Posted by Of Mustangs and Men: Role Playing Thread

Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-04-25 12:15:59


"Ah, yes, the bold do die, but the cautious never live."

The mountains. A cruel, captivating, wondrous place. Full of life, and teeming with death. For every mother bear and her cubs, there is a carcass they are feasting on. For every mighty eagle, there are the bodies of hundreds of mice and rabbits. This world hangs in a careful balance: a balance the men might just disrupt. They are almost always heard before they are seen, encouraging their horses, talking to each other, yet they rarely return from their excursions without a wild horse in tow. Their methods are widely unknown, and once a horse is taken, it is never seen again. It is a warrior's world, where the strong rise to power by climbing upon the bodies of the weak. Will you climb, or will you succumb to fate, collapsing to become a stair for the next to follow?

The Mountains

The stony peaks are cold and cruel, but they are home. The lakes that gather beneath the towering rocks are startlingly cold in spring, but fresh from the snowy runoff. The thin, pine forests provide shade in the summer months, and shelter from storms come winter. But they are also a favorite place for mountain lions, one of the few natural predators of the mustangs. Very few creatures can live in the peaks, far above, but bears seem to abound there. The wildflowers, green grass, and sagebrush are in full bloom, painting a vibrant, colorful landscape. When the heat becomes too much, the rivers and lakes are ideal places for a dip. The thick heat of August brings vicious storms and swarms of bugs, as well as man. Stick together, and you might survive.

The Rules
1. Literate posts, please. A minimum of five sentences is accepted, though occasional writers block is understandable.
2. Do not kill/ severely injure/ breed with someone else's character without their consent
3. Absolutely no power playing or god modding
4. Respect the dice, please.
5. If you would like your mare to be pregnant, as spring has passed, just let me know. I'll roll for the chance of twins and you can either make the sheet yourself or find someone who wants to play a foal. Keep colors realistic, please.
6. Drama between characters is perfectly fine, if not encouraged, but I expect any problems between fellow role players to be worked out civilly. I will not stand for fights.
7. If you have any questions, concerns, or ideas don't hesitate to reach out, I'm always here.
8. Put headers on your posts, please. They should have your character's name, rank, and who they're interacting with, in no particular order.
9. Enjoy yourself! Lose yourself in the world of the horse.

OOC Thread
Character Sheets
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Edited on 26/04/19 @ 08:01:53 by Polopony (#96942)

Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-05-10 16:54:42
Corro | Stallion | Lead Stallion | Mentions: All

The coal and sky stud flickered an ear to acknowledge the arrival of Enbarr at his side. Always the curious colt. "I don't know, Enbarr," he rumbled, muscles taut and strained, ready to defend his herd should the need arise. "They sure look like us." The joining of Evita and eventually Cooriya gave the stallion enough confidence to trot down the hill towards the fence, head and tail raised, slender dark legs striking out with every stride. First impressions were crucial, and the young stallion had to give off the air of experience and fierceness.

A massive bay with thick legs and long hair around her hooves sent a response wavering across the tense air, and a horse with a similar coat to Corro's approached. The stallion came to a light half, neck arched, ears forward as his muscles trembled with anticipation. He listened to the old, strange smelling horse's response. Humans? What on earth were they? While the pink passages of Corro's nostrils worked desperately to decide just what this horse was, he sent forth a response, rumbling from carbon lips.

"Who are you, and what are humans?"

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Slytherin clean
fissure wine (#76271)

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Posted on
2019-05-10 17:44:19

Mare || clydsdale || 5 years ||Mentions: corro, wild herd,open

Luci stopped pacing the fence when a stallion with a stunning coat much like pebbles approached, leaning her large head down to smell him before she spoke "well I'm Luci, and this here is Pebbels nice to meet ya" she said with in her sweet but low voice " are you all okay? I saw the slide from here" she asked lookin him over along with the rest of the herd behind

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Edited on 11/05/19 @ 21:02:11 by Hyena (#76271)

shadowsspy (#9255)

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Posted on
2019-05-10 18:31:13
Enbarr| Colt| Foal/Weanling| Mentions: Everyone/Ranch Horses

Enbarr ducked his head a little embarrassed that the horses behind the fence heard his statement. He was feeling pretty brave and confident in himself by hanging out right next to Corro after all nothing could beat the lead stallion. In Enbarr's mind the adults must be invincible same with Mara after all she was crazy hyper but never seemed to lose her footing or fall. At least Corro asked the question he was thinking about what these humans were he had never heard of such a thing. He had also never seen a mare that big she was bigger than Corro and he was a stallion this made no sense.

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Rappadapa [G2 Torn] (#159680)

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Posted on
2019-05-11 21:07:39

Gaël | Stallion | Satellite | Mentions: Herd [ID]

Watching the earth slide by, Gaël would shuffle in his place. Why hadn't he gotten out of there yet? Caked with splashing mud the stallion would turn on his heels and bolt, jumping from rock to rock to try to get to flatter ground. It wasn't easy, though. The black stallion would trip and slip on places, grunting when he did so, before he finally found better footing ahead of the slide. The river of mud had gradually slowed down, but that didn't mean he was out. Watching out of his peripheral as a mud pool slid his way, Gaël cursed as he felt his hooves slip once more, "Ah sh--"

Trudging past the almost stopped mud, Gaël would grumble as his once clean pelt was now covered in mud from his slip. Tail whisking back and forth, the male horse would notice a group of equines ahead of him. Was it a herd? Tilting his head the black stallion was unsure of the bunch. He'd seemed to have gone parallel of them on the run from the slide, but hadn't noticed them until now. Looking ahead to follow their alert glances, the mustang raised a brow as the bunch moved upon a sort of fenced area. It was a type of area he had seen before, but didn't dare interact with. Snorting to himself the stallion would look down at his hooves, sighing at the mud stained from his chest to his feet. Surely there was another lone stallion to band with or a mare to take somewhere -- somewhere away from here? But where?

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Edited on 11/05/19 @ 21:07:56 by Rappadapa [Rough Ruby] (#159680)

MadAlpaca (#35465)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-05-12 20:08:32
Sona|Mare|Lone Mare|Mentions: Herd

The sliding earth startled her, and Sona found herself bolting before she could think. There was no time to wonder what was happening. Something caught on her, and she found herself going down into the mud. Luckily there were no more rocks. Shaking her head, she let out a snort. Her dark brown eyes took in the world around her, sniffing the air she found herself catching the scent of others. Slowly she stood, gingerly put weight on all of her legs. A broken anything could be a death sentence. If she kept being stupid survival would become more difficult.

Carefully she took a few more steps onto the flatter ground, she saw the herd but also were those fences??! Shying away she tried to ignore her hunger and thirst. It had been awhile since she'd stopped to graze. Maybe, she could stay in this little spot for a bit. With gusto she began to eat, still keeping an on eye the herd as well as the fenced area. Who knew when the two legged beings would rush out and take everyone again.

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Rappadapa [G2 Torn] (#159680)

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Posted on
2019-05-13 19:47:52

Gaël | Stallion | Satellite | Mentions: Sona [D]

Turning his head left, then right the stallion would let out a puff as he began to walk off. The flakes of mud would begin to slowly peel from his coat, but it wasn't much. Shaking his mane the horse would lumber towards the flat, less mud covered lands ahead. Lifting his head to the wind Gaël would flare his round nostrils subconsciously.

Another smell tainted the air. It wasn't of the herd or other tamed horses, it was that of a wild mare. Letting out a pleased nicker that his wish for a distraction came true, the stallion picked up his feet, moving in a more lively way towards the horse. It wasn't long before he made out their palomino pelt over the flat land. Pausing, Gaël thought about how he should approach the dame. Surely running right up and snaking her wouldn't do any good, he'd get a straight hoof to the face coming from this far away. Perhaps something calmer would do. Lips twitching the horse would raise a brow before he would begin to lumber towards the mare once more.

Tail swishing around his flank as he approached the other, Gaël would dramatically dip his head to the female who's eyes were trained on the grass below her. "Greetings, Lil' Lady," the stallion crooned as he gave her a small bow. "I sure hope you weren't caught in that there mudslide-" the brute said with a jerk of his head towards the way he had come- "like I did, as you can tell." Giving her a tilt of his head the stallion would give a small chuckle at the mention of the mud on his pelt, even though it hadn't seemed funny at all when he had gotten the stain.

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MadAlpaca (#35465)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-05-13 20:28:43
Sona|Mare|Lone Mare|Mentions: Gael

Flicking an ear, a sound caught her attention. Hooves. The scent of a stallion reaching her nostrils made her head swing up rather quickly. Staring straight at him, both of her ears at attention. Her body tense and eyes bright. As soon as he spoke, her tail began to swish. Though she made no other movements except to swallow the grass that was in her mouth.

HIs low dip caught her off guard, but she held her ground. Shaking her head, she raised a brow, "You're lucky I'm hungry. What do you want?" Sona would have preferred to be more aggressive, chasing him off but once again survival and the need for food made her think twice. He wasn't a skinny runt, he looked capable. Maybe...she shook the thoughts from her head and slowly took a step back. Allowing her eyes to run over his somewhat muddy coat. She had to admit his pelt though dirty didn't look half bad.

Cautiously she asked, "Where is your herd? Down there?" She swung her neck slightly to motion toward the herd.

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Edited on 17/05/19 @ 17:30:17 by MadAlpaca (Bad Beauties) (#35465)

Rappadapa [G2 Torn] (#159680)

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Posted on
2019-05-15 16:30:54

Gaël | Stallion | Loner | Mentions: Sona [D]

(Switched his role to be a loner until he meets the Boss bachelor)

Gael knew that the mare was wary of him, eyeballing his form with her round eyes as she swallowed the grass. Though, whether she was nervous or not made no difference to the stallion. Raising a brow back at her the brute chuckled. "Woah now, no need to get heated," he purred as he rose back to his height. Ears swiveling to survey the noises around them, the mustang would huff.

"Hm, me? No. I don't want anything." The horse would add. At the mention of the herd, Gael let his ears fall for a moment. "Herd?" he questioned dumbly, turning his head towards the way he had come. Eyeballing the herd the stallion would shake his head. "I'm part of no herd, madam." The accented male would say as he turned away from the mare to have a better look at the group. Why would he want to be stuck in a sweaty cluster like that with so many horses? "Oh, I'm but a bachelor all on his lonesome... for now." Gael said with a dramatic sigh before giving a grin to himself.

Turning back towards the palomino mare, the black horse tilted his head once more. "Now I don't suppose you have a herd either? Or else you'd be with them, I'd think." Shifting his weight to walk around to the other side of the dame, Gael would perk his ears. "I'd be careful out here with a temper like your's-- or one that I can only begin to guess about." The stallion chuckled softly as he stuck out his head a bit towards the female, await her responses as he rested a hind leg.

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Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2019-05-16 11:53:54

Valeda | Medicine Mare | Mentions: Herd, Sona, Gael

-- --

Valeda had yet to properly contribute to the conversations of today. Instead the leather-tinged babe sought to fade into the herd's many numbers, refusing to draw attention to herself as she dabbled in some untried experimentations. 'Pon early morning she had strayed from the familiar rankings, drifting deep into the thickening edge of the surrounding forests. This fact made clear the reason for the mare's present disposition.

Val's glorious mane no longer laid fancy-free aloft her prosperous shoulders. It sat raveled and tangled in many'a thick briars and stubborn weeds. She looked like a beast not belonging to some cherished herd life, where some many grooming sessions were often provided. No, Val was an absolute eye sore as she stood in the mist of her treasured companions!! On the occasion, adding to her strangeness, the beige-colored babe would untwist a bundle of Sagebush from her own embodiment. Said plant would undergo a drastic transformation between the mare's blunt molars before she proceeded to spread the new mixture all down her forelegs with an experienced tongue.

What. A. Wacko!!
Surely Val's peculiar technique held some reason..

Anyways, to preserve the newly applied liquids, Val refrained from joining her other comrades finding delight in the nearby water source. She instead observed with her veteran gaze. The mare's attention became skillfully divided between them and those that remained ashore too, her arrow-shaped ears executing a practiced survey of all the land surrounding them. T'was when the landslide began that Val finally got moving again though, funneling in behind the rest of her herd as they galloped away to safety. Val remained at the rear when Corro took front, instinctively claiming the role of collecting stragglers. Thankfully there were none.

Upon their stop, Val too took notice of the Equine penitentiary. The smell that lingered threatened possible danger, which quickly became her reasoning for remaining distant. After all, the mare's cloud-colored stallion was already enough of social butterfly without her assistance! Instead, Val took to observing once more.

With senses on high alert, this led the buckskin babe to discovering the existence of some new faces nearby. A Palomino mare, whom had seemed to be following for quite some time now, and a 'blacker than coal' stallion. From this distance Valeda could not determine the nature of their conversation; but nevertheless, she would offer herself a distraction for the Palomino mare should the stranger need reason to escape the bachelor's advances.

"Salutations!" she'd call out with a feminine squeal.
Regardless if Val's actions garnered a response or not, the entire herd would at least be made aware of their guests' presence.

(My posts wont always be this long, Sorry! Wanted to catch up on the events!)

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MadAlpaca (#35465)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-05-17 17:58:14
Sona|Mare|Lone Mare|Mentions: Gael, Valeda

"No need to get heated? I don't know you." Her retort held irritation but she made no move to follow-up on it except give a snort as an exclamation to her words.

A chuckle came from her, "You don't want anything? Ever?" Her ears swiveling, she gave a small stamp of her hoof. Noting his posture and responses, she continued to keep her eyes on him. "The herd down there. Don't play dumb, I don't appreciate dumb." With a proud toss of her head, she stepped to the side and then nipped his rump. "You're in my view." There was a hint of a challenge as she looked at him. Testing to see what he was made of. After her own herd had been taken she had no desire to be apart of a large herd, she'd gotten used to having her own way. There was a tilt of her head when he spoke and her body relaxed a bit, head lowering, "All on you're lonesome? No harem or spindly legged foals?" Curiosity had gotten the best of her and she took a step forward.

Huffing, she gave a shake of her head and another stamp of her hoof, "No." As he walked around her, she took another few steps forward and her ears laid back against her skull. "A-" Instead of finishing her sentence, her ears pricked forward. Looking back she gave the male a glare, "I don't have a temper." and then took a step forward to the buckskin, The swishing of her tail becoming a bit faster. Nostrils flaring, her attention went from the stallion to the newcomer. "Friend of his?"

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Edited on 18/05/19 @ 22:38:07 by MadAlpaca (Bad Beauties) (#35465)

Rappadapa [G2 Torn] (#159680)

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Posted on
2019-05-17 18:37:24

Gaël | Stallion | Loner | Mentions: Sona [D], Valeda [D]

Gael would only smirk in amusement at her responses to his words. Keeping his ears towards her the stallion couldn't help a snort passing out of his wide nostrils as she tossed her head, pointing out his brief dumbness to something he only passed by a few minutes ago. Feeling the nip on his hide the brute would raise his head, surprised by the sharp touch. Slapping the end of his bristled, and possibly matted tail at her muzzle in a subtle retaliation the onyx horse would step aside, allowing the shorter mare to have a view of the herd before he'd move on from the scene. "Bossy, aren't we?" He'd comment nonchalantly as he moved.

"Yes indeed," he hummed in response to her questions, "No harem, no foals. At least for now. Though it does seem funny to bother that herd about being near them." Gael would go on, knowing that it might make the other uncomfortable. "But a bachelor group.. maybe. Who knows?"

Now finding himself on the other side of her, the lone horse would take not of the stamping of the mare's hooves. Perhaps he was too much? Nah. Besides, even if he was he could always find a way to coax the mare out of being mad at him, surely. "No temper, hm?" Gael would purr. Raising his head away from her's at the glare the male made sure his mug was out of nipping range while a smirk plastered his lips, "I'd say that's debatable."

Looking down at the palomino the black stallion would blink at her, finally taking in her whole appearance for a moment. "Well, 'feisty,' what's--" Gael would start to ask for the mare's name but was cut off by a loud greeting. Looking over the female Gael would furrow his brows as a horse called out to them. Who was this? Not a herd horse.. he hoped in his mind. If one herd horse went tried to talk, surely they all would. Letting out a disappointed huff as the buckskin stranger took the attention off of him, Gael would lean on one hind, letting the other rest comfortably. This would be a long one. "Friend of mine? I wouldn't reckon."

(oops sorry then, thought she did)

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Edited on 18/05/19 @ 10:05:04 by Rappadapa [Rough Ruby] (#159680)

Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2019-05-18 08:37:32
(Never mentioned that Val ever trotted towards you guys. She merely called out , loudly!)

Valeda | Medicine Mare | Mentions: Herd, Sona, Gael

-- --

Whilst awaiting a response from the afar Palomino mare, the two strangers seemed to captivate Val's attention. Her wise gaze studied them carefully, with ears perked and nostrils continually quivering. Should the charcoal bachelor give any hint of ill intention, towards said Palomino or even Val's herd, .. the buckskin lady would be the first to know. She remained ever vigilant.

Finally, the Palomino's attention had been garnered. With such an uncaring greeting returned though.. t'was unknown whereas Sona was now talking to Val, or still the bachelor. Rude. A simple hello would have been more fitting! Val failed to be offered a greeting from the bachelor as well.

"Nay," she'd finally answer the Palomino, chancing the fact that the prior question had -indeed- been directed towards herself. From this point Valeda would all but abandoned her attempts to offer a save to the distant bachelorette, determining such was no longer required. If called, however, Val would not fail to respond once more.

Focus was then brought back onto the members of her beloved herd, the mare's ears sliding into a more weighted prick as she -again- accessed the ongoing situation. The nearby penitentiary gave Val some awfully uneasy vibes. So much so, that her bubbling emotion summoned a concerned sound across her lips. "We shouldn't stay," she'd nicker quietly, hoping to gain an audience.

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Edited on 18/05/19 @ 08:39:01 by Soltero (#9059)

MadAlpaca (#35465)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-05-18 22:51:25
Sona|Mare|Lone Mare|Mentions: Gael, Valeda

Jerking her head back when she felt the barest of stings from his matted and quite dirty tail, she gave a huff. But didn't reach out to nip him again. "Only to those in my way." A hint of pride filled her voice. She'd gotten what she wanted after all.

Her eyes took in the herd as well as the fenced in areas. At the memories of her own herd, her tail clamped tight, ears lowering. Remembering the stallion beside her, she went back to swishing her tail and keeping her ears swiveling in his direction. Still not sure what to make of him. At his words, she gave a small sidestep. "A bachelor group? I could see you in that. Though from our brief exchange I think you might grow bored."

Reaching her neck out, she tried to nip him again at his words but found that he'd moved just out of range. A quick stamp from her hoof and the glare she continued to give him were enough to get her irritation across. Though she found his attempts at making conversation, entertaining. Even if he was overly full of himself. Sona could believe there was a reason for it as he was not a small stallion.

Saved from answering by the other mare and hearing she was not with the stallion. She took a few more steps forward, though she made sure her rump was well out of his range. A retaliation nip was not unheard of. You are with the herd then?" Sona's ears pricked forward, her attention on the mare. "Why is it so the fences?" She knew only of the word because of what she'd heard and seen, but it still felt foreign when she used it.

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Edited on 27/05/19 @ 10:56:45 by MadAlpaca (Bad Beauties) (#35465)

Rappadapa [G2 Torn] (#159680)

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Posted on
2019-05-19 12:36:49

Gaël | Stallion | Loner | Mentions: Sona, Valeda

Raising a brow at the dame's shrinking stance, Gael would start to question her pose before the mare would bring herself back again. Dropping his brow at her words the stallion would shrug his large shoulders. "Me? Bored?" he huffed, "Never." Taking a step because despite the fact that he had already pulled his head back out of range the mustang would tap one of his own dark hooves on the ground, mimicking her irritated stamp. Tail swishing the horse would sidestep as the nameless mare turned her attention back to the distanced stranger.

Watching the palomino pace forward, Gael would stay where he was, not interested in moving just yet. He was tempted to retaliate, still feeling the dull nip on his hide, but decided against it. A kick to the chest was not what he needed. Lips pulling up in boredom as drew in the scents the stallion would look past the stranger towards the fenced area. His head tilted as he heard the word 'fences.' Is that what they were called? Ears pushing forward the lazily posed male would raise a brow questioningly, wanting to know the herd horse's response.

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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-05-20 05:45:55
Corro | Stallion | Lead Stallion | Mentions: All

The dappled beau would shrink away from the massive mare, ears pinned, a squeal barely prevented from erupting from his carbon lips. His tail gave an irritated flick, slapping Enbarr if he was too close. "We are fine, thanks." Despite giving an answer, Corro's tone was guarded and tense, as if speaking to this huge mare made him nervous. It did, but he kept his body language neutral despite taut muscles. He arched his neck as he reiterated his question from before, tangled mane spilling over his mist hued neck. "What are humans?" Spoken, the question carried the tone of a statement as opposed to an inquiry. The stallion was wary.

He turned his head to check over his herd as he waited for the response from the monstrous mare, eyes roving over each mare in turn. Eventually, those cognac eyes settled on a distant pair, upwind of him. He lifted his lip, trying to filter their scents. He caught the vague scent of a mare, and the musky, deep scent of a stallion. The cloudy Mustang departed from Enbarr's side with a warning for the colt to stay put, before coming abreast with the outer mares, and eventually leaving the herd altogether. He stood just in front of them, putting his dappled form between his harem and this stranger. Though he had a mare, Corro knew from what little experience he had gathered from his short time on his earth that a stallion was never satisfied.

Val sent a wavering call twisting through the air, prompting a sharp glare from Corro. His herd was downwind from the mysterious pair, leaving no doubt in Corro's mind that the stallion knew they were there, but he'd rather not have any more attention drawn to them. Especially with these human things close by. God only knew what they were, and Corro wasn't keen to find out. Val, despite momentarily being in his bad graces, put forth her opinion.

As a medicine mare, her words carried quite a bit of weight for young Corro, and he was quick to second the opinion. "I agree. Let's see what's left after the slide." He turned to give one more look at the Clydesdale and horse that looked so much like him, before beginning to move his mares. As was his custom, Corro walked behind his harem, eyes sharp for danger or those straying off, one keen cognac stare directed at the strangers with every stride. Wherever they would end up next was anyone's guess, but a pair of creatures, mounted atop horses, watched the herd from a distant hill. They would be sure to follow.

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