Posted by The United Clans Form [WCU RP]
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-07-04 04:47:56

Main Roleplay Thread


Notice! We have moved to Discord! PM for invite!


Age (Moons):
Looks (Img or description):
Breed (If applicable):
Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan):
Fur Length:
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe):
Weaknesses (5+):
Strengths (5+):
Do you intend on developing your character?:
Other: Did you read the rules?


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New Rules
*We now require RPers to post at least 5 lines minimum in their reply.

Thread Staff

Admin: Quake™️
Admin: Balder
Moderator: Mellow Marshmallow
Moderator: Light Queen

11/17 CURRENT Summary

Clan life was like any other, hunting and border patrols, injuries, and the training of apprentices. At one point, there was an incident with a rogue who harmed an apprentice, Vixenpaw, who later died from her wounds. Tensions were high for awhile as they sought what to do about this rogue, though as things started to settle down once more, Starclan had something brewing that would eventually come to affect the clan cats in the forest below. The weather took a turn and soon a storm raged on, causing numerous lightning strikes around the forest. Unfortunately, there were a few cats who were injured due to these strikes, severely injuring them. Once the rain stopped, the lightning strikes continued to happen and eventually, one happened in the camp and started a fire. The clan cats had to evacuate from the old camp and settled along the river, making it a temporary camp until they could rebuild their original camp once more. During their stay along the river, Sunstar received a dream from Starclan, telling him of the threat of the Dark Forest preparing to take over Starclan. Shortly after he had given his announcement, all of the high ranking cats(leaders, deputies, and medicine cats) fell into a deep slumber, waking up in Starclan. They were brought up to help defend Starclan against their battle with the Dark Forest. During the battle, both co-medicine cat, Horsetail, and co-deputy, Hollowfall, were killed. However, Horsetail was resurrected and returned back to his body back in the forest. In the end, the Dark Forest ended up winning the battle in Starclan, sealing the deal after Thistlestar stopped from his son, Sunstar, from killing Brokenbone, claiming the Dark Forest cat as his mate. While the high ranks were locked in battle in Starclan, the clan cats had Lioncloud and Earthquake serve as their temporary leaders and Clearsong and Honeyfrost as temporary deputies.
They all tried to get by while the high ranks were away until they had a dog problem occur, injuring a few, but the cats managed to kill the dogs they could. Little did they know, another threat was lurking close by named Glade, disguising himself as a friend to them. While talking with Lioncloud, the rogue killed the temporary leader and claimed it was a dog when the deceased tom was discovered. Over time, Glade established himself as the new clan leader, injuring and starving those of the clan when he felt like it. However, the high ranks have woken up, no memory of their battle in Starclan and yet to see side effects of being away from their physical bodies for so long.

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Edited on 08/08/19 @ 15:21:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

Midget (#146015)

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Posted on
2018-07-11 12:02:20
Name: Spottedcloud
Gender: Female
Age (Moons): 20 moons
Rank: Warrior
Looks (Img or description):
Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan): Thunderclan
Sexuality: Demisexual/heterosexual
Fur Length: Fluffy and somewhat long
Disabilities: N/A
Scars: N/A
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): N/A
Personality: She is known to be a bit of a snob when it comes to first impressions, but get to know her, you see the true side of her. The true side of her is loyal, empathetic, and protective. Her fear of death will not stop her when it comes to protecting or standing up for someone she cares about.
Weaknesses (5+): Water, fear of death, impatient, heavy sleeper, stubborn, indecisive at times
Strengths (5+): Observant, courageous, heights, climbing, stealthy
Mate: N/A
Siblings: N/A (open)
Other: Did you read the rules? N/A

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Edited on 20/11/18 @ 10:36:09 by Voodoo [Free Tefnut] (#48617)

Viper (#91328)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-07-11 12:35:57
Name: Harepaw (Harefang when a warrior)
Gender: She-cat
Age (Moons): 8 moons
Rank: Apprentice
Looks: Light gray she-cat with slightly darker tabby markings. A white underbelly, chest, neck, muzzle, nose, white paws on her front paws, and her back paws having white socks. A dark pink almost purple nose. Striking, but friendly and inviting, green eyes.
Heritage: Thunderclan, Riverclan, and Windclan
Sexuality: Bisexual
Fur Length: Short
Disabilities: None
Scars: Small scar on her right shoulder right at the tip.
Accessories: None
Personality: Quite, but not unfriendly, righteous, quick to defend her clan, brave, courageous, loyal, honest, thinks things over, sometimes too much though, calm, collected, and hard working.
A quiet, but still friendly she-cat, that tries her best to do what is right to her and the warrior code, making her quick to defend her clan, and anyone close to her. That being so, another cat could persuade her to do something for the 'better' of the clan or someone if they are able to persuade her that it is truly the best for the clan/cat. Her instincts flinging her to defend and protect her clan mates at all costs, like flinging herself at a dog as a mere apprentice. A loyal cat to her friends and clan, and tells the truth as much as she can, even if others don't want her to or like her doing it. Because she likes to do the right thing, for everyone, she can sometimes get caught up in her thoughts, making her distant and distracted, until she finds an answer. When not out hunting or patrolling, she can be found sitting quietly around camp talking quietly with a friend, or senior warriors, trying to learn from them to become better. Her drive to be better isn't for her own selfish desires, but she always wants to be at the top of her game for the clans sake. Though she loves her clan and clan mates, and tries to show them she cares every chance she gets, she tries not to be overly emotional, as she feel it may blur her judgement in what is right. (Her personality may still change a little as the RP keeps going, as she is a new OC for me!)
Weaknesses (5+): overthinks, slightly naive, too righteous, stubborn, sharp tongued when emotionally hurt, horrible with her words (hard to express herself)
Strengths (5+): independent, dependable, loyal, fierce, honest.
Mate: None yet
Siblings: None
Other: Yelllowfang, and Graystripe #91328

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Edited on 17/11/18 @ 12:59:00 by Viper (#91328)

Hope (#113139)

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Posted on
2018-07-12 16:34:35

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Edited on 09/02/19 @ 08:40:51 by Jess (#113139)

Angie (#151211)

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Posted on
2018-07-16 14:01:07
Name: Shrewflight
Gender: She-Cat
Age (Moons): 25
Rank: Warrior
Looks (Img or description): Brazilian Tabby, blue eyes
Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan): Windclan
Sexuality: Bisexual
Fur Length: Shorthair
Disabilities: Slightly slow due to being hit by a car bumper
Scars: A small horizontal scar across the left side of her neck
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): She doesnt wear it, but she keeps a bluejay feather where she sleeps.
Personality: Jumpy, goofy at times and sometimes mean when off her guard
Weaknesses (5+):
-Slow (mental)
-apathetic to older and meaner cats out of trauma
-doesn't know how to teach young cats without scarring them (oversharing)
-will go into rages over her mate's death if he's spoken in the wrong light (oversensitive)
Strengths (5+):
-strong (physical)
-creative with hunting
-sweet with babies no older than 5 moons (motherly to a point)
-loyal to a fault
Mate: Bluefeather (deceased for 3 moons)
Siblings: none
Other: I did...Yellowfang is my favorite. :x


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Edited on 22/07/18 @ 22:37:49 by Angie (#151211)

Echostar🐺🐴✨ (#152250)

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Posted on
2018-07-19 20:54:18
Name: Wolfsong
Gender: she-cat
Age (Moons): 12 moons
Rank: Apprentice
Looks (Img or description): a black she-cat with a patch on her chest in the shape of a heart and a white front paw
Heritage Thunderclan
Sexuality: Straight
Fur Length: short
Disabilities: N/A
Scars: N/A
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): N/A
Personality: Wolfpaw is a sweet and loving apprentice but is not afraid to leap into battle. She loves to chat and listen as long as you don't get on her bad side
Weaknesses (5+): Agility, trusts too easily, talks too much, tends to disobey orders, disrespects the medicine cats
Strengths (5+): Flexible, smart, thinks outside the box, speedy, strong
Mate: N/A
Siblings: none
Other: My fav character has to be Squirrelflight #152250

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Edited on 22/07/18 @ 15:54:47 by Liongirl1779 (#152250)

Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2018-07-20 11:04:06
Name: Earthquake
Gender: Male
Age (Moons): 33 moons
Rank: Warrior (Deputy?)
Looks: Large earthen-colored brawny tom with black marbled tabby markings and hazel eyes.
Heritage: Thunderclan
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Fur Length: Long
Disabilities: Mild Arthritis
Scars: Long scar across right shoulder, Left ear tip is ripped, Scar across nose
Accessories : 2 large brown feathers in neck fur and 1 small white feather on base of tail
Personality: Earthquake is very factual and not a fan of ideals. Being a sizable cat he has a dominant nature coupled with a very direct and practical state of mind. His motives are ambiguous and his actual intentions are questionable, but he is trustworthy to his clan through and through. Earthquake has a very big heart, and is very sympathetic and legitimate, he puts others before himself and wants to see everyone's point of view, even though at times he may seem unforgiving.
Weaknesses (5+): Short Stamina, Low Speed, Slow Reflexes, Hardheaded, Soft Skin
Strengths (5+): Eager Climber, Substantial Patience, Heavyweight, Brawler, Thick Fur
Mate: [Open]
Siblings: N/A
Other: Did you read the rules?
Yass! (Gray Wing, Turtle Tail)

Name: Snowball (formerly kittypet)
Gender: Female
Age (Moons): 27
Rank: Warrior
Looks (Img or description):
Heritage: Riverclan
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Fur Length: Short
Disabilities: None
Scars: None
Accessories: Duel rusted gold earrings on left ear
Personality: Snowball loves new ideas and doesn't mind trying anything new. She's very enthusiastic and excitable, you'd most likely hear her voice ringing out among anything, if not then the second option is singing. Snowball is also very supportive and persistent, so no giving up on her watch! She's always so optimistic and encouraging and has hardly ever seen a rainy day, channeling that positive energy into others. She's a day-dreamer and imaginative often thinking of her big hunk of a mate and litter of many kits.
Weaknesses (5+): Naive, Pushy, Fragile, Hardheaded, Impatient
Strengths (5+): Experienced Swimmer, Great Teacher, Fast Learner, Speedy, Hard worker
Mate: [Open]
Siblings: Mulberry (kittypet)
Other: Did you read the rules? yasEdsdf (River Ripple, Leafstar)

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Edited on 21/07/18 @ 22:39:34 by Mellow Marshmallow [WCU] (#79034)

n0rthernxwinds (#118300)

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Posted on
2018-07-23 05:49:06
Name: Finchdapple
Gender: Female
Age (Moons): 15 moons
Rank: Warrior
Looks (Img or description): [REMOVED BY MODERATOR]
Heritage: Shadowclan
Sexuality: Bisexual
Fur Length: Medium
Disabilities: None
Scars: Scratch above right eye.
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): Finch feathers tucked behind her ear.
Personality: Finchdapple is a well-respected she-cat and holds her head high. She's very optimistic and always looks on the bright side, though she has more of a level head than others. She has a bit of a soft spot towards younger cats and tends to take them under her wing when they need it the most. She's a dreamer and is known to be a feline who lives only in the future and not the past.
Weaknesses (5+): Self-assured, clumsy, not very agile, struggles to trust others, talkative.
Strengths (5+): Clever, quick, motherly, hardworking, charismatic.
Mate: N/A
Siblings: Stagheart (Deceased)
Other: Did you read the rules? Bluestar <33

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Edited on 31/07/18 @ 20:21:17 by Kindred, the Lambogini (#45189)

Echostar🐺🐴✨ (#152250)

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Posted on
2018-07-23 13:09:13
Here`s my second cat

Name: Pheasantflight
Gender: tom-cat
Age (Moons): 15 moons
Rank: warrior
Looks (Img or description): dark gray tom with four white paws
Heritage: Thunderclan
Sexuality: straight
Fur Length: short
Disabilities: N/A
Scars: N/A
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): N/A
Personality: Fierce and brave, Pheasantflight isn`t afraid to leap into battle to protect his clanmates
Weaknesses (5+): Speed, agility, pride, clumsy, tends to boss others around
Strengths (5+): Clever, courageous, fierce, strong, hard worker
Mate: N/A
Siblings: Lakefur (deceased)
Other: Did you read the rules? Squirrelflight #152250

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Edited on 23/07/18 @ 13:23:47 by Liongirl1779 (#152250)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2018-07-23 15:11:14

This is going to be my second cat.

~Lion - For his braveness~
~Cloud - For his long fur~

60 Moons Old
Looks (Img or description)
Lioncloud is a beautiful rare calico tom with startling blue eyes. He has very long and thick fur and also big paws. He was once a great warrior, so the tom has many scars littering his body.
Fur Length
Long and mostly messy fur.
He has a limp from an old injury. Lioncloud has a very hacky and hoarse voice from an old injury that almost killed him, from this he has a long scar on his neck.
Small ones all over his body, big one on his throat and his hind left leg.
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe)
Lioncloud was a great fighter in his past. He has always been loyal to the clan and the warrior code. Remembering a time when the clan was still split into four, the old tom will often reminisce about the old days. Although he is not able to speak very well, the tom likes telling apprentices and kits the stories from old.
Weaknesses (5+)
Not soft on his paws.
Can't talk very well.
Does not make friends easily.
Hard on cats that don't respect the warriors code.
No sense of humor.
Strengths (5+)
Thinks outside of the box.
Good fighter.
Loyal to the clan.
Family Tree
Mother - Foxtail - Dead - Whitecough
Father - Clouddystorm - Dead - Fight with Badger
Duskstorm - Dead - Old age, from Thunderclan
Son - Earthquake - Alive (Mellow Marshmallow)
Unknown -
Daughter - Cloudysun - Dead - Greencough
Grand Kits
Pebblesplash - Alive (Hurri)
Clearsong - Alive - (Swiftbreeze)
Brother - Tigerblood - Dead - Wounds
Sister - Lynxclaw - Dead - Drowned

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Edited on 15/10/18 @ 15:33:43 by LightQueen [Dwarf] {Light ON} (#59203)

Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2018-07-27 18:51:02
Name: Brambleheart
Gender: Female
Age (Moons): 14 Moons
Rank: Warrior
Looks (Img or description): Image
Source -
Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan): ShadowClan
Sexuality: Bisexual (Leans towards males)
Fur Length: Short
Disabilities: N/A
Scars: One scar running along her eye that was caused by a badger attack.
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): A small purple flower she wears behind her right ear.
Personality: She has always been more of the flirty, ambitious type who never really cares for consequences and rules.
Weaknesses (5+):
Strengths (5+):
Mate: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Other: Ivypool

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Kat (#101510)

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Posted on
2018-08-13 04:54:10
Name: Lynxpaw (Lynxstep)
Gender: Female
Age (Moons): 8 Moons
Rank: Medicine Cat Apprentice
Looks (Img or description): Here
(Image is made with the Create A Cat game by Neikoish. I do not own this image.)
Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan): Riverclan Father, Windclan Mother
Sexuality: Homosexual
Fur Length: Medium
Disabilities: Lynxpaw was born with a short, bobbed tail as a result of a genetic mutation. She grew up with it and has adapted to balancing without it, but she can still slip up occasionally, making it slightly more risky for her to be climbing or running for extended periods.
Scars: None yet. (Will receive some in future encounters)
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): None.
Personality: Generally more reserved than most apprentices, Lynxpaw would rather spend her time alone peacefully gathering herbs than practice rough battles, hence why she asked to become a Medicine Cat's apprentice. She is very particular about having everything be tidy, and takes great pride in organising the herbs for her mentor. Unfortunately, she also worries a lot and has doubt in her own abilities, which can cause her to become easily flustered in stressful situations. Overall, she is quiet and elusive, but she quickly becomes polite and friendly to those who seek her out or need her help.
Weaknesses (5+):
- Anxious, often worries about a sick cat's health and her ability to help them.
- Dependent, needs direction and encouragement from her Mentor or peers.
- Physically weak, is a thin, runtish cat and slightly smaller than most her age. Would be taken down easily in a fight.
- Perfectionist, has a desire to have both the Medicine Cat's den and herself be perfect. A deep fear of failure forces her to continue her work, and it doesn't mix well with her anxieties.
- Soft-hearted; can easily be manipulated and/or persuaded with pleading looks and the like. Doesn't really have the heart to generally discipline others.
Strengths (5+):
+ Empathetic, cares greatly for her Clanmates and their wellbeing. Always treats her patients as best as she can, and doesn't cut corners- no matter if it's physical treatment, or mental comfort.
+ Stealthy, her quiet nature and sleek, light body lets her walk almost silently when she needs to. She'd be a good hunter if she wasn't weak, but she might accidentally scare you if she walks up from behind.
+ Trustworthy. Lynxpaw keeps a lot to herself, and if you entrust her with some information, she'll keep that safe too.
+ Practical, is generally level-headed and sensible. Her need for perfection has given her early maturity, but at what cost?
+ Neat, likes everything to be tidy and often organises herbs and supplies in her spare time. The Medicine Cat den has never looked cleaner!
Mate: None
Siblings: None (open to PMs though!)
Other: Brightheart

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Edited on 13/08/18 @ 05:13:50 by Kat (#101510)

tiinyember (#13883)

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Posted on
2018-08-13 20:49:22
Name: Juniperslip
Gender: Female
Age: 25 moons
Rank: Warrior
Looks: Juniperslip is a tall, muscular she-cat with night-black fur. The fact that her coat is very thick makes her look twice her size, which can be quite intimidating. She has large, hefty paws and big tufted ears. Her tail is long and bushy, making it difficult to hunt. The large feline has white whiskers and a black nose, along with bright green eyes. She has a narrower face, suggesting that she has just a dash of Oriental Longhair in her, though she is mostly Maine Coon.
Heritage: Shadowclan
Sexuality: Asexual Biromantic
Fur Length: Long-furred
Disabilities: xx
Scars: xx
Accessories: xx
Personality: Juniperslip is a very serious cat. She doesn’t like to good off, or have any real fun. She’s definitely a workaholic, and trains quite often to stay fit and ready to pounce into action at a moment’s notice. She’s a little bit on the paranoid side, and doesn’t trust easily. She could flip like a coin in a moment’s notice, and tends to detach from reality when she feels herself getting close with another cat. She doesn’t like to talk about her past, or about her former lover. Despite all of this, Juniperslip is loyal to no faults. Once another feline gains her trust, Juniperslip would probably go down fighting for them. She would loosen up a bit, but would probably never stop to smell the roses and live in the now. She’s constantly worrying about her future, even though her life in the clan is pretty solid.
Weaknesses (5+): Paranoid, weak huntress, uptight, secretive, untrusting.
Strengths (5+): Fantastic fighter, confident in her abilities, loyal, workaholic, independent.
Mate: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Other: Hollyleaf & Mousefur

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Marsie (#140966)

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Posted on
2018-08-14 09:55:28
Name: Rainpaw (Raindrop when warrior)
Gender: She-cat
Age (Moons): 10 Moons
Rank: Apprentice
Looks (Img or description): A pretty silver she-cat with a white chest and three white paws. Her back left hind paw is dark gray and she has a dark gray spotty pattern down her back. She has icy-blue eyes and a bite mark scar at the tip of her thin tail.

This is the website I used to make her, :)
Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan): Riverclan
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Fur Length: Short and Sleek
Disabilities: None!
Scars: She has a bite mark at the top of her tail when she was chased by a fox cub as a kit.
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): None!

History: As a kit, Rainpaw would always venture out of her den with her brother Breezekit. They would always get into trouble and neber learn from it. One night, they decided to explore a fox den, not realizing the fresh scent of fox inside. A fox cub darted out after the two kits, however breeze kit was too slow. The fox cub grabbed him with his sharp teeth and threw him aside, knocking him unconscious. Rainkit yowled in anger and ran up to the fox cub and gave it a hard nip at its leg before running away. The fox cub gave chase, and Rainkit felt the hot breath on her tail. A sharp pain seared through her tail as she crashed into a hawthorne bush. The fox cub barked at her, and after a while the cub left to presumably take Breezekit into his den. The next day the leader sent a patrol to search for Breezekit, but it was hopeless, Breezekit was gone.

Personality: She has always been a mischievous cat, not as much as when she was a kit due to a trauma with her brother and foxes, but the light of mischief never leaves her eyes. She loves playing with others and is very swift and hyperactive. However, she is fiercely loyal to her clanmates and will defend them with her life if she has to.

Weaknesses (5+):
Unbearable Fear of Foxes (her brother died to one)
Can be Quick to Panic

Strengths (5+):

Mate: None
Siblings: Breezekit (Deceased)
Other: Yes! Dovewing and Stormfur

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Edited on 17/11/18 @ 09:50:15 by 🍃Swiftbreeze (Bast)🍃 (#140966)

Mooneater (#142050)

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Posted on
2018-08-17 07:23:03
Name: Dappledpaw (Dappledshadow)
Gender: She-cat
Age (Moons): 12
Rank: apprentice, nearly a warrior
Looks (Img or description): Tortoiseshell with dark brown eyes and black paws.
Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan): Riverclan
Sexuality: Straight
Fur Length: Short
Disabilities: N/A
Scars: has a long scar on her leg so she walks with a slight limp. Got it trying to invade Thunderclan
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe):N/A
Personality: aggressive toward cats she doesn't know, but kind once you get to know her
Weaknesses (5+):
-is afraid of spiders
-jumps to conclusions
-Is always (coincedentally) on the patrols that cause battles
- limps because of scar, so can't climb or go too fast
- is allergic to pollen
Strengths (5+):
- is strong
-is fast, despite her leg
- fiercely loyal
-fearless... Unless it comes to spiders
- is a good hunter
Mate: none yet
Siblings: N/A
Other: Did you read the rules? yes Bluestar, Leafpool

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Edited on 17/08/18 @ 07:46:58 by Deathbringer (#142050)

Venomous Flames (#152150)

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Posted on
2018-08-21 16:16:39
Name: Honeyfrost
Gender: She-cat
Age (Moons): 36
Rank: Warrior
Looks (Img or description): A light orange she-cat decorated with dark red patches with a white muzzle and underbelly. Long black hairs over her oval shaped ears and amber yellow eyes.
Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan): Riverclan and Windclan
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Fur Length: Long and thick
Disabilities: N/A
Scars: Right foreleg, long scar over right flank
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): N/A
Personality: Headstrong and stubborn, but never hesitates to jump in to protect a clanmate. She's fiercely loyal and always working to make the clan stronger somehow.
Weaknesses (5+): Low self esteem, stubborn, perfectionist, domineering, impractical
Strengths (5+): Disciplined, thorough, determined, decisive, patient
Mate: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Other: Did you read the rules? Sandstorm and Dustpelt

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