Posted by The United Clans Form [WCU RP]
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-07-04 04:47:56

Main Roleplay Thread


Notice! We have moved to Discord! PM for invite!


Age (Moons):
Looks (Img or description):
Breed (If applicable):
Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan):
Fur Length:
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe):
Weaknesses (5+):
Strengths (5+):
Do you intend on developing your character?:
Other: Did you read the rules?


Follow the link here to see characters, reputation status, health, and more!


New Rules
*We now require RPers to post at least 5 lines minimum in their reply.

Thread Staff

Admin: Quake™️
Admin: Balder
Moderator: Mellow Marshmallow
Moderator: Light Queen

11/17 CURRENT Summary

Clan life was like any other, hunting and border patrols, injuries, and the training of apprentices. At one point, there was an incident with a rogue who harmed an apprentice, Vixenpaw, who later died from her wounds. Tensions were high for awhile as they sought what to do about this rogue, though as things started to settle down once more, Starclan had something brewing that would eventually come to affect the clan cats in the forest below. The weather took a turn and soon a storm raged on, causing numerous lightning strikes around the forest. Unfortunately, there were a few cats who were injured due to these strikes, severely injuring them. Once the rain stopped, the lightning strikes continued to happen and eventually, one happened in the camp and started a fire. The clan cats had to evacuate from the old camp and settled along the river, making it a temporary camp until they could rebuild their original camp once more. During their stay along the river, Sunstar received a dream from Starclan, telling him of the threat of the Dark Forest preparing to take over Starclan. Shortly after he had given his announcement, all of the high ranking cats(leaders, deputies, and medicine cats) fell into a deep slumber, waking up in Starclan. They were brought up to help defend Starclan against their battle with the Dark Forest. During the battle, both co-medicine cat, Horsetail, and co-deputy, Hollowfall, were killed. However, Horsetail was resurrected and returned back to his body back in the forest. In the end, the Dark Forest ended up winning the battle in Starclan, sealing the deal after Thistlestar stopped from his son, Sunstar, from killing Brokenbone, claiming the Dark Forest cat as his mate. While the high ranks were locked in battle in Starclan, the clan cats had Lioncloud and Earthquake serve as their temporary leaders and Clearsong and Honeyfrost as temporary deputies.
They all tried to get by while the high ranks were away until they had a dog problem occur, injuring a few, but the cats managed to kill the dogs they could. Little did they know, another threat was lurking close by named Glade, disguising himself as a friend to them. While talking with Lioncloud, the rogue killed the temporary leader and claimed it was a dog when the deceased tom was discovered. Over time, Glade established himself as the new clan leader, injuring and starving those of the clan when he felt like it. However, the high ranks have woken up, no memory of their battle in Starclan and yet to see side effects of being away from their physical bodies for so long.

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Edited on 08/08/19 @ 15:21:53 by Quake™ (#69866)

Cloudia (#162875)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-26 14:07:29
Name: Light-kit
Gender: female
Age (Moons): 1 moon
Rank: kit

Looks (Img or description):
white body with black stripe from her nose down her back to her black tail, black socks to her knees on all legs, and a black tipped right ear

Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan):
abandoned kitty pet (thunderclan)


Fur Length:

none yet

None yet

Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe):

Puts her trust in her clan mates, puts others needs before her own (letting other kits eat first) so she doesn’t feel like she is going to get abandoned again (even though she knows she won’t be), tends to spend time alone by a lake or river to clear her mind or think, can be nervous around cats she doesn’t know, doesn’t like medium to large crowds

Weaknesses (5+):
Hunting birds
Hiding cause of her bright colored fur
Storms-lightning and thunder

Strengths (5+):
Good listener

Mother – unknown
Father – unknown
Future Adopted Parents
Mother – open
Father – open

Mate: none
Siblings: unknown
Do you intend on developing your character: Yes!
Other: Did you read the rules? yes #162875

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Edited on 29/11/18 @ 14:26:46 by Cloudia (#162875)

Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2018-11-29 14:15:40
Name: Maplekit/Starlingkit (Maplefall/Starlingfire)
Gender: Female
Age (Moons): 3 Moons
Rank: Kit
Looks (Img or description): She is a short haired american curl, with a calico pelt and green eyes. (Image to come soon)
Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan): Riverclan and Shadowclan
Sexuality: To be developed
Fur Length: Medium length
Disabilities/Disorders: Dissociative Identity Disorder
Scars: None yet
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): None
Maplekit Personality: Isn’t a very big risk taker, strays from danger and refuses to fight if she can help it. She loves playing with other kits as well as acting like the deputy. Can’t see herself as being a leader due to her weaknesses, but tries to be strong like her father.
Starlingkit: Big risk taker, usually wakes up when Maplekit is asleep or wants to take a break from leading. Starlingkit is more popular than Maplekit, and she’s very bossy and pushy sometimes. She likes to think of herself as a reincarnation of her father, Hollowfall, in female form. She is fiercely protective of others, including her alter personality, Maplekit.
Weaknesses (5+):
Maplekit Weaknesses:
-Low Pain Tolerance
-Bad Communicator
-Afraid of Male Cats
Starlingkit Weaknesses:
-Bad Temper
-Offended Easily
-Runs From Emotions
Strengths (5+):
Maplekit Strengths:
-Decision Maker
-Never Gives Up
Starlingkit Strengths:
Mate: N/A
Siblings: Lionkit (PC: Galaxy)
Parents: Hollowfall (M, Deceased, PC: Sasshole), Snowball (F, Disappeared, NPC)
Do you intend on developing your character?: Of course :)
Other: Mulan

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sp00kypaw (#130539)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2018-12-10 11:21:10
Olivepaw (Olivetail)


Age (Moons):
6 moons as of now - set to change

Warrior Apprentice

Looks (Img or description):
A smooth furred mainly-black tortoiseshell with white 'bag' markings under her eyes. She has deep amber eyes that seemed to be strained from anxiety image (art by me, ignore 'medicine cat')

50% RiverClan 50% WindClan


Fur Length:
Short, but thick. Back of neck is longer.

Olivepaw is a soft-spoken tortoiseshell with a caring personality. She does not speak, but thinks too much about things. She is a worrywart and constantly fears battles and bloodshed.

- Shy
- Reserved
- Frail, weak physically
- Misunderstands a lot
- Sensitive to hearing, sight, and taste.

- Soft, caring
- Truthful
- Herbal Skills
- Motherly
- Helpful

(looking when reaches warrior-age!)

Do you intend on developing your character?:

Did you read the rules? Correct!
- Her favorite movie is the Lion King ;)
- She hopes to adopt kits one day
- I personally am mainly inactive on discord, which is sp00kypaw #0807

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Edited on 11/12/18 @ 11:24:30 by sp00kypaw (#130539)

A'whisker (#113302)

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Posted on
2018-12-18 22:27:41
Name: Mosspaw
Gender: Male
Age (Moons): 10 moons
Rank: Apprentice
Looks (Img or description): His fur is a soft gray, contrasted by white paws, muzzle, and underbelly. His face is slightly rounded, his legs long and his frame lightly built. He has sharp greenish-gold eyes.
Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan): Windclan
Sexuality: Bisexual
Fur Length: Short but thick
Scars: None
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): None
Personality: Mosspaw is cautious, sometimes unsure of himself. He does not jump into things head first, but rather hangs back to observe and plan first. He is not one who will often take the initiative. He is also loyal, and tries to do what he feels is best for the clan, though sometimes this can lead to disagreements.

Weaknesses (5+):
Takes things personally
Not physically strong
Holds grudges

Strengths (5+):
Calm and level-headed
A good mediator

Mate: None yet
Siblings: None
Do you intend on developing your character?: Yes!
Other: Mulan's gotta be my favorite movie <3 This is the first roleplay I've joined in a long time so I'm a bit rusty haha! Please forgive my mistakes.

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Edited on 31/12/18 @ 14:31:19 by Khajiit Has Wares (#113302)

AmberRose (#152901)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-12-19 19:06:31
Name: Puddlepaw
Gender: Male
Age: 7 moons
Rank: Apprentice(warrior if that's alright)
Heritage: Was born into the clan, parents deceased
Sexuality: Pansexual but is not interested in finding a mate
Fur Length: Medium
Scars: None
Accessories: None
Personality: Mannered, good-natured, obedient, timid, gullible, slow-learner
Weaknesses (5+): Can't sneak up on prey because too loud, thinking for himself, dodging(as in sharp turns when running), strength, afraid of heights
Strengths (5+): Speed, quick reflexes(mostly when attacked), logical, good at convincing, blending into surroundings
Mate: None
Siblings: None
Do you intend on developing your character?: Ya
Other: How to train your dragon 2

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Edited on 19/12/18 @ 19:08:03 by AmberRose (#152901)

「Komasan」 (#147164)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-12-21 00:01:21
Name: Whorlpaw
Gender: Female
Age (Moons): 8 Moons
Rank: Apprentice
Looks (Img or description): Whorlpaw is a long furred silver she-cat with swirled patterned tabby markings, a long fluffy tail, long legs with paws that have hard pawpads, and greenish eyes.
Heritage (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or Skyclan): Skyclan & Shadowclan
Sexuality: Bisexual
Fur Length: Long
Scars: None
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): None
Personality: Whorlpaw is an outgoing but somewhat troublesome she-cat. There is always a mischievous glint in her eyes, ready to cause a bit of playful trouble for whoever comes her way. She enjoys climbing trees, and is pretty darn good at it too. She has little to no problem standing up for herself or those close to her. There is a fine line between being courageous and being a reckless fool, and Whorlpaw tends to cross it way too many times, sometimes charging straight into situations without thinking through everything. She is stubborn, painfully so and most of the time doesn't like to admit she's in the wrong or in desperate need of help, which could cause a few problems for her later on. Although she doesn't acknowledge it most of the time (and downright denies it when it's pointed out), when Whorlpaw lies her nose twitches a bit and she tends to grin, it can be easy to spot for those observant enough... or maybe it's just really easy to spot.
Weaknesses (5+):
- Swimming Skill
- Reckless
- Mischievous
- Extremely Stubborn
- Terrible Liar
Strengths (5+):
+ Brave
+ Playful
+ Climbing Skill
+ Cold Resistance
+ Agility
Mate: None, yet
Siblings: None
Do you intend on developing your character?: Of course!
Other: Winnie The Pooh!

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Shenaniganary© (#79034)

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Posted on
2018-12-22 20:49:47
Name: Cricketpaw(chirp)
Gender: Female
Age (Moons): 9 Moons
Rank: Warrior
Looks (Img or description):

(Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, or
Skyclan): Shadowclan
Sexuality: Bi-Sexual
Fur Length: Somewhat long
Scars: None
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): None
Personality: Cricketpaw has a very warm and charming personality once you get to know her. She prefers having close friends that just merely gaining aquaintances, and she won't waste time telling who is which. At times she may even seem possessive of those she feels close to, which leads her to be selfish and clingy. Because of her Shadowclan background, Cricketpaw is very naturally observative and mischievous, watching from the shadows. She seems quite mature for her age, with a stone-cold stare and heart of steel to serve her clan.
Weaknesses (5+): Exploitive, Selfish, Poor Swimmer, Cold, Vengeful
Strengths (5+): Honesty, Perseverance, Bold Demeanor, Intelligent, Silent
Mate: None [OPEN]
Siblings: None
Do you intend on developing your character?: Yes!
Other: Bruce Almighty

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Edited on 24/12/18 @ 11:20:08 by HobbitButt (#50305)

ray (#56776)

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Posted on
2018-12-30 21:27:33

Creekkit | Creekpaw | Creekfern


11 Moons


drawn by Swiftwing (#84183), purchased by me!
A conventionally pretty feline, Creekpaw has a pelt of primarily pure white. Along her back and in patches on her legs rests a warm brown tone with light tabby markings in certain areas. Creekpaw’s eyes follow the trend of warmth, being a soft golden-amber set nicely on her face. Her fur itself is medium-long, hanging elegantly from her thin frame. Overall, she has a body built for running and swimming, adapted over generations of living in a territory that required such skills.

RiverClan, SkyClan

Bisexual (heavy male preference)

Fur Length

A few nicks in both ears


Creekpaw is a firecracker of a cat, unafraid to speak her mind. She can speak too quickly and say things she doesn’t mean if she’s trying to get a point across. Admittedly, it can get her into trouble at times. She is naturally untrusting, and it takes quite a while for her to warm up to someone after meeting them. However, once she’s comfortable with a cat, she’s as friendly and loyal as can be. The mollie is apprehensive to outsiders, a result of both pure instinct and being brought up in such a way. Aside from her strong personality, she harbors a soft spot for kits even at such a young age and though she’d never tell, she wishes for some of her own some day.

- good swimmer
- skilled in combat
- unafraid of confrontation
- not overly trusting
- agile

- unpredictable
- speaks before thinking
- often unforgiving
- hunting on land
- stubborn

Not yet, but (secretly) hopeful

Stormwillow | Father | Alive/NPC
Nettlepool | Mother | Alive/NPC
Shadepaw | Litter Brother | Alive/NPC
Horsetail | Half-Brother | Played by LightQueen
Rabbitpaw | Half-Sister| Deceased
Flowerkit | Half-Sister | Deceased

Do you intend on developing your character?
Absolutely! :)

I don’t really have a favorite :)

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Edited on 31/12/18 @ 17:51:13 by pistachio (#56776)

Lokisa (#103333)

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Posted on
2019-01-04 13:50:37
Name: Finchpaw (Finchspots)
Gender: Female
Age (Moons): 8 moons
Rank: Apprentice
Looks (Img or description): A light brown and blue tabby she-cat with large ears and an unusually short tail
Heritage: SkyClan
Sexuality: Bisexual
Fur Length: Short
Scars: None yet
Accessories: Two finch feathers (after she gains her warrior name)
Personality: Hard-headed, persistent, bubbly, diligent
Weaknesses (5+):
- Deaf in right ear
- Short tail makes for difficulty balancing
- Stubborn personality makes for easy irritation
- Unwillingness to cease activities leads to blowing off other, possibly more important, jobs
- Bubbly nature leads to naive trusting of possibly dangerous individuals
Strengths (5+):
- Friendliness leads to positive social interaction
- Powerful limbs good for hunting
- Focused nature leads to 100% completed tasks
- Attentive
- Not easily overheated
Mate: None yet, willing to discuss over Discord
Siblings: N/A
Do you intend on developing your character?: Of course!
Other: My favorite movie is the Moulin Rouge! (2001)

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mercuri 🔮 (#93105)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-01-05 17:20:39

morningpaw | morningshade


ten moons


sexual orientation


being a norwegian forest cat, her build is a tad bit bulkier than regular domestics. the breed is meant to be stocky and well-muscled, and the female sort of lives up to the breed's expectations. her body, beneath the long-haired fur, is fit for swimming like her breed. her twin optics filled with deep, olive green are round, and almost owl-like as they are wide and always observing. the heavy coat she has is usually always well-groomed since everyday there seems to be grime stuck within the fiery ginger and white stripped pelt. a creamy shade of white begins from between her eyes and downward, reaching all the way to her slightly hefty paws and to underneath the tip of her tail where it faded and blends with the darker reddish fur - causing it to look more like a mocha color than anything.

her confidence is usually the first thing you can sense from her; it's radiating from her aura in copious amounts. which happens to be what attracts many to her. though, this high self-esteem does not go to her head and make her arrogant since she knows she is no better than anyone else. with this confidence, comes ambition and together this aids in her achieving her objective whether it be big or small. questioning her motives can provoke a defensive response, or anxiety that may throw her off but she’s fairly quick to regain her exposure and evade any inquiries about her goals. all she wishes from anyone is their trust and support, feeling defeated if she’s lost even a sliver of support from those she cares for.

- wanting approval from others
- constantly want for stability and security (strongly dislikes change)
- fearing failure
- running long distances (low stamina)
- climbing
- following strict rules

- swimming in any body of water
- debates
- offering comfort/advice
- keeping the peace
- socializing
- diplomacy

mate & kin
no mate (subject to change);
rosecloud (mother; alive)
heronstripe (father; presumed dead)
brightpaw/feather (littermate; alive)
sorrelkit (littermate; deceased)
tigerpaw/storm (littermate; alive)
salmonkit (sibling; alive)
lampreykit (sibling; alive)
swankit (sibling; alive)

do you intend on developing this character?
yes, of course!

my favorite movie, as of right now, would have to be the endless! c:

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Edited on 05/01/19 @ 18:21:48 by m e r c u r y (#93105)

Sacramora (#140353)

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Posted on
2019-02-18 17:47:56
(I'm finishing a picture of her, it'll be up in an hour or so I think.)

Snowfeather (Feather for short)

4 years old


Pan/Bi (leans more on the straight side of things though)

Windclan, RIverclan.


Snowfeather is a kind, yet firm female. She is very friendly, and is usually very calm unless provoked. She can be very fierce and quite argumentative. A weakness of hers is not being able to resist the crys' of a cat needing help. Snowfeather loves cubs, and enjoys having company.

Nothing special happened to her. She's your average clan cat.

Strengths: She's a strong swimmer, and a very fast runner with her long legs. She's very good with stealth and attacking, and is extremely intelligent.
Weaknesses: She is terrible with climbing, she has a horrible temper, and because of her long claws, she's always making noise on hard surfaces. She's deathly afraid of being hurt emotionally, and tends to close off, making her socially awkward. She isn't that great at dodging either.

A dark blueish silver coat with a lighter underbelly and paws. Her eyes are a vibrant blue while her ear tips and tail tip is black. She has leopard markings that line her back, that slowly fade as it comes closer to her neck and head. She's a bit taller than most, with long claws, a long fluffy tail, and a frill of fur lining her head to her mid back.

Her father is indeed dead, but she doesn't know about her mother. Her younger siblings were taken away when her mother left the clan.

She's currently looking for a mate, and wants to have kits, though is waiting for now.

Because this isn't my main device, I may forget to go online. Though, I will be on nearly everday, if I remember. And I did read the rules

Do you intend on developing your character: Of course.

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Edited on 18/02/19 @ 17:48:40 by Sacramora (#140353)

xena (#152934)

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Posted on
2019-02-26 21:02:27
Name: IvyPaw
Gender: Female (she-cat)
Age (Moons): 7 Moons
Rank: Apprentice
Heritage: RiverClan

Looks (Img or description): my cat (Alessandro Simonetto, Link to Picture site)

Fur length: Long
Scars: A scar down her muzzle.

Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): A "flower crown" type ornament resting on her head. Just made up of common herbs though.

Personality: She loves to trust people and loves the idea of hospitality. She is the most generous she-cat you will ever meet. She hates being mean but will if absolutely needed. She is treated like a doormat by most people who would take advantage of her. She loves being with company and enjoys cracking a joke, as she has many on hand.

Weaknesses (5+):
-being Alone
-Trusting too easily
-Windy weather(she tends to fall deeply ill)
-Dependant on others thoughts
Strengths (5+):
-skilled in medicinal herbs

Mate: N/A
Siblings: Rouge(Younger sister)

Do you intend on developing your character?: YES Ofcccc

Other: Did you read the rules? YESSS my movie is Spy Kids!!!!! Also I would love to be an apprentice for Medcats, please

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Edited on 27/02/19 @ 18:44:32 by Xena |#152934| (#152934)

Phoenix || G1
Hibiscus (#89256)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2019-02-27 17:18:16
Name: Weaselpaw (Whisker)

Gender: Male
Age (Moons): 10 moons
Rank: Apprentice

Looks: p.jpeg?size_mode=5

Heritage: Windclan
Sexuality: Homosexual
Fur Length: Short
Scars: None
Accessories: None

Personality: Weaselpaw tends to try and keep to himself most of the time, but he is not afraid to talk to someone if he has to. He would rather go hunting or go on a run than anything else. His weakness is apprentices and their energy. He wants to be a mentor at some point in the future when he becomes older. He can have a bit of a short temper with cats who don't bother listening or try to take complete control. He has a very realistic but optimistic view on life and tries to do his best to make another feel better if they come to him for support. He has a good level of empathy but never the opportunity to flex it. He tends to look as though he is upset even if it is not the case and it can be a bit off-putting for anyone who wants to talk to him, but even if he likes isolation, he also likes to socialize on his own time and relax with someone and just talk for hours on end. When need be, he has rigorous energy and determination.

Weaknesses (5+):
-Warrior Apprentices (In a good sense)
-Talking about deep subjects
-Offensive combat
Strengths (5+):
-Working with teammates
-Defensive combat

Mate: NONE
Siblings: NONE

Do you intend on developing your character?: Always, for sure

Other: My favourite movies are the Lion King and Tangled. I would appreciate to be med cat apprentice if oh so possible but if not, I completely understand and will accept whatever I am given :>

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Edited on 27/02/19 @ 17:34:18 by {'Triptocaine'} (#89256)

Ame (#170051)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-03-01 18:22:06
Name: Twistedpaw (Alt: Spiderpaw) [Twistedfoot/Twistedfall | Spiderfoot/Spidertail]
Gender: Tom
Age (Moons): 8 Moons
Rank: Apprentice

Looks (Img or description): Dusky gray almost black coat with ticking of darker fur mixed in. Left side of his face is marked white, and the white tapers down to his chin and flows into a star on his chest. Left paw is dappled white as well as both of his hind legs to his ankles. From the ankles, it flows up to the backside with his fully white semi-fluffy tail. Underbelly is white, as well as his inner ears. Half pink/half black nose. Left eye is blue while the right is amber-orange. | Eventually he will turn out of be quite a tall and lanky tom, so his paws currently at a decent size. | Right fore-paw is twisted to where he walks on what would be half his middle toe, ring toe and pinky as well as the side of his pinky toe. This is from jumping off something quite high and landing on it wrong. Can walk on it, but can be quite painful if on it for long periods of time.

Heritage: Shadowclan & Windclan
Sexuality: Pansexual
Fur Length: Medium Length - Closer to short mostly other than for his semi-fluffy tail.
Scars: None
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): None

Personality: Twistedpaw is a quiet, gentle cat who rarely speaks up for himself in any situation, and when he does it is normally done with quite a few voice cracks and in a soft-spoken manner. He is respectful towards those that are higher rank than him, and stays out of the way of conflicts or arguments. Twisted loves to please, doing what he can so that he can be seen as useful, despite his disability. He will often push himself to keep up with his peers, even to the point where it would be deemed wise to be normal.
(Keep in mind that he can entirely change based on what happens in Roleplay. Depending on who he gets a mentor and what happens to him. I let my young characters grow based on the situations they have gone through, so its as natural as I can make it.)

Weaknesses (5+): Lame paw | Running | Climbing | Needing to Please | Can't Explain anything.
Strengths (5+): Studious | Hard-working | Iron-willed | Helpful | Good Listener

Mate: None!
Siblings: None
Do you intend on developing your character?: Of course! He is all about developing into an adult and what his story will become as time goes on.
Other: Personally I have too many favorites.. I guess Mulan or Hercules would be up there, but I also adore Disney's Dinosaur to pieces.. Probably Disney's Dinosaur. | On a side note, bby boy is going to end up with a deeeeeep voice when he is done growing :P

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Kanciv (#119308)

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Posted on
2019-03-02 18:07:14

Erased by me

My confidence comes and goes.

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Edited on 06/03/19 @ 16:21:54 by Tiny Midas (#119308)

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