Posted by | Of Mustangs and Men: Role Playing Thread |
![]() Polo (#96942) Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-25 12:15:59 |
"Ah, yes, the bold do die, but the cautious never live." ![]() Edited on 26/04/19 @ 08:01:53 by Polopony (#96942) |
Polo (#96942)
Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-26 07:59:08 |
Corro | Stallion | Lead Stallion | Mentions: Open The relentless heat and biting flies had driven the steely grey to the nearest lake. While keeping his herd in sight, Corro pawed at the chill water, arching his neck in a playfulness borne of his young age. It was too deep where he stood to roll, but the mud and water dripping off his dappled barrel told that he had already taken care of that in shallower waters. His mane and tail were plastered to that gleaming coat of iron, soaked to a dark hue by water and streaked brown by mud. The oozing combination that dripped off his coat provided not only a welcome cool, but protection from the merciless bugs as well. Several raised welts stood testament to the horrors the pesky insects were capable of. And ooh, did they itch. But the cool mud soothed them, if only slightly, and the fun of water was a welcome distraction. Raising a heavy hoof and slicing it through the water, Corro let loose with a squeal that carried across the hot, heavy air, an invitation to any who'd like to join him. His fine head bobbed up and down with excitement as he surged ever deeper into the swirling, now muddy water. His whiskers beaded with small droplets and the water rose to his stifles. He kept one eye trained on his herd, watching not only for possible playmates, but keeping a sharp eye out for danger as well. If there was one thing blundering through leadership have taught him, it was that no one was ever completely safe. Regardless, Corro flagged his mottled tail and raced through the water, at first leaping, then adopting his normal gallop as the depth decreased. With an arched neck and high steps, the steely stallion came to a stop at the edge of the water, where he stood, tail still held high, his fine head surveying all that surrounded him. Water dripped from his black muzzle and barrel, forming puddles in the depressions beneath his hooves. Llamarada | Filly | Foal | Mentions: Open The small filly raised her head, blinking the sleep from her eyes. It had been one of those rare times when Mara was actually still, but the moment was lost. Her sunbathed nap had grown too hot for comfort, awakening the tired foal. Her exhaustion was quickly lost, however, in the simple joy of living. She blundered to her feet, folding and unfolding overly long legs as she rose. Eventually, Mara stood upon four legs. Almost immediately, the bay filly was off, looking for a friend, or trouble. Either was welcome. Her short little tail whisked at flies as they landed on her rump, and every so often that delicate head snaked around to snap at her shoulder. She almost always missed those pesky insects, but she'd be damned if she didn't try. This being her first summer and all, Mara had yet to learn the benefits of rolling in the mud. Her meticulous coat couldn't take that kind of dirty, according to her. But the small beads of blood oozing from insect bites that appeared on her legs were infuriating, painful, and oh, so itchy! But her mind was on other things, like finding someone to race with. She developed her prancing trot as she roved around the herd, showing off to any who dared challenged her. She was one of the only foals, but yearlings didn't scare her. She'd gladly race or spar with anyone who came her way. Bring it on! ![]() |
Tiny Fox (#171066)
Renowned View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-26 14:09:09 |
Evita | Mare | Brood | Mentions: Open Evita huffed as she trotted around in circles a few yards away from the herd. While she didn't mind being around them and there is safety in numbers, she prefers to be by herself, a strange thing as viewed by most of the other mares in the herd. Evita kept an eye open to watch for danger as she found a patch of flowers to graze at. The heat of the summer sun was sweltering, and the damn insects were such a nuisance! Evita constantly swatted her long tail at the flies that buzzed around annoyingly, her ears folding back in annoyance. She watched the filly, Llamarada, parade around the herd. Partly, Evita longed to be a filly with no worries once more, and to be with her mother once again. Evita shook her head to clear it of the preposterous thoughts as she let out a snort. ![]() |
RoosterChick (#46649)
Impeccable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-27 15:18:58 |
AdiraMare || Brood ||Mentions: Llamarada The speckled queen was grazing calmly, munching away at the juicy green shoots beneath her black hooves. The tail swished at the flies and other biting bugs attempting to make a meal out of her. She was standing a bit a ways from the herd, preferring to enjoy her meal without the gossip of other brood mares interrupting her. She could care less about how this horse did that and yadda yadda. As long as the herd was safe-and she was in said herd-this mare was happy. Adira lifted her black and white head at the sound of small hooves pounding on the dirt. It was no doubt Mara, the small filly who was always full of excitement. The older mare twisted her neck to spot the bay foal. "Mara!" she called. "Are you looking for someone?" The mare slowly walked up to the filly, pausing briefly to shake her pelt before she continued on her path. OleanderStallion || Yearling || Mentions: Open This yearling is still passed out despite the heated sun baring down on his blood bay pelt. He stood with his head low and rear right leg propped up to rest while the other three limbs keep him balanced. ![]() Edited on 27/04/19 @ 15:19:29 by RoosterChick (#46649) |
Sinthz (#173522)
Incredible View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-27 17:54:16 |
🍂Cooriya…Mare…Brood…3 1/2 Years…Mentions:Corro🍂 Cooriya was at the lake Corro led them towards, which was perfect for the merciless heat that was punishing them as well as the bug bites that seemed to itch forever. She walked into the lake, enjoying the cool feeling the water gave when it touched her chestnut pelt. She saw that the lead stallion not too far from her after she’s heard his welcoming invitation. With a mischievous look, she takes off in a gallop towards him and splashed some water onto his muzzle and neck. When she did that, she neighed in laughter, slightly challenging the leader. Of course, Cooriya deeply respected Corro since he’s the lead stallion, but all she wants is a little fun. ![]() |
Slytherin clean fissure wine (#76271) Toxic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-27 19:49:28 |
Corr Stallion || Boss || 4 years ||Mentions: Open The young stallion was unrecognizable at the moment due to the caked on clay mud turning is coat into a light greyish color only a few spots on his roan pelt bled threw, spending his morning rolling in the clay infested mud pits perparing for the heat and flys that bit him all day yesterday. He was currently standing on The rocky hills above the lake, standing down wind as to not be detected by sent. Watching the leader of the herd he longed to lead or even just be a part of play like a yearling as a mare came to join him. It looked like fun but knew if he made himself know one of two things would happen a fight or fleeing. He wasn't intrested at the moment in stealing or raiding the herd, his was no were around at the moment either. He flicked his mud knotted tail as he pawed the ground before laying down as he controntinued to watch the two play in the water below. ![]() Edited on 27/04/19 @ 19:50:27 by Hyena (#76271) |
Cervicorn [G1 Ice Ennedi] (#33076) Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-28 01:33:50 |
René | Stallion | 6 Years Old | Medicine Stallion | Mentions: Corro, Llamarada, Adira ![]() Edited on 28/04/19 @ 01:39:54 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076) |
Tiny Fox (#171066)
Renowned View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-28 10:13:48 |
Evita | Mare | Brood | Mentions: open Evita huffed as she shook her head to chase away the flies and bugs that kept attacking her face. She pawed at the group with her shiny black hoof. She was contemplating joining the lead stallion in the lake, but ultimately decided against it. She continued to keep her distance from the herd, searching for more good grazing patches, and straying farther from the other mares without realizing it. ![]() |
Slytherin clean fissure wine (#76271) Toxic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-28 14:09:03 |
Corr Stallion || Boss || 4 years ||Mentions: Breeze He continued to lay there half dazed and drowsy due to the hot sun beating down on him. He didnt hear the sound of hooves approaching. His half closed brown orbs trained on the few playing in the water. As he layed there his ear twitched constently as a fly kept bitting the same area, it was one of the spots that hadden to not be covered in the mud. It got so a irritating that he reared his head to the side and stated itching it with his back hoof. ![]() |
Polo (#96942)
Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-28 17:08:07 |
Corro | Stallion | Lead Stallion | Mentions: Cooriya, Breeze The steely stud spun around at the water splashed upon his neck, feigning anger. He playful nicker rumbled across the waves. "You dare challenge the mighty stallion?" At that, he plunged at her, mouth open in a high pitched squeal, deliberately landing to the side of her, covering them both in a mighty splash. Corro tossed his finely shaped head, aiming a playful nip at the mare's chestnut pelt. The cool water did wonders to lighten his mood, and it was delightful in the oppresive weather. He spotted Breeze, off by herself, and just as he was about to nicker for her to join them in their watery endeavors she vanished, heading up the ridge to somewhere. She didn't worry him as much as the other mares did. She could defend herself, he'd trained alongside her. He only watched her go, maybe a tad upset she didn't want to join him. Ah, well, life goes on. His attention turned once again to Cooriya as he loosed another joyous whinny, tearing past her, spraying water upon them both. Llamarada | Filly | Foal | Mentions: Adira, René The filly had slowed her trotting at her mother's voice, and seemed to physically deflate. She loved her mother to death, but she'd been hoping to antagonize someone else to play with her. Regardless, the chipper filly trotted up to her mother, pressing her forehead against Adira's spotted chest in a show of affection. She twisted her head slightly, still touching the mare, and replied in her childish voice. "No one, mama. Just someone to play with." At that moment, René approached, and mischievous glint caught in Mara's eye like flame to a forest. She detached herself from Adira and pranced to René like a small stallion, neck arched, ears pushed forward, steps high and suspended. She tossed her head and pawed, mimicking her opponent as a child does, a shameless copycat move. But she was only learning, anything to make her seem tough! A wry smile curled the corners of her mouth as she responded in a serious tone, made laughable by her attempt to speak louder than she usually did, expanding her narrow chest with more effort than typical of a little creature like her. A small hoof struck the ground once more, her short tail held straight up. "You can't beat me, little colt! A bear could walk faster than you could run!" The filly used the bear insult with the hopes she might be correct. She'd only ever viewed the lumbering creatures from a great distance, and only vaguely knew the lumbering gait so common to them. The 'little colt' jibe was one she used often, and should her combatant be female, 'colt' was simply switched to 'filly'. She's was a clever thing, when she actually used her head. She stood, ready to gallop should the stallion accept the gauntlet she had thrown. ![]() |
Sinthz (#173522)
Incredible View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-29 18:59:03 |
🍂Cooriya…Mare…Brood…3 1/2 Years…Mentions: Corro🍂 “Yes, I do challenge the mighty stallion.” Cooriya tried to splash him again, only to be splashed by a wave created from his body. Waves crashing all over her, her wet mane covering her face. After the splash, she ran a couple distances away, she shook her mane, getting them out of her face. “And I shall not lose!” She whinnied in laughter as she sprinted towards him, and right as he was in front of her. She rose up on her hind legs and slammed them down in the water creating a huge splash. She quickly ran a couple feet away, just in case he might splash back quickly. ![]() |
Cervicorn [G1 Ice Ennedi] (#33076) Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-30 15:18:21 |
René | Stallion | 6 Years Old | Medicine Stallion | Mentions: Llamarada, Adira ![]() Edited on 30/04/19 @ 15:28:10 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076) |
Polo (#96942)
Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-30 19:43:02 |
Corro | Stallion | Lead Stallion | Mentions: Cooriya, Breeze, Evita The dappled stallion kicked up his heels as he raced back to Cooriya, but the quick footed little mare beat him. She rose to her hind legs, and just as he stood to mimic her, she landed. Hard. A small typhoon engulfed Corro and he snorted in surprise. Now thoroughly soaked and very much cooled off, the steely stud trotted to his mare, those ebony lips seeking soaked strands of mane. Should she allow it, he would groom her gently, with nothing but care. No hard feelings from their play, only kindness in his herd. His session was cut off, however, by the realization that Breeze had vanished. His lifted his coal hued muzzle from Corryia's flame colored mane and looked, eyes wide and cautious, for the familiar dark coat of the mare. But his wandering gaze found Evita, straying farther from his herd as she grazed. Corro pressed his face against the flaming lass' shoulder in a sort of apology for their suddenly shortened bonding, before trotting out of the lake with light, suspended steps. Once free of the water Corro adopted his ground covering canter, not rushed, but quick enough to deliver himself to the side of his straying sheep. He nickered a greeting as he came to a slow stop, prancing to a standstill before her. His tone was soft and friendly, a kind and familiar baritone as he wished her good day. "Evita, dear, you're getting quite far away. Come back with me, the lake helps the flies." As testament to this, his steely dapples dripped water, stained darker with the liquid. The cool bath had also washed away the mud from his coat, leaving him with his natural born coat, in all its soaked glory. But his ink lined ears pricked towards Evita, mottled nostrils testing the breeze for any scent of a newcomer, or the return of Breeze. Oh, he did worry. Even though the fiery mare had proved herself far from defenseless on many occasions, it was in a stallion's nature to worry about his harem. And Corro could check that off his list with ease. Regardless, most of his attention rested upon Evita. Llamarada | Filly | Foal | Mentions: Adira, René Mara snorted at his laugh, turning in circles to watch the honey stallion surround her with his odd, somewhat endearing, hitched gait. Before she could throw another half- baked insult at the patient horse he was off. Not before his raven tail dashed across her face, though. With a surprised squeal, Mara turned to give chase, feigning anger at the daring, the audacity of this colt. But he'd circled her enough to cross her hind legs behind each other, and when she went to leap forward, hock crossed upon hock, and the little critter surged downward. But, as it is with most young things, Mara was up almost as quickly as she fell, none the worse for wear save smears of dirt upon her broad blaze. Her thin little legs pushed into motion, the bay filly motored towards René, ears back, small teeth bared as if to give him a nip. Had she been much larger, she might have passed off as a furious stallion, rising to the call to defend his herd. Now, however, she simply looked, ridiculous. She had yet to catch up with him when he looked over his shoulder. Mara pushed herself harder, determined to catch up with this horse, to gallop triumphantly as he ate her dust. He was built heavier than her, but surprisingly quick. Even with his curious gait, Mara struggled to keep up. But the ego of a child is not quite as fragile as that of an adult, and Mara suddenly spun on her hind quarters, her thin front legs spinning wildly through the air before landing on solid ground again. Then, she called out that age old term a child throws when they know they can only lose: "Reverse!" With that, she tore off, hurtling back towards Adira, tail flagging straight in the air. She was confident: he couldn't catch her now! She was so fast, no one could catch her. In fact, as she ran, she was pretty sure that the fastest horse in these mountains could catch her! Her little feet drummed out that jolly three- beat gait, her fine little head raised in victory as she headed back towards her mother. She would win after all! Of course, there was still quite some distance between her and Adira, and she hadn't checked over her shoulder to see where René ran, not trusting herself not to trip and fall. But she didn't bother with that, in her little mind there was no way he could catch up! ![]() |
Sinthz (#173522)
Incredible View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-30 21:06:31 |
🍂Cooriya…Mare…Brood…3 1/2 Years…Mentions: Corro and Evita🍂 Cooriya has enjoyed the little grooming session she had with Corro, and was slightly disappointed when he had stopped. She looked towards where he was looking and found Evita, strayed from the herd. When he pressed on her shoulder in apology, she let out a small nicker of forgiveness. She knew that all the other mares had to be treated similarly to each other. She shook her head, disappointed at herself for feeling... well... jealous! She wished he would stay longer, but again this was a polygamy, she had to respect his liking for all mares. And besides, he was concerned for her, a mare is never too safe if she’s that far away. She was happy to belong in a herd with such a caring stallion. ![]() |
Slytherin clean fissure wine (#76271) Toxic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-01 00:11:43 |
Corr Stallion || Boss || 4 years ||Mentions: Breeze Corr jumped up quickly hearing someone clear their throut. Standing too quickly this the heat had his head spinning a moment. After the spinning stoped he spun on a dime to face the mare standing behind him. He stood there his ears perked and alert as hers were down in aggression. He didnt show it but this mare was intimidating with. Blazing blue eyes. Her tall stature to his small one. But he held his head high as she spoke. "Is it?, I'm sure that down there is and this is not" he said as he jutted his head towards the pond as he said 'down' and pawed the ground when he said ' this I'd just to put emphasis on his words. "And I was just sun bathing as I needed time away from my herd" he ansered. His herd was a bit over barring sometimes being filled with nothing but testosterone, sparring was the mane activity. ![]() |
shadowsspy (#9255)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-01 17:33:24 |
Enbarr| Cold| Foal/Weanling| Mentions: Mara/Everyone Enbarr happened to be grazing on grass when he saw Mara racing this way. He still couldn't get over how tasty grass it was so different than milk but somehow it tasted even better. Feeling a little itchy and annoyed by the flies he decided to head to the pond where some others were standing. He started racing to get to the waters edge and just for fun into the pond itself to make a big wave. ![]() |