Posted by | Terraclan (Warrior Cats RP) |
![]() Zephyr (#117962) ![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-07 13:14:44 |
We have a discord! Welcome to Terraclan. Before you start, make sure you've signed up and read the rules! Here's the Out of Character thread: Clicky! This RP takes place by the lake territory. Current Event: Check here! Lore You're new to our Clan, aren't you? Well, let me tell you our story. Our Clan was formed not long ago, around 6 moons, by our leader Terrastar. He spent moons observing out neighbouring clan, but wanted to be the leader himself. He witnessed Fernstar going to the Moonpool and went there himself once she was gone. The Dark Forest blessed him with 8 more lives and told him to form his own clan. So far he has only recruited me, but just wait, he will rise to be more powerful. Aetherclan has suffered a great fire, it is time to expand our territory. NPC list: Check them out! Staff Admin: Sedrik Admin: Ash [WCU] Admin: Lightqueen Moderator: Tokyo (Mostly on Discord) Title your post Name - Age - Rank - Health - Whereabouts - Mentions: Starkit - 1 moon - Kit - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Stick-chan This is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen, this is how things happen Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 21/09/19 @ 15:42:49 by Sedrik (Clean) (#117962) |
Elska (#140306)
Mean View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-14 05:27:57 |
Mintwhisper - 34 moons - Warrior - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Terrastar(ID), Open! The fluffy red she-cat blinked up at Terrastar in surprise, the ghost cats had told him to spy on Aetherclan? The ghosts had always seemed blood-thirsty, she didn’t know if she trusted them as much as Terrastar did. Her brows furrowed as her gaze lowered to her clanmates, there was a mix of reactions which was not surprising. She wasn’t looking forward to attacking the clan, she was more of a pacifist at heart and didn’t want anyone to die. But... She had known this day would come, Aetherclan and Terraclan didn’t exactly have an alliance. So taking a breath Mintwhisper yowled her approval, to start the rally for the battle. Let Terrastar know his clan had his back, after all a leader’s word is law. ![]() |
Cavadess (#166344)
![]() Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-14 07:09:54 |
Foxpaw - 7 moons - Apprentice - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Sootheart, Terrastar, Open Foxpaw paused her pretend sparring at her mentors snort, mildly embarrassed. She figured Sootheart couldn't be laughing at her and was probably just thinking of something funny... like watching an Aetherclan warrior retreat with their tail between their legs! "You bet I am!" Foxpaw replied to her mentor, Sootheart. Her golden eyes gleamed with amusement at what she perceived as a shared inside joke. "We'll show them not to mess with us." She meowed as Sootheart padded away. Foxpaw really didn't have much of an idea of what Aetherclan did to warrant an attack, but she knew the warrior code and was behind her leader from the tip of her nose to the end of her tail. She pounced on a patch of leaves, imagining it was an Aetherclan warrior's shoulders, and dug her claws into the foliage. "Terrastar's word is law!" The little apprentice proclaimed proudly. ![]() |
Zephyr (#117962)
![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-15 08:05:51 |
IMPORTANT At the start of February the first roll call of 2019 will happen. However, this time, anyone who has not responded to the RP within 15 days of checking in for the roll call will have their characters removed. If you need an extension due to finals, exams, essays, or personal reasons, please PM an admin so they can inform the rest of the admins. Starting February, we will be more strict with the 15+ days of inactivity without reason = a boot rule, keep that in mind. Admins and moderators are not excluded from this rule. ![]() |
Zephyr (#117962)
![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-18 02:47:24 |
Terrastar - 42 Moons - Leader - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Everyone! ![]() |
Doggy (#60955)
Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-18 03:16:57 |
Rainblossom - 14 moons - Warrior - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Terrastar Rainblossom nodded along to Terrastar’s words, pausing for a second to quickly roll her eyes at Ratpelt’s behavior before turning her attention back to her leader. She decided Terrastar was right. Although she was never one for conflict between the clans before, she saw it in a different light suddenly. Aetherclan was weak. Terraclan was stronger. It was about time that they made a move, especially since they had an advantage over the opposing clan. Her throat inched to ask a question, and with hardly any thought the she-cat blurted, “Will we kill them all?” It was a foolish question worded in a crude way, but she made sure to hold herself in a way that had some sort of dignity. She kept a steady gaze with Terrastar, aching for the answer. ![]() |
Cavadess (#166344)
![]() Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-18 06:13:41 |
Foxpaw - 7 moons - Apprentice - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Fernstar, Oakdapple, Sootheart, open Foxpaw couldn't believe Fernstar had attacked Terrastar! Her head must have been somewhere else when the news circulated. Or maybe she had dismissed it as a rumor told by the elders. She let out a hiss and crouched down as if she were to pounce, tail flicking irritably. Then, when she heard her name, she almost shot right out of her pelt. She had an important role! A very important role! She practically shone with excitement. "You can count on me Fernstar!" She called out, nodded to her mentor hoping she was proud, and went straight to Oakdapple. "Don't worry Oakdapple. I'll guard you with my life! If they get anywhere near you I'll get them!" She meowed with the most sincere determination plastered across her face. She had never felt such importance in her young life. She felt it was her duty to make sure her clan was victorious. Whatever the task entailed, she would give her best for her clan. Maybe she'd become the youngest warrior in clan history! Foxpaw, warrior at 7 moons old! "Your goal is to stand guard and watch over the battle. If it seems like we're about to lose, you yowl and help us get out of there. You will also guard Oakdapple." Her leader's words would repeat in her head throughout the battle. ![]() Edited on 18/01/19 @ 11:41:57 by Cavadess (#166344) |
Poison (#25603)
![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-18 13:27:18 |
Sootheart - 15 moons - Warrior - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Terrastar, Rainblossom, Foxpaw, open Sootheart is comforted when Terrastar assures her that Foxpaw would be safe. She hasn't been a mentor for long, but she is already fond of her excitable young apprentice. She can feel the atmosphere become heavier as the leader reminds them all of Fernstar's viciousness. The ex-kittypet wasn't too upset when it first happened, still having been new to the clan, but as time passed and she got to know her clanmates more, the more Sootheart became angered at the Aetherclan leader. Terraclan is her home and her clanmates her family and Aetherclan tried to destroy that. It's unacceptable! The grey warrior's claws dig into the dirt beneath her paws in her anger. Officially riled up now, Sootheart listens carefully as Terrastar explains the attack plan. She is slightly upset at not being picked for the first wave, but she understands why she was placed in the second. She is still a young warrior and doesn't have as much battle experience as the others to be part of the first strike. Sootheart steps aside to make room for Terrastar to walk across the camp, turning to keep listening to him. Flame colored eyes glance at Birchheart, who will be leading the her wave into battle, before finding Foxpaw. That is indeed an important role and she gets a sense of pride that her apprentice was chosen. Not having any questions for herself, Sootheart looks around to see if anyone else did. Rainblossom's question rings in her head, making her tense. Sootheart looks to Terrastar in expectation. Will they be killing the Aetherclan cats? In a way it would be fair. Fernstar had tried killing Terrastar, why can't they kill her clan? On the other paw, killing Aetherclan cats could start a war between the two, an eye for an eye continuing until both clans are reduced to nothing. Sootheart smiles fondly, hearing her apprentice's exclamations and excitement. There is no doubt Foxpaw will do her very best to fulfill the responsibility Terrastar has placed on her. Her mood lightened a smidgen because of Foxpaw, Sootheart focuses back on Terrastar to hear his answer to Rainblossom's inquiry. ![]() |
Teddy (#117922)
Sweetheart View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-19 16:39:45 |
Oakdapple - 13 moons - Medicine Cat - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Terrastar, Foxpaw, open! Oakdapple padded out of his den when he heard Terrastar addressing the Clan, and mentions of loyalty and cowardice quickly grabbed his attention. He didn't want to be made to look like he wasn't completely loyal to the Clan, so he kept his gaze firmly on the leader, listening to what he had to say. He wasn't exactly surprised when he heard that there was a planned attack on AetherClan - those cats had virtually been begging to become crowfood for some time now, and he was in full agreement that such an attack was justified. After all, Fernstar had tried to kill Terrastar, so it seemed about time to teach the opposing Clan a lesson. When his name was mentioned, he perked his fluffy ears slightly, and turned his gaze towards Foxpaw. Much as his ego told him that he didn't need protecting during a battle, he knew deep down that he was no fighter, at least not in the traditional sense. He needed some cat to protect him from getting injured by accident, even if he didn't want to admit it. He gave a nod to both Terrastar and Foxpaw, though he wanted to knead his paws at the ground with excitement. He was pleased that Terrastar wanted to bring him along on a venture such as this; it helped to make him feel important. He hadn't been a full medicine cat for very long, but already he was considered qualified enough to be brought along to treat the wounded during a battle - no other inferior medicine cat would be tasked with something so dangerous! "I'm sure you will, Foxpaw. And even I can give them a taste of my claws; only a mouse brain would attack a medicine cat, after all." He mewed arrogantly, flicking his fluffy tail up as he basked in his important position. ![]() |
Ardor (Augur Ferus) (#139635)
Holy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-19 18:23:42 |
Birchheart - 27 Moons - Deputy - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Terrastar, Foxpaw, Open! Birchheart listened intently to Terrastar’s orders. Her ears focused on his words. She sneered when she discovered that Ratpelt was in her group. She hadn’t spoken with him a lot since he joined, and her impression of him was not that great. Birchheart began to view him as a threat. He clearly did not want to follow Terrastar’s orders, so why would he listen to her? However, she smiled softly at Risingstorm and Sootheart, since they were her closest friends in the clan as of now, and she was glad they were a part of her team. Birchheart giggled slightly at Foxpaw, who had already dashed off to be with Oakdapple. She knew that the “role” Terrastar had given her was just to keep her out of the way during battle, but she admired the little apprentice’s enthusiasm. She couldn’t help but think that she would make a wonderful warrior someday. She turned her head back to Terrastar for the end of the meeting. She thought to herself, and tried to think of any questions. The plan seemed full proof, and her only concern was whether they would make it out alive. She then noticed that her own apprentice, Owlpaw, was left out of his attack plans. She cleared her throat, and meowed her question, “Terrastar, what about Owlpaw?”. ![]() |
Raine [Mott Stripe/Ros Dense] (#835) ![]() Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-20 10:01:52 |
Owlpaw -11 Moons - Apprentice- Healthy - Apprentice Den - Mentions: @ Terrastar , Birthcheart, Foxpaw, Sootheart, Open Meandering through the fluctuation of cats that gathered before him, hearing the piercing bellow of their noble leader. The flicker of a gaze stumbled upon Birchheart as she weaved her slender frame amongst the gathered pelts of fur to take her claim of spot. Owlpaw;however, remained resided in towards the back of the crowd. He wasn't as content as beforehand, where he would literally push his entire body through the crowd to be a first sight. At first his emotion was unsure and questionable, but his sharply thing whiskers dropped immediately along with irrational ear flicks. His bobbed appendage stiffened with a hunch. He knew it was only a matter of time, but didn't think Terrastar would actually think of a path for this.. this.. invason? He was slightly distracted by Foxpaw's muse of battle and chaotic siege. A quirky corner of a smile grimaced his features. She was quite the amusing one. But the battle would be serious and could not afford any time for screw ups or miscalculations. Slowly his sharpened thorns unsheathed from their fleshly pockets in anticipation. Terrastar was assigning duties and roles to each individual, especially assigning their tasks with each patrol. His ears lowered upon not hearing his name being called. Upon the dispersal of cats, he wavered his thick body against the flow, to approach both his deputy and leader. His posture submissive but still held a content of spunk and courage. " And for me?" He looked at Birchheart's paws at first before slowly meeting her gaze then exchanging for Terrastar. Perhaps seeing his leader's eyes yet again cause his body to surge with more confidence. He took a shining light to his leader after all. The older apprentice straightened out his back, and squared his stance. ![]() Edited on 23/01/19 @ 09:49:07 by Raine [Mott Stripe/Ros Dense] (#835) |
Elska (#140306)
Mean View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-20 10:08:44 |
Mintwhisper - 34 moons - Warrior - Healthy - Camp -Mentions: Terrastar(ID), Ratpelt, Stonekit(ID), Birchheart, Open! Mintwhisper listened idly to the rest of Terrastar's speech, noting that she would be with Birchheart. It'd be a nice chance to get to talk to the deputy. She almost snorted when she heard Ratpelt was going to join Birchheart's group, he was a handful that was for sure. The rest of Terrastar's plan sounded practical, the waves would give them an advantage and maybe some of the Aetherclan cats would want to join Terraclan if they were successful. It'd be nice to not have Stonekit grow up to be her enemy, the kit was so cute! Assuming that the meeting was almost over the red warrior wove through the crowd toward Ratpelt, tapping his shoulder with her tail. "Come on sourpuss, let's meet with Birchheart. You can be broody later." With that she gave the dark pelted tom a playful smile and wandered over to Birchheart. She dipped her head in greeting and waited patiently for Terrastar to answer the she-cats question before speaking to the deputy. ![]() |
Zephyr (#117962)
![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-21 15:44:28 |
Terrastar - 42 Moons - Leader - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Everyone! ![]() |
Ardor (Augur Ferus) (#139635)
Holy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-21 16:15:15 |
Birchheart - 27 Moons - Deputy - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Terrastar, Owlpaw, Ratpelt, Mintwhisper, Open! Birchheart purred at the announcement of Owlpaw’s assessment. She was very proud of how far he had come, even though she has not worked with him as closely as she had hoped to. However, she felt that she had taught him everything he needed to know, and felt he was ready for this challenge. Her emerald eyes gleamed at the young apprentice. Birchheart already knew that he would be successful in this endeavor. Birchheart caught Terrastar’s look out of the corner of her eye. She was tempted to follow him, but Mintwhisper beckoned for her to come to her aid first. She gave a quick nod of acknowledgement to her mate, before running off towards Ratpelt and Mintwhisper. Birchheart trotted quickly to the two cats on her team, and stopped as they met closer to where she was sitting. She gave a pleasant nod towards Mintwhisper, and a sour eye towards Ratpelt. “Hello Mintwhisper, Ratpelt, I’m glad that both of you are on my team. I know that this battle may daunting, but I believe in Terrastar’s decision, and so please stick to the plan.” Birchheart meowed to the two. She targeted her last harsh remark towards Ratpelt, but softened her gaze at both of them. “Now, are there any questions?” She asked fondly, tilting her head. ![]() |
Chompchomps (#155830)
UwU View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-21 16:24:31 |
Ratpelt - 21 moons - warrior - wound on his hind paw tracing up his leg - camp - mentions: Mintwhisper and Birchheart OPEN Ratpelt lets out a small snarl looking back to the leader after being called a disgrace. "You're getting old Terrastar. You may become wise as you age but the stress of leadership always clouds your judgment," he grunts under his breath as if Terrastar can hear his judgment. His whiskers twitch giving Mintwhisper a sharp look. He huffs at Birchheart and stalks over. "Are you honestly going to listen to this old piece of- tomcat," he stops himself from spitting out insults. His eyes look back to Owlpaw and his tail lashes. "This whole thing is going to result in someone's death. Even you know this Birchheart. Well hopefully." His ears flick back before he mentally taunts himself 'when did you become so wise?' He lets out a hot snort. "Whatever. I'm not going to fight something that can be talked down," he grunts before turning to limp off. ![]() |
Elska (#140306)
Mean View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-01-21 16:59:11 |
Mintwhisper - 34 moons - Warrior - Healthy - Camp - Mentions: Birchheart, Terrastar(ID), Ratpelt, Oakdapple(ID), Open! Mintwhisper tsked lightly as she heard Ratpelt insult their leader, hopefully he'd at least follow orders in battle. When Birchheart came over the red warrior smiled, "Of course Birchheart, it's a good plan." She shook her head at Birchhearts question though, "None from me, I was going to strike up conversation but I believe Terrastar wanted to speak to you?" She gestured over to their retreating leader before facing the two warriors again. She blinked in surprise when Ratpelt spoke again, sounding very logical for once. He actually would rather talk than fight? Well she would as well but she valued loyalty to her clan too. Her look turns concerned as Ratpelt walks off with a limp. When had he become injured? Perhaps it was better for him to guard camp then. "He's injured, so maybe he should sit this one out..." She looks back at Birchheart, "I'll see if I can get him to let our medicine cat check up on him." Then she padded after Ratpelt, intent on talking with the dark colored tom. ![]() |