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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-02-22 19:32:07


Water was running, children were running, you were running out of time,

The world has come to an end, or so many believe. A disease unlike any other has spread across the planet; infecting every continent, every country, every person. Almost. Humanity has dwindled to only a spare few, those still alive miraculously surviving the highly fatal symptoms they experienced. The cause of the sickness? Unclear, but it all began when several meteors unexpectedly entered Earth’s atmosphere, crashing into the soil and bursting to pieces, contaminating everything.

We found you hiding, we found you lying, choking on the dirt and sand. Your former glories and all the stories dragged and washed with eager hands.

The world is tainted, all life withering. The plague came first, wiping out humanity, the world slowly decaying alongside man. Once grand forests are little more than bare, gray chunks of wood, their bare branches reaching toward the sky as if begging the sun to reappear. Formerly marvelous cities are abandoned and eerily silent. Previously lush landscapes are little more than dry, yellowed grass. The animals have changed, mutated, unnatural and more dangerous than ever. The sky is a haze, the air thick with pollution. Living in this broken world comes with many challenges, and the odds are always against you. Yet you've changed too, blessed with abilities you never would have thought were possible before now.

But your city lies in dust, my friend.

In the midst of this turmoil arrives a wolf as dark as night; fur, skin, and flesh stripped clean along areas of the face, revealing unnaturally clean bone and razor-sharp fangs, orbs of red light peering from otherwise empty sockets. While a pale horse does not accompany this being, many believe them to be the manifestation of death. In this new, frightening world, the Reaper has arrived in solid form. Wherever their paws tread life fades, few live to see them up close, and yet they are not the only threat to humanity’s struggle for survival.

Hot and burning in your nostrils, pouring down your gaping mouth.

A group of mysterious figures, known merely as the Plague Doctors, scour the land for any signs of human life, abducting anyone they find. Going with them is not a matter of choice, it’s mandatory, and those who fall into their hands rarely live to see another day. What they do with their victims is unclear, but one thing is for sure, should you find yourself surrounded by a group of human-like creatures dressed head to toe in black cloaks and sporting plague masks, you are done for. Rumor has it those they steal away become experiments. They need lab rats to find a cure for the disease and are beyond caring whether or not their methods are immoral.

Your molten bodies blanket of cinders, caught in the throes.

Another rumor, though one less believed, is that perhaps the Reaper is not an evil being at all, but one who is destined to bring order and stability to this new, damaged world. It is undeniable the Plague Doctors fear them, where the beast walks they scatter, the only time they ever show any emotion is in the Reaper’s wake, but perhaps this is just wishful thinking, or maybe not. Only time will tell.

Ohh oh your city lies in dust, my friend.


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CSS created by katie ☀️ (#106445).

All words in italics are lyrics from the song Cities In Dust by The Everlove.

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Edited on 10/04/19 @ 23:21:35 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

Limebird (#89309)

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Posted on
2019-03-22 08:23:42

⭑✦Rey Ricochett✦⭑
29|⭑|Male|⭑|Survivor|⭑|Location-Abandoned City|⭑|Mentions-Weylyn

The male seemed to know just what to do. He walked further into the house and opened a cabinet that was left there, revealing a few cans of plum’s and beans. This wasn’t really his ideal food, but it would have to make do. He shoved them into a bag he kept on his back and then returned to the open end of the house. He faced the car watching the man slip in and then look back at him. He connected eyes with him for a second, then watched the engine roar to life easily.

Although his powers were always right, he could never trust himself. They had never failed him, and yet he always expected things to not go as planned. But always, they did. He looked at the rain, now a good downpour, and then at the car. The rain caused loud sizzling noises as it connected with many things. He raised his arm in greeting to the other male in the car, not wanting to risk his life. He moved it back and forth slowly.

His black fingertips shown in the tiny bit of light filtering through the clouds. He looked at them and shook his head and then at the male in the car. “HEY!” he yelled. “CAN YOU HELP ME?”

((Sorry for the short Responses. I am having a small bit of writers block)

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🌵 | zoinked (#88158)

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Posted on
2019-03-22 11:10:15

[ Weylyn Hayse ]
23 || Male || Survivor
Location: Abandoned City - Neighbourhood || Mentions: Rey Ricochett

It didn’t take long for the man in the house to notice, coming out to stand in the houses frontdoor, a small overhand shielding him from the increasing strength of the rain. He looked non threatening enough, and with the crazy luck Weylyn’s been having, maybe it was crazy enough to last him through this. Taking a deep breath, he exhaled slowly, gun griped tightly in hand, and the other wrapped around the steering wheel for support.

”Ok,” he started quietly to himself, ”I’m going to drive up to the house, keep your hands up!” he continued, louder this time. Wether or not the guy was bad, he wouldn’t trust him, not until he had a gun safely between the two. He knew it wasn’t going to be a pleasent car ride to the shopping district, more so for the new guy, and Weylyn would attempt to keep the upper hand for as long as he could. So as he drove up to the house, stopping beside its door, he held up the handgun, gesturing with it to the man to get in the passengers side. ”Get In, slowly, and don’t try anything.”

The backseats weren’t an option, mainly because of the blood soaking the cushions, but really Weylyn wanted a close eye on the stranger. Even the slightest move he deemed worrisome, there would be no hesitation between his finger and the trigger, he only hoped this guy took the look on his face seriously.

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Ravyn (#130409)

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Posted on
2019-03-22 14:54:32

[ Thane Percer ]
27 | | Male | | Survivor
Location – Abandoned City | | Mentions – Adelaide

The sound of Addie's voice made him tear his eyes away from the still office in front of him. Instead Thane turned to face her and, although his stance remained passive, he looked at her. Really looked at her, even more intently than he had before. Senior year of high school, huh? That meant she couldn't be older than 18. Thane's own high school graduation had been almost a decade ago. Hell, her soft, round face made Addie appear even younger. The thought of the girl fighting through this hellscape all on her own – well, all on her own except for Ody – settled heavily in his stomach. But Thane chose to hold his tongue. Considering the circumstances, Addie seemed to be doing perfectly fine, no need for a random stranger to get involved where it was neither necessary nor asked for.

His train of thought was brought to a very abrupt halt when an acutely upset Ody came charging down the hallway hissing fiercely. Unusually startled, Thane quickly took a step backwards just as the angry bundle of colorful fur and sharp claws was caught by it's owner. He was still busy wincing at the red marks left behind on her arms when Addie apologized for the cat's behavior. 'Do not mess with Ody when he's hungry' was shortly added to his mental list of notes about the small creature. He would like to get through his stay with as little scratches and other sorts of bodily harm, thank you very much. But Addie looked as if she loved the animal dearly, so maybe he really would calm down after he was fed. Thane certainly hoped so.

”Colorful mold definitely sounds... interesting, but I think I'll pass on that one for now.”, he replied to her short explanation and let his eyes wander up and down the corridor once more. The building's condition was surprisingly good, from the outside as well as the inside. He hadn't been able to spot any obvious structural weaknesses yet and wasn't that reassuring? Oh, Thane was still far from thrilled to be spending his time in a block of steel and concrete. Addie was nice and the architecture not on the brink of collapse but he would much rather not spent the night in here. That hadn't changed. Unfortunately, he didn't have much of a choice so here he was.

Some remaining paranoia didn't let him settle down just yet. Sure, it was nice that there wasn't anything wrong with the office that he could see. There were a lot of things his eyes wouldn't be able to spot, though. Slowly, Thane lifted up his left hand and pressed his palm flat against the wall closest to him. If it weren't for the pesky carpet on the floor, he wouldn't even need to use his hand, but it worked better like this anyway. He let out the breath he didn't know he was holding when he felt nothing. Well, nothing concerning. No sign of creaking steel being bend, no broken pieces of concrete shifting against each other. Only the soft tremor of a building getting hit by the wind. Thane pulled his hand back fast so he wouldn't accidentally bring an end to the blissful lack of vibrations in these walls. He wasn't keen on repeating the last time. Especially not when someone else was involved.

After staring at the wall for a second longer, he wiped off the frown the memories of that last time had put on his face and replaced it with a small grin before turning towards Addie again. ”Now where is that rebellious jar you need help with?”

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Fire (#159928)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-03-22 16:09:27

♠|| Echo Wilders||♠
18 |:| Genderfluid: Currently male |:| Survivor
Location- Abandoned City |:| Mentions: Jack

Echo turned his full attention to Nadia as she talked about her power. He couldn't help but feel a bit appreciative of that fact that she stayed above the ground. Echo was sure he would miss himself if someone like Nadia stuck their head out of the ground to scare him. Echo tried to remember when April Fools was, but he lost track to the days and the months. In all seriousness, time stopped for him long ago. When Nadia offered to to help him out, Echo shook his head but have her a polite 'thank you' and a small smile. He could almost feel the rain coming, and he wanted nothing more than to run to his jeep and get the neck out of the city. He doubted he would be able to reach his bunker intime, so the safe house would have to do. Kai tugged at her pant leg and let out a small whine as he looked up at the sky with apprehension in his eyes. Echo looked up and nodded, understanding that the rain was about to start. Echo started to feel nervous. He had had some bad experiences with the acidic rain before, and he wanted nothing more than to get out of here. Echo tensed to get snappy and defiant when he was nervous or scared, so he figured it was his time to leave.

No sooner than that, a few sizzling droplets landed nearby. "We need to go." Vincent said, stating to obvoius. "Can you walk?” Echo bristled and took a step back when Vincent took one towards them. Besides getting his legged bandaged, he didn't want anyone to get close to him. He narrowed his eyes at Vincent's question before gesturing to his leg. " Yeah, I can walk. I can run as well. It's not like it got torn open. " He picked up Kai and held him to his chest before zipping up his jacket, as they usually did when it rains. "Go where? I hate to break it to you, but it's a bit too short notice to book a hotel room right now,” Jack said a bit too aggressively as he stood up. "No dip, Sherlock!" Echo muttered as he stared at the boy incredulously, wondering what had gotten him ruffled. Maybe he was nervous as well? Then he noticed how he was holding the can and realized that he didn't trust them. Now that Echo thought about it, going anywhere with strangers didn't seem to be the smartest idea. As much as he longed for society, he couldn't ignore the danger that was laced within it. It looked like their talk here was done, so Echo decided to head out. "Good luck. I'm heading out before it gets to dangerous to reach my car." He said before running in the direction of his car.

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-03-22 16:33:07

⇺ [ Vincent Peirce ] ⇻
24 |:| Male |:| Survivor
Location - Abandoned City |:| Mentions - Nadia, Jack, Echo

Under better circumstances, Vincent would have found Nadia’s powers fascinating and likely encouraged her to discuss them in further detail, so long as she felt comfortable sharing of course. As things were, he was more concerned with getting them all to safety before the storm rained down on them full force. It seemed the two teens were less interested in remaining together, however. Jack’s tone was scathing and Echo seemed just as quick to depart, bristling at his question before taking off. "W-wait!" He called after him in vain, perhaps sounding a tad too desperate.

Though the presence of so many people had felt overwhelming in the beginning it'd been so long since he'd encountered other people who weren't automatically hostile and the thought of being alone again sent his heart racing. "It makes more sense for us to stick together. I can find us shelter!" He promises, though since Echo mentioned having a vechile he assumes he might be less inclined to return when he could drive away just as easily. Odd how some people still had working cars. Vincent was quite certain there wasn't much in the way of usable fuel out there anymore.

"And your leg! It needs stitches, you can't leave the wound untreated or it might get infected even if you keep it wrapped!" He blurted out. While he didn't want to scare Echo, if he chose not to come back that was information he should have. Turning back to Jack and Nadia with a rather bleak expression, he suspected they would both be leaving now as well, though to his surprise it seemed Nadia at least was prepared to follow him and that soothed some of the impending loneliness he no doubt would have felt the moment his temporary companions departed.

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Edited on 22/03/19 @ 16:48:43 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

Fire (#159928)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-03-22 18:20:07

♠|| Winston Park||♠
23 |:| Male |:| Survivor
Location- Wastelands |:| Mentions: Atlas and NPC

Winston trudged across the barren lands, his head hanging with exhaustion. His clothes where dirty and feeling itch. The heat wasn't helping either. The sweat made him feel sticky and uncomfortably, and the great weight on his shoulder wasn't helping either. Jae was resting on his shoulder, his head covered in a cloth to kept his head cool. Winston would normally make Jae fly for a while when his shoulder got tired, but the poor hawk looked so tired, that he didn't have the heart to do anything but suck it up and continue going.

Winston never wanted to enter the wastelands, but his hideout on the edge of the abandoned city was overrun by a group of gangster wannabes. He was forced to grab a few necessities and flee out the back door. The tip of his ear was crusty with dried blood, from when a bullet shot by one of the thugs grazed him. He decided not to patch it up, as his supplies were limited. He had enough to last him a day or two, but that was it. Jae usually hunts for himself, but there didn't seem to be many signs of life in the wastelands. Jae sometimes brought food to Winston, but Winston didn't have the proper items to cook it, and he wasn't desperate enough to try to eat raw food. Winston was surprised to see a few people wandering around in this area, but he didn't have to worry about being attacked as long as they weren't in groups and he had his throwing knives and machete. Winston gave a sigh of relief when he spotted a house is the distance. He nudged the poor hawk of his shoulder as he picked up his pace. The hawk would survive until they hit shelter. Even if there was no food, him and Jae could use some protection from the sun until it set. Winston was almost afraid that the sun would cause his water to evaporate.

When he reached the entrance, Winston eagerly ran around to the entrance. Since the door was opened, he assumed that is was uninhabited. Perfect. He was about to enter, but the sickly-sweet smell of rotting flesh caused him to gag loudly. He rushed away from the entrance, leaning against the wall as he attempted to hold in the meager snack he had eaten in the morning. Jae returned to his shoulder, digging his claws in painfully as he tensed at the smell of death. "I guess we'll have to go on, bud" Winston grimaced as he loosened Jae's claws on his shoulder. "But's let's rest, shall we?" He said as he settled down against the wall and put Jae down next to him. He closed his eyes, breathing through his mouth, as to avoid the smell that at least fainter than it was at the door. Nothing made the smell of a rotting worse than heat.

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{Side} (#48000)

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Posted on
2019-03-22 19:37:10

{Clovia Panthera}
23 || Female || Survivor
Location: Abandoned city || Mentions: none, open

Clovia walked quietly through the abandoned city, try to avoid any rubble or glass that could make any loud noise that would give away her position to any potential foe. In her right hand she held her trusty crossbow, and the left was on one of the straps of the backpack that she always carried around with her. Luckily for her, the creature that accompanied her currently had its’ hooks latched onto the straps of the backpack. Clovia’s shoulders stung a little from when the creature would hang onto her back by her shoulders, and had scars from the puncture wounds. She was relieved when she found the backpack to put her small group of belongings in, and was even more relieved when the creature hooked onto the straps and not her shoulders.

Attached to her belt were her two favourite daggers, with one being larger than the other. Both of the handles were a dark blue with intricate carvings to match. The smaller dagger had a hooked end to it, making it a tad more difficult to unsheathe when in a hurry. The crossbow she carried was plain, with the crossbow itself being black and the bolts being silver. She wore simple brown cargo pants and a black long sleeved shirt, which had a few rips and holes. Around her neck was the symbol of yang, with a silver dragon in it. The other half, yin, was somewhere with another one of Clovia’s friends, wether they be alive or not.

Clovia stopped walking to have a look at the sky, groaning as she saw the clouds get darker, signalling that the storm was about to start. She really needed to find some shelter. Looking around, Clovia saw that most buildings were either boarded up or had shattered windows, which wouldn’t do much against the storm. Sighing, she started walking again at a faster pace, hoping to find somewhere, anywhere that would provide a decent hide away from the storm. After a while, she decided to sit down for a bit and walked over to a building, putting down the backpack with the creature still on it, and rested her back on the wall before sliding down it.

”We really need to find some shelter, little buddy. I suppose you don’t have any ideas?” she asked, looking at the creature. It simply flicked out its’ forked tongue in response. Clovia sighed. As much as she loved her companion, she craved human interaction to the point where she was considering making a person made of any trash she could find. It was lonely in this world, very few surviving the virus. Clovia sat there for a few minutes before picking up her backpack again and continuing her search for some shelter. Eventually, she found an abandoned store of some sorts which seemed to be didn’t have smashed windows and wasn’t boarded up. Making her way inside, Clovia went to the back of the small store as to stay out of sight from anyone that may walk past. Once again she sat down, taking the backpack off her back. The creature seemed to realise they were stopping for a while, and crawled over next to Clovia, curling up. It started to make a soft noise which sounded a bit like an old lawnmower. The first time it made that sound, it scared Clovia out of her wits. After a while Clovia came to the conclusion that it was.. sort of purring. ’I really need to name it...’ she thought to herself as she reached her left hand to stroke it with two fingers.

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cestrelandreams (#152266)

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Posted on
2019-03-22 19:50:53

Kato Arashi
20 | Male | Survivor
Location; Abandoned City | Mentions; Venom, Alex, NPC

She can't be serious. Was that girl really trying to reason with them? It was like she wanted to get their heads blown off. He listened to her words with narrowed brows, his eyes remaining trained upon Draven. He found the man to be quite revolting in appearance, certainly. He reminded Kato of someone who would take candy from a child just for the hell of it. His mere presence made Kato's blood run colder than it'd ever run before. The urge to strike out against the intimidating figure was powerful, but he was held back by the already determined factor that he was useless against the flame wielding man. Perhaps he could freeze his hands long enough for one of his companions to strike...?

He was so lost in thought that he did not notice the signs of an oncoming attack. Yuki, however, took immediate action. Instead of alarming like she'd been trained to, she merely, with a strong beat of her wings, launched herself up into the air, and high out of the assumed range of Draven. Confused, his eyes darted to where she'd been moments before, just as Draven launched the fire at them. The sudden burst of heat sent a horrifying crash of agony throughout his entire body, forcing his mouth open in a silent cry. His legs were buckling beneath him, and he would've collapsed if not for his nearby companion. One hand had instinctively shot out, closing its icy grip around Venom's upper arm, and squeezing so painfully that it was a wonder he hadn't noticed. His other was thrown carelessly out in front of them both, almost as if he planned to shield them from the inferno with it alone. He found himself shutting his eyes, bracing himself through the torture for what he knew would be an indescribable pain.

Yet, suddenly, it was all coming to an abrupt stop. The heat, that was. Pain still riddled Kato's frame, sending spasms throughout the entirety of his thin body. He couldn't bring himself to open his eyes, not even after the exchanged dialogue. Slowly, his hand was dropping; coming over to join his first in the act of holding onto Venom. He was clinging to the man like his life depended on it - and perhaps, it did. Kato didn't seem to be faring too well after the brief burst of heat. His chest heaved rapidly, the effort of remaining conscious rendering his breathing labored and quick. He never truly had been good with fire.

But, surely, if not necessary, he wouldn't be acting in such a way. As hinted at before, Kato had issues with accepting help or favors from anyone. He had his reasons, of course, as did everyone. They were not ones he'd vocalize easily. Perhaps the safest assumption was that he merely did not like being in debt to another being. If questioned, this was what he was most likely to answer, anyways.

Venom may not of noticed before, but a particularly cold sensation would definitely come to attention soon. It was far beyond anything he would've felt before - so chilling that it was painful to even imagine. A glance downwards would reveal why. It seemed the ice had phased right through the coverings; rendering both Kato's gloves, and this certain part of Venom's sleeve, frozen solid. Thankfully, it was not spreading any further - but the young man himself didn't look to be aware of it at all. Otherwise, he would've immediately yanked away.

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Edited on 22/03/19 @ 19:52:58 by Telle Tilla (#152266)

Limebird (#89309)

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Posted on
2019-03-23 13:32:49

⇼||Nadia Timéo||⇼

21||Female (Trans)||Survivor||Location: Abandoned City-City Street||Mentions:Vincent, Jack, Echo

Thoughts raced through her mind. Her brown eyes followed Echo’s path for a moment. She then flicked her gaze to Vincent as he tried in vain to get them to come back. She looked at jack again and narrowed her eyes. He was being super rude for no reason, and she didn’t appreciate it.

“There is no reason to be rude. All Vincent tried to do was help. Although it’s true, some survivors are not to be trusted others are fine. You haven’t given either of us a chance. So if you wanna leave then you may take your leave now. Good luck not choking to death on your pride and/or your pineapples.” She said and pointed at the can gripped tightly in his hands.. After scolding the male she turned back to the nicer one of the two. “C’mon. Let’s go before it starts shooting stars and shit from the sky.” She joked. Her nice personality seemed gone for this spare moment, even though it would come back after she felt more comfortable.

She pulled her bag back to reality along with her hands and unzipped a small pocket on the front. She pulled out a small switchblade knife and shoved it in the pocket of her maroon hoodie. She zipped the bag back up after also pulling out a small can of tuna and slung it back over her shoulders. She then held out the can to Vincent as a thanks. She gripped it tightly so that Jack would have a tough time taking it from her out reached palm. If he wasn’t gonna trust her, she was gonna be petty and not trust him.


⭑✦Rey Ricochett✦⭑
29|⭑|Male|⭑|Survivor|⭑|Location-Abandoned City-Neighborhood II|⭑|Mentions-Weylyn

Rey watched the figure in the car take notice of him. They appeared to be holding something in one hand and driving with the other. He listened to their command and followed with slight hesitation. They swung the car around and pointed what seemed to be a gun at him. His breathe held in his throat when it settled in that he could be shot. He shook his head and let a gasp of air out.

His mud colored eyes scanned the other males face and what could be seen of him. He was pale with a mess of blonde hair, making a thought bounce around the walls in Rey’s brain. He furrowed his brow at the thought. He’s cute. Rey slapped a hand across his cheek gently for thinking that at this time and about a complete stranger. Let alone a male. He had never thought of another male as cute and it slightly scared him. Stop. Get it together. It’s not that weird.

He slowly lowered a hand to the handle of the passenger side door. “Hey. I am just gonna open the door. Please don’t shoot.” He whispered, it being barely audible. Realizing, he said the same words again but louder. He paused for a moment, trying to decide if this was actually a good idea.

On one hand he could get end and perhaps end up shot and robbed, his body left out for the acidic rain and mutated animals. But he could also just ask for a ride to the wastelands and not waste any time waiting out the storm and then walking to his destination. He sighed and opened the door slowly and then put his hands back up. He slipped in and let the door slam shut behind him.

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Edited on 25/03/19 @ 08:35:38 by Limebird (#89309)

Ravenflare (#89598)

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Posted on
2019-03-23 22:58:35

Atlas Knight
18 / Male / Survivor
Location: Wastelands / Mentions: Kane and Winston

Atlas shivered at the thought of the corpses, thinking back to their disfigured faces. "Well, that's a relief at least." Atlas mumbled, more to himself than to the stranger. His eyebrows narrowed as Atlas become increasingly more agitated when he noticed that the man was purposefully taking longer than needed to reply to his question. Did he think this was a joke? He felt like punching the guy right then there for being such an ass, but the guy finally responded with "Make yourself at home."

Atlas eyed the guy once more before looking around, quickly realizing that with a snap, his surroundings had changed back to when the guy had put his hand on his shoulder. Except, the man's hand wasn't on his shoulder. Atlas's head snapped back to the man standing before him and he narrowed his eyes once more. "Are you telling me you didn't even have to touch me?? Don't do that again... alright?" He sneered, turning his head away in annoyance. "I can't believe I'm going to have to stay for who knows how long with this guy." He added to himself, shaking his head.

"Wonder why, with those corpses out there. Why do you even keep them around anyways?" Atlas commented with a roll of his eyes. "No where important." He replied when the other man questioned where he came from. He didn't want to give away anything personal. "What about you, huh? Where do you come from?" He said, trying to divert the topic from him to the other guy. Before he could get a response out of him, Atlas heard something coming from outside. It sounded like a person gagging? He immediately tensed up. Maybe it was a good thing those corpses were out there, fending off intruders. Well, most intruders at least.

"Hey, did you hear that? Atlas asked the man, turning his face towards the doorway. Not waiting for his response, Atlas brushed past the other man and made his way to the doorway, not caring if he followed or not. Covering his nose and mouth with his arm, Atlas made his way through the main room and stepped towards the main door. He glanced back to see if the other guy had followed before stepping outside, looking around for any signs of life. He quickly spotted a man and his bird sitting against the house. "Who do we have here?" Atlas spoke out, arms crossed, eyebrow arched.


Elijah Edwards
25 / Male / Survivor
Location: Wastelands / Mentions: Gregory and Thiago

Upon eye contact with the green-haired guy, Elijah could have sworn his heart dropped into his stomach. He froze in complete terror, nearly dropping Tod when he finally came back to the realization that he had actually been seen. Little did Elijah realize that his hiding spot wasn't exactly... the best spot he could have hidden himself. He then met eye contact with the one with the limp, which made things even worse. The man gulped, immediately beginning to tremble slightly. Oh dear. He thought to himself. This was not how he had wanted this to go.

"Er, um..." Elijah tried to say something as he stepped out from behind the tree. "I... I don't mean any of you harm." He began, rubbing a finger over Tod's sleek pelt. It helped calm his nerves. Readjusting his glasses, Elijah spoke again; "I don't want to intrude," he began, "but uh, is there a possibility I would be able to stay here for a short while? The storm seems to be becoming awfully more... aggressive." He said finally. Pausing, he added; "If not, it's okay I suppose. I would understand." Despite his words, he desperately hoped these two would be accepting of him. He wasn't sure where else he would be able to stay.

Elijah watched as a raindrop sailed past him, landing on the thick leaf of a prickly plant. Despite its tough appearance, the plant's thick leaves were no match to the acidic droplet. "Oh dear, it seems that it's about to pour." He responded, looking up at the swelling, darkening clouds. He looked back at the two desperately, hoping they would understand his situation.

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
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Posted on
2019-03-23 23:37:46

⇺ [ Kane ] ⇻
20 |:| Male |:| Survivor
Location - Wastelands |:| Mentions - Atlas, Winston

"I'll try to contain myself, but no promises," Kane replies with a shrug. "It's a natural reaction to most everything at this point." He doesn't need to hear Atlas' private thoughts to know the other man is feeling vexed and perhaps knows not to press his luck any further than he has already. Kane considers himself an expert at reading people, but he'd only just met this one and valued his continued existence. As such, he was content to allow his reluctant guest some space, returning to his chair and plopping into it.

An eyebrow is raised once Atlas questions his keeping the corpses, however. "You aren't the sharpest, are you? They aren't real. Not anymore at least. I used the originals as...inspiration we'll say. If you'd been brave enough to touch them your hand would have gone right through," he explains idly, taking another bite out of the apple he'd previously discarded. "As for the smell, that's the deer. I've gotten used to it I suppose."

Kane wasn't surprised when he was offered an invasive answer, and he would provide one similarily vague, though, in his defense, he wasn't being purposefully deceptive. "Can't say I know anymore. Don't remember. Suppose I'm from the UK, but exactly where? Couldn't tell you." He paused once the sounds of creaking floorboards came to his attention, Atlas almost immediately asking if he'd heard anything before moving to confront whatever had entered the house without waiting for an answer. Kane was quick to follow. If there was a stranger around best to reach them before the deer took notice.

Sure enough, the beasts were staring at the man they found leaning against the wall with hungry eyes. He hadn't seemed to notice them yet though, his eyes closed, and Kane shook his head. These blokes were so lucky he was here to save them. Clearly, neither of them had enough sense to remain alert for danger. "Oy, enough of that you two. We've discussed this before. People aren't for eating," he admonishes the pair.

Their heads swing toward him in unison, and there's an eerily silent, tense moment before they trot back outside, Kane seemingly not intimidated despite the fact they could easily tear him limb from limb. He leaves Atlas to confront the stranger now that the creatures were no longer an issue, content to settle on the couch where the illusionary corpses once sat and watch, both bodies gone as promised.

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Edited on 23/03/19 @ 23:39:32 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

{Side} (#48000)

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Posted on
2019-03-23 23:47:45

{Clovia Panthera}
23 || Female || Survivor
Location: Abandoned city || Mentions: Alex, Venom, Kato, NPC

Clovia sighed and continued to pat her companion, only to freeze when she saw something. A cockroach. Looking around, she saw that there were more, and the place seemed to be infested. ’Ew. Ew. Ew. EW’ that was all Clovia could think as she watched the disgusting bugs crawl around. She was tempted to bear it due to the fact she had found shelter, but she hates cockroaches. Her decision was made when one decided to crawl onto her leg. She jumped up quickly, desperately shaking her leg to try and get the bug off. As the creature was disturbed and woken up in the process, it out a small growl in annoyance. ”NOPE. Not stayin here!” She exclaimed, picking up her backpack and practically shoving the creature onto it. It let out a high pitched screech when it was roughly pushed onto the backpack.

Clovia practically ran outside, wanting to get away from the bugs she hated as quick as she could. She stood still for a minute as she sighed, rubbing the back of her neck. She chuckled nervously. ”Looks like we need to find a new place, huh little buddy?” Clovia turned her head to look at the creature. However, it had its’ attention directed to something else. Clovia rotated both left and right, but the creature still had its’ head facing in one direction. Seemed to have heard something she didn’t. Shrugging, she headed off towards that direction, deciding she had nothing better to do. Well, she did, but she was curious.

After a few minutes of following the direction the creature’s head was facing, she arrived at an alleyway which had a few people in it. She watched as one conjured flames from his hands and launched it at two others, avoiding the girl directly in front of him. The flames took the shape of a tiger. Clovia’s eyes widened. That was so cool! But that guy probably wasn’t the friendliest person out there. An ear piercing shriek made Clovia quickly cover her ears as she forgot about the creature she carried on her backpack. Well, if they didn’t notice her before, they surely would’ve now. ’Good job little buddy, you just got us killed. Thanks for that.’

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Dez (#66551)

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Posted on
2019-03-24 00:54:21

Alex Matson | Female | 24 | Survivor
Location: Abandoned City | Mentions: Kato, Venom, Draven

Alex couldn't help the knowing smile on her face when Draven launched an attack, her hand flying up instinctively. The flames rushed to the side of herself and her companions harmlessly, dying off and leaving only smoke in their wake. She nodded at Draven. "Glad you asked. I think it's something that a lot of people would want to get their hands on these days." She swung her backpack around, digging in one of the pockets for a moment before pulling out a little bag with three small pills in it, the bag labelled in black sharpie 'PERCOCET-I.C.E ONLY' she held it up. "Three 10mg doses of a pretty good pain medication. I never used up the whole bottle after my appendix went kaput a few months before hell became real, and I still have these. You let us get by safely, you get the medicine to use as you want. I personally suggest keeping it for emergencies, but at that point it's on you. This stuff, or any pain meds for that matter, are pretty hard to come by these days. Personally I even figure they're more valuable than ammunition. What do you say?"

Before she could catch Draven's response, a loud shriek caught her attention. She looked up, seeing a figure behind the group. Sam let out a warning hiss, tail raised in an alert position as he turned to face the newcomer. He was friendly, but he didn't like people just sneaking up on them after all. Alex dared glance back before once again looking to Draven. Her first impression was that the girl wasn't as threatening as the man in front of her, so that's where her focus rested.

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🌵 | zoinked (#88158)

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Posted on
2019-03-24 05:05:24

[ Weylyn Hayse ]
23 || Male || Survivor
Location: Abandoned City - Neighbourhood || Mentions: Rey Ricochett

Listening to Weylyn’s directions was a good idea, and the stranger was having no problem doing it, if he wanted this to go smoothly this routine would have to keep up. Though Weylyn didn’t want to hold his gun to this guys head through their entire time together, it would all come down to how he answered the questions.

”dump your stuff in the back,” He started, a demand and not a suggestion. Something this guy doing would determine between a car ride, or a walk through acid rain. ”Tell me your name, and your purpose.” He finished, staring hard at the stranger in the passengers seat, waiting with little patience for him to complete the tasks given to him.

His hand was steady on the gun, showing he had experience with it and wouldn’t hesitate to spill anymore blood in this car, but his hand grasping the steering wheel was a sign he’d easily drive out of this neighborhood with this guy beside him, it was all up to the stranger and how he’d handle this situation. Weylyn was sure something like this wasn’t rare anymore, he’s had guns pointed at his head all his life, even before this damned apocalypse, but now it didn’t come as any surprise.

From what he could tell, this man was keeping his cool, watching the situation closely and thinking over his actions before executing any of them. He really didn’t want to make a bigger mess of this car, even if any supplies this guy had would come in handy, so he hoped this guy had the brains to continue to realize the guy with the gun was in charge.

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Edited on 24/03/19 @ 17:27:02 by NaiPherah (#88158)

Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-03-24 10:12:44

| Adelaide Victoria Thompson |
18 | Female | Survivor | Location- abandoned city | Mentions: Thane

Addie let a small grin dance across her face, nodding her head.

"Yeah, it's pretty gross."

But despite that, there were still several rooms that would most likely be habitable, if not exactly comfortable. The desk chairs were too small to sleep in, and the floor was, well, hard. As were the desks. But Addie had made some small changes to her own office, tearing the seat off the chair and using it as a pillow, then substituting her varsity jacket as a pillow. The office she'd claimed had most likely belonged to a high ranking worker, as the 'c'- shaped desk was large, and she had pushed it against the wall to form a sort of enclosed bed. It hid her from sight, and forced anyone with malicious intentions to come at her from only one angle. Thankfully, she'd never had to defend herself from behind it, but you could never be too careful.

At Thane's mention of the 'rebellious jar', Addie noticed, for the first time, the straps of his backpack. She eyed them for only a moment, realizing just how good of an idea that was. She would never take it from him, she found stealing abhorrent, especially from someone fighting to survive just as hard as she was. However, just to keep him from getting the wrong idea, she tore her gaze away quickly.

"It's in here."

She led the man into her own little space, allowing the cat to drop onto the desk with a heavy thud. He meowed plaintively, and she sighed.

"Just a second, Ody."

The cat didn't seem to take this well, and as she pushed her varsity jacket away to grab the jar he swatted at her hand. She swatted him back, and drew her hands out of the angry cat's reach. She handed the jar to Thane, with a

"Here, hold this a second."

Then, she pulled a box of cat food cans from behind the desk, setting them down with a thud. She moved her sword away, the familiar rattle of metal on plastic sounded as she rested it on a corner. She picked up a dirty plastic plate and, pulling the tab on the can so it popped open, dumped the brown, soft food on it. She cat became nearly ecstatic, purring and rubbing himself against Addie's legs as she walked across the room with great difficulty. Then, with little ceremony, the girl dropped the plate outside the door and pushed the cat out.

"That stuff smells awful."

As she turned around to put the box of cat food away again she noticed that rain pattered silently against the window. Good thing she was in here. God only knows what fell from the sky in this place.

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