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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-02-22 19:32:07


Water was running, children were running, you were running out of time,

The world has come to an end, or so many believe. A disease unlike any other has spread across the planet; infecting every continent, every country, every person. Almost. Humanity has dwindled to only a spare few, those still alive miraculously surviving the highly fatal symptoms they experienced. The cause of the sickness? Unclear, but it all began when several meteors unexpectedly entered Earth’s atmosphere, crashing into the soil and bursting to pieces, contaminating everything.

We found you hiding, we found you lying, choking on the dirt and sand. Your former glories and all the stories dragged and washed with eager hands.

The world is tainted, all life withering. The plague came first, wiping out humanity, the world slowly decaying alongside man. Once grand forests are little more than bare, gray chunks of wood, their bare branches reaching toward the sky as if begging the sun to reappear. Formerly marvelous cities are abandoned and eerily silent. Previously lush landscapes are little more than dry, yellowed grass. The animals have changed, mutated, unnatural and more dangerous than ever. The sky is a haze, the air thick with pollution. Living in this broken world comes with many challenges, and the odds are always against you. Yet you've changed too, blessed with abilities you never would have thought were possible before now.

But your city lies in dust, my friend.

In the midst of this turmoil arrives a wolf as dark as night; fur, skin, and flesh stripped clean along areas of the face, revealing unnaturally clean bone and razor-sharp fangs, orbs of red light peering from otherwise empty sockets. While a pale horse does not accompany this being, many believe them to be the manifestation of death. In this new, frightening world, the Reaper has arrived in solid form. Wherever their paws tread life fades, few live to see them up close, and yet they are not the only threat to humanity’s struggle for survival.

Hot and burning in your nostrils, pouring down your gaping mouth.

A group of mysterious figures, known merely as the Plague Doctors, scour the land for any signs of human life, abducting anyone they find. Going with them is not a matter of choice, it’s mandatory, and those who fall into their hands rarely live to see another day. What they do with their victims is unclear, but one thing is for sure, should you find yourself surrounded by a group of human-like creatures dressed head to toe in black cloaks and sporting plague masks, you are done for. Rumor has it those they steal away become experiments. They need lab rats to find a cure for the disease and are beyond caring whether or not their methods are immoral.

Your molten bodies blanket of cinders, caught in the throes.

Another rumor, though one less believed, is that perhaps the Reaper is not an evil being at all, but one who is destined to bring order and stability to this new, damaged world. It is undeniable the Plague Doctors fear them, where the beast walks they scatter, the only time they ever show any emotion is in the Reaper’s wake, but perhaps this is just wishful thinking, or maybe not. Only time will tell.

Ohh oh your city lies in dust, my friend.


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CSS created by katie ☀️ (#106445).

All words in italics are lyrics from the song Cities In Dust by The Everlove.

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Edited on 10/04/19 @ 23:21:35 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

Ravenflare (#89598)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-03-26 19:48:18

Atlas Knight
18 / Male / Survivor
Location: Wastelands / Mentions: Kane and Winston

What was it with these guys taking their good ol' sweet time with their responses?? Atlas crossed his arms and tapped his foot, agitated. Could this new stranger not have given his bird water at another time? Seriously, Atlas beginning to think this was done on purpose. He let out a cough, alerting the other he was still waiting.

Atlas cocked an eyebrow when the man questioned "Who's asking?". He was about to shoot a snarky reply back when an apologetic expression spread across the other's face. "I don't, actually." Atlas responded truthfully. "It was the guy you just saw call in those deer. Gotta be careful of them." Atlas added with a nod of his head. "It's fine, I guess. It's not really my place to say whether or no you can stay.". Though, I hope he can't. The less people I'm around the better. Atlas thought bitterly. He was having a bad day as it was.

Atlas noticed the young man begin to fidget with his left earring, giving Atlas a minute to observe the other man's features. He didn't appear to be all that intimidating, especially with that childish face. His black, curly hair was hanging down into his face, making it hard to see his eyes. He then noticed the other's mismatched shoes and shot him a questioning look. "What's up with your shoes?" Atlas asked curiously.

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Edited on 26/03/19 @ 19:48:28 by Ravenflare (#89598)

Turnip Chair [side] (#103780)

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Posted on
2019-03-26 21:34:54

[ John “Jack” Peterson ]
17 • Male • Survivor
Location: Abandoned City • Mentions: Echo, Vincent, Nadia

Just as suddenly as he'd left, Echo was back, inviting them back to his car as though it had been a given that they were supposed to follow him in the first place. Jack was cautious - and rightfully so - but before he could think too hard about the sudden change in Echo’s behavior, Vincent was headed towards the car, followed closely by Nadia. He hesitated, though, staring down at the can of pineapples gripped tightly in one hand and the first aid kit in the other. He could just leave, maybe take shelter in the store until the rain cleared, because what did he have to gain by sticking with a group of strangers? He'd given up on needing companionship a long time ago, and yet he found himself jogging after the others, telling himself that he was only following them because he needed to give Echo his first aid kit back as though he wouldn't have gladly taken it for himself under any other circumstance. If anything, by joining them, maybe he'd get a chance to rob all three of them blind and get away with it. That was a much safer plan than wanting to stay with them because they were good people (at least to an extent - he still wasn't entirely sure about Nadia).

Jack frowned as Nadia said something to Vincent when they reached the car, too quiet for him to hear-- which was probably intentional, he realized with dread. He felt sick, even without having any clue as to what the hell they were talking about, and in that moment he decided that he wanted nothing to do with Nadia, good person or not. Perhaps he was being childish, but he didn't trust her. ”I call shotgun,” he said as he darted around the car to hop into the passenger seat, somehow untouched by the acidic rain that was beginning to come down even harder.

”I think this might be yours,” he quipped as he handed the first aid kit back to its owner, relaxing somewhat in the presence of someone that actually understood his humor (although Echo's last reaction to one of his harsh “jokes” was to get snippy and leave, so he was back in the “gauging the audience” stage of acquaintanceship, testing the waters for what he could and shouldn't say). He rolled down the window to flick the now-bare lollipop stick outside, immediately rolling it back up with a hiss as a raindrop landed on his knuckles. ”Ow, yeah. That hurts more than I thought it would.” He almost felt bad for all of the survivors that got caught in the rain - almost, because some of them definitely deserved it, and they should have seen it coming. Rubbing the acid off of his hand and onto his worn jeans, he tried again to make some sort of small talk, anything to avoid the silence that was sure to come if he didn't talk. ”So, uh, where exactly are we going?”

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Fire (#159928)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-03-27 03:48:07

♠|| Echo Wilders||♠
18 |:| Genderfluid: Currently male |:| Survivor
Location- Abandoned City |:| Mentions: Jack, Vincent, and Nadia

Echo sits and adjusts the mirror as he waits for everyone to get in. Since he didn't need to check for cars behind him, he turned it so he could see into the back seat. He was quite surprised when Jack called shotgun and slid into the front seat. Echo had thought they would all sit in the back. Now that he thought about it, it did seem kind of dumb. Nadia had her cat, and nobody liked sitting in the middle seat. Kai wasn't too pleased that his seat was taken, so he settled himself on Jack's lap.

Echo turned on the car to turn on the air conditioner as Nadia and Vincent whispered in the back, probably not talking about a seating plan. Echo tuned them out as it was none of his business. Echo gave Jack a slight smile as he handed him back the first aid kit. Echo wasn't sure if he was carrying it or recording to keep it, but it made no difference to him. Jack may need it more than him if he plans to continue swiping people's things. Maybe the kid was bad at collecting his own food. Than there were the occasional thirds that were bold enough to attack you in stark daylight. Echo had had his full of them. Thankfully Kai did a pretty good job at guarding her bag. Echo reasoned it was only because she had doggy snacks in there.

He was about to warn Jack to not roll down the window as he was disposing his lollipop stick, but he was a bit too late. ”Ow, yeah. That hurts more than I thought it would.” He said a drop of the acidic rain splashed upon his knuckle. Echo reached into the cup holder on the door and pulled out some burn ointment, handing it to Jack. "I watch out if I were you." He said. " I don't think any of us want to see your hand looking like Freddy Krueger's." He then wondered if Jack had caught the joke. Echo was starting to doubt what people knew after the sword girl claimed to not know what a fox looked like. Was she an internet deprived child?

Echo started out the window, trying to guess how long it would take to reach home in the rain.”So, uh, where exactly are we going?” Jack asked. Echo tossed her eyes to him and the review mirror as he answered." We're going to my safe house. I'll show you guys good places to stay once the rain clears up. " Echo decided not to mention his bunker, worried that someone might look through his stuff.

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Ravyn (#130409)

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2019-03-27 13:26:07

[ Thane Percer ]
27 | | Male | | Survivor
Location – Abandoned City | | Mentions – Adelaide

Watching Addie talk about fencing was almost some kind of inspiring. The girl in front of him became lively in a way she hadn't been before, continuously more so with every word that left her mouth. She was basically radiating pride. Thane was mostly just nodding along to what she was saying, having very little knowledge of the sport himself. Two people in white suits with those odd mesh masks try to poke each other using swords, that was honestly about everything he knew. But she clearly held a lot of passion for this sport and he could certainly respect that. Frankly, it was kind of sweet. Before this day Thane had never expected he would be using 'sweet' when referring to a girl wielding a sword but stranger things had happened.

He only got distracted once a now almost familiar rubbing sensation against his legs started up again. ”Well, look who's decided to be all sweet again.” Sure enough, Ody had returned to stalking around Thane's legs once more. And, yep, the lower parts of his pants were definitely covered in cat hair at this point. Appreciated. At Addie's comment he looked back up, one eyebrow raised skeptically. ”I wasn't planning to but I appreciate the warning.”, he replied before dropping his gaze back onto the cat, ”But are you sure about him liking me? I'm getting pretty mixed signals here.” Well, Ody had just eaten so maybe there was a chance he'd be less prone to sudden mood swings now. Maybe.

Slowly and cautiously, Thane lowered himself into a crouch, keeping a close eye on the cat as he did so, careful not to chase the feline off (again). So far so good. This time he refrained from reaching out to pet him. Ody hadn't really appeared to be a fan of being pet earlier. Or maybe he just wasn't a fan of being pet by Thane. Eh, he tried not to take it personally. Observing the cat up close was good enough for now though. As far as he could tell Ody really was only that. A cat. The same couldn't be said about most creatures that roamed the world nowadays. Most had noticeable mutations, some mutated to the point they had become unrecognizable. Ody still looked like a regular cat. It made him wonder. ”Did you already have Ody before the virus?”, Thane started off his chain of questions, ”Did he change at all? Any kind of mutations? Did he develop any abilities? I've encountered a whole bunch of animals that definitely did.”

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🌵 | zoinked (#88158)

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Posted on
2019-03-27 13:54:02

[ Weylyn Hayse ]
23 || Male || Survivor
Location: Abandoned City - Neighbourhood || Mentions: Rey

He didn’t care if he came across as rude, this wasn’t the kind of situation of two strangers bonding over their similar issues, it was simply an experienced survivor lending a helping gloved hand to a bubbly idiot. An idiot with a very useful powerful, incredible even. He stared off in thought for a moment as he thought, how far could he see? A sudden movement in his peripheral, a tanned hand running through dark curls, and two pieces of string slipping down his wrist. Weylyn watched from the side of his eyes, noticeing the way Rey reacted to his exposed bracelets.

It was easy to forget that every human left in this world was still human, with stories. Past lives. And little trinkets from those past lives, like these bracelets Weylyn presumes. His mismatched eyes flickered down to the backpack at his side, running over the name messily scribbled on its strap. Just something from his past. Nothing more. It wasn’t wise to sit on things like that, they were easy to get lost in, wishing you were there instead of here. He turned the pack a little roughly away from himself, shoving it into the door at his side.

Rey’s voice breaking through the silence, was a bit surprising but relieving all the same. He nodded, doing his best not to visibly wince at the use of his name on a strangers lips. That was something he could add to his list of things he hated. A list that was growing pretty long now a days. He sighed, getting the car into drive and starting down the road, desperate to get the hell away from this rain.

”How about we just don’t talk.” He said, voice gruff and slightly annoyed. The sooner they got to the mall, the sooner he’d be on his own again, worrying about no one else but himself. Though he had to admit, the more he thought of Rey’s power, the more he felt persuaded to keep it.

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Limebird (#89309)

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Posted on
2019-03-27 17:17:44

⭑✦Rey Ricochett✦⭑
29|⭑|Male|⭑|Survivor|⭑|Location-Abandoned City-Neighborhood|⭑|Mentions-Weylyn
Rey pursed his lips after watching the male push the bag that was just near him away. He looked at the floor of the car and calmly nodded. He let himself settle back and hold his bag to his flat stomach. He reached into the front pouch and pulled out a small plastic bag of jerky and pulled a piece out for himself and another for the complete stranger next to him. He felt this was the safest time to eat, seeing as he didn’t know what would happen later.

He didn’t find it a necessary time to check and waste a few minutes of his mortality. He held out his hand and the piece of jerky to the other male. With his other hand he placed the other piece between his teeth and chomped down. He shoved the bag back in the front pouch and pulled the food in his mouth out. He chewed the bite in his mouth and waited for Weylen to either accept or reject his food, which he would gladly eat for himself, seeing as his store was running low and he had to preserve it.

He continued to munch on his food. The food was his way of talking without talking. Although the male seemed very hostile, Rey would find it stupid of him to refuse a piece of free food in times like this. But if that’s the decision he made Rey wasn’t gonna shove the meat down his throat.

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-03-27 19:23:44

⇺ [ Vincent Peirce ] ⇻
24 |:| Male |:| Survivor
Location - Abandoned City |:| Mentions - Nadia, Jack, Echo

Echo’s car was definitely a better alternative to the store Vincent decides as they draw nearer to it. The vehicle looks far sturdier than many of the others he’d seen, most with flat tires and parts stripped from the metal frames. The teen must know how to take care of it. Gratitude threatens to overwhelm him, but he holds in the desire to thank him for when they’re all safely seated. As they reach the jeep, he prepares to head into the backseat automatically even before Nadia pulls him aside. Jack and Echo were better acquainted, and it only seemed right.

"Of course," he reassures her once she inquires if he’d mind sitting with her, allowing her to climb in first with Steller before plopping into the empty seat. His eyes slide over the cat, wondering if he’ll mind a stranger sitting so close to him and his owner. Vincent hadn’t entirely forgotten the fearsome hiss the feline aimed at him in the alleyway. He decides against petting him for now, and realizes a bit late he's still clutching the can of tuna Nadia gave him in his hand. Somehow it's remained unharmed by the rain, and he quickly tucks it into his pack.

As the rainfall grows more extreme Vincent finds himself reflecting they probably wouldn’t have been fine in the store after all. Echo had likely saved them a great deal of struggle. "Thank you for coming back for us," he says once the opportunity presents itself, not wanting to interrupt Jack and Echo’s conversation. "I’m not sure what we would have done otherwise."


⇺ [ Kane ] ⇻
20 |:| Male |:| Survivor
Location - Wastelands |:| Mentions - Atlas, Winston

At some point or another, Kane had stepped outside while Atlas confronted their new guest, evidently uninterested in whatever that conversation entailed. The sky had grown darker, the threat of a storm imminent. It was no wonder these men had come seeking shelter here; this rundown cabin was the only building to be seen for miles. Kane reckoned that before the world went to hell, this area had been a campsite. There were plenty of hints of it here and there between the abundance of withered trees, rotting picnic tables, and crumbling fire pits. Not too far behind the cabin was a wide river snaking through the otherwise desolate landscape, the water green and unappealing. The deer could still drink it, but he’d never dared try it himself.

He found said deer standing side-by-side, their heads tilted skyward. "I know you’re restless, but best come inside my little lambs. Even your skin can’t hold up to that," he chides the pair, motioning to the clouds. "Remember, don’t be nibbling on our visitors. You can hunt real prey once the rain's stopped. In the meantime, I’ll give you some of that jerky you like and tend to your hooves, hm?" The deer gaze at him with the same uncanny, blank stare they always have before turning swiftly and trotting back inside, darting past Atlas and Winston into another room. Kane hopped back onto the porch after them just as the first drops hit the ground, an unpleasant sound that could only be compared to boiling water filling his ears as the downpour intensified.

He enters the room in time to hear Atlas asking after the new guy's shoes and pauses mid-step to look at them before nodding his head appreciatively. "I like your style," he says before disappearing into the kitchen again, fetching the deer’s treat as promised, assuming it was clear both men would be staying for the time being considering the weather. Opening one of the cabinets, he pulled out a large bag filled with jerky before coming back into the room and promptly dumping the whole thing onto the floor. If Atlas and Winston were confused as to why they would soon have an answer as the deer made a rapid return and fell upon the jerky like ravenous beasts. "Remember to chew loves."

With his beasts momentarily distracted his attention finally returned to his guests. "Looks like you both might be staying for a while. There’s food in the kitchen if you’re hungry, help yourselves."

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Dez (#66551)

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Posted on
2019-03-27 20:35:55

Alex Matson | Female | 24 | Survivor
Location: Abandoned City | Mentions: Kato, Dante, Clovia

Alex looked over at Kato as he opted to stay quiet and not really do anything to speak to the rest of them. He looked like he could use the time to himself to relax, so she turned her attention back to the others she'd found herself with. The newer girl seemed like she was studying all of them, and Alex offered a smile when she looked over at her. Sam whined dramatically, flopping over onto his side and off her lap.

"Oh stop you big baby, it's just a little burn. It barely got through the scales on your schnoz, let alone hurt you that bad." Alex chided, patting his side affectionately. Sam just huffed, but he stayed put. She looked over at Venom when he spoke, nodding.

"I agree, getting out as soon as we can is a pretty good idea." She looked over as Clovia and Venom introduced themselves. "I'm Alex, this is Sam." She pointed towards the beast who accompanied her. "He's actually really friendly if you want to pet him, he loves it." She snickered a bit, looking over at Venom... Dante, it told her a lot that he was willing to share his true name, and she appreciated the gesture of camaraderie. "So what's the next plan for you all?" She pulled her jacket back over to get back to work wiping off any more stray acidic droplets that remained on it.

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cestrelandreams (#152266)

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Posted on
2019-03-27 21:37:39

Kato Arashi
20 | Male | Survivor
Location; Abandoned City | Mentions; Venom, Alex, Clovia

Kato would've perhaps remained here forever, curled up in this tiny ball until his heart ceased its already slowed pounding, if not for the actions of an outside force. Specifically, the dumb creature he called his companion. The moment Yuki caught sight of the weakened Kato, she was on him like a hawk (quite literally), relentlessly swatting him with her wings and pecking at any exposed space she could find. Her talons caught in his hood, swiftly tossing it off so that she could nestle comfortably into his hair. Its appearance was quite startling - for it was not the platinum blonde that some may of assumed by the few glances they got, but instead, a stark white. It's color mimicked that of Yuki's feathers perfectly; the exact shade of freshly fallen snow. It was beautiful in a eerie, chilling way.

Now settled upon his head, she began to peck again; tugging at bits of that pale hair. It took a while, but Kato was eventually reacting. One of those arms peeled away from his knees, allowing its hand to reach up and smack the bird away. Yuki let out an indignant shriek, and, with another final, violent peck, was fleeing to the higher parts of the abandoned building; disappearing somewhere off in the roof area. Although a bother, she seemed to have done some good. Her actions had left Kato responsive.

Very slowly, he was resurfacing; unfurling himself so he could sit more comfortably back against the wall. Bleary blue eyes focused on the other survivors. Now, without that hood, Kato seemed almost... human. Certainly, he'd been mortal before. But there was something about him losing one of his three shadowy coverings. Already, he seemed more welcoming in appearance.
The young man, however, could feel heat coursing through his veins, something that was just as terrifyingly unfamiliar as being unhooded. He found comfort in the iciness that usually pulsated throughout his body, having grown used to it over the months, and without it...

Well, to say he was panicked was an understatement.

Gloved hands ran along the lengths of his sleeves, pulling and stretching their edges. It wasn't long before he was reaching for the bottom of his sweatshirt. It took a bit of what looked to be a desperate struggling, but eventually, the man was able to wrestle the thick article of clothing off his body. It was immediately discarded to the side; thrown violently away as if the jacket itself had burst into flames. Now, he was left in a simple, short sleeved t-shirt; black, like the rest of his outfit. For the first time, his arms would be revealed. And what a sight those would be. Littered with disgusting, hideous scarring that seemed to be the result of gruesome wounds. More than one could ever possibly count, tainting the milky expanse of skin with their revolting appearance. One might catch a glimpse of what seemed to be words etched into either one of Kato's wrists before he was moving again. The gloves were next to be discarded, allowing all to see those frozen hands; their flesh completely eaten away by a thick, opaque ice

What his companions thought seemed to be the least of Kato's worries. He was too busy gripping at one of his wrists, closing his cold grip around where a cluster of veins was. The temperature of their shelter would be dropping drastically, but he wouldn't be taking notice. He was too busy trying to keep himself from melting. The heat from the flames had literally reliquified his blood - something that could kill him if not immediately taken care of. He'd already waited too long up until this moment; giving in the urge to simply bare through the agonizing pain. Granted, this process would mess him up further - but, hell. He'd rather be frozen to his shoulders than be dead.

He'd said the opposite of this many, many times before, so it wasn't like it exactly held any sort of value.

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Edited on 27/03/19 @ 21:37:59 by Telle Tilla (#152266)

Fire (#159928)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-03-28 16:00:25

♠|| Winston Park||♠
23 |:| Male |:| Survivor
Location- Wastelands |:| Mentions: Atlas and Kane

Winston nodded when the boy mentioned that he didn't own the house, but the guy that called off the deer. Talking about deer, Winston spotted them close to the other corner of the building milling around and tossing glances at them. He shot them a venomous glare before looking back at the boy. "It's fine, I guess. It's not really my place to say whether or no you can stay." Winston shook his head, about to make mention that he was was just taking a break, when the sky started darkening at an alarming rate. Winston cursed in German under his breath as a slight breeze picked up. There was no way he would reach his destination before the rain started. Winston felt bad that we would have to impose on this guy and take up some of his space.

Winston was momentarily distracted by the owner of the deer as he called them inside to get away from the rain and get some food. "Are you sure you want to go in there?" He asked. "They've been eyeing us for a while." Winston realized how stupid that sounded and corrected himself. "Then again, we're else is the to go?"Winston muttered. He realized he had been fiddling with his earring when the boy looked at him for a moment. Winston looked away, which is normally what he does when someone looks at him longer than he likes. "What's up with your shoes?" The boy asked, making Winston look at his shoes self consciously." I was in a hurry to get out this morning. " He said, deciding to not to tell the boy about the whole gang attack. Winston was pleasantly surprised when the owner complemented his shoes. Fashion wasn't exactly something he had thought about when fleeing from those thugs.

After a minute or two, the owner came back."Looks like you both might be staying for a while. There’s food in the kitchen if you’re hungry, help yourselves." Winston gave the man a wary smile and muttered a quiet thank you. He was about to ask the boy a question, but he didn't know his name. " Oh, I didn't catch you names. I'm Winston, by the way. The hawk is Jae."

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🌵 | zoinked (#88158)

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Posted on
2019-03-28 17:51:45

[ Weylyn Hayse ]
23 || Male || Survivor
Location: Abandoned City - Mall || Mentions: Rey

The drive was as quiet as Weylyn had hoped, the only real interaction between the two men being an offering of a piece of jerky, which Weylyn obviously declined. He was smart enough not to accept random food and drink from strangers, or he was just paranoid, either way it’s kept him alive for this long.

And the shopping district was only going to help with that too, his hopes soaring as he examined the relatively normal looking building. Aside from the trashed cars in the parking lot, it looked completely deserted as well. Looking to Rey, and then back at the looming building, he thought for a moment.

”Can you use your power, see if we might run into anything in there.” he asked, not going to let something this good go to waste, it might have also been sort of an experiment. Just what exactly could Rey do, if he offered his abilities up, it was a good way to test his limits. He just hoped those limits weren’t easily reached.

If they were lucky, they’d find a good amount of essentials they could split between themselves, and maybe Weylyn would stay for a few days, camping out in the mall until he had a fully mapped out plan. What Rey decided to do after that Weylyn didn’t care, even if he wanted to stay Weylyn wasn’t sure if he’d not care as well. This run would also be an experiment of Rey’s physical abilities, sure his power was useful, but was all of him just as so. It wasn’t like Weylyn would need the help anyway, or maybe he’s just never needed it yet.

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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-03-28 19:12:16

| Adelaide Victoria Thompson |
18 | Female | Survivor | Location- abandoned city | Mentions: Thane

When the cat made his entrance and Thane knelt down Addie remained standing. She smiled as Ody wound his way through the man's long legs, leaving streaks of cat hair in his wake. As if everything wasn't covered in the fine, colorful hair anyway. The shoulders of her varsity jacket had taken on a strange, golden color from the vast amounts of cat hair. She hoped he wasn't allergic. But even if he was, there was no going out in this weather. She turned for a moment to look at the rain outside, tapping against the window. She could just barely hear a faint hiss alongside the patter of raindrops. It must be acidic. Fantastic.

Of course, Addie had absolute trust in her makeshift home. The walls were thick, and as far as she could tell (which wasn't very) it was of sound structure. Her attention returned to the two on the floor, and Thane's question.

"He's just a moody cat. Sometimes he hates me, and I raised him. He's always more agreeable when he's eaten, though."

She let a small chuckle loose, as Thane extended his hand, almost cautiously. Ody stepped back, one foot off the ground, and sniffed it, then pushed his head against Thane's hand with startling, though average, strength. He wasn't anything special, as far as Addie could tell. And Thane's next string of questions brought up that exact topic.

"I found him after the apocalypse, in a nest of dead kittens. I thought he was gone too, but he doesn't go down that easily. So I took him and we moved into a grocery store, and he lived off whatever milk hadn't expired. Then he moved up to cat food when he seemed big enough. He's just kind of stuck with me since. I don't think he's special. He's not a great hunter, he isn't very strong or fast. I guess if temper counts as a power he's been blessed with that, but he also might just be angry." She grinned, truly at a loss for her cat. What , if anything, was special about him? Did he have some undiscovered power? Or maybe she was overthinking this, and he was just that: a cat.

"We've seen them, too. There used to be this dog, I think it was a dog, that hung around here. It was all lumpy and scaly and gross. It almost killed Odds so many times. Maybe that's his power, narrowly escaping death."

Said cat had begun to rub the entirety of his body against Thane's hand, and should the man attempt to pet him, the cat would only push closer, seemingly appeased by the canned food.

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{Side} (#48000)

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Posted on
2019-03-30 06:28:18

{Clovia Panthera}
23 || Female || Survivor
Location: Abandoned city || Mentions: Alex, Venom, Kato

Clovia chuckled a little as Dante apologised. ”You can apologise for the others getting into this mess, I can only apologise to myself for ending up there. I was the one who decided to follow where my little buddy was interested in.” she explained, looking down fondly at the creature that now lay asleep in her lap. She stroked it softly, and it flicked out its’ tongue in content. Clovia then had a bit of a confused look on her face. ”By the way, do you have any name suggestions? With all this surviving and trying not to die, I haven’t had the chance to name it yet.”

She looked over to the other girl just as she sent a smile, so Clovia sent one back. “I’m guessing this Draven guy was the one with the flames outside. And it seems like he’s not exactly who you’d want to come across.” Her attention was then directed to the canine creature that lay beside the girl who introduced herself as Alex, then the canine as Sam. Clovia reached over gently to pat the canine. She hadn’t seen a dog, a friendly one at least, for what seems like forever. How could she not pet him? It was a dog. ”Nice to meet you Alex and Dante.”

Before she could say anything else, she noticed the boy in the corner moving. Well, he was moving because of the bird. ’Seems quite pesky.’ She then saw his hair. ’Did I say pale blond earlier? Nope, definitely not pale blond. It’s pure white. Quite pretty actually.’ Clovia covered her ears once again as the bird let out a shriek, causing the creature in her lap to shriek back. ’Oh for Gods sake I’m going to go deaf.’ She tapped the creature on the head to get it to be quiet. The boy was now moving more. She then saw his eyes. ’Oh wow, they’re also really pretty.’He started to move a bit more rapidly, more quickly, desperate to get his sweatshirt off. She knitted her eyebrows in confusion. Was he okay? What was going on? Her eyes widened slightly as scars along his arms were now visible, scars that looked to have been quite painful. Her eyes widened even more as he ripped off his gloves to reveal quite literally icy hands. She watched as he pressed one of his hands to the opposing wrist, and shivered slightly as she noticed the temperature drop. The creature in her lap hissed slightly and snuggled into her legs more, trying to stay warm. Clovia was conflicted. Should she stay sitting and let the boy suffer, or should she go and walk over to him? She didn’t know what was wrong. ”Hey, are you okay?” she asked softly, trying not to scare him or panic him even more.

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Limebird (#89309)

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Posted on
2019-03-30 06:46:15

⇼||Nadia Timéo||⇼

21||Female (Trans)||Survivor||Location: Abandoned City-City Street||Mentions:Vincent, Jack, Echo

Stellar plopped himself down on the seat and settled his large eyes on Vincent. It seemed as though the feline was trying to stare the male out of existence. He was not a very nice cat to anyone but his owner and that was only because they had been together since he was a young kitten. Nadia didn’t appear to notice the death stare her cat was giving her new companion.  Her gaze was turned towards Echo and Jack. “Yeah, thanks Echo! We would probably be burnt up by now. Or at least they would be. I don’t know about me and Stellar considering my power. Anyway. I was wondering what your power was if I may inquire?”

She thought it only fair to ask since she had shared a bit about her power. She didn’t know what Vincent’s might be, but she guessed it had something to do with his unnaturally colored eyes, along with the glowing she had witnessed back in the alleyway. She brought a nail to her mouth and chewed on it absentmindedly. She finally took her finger from her mouth and put it in her pocket.

The rain outside seemed to pick up and she hoped wherever Echo was taking them, to was stable and there was a way to get from the car and inside very quickly. She didn’t fancy having to use her dwindling supply of first-aid if she didn’t have too. Her slight clumsiness and naiveness had caused her to get into many scuffles in her time as a survivor and she had to use quite a bit on herself and cat. Stellar constantly tried to bite people and quite recently some thugs had not taken kind to that and ended up shaking him up a good bit.


⭑✦Rey Ricochett✦⭑

29|⭑|Male|⭑|Survivor|⭑|Location-Abandoned City-Neighborhood|⭑|Mentions-Weylyn

Rey felt the silence pushing in on him. He hated it with a passion but managed to not say anything to his rude companion the whole car ride. He found it a dumb decision to refuse the jerky seeing as he was also eating a piece and if one was poisoned and one was not the poison would have seeped into the non-toxic one. But he shrugged and ate the jerky quickly.

When they finally arrived the male finally spoke, he asked Rey to use his powers. Did he not realize that was a waste of his powers and that the supply was not unlimited. It killed him slowly. But fine. If that’s what he had to do to get a ride to the wastelands then he will. “I will, but only if after we get some supplies, you take me to the wastelands.” he said.

He closed his eyes and bit his lip. He held out his hands and from the palm of his cocoa hand a bubble of black ink appeared. It popped and then another and another appeared and popped. Soon what appeared to be the edge of something rectangular rose from the now small pool of ink in his hands. It was small and covered with ink, only 6 in x 4 in. The ink slid off of it and soon bubbled away. It was a small book.

Rey opened his eyes and looked at the book. He opened it to a page at the beginning. One of the first 50. It appeared to have at least 200. To anyone else there was nothing on the yellowed page, but to him there was writing. Scribbles here and there, long paragraphs in neat handwriting. “The mall is empty, except for things one would expect to be there. Birds, Bugs, Rats, Mice, Spiders. Although they don’t appear to be mutated, which is quite strange,” as he spoke his eyes scanned back and forth across the page, “It’s mostly empty in the main area, but some shops appear to still be well stocked. We enter a shop and suddenly something sharp comes at us. It’s silver, maybe a knife? I don’t know. Sh*t. My head.” His voice was now a whisper.

He shut the book, not being able to read on. Ink spurted from the top of the book and sank into his fingers, dying it further. He yelped in pain as it sent a shock of searing pain through his hand. The book deteriorated and left only a small pile of dust in the males hand. He tenderly, as though he was in serious pain, took out a small drawstring pouch and put the dust in it. He shut it and put it away. He then held his hands up as they shook. “If you were wondering, those are ashes. My. Ashes. Everytime I use my power, it replaces part of my body with this black matter.

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Ravyn (#130409)

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Posted on
2019-03-30 11:37:56

[Thane Percer]
27 | | Male | | Survivor
Location – Abandoned City | | Mentions – Adelaide

Thane intently listened as Addie retold the tale of Ody's upbringing, all the while keeping his eyes on the cat currently shoving his fuzzy face against the man's palm. His lips were curved upwards the smallest amount. ”Aren't you a little fighter? You're not giving up that easily, am I right?”, he spoke, the comments technically directed at the feline although Thane didn't expect an answer. So there wasn't anything unusual about Ody, huh? It had been ages since he'd come across a non-mutated animal to the point where he hadn't thought there were still some left. At Addie's proposition that the small creature's power might be narrowly escaping death he released a low chuckle. ”Those 9 lives gotta be worth something, I guess.”

In the meantime Ody continued to insistently rub himself against Thane's hand and it was starting to get a bit ridiculous. The feline was basically petting itself at this point. So maybe... maybe it would be okay now. Maybe he wouldn't lose a finger trying to pet him. And then he decided to take the leap of faith. Surprisingly, it indeed didn't end with bites and scratches. Instead Ody pushed even closer as he began to rake his fingers through the short fur. Huh. So he could be nice when he wanted to be. And when he wasn't hungry.

Absentmindedly Thane kept petting the cat and lifted his head up again. His gaze quickly traveled up to one of the windows. Heavy drops of rain were hitting the glass and made a soft patter sound throughout the room. The patter of rain used to be one of his favorite things to listen to. It had been comfortable and calming during long hours spent in front of computer screens. Now it only caused him to knit his brows in mild concern. This wasn't some friendly spring rain. Those drops were probably acidic enough to burn through skin and flesh given enough time. The storm had barely started but Thane already wished for it to be over, although he was immensely glad to be inside here instead of out there. ”You know, I really hope this little storm won't last too long.”, Thane said, seemingly talking to Addie but without taking his eyes off the window for even a second,”I mean, don't get me wrong, you and Ody are definitely in my top 5 encounters that didn't want me dead, but staying indoors for long can get pretty boring.” At least that was just partially a lie.

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