Posted by | Of Mustangs and Men: Role Playing Thread |
![]() Polo (#96942) Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-25 12:15:59 |
"Ah, yes, the bold do die, but the cautious never live." ![]() Edited on 26/04/19 @ 08:01:53 by Polopony (#96942) |
Tiny Fox (#171066)
Renowned View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-01 18:07:32 |
Evita|Mare|Brood|Mentions: Corro, Cooriya, Enbarr Evita gave Corro a loving nudge to the shoulder before turning towards the sight of the lake, moving just in time to witness Enbarr splashing the older horses. She let out a loud whinny of laughter before galloping away towards the water, wanting to join in the Colts mischief. She continued her gallop, but as soon as she got to the water, she pretty much sat down, causing the water to splash over herself and the other horses that were in the lake. Evita whinnied in laughter and happiness once again before prancing around in the water, kicking it up and flicking her tail and throwing her head back. While she was a fully grown horse, she had the heart and mind of a Philly, always wanting to play and be mischievous. She gave a somewhat smirk towards the other horses in the lake who were now fully soaked from everything that has been happening to them today. ![]() |
Sinthz (#173522)
Incredible View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-01 20:39:11 |
🍂Cooriya…Mare…Brood…3 1/2 Years…Mentions:Corro, Enbarr, Evita🍂 Cooriya was watching Corro be nice to Evita, until a young little colt ran towards and made a splash quite big for his age. "My my! For a young colt, you seem to be as strong as a lead stallion!" She chuckled as his efforts, of course, she wasn't as impressed as she sounded inside. But she loved colts and fillies, it just makes her so happy when they play around and have their own fun. She was enjoying the nice cool water, until an even bigger wave splashed her. Surprised, she shook her mane off her face and saw that it was Evita that made the huge splash. She whinnied just before she started stomping and bucking around to splash her back. Nickering in enjoyment, she kept playing with them. ![]() |
shadowsspy (#9255)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-02 00:20:01 |
Enbarr| Cold| Foal/Weanling| Mentions: Evita/Cooriya Enbarr looked towards Cooriya, giggling he said "Thanks, i hope i get to be as big as him though". He was super impressed by his wave and it was even funner that Evita made a splash after him. It was such a big wave and it looked super cool and all the other adults looked funny when wet. He was still standing in the pond but the pests weren't bothering him anymore plus the water was nice and cool in the heat. Bonus was that it was getting his white sections all nice and clean again he loved being dirty but he also really liked how his coat looked when it was clean. ![]() |
Polo (#96942)
Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-06 13:00:25 |
Corro | Stallion | Lead Stallion | Mentions: Evita, Cooryia, Enbarr The dappled grey let loose with a joyous grin as Evita turned back to the lake. He tore after her, tail high, neck arched, vibrant squeals piercing the air. The splash from Enbarr just missed Corro, but he was nailed by Evita's. He gave a snort, leaning back on his haunches and lifting his forelegs in a playful rear. He kept them tucked close to his chest, not willing to hurt anyone, but instigating a game regardless. His long, unkempt mane was soaked and tangled, and slapped against his neck and he came down with a splash. He tore past Enbarr, snaking out his head to give the colt a playful, harmless nip on the rump. A little pinch that said, 'tag! Betcha can't catch me!' At that he was off, tearing through the shallow water, checking over his shoulder to see if the colt had given chase. He came to a grinding halt a few yards away from his mares and that playful colt, dropping to his haunches and sliding to a stop. He then spun around, but one of his ears flickered, and his joyful demeanor evaporated. A rumbling sound reached him, a noise he had not yet heard before. The stallion dropped his head and noticed small ripples in the water. And their source was certainly not him, as the dappled sky hewn horse had stopped his motion long enough for any of his water based discrepancies to vanish. How strange... EVENTA landslide has begun its race down the mountain, thundering closer and closer towards the herd of horses. ![]() |
shadowsspy (#9255)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-06 13:08:25 |
Enbarr| Colt| Foal/Weanling| Mentions: Corro Enbarr let out a offended squeal at that nip and immediately took off to chase Corro. He was pumping his legs as fast as he could go but not exactly paying attention to what was in his way. He was too busy focused on catching up with Corro that he nearly overshot the stallion who had stopped suddenly. Putting the brakes on he stumbled a little and seeing that he hadn't overshot by too much he trotted over. "Whats going on and why did you stop?" he demanded a answer from Corro only to jump and inch closer to him "Whats the rumbling noise?". ![]() |
Tiny Fox (#171066)
Renowned View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-06 17:50:22 |
Evita | Mare | Brood | Mentions: open Evita was very happy, but took a break to ease her dry throat by leaning her head down to take long, slow gulps of water that quenched her thirst quickly. While she took her time to drink, she heard a low rumble as she looked at the water that began to move on it's own. She looked up and towards the mountainside where the noise seemed to be coming from. Her dark brown eyes seemed to buldge out of her skull at the sight. This was all too familiar. This was what had killed her mother. "Landslide!" Evita whinnied out in fear as she began to panic, splashing around in the water to alert the rest of the herd as she kicked and reared. Water flew around her frantic hoof steps as she threw her head around, unintentionally cascading the horses nearby with droplets of almost icy cold water ![]() |
Slytherin clean fissure wine (#76271) Toxic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-07 11:16:50 |
Corr Stallion || Boss || 4 years ||Mentions: Breeze,open As he finished talking he felt an all to familiar rumble in the ground. Throwing he head back to look behind him he saw the unmistakable dustcloud and sound of a rockslide. With out thinking about it his leaders persona came threw, even knowing this mare was not in his herd. "We have to move, NOW" Core said as well as he pushed into this mare.urging her to turn and run. ![]() |
Rappadapa [G2 Torn] (#159680)
Angelic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-07 21:00:05 |
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Sinthz (#173522)
Incredible View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-08 20:57:26 |
🍂Cooriya…Mare…Brood…3 1/2 Years…Mentions: Corro, Evita, Enbarr🍂 “LANDSLIDE!! EVERYONE MOVE!!” Cooriya was easily scared, but she snaps back to normal soon. She looks around at her surroundings. The young colt was still and the mare was panicky. She nudged the rump of Enbarr, rushing him to run away from the dangerous land slide. Also she nudged Evita, signaling her to start running. She didn’t mind much about Corro, she knew he was more than capable of escaping. She let out one loud huge neigh of warning before taking off to head to safety. ![]() |
shadowsspy (#9255)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-08 21:21:31 |
Enbarr| Colt| Foal/Weanling| Mentions: Corro/Cooriya/Everyone Enbarr tossed his head a little he was scared but he would listen to the adults. He started forward a little hesitant and slow but gained courage and speed seeing that he wasn't alone in running. Now full out running he was making sure he was on the heels of Cooriya he didnt wanna get left behind accidentally. ![]() |
Polo (#96942)
Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-09 17:33:47 |
Corro | Stallion | Lead Stallion | Mentions: All The dappled stud watched the rocks thundering towards them, making the ground beneath his hooves trembled. He spun around to perform a rapid headcount, and a wave of pride washed through him as he saw Cooriyia take initiative. This deed would not go unnoticed, and not unannounced. But for now: more pressing matters. Corro cantered behind his herd, gently pushing rumps if a horse fell behind, offering encouragement when needed. Gradually, the rumbling faded, and Corro trotted from the back to the head of his herd. He offered a special smile for Cooriya, showing his appreciation. The smallest inkling of an idea had formed in his dished head, but he would leave that for later. Instead, he passed each of his small herd to stand before them, and look ahead. With his tail slightly raised, the coal and cloud hued stallion took in the strange sight unwinding beneath them. Straight lines of strange trees divided the land into sections, and in those sections were animals. Were they horses? Yes, a quick test of the wind revealed these fenced- in beasts to be fellow equines. But why were they in a fence? Corro let loose a curious whinny, the high pitched sound cutting across the open field. Some of the horses raised their heads, a few responded, most continued grazing. NOW OPEN:Spots for tamed horses. More info on OOC thread ![]() |
shadowsspy (#9255)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-09 18:25:48 |
Enbarr| Colt| Foal/Weanling| Mentions: Corro Enbarr sidled up beside Coroo curious about those animals. "Those can't be horses they're behind that fencing and not free" he piped up with all the confidence of a child who was sure he was right. He dropped his head to start grazing the delicious yummy grass. He had decided that grass was the best food ever, although he hadn't ate anything but grass, it didnt matter grass was the best. ![]() |
Tiny Fox (#171066)
Renowned View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-09 19:27:06 |
Evita | Mare | Brood | mentions: Corro Evita trotted around, still feeling nervous as she weaved in and out between the other members of the herd. She threw her head about to get a good look at everyone as she suddenly stopped beside Corro to look down upon the horses in the fences. "Who are they?" Evita asked, more to herself than anyone as she pawed at the ground slightly, almost anxiously. She trusted the herd because she had known a lot of these horses for many seasons, but she also had issues trusting anyone that she first meets. She was very wary of these new horses. ![]() |
Slytherin clean fissure wine (#76271) Toxic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-10 14:39:40 |
Luci Mare || clydsdale || 5 years ||Mentions: wild herd,open Luci, was out in pasture as she grazed feeling the heat of the sun beat down on her. She threw her head up curiously and the sound of thundering hooves and rocks that seemed closer then usual. Being the curious horse she was she trotted towards the fence line that just cut her off from the open field s and mountains. She pased as she looked for where the horses she could hear were. Once she spotted them and hearing one call out she awnsered. Back with a winny and huff of her own. ![]() |
Sinthz (#173522)
Incredible View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-10 16:20:50 |
🍁Pebbles~Stallion~Tamed Horse~18 Years 8 Months~Mentions: Wild Herd, Enbarr🍁 Pebbles stared at the wild herd that trotted close to their ranch. Even though he was a good horse like the others, he knew that he should keep his distance. Many years of being in a ranch taught him that wild horses are a little bit defensive and more rowdy than tamed geldings. He saw a young colt, questioning the ranch horses’ identities. Knowing that a uninvited meet up can be a little intimidating, he let out a whinny back to the lead stallion of the herd. Though he learned about their behavior, he walked up to the young colt behind the fence. Hopefully his answers can help other horses be less confused. “Indeed, we are all horses young one. There are many mares, stallions, and foals in this ranch. We are horses who live by humans and let them enjoy our company.” 🍂Cooriya…Mare…Brood…3 1/2 Years…Mentions: Corro, Ranch Horses🍂 Cooriya stood by Corro as the herd watched the other horses roam around the fenced in area. She was extremely confused, the fences didn’t look that high and they didn’t look like they were suffering in a confined area. She saw a stallion walk towards them and talk to them. He looks pretty old yet still very healthy even with the signs of aging. Another thing that confused her is that she recognized that the horse was a stallion, but he didn’t give off the dominating scent of hormones like Corro did. ![]() |