Posted by Of Mustangs and Men: Role Playing Thread

Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-04-25 12:15:59


"Ah, yes, the bold do die, but the cautious never live."

The mountains. A cruel, captivating, wondrous place. Full of life, and teeming with death. For every mother bear and her cubs, there is a carcass they are feasting on. For every mighty eagle, there are the bodies of hundreds of mice and rabbits. This world hangs in a careful balance: a balance the men might just disrupt. They are almost always heard before they are seen, encouraging their horses, talking to each other, yet they rarely return from their excursions without a wild horse in tow. Their methods are widely unknown, and once a horse is taken, it is never seen again. It is a warrior's world, where the strong rise to power by climbing upon the bodies of the weak. Will you climb, or will you succumb to fate, collapsing to become a stair for the next to follow?

The Mountains

The stony peaks are cold and cruel, but they are home. The lakes that gather beneath the towering rocks are startlingly cold in spring, but fresh from the snowy runoff. The thin, pine forests provide shade in the summer months, and shelter from storms come winter. But they are also a favorite place for mountain lions, one of the few natural predators of the mustangs. Very few creatures can live in the peaks, far above, but bears seem to abound there. The wildflowers, green grass, and sagebrush are in full bloom, painting a vibrant, colorful landscape. When the heat becomes too much, the rivers and lakes are ideal places for a dip. The thick heat of August brings vicious storms and swarms of bugs, as well as man. Stick together, and you might survive.

The Rules
1. Literate posts, please. A minimum of five sentences is accepted, though occasional writers block is understandable.
2. Do not kill/ severely injure/ breed with someone else's character without their consent
3. Absolutely no power playing or god modding
4. Respect the dice, please.
5. If you would like your mare to be pregnant, as spring has passed, just let me know. I'll roll for the chance of twins and you can either make the sheet yourself or find someone who wants to play a foal. Keep colors realistic, please.
6. Drama between characters is perfectly fine, if not encouraged, but I expect any problems between fellow role players to be worked out civilly. I will not stand for fights.
7. If you have any questions, concerns, or ideas don't hesitate to reach out, I'm always here.
8. Put headers on your posts, please. They should have your character's name, rank, and who they're interacting with, in no particular order.
9. Enjoy yourself! Lose yourself in the world of the horse.

OOC Thread
Character Sheets
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Edited on 26/04/19 @ 08:01:53 by Polopony (#96942)

MadAlpaca (#35465)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-05-27 11:15:18
Sona|Mare|Lone Mare|Mentions: Gael, Valeda, Herd

Snorting in something akin to a laugh, Sona looked at the large stallion, "You're right. You'd probably cause trouble just for fun." Tail swishing, her ears flickered and though she noted the stallion mimicking her stamp, she chose to ignore it. Her eyes on the other mare. As she waiting for a response, she took in her surroundings a bit more.

Tossing her head suddenly, she gave another snort ears perking instantly. She'd picked up the scent of another stallion. He'd moved to the outer edges of his herd. Sona took a bold step forward, body once again tense. The strange mare had sent out a call to the herd stallion, and she noted the mare was listened to, even though she was away from the herd. Watching the stallion's every movement, she then glanced toward the large dark stallion near her. It was best for all of them if they moved away from her. Weighing her options, she let her ears begin to swivel. S Head still held high and nostrils flaring, she gave the stallion close to her a look. "Sona, my name is Sona." After introducing herself with less aggression, she gave a sudden nod, "You should think about getting away from this place too." Her attitude was almost...friendly.

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shadowsspy (#9255)

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Posted on
2019-05-29 12:34:15
Enbarr| Colt| Foal/Weanling| Mentions: Everyone
He trotted after Corro and after the stallion fell back was in the middle of the herd. He couldn't see anything over the adult bodies but he knew they wouldn't lead him into any danger. He was still curious about those horses behind the fences and those 2 strangers he could smell but since the adults had decided to move on he couldn't satisfy his curiosity,

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Rappadapa [G2 Torn] (#159680)

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Posted on
2019-06-05 14:36:18

Gaël | Stallion | Loner | Mentions: Sona [D], Corro [ID]

Apologizes for the wait!

"You're right."
Gael's eyes would watch as a dappled horse would move from within the group. Their gait had an authoritative grace to it, and Gael knew all too well that this was a stallion, the leader. Rolling his eyes at the display he had seen many times before as the leader simply placed himself between the pair and the herd, the black horse would give his tail a swish. "Calm down," he grunted at the stallion who was too far to hear him. Giving his mane a shake the stallion would put weight back down on his resting leg. Gael had no interest in snaking a few of the male's harem, at least not for now. Corro's thoughts were right, a stallion is never satisfied..

Attention being brought back to the mare beside him, the stallion would raise a brow at her suggestion to leave. "Hmph, what, you mean you think he's a problem?" The brute would huff, indicating toward the leader who gave him a glare from afar. "I've never had a problem with those stallions. If anyone it's always a mare that takes teeth to me." Gael would let out a chuckle as he took a step from the mare he now knew as Sona. His eyes wouldn't return to the stallion as the herd moved on, refusing to take any challenge from the other. "Hmm, but if you wish" the male continued as he backed away from the dame, preparing to leave, "I'll go, Miss Sona." Turning on his back legs the stallion would begin to walk a few paces away from where the herd was headed before pausing. Twisting his head around Gael would add, "The name's Gael," before moving on.

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MadAlpaca (#35465)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-06-11 10:44:41
Sona|Mare|Lone Mare|Mentions: Gael, Corro
Sorry for taking so long!

The herd stallion was watching them and though he seemed to take no interest in her she was still wary. Ears swiveled forward, neck held high, taking in her surroundings. She flicked her tail as the large coal colored male introduced himself. Now knowing his name, she gave a slow nod.

As he began to move on, she followed keeping slightly close to him. "I meant you and I should move away from this area." There was a touch of mischief in her gaze, her tail flicked slowly from side to side and her ears were swiveling but the earlier tenseness seemed to be working its way out of her body. Gael held a good chance for survival, for now at least.

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