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Posted on
2018-07-05 18:43:47
Name: Snowpaw
Gender: Female
Age (Moons): 7
Rank: Apprentice
Looks (Img or description): Snowpaw is a white cat with added light grey spots and grey paws fading to white. The top of her muzzle is grey also fading. Her ears are grey. Her left eye is Bright blue and her right is dark green. Scar under right eye
Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan): Thunderclan
Sexuality: Bisexual
Fur Length: Short
Disabilities: none
Scars: A long scar under her right eye from her nose to where her eye ends. She got it when she slipped on a rock.
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): I don't know what that means so NA
Personality: Is loyal to her friends and wants to protect. She gets emotional easily. Has a hard time excepting herself.
Weaknesses (5+):
Can't sleep well (restless)
Below average fighter
Not good at speed
Has a hard time excepting herself
Strengths (5+):
Good hunter
Good at stalking
Mate: None right now but I'm open!
Siblings: None right now but I'm open!
Other: Did you read the rules? Yes :) 142259

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Edited on 06/07/18 @ 17:49:57 by WARNING: I'm evil (#142259)

Shiraa❧ (#121597)

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Posted on
2018-07-05 18:49:13
Name: Dewymist
Gender: She-cat
Age (Moons): 15 moons
Rank: Warrior
Looks (Img or description): A sleek, blue classic tabby cat, with light yellow eyes.
Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan): ThunderClan heritage
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Fur Length: Long-furred
Disabilities: N/A
Scars: N/A
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): N/A
Personality: Loyal/Diligent/Very friendly/A bit shy at times
Weaknesses (5+): Scared of dogs, snakes, close spaces (like tunnels or caves), swimming, and lightning.
Strengths (5+): Stalking, sharp sight, good hearing, fine stamina, and pretty independent.
Mate: None, but open!
Siblings: N/A
Other: Did you read the rules? I definitely did! 121597

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Edited on 05/07/18 @ 19:06:39 by Nynx💜 (#121597)

Pumpkin (#77192)

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Posted on
2018-07-05 18:49:32

Name: Whispertail
- Whisper because when she was born, the breeze moving throughout the den and around her fur reminded her mother of whispers.
- Tail because of her exceptionally long tail.

Gender: Female

Age (Moons): 36 moons

Rank: Medicine Cat please, if not - warrior

Looks (Img or description):
- Whispertail is tall with long, slim legs. She stands at 9in (22.9cm) at the shoulder and 18cm (45.7cm) in length. Her tail is 10in (25.4cm) long. She has sleek, soft, white fur that easily reflects the moonlight, appearing silver in certain lights. Her nose is a light pink, outlined with the same white fur across her body. Her eyes are different colored; right blue, left pale green. Her paw pads are a soft looking pink. Her claws are a transparent white and easily longer than most other cats. She has a scar running from her left shoulder to hip, caused by the skirmish with her father.

Heritage: Riverclan

Sexuality: Homosexual

Fur Length: Semi-short

- Blind in her right eye.

- She has a scar running from her left shoulder to hip, caused by the skirmish with her father.

Accessories: None

- Whispertail is the type of cat to look out for the weaker ones of the clan or put someone else’s life before hers. A generally quiet cat, Whispertail is an exceptional hunter despite her role and a great listener. She doesn’t like violence, but she does love the feel of being in the woods or providing food for her clan. She likes to help out wherever she can and doesn’t mind spending time with the elders or the little ones. She has a soft heart and no matter where a cat comes from, she will always help them if they desperately need it. In her mind, they’re all just cats and she will gladly help a clan or cat in need even if she gets punished for it, but her clan will always come first. She doesn’t readily trust strangers and keeps her heart shielded from harm. She’s not ashamed of her scar as it shows she’s strong and can help herself, but she doesn’t wear it with pride. Instead it serves a reminder that you shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover. Can be impatient and snappish.

Weaknesses (5+):
- Lacks physical strength
- Her blindness can cause her to fail in a fight
- Fear of thunder
- Impatient
- Self-doubt

Strengths (5+):
- Loyalty
- Reliable
- Quick-footed
- Confident
- Positive

Mate: None as of now

- Unknown brother (Patchclaw) - Missing since birth

Other: 77192

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Edited on 06/07/18 @ 14:35:30 by Dys (#77192)

Moonshadow {WCU} (#144182)

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Posted on
2018-07-05 18:57:44

Name: Iceclaw
Gender: male
Age (Moons): 14 moons
Rank: Warrior
Looks (Img or description): Black base with piercing green eyes
Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan): Windclan
Sexuality: heterosexual
Fur Length: mid
Disabilities: N/A
Scars: N/A
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): N/A
Personality: eager for adventure and very brave. Kind to others and rather ambitious.
Weaknesses (5+):
terrible sense of smell
not so good at swimming
Allergic to bees
Hard to wake up due to his deep sleep.
Impatient and grumpy if didn't get enough sleep.
Strengths (5+):
Have great speed, agility, strength and stamina
Independent and strong
Loyal to the clan and his clan mates
Mate: none at the moment
Siblings: N/A
Other: Did you read the rules? Yes, 144182

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Evilgreenjellybean (#120816)

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Posted on
2018-07-05 19:01:14
Name: Moonpelt
Gender: Femal
Age (Moons): 3 years
Rank: warrior
Looks (Img or description): A really floofy Maine Coon with long, black fur and yellow eyes
Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan): Shadowclan
Sexuality: Bi
Fur Length: long
Disabilities: N/A
Scars: Scar across right eye
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): N/A
Personality: will rp
Weaknesses (5+): Swimming, Speed, pushes cats away a bit, shy sometimes, easily distracted
Strengths (5+): Climbing, fighting, good scence of smell, good hearing, floofy pelt helps her not get as harmed in battles
Other: Did you read the rules? #102816

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Edited on 05/07/18 @ 19:03:38 by 2rare2die (#120816)

(Dixie) (#71738)

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Posted on
2018-07-05 19:18:34



Age (Moons):
35 Moons


Ravenwind is a raven black she-cat with short fur and her back paws are snowy white, she has a white spot just above her muzzle and deep emerald green eyes with hazel specks. She has lean and log legs that allow her to jump over her tall objects and balance herself. As a reminder of her very first fight as an apprentice, Ravenwind has a jagged scar slashing from the corner of her left eye.



Fur Length:

Due to the damage she took from the blow, she is slightly blind in her left eye. She twisted her hind leg during a flood as an apprentice, but it has healed well and left her with a barely noticeable limp; due to this, she cannot run at full speed.

Ravenwind has a jagged scar slashing from the corner of her left eye.


Ravenwind is normally very polite towards her Clanmates and faces trouble head on, she is a quick thinker, but that isn't always a good thing. She's still learning to strategize her movements and plan ahead of time. She's very short-tempered and tends to snap, this allows her to put cats into their place whenever they slip up. Ravenwind has always been very commanding and takes charge of everything happening around camp. Like most warriors, Ravenwind makes sure to visit every litter that is born into the Clan and welcomes them to the world. She is calm and nonchalant around kits and allows them to climb all over her whenever she is not busy. She doesn't want them doing anything without their parents' permission, of course. With apprentices, she encourages them to work themselves to be the best warrior they can possibly be. She gets annoyed with the apprentices' kit-like behavior, though. During a fight, or a threat that is coming towards her Clan, Ravenwind isn't one who will talk things out. She takes pride in her Clan's pureblood. Beware, though, Ravenwind does enjoy getting revenge.

Weaknesses (5+):
- Due to the fact she twisted her hind leg as an apprentice, she cannot run at full speed.
- Impatient.
- She has a short temper and will lash out if prodded.
- Not very reliable.

Strengths (5+):
- Loyalty
- Stealth
- Leadership
- Quick-thinking
- Independent




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avem (#149417)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-05 19:21:32

Age (Moons):12 moons
Rank: warrior
Looks (Img or description): amber eyes, gray American shorthair
Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan): Riverclan
Sexuality: Straight
Fur Length: short
Disabilities: N/A
Scars: N/A
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): Sometimes she carries around a flower in her muzzle, but often drops it
Personality: evasive, insensitive, brave. has a soft spot for kits and elders but that's like literally it apart from her
Weaknesses (5+): usually can't focus, struggles w tree climbing, not stealthy, uncooperative, scared of butterflies
Strengths (5+): good at swimming, quick, a bit good at herb gathering (prefers warrior duties tho), agile, quick learner
Mate: n/a
Other: 149417

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Hunter // Clean G3
NHR // (#135886)

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Posted on
2018-07-05 19:22:44
Name: BasilLeaf
Gender: Female
Age (Moons): 30
Rank: Warrior

Looks (Img or description): BasilLeaf is a very small, very fluffy calico she-cat with one green and one yellow eye. She has large paws for her size and small tufts of fur on the tips of her ears.

Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan): ShadowClan Heritage
Sexuality: Bisexual
Fur Length: Very fluffy and long
Disabilities: She's much smaller than most cats, as she was the runt of her litter.
Scars: A small scar on her back under her fur, and another small one over her muzzle.
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): She usually has leaves and grass in her thick fur, as its hard to get out, and they get stuck in there easily.

Personality: BasilLeaf is a very excited cat who loves adventure more than anything. She adores other cats and is easily trusting and admires others. She's rarely sad or angry, and loves showing off. She also loves watching others, so that she'll get better.
Though that comes with its faults. She is to easily trusting, usually going against her instincts.

Weaknesses (5+): Easily Trusting in others.
Smaller than most apprentices (cats at 6 months old are already almost full adult sized),
Can't climb anything easily(can't climb large trees at all without getting stuck.),
gets everything stuck in fur(gets stuck in bushes way to easily.),
Not very fast,(Short legs and long fur makes running hard)
Prone to getting hurt(loves adventure, despite being tiny)

Strengths (5+):
Can swim(Made herself learn so she could hunt fish)
Very smart(Learns new skills much easier than others)
Sociable(Negotiating and convincing are easier to her)
Determined(Once she set her mind on something, she wont stop until she proves it 100% impossible or she does it)
Lots of stamina(She may not be able to run fast, but what she lacks in speed she makes up for in stamina.)

Mate: Open
Siblings: None
Other: Did you read the rules? Yes! 135886

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azkr | read bio! (#93552)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2018-07-05 19:24:18
Name: Aspensong
Gender: Male
Age: 87 moons
Rank: Elder
Looks: Small, slightly shorter than average legs, gray and brown, patched classic tabby. Fluffy. Quite fluffy. V e r y fluffy. Do not question the fluffy.
Heritage: RiverClan
Sexuality: doesn't know. what an odd question.
Fur Length: Don't question the fluffy. Jokes aside, curly on the long side of life.

Disabilities: . noo? aspen! aszz!! ... no i don't think so.
Scars: Lost tail. The fur grew over it though.
Accessories: nah

Personality: Aspen is a cautious and reluctant tom. He is welcoming to strangers but if they try to be friends he keeps his distance. If anything threatens to disturb his peaceful sleep life, it wouldn't take much to convince him to get up and do something about it. Despite being physically weak after his injury, he is a determined cat that must have it his own way when he decides it must be; will be extremely grumpy if his idea didn't work out the way he wanted it to work.

- Dependent (emotionally)
- Slightly ignorant in some way
- Stubborn/ Slow
- Likes things his way. NEEDs things his way. >:P
- Can't focus on most tasks
+ Swimming (cough floating c o u g h)
+ Careful when making decisions
+ Imaginative
+ Goes with the Plan; if he makes a decision he doesn't change; reliable as a friend
+ Will gladly be the Peacemaker if no one else wants to be it

Mate: perhaps once upon a time
Siblings: he prefers not to talk about his family
Other: 93552. hard thinking up strengths xD aspen's my weak babs lol

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Saber (#106419)

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Posted on
2018-07-05 19:39:05
Name: Breezedawn
Gender: Female
Age (Moons): 46 moons(almost four years)
Rank: Warrior
Looks (Img or description):
Credits to Lisanata for the base
Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan): Skyclan & Riverclan heritage
Sexuality: Homosexual/Lesbian
Fur Length: Medium/Long
Disabilities: N/A
Scars: None currently
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): N/A
Personality: Breezedawn is sweet and kind, but not afraid to stick up for herself. Aggression is a rare thing in her, and she only shows aggression if it's needed, so she's a good cat to talk to as long as you don't get on her bad side.
Weaknesses (5+):
Hunting on land
-Trusts way to easily
Strengths (5+):
- Flexibility
- Silence(when hunting/Fishing)
Mate: N/A/None currently
Siblings: N/A(Only Kit)
Other: Did you read the rules? Yes, #106419

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Edited on 06/07/18 @ 16:01:33 by Sorrelfern {WCU} (#106419)

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