Posted by Ilanga’s Adoptions - UNDER CONSTRUCTION

BlueFox (#145101)

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Posted on
2018-10-30 07:40:33
This thread is part of the Ilanga’s Adoptions clan, although anyone can adopt cubs here. Please check it out, we’d love to have some new members!

Adoption Thread (You Are Here)
Cub Drop-off

•This thread (and the rest of the clan) is currently under construction. You are still welcome to request cubs, but keep an eye out for future changes!

Welcome! This is one of Lioden’s longest-existing cub adoption threads, created in October 2018. It has since expanded into multiple shelters and a clan. It’s named after the owner’s first broodmother, Ilanga.

All of the cubs here are free for the taking, as long as they are marked as “Adoptable”. All you have to do is write a quick roleplay, even if it’s just a couple sentences long. Once you’ve read the rules, you can speak to one of the broodmothers at the adoption center and let them know which cub(s) you would like!


-Please DO NOT kill/tree/sell a cub you get from us! They are looking for permanent homes.

-You can adopt as many cubs as you like! Just make sure that you can actually care for all of them.

-To make things easier for us, please specify the name of the shelter or broodmother you are adopting from in your roleplay.

-You don’t need to include a link to the cub, just their name.

-We generally have a first-come, first-serve policy, but if someone puts more effort into their roleplay or message, we might choose them instead.

-Please do not argue with the decision of a shelter owner. However, if you have a problem (such as a cub not arriving, or receiving the wrong cub), don’t be afraid to reach out to us!

-If you break the rules, we may prevent you from adopting a cub here in the future.

-We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.

Click the name of a shelter to check it out. You can click the “toggle spoiler” buttons to learn more about the broodmothers at each shelter!

Shelter 1: Nyumbani NOTE: It may take a while to receive a response
Owner: BlueFox (#145101)
Broodmothers: Vikela and Khatiba

Shelter 2: Itanya
Owner: jessie (#196327)
Broodmother: Amina

Cubs Adopted Out
548 from Nyumbani (run by BlueFox)
10 from Itanya (run by jessie)
103 from other shelters (now closed)
659 total
(Updated 07/20/22)

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Edited on 20/07/22 @ 22:42:12 by BlueFox (#145101)

BlueFox (#145101)

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Posted on
2020-03-04 19:45:20
Kuchomwa watched the visiting king speaking to Blaze. “I’m sure she’ll fit in well in your pride,” the broodmother said with a smile.

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Mal [Uneven Flint
MR|NHR|Mist] (#194397)

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Posted on
2020-03-07 01:17:22
Duck tread carefully through the tall grass, wary of the recent surge in poachers and traps. As he approached the cozy and homely den, he recalled the last time he had ventured this far out from his own territory. Duck smiled slightly, amused by the thought of the last cub he had brought home from the shelter. Well, she had been a cub anyways. Sunny had grown into a fine huntress and delightful pridemate. Duck knew he could count on the shelter to bring him the young blood and youth he wanted in his pride.
Duck peeked into the den, pausing for a moment to watch the playing cubs. He reminisced of his days as a training adolescent as he mused over the tussling teens. Suddenly, much to Duck's surprise, he noticed a lioness out of place among the others. She was very young and pretty, and from the way she still laughed along with the other cubs, it was evident that she was not a watching broodmother.
Duck strode into the cave, catching the glances and nods from some of the broodmothers, who recognized him from the last time he had visited. He observed that the lioness who was obviously older and more mature and than the others settled down with an adolescent of similar age.
As he wandered around the den, playing with several very energetic cubs, he kept an eye on the two females, deep in conversation. Duck listened as the two friends chattered, catching on to how the older one joked and the younger cub was hesitant at times to respond but still eager to be with her friend. As Duck swept his tail from side to side which sent the playing cubs squealing and sprawling to chase after Duck's fur tufts, the broodmothers looked on amusedly.
The cubs' play and the presence of a king also attracted several sideways glances from Maya, whose name he had found out through eavesdropping on her conversation. Maya seemed anxious and suspicious all in one as her eyes darted from between Duck and Dawn, the lioness Duck had been watching. Duck shook off a cub still attached to his mane who kept clambering back onto Duck (much to his amusement) but the cubs' playtime ended when a broodmother ushered the younger cubs off to bed.
Duck slowly approached the duo of lionesses, showing with a smile that he was friendly. "How might you fine ladies be doing on a fine evening like this?" He purred.
"Fine, like you said," Dawn responded, raising her eyebrows. Maya narrowed her eyes and looked away, though she mustered a small smile.
"I am sure that you would be 'more fine' if you both would care to accompany me back to my pride to live." Duck winked.
Maya blushed but Dawn was unfazed. "We're fine enough. Besides, don't you have a younger cub to bring home to love and raise? Even now, I'm technically not a cub. Maya may still be an adolescent but I'm an adult now, so I'm fine on my own." She rolled her eyes.
Duck's voice softened, "Is that the life you wish to live? Is the path of solitary journey the one you wish to lead? Think carefully, Dawn, and I encourage you to do the same, Maya." He gazed at Dawn, who held her head high while Maya avoided his eyes, though she appeared to be in thought already. "When you are ready, I will be ready too."
Duck left the two in silence and went to sit at the edge of the den, enjoying the moonlight when he was soon approached by the two lionesses.
"We'd like to come with you, even if we are older than your typical cub," Maya spoke to Duck for the first time and the tone of her voice was steady, proudly representing both lionesses. Now it was time for Dawn to avoid Duck's gaze, though Duck could tell she was smiling (whether she was smirking smugly or grinning to herself, he couldn't tell). "Let's let the broodmothers know," Duck beamed.
(TL;DR haha: I know Dawn and Maya are basically lionesses but I hope I can still adopt them? Thanks :)

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BlueFox (#145101)

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Posted on
2020-03-07 20:49:14
(Sadly Maya ran once she aged up, but I can send Dawn over!)

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Mal [Uneven Flint
MR|NHR|Mist] (#194397)

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Posted on
2020-03-08 00:39:14
(no worries, thanks!)

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SPRONKLE (#195642)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-03-08 17:21:13
Raihalo lingered outside the adoption center for a long while. What if he broke the door? What if he scared the cubs?! WHAT IF- he stopped himself. “Thinking like this is not how you were selected to lead Raihalo.” He mumbled before taking a deep breath and sort of walking in. He sort of stood by the entrance awkwardly while staring at the cubs until one... bounced...? up to him. “Whoa you’re so big! What’s your name?! Mine’s Opal! I live here! Well I mean obviously. I didn’t break in. Or did I? Hah! I totally got you! I live here.” Opal ran around him talking and laughing as Raihalo just stood there in confusion until he caught the eye of a brood mother in the distance and looked down at the cub circling his paws before looking back up at the brood mother and smiling. He chuckled a bit. “Choosing was a lot easier than expected...”

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Edited on 08/03/20 @ 18:01:03 by MetalJudgement (#195642)

Milkus Glandus (#98795)

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Posted on
2020-03-08 17:41:14
Ounpaka bounded outside of her territory quite carefree, despite the harrowing stories of poachers and human haunting the gossip of her pride. A truly inexperienced young lioness, being sent by her king simply because he did not know what to do with her endless amount of energy, an energy which hunting couldn't even tame. Although she was relatively alone, she could see her king in the peripheral of her version staying close to her in case of emergency, she figured her king had wanted to teach her about pride relations and such. She knew a majority of the lionesses in her pride were not born into it, and had seen many a visitor come to their territory to claim one of the many cubs her king produced. Her king had instructed her well on manners and territorial rights, and she could tell by the calmness in his general stature that whoever they were visiting was at least decent. Opal, right, she needed to remember that name, her king told her he would point the adolescent out for her but otherwise she was on her own. As she approached the shelter, nestled in between a gravelly clearing at the slope of a shadowy hill, her excitement gave way to her kings advice and she practically tumbled down the slope in order to meet whichever lioness her king desired to choose, he stood at the top, looking down at her with a look of thinly veiled expression of embarassment.

" I'm looking for Opal!" she all but shouted as she addressed the shelter, ears perked and a goofy smile painted on her face as she looked back at her king, who now just simply looked exasperated. " My king wishes whoever Opal is to join his pride, I promise you a life of zest and fun and all that jazz" She continued, eyes mirthful and movements almost lazy as she gazed at a very specific lioness, who in her intuitive heart just had to be Opal, she actually didn't know, but was going to enjoy the extra attention her king would give her after this specific bold act.

- Dawww fiddlesticks, just a moment to late :( -

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Edited on 08/03/20 @ 17:42:13 by WoomWoom (#98795)

BlueFox (#145101)

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Posted on
2020-03-08 18:01:08
Fisi padded over to the visiting king, smiling. “Sometimes you choose the cub,” she said, “and other times, the cub chooses you.”

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BlueFox (#145101)

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Posted on
2020-03-08 23:27:41
(Announcement: We have a new shelter open! Go check it out!)

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Mal [Uneven Flint
MR|NHR|Mist] (#194397)

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Posted on
2020-03-08 23:28:30
(super excited!)

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hiatus (#187524)

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Posted on
2020-03-09 00:19:31
Brownfur walked over to this place called "Nyumbani", where he has heard that he can adopt cubs. He enters the cave, looking at all of the cubs, until one catches his eye. A brown-and-white-striped lioness. "And what's your name?" Brownfur asks the striped lioness. "Kate" answered the young lioness. Brownfur walked over to the broodmother and asked: "Can I adopt Kate, please?"

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BlueFox (#145101)

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Posted on
2020-03-09 01:02:22
Kijivu purred. “Of course! I’m sure she’ll be happy in your pride.”

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Lilith9911 (#186650)

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Posted on
2020-03-10 21:07:12
Grimoires stepped into the shelter, looking around. He didnt know much about how this worked but he was interested. "Um.." he cleared his throat, the smilus grinned rather nervously. "I am interested in one cub in particular from Mtoajis shelter."

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Mal [Uneven Flint
MR|NHR|Mist] (#194397)

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Posted on
2020-03-10 22:28:35
Oxyura emerged from the den, beaming, "Welcome! Which cub would you like?"

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Lilith9911 (#186650)

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Posted on
2020-03-11 08:09:00
Grimoures grinned again, happy for a cub. "Collaris, from Mtoaji please." He bowed his head respectfully.

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Beau❄️[Side] (#144085)

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Posted on
2020-03-11 08:22:27
Scorpius Neith approached carefully, her old bones ached and her dull eyes looked from cub to cub. She approached carefully, body shaking and smiled. "Hello." she said softly, dipping her head and humming. "I am here for a cub, or two. Many of my queens came from here when my old queen was about to retire. I am about to do the same, and I'm looking for some cubs to be my heirs queens." she looked around, smiling, and hummed, "If that's alright, of course."

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