Posted by Terraclan (Warrior Cats RP)

Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-07 13:14:44
We have a discord!

Welcome to Terraclan. Before you start, make sure you've signed up and read the rules!
Here's the Out of Character thread: Clicky!
This RP takes place by the lake territory.

Current Event: Check here!


You're new to our Clan, aren't you? Well, let me tell you our story.
Our Clan was formed not long ago, around 6 moons, by our leader Terrastar. He spent moons observing out neighbouring clan, but wanted to be the leader himself. He witnessed Fernstar going to the Moonpool and went there himself once she was gone. The Dark Forest blessed him with 8 more lives and told him to form his own clan. So far he has only recruited me, but just wait, he will rise to be more powerful. Aetherclan has suffered a great fire, it is time to expand our territory.

NPC list: Check them out!


Admin: Sedrik
Admin: Ash [WCU]
Admin: Lightqueen
Moderator: Tokyo (Mostly on Discord)

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Name - Age - Rank - Health - Whereabouts - Mentions:

Starkit - 1 moon - Kit - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Stick-chan

This is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen

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Edited on 21/09/19 @ 15:42:49 by Sedrik (Clean) (#117962)

Chompchomps (#155830)

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Posted on
2018-12-19 18:33:57
Ratpelt - 21 moons - Warrior - tired and sore - Territory - Mentions: Mintwhisper

The thick pelted tomcat pants his legs stretched out and his pads sweating. His mouth remains open as he gasps for air aching for any cold breath of no leaf and snowfall. His grey eyes snap around for any type of water as. His eyes spotted a delicious droplet falling from above. It splashes, glistening in the sunlight. His round slit ears push forward listening for any sign of rain. He smells the dry air to find no sign of rain. He groans out and suddenly takes in a hot gust of air. He groans again and stretches out his short chubby body. He hears the familiar soft voice of Mintwhisper and the thought of flirting takes over his instinct to find water. Thirsty, he licks his maw.

"Better now that you're here," he meows brambled tied tail curling over his back. He smacks his tail down and begins to pull out the twigs and brambles in his tail.

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Cspr (#2950)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-12-20 15:40:17
Addermask - 36 moons - Warrior - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Risingstorm, Stonefell, & Sootheart (ID)

The tabby tom was grateful for Risingstorm’s help in holding Maplestream, easing his burden in helping send the former medicine cat back to where he belonged. He noticed too the apprentice Owlpaw come back into his orbit, seeming to seek protection. He was glad at least he gave the apprentices some sense of safety, despite everything.

Stonefell nodded to Stonefell as she told him to hold Maplestream still and did his duty, trying to ignore the sounds as the two she-cats finally put the undead cat to rest. Once the body stilled, no twitches like that of a normal death, he released his hold and took a step back. He tried to relax his muscles and get his fur to flatten down more, licking at his chest fur and kneading the ground with his still unsheathed claws. He worked them in the dirt until the pieces of Maplestream were gone and then glanced up at Terrastar on the high branch of camp. He put his claws back into their rightful place and moved to sit and listen to the ceremonies below Talltree. They could bury Maplestream after. He’d also thank his clanmates for all their help during these trying times, if he could remember it. He wasn’t the most social of cats, but they were his family now.

He called Rainblossom’s name with the rest of the clan and then felt a bit of unease. He was sure Birchheart would do fine in Terrastar’s absense, but having both their only medicine cat of any kind and their leader gone, after the attack by Fernstar? Perhaps they would really need the Dark Forest’s help. He was still unsure how he felt about this, but that was probably the loner in him. He noticed the crowd of cats gathered around Rainblossom and decided he’d congratulate her once it wasn’t so crowded.

Hearing his name, he went back to Stonefell and Sootheart. As he expected, the two she-cats also realized the need to bury their former clanmate. He silently listened to their conversations, taking in their words and body language. He noted Sootheart seemed upset at one point, but she seemed to be a sensitive cat--hence her name.

When Risingstorm posed the question of waiting until morning to get water, he almost wanted to argue, but then he realized it was out of selfishness. He was thirsty, yes, but he could wait if the others needed to as well. If needed, he could even go hunting again, find some small prey to help quench his thirst. Plus the sooner he slept, the sooner it would be morning. It would likely be safer to try to go to the twolegplace when it was full daylight. Fewer more nocturnal predators to concern themselves with.

“Yes, I’m sure we can wait until morning,” he meowed.

He continued to watch, just processing everything that had happened, and decided to go out solo hunting again before he fell into his nest. After far too long, he finally found a small vole--which stayed dead, so he ate it and buried its bones. He then returned to camp and headed into the warriors’ den, settling into his nest and closing his eyes. Sleep came quickly for him.

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Ardor (Augur Ferus) (#139635)

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Posted on
2018-12-21 15:40:52
Birchheart - 26 Moons - Deputy - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Owlpaw, Open!

Birchheart pranced across camp. She was bored. There was nothing to do, but she was too afraid to leave camp. Maybe she should take Owlpaw on patrol? Now that she wasn’t as busy, she had the chance to really work with her apprentice. She trotted around the campus, but she couldn’t really find him. “Owlpaw? Where are you?” Birchheart meowed. She waited patiently, listening intently for her apprentices response.

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Elska (#140306)

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Posted on
2018-12-24 12:22:37
Mintwhisper - 34 moons - Warrior - Healthy - Territory - Mentions: Ratpelt, Open!

Mintwhisper laughs at the tom's usual flirty behavior and pads over to sit next to him. "Well I'm not sure I can quench all of your thirst, we may need the water patrol to come back first for that." She smiles a bit amused as the curly furred warrior picks twigs out of his tail, did he even groom himself? Or was it just that he walked through some brambles. Either way it must be annoying to comb through all the curls. She wiggled her brows, "I could help with that if you want." She smirked and bent her head down to lick at her chest fur for a moment, becoming a bit more mellow. "If you don't mind me asking Ratpelt, why do you suddenly take these walks?" She had a few ideas, anxiety? Awkwardness? Maybe he could only handle so much social interaction.

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Chompchomps (#155830)

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Posted on
2018-12-24 19:20:55
Ratpelt - 21 moons - warrior - tired - territory - Mentions: Mintwhisper OPEn

His grey eyes light up at her helping clean out his tail. The thought of water makes his eyes flick back to the burning sky. He nearly moans out of thirst. "I might just join in on a patrol for water," he replies before taking in a breath if hot dry air. Ratpelt sharply pulls out a thorn making him whence gently. His tongue swipes in his fur to find any blood only to cut his tongue a bit. The she-cat's question catches him off guard. His stomach turns before he flops back down and stretches out his short tree trunk like legs. "Personal," he gives a simple reply. "Plus they kept flirting and it was obvious I couldn't reply to that. It was just really awkward. I mean I am totally up for flirting with a she-cat, honestly any cat." He gently nods his head at the thought and his lips twitch at the thought of being with a cat. It makes him uncomfortable at the thought. He stretches out his legs once more making sure not to hit she-cat in any way.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-01-05 20:40:23
Time-skip to get things going

As the day proceeded, hunting patrols and border patrols went on their way. Every cat returned to camp and got to eat and share tongues. They all noticed that it had been a while since their last drink, and every cat dreamed of a lake full of water that night.
The next morning, Terrastar and Oakdapple were back. Terrastar proudly announced that they had a full medicine cat now, then let Birchheart organise the patrols. The water patrol got out and started scouring the twoleg-place for any hint of water. They found some water the same day, and were able to sate their own thirst.
The next day, the water patrol went back to the Clan and took groups, by Terrastar's orders. One group of 3 cats went at a time until every cat had had their share.
The next five days were spent on combat-training and trying to fetch water back to camp. Terrastar frequently left camp and would spend from sunup to sunhigh gone before returning. Once returned, he would eat, then leave again, to return at moonhigh.
It had been a quarter moon, and now it was a new morning. Every cat had been able to drink water and given an opportunity to train. As cats stepped into the clearing, Terrastar was already waiting on top of the branch over his den, ready to start a Clan meeting.

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Edited on 10/01/19 @ 02:02:26 by Balder(PUTP) (#117962)

Doggy (#60955)

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Posted on
2019-01-05 21:43:37
Rainblossom - 14 moons - Warrior - Healthy - Camp - Mentions:

The discovery of more water soothed her burning throat and gave her energy, but the vigorous training and gathering of water that followed didn’t distract from Terrastar’s constant absence. There had been a few mornings where she’d wake to find Terrastar gone, only to return that high-sun before leaving camp again. Being a night-owl, she’s often see him returning late a night from the opening of the warriors den. He wasn’t there when they trained or gathered water, and his behavior started to worry her.

At first, she’d brushed it off as taking time for himself. After all, he’d been attacked by Fernstar and would undoubtedly want some time to think things over. However, his lack of presence soon became too frequent for her to ignore.

Birchheart substitued Terrastar in organizing patrols, so the clan was still carrying on with its duties, but there was something about not having your leader around that didn’t make the clan feel as complete. Speaking of Birchheart, she wondered how the she-cat was handling this. Surely she’d be a bit concerned, that is, unless Terrastar had told her why he was often gone. She never thought to ask, actually, but it wasn’t really her business to invade his personal life.

Hearing Terrastar call a meeting, Rainblossom stretched and padded out of the warriors den. Perhaps he’d give an explanation to his behavior. Hopefully it’s not trouble between the clans, she thought as she went to sit under the branch above her leader’s den.

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Ardor (Augur Ferus) (#139635)

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Posted on
2019-01-06 09:18:17
Birchheart - 26 Moons - Deputy - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Terrastar, Owlpaw, Open!

Birchheart trotted across the camp grounds for the majority of the week. She was still just as busy, organizing patrols, training Owlpaw, mastering her own battle skills under Terrastar’s orders, hunting, and searching for water. She was ecstatic to hear that the recent water patrols found small sources of water. The soreness of her throat was beginning to get to her.

Terrastar’s frequent absences worried her. She loved having the opportunity to lead, but the mysterious disappearances of her mate was frightening. What if he was hurt? What if he never returned? She wasn’t quite ready to take on the mantle of TerraClan’s leader quite yet. Nevertheless, she trusted her mate, knowing that he was doing what’s right for the clan.

She was just finishing with her own battle training when she heard a familiar yowl from within the camp grounds. She quickly trotted to the center of the camp, where she found Terrastar perched up on the branch above his den. She waded through her clanmates, and chose a spot up front, and close to Terrastar. She twitched her tail impatiently, wanting to know what was happening, perhaps he would share why he kept leaving for long amounts of time?

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Elska (#140306)

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Posted on
2019-01-06 09:39:33
Mintwhisper - 34 moons - Warrior - Healthy - Camp - Mentions Indirectly: Terrastar, Birchheart, Rainblossom, Open!

Words could not describe how relieved Mintwhisper was that the water patrols were successful, it was easier to keep focused now that her thick pelt wasn't overheating her. But, she did hope that rain would still come soon. They couldn't rely on twoleg help forever and what if one of the idiotic creatures started to think they adopted one of Terraclans warriors? She snickered at the thought. She doubted that would happen though, they had been careful when going to the twolegplace.

Speaking of being careful.... She looked up at Terrastar. He had been disappearing mysteriously recently and while she didn't think anyone dared follow him she had no doubt he made sure that they wouldn't follow to him to wherever he went. It was a bit troubling that their leader would disappear for most of the day but it did give her time to warm up to the thought of Birchheart being their next leader. Her ear flicked at the familiar call for a clan meeting. Rising to her paws the red warrior slipped through her clanmates to sit next to Rainblossom, smiling warmly at the young warrior before turning her attention to Terrastar.

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Edited on 06/01/19 @ 10:11:19 by Elska (#140306)

Poison (#25603)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-01-06 16:59:08
Sootheart - 15 moons - Warrior - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Terrastar, Open

It was nostalgic walking through Twoleg-place to find water. Though she had many happy memories there, Sootheart wasn't tempted to return to kittypet life. The grey warrior loves clan life and enjoys the company of the other Terraclan members.

The combat training was different and exciting. Sootheart was sore in places she never thought possible but she wasn't even remotely upset. She was becoming a better warrior for her clan. Who could be upset about that?

Terrastar leaving camp every day caught Sootheart's curiosity. She wondered where he went every day and why it was secret from even his mate, but the grey she didn't have the energy to try and figure out the mystery, too spent from training.

Sootheart is finishing a scrawny mouse when Terrastar calls for a clan meeting. Her flame colored eyes glance over and she takes her time to bury the bones and clean her paws and face before lazily stretching. She grunts at the sore muscles tightening and lets out a sigh as she relaxes. Finally, Sootheart gives her full attention to Terrastar.

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Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-01-10 01:46:59
Terrastar - 42 Moons - Leader - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Everyone

Terrastar gazed across camp as his cats gathered below him, keeping his silence as he waited for every cat to get comfortable. He quietly ran his message through his head a couple of times, making sure that he had not changed his mind about this. Deciding that he had finished his waiting, he opened his mouth to start the meeting.
"Cats of Terraclan! We have managed to stay healthy and strong despite our struggles. The Dark Forest tested us by taking our water, but we responded by finding more. Prey became scarce, but we found enough to feed us. It is time for our final test of strength." His voice rang clear across camp despite the volume he was speaking in. As he spoke, he took in the forms of his Clan cats. They all seemed strong, all ready for this.
"When Oakdapple received his full medicine cat status, an old Dark Forest warrior came to me in my dreams. He told me to keep watch on Aetherclan, from sunup to sundown. I have done as he requested and formulated a plan to fit with his wishes." He went on.
"Aetherclan border patrols leave at sunup, sun high, and a bit before sundown. Their hunting patrols are not as punctual. I've noticed patrols leaving and returning with water, they usually leave early on and return late." He explained, pausing to gather his thoughts and breath.

"The time has come to take over Aetherclan and show them the true path of a warrior!"

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Cavadess (#166344)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-01-13 15:52:54
Foxpaw - 7 moons - Apprentice - Healthy - Camp - Mentions:

Foxpaw sat among the gathered cats, fur bristling with eagerness.
"I'll show those mouse-brains!" She hissed and proceeded to pounce around in combat with an invisible opponent.
The little spotted tabby was under the impression that she would be taking part in this battle even though she had been an apprentice for only one moon. There wasn't a doubt in the naive youngsters mind that she would be fighting alongside the warriors. Even though she was undersized and not battle ready, she felt a burning desire to battle with the more prepared cats.

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Ardor (Augur Ferus) (#139635)

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Posted on
2019-01-13 18:35:46
Birchheart - 26 Moons - Deputy - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Terrastar, Open!

Birchheart gasped slightly at Terrastar’s proclamation. Attack Aetherclan? Why would they do that? She supposed it was because of Fernstar’s attack on Terrastar; but there must be more reason for this attack. Did Aetherclan agitate Terrastar more? She didn’t think they crossed any borders, she had been watching. Did the Dark Forest really tell him to watch them? We’re they really that dangerous. However angry she felt towards Fernstar for attacking Terrastar, she still felt like something wasn’t right.

Birchheart’s muzzle opened and closed many times, trying to say something, anything, but every time the sound was caught in her throat. She hoped her worry wasn’t visible to the crowd of cats around her and slowly blinked her green eyes, and tried to smooth her ruffled fur. She was know becoming angry with herself. Why was she so afraid? She was the deputy for Dark Forest’s sake! She shouldn’t be worried, she should be angry towards Aetherclan, she shouldn’t doubt her leader. Her ears bent backwards, in either self anger or discontent.

She looked around for the other cats reactions. Most were shocked, others excited, like Foxpaw, and her proclamation that she would “get those mouse brained idiots!” Birchheart giggled at the words of the small apprentice, and her eyes softened d their gaze. She looked up at Terrastar, confident in herself, and determination in her eyes, “What’s the plan, Terrastar?”

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Poison (#25603)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-01-13 22:23:39
Sootheart - 15 moons - Warrior - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Foxpaw, Terrastar, Birchheart, open

The words ring clear in the air and Sootheart's paws start to tingle. A battle! She can't wait to prove herself! Apparently her apprentice thinks the same. Sootheart snorts at Foxpaw's excited exclamation, amused at how ready the young apprentice is to jump headfirst into battle. Well, she can't blame the spotted tabby.

Sootheart pads over to Foxpaw with a smile. "I see someone is excited to kick Aetherclan tail." The grey and black warrior tries to think of a way to break it to the young cat that she probably won't participate in the actual attack. She's only just learned battle moves herself this past quarter-moon, let alone teach her apprentice.

One thing Sootheart can think of for Foxpaw to do during the attack is guard the nursery while the warriors are gone, but the leader and deputy might have other plans. Her fiery gaze lands on said cats talking and makes her way over, waving goodbye to Foxpaw with her tail. She'll let the apprentice bask in the excitement for a little while longer.

Getting closer to Terrastar and Birchheart, Sootheart clears her throat. "Excuse me. Sorry for interrupting, but I was wondering what Foxpaw will be doing during the invasion. She is still young and inexperienced. I don't want her getting seriously injured." Her black tail curls around her white-toed paws as she speaks, a subconscious gesture as if protecting her apprentice.

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Chompchomps (#155830)

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Posted on
2019-01-13 22:54:14
Ratpelt - 22 moons - warrior - wound on his hind paw tracing up his leg - camp - mentions: ID Terrastar, Foxpaw OPEN

Ratpelt nearly sneers at the leader's claim of dark forest cats. Keeping to his "I don't believe in starclan or the dark forest" moto the tomcat goes ahead and pulls a disgusted face. After the meeting, his eyes flick over to Foxpaw being overly excited just for some AetherClan Cats. 'As long as they think I'm good looking and consider me to be their mate I'm good' he thinks about the other cats.

But attacking them seemed really out of the random. Ratpelt's grey eyes shoot up to Terrastar before he shoots a dirty look. Even if the dark forest is real, why would he believe a dead cat. They're dead. In the ground or in the lake. Nothing else. Most likely have less knowledge than us because they died. Except for ones for old age. They thrived. 'Why?' Ratpelt thinks to himself before flicking his tail in confusion of his thoughts. Randomly he violently sneezes and groans in pain before limping off.

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Edited on 13/01/19 @ 22:54:34 by Mange (#155830)

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