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Q (#69866)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-04 04:47:56 |
•Hurri• (#147819)
Vicious View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-22 10:30:12 |
Name: Pebblespalsh Gender: female Age (Moons): 20 Rank: Warrior Looks (Img or description): A grey she-cat with black speckles and a large black spot on her back. She has three black freckles under either side of her vivid green eyes, and a black blaze up her nose. She has a darker grey spot spanning from the top of her back to her haunches. She is speckled all over, and has black forepaw toes. UPDATE FROM RP: she has three claw marks from a fight with her brother across her nose Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan): Riverclan/ShadowClan Sexuality: straight Fur Length: medium Disabilities: n/a Scars: facial across nose Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): none (yet) Personality: she’s very short tempered, but also loyal. She also has a very clear sense of right and wrong, which makes her slightly rebellious. Pebblesplash will always speak her mind, and is a go go go cat. Working hard and defending her Clan is what she wants to do, at any cost. The she-cat is very close to cats who gain her trust. Her determination is umatched, but she is reckless as well. UPDATE. She has issues trusting outsiders due to the Glade incident and most likely had minor depression after the events of the great battle. Weaknesses (5+): reckless, doesn’t think things through, rude, short tempered, impatient, Slightly rebellious Strengths (5+): loyal- if you gain her trust, she will always stand by you, creative, good at swimming, tenacious, good fighter Mate: Hawkstrike Siblings: Clearsong (RIP) Other: Did you read the rules? HollyleaF! ![]() Edited on 07/04/19 @ 16:56:44 by •Hurri• (#147819) |
twomy 🐺 (#123703)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-24 04:27:38 |
Name: Rosesong Gender: She-cat Age (Moons): 14 moons (Joined the Clan at 3 moons, was found on a border patrol.) Rank: Warrior Looks (Img or description): [Link Removed by Moderator] A rosy cream she-cat, has a lighter underbelly and darker tabby, her eyes the colour of heather and a soft pink nose. Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan): Loner, her grandparents are from RiverClan and WindClan. Sexuality: Bisexual Fur Length: Long Disabilities: None Scars: A scar on her neck, nose and cheek and notched ears. Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): None Personality: She's kind, yet sassy, she'll be nice at the start, but if they get on her nerves, she snaps, sometimes injuring them, she likes exploring the territory. Weaknesses (5+): Climbing Fighting Hunting (Squirrels.) Often makes friends with rouges, loners and kittypets too easily. Appraisal Strengths (5+): Fishing Swimming Speed Agility Ambushing (She can't fight well though.) Mate: None, yet. Siblings: Unknown. Other: Did you read the rules? Yep. #123703 Am I able to get an apprentice, I wat to make my own cat, although she does have kits, but we'll throw them away. ![]() Edited on 29/08/18 @ 05:30:54 by Caduceus (#36596) |
twomy 🐺 (#123703)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-24 06:49:54 |
Name: Hopepaw (Possibly Hopeshine, but you're free to make your own.) Gender: She-cat Age (Moons): 7 moons Rank: Apprentice Looks (Img or description): She has greenish brown colours and blackish blazed all over her pelt, she has mottled white covering her unders https://image.ibb.co/nNiF8U/IMG_0589.png https://image.ibb.co/dzDF8U/IMG_0588.png Ignore her kittens, and, yes there are my only pictures of her, she's an outdoors cat so I barely see her. Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan): Kittypet, ThunderClan. Sexuality: Straight Fur Length: Short Disabilities: None Scars: Has a notched ear and scar on her neck from where her collar was too tight and no fur on one of her ears. Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): None Personality: She's a motherly cat, yet she fears her Clanmates, she thinks they'll judge her for being a kittypet in the past. Weaknesses (5+): Running Swimming Hunting large prey. Social interaction Training. (She finds it boring.) Strengths (5+): Climbing Fighting Hunting small prey (She's the best squirrel hunter in the Clan and a great tracker.) Building. (Just like Dustpelt.) Stalking. Mate: Too Young. Siblings: PM me if you want to be one, but None for now. Other: Did you read the rules? Yes. My favourite cat is Yellowfang. My ID is above in Rosesong's. ![]() Edited on 25/08/18 @ 15:11:31 by Lostsalt (#123703) |
Denebola (#121897)
Holy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-25 10:41:14 |
Name: Stagleap Gender: Male Age: 30 Rank: Warrior Looks: https://imgur.com/a/6XIVgJ4 Image from here: https://www.dolldivine.com/create-a-cat.php Heritage: Shadowclan Sexuality: Bisexual Fur Length: Short Disabilities: Missing left hind leg Scars: Scar where leg used to be Accessories: None Personality: Stagleap used to be a happy-go-lucky little apprentice until the tragic accident that took his leg. During training one day his leg became caught in a twoleg hunting trap. Because of the injury he was made a warrior late and since recovering, his personality changed completely. He transformed into a pessimistic cat who saw the worst in everything. Where he had been talkative, Stagleap became quiet and reserved, preferring to listen to a conversation rather than participate in it. He is an adaptable cat, displayed in how he was able to relearn how to hunt and fight on three legs. Weaknesses (5+): - Missing leg - Jumping - Being quiet - hopping around on three legs makes it hard - Anything that smells like twolegs - gives him traumatic flashbacks - Stubborn - Perceived as bad-tempered Strengths (5+): - Scent - Sight - Battle techniques - Caring for younger cats - Smart/crafty - Repairing dens Mate: Open Siblings: None Other: Did you read the rules? Yep! Today I'm feeling in the mood for Crowfeather. ![]() Edited on 25/08/18 @ 10:46:16 by StarryEyedKitty{WCU} (#121897) |
♓ Keeekeeey ♓ (#64639)
Bone Collector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-28 19:16:39 |
Name: Stormpaw >> Stormstrike/Stormwhisper (haven't decided yet, possible plot?) Gender: Male Age (Moons): Rank: Medicine cat apprentice Looks (Img or description): Storm is a munchkin, monochrome tom with strange long fur that usually finds it's home in river clan cats. His ears are oddly long, as are his whiskers. [REMOVED BY MODERATOR] Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan): Shadow clan Sexuality: Homosexual Fur Length: long Disabilities: munchkin (not very fast at running) Scars: none Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): none Personality: ↪ SHY && STEADFAST Storm is an odd mix of combinations. He's adventurous but lazy, playful yet rigid, and snarky yet timid. he is well known for playing outside one day, and then napping for days on end like an elder tom. he's known to be kind and caring of others, but also cold and gaurded to them. This isn't to say that he's a wild card, he simply treats others how they treat her. And really enjoying cat naps. Two of Storm 's most notable traits - his introversion and his ability to adhere to his moral compass stronger than glue - are one of his least surprising combinations. Often times, he will simply lerk around a new cat, but if they say something he believes is unjust, he won't hesitate to speak up. ↪ DETREMINED && SENSITIVE Once Storm has his eyes on a prize, there's no stopping him. He will move heaven and earth to achieve his goals- often stressing and exhausting himself out in the process. Often times this opens him up to criticism, whether harsh or well-meaning. Due to his intrepid nature, Storm has a terrible habit of evading these seemingly personal attacks whether by running away or becoming guarded. Weaknesses (5+): -hunting -speed -very trusting -swimming -holds onto grudges for dear life Strengths (5+): -endurance -strength -climbing -knowledgeable in herbs and clouds -very friendly Mate: N/A Siblings: Open! Other: Did you read the rules? Yep!#64639 ![]() Edited on 10/01/19 @ 13:29:06 by K/DA Kindred, the Lamb (#45189) |
GayDinoNuggy (#128606)
Impeccable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-30 05:04:49 |
![]() Edited on 30/08/18 @ 06:26:04 by [#WCU]🦈SharkDog🐶 (#128606) |
BrainFreeze (#116391)
Dreamboat of Ladies View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-07 18:10:22 |
Name: Brokencloud Gender: Tom Age (Moons): 48 Rank: Warrior Looks: A bulky yet slightly smaller than average tom with thick, spiky medium long fur. His pelt is very similar to that of a silver tabby but it fades to white on his underbelly, neck, and bottom of his tail. His face also has an interesting pattern which splits it in half directly down the center, one half normal for a silver tabby, the other pure white. His ears are thin and tall, with small tufts of black fur on their ends. He has many battle scars on his body though none touch his face, some of the more prominent ones would be two long swipes on the left side of his neck and three short swipes on his left flank. He has hetero eyes, his right being green and his left blue. Heritage: Windclan Sexuality: Bisexual (leaning towards straight as of now) Fur Length: Medium long, spiky Disabilities: N/A Scars: Two large swipes on the left side of his neck, three short swipes on his left flank, a "v" shaped scar on his chest, two small swipes on his right shoulder, and one small swipe on his right side. Accessories: N/A Personality: Brokencloud is a very proud and prideful warrior who always tries to do his best to impress his leaders and fellow clanmates, even if it means annoying them to the point that they cant stand it anymore. He is cautious when it comes to exploring areas unknown to him, defiantly protesting against any suggestions at leaving the clan territory. While he is cautious, Brokencloud can also be fairly impatient, especially when it comes to battle. He doesn't seem to understand the concept of stealth and ambushes, instead preferring to charge into battle and do whatever damage he can manage. Weaknesses (5+): Lack of patience Reckless fighting style His pride can often times get the better of him Fear of the unknown Speed Strengths (5+): Reckless fighting style (Can sometimes be useful) His ambition to always do his best Strength Endurance A strong mind (He doesn't care about insults, typically just blowing them off as if they were nothing) Mate: N/A but open! Siblings: Goldenbelly (Deceased, killed in battle), Aspenkit (Deceased, killed by greencough as a kit) Other: I'm actually only on the second book, but so far my favorite cat is Longtail. ![]() |
Marsie (#140966)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-08 15:31:52 |
(This is my second cat) Name: Clearsong Gender: Tom Age (Moons): 15 Rank: Warrior Looks: A very pale orange Siamese cat with darker ears and tail, he also has tabby stripes down his back. ![]() Source: https://www.dolldivine.com/create-a-cat.php Heritage: Shadowclan Sexuality: Straight Fur Length: Long Disabilities: N/A Scars: Both ears have nicks Accessories: N/A Personality: Clearsong has always been adventurous, however not to the point of putting himself in danger. His one to think things through and can sometimes get lost in thought. He can sometimes come off as unattentive and careless due to his tendency to wander around while thinking. He is quick to fight, and it seems the only time when he doesn't think things through is when he is about to throw himself into battle. Strengths (5+): Thoughtful Loves to explore Loves to help out Great battle skills Loyal Weaknesses (5+): Can seem unattentive when his mind wanders A bit careless Quick to fight Slightly Hotheaded Bad at fishing, he tends to fall in Mate: N/A but open! Siblings: Pebblesplash Other: I actually think Crowfeather replaces Dovewing in my favorite cats list. :) ![]() Edited on 09/09/18 @ 06:48:44 by Swiftbreeze (Gabby) (#140966) |
Lioness (#155313)
Famous View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-09 01:39:28 |
Name: Goldenpaw (-kit, -heart) Gender: Female, she-cat Age (Moons): 6 Rank: Apprentice Looks (Img or description): Goldenpaw is a very, very small she-cat. She has a long tail, a small posture and a pointed face. Her eyes have the color of honey, and her pelt is beautiful golden-tabby. She has a white tail tip and white toes. Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan): WindClan Sexuality: Straight Fur Length: Short Disabilities: N/A Scars: Her lip is scratched, from a claw of a mouse when she was eating it. Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): N/A Personality: Despite her very weak appearance, she has the tongue of Cloudtail, but only to her enemies. To her friends she's a little bit snarky, but also very loyal and friendly. She loves the idea of an adventure or a fight, but she'll only go when the leader or deputy tells her to do that. Weaknesses (5+): - Being too snarky and cause a fight - She's fast and smart, but she hasn't any strength - Hesitate because of the lack of commands - Too thoughtful - Lack of patience Strengths (5+): - She can mislead someone because of her appearance - She has a sharp tongue, just like Cloudtail and Crowfeather - Very fast and agile - Knows when someone can't be trusted - She is able to jumpscare anyone because of her stalking skills Mate: OPEN Siblings: OPEN Other: Jayfeather :3 ![]() |
saturn!! (#154960)
Ruthless View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-09 12:58:02 |
Name: Sunstorm Gender: Male Age (Moons): 16 Rank: Rouge (He was exiled in my story) Looks (Img or description): He has long golden-yellow fur with darker golden stripes, on his chest down to his stomach he has a large white patch. His eyes are a sky blue. His fur is kept rather clean in order to pull off a clan cat look to fool others. Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan): Riverclan Sexuality: Straight Fur Length: It is rather long, just like a Maine coon Disabilities: N/A Scars: He has a long scar across his muzzle, scarred front legs and back legs and a large scar on his right hind quarter Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): He has four feathers in his right ear from places where he battled, they are primary feathers of a crow and a blue jay. (Order: Crow, blue jay, crow, blue jay) Personality: He is very cold hearted, he trusts no one and refuses to trust anyone, much like Bluestar he lost his mother and brother and it scared him mentally. He does not wish to join another clan. Weaknesses (5+): - Too snappy - Very mysterious - Bipolar - Seeks revenge too often - Likes to start arguments Strengths (5+): - Very strong built - Intimidating - Rather analytical - Knows his way around very well Mate: None (Open) Siblings: Cinderpaw (Deceased) Other: Did you read the rules? Yup! 154960 Extra: He was exiled due to him killing other cats after his mother and brother died, he has since stopped but has continued living a life of sorrow and misery, he sometimes speaks to himself as though he is speaking to his mother or brother. ![]() |
Oxy (#138902)
Dreamboat of Ladies View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-09 20:51:27 |
Name: Stoat fang Gender: male Age (Moons):16 Rank: warrior Looks (Img or description): looks like an apprentice even though hes a warrior now hes very small mostly brown with white underbelly and a white chin black ear and tail tips white toes on all paws an back feet are white mittens Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan): thunderclan Sexuality: Pan Fur Length: short but soft Disabilities: none Scars: some notches on his ears and a large ish scar all around his neck( as a kit he got his head stuck in some two leg garbage (a can)and almost died because he panicked and tore himself open. Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe):none Personality: optimistic, energetic, mischievous , yet he cares alot about his clan and friends Weaknesses (5+): -is annoying and has no patience (adhd , same as me lol ) - irresponsible rebellious and at times downright disobedient ( acts like a child ) -small -spaces out alot -tends to pick fights Strengths (5+): - makes friends easy (he cant keep them tho lol) -fast and agile -has a lot of energy ( his claw flurry wont leave any serious damge but you will sting all over ) -is mostly able to defuse situations with jokes -has creative solutions for almost everything Mate: none but he has a crush on Tigerstripe Siblings: none but open :3 Other: he met his best friend tiger stripe when he was 4 moons she was 6 and she helped him out of the can she was a kitty pet when she met him Did you read the rules? yep #138902 Name: Tigerscar Gender: female Age (Moons):18 Rank: warrior Looks (Img or description): brown tabby ,heavy black stripes,white tail tip, white mitten on right paw , black toe beans on all feet,black ear tips with a white spot on the back, white muzzle and ear fur. she is large ( a Norwegian ) Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan): she joined thunderclan to be with stoat fang after she left bloodclan Sexuality: pan , bias twards girls Fur Length: long fluffy Disabilities: she sucks at hunting during winter old wounds really limit her activity during the cold she loses focus and mobility because of the pain Scars: many scattered about shoulders and across back she was torn up during her time in bloodclan ,ear notches on both ears , a vertical scar down her left eye three small ones across the bridge of her nose and another vertical scar on her right lip Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): her old blood clan collar she keeps it to intimidate others in battle , striped black and purple Personality: reserved, doesn't talk much, looks intimidating but is a real sweetheart, is very motherly, likes playing with young kits ,fiercely protective and ruthless in battle Weaknesses (5+): -she is very slow at turning or dodging also not flexible has trouble getting cats on her back off very weak to agile and fast cats. -tunnel vision she normally finds one target and does not stop til they yield but can lead her to get caught in traps and surprise attack from others , - she is numbed to pain during fights so she gets really hurt before she realizes leaves battle with serious wounds constantly -gets overwhelmed easily , reason why she trys to focus on only one enemy at once, if many come at her at once she will normally try to pick one but this will leave her open to attacks from others nearby. -not good team worker tends to get in the way or accidentally hurts others -horrible balance if you manage to get one paw out from under her she will fall and bad sense of smell which also bad for her getting sneak attacked or running into dogs and such -she has social anxiety , and nightmares fro er time at bloodclan tents t accidentally hurt others makes her feel horrible - at tad bit self destructive wont check on her wounds some times Strengths (5+): -strong and large -most of the time her 1v1 brutefore will win (unless they very agile ) -very protective , will protect others at any cost -large fluffy frame and the collar make her very intimidating - numb to pain and tenacious during fights Mate: none not looking Siblings: she doesn't remember them she was taken at a young age by two legs Other: stoatfang convinced her to leave blood clan and become a thunderclan warrior she sees hims as a younger bother and remembers having saved him many moons ago, she likes having friends but isnt the best at making them so she mostly hangs around the kits , some she cats dont like that seeing her as untrustworthy or dangerous but others see how she plays with the kits and know shed never harm them , Did you read the rules? yep #138902 sorry for my edgy tiger girl XD hope i dint misspell or mess something up ![]() |
Cinnamoon (#149636)
Recognizable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-12 12:06:23 |
" So far, I see big ambitions... But only small dreams. " Name: FrozenPetal Gender: Female Age: 40m Rank: Warrior Looks: FrostPetal is one large she-cat with a fluffy, smooth fur. Her pelt is white, with a few light grey spots on the back, legs and tail. She have dark grey paws and stripes on face of the same color. Her eyes are big and light green. Heritage: Shadowclan Sexuality: Heterosexual | Heteromantic Fur Length: Long Disabilities: none Scars: She have claw marks on the chest, caused by her half-sister Accessories: One feather in her tail Personality: Frostpetal is a quiet she-cat, but with a good heart. She's loyal and confident, always thinks in the others, and would sacrifice herself for anyone, Shadowclanner or not. Even so, she's very proud and childish. Weaknesses : > Camouflage > Swim > Charisma > Teamwork > Humor Strengths : > 1v1 battles | Strenght > Charisma > Hunt > Keep quiet > Trustworthiness Mate: x Siblings: [ Half-sister ] TorrentTear [ Brother | Killed by a badger ] FoxWish [ Brother ] DawnWhisper Other: So far, my fav cat is RavenPaw... I lov him ;w; ![]() |
•Hurri• (#147819)
Vicious View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-11-17 22:43:23 |
Name: Quietshadow Gender: female Age (Moons): 46 moons Rank: Warrior Looks (Img or description): ![]() Quietshadow is a black tabby she-cat. Her stripes are silver, and her eyes are a piercing green. She is rather tall and lanky. She looks rather like Pebblesplash. (insert lenny face) Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan):*finger guns Swift and Quake* Sexuality: Heterosexual Fur Length: long Disabilities: none Scars: one across her muzzle Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): none Personality: Quietshadow is a intelligent cat, and is able to manipulate very easily. Some say that is what she did to Amberstone while she was in the Clans. Of course, nobody knows for sure. She is also seen as very cold by others. Most likely due to the fact she abandoned her mate and kits. Deep down, Quietshadow had a hard time making this choice. Nobody but her know the truth behind her choice. Weaknesses (5+): 1. Cold 2. Inconsiderate at times 3. Hates water 4. Calculating 5. BAd at decision making Strengths (5+): 1.Strong 2. Good hunter 3. Calm 4. Smart 5. Stealthy Mate: Deceased Siblings: UwU UWU UWU Do you intend on developing your character?: yes, until she dies Other: Did you read the rules? Yes I don't have a favorite movie ![]() Edited on 18/11/18 @ 11:02:04 by Hurri (#147819) |
Viper (#91328)
Good Natured View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-11-18 15:22:42 |
Name: Blossomheart Gender: She-cat Age (Moons): 22 moons Rank: Warrior Looks (Img or description): ![]() (Source: https://www.dolldivine.com/create-a-cat.php (From a loooong time ago, lol) Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan): Riverclan, and Windclan Sexuality: Hetero Fur Length: Medium length Disabilities: None Scars: One below her left eye from a fight with a fox. Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): None Personality: A friendly she-cat, but calm for the most part, though the right friend might be able to get her to play. She tries to do what she thinks is right, even if some think it isn't, or if it may conflict with the warrior code. She's not afraid to say what she thinks is right either. She loves to be there for her clan mates, from joining a patrol to just being a shoulder to cry on. Though she can be loyal to other, her drive to do the right thing will propel her to foil a friends plan that she thinks is wrong. Though not confrontational, she won't back down when confronted, especially about how she feels about something. Weaknesses (5+): Her vision is blurred slightly in the lower part, from her scar, though she won't tell anyone. Fighting Emotional Stubborn Sensitive Strengths (5+): Swimming Kind Caring Fishing Running Mate: None, OPEN! Siblings: Brother, Birchleap, deceased, drowned. Father, unknown Mother, Appledusk, deceased, infection Do you intend on developing your character?: Yes! Other: Did you read the rules? Yes, and I'm not sure what my favorite movie is ![]() Edited on 18/11/18 @ 17:12:53 by Sinbreaker (#136399) |
🌸LightQueen🌊Ga laxy (#59203) Necromancer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-11-18 17:29:26 |
![]() Edited on 21/01/19 @ 12:07:41 by ⛄LightQueen🦌HoHoHo🎅 (#59203) |