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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-02-22 19:32:07


Water was running, children were running, you were running out of time,

The world has come to an end, or so many believe. A disease unlike any other has spread across the planet; infecting every continent, every country, every person. Almost. Humanity has dwindled to only a spare few, those still alive miraculously surviving the highly fatal symptoms they experienced. The cause of the sickness? Unclear, but it all began when several meteors unexpectedly entered Earth’s atmosphere, crashing into the soil and bursting to pieces, contaminating everything.

We found you hiding, we found you lying, choking on the dirt and sand. Your former glories and all the stories dragged and washed with eager hands.

The world is tainted, all life withering. The plague came first, wiping out humanity, the world slowly decaying alongside man. Once grand forests are little more than bare, gray chunks of wood, their bare branches reaching toward the sky as if begging the sun to reappear. Formerly marvelous cities are abandoned and eerily silent. Previously lush landscapes are little more than dry, yellowed grass. The animals have changed, mutated, unnatural and more dangerous than ever. The sky is a haze, the air thick with pollution. Living in this broken world comes with many challenges, and the odds are always against you. Yet you've changed too, blessed with abilities you never would have thought were possible before now.

But your city lies in dust, my friend.

In the midst of this turmoil arrives a wolf as dark as night; fur, skin, and flesh stripped clean along areas of the face, revealing unnaturally clean bone and razor-sharp fangs, orbs of red light peering from otherwise empty sockets. While a pale horse does not accompany this being, many believe them to be the manifestation of death. In this new, frightening world, the Reaper has arrived in solid form. Wherever their paws tread life fades, few live to see them up close, and yet they are not the only threat to humanity’s struggle for survival.

Hot and burning in your nostrils, pouring down your gaping mouth.

A group of mysterious figures, known merely as the Plague Doctors, scour the land for any signs of human life, abducting anyone they find. Going with them is not a matter of choice, it’s mandatory, and those who fall into their hands rarely live to see another day. What they do with their victims is unclear, but one thing is for sure, should you find yourself surrounded by a group of human-like creatures dressed head to toe in black cloaks and sporting plague masks, you are done for. Rumor has it those they steal away become experiments. They need lab rats to find a cure for the disease and are beyond caring whether or not their methods are immoral.

Your molten bodies blanket of cinders, caught in the throes.

Another rumor, though one less believed, is that perhaps the Reaper is not an evil being at all, but one who is destined to bring order and stability to this new, damaged world. It is undeniable the Plague Doctors fear them, where the beast walks they scatter, the only time they ever show any emotion is in the Reaper’s wake, but perhaps this is just wishful thinking, or maybe not. Only time will tell.

Ohh oh your city lies in dust, my friend.


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CSS created by katie ☀️ (#106445).

All words in italics are lyrics from the song Cities In Dust by The Everlove.

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Edited on 10/04/19 @ 23:21:35 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

greyvyard ✦ ivan
lovebot (#100511)

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Posted on
2019-03-30 23:12:55

°Marcus de Brodeur °
31 :×: Male :×: Survivor
Location :: Abandoned City - Department Store || Mentions :: Felix

Marcus tried not to let his attention stray around too much from the man in front of him, but it was hard not to when he heard the soft beginnings of rain. It looked as if he really didn't have a choice in whether or not he'd stay at this point. Although he had been the one to ask what most would consider a strange question, he still felt a little surprised at the look he saw when he caught Felix's expression. Marcus fought off a frown as Felix spoke, and as he paused, Marcus felt his eyebrows twitch in annoyance. He was more than aware of what he'd been told, though he figured getting offended wouldn't be any good for anything. He decided instead to focus on what Felix was saying rather than thinking of a way to make a retort, studying his face as he spoke. He certainly didn't look terrible, but perhaps disheveled would be the best way to put it. Dark hair and eyes contrasted pale skin, and his fashion seemed to go on the same guidelines. Despite the first impressions, Felix seemed to have pretty decent sense- though he was pretty lucky the raccoon decided to run off instead of try and put him on the menu. He wondered if animals had adapted to eating the plants that became toxic, but he figured that since even most of the previous herbivores he had encountered seemed keen on eating him, he wasn't so sure they even bothered trying.

Marcus watched as the shorter male sat atop the now cleared counter, shifting a little on tired feet. He wasn't so interested on getting comfortable, though, so he simply leaned his hip against the counter. Marcus was especially curious to hear about the state of the building, so when Felix answered him, he felt another question about exploring on his tongue. However, before any such question could be answered, Felix seemed to have another topic in mind. The sudden change threw Marcus off a little, especially because of the particular subject. He immediately felt like brushing him off and getting upset- wouldn't such a thing usually be personal? Despite this, it had been the first time anyone had ever even been interested, and he wasn't sure if acting guarded would be the right choice. Instead, he shrugged, eyes shifting to look anywhere else but Felix. Having such memories brought up suddenly certainly didn't help him focus- shallow grave was quite fitting, if he was honest. "Nothing special in that story. I got sick, thought I was going to die, and woke up in this mess. Learned the hard way that most people still alive aren't so forgiving." His voice was colder now, but he let out a sigh and looked back to Felix, expression seemingly lighter.

Marcus wasn't too delighted in sharing his experiences, as none of them so far had been pleasant. He was still debating how this encounter would go, but considering Felix wasn't trying to kill him yet, he counted it as positive. Although Marcus wasn't one to pry into personal affairs, he felt like after being asked such a thing, Felix was probably an open book. "You haven't explored that much yet? You can't have been here that long, then. How'd you end up in this city?" Marcus was more interested in hearing about potential groups or hideouts than the state of decay the other areas were in, but he figured either would be valuable information. He also felt a slight curiosity about the other in terms of ability- he had to have one too, right? Every survivor he'd encountered so far had some strange ability like himself, just never quite the exact same. That seemed a little too personal, however, and he figured he'd prefer to keep his hidden too.


°Niles Quinton°
28 :×: Male :×: Survivor
Location :: Wastelands || Mentions :: Gregory, Thiago, Elijah

Niles felt his embarrassment die down a little as he was actually answered, though he supposed it was a little too tense for anyone to make fun of him. He figured that was one good thing about times being so tough; no one really had time to act better than anyone else. Well, at least, he figured until now. He'd never really met anyone with an attitude like Greg, but he'd also never really talked with any survivors long enough to tell if they had one. Upon Thiago mentioning his allergies, it seemed unfortunate to Niles that of all things the virus had done, it didn't seem able to fix previous ailments. Niles didn't figure that answering Thiago would help out his situation any, so he just listened as Greg spoke. He didn't jump, but he was definitely surprised as he felt one of the cats brush against him, looking down momentarily before looking to Gregory as he hesitantly gave a partial claim to the felines. His attention slid back over to Thiago as he shook out his arms, then his curse towards the sky. It seemed as if the storm was starting. Niles was really not looking forward to being out in the storm, but he wasn't really in any condition to defend what wasn't even really his, or the position to ask if he could stay.

Luckily for him, he didn't have to do either- Thiago offered shelter, and the prospect of food seemed like a blessing to Niles. Despite this seemingly like a pretty good end to a momentary conflict, he wondered how it'd play out with the three of them crammed into a cellar. He didn't particularly dislike either of them, but he certainly didn't trust them. As Thiago called out and began to head towards the back, Niles briskly tried to catch up, but didn't try and pass Greg. He was content to hang behind a bit in case something happened- which it did, but not something that seemed all that dangerous. Thiago alerted them to yet another survivor, and although Niles wasn't delighted by another stranger, he figured that there was probably quite a few people looking for shelter right now. He rounded the house and found Gregory and Thiago staring down someone, easy to spot once attention was cast in that direction.

As Elijah timidly stepped out and began to talk, Niles felt himself relax a little automatically. It seemed he wasn't the only with some pretty bad anxiety left, but also figured that anyone would be pretty nervous seeing three strangers. He hesitantly stepped closer to the other two, unsure of what to do- he knew it wasn't his decision, and also knew that the seemingly weak boy in front of them could unleash hell if he was hiding a powerful ability. He held his tongue, looking between Thiago and Greg. Thiago seemed on edge again, but of course that was understandable. He'd dealt with a lot so far from just himself and Gregory, and Niles genuinely felt bad for him. Things were awfully tense once again, and Niles resisted reaching inside his pocket to assure himself of the weapon there.

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Edited on 31/03/19 @ 13:23:31 by Mori Ougai (#100511)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-03-31 23:57:38

⇺ [ Dante Peña Rodríguez ] ⇻
19 |:| Male |:| Diamondbacks Gang Member
Location - Abandoned City |:| Mentions - Kato, Alex, Clovia

"So what's the next plan for you all?"

Alex’s question seems to echo in his mind and Dante finds he doesn’t quite have an answer yet. Running into Draven threw a wrench in his plans and the experience left him feeling wired. Suddenly recruiting his companions didn’t feel like a priority anymore. "I guess I’ll head home. Let Sharpshot knew the Wolverines have been causing trouble in our territory. She’ll take care of him."

His attention was drawn back to Clovia as she began speaking again, his gaze once more lingering on her odd pet. Before he could offer any suggestions in regards to a name, all of which would have been decidedly cringe-worthy, the commotion caused by Yuki setting upon her owner with shocking ferocity saw him whip around in alarm. The pale hawk was starting to seem far less cool the more he learned about her. Why did Kato keep that thing? "Yo, knock it off!" He hissed, preparing to shoo her away when she seemed to settle atop his skull. Dante winced, imagining how painful the talons sinking into his scalp must feel.

Kato, formally frighteningly motionless, finally reacts and the swing of his hand chases the bird off. She flees with a shriek, Clovia’s snake creature apparently feeling the need to join in. It’s only once Yuki has perched somewhere above Dante notices Kato’s snow colored hair, almost believing it to be a trick of his eyes in the darkness. He blinks a few times and when the locks remain white he concludes he’s probably seen far weirder things.

Quite suddenly Kato seems to be in a panic, tugging at his sweatshirt in a flurry of motion and tossing it away as if it’d caught fire. The gloves are removed next and Dante gets another look at the worrying state of his hands. He’d barely had a chance to examine them last time, but he can see they truly do appear to be made of solid ice. The sight is...disturbing, but he finds himself morbidly fascinated, staring at tad too long.

Forcing himself to divert his gaze, the scars on Kato’s arms and writing etched into his wrists becomes apparent next, though the latter proves unreadable at this angle and in such poor lighting Dante mistakes it for more unusual scarring. "Dude…" he starts uncertainty as Kato grips one of his wrists and the air around him seems to grow colder, causing a chill to rush down his spine. "You okay?"He asks at nearly the same time as Clovia. A dumb inquiry perhaps, but he was at a loss for words.

[This reply is all over the place rip. Life has been chaotic, but wanted to get something out for y'all.]

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Edited on 31/03/19 @ 23:58:04 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

🌵 | zoinked (#88158)

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Posted on
2019-04-01 02:30:38

[ Weylyn Hayse ]
23 || Male || Survivor
Location: Abandoned City - Mall || Mentions: Rey

It took little convincing to get Rey to use his powers, only a small deal that took Weylyn by surprise. Maybe because Rey had the same idea as him, and that meant they’d be stuck together for a while longer than he thought. ”Fine, I will, but once we’re inside I don’t plan on leaving until this storm passes.” He said, leaving out the fact that he too would be staying in the wastelands.

Before he could say anything further, he was taken more by surprise, that turned to shock, then horror. His pale face twisting into disgust as he watched a small black book emerge from the palms of the man beside him, who seemed perfectly fine with what was happening to him. Weylyn had seen many powers, but this, this was something else. Like black magic.

Rey began to read from the book, the little blank pages telling him something Weylyn couldn’t see. It all seemed to be going smoothly, Weylyn thought, as he leaned over to try and get a better peak at the book in Rey’s hands. He almost missed the part where things where beginning to go down hill. A sharp silver object, most likely a knife, he pondered, or perhaps a piece of scrap made weapon.

He was brought out of his mind by Rey in the passengers seat, hunched in pain, the book slowly corroding into a pile of dust in his palms. He struggled with the impulse to reach out and touch it, but continued to sit in his seat, hands clamped around the wheel to keep them occupied, flicking his eyes up to Rey’s face.

As Rey spoke, explaining what had just happened, Weylyn went to watch him scoop the dust into small pouch. ”That’s,” He paused, thinking, ”interesting.” it was the best word he could think of to describe the strange scene that had just unfolded in front of him. ”From what I’ve seen so far, every power has a drawback,” he said this whilst looking down at his own right arm, covered by sleeve and glove. ”I’ve never seen a drawback this, damaging.” Permanent would have been better suited for this situation, but he had a feeling Rey wouldn’t have wanted to hear that.

”We should get inside.” he said after a long pause, remember the rain and it’s heavy fall on their roof. It wouldn’t wait for their conversation to end before it really started coming down, and proper shelter would be a good idea right now. He still thought of the potential threat waiting for them in the mall, and now that he was aware of it, he felt more confident than ever. The same probably couldn’t be said for Rey after what Weylyn had just witnessed

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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-04-01 17:29:59

| Adelaide Victoria Thompson |
18 | Female | Survivor | Location- abandoned city | Mentions: Thane

At the antics of her, rather strange, cat, Addie cracked a smile. This grin was widened when Thane spoke to the animal. People who talked to animals tended towards kindness. Always a plus in a kill- or- be- killed- world. At his nine lives comment, Addie, who had hoisted herself up and now sat cross legged on the desk, laughed.

"Yeah, but he's probably in he negatives now."

Oddy did seem to be very good at surviving things. Addie thought back to that time he fell off a two story building, disappeared for a week, and came back. She'd found him on the desk, meowing like nothing had happened. Or that time when he'd pulled Addie's unsheathed sword off the desk, and onto himself. She hadn't seen it, as she'd been on the other side, but she remembered the fear. Then, he'd walked under the desk and wound around her legs like it was just another day. Those two incidents, in addition to the first few days of his life, and the several times he'd seemingly been eaten by that mutated dog, added up to much more than nine. Maybe he was special.

Regardless, he looked normal. And he was still a little mean. And he was still a huge pain in the ass when he wanted to be. The scratches on Addie's neck and the shoulders of her jacket were testimony to the cat's many moods. But, she still loved him. No matter how many times he'd almost died, no matter how many scratches or bites, and no matter how many times he hissed at her, he still pressed against her at night, like an engine in her ear. The little engine that could. Could not die, that is.

She followed the curly haired man's gaze to the window, now smoking in the slightest way, and sighed. She hated being inside too, especially here. It started to smell after a while, and she could only take so much of the coffee scent before nausea kicked in. She'd always hated coffee. As he seemed to defend himself, as if afraid he insulted them, Addie put her hands on her knees and rocked a little, unknowingly making herself look more like a child than ever.

"Oh, don't worry, I get it. Ody goes even crazier if he has to stay in, and this place starts to smell after a while..."

She trailed off, not distracted by anything, simply finding a lack of better way to end the sentence. She fingered the hilt of her weapon at her side, absentmindedly watching the cat practically pet himself against Thane's hand. She knew she had to push forward her offer, she liked this man. Odyssey did, and she tended to base her opinions off his.

"You know, you're welcome to come back. It gets, uh, kinda lonely here. And this acid rain isn't especially nice. I get it if you don't, I mean, I'm practically a stranger, but if you ever need a place to stay, we're here."

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MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2019-04-03 10:47:57

♟[ Pax Ricochett ]♟
:|: 25 Y :|: Female :|: Survivor :|:
:|: L- Wastelands :|: M- Cayenne ' Garnet ' Suren :|:

Pax followed Cayenne, about to step into the car before she stiffened a bit at Cayenne’s comment...she hadn’t planned on leaving Terragon behind...only have it follow at a distance. The thought that this was not what Cayenne was signing up for hadn’t really occurred to the Ricochett, having become used as one could to the beast’s presence. Pulling her head back out of the truck, Pax would shake her head, her onyx hair falling briefly in front of her eyes which currently reflected the stormy gray of their surroundings with just the slightest ‘reflection’ of the auras she was seeing. Her own aura had frozen, before vibrating violently turning a dark nauseous shade of green.

“It may have immunity to the acid, but I hadn’t planned on leaving Terragon’s been a loyal creature, if difficult at times. I was planning on letting it follow behind, but if you’d prefer not to allow this then I’ll have to find my own way. I’m not in the habit of abandoning my friends, even if they are animals and even if they might not be the most….likable of creatures. He shouldn’t be much trouble, as long as I am around.”

Pax would politely wait for Cayenne’s answer, ignoring the drops of rain as they came with more frequency as the storm clouds churned above them. If Cayenne refused Terragon’s company, Pax would leave and return to her ‘horse’...she wouldn’t hold it against the woman. She could make it through the rain either harder than the other, but survival was survival and loyalty was loyalty. After all, keeping company with a mutated predator as large as Terri was not what one would call the wisest of decisions. However, if Cayenne deemed it okay for the creature to follow behind, Pax would call out to the horse calling its name and adding a sharp whistle in as well, not that the creature wasn’t fully capable of hearing things at long distances. Assuming things went this way, Terragon would instantly start running at the group….only slowing down to a trot when Pax would undoubtedly yell ”Knock it off Ter.” Her tone of voice making it clear that she expected the creature to be on it’s best behavior as it approached, chain reins dangling and supplies still tied securely to it’s back. The cloth on its back that served as a saddle was gaining holes, but indeed where the acidic rain hit the silver-scaled creature, it slid down with nary a mark. Only Terr’s mane, tail, and feathered hooves seemed to react, giving off a slight smoke but seeming otherwise unharmed.

(As I've informed Tate, I'm so sorry for my absence. This rp kinda slipped my mind, it not being on discord and college trying to murder me in my sleep. If there is anything I missed please tell me! I haven't caught up on reading all the posts and only paid attention to the ones that directly seemed to correlate with my character.)

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Ravyn (#130409)

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Posted on
2019-04-05 10:35:28

[ Thane Percer ]
27 | | Male | | Survivor
Location – Abandoned City | | Mentions – Adelaide

Thane's eyes shot over to Addie's face, the acidic rain momentarily forgotten. At first he half assumed he had misheard. But the girl sitting on top of the desk continued to look at him with those big, brown eyes as if she was expecting an answer. Okay, so maybe he hadn't misheard and she had really just done that. She had invited him to come back once this storm was over. That alone was surprising enough to keep him from replying right away. Luckily, Thane was able to regain his barrings quickly. It was most likely that Addie hadn't met that many survivors recently and that a lot of them hadn't been all that friendly. That girl had literally said it often got lonely and he could relate very much. Being a very vocal person but also being very much alone ninety percent of the time resulted in more conversations with himself than what was considered mentally healthy. However, only available option or not, she had still asked him to return.

The edges of his faltering grin softened into a smile. Thane was certain Addie wouldn't have voiced this offer if she had known what he could do to this place. Accident or not, his ability seemed to always tend towards destruction. But he had gotten better at controlling it, a lot better. Well, Addie couldn't worry about something she didn't know and he promised himself to make sure that she wouldn't need to worry in the first place. A friendly face to talk to was probably worth the bit of extra paranoia. ”You know what? I think I'll take you up on that offer. Probably one of the nicest places I've seen in a while. Although, I'm afraid I won't be able to return the invitation. Not quite the guy to settle down, you know? But I'd vow to open each and every jar with a stuck lid if you'd like that.” Thane placed the hand which wasn't busy petting Ody above his heart for dramatic effect but continued after the short pause, his voice a bit less joking and more sincere now, ”Seriously, I appreciate it. Maybe I can try to come around when I'm in the area. It's really kinda nice to have someone to talk to, who isn't myself. Believe it or not, sometimes I do get tired of hearing my own voice.”

Following his response, Thane started to shift around a bit. Crouching simply was not a comfortable position to be in for longer than a few minutes. While trying to disturb Ody's petting session as little as possible he scooted back until he could lean against the wall and (finally) stretch his long legs out in front of him. Yeah, way more comfortable. He turned his head towards the window one more time. Unsurprisingly, the rain outside was still going strong. ”On the topic of conversation...”, Thane started once again, now back to facing Addie up on the desk, ”Got anything interesting to talk about? My guess is that we're gonna be in here for a good while. I mean, we could play 'I spy with my little eye' but that would probably get boring pretty quickly. Or 'Never Have I Ever' or 'Twenty Questions'? Do you kids even play that these days?”

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-04-05 23:34:16

⇺ [ Cayenne Willow ] ⇻
21 |:| Female |:| Survivor
Location - Wastelands |:| Mentions - Pax, Suren

Cayenne followed Pax's gaze back to where Terragon stood attentively waiting for her return, nodding along with the other woman as she vowed to never leave the creature behind. "I understand. So long as you can control the beast I don't have any problem with it tagging along," she concluded, glancing back to Garnet watching her from the passenger's seat. There wasn't anything in this world that could separate them. She wouldn't expect Pax to abandon her animal companion either. As she turned to meet Pax's gaze again she was monetarily rendered speechless by the flicker of color reflected in her irises, staring for perhaps a moment too long with an expression of mingled curiosity and astonishment before finding her voice again.

"Not every day you bump into someone with any sense of decency left. It's commendable you don't want to leave your friend behind," she concluded approvingly as she hopped inside the truck. "Call 'em along then. Before they can't hear you over the rain." A summoning whistle from Pax brought the horse galloping toward them and Cayenne wasn't sure she liked the intensity of it's gait as it barreled toward them. A command from Pax seemed to slow it and at the very least proved it did actually listen to her. Once Terragon was close enough she started the truck, watching the horse for any negative body language and if she found none, starting out onto the street at a creeping pace to make certain it was following and could keep up. Assuming all was going well, she would accelerate, eager to get them back to the garage before the worst of the storm hit.

The downpour rapidly intensified and it was growing harder to see. The vision in her left eye was considerably limited and one could tell easily if they looked hard enough. It was paler than the right and a thin slice cut through the cornea. If the ragged scar slashing above and below the eye weren't enough to give her impairment away that little detail certainly would. Just as she was considering stopping and waiting out the storm in the truck, what looked to be the silhouette of a small town could be seen in glimpses through the blinding rain. Sighing in relief, she steered toward it and soon they were driving through narrower streets lined with damaged houses and shops before, at long last, she slowed the truck to a halt. What looked to be a remote control of some sort was taken from the cup holder next to her and pointed at a closed garage door which slowly inched open enough for her to drive the truck inside. Once inside, Terragon in tow, it closed, leaving them in darkness.

"Welcome to my humble abode. It ain't much, but it should keep us safe for now," she told her guests cheerily before swinging her door open and stepping out. "You be polite to our new friends now," she added to Garnet as the Doberman slipped out behind her, referring specifically to Terragon, whom the dog was already eyeing suspiciously.

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Ravenflare (#89598)

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Posted on
2019-04-06 23:31:28

Atlas Knight
18 / Male / Survivor
Location: Wastelands / Mentions: Kane and Winston

Atlas glanced up when he heard the other young man curse in German. He made a mental note as he thought back to when he took German, back when he used to go to school. Despite his hatred for having to wake up early in the morning and having to deal with high school drama, he certainly preferred that lifestyle than his current one. Besides, having Nikolas around made his life less sucky. Now, nothing prevented that. Atlas sighed and glanced off to the side, wishing so desperately for his life to go back the way it was. He was so full of anger and grief for what happened to the wold, and how it destroyed his life. Atlas was so deep in thought, he almost missed the other man's question.

"I'm Atlas." Atlas responded briskly before turning on his heel and walking off into the house. The rain was picking up and he didn't want to be exposed to the acidic rainfall. "I wouldn't sit out there for long." Atlas called over his shoulder as he passed Kane and stepped back into the building. He ignored the freakish deer as he made his way back to the kitchen, grabbing the chips, and continuing to eat them as if nothing had happened.

(so sorry for the very short response! Wanted to put something out before going to bed!)

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Limebird (#89309)

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Posted on
2019-04-08 13:33:03

⭑✦Rey Ricochett✦⭑
29|⭑|Male|⭑|Survivor|⭑|Location-Abandoned City-Mall|⭑|Mentions-Weylyn

Rey looked at his fingers and breathed deeply. He was trying to calm the searing pain in his fingers and head. “Hold on,” he grunted gently and pulled his legs up to his chest. He placed his forehead in the crevice between them and continued to wince and breath heavily. He finally sat back up straight and pulled his bag up from the floor where it had slipped down too during his reading. He slung it over his left shoulder and pulled his sleeves down to hide the bracelets better.

He looked for an entrance to the building and spotted a sliding glass door that was already shattered beyond repair. Debris burnt up and charred in the acid rain and it smelled faintly of burnt plastic in the car. He guessed it was from something outside. He turned to Weylen. “Get your bag ready. I don’t wanna get hurt too bad,” he said and as calmly as he could and open the door to the car and darted out through the rain.

He yelped in pain as the droplets picked at his mocha skin. He finally made it through a hole in the door and into the safety of the Mall. He doubled over and clutched the nape of his neck where the rain had puckered up the skin and made it red and shiny. He shook his head and slowly straightened up, calming himself down. He didn’t want to alert anyone here to their presence.

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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-04-08 16:56:44

| Adelaide Victoria Thompson |
18 | Female | Survivor | Location- abandoned city | Mentions: Thane

The girl, quite literally, held her breath, her childlike face suspended in a hopeful stare. If he did say yes, she would gain a new friend, someone to watch her back. She was sick of watching it for herself. And few people would come after a man of Thane's stature. Addie had been harassed, attacked, and robbed more times than she could count. And more than once she'd almost had a run-in with the plague doctors. They were, after all, what prompted her to arm herself.

When Thane's doubting little half smile adopted the features of agreement, Addie could have leaped from the desk she was perched on. But she didn't. Instead she grinned so wide it seemed to split her rounded face in half. At his comment on the state of her office building, she offered forward a response she'd often repeated to herself, or the calico, who was still taking full advantage of his new friend's hands.

"Yeah, I like to keep it clean. When it's dirty it's depressing, and you need some cheeriness these days. And I do have a lot of stuck jars that I had to- uh- make open..."

She tipped her head towards the corner of her office, where a trashcan stood. Broken glass and empty jars spilled over the top, though she tried to keep it tidy. It as a bit hard. She hated dumping trash in the streets, but there were obviously no garbage trucks in this city. If there were, she would be extremely surprised. And probably happy, she could really deep clean her office. But for now, she made do, piling trash in rooms too dilapidated to fix, and shutting the doors. It worked, to an extent. At Thane's comment on talking to himself, she laughed a bit.

"Yeah, Ody isn't fantastic at keeping up a conversation. Sometimes he meows back, but only if he wants something."

As Thane probably knew by now, Ody was a very opinionated cat. And when the man sat down against the walls, most likely tired from crouching for so long, Ody left his side and settled down on Addie's varsity jacket, still purring like an engine. She smiled like a mother might grin upon a sleeping child, running her finger in circles on his cheeks.

Then, Thane proposed a game. Addie did love games, and she leaned forward eagerly, putting her hands on her crossed legs.

"Never have I ever is an icon. I'll start." She rolled her lips in thought, then grinned. "Okay, never have I ever shot a gun."

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Dez (#66551)

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Posted on
2019-04-08 20:10:40

Alex Matson | Female | 24 | Survivor
Location: Abandoned City | Mentions: Kato, Dante, Clovia

Alex smiled at Clovia as she reached out to scratch Sam's side. The beast made an odd chittering whistle sound, and Alex laughed. "That means he likes it. You get used to his weirdass sounds eventually." She looked over at Dante as he spoke. "Sharpshot is your leader I assume? Hopefully she won't be too mad about us hunkering down in your turf until the storm passes." She finished with her jacket and set it carefully to the side along with the rest of her belongings. Honestly there was a little bit of peace in the situation despite everything. For she could finally take a breather after way too long of nonstop going.

That was, until a loud shriek broke the comfortable silence, Clovia's creature joined in, and then of course Sam had to join in the cacophony as well, howling and 'husky talking' at nothing. Kato was suddenly a blur of motion, hands waving wildly as he tore off his jacket. "WOAH SAM, enough!" She chided sternly. Sam, of course, 'awawa!'-ed one more time at her before ceasing his chatter.

"Dude are you okay?! Calm down! Take some deep breaths." She stepped back as the ice on his arms started to spread more, the air near him getting colder by the second. It was honestly a bit uncomfortable for Alex, considering her natural body temperature was one that most humans would consider an 'ER-worthy fever.' From what she saw, she should not be touching Kato any time soon in fear of hurting him worse.

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Edited on 08/04/19 @ 20:18:18 by Dez {Memes? Memes.} (#66551)

cestrelandreams (#152266)

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Posted on
2019-04-09 19:27:54

Kato Arashi
20 | Male | Survivor
Location; Abandoned City | Mentions; Dante, Alex, Clovia

The worried, albeit somewhat panicked, words of his companions fell on deaf ears. Kato was too focused on the act of - ah, not melting - to pay them much attention. If not so occupied, he would've flashed them a quick smile, anxious to soothe their concerns. Yes, he was fine. Don't waste their time worrying about him. He wasn't worth that. He would be gone soon anyways, after all - so what was the point of caring about his wellbeing? It really would be for the best, now that he was considering it through the haze of his mind, that he fled from this group in span of the next day at most. It'd be a shame if he were to drag them into his fuck up of a life, and put them in the line of skiptracers as well. Merciful wasn't something he often considered himself to be, but he liked to think he was above subjecting innocent people to inevitable death. Most of the time, anyways.

It took a bit longer than he'd like for the searing pain to finally ebb away. Sighing, he pulled his hands away, dropping them to his lap so he could watch the ice shift once more. Currently numb, he could not feel the agony that followed their slow creep up his arms. Now, from the mid-wrists down, his flesh was solid ice. It only grew about an inch. Not bad. He'd expected it to shoot right to his elbows with how much strain he'd just put on himself.

Feeling a bit more stable now, he looked up, trying to reengage himself back into the situation. Confusion flashed across those pretty eyes as he found the others staring at him in what seemed to be horror. Quickly, a smile was pushed onto his lips. Although not visible, his expression was undoubtedly one of happiness; an attempt to soothe their nerves. Yes, see? I am alright. There's no reason to look so afraid. "Uh... Hey, does my face scare you guys that bad?" One of those frozen hands came up, lingering momentarily over where half of his face was still concealed by the mask. His fingers brushed delicately over the fabric in this time, and it became obvious that the only reason he did this was to check that his identity was still more or less hidden. So what that his hood was off? It wasn't as if he was the only white haired guy with crazy blue eyes in the entire city... right? Ah. Well. At least he hadn't given them his name.

"Why is everyone looking at me like I grew two heads?" His words were feeble attempts at de-escalating the situation. He would've loved to rise to his feet and go join them, but he knew from experience that this would definitely result in immediate fainting. That was alright. The floor was decently comfortable, in its own cold, hard way...

(this is bad I'm sorry lmao but I needed to get something out before I ran out of time)

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Edited on 09/04/19 @ 19:28:11 by Telle Tilla (#152266)

🌵 | zoinked (#88158)

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Posted on
2019-04-10 01:13:44

[ Weylyn Hayse ]
23 || Male || Survivor
Location: Abandoned City - Mall || Mentions: Rey

He nodded, grabbing his bag and throwing it over one shoulder, readying his hand on the door handle. Waiting for Rey to collect himself after the painful use of his power. It happened in a flash after that, both men stepping out into the rain, and booking it towards the mall. Weylyn stuck close behind Rey, it only taking him a few moments to see the glass doors on the front of the building.

They made it safely inside just in time, the acidity of the rain peeling away pieces of Weylyn’s shirt, and tearing through the material of the backpack he was using to shield his head. The building was the perfect shelter, just how Weylyn suspected. It’s walls and roof where perfectly intact, and inside could have been better, but it was no surprise it had been raided more than once, trash and debris littering the floors.

”We should take a good look around before we decide to settle somewhere, especially if we know someone’s here,” Weylyn said, shifting his bag back onto his back, but not before pulling from it a large flashlight. The clouds outside made the mall even darker than it was, shadows covered every wall, and the only light was a soft glow from the glass door and windows from the front.

”Do you have a weapon? Anything that could be used to protect yourself?” even a pencil would do honestly, they were safe from the rain outside, but after Rey’s reading, Weylyn was on high alert, turning his head in every direction that could hide an enemy. His right hand was already perched on the grip of the gun, and finger on the trigger guard.

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Fire (#159928)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-04-11 14:30:55

♠|| Winston Park||♠
23 |:| Male |:| Survivor
Location- Wastelands |:| Mentions: Atlas and Kane

Winston nodded when Atlas told him his name. He found the name rather interesting, as he had never met a real person with that name. Fictional characters get all the cool names. Winston had been a geek before the world withered away, and he would always shut himself up in his room and sit in a patch of sunlight, enjoying some ginseng tea with the latest book. Winston decided he would have to go back and get his small book collection once the rain stopped. Providing the thugs were away.

Winston stiffened as Atlas moved, but relaxed as he started heading into the house. "I wouldn't sit out there for long." The boy tossed over his shoulder as he disappeared inside. Winston hesitated before stepping into the house, giving the owner a small nod and the beasts a wary glance. His left hand rested close to a knife, in case anything happened. There weapons made him feel a bit safer, but Winston knew he would be no match for the monstrous deer as hungry and tired as he was. Winston spotted the corpse on the couch and suddenly remembered his nausea. "Oh, that's nasty!" He growled quietly after he controlled his stomach. Jae, just as put off as Winston, sat up and flapped his wings, hitting Winston in the face several times. Winston gave the bird an exasperated glare as he removed a large feather from his collar. As disgusting as the sight was, Winston had to give props to the owner. That was one way to defend a place. Winston thought he would do that for his place if he ever managed to drive the thugs out. Putting one of their corpses on a chair right behind the door would might keep people away.

Winston moved to the kitchen, remembering the promise of snacks. He was thankful to find a few dry consumables, and he open one of them, putting away the rest for later. He only took a few things, not wanting to seem greedy or desperate. He sat down on the counter and shared the crackers with Jae. Jae preferred to eat meat, but even be knew that it was going to be a while until he could go outside again. Winston eyes the cabinet handle next to Atlas, using the corner of his eye to size up the boy. In case anything happened and Winston had to fight his way out, he wanted to know any potential weak spots. Winston hoped he looked as if he was in thought and not creepily staring at the brass handle. After a few moments, Winston's mind couldn't help wandering and his eyes moved to the wall in a dazed manner.

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Edited on 11/04/19 @ 14:35:11 by Blue Thunder (#159928)

Ravyn (#130409)

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Posted on
2019-04-13 10:05:50

[ Thane Percer ]
27 | | Male | | Survivor
Location – Abandoned City | | Mentions – Adelaide

Originally his proposition had been made almost jokingly. Thane hadn't expected that Addie would want to play a little game. Well, apparently he had been wrong. Then again he was dealing with a teenaged girl, so maybe he really shouldn't be surprised when she agreed so quickly. Not that he minded. It was still a way to pass the time and everything sounded more appealing than sitting around in silence. He hated silence. A lot. So 'Never Have I Ever' it is. It wasn't long until an eager grin replaced the girl's thoughtful expression and the game started, ”Okay, never have I ever shot a gun.”

”So, I'm assuming we're unfortunately not playing the drinking game version.”, he commented, mock disappointment coloring his voice. But just after that his eyes briefly flitted over Addie once more, a fleeting thought being brought up by his own words. Addie wasn't even old enough to legally drink yet, was she? Not that legal drinking ages were something people cared about nowadays but... Hastily discarding the thought again, Thane held up one of his hands instead, showing of long fingers. Almost immediately one of the fingers was put down again, his mind now fully returned to the situation at hand.

”Let it be known however that my marksmanship is horrendously bad.”, Thane lightly added to his non-verbal response. He had never owned a firearm himself and only been dragged to a shooting range a handful of times. And yeah, his performance there had probably been quite painful to watch for anyone who even remotely knew what they were doing. Can't be the best at everything.

”Well, I guess it's my turn then.” The last time he had played this had to be several years ago, but it didn't take long for him to think of something. Not necessarily the most interesting thing but it would do. Thane peered up at Addie – ready to observe her reaction – and claimed, “Never have I ever skipped school.”

(this is kinda all over the place but I tried)

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