Posted by The United Clans Form [WCU RP]
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-07-04 04:47:56

Main Roleplay Thread


Notice! We have moved to Discord! PM for invite!


Age (Moons):
Looks (Img or description):
Breed (If applicable):
Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan):
Fur Length:
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe):
Weaknesses (5+):
Strengths (5+):
Do you intend on developing your character?:
Other: Did you read the rules?


Follow the link here to see characters, reputation status, health, and more!


New Rules
*We now require RPers to post at least 5 lines minimum in their reply.

Thread Staff

Admin: Quake™️
Admin: Balder
Moderator: Mellow Marshmallow
Moderator: Light Queen

11/17 CURRENT Summary

Clan life was like any other, hunting and border patrols, injuries, and the training of apprentices. At one point, there was an incident with a rogue who harmed an apprentice, Vixenpaw, who later died from her wounds. Tensions were high for awhile as they sought what to do about this rogue, though as things started to settle down once more, Starclan had something brewing that would eventually come to affect the clan cats in the forest below. The weather took a turn and soon a storm raged on, causing numerous lightning strikes around the forest. Unfortunately, there were a few cats who were injured due to these strikes, severely injuring them. Once the rain stopped, the lightning strikes continued to happen and eventually, one happened in the camp and started a fire. The clan cats had to evacuate from the old camp and settled along the river, making it a temporary camp until they could rebuild their original camp once more. During their stay along the river, Sunstar received a dream from Starclan, telling him of the threat of the Dark Forest preparing to take over Starclan. Shortly after he had given his announcement, all of the high ranking cats(leaders, deputies, and medicine cats) fell into a deep slumber, waking up in Starclan. They were brought up to help defend Starclan against their battle with the Dark Forest. During the battle, both co-medicine cat, Horsetail, and co-deputy, Hollowfall, were killed. However, Horsetail was resurrected and returned back to his body back in the forest. In the end, the Dark Forest ended up winning the battle in Starclan, sealing the deal after Thistlestar stopped from his son, Sunstar, from killing Brokenbone, claiming the Dark Forest cat as his mate. While the high ranks were locked in battle in Starclan, the clan cats had Lioncloud and Earthquake serve as their temporary leaders and Clearsong and Honeyfrost as temporary deputies.
They all tried to get by while the high ranks were away until they had a dog problem occur, injuring a few, but the cats managed to kill the dogs they could. Little did they know, another threat was lurking close by named Glade, disguising himself as a friend to them. While talking with Lioncloud, the rogue killed the temporary leader and claimed it was a dog when the deceased tom was discovered. Over time, Glade established himself as the new clan leader, injuring and starving those of the clan when he felt like it. However, the high ranks have woken up, no memory of their battle in Starclan and yet to see side effects of being away from their physical bodies for so long.

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Edited on 08/08/19 @ 15:21:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

Tiger <3 (#137561)

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Posted on
2018-07-07 12:46:21
Name: Falconstrike
Gender: Female
Age (Moons): 25 Moons
Rank: Warrior
Looks (Img or description): Brown base. She has a black mask covering her eyes, ears, and forehead, not literally a mask, but fur that looks like one. She has two white rings around each of her paws, and her tail is a dark blue. Her underbelly is black.
Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan): Riverclan
Sexuality: Bisexual
Fur Length: Tiny bit longer than short, not mid length.
Disabilities: N/A
Scars: Long, rippling scar from her forehead to the start of her tail.
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): Small red/orange/yellow-y flower on her chest.
Personality: Calm, strong choices, kind, sweet. Willing to sharpen her tongue, and give out a few stinging retorts.
Weaknesses (5+): Staying up late, cats being rude to her, being dejected and ignored, arguments, getting cats to like her.
Strengths (5+): Swimming, agility, speed, strength, jumping, climbing (trees, hills, rocky hills, etc), battles, helping.
Mate: None yet, open
Siblings: None
Other: Did you read the rules? Yep! 137561

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Shadow (#149461)

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Posted on
2018-07-07 14:11:37
Name: SnowShade
Gender: Female
Age (Moons): 42 (3 1/2 years)
Rank: Warrior
Looks (Img or description): All white she-cat but her belly, under part of her tail, back of legs, chest, and neck are grey.
Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan): ShadowClan
Sexuality: Straight
Fur Length: thick and fluffy :3
Disabilities: N/A
Scars: N/A
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): N/A
Personality: SnowShade is smart, quick-thinking, revengeful, sensitive, and emotional but she is very aggressive towards strangers and intruders. She loves hunting and battling.
Weaknesses (5+):
1. Argumentive
2. Once her mind is set, you can't change it
3. Easily gets angry
4. Bossy
5. Some-what selfish
Strengths (5+):
1. Strong
2. Smart
3. Beautiful
4. Cunning
5. Athletic
Mate: N/A hopefully soon thought (:
Siblings: All her siblings and parents were killed by two-leg monsters.
Other: N/A
Did you read the rules? yes!

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Edited on 07/07/18 @ 16:34:38 by Shadow (#149461)

Sam (#142259)

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Posted on
2018-07-07 20:03:59
I already have one but the rules say you can have up to two so here's my second

Name: Swiftstrike
Gender: Male
Age (Moons): 27
Rank: Warrior
Looks (Img or description): A black cat with white tipped ears, paws, and tail. He has a single white spot over his right eye. Both eyes are bright blue.
Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan): windclan
Sexuality: Bi
Fur Length: Long
Disabilities: None
Scars: A small one on his snout
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): None
Personality: He is kind but has a hard time figuring out what words to say when talking to other cats. He hates hunting but loves battle training. He usually stays out of crowds and proffers to do things by himself.
Weaknesses (5+):
Not good at climbing
Not good at hunting
Not good at being social
Not good at swimming
Not good at agility
Strengths (5+):
Good at fighting
is independent
good speed
Lots of stamina
Mate: Open
Siblings: None
Other: Did you read the rules? yes! 142259

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-08 04:49:23
Name: Softsong
Gender: Male
Age (Moons): 11 moons
Rank: Apprentice
Looks (Img or description): White tom with a black tail and black patches, a black patch on his chest resembles a heart shape. Gentle green eyes. He is surprisingly small.
Commissioned from Ash~
Heritage: WindClan, Riverclan
Sexuality: Bisexual
Fur Length: Long and silky
Disabilities: None
Scars: None yet
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): None, sometimes puts flowers or pretty bird feathers into his fur
Personality: Softsong is very flirtatious and light-footed. He prefers hunting over patrolling, valuing his soft paws as it makes his paw steps quieter and harder to detect. That said he also values his good looks and beautiful black patches, his self-admiration making him rather self-centred. Though he does enjoy complimenting his fellow Clan-mates, his compliments ranging from looks to abilities. He enjoys play-fighting, sharing tongues, and making nests. He enjoys spending time with other toms, more so than he likes spending time with she-cats. He starts having doubts about warrior life whenever a tragedy or fight happens. He's a lover, not a fighter.
Weaknesses (5+):
- Doubtful
- Easily swayed away from things
- Jealous
- Narcissistic
- Swimming
- Sarcastic
- Ligyrophobia
Strengths (5+):
+ Loyalty
+ Pleasant voice
+ Charming
+ Hunting (Especially stalking)
+ Running
+ Caring
Mate: N/A
Siblings: PM me if interested!
Other: Did you read the rules? I'm not a rock #117962

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Edited on 07/01/19 @ 19:29:36 by Balder(PUTP) (#117962)

Teddy (#117922)

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Posted on
2018-07-08 07:35:34
Name: Alderpaw (Aldershade)
Gender: Male
Age (Moons): 11 moons
Rank: Apprentice
Looks (Img or description): Alderpaw is a sleek and slender charcoal tabby with short, very dark grey fur and black tabby stripes and patterns, with a cream-ish underbelly. He has dark-copper eyes, a long tail and big ears. (image to come soon!)
Heritage: WindClan
Sexuality: Homosexual
Fur Length: Short
Disabilities: None
Scars: A couple of scars on his side from a falling injury
Accessories: None
Personality: Alderpaw is a cool and collected cat, intelligent and perceptive. He prefers to be on his own a lot of the time, but that never stops him from having fun with others if he's in the mood for it - though he would still much rather sit back and watch his clan-mates than join in most of the time. However, his aloof nature means that he easily distances himself from others, and he can be rude and self-centered in his belief that he knows better than every other cat. He can also become quickly aggressive towards cats that he thinks have betrayed him or the Clan, and can find it difficult to forgive. The thing that frustrates him the most is when he is unable to find a way to convey his ideas to others, as his thoughts sometimes move too quickly for him to properly put into words. The more open ground of the territory is where he is in his element, as he loves nothing more than stretching his legs and running as fast as they will carry him - what he lacks in strength, he can make up for in speed/agility.
Weaknesses (5+):
- Harsh
- Distant
- Stubborn
- Lacks fighting ability, can be cowardly
- Bad climber
- Unforgiving
Strengths (5+):
+ Intelligent
+ Observant
+ Loyal
+ Excellent hearing and eyesight
+ Great speed and agility
+ Ambitious
Mate: N/A
Siblings: None yet!
Other: Did you read the rules? Yes! #117922

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Pandora (#131325)

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Posted on
2018-07-08 09:32:20
Name: Oakface
Gender: Male
Age (Moons): 22 moons
Rank: Warrior
Looks: Large brown tabby tom with amber eyes. He has thick fur and he is a bit on the larger side.
Heritage: Thuderclan
Sexuality: Straight
Fur Length: Long and thick.
Disabilities: None
Scars: His ears have a few faint scars from training but no big ones.
Accessories: None
Personality: Oakface is a really sweet and caring tom with a positive outlook on life. He wants everyone to get along and be civil to one another, but he knows not everyone is willing. He enjoys hunting and running the most.
Weaknesses (5+):
- Trusts to easily
- His front right paw is weak from an accident as an apprentice
- He can be extremely stubborn
Strengths (5+):
- He is very loyal
- His size gives him an advantage in a fight
- He has amazing eyesight
Mate: N/A
Siblings: Firpelt/Rambo (Brother)[Kittypet], Sprucenose (Brother)[Des], Willowfur/Macey (Sister)[Kittypet]
Other: Did you read the rules? Yep! #131325

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WolfGirl500 (#140739)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-08 13:13:03
This is my second cat.

Name: Stripecloud

Gender: Male

Age (Moons): 11 Moons

Rank: Warrior

Looks (Img or description):


Stripecloud is a grey tom with a white underbelly. He has webbed paws and sleek fur. Stripecloud has dark grey stripes on his back, legs, tail, and face. He has a dark grey tail tip and white paws. He is a very lean cat. Stripecloud has a scar that starts from above his eye to his cheek. He has a dark yellow eye that reflects the moonlight at night. His other eye is faded white showing that he is blind in that eye. He has a very long tail that helps him run long distances. Stripecloud is also taller than most cats. He is like really tall for a cat. He's in the tall squad. He also has surprisingly small ears.

Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan):
RiverClan but has some WindClan blood

Sexuality: Bisexual

Fur Length: Very Short

Disabilities: Blind in the left eye, Has a small(SMALL)limp

Scars: One long scar starting from above his eye to his cheek. Across his left eye.

Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): N/A

Stripecloud is very quiet and secretive. He is a great listener but usually sticks to himself. He usually follows the rules but will sometimes sneak out of camp. He is very modest and smart. He is also very focused. Stripecloud will usually observe a fight before joining in. He has a soft spot that he will only let some cats who are close to him into (Cough Raindrop Cough). He can be very kind and doesn't often get revenge. If someone picks on him he will tell them off. He hates having a lot of attention towards him and can be stubborn. He will only open up to the cats he trusts (Again Cough Raindrop Cough). After he lost his brother, Tanglepaw, he became very distant. He basically built walls that are a bit too high and hard to take down.

Weaknesses (5+):
-Doesn't have the best sight
-Fear of being rejected
-Hates Blood

Strengths (5+):
-Very good swimmer
-Has an amazing sense of smell

Mate: None at Moment

Siblings: Tanglepaw (Dead)
Half Siblings: Spottedpaw, Mosskit (Dead)

Other: Did you read the rules? Yes, 140739. Ponyo

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Edited on 14/02/19 @ 00:49:44 by WolfGirl500 (#140739)

Raevyn™ (#148116)

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Posted on
2018-07-09 11:38:08
Name: Ashpaw (Ashblossom)

Gender: She-cat

Age (Moons): 8

Rank: Apprentice

Looks: Small she-cat with soft gray fur and yellow/green eyes. She has a small pink dot on her nose and white ‘socks’ on all four of her paws.

Heritage: Riverclan

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Fur Length: Short and soft

Disabilities: She can't smell at all

Scars: N/A

Accessories: N/A

Personality: Ashpaw is super sweet and tries to help out when she can. She loves to hear stories from the past no matter how many times she has heard it before. She loves to get her paws wet and catch a few fish from time to time.

Weaknesses (5+):
-Not a very good climber
-She gets her feelings hurt easily
-She has trouble keeping focused unless she is really interested in the topic
- Her small size doesn't give her the strength to fight larger opponents
- Her soft heart and trusting nature lead to her being easily manipulated
Strengths (5+):
+Agile and fast
+Her loyalty is to her clan no matter what
+She can swim
+ Her small size makes others underestimate her
+ She can fit into smaller spaces than most cats. Meaning she can hide and sleep anywhere.

Mate: TBD

Siblings: N/A

Other: Scourge

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Edited on 09/07/18 @ 18:09:14 by Ashpaw (#148116)

path (#144944)

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Posted on
2018-07-09 12:14:45
Here is my second one.
Name: Spottedpaw
Gender: she-cat
Age: 6 moons
Rank Apprentice
Looks: Tiny looking with gray pelt with tiny black spots. (She was the "runt" of her litter)
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Heritage: WindClan
Fur length: Short
Personality: She doesn't really like talking to other cats but if she likes you you will notice that when she is to you she looks more comfortable than when she is talking to other cats. She loves battle training she wants to be the best warrior there ever was.
Weaknesses: Swimming, Being independent, Socializing,Making Friends in her clan, Slow
Strengths:Climbing,Fighting,Loyal,Once she makes friends she is talkative, Quick thinker
Mate: Open Just Pm me
Sibling: Half Brother: Stripecloud
Other; #144944

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Edited on 15/11/18 @ 15:10:43 by Hermione2242 (#144944)

ʰᵉˣᵉˢ (#133213)

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Posted on
2018-07-09 17:29:34
Name: Fallowflower

Gender: Female

Age (Moons): 31 moons old

Rank: She is currently an early-retired elder.

Looks (Img or description): Fallowflower is a tall and skinny light brown tabby with white stripes and black flecks on her spine, legs, haunches, and cheeks. Her ears are white with black ear dots. Her muzzle, paws, and tail are white. Fallowflower has a bobbed tail. Her eyes are a piercing, sun-colored yellow.

Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan): Riverclan

Sexuality: Straight/ Heterosexual

Fur Length: Average length

Disabilities: Fallowflower was born completely deaf in both ears, thus not knowing how to speak, neither.

Scars: She has no visible scars.

Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): She has no accessories.

Personality: Sensitive and childish, this naive shecat is the opposite of mature. Having been born disabled, she was not taught any things a normal kitten should have been taught, so she also does not speak. Fallowflower is not very social, and cries (Vocally, not physically) whenever she believes somebody is talking to her.

Weaknesses (5+): Timid, overly sensitive, does not speak, overly childish, clumsy

Strengths (5+): Isn't a picky eater, good with kittens, has enhanced sight/smell/touch, good at finding lost items, swimming

Mate: N/A

Siblings: Ask.

Other: Did you read the rules? Yes. #133213

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Edited on 10/07/18 @ 12:12:25 by A Little Paradox (#133213)

SilentFire (#150018)

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Posted on
2018-07-09 17:50:05
Name: Flamelily
Gender: She-cat
Age (Moons): 80 Moons
Rank: Elder
Looks: Large ginger she-cat with thick tabby fur tufted ears and greenish-yellow eyes.
Heritage: Thunderclan
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Fur Length: Thick and long
Disabilities: Due to her age she has issues getting around
Scars: Many small ones cover her body from all of her moons fighting as a warrior, a large one covers her left shoulder
Accessories: N/A
Personality: Flamelily is nowhere near as sweet as her name sounds she is usually grumpy unless talking to a cat she enjoys spending time with. Her tongue is as sharp as her claws when in a foul mood. She loves newleaf because that is when most kits are born. She takes pride in herself and her ancestors every time an apprentice earns their warrior name.
Weaknesses (5+):
Stiff joints during cold weather, She has issues getting around due to her age, Her eyesight is fading in her right eye, She has issues with controlling her temper, She is allergic to Catmint.
Strengths (5+):
Her heart is pure and she only wants the best for her clan-mates, Her hearing is as good as ever, She is loyal almost to a fault, Her storytelling skills are legendary, She is a good helper to the medicine cats when delivering kits.
Mate: Blackear [Des]
Siblings: Poppyflight (Sister)[Des], Badgerface (Brother)[N/A]
Other: Spottedleaf

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Edited on 09/07/18 @ 20:40:12 by Flamelily (#150018)

Sage {G3 Mottled Pie
Haze} (#85592)

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Posted on
2018-07-10 00:57:21
Name: Wolfpaw(Wolffang)
Gender: Male
Age (Moons): 9 Moons
Rank: Apprentice
Looks (Img or description): Image removed by moderator
Credit Belongs to Cattery Norwegian Forest in Madrid
Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan): Riverclan
Sexuality: Bisexual
Fur Length: Long
Disabilities: N/A
Scars: N/A
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): N/A
Personality: Wolfpaw is an adventurous young tom who would rather be off exploring than confined. He can be arrogant at times and sometimes not listen if he feels like it, but he usually takes into consideration on how others feel and thinks before he acts. He’s fairly social and doesn’t have a problem striking up a conversation, however, he can be very sharp-tongued if he happens to overhear another cat talking badly about those he cares for, regardless of who or the consequences.
Weaknesses (5+):
-His Loyalty to Those He Cares About
-Poor Climbing Skills
-Seeks Approval From His Sister
-Prefers to Catch Fish Than Hunt
-Easily Bored
Strengths (5+):
-Loyal to a Fault
-Thinks Before Acting
-Great Swimmer
Mate: N/A
Siblings: Willowstar(Living) and Thrushwillow(Deceased)
Other: Did you read the rules? Tawnypelt

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Edited on 14/07/18 @ 20:04:25 by Wyndy [Pearl] (#12183)

CrimsonSayvien (#145024)

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Posted on
2018-07-10 06:24:08
Half- Unique Markings
Night- Tone of Black similar to the Night


Age (Moons):


Looks (Img or description): A Adopt that I Brought from chill--pill here:
Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan):
Riverclan & Shadowclan Bloodline


Fur Length:
Long n Fluffy


Claw marks across Stomach and Nose

Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe):

Halfnight personality wise is rather- Cunning, Intelligent, Strong, Emotional, Quiet, Skilled, Helpful.

Weaknesses (5+):
-Letting Very Strong emotions take over her.
-Slower then Average
-Hunting Smaller Prey such as Rodents
-Fighting Smaller cats
-Often Reopening Wounds (From Harsh Training / Hunting)
-Not very Open unless its Important for the clan to know
-Not Very Social

Strengths (5+):
+Brute Strength
+Effective Hunting and Fighting Techniques
+Strict but Wise Mentor
+Helpful Around Camp
+Majority of Riverclan Traits (Throw away the Fat part)
+Skilled Fish Hunter

N/A (Open)

Siblings / Half Siblings:
(Open for Discussion)

Species - Maine coon
-Did you read the rules? - Yellowfang

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Edited on 20/07/18 @ 22:35:44 by SavageTrickster (#145024)

Hourai [WCU] (#115472)

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Posted on
2018-07-10 16:18:44
Name: Duskflight
Gender: Male
Age: 25 Moons
Rank: Warrior
Looks (Img or description): Young shorthair tom with spiky amber pelt and blue-green heterochromia eyes.
Heritage: RiverClan
Sexuality: Straight
Fur Length: Short
Disabilities: None
Scars: None
Accessories: None
Personality: Named after coat, but only his right eye developed color, and his mother wondered if that was really the right name for him. Was teased and ignored by others as an apprentice, so he had nothing to play with other than his thoughts. When his thoughts were caught in the clouds, he was often called out on it by his mentor, resulting in more separation from the other apprentices. In spite of this, he won't hesitate to stand up for others.
Weaknesses: Can't focus on tasks, mistrusting, fears friendship/affection, hates accepting aid, breaks down in emotional situations
Strengths: Hunting, fighting, explaining, creative thinking, sensing others
Mate: Open
Siblings: None
Other: 115472 Bluestar ❤

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Hourai [WCU] (#115472)

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Posted on
2018-07-10 18:23:24
Name: Foxflame
Gender: Male
Age: 16 Moons
Rank: Warrior
Looks (Img or description): Slivery-white cat with deep blue eyes.
Heritage: SkyClan
Sexuality: Straight
Fur Length: Short
Disabilities: None
Scars: None
Accessories: None, but enjoys putting flowers behind other cats ears.
Personality: Foxflame was named after his father who was shrewd as a fox, but his personality revealed him to be even more cunning. As a result, he was named Foxflame, for the spirit within him that reeked of a creature that was supposed to be sly—though he didn't believe such suppositions himself.
Weaknesses: Weak, light sleeper, can't eat fish, hates medicine, lazy
Strengths: Deception, accomplishing goals through wit, persuasion, flattery, understanding situations
Mate: Open
Siblings: None
Other: Still Bluestar ❤

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Edited on 28/07/18 @ 21:07:39 by Hourai [WCU] (#115472)

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