Posted by Contagion [Wolf RP, CLOSED]

cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)

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Posted on
2019-06-01 01:39:11

OOC Chat!
Shipping page!4-46498_displaying-17-gallery-image-for-victorian-line-divider-horizontal-line-divider-png.pngContagion

the communication of disease from one person to another by close contact.

This image is a free to use clipart.

It's kill or be killed.
No one knows where it came from. No one knows how to defeat the virus.
No one is sure how to contract it.
All they knew is that a nameless disease has risen, wiping out half of the population of wolves, or maybe even other creatures. The forest is heavy with defeat and the ground is splattered with blood, although you are not sure if it is your own or another's.
After the mysterious disappearance of the virus and all it's traces, the pack of Contagion, one that once were notoriously known as the cold-hearted killers of the diseased, has been in a state of serenity.
That is, until the sovereign discovers a remaining diseased wolf on their territory. Much like what happened several seasons before, the forest is in peril- For the virus that took many lives is back, and each canine watches as their freedom and their will to live on crumbles away from them.
You. They protected you.
You joined the ranks of the pack when the disease had calmed, and now it is back. As each second ticks by, the disease worsens until you could no longer scent the normal forest odor, but rather, the scent of the virus.
Question is, would you be able to protect the ones you love, all the while stepping closer and closer to the cure? Or will you succumb to the plague that haunts the very place you call home?

[AKA The rules]
➵No arguing or fighting, please, unless it is part of the roleplay. But if not, either cut that off, take it to PMs or you will be forced to be suspended from the rp for a day or two.

➵Absolutely NO sexual or suggestive content, however innuendo is fine. Make it fade to black, take to PMs or offsite. Even then, make sure you are of age to roleplay in such a manner.

➵All LD roleplaying rules apply.

➵If your character will kill another roleplayer's character, make sure to ask permission first, and please do not be a power player. If fights in roleplay happen, I will use a wheel to determine who wins to make it fair.

➵This is not a rule but please dont let romance develop overnight, unless it is an established relationship from the start. Romance takes time. If you would like to have pups with another roleplayer's character, make sure to ask permission!

➵You must be semi-literate or literate to join. Minor grammar mistakes are fine and understandable, but do practice it.

➵No unrealistic colors for your character's pelt, or having a mary sue/gary sue as a character. Keep it realistic.

More rules to be added so check daily.
The Virus
The disease is simply referred to 'The Disease', for it has no name. The plague had started years ago, affecting the whole forest in which the roleplay will be located. Packs have been torn apart and various wolves were either killed by the infected, or infected themselves. Thanks to the previous Infiltrators, the pack of Contagion has reported on the most common symptoms of the infected.

1. Their scents change. Although, if you get a good whiff of the stench, a diseased's scent has the faintest trace of their original fragrance, but mainly overpowered by a sickening smell of decomposing corpses of mice.

2. Foam. The white, bubbling liquid oozes out from their victim's mouth instead of normal saliva.

3. Bloodshot eyes, or in the further stages of the disease if an infected manages to survive that long, blood from the eyes. The crimson liquid comes from their eye sockets, and this symptom generally appears a day or two before the victim succumbs to death.

4. The most recently discovered symptom, obviously death. The victim will suddenly go into a delirious, insensible state, and will kill anything in it's vision. The victim will attempt to kill, but this stage will make them freeze and convulse for a few seconds, before dying.

List of rankings you can apply for in the character sheets thread.

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Edited on 10/11/20 @ 09:45:09 by Eri (#166237)

pekoyama (#175041)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-06-07 21:15:31

aka | female | forebearer

location ; outside the forebearer den| mentions ; magnus (directly), yifan, kismet, fell, aldair. (indirectly).

fruitful hums escaped as she twisted a couple of stems together, begining to make another trinket. gingerly pressing her paw down against the stems as she held the handmade twine in hee teeth, lacing the stems together before pulling on the twine harshly. ensuring security between each stem. her white ears flicked at the sound of paw steps. she averted her eyes carefully towards the infiltrator. squinting ti avoid the sun blinding her momentarily. "magnus-san, you go where is warm." she commented, but her comment was discarded as she was asked on what she was doing. he understood her name, as well as a few bits and pieces of his words. aka lowered her small white head down to look at the flowers, nearly forgetting what she was doing. "ah, flowers. you wear flowers. they for yifan-sama, kismet-sama, fell-sama. they look sad. sickness give them sad. flowers give them life. I make ichi for aldair-san and tempest-san. you want flowers?" though her english was broken, she was still able to grab a hold on some words she's overheard. she hoped she used some of the words properly. aka craned her head down to grab a couple of flowers, orange and a pastel purple, lining the two beside the intertwined ones as she began to twist the stems with her teeth. slow and attentive with the flowers. aka was always such a tender and softhearted wolf, but her mindset will get her killed in such a world as this. the wilderness wasn't kind, especially with her genetics. believing that you could always solve fights without war, especially among each other. it was a horrible world, aka realized this before, but she still wanted to hold on some sort of hope. hope that there is a better way than to go to war, hoping that someone outside of the pack finds out about the disease. she only hoped that there was help over the camp walls. aka let a deep sigh escape before twisting the twine with the other two flowers, "A squirrel rocks the cradle by its rope sleep, sleep, sleep, child." she sung out quietly to herself, of course in her native language. aka hoped that none of the flower petals would've blown away by the chilly winds, her white paws pressing down on the stems as she reached for more flowers to start the same thing she did before. at least she was the most relaxed among the few anxious wolves.

luciel | female | herbalist

location ; outside the herbalist den| mentions ; kismet, khalida (directly), arthur (indirectly).

a soft hum escaped as she peered her head around the den corner, seeing arthur finally disappear. leaving the stick with the leaf on the ground, she picked the stick up along with the leaf, scrunching her dark nose up at the scent. "oh damn, that's strong." she murmured, carrying it into the herbalist den. she carefully began to dig into the earth to form a new cubby for the rabbit dung. maybe this could help with arthur's flea infection, or she could use it on some poor wolf's nest. both were very good options. she placed the rabbit dung down into it's cubby. letting the stick fall with it too. the ginger and white wolf covered some of the dung with dirt to not let the smell cause some of the herbs to be undesirable. her ears flicked upward though at the flirtious voice of khalida, turning on the heels of her paws to poke her head out to observe what was happening outside. luciel let out an amused laugh as she stepped out to let her beetle crawl up on her leg to rest on the square of her shoulders. stomping her ginger paws to sprint towards the three, smiling before cheering out, "go khalida! warm that frozen heart!" she let out a laugh before she ran off, the beetle holding tightly on her ginger fur as she ran towards the reaper den, squeezing behind it to reveal a small training area. she knew it was the last day of her beetle staying, wanting to release the thing before the disease got any closer. "I put a lil leaf at the end. making sure you're fit enough for the wicked and wild world!" she whispered to the beetle as she felt it crawl down her left front leg. hovering her paw over a twig as she let the red and white beetle cling onto it, watching it carefully climb across the twig, hanging upside down with confidence. luciel let a smile curve as she let quiet cheers for the beetle.

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cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)

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Posted on
2019-06-08 00:22:29


Yifan|M|Sovereign|Mentions: Tarkik

He had barely gotten any sleep. The dark-furred male stared at the wall of his cave blankly, a shelter for the sovereign to slowly gather his thoughts in.
It's back. It's back. They're going to die, Yifan. A nagging voice much like his own wailed in his head repeatedly like a backwards orchestra of random instruments- Displeasing to hear. The male flexed his unconsciously sheathed claws, raking the jagged ivory tools over the bleak ground he could barely see in a morning as early as this one, creating a piercing, shrieking sound that seemed to block out the voice crying in his head.
"Enough." Yifan muttered gruffly, shaking his broad head in an attempt to clear the thoughts, but it only worsened as more and more theories and guesses on what will happen in the future clouded his mind. He was growling now, thinking about the orders he had so suddenly brought upon a reluctant infiltrator, an ill herbalist and a nervous, jittery excuse of a wolf.
Was he unfair? He had no choice, at least, that was what he told himself.
Maybe he should simply call it off and get a breath of fresh air other than the sad, humid wind that occasionally rattled the pebbles scattered across his cave's ground.
Yifan shut his eyes so harshly until spots of light appeared in his vision once he opened the golden orbs again before getting up to his paws.
Yeah, he had to think of some other way... Perhaps he could discuss it with the proxies?
He felt guilt gnaw on his heart at the thought alone, all the while trotting to the outside.
They were inexperienced, and he had plucked those names out of nowhere as he was terrified at the prospect of a pack without a leader, which could bring chaos.
The gentle rustling of the trees overhead and the soft chatter of wolves made his ears twitch, instinctively turning to look as birds flocked and flew into a neat line over the swaying leaves, squawking their chilling calls.
That, Yifan decided, was not a good sign. He was prepared to head on over to the barren slope that loomed over the campsite to attempt to make an announcement and enforce the rules he had previously brought back but was interrupted by a smaller canine. The sovereign cranked a head to Tarkik's voice's direction, but was met with a plethora of fallen leaves that draped themselves over his coat. Blinking, his eyes met with the anxiety-ridden gaze of the long-legged herbalist and thought how ridiculous he, the sovereign himself, looked with the green and brown items entangled in his thick, soot-like pelt. Despite the itching urge to simply shake them off then and there, he knew it made him look more ridiculous, and so he stuck with remaining a stoic face and a professional, composed tone. Yifan dipped his head respectfully.
"About the mission?" He echoed softly, regarding the herbalist with narrowed yet somehow more friendly pupils. Although he wished to snap at him for interrupting his duties, something told him to swallow the harsh words. "If you wish to discuss this matter," The sovereign continued, scanning their packed surroundings. "It will have to be private. Do you wish for the conversation to be taken to my den or to a more... Comfortable spot?" His shifting stare settled almost fondly on the herbalist, as though he were conversing with a pup.

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Edited on 08/06/19 @ 03:33:20 by Loey {Anubis} (#166237)

❝Orion❞ (#172490)

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Posted on
2019-06-08 08:05:38

 ⇽ 𝔸𝕃𝕕𝕒𝕚𝕣 ⇾
Combatant/F/camp entrance/ Yifan (indirectly)


Aldair sat by the entrance, her tail swishing back and forth in the wind. Her mind was trailing off to the plan in her mind, and she narrowed her eyes. Could this plan work? Would it even be possible?

She shook her head. She shouldn't be thinking about that! But when the sovereign appeared her claws dug into the ground. She felt some despite towards him, like venom in her heart she wanted to shoot it at him. This hate was because of not trusting him, well maybe it was, but she felt the rage she had felt the day before seeming to grab her heart in it's shadowy dark hands and for some reason she didn't stop it. She welcomed it.

Her claws dug deeper into the ground, soil now tainting her white claws. She wanted to just tell him that this wasn't the way to save the pack. This was wrong!

The hands around her heart tightened, her eyes hiding the rage in them but her gaze was still cold. She snorted, huffing when she noticed her awfully dirty claws. She shook her claws one by one, watching as the dirt slowly flaked off. They weren't dirty anymore but something seemed to stain not just her claws but her whole body and it was the prickly thorns of detest.

She shook her head, surprised at her fuming rage. ``Snap out of it Alddy.`` She breathed out to herself, sighing as she stared at the ground in front of her.

Even though she seemed calm, rage still flowed in her veins and she had to close her eyes tightly to stop them from giving a death glare at her sovereign.

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Edited on 10/06/19 @ 08:42:35 by ❝Orion❞ (#172490)


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Posted on
2019-06-08 08:33:54

Combatant|F|Camp|Direct (Adair)|

Dove glanced at camp, her gaze on her associates, she pondered for abit, before trudging through camp, she was listening to the chatter of her pack mates as she walked around. She settled into the Combatant den, her gaze looked around camp once more

After her rest, she awoken and walked towards Adair, she looked at her, smiling

“Greetings Adair” Dove smiled, she looked at the fellow combatant with a cheerful grin

She sat down, looking at her mismatched eyes, looking at her with her pure black eyes

(Sorry if short)

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strwberrie (#93848)

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Posted on
2019-06-08 11:01:33
Enyo|F|Combatant|Mentions: Aspen (direct) Aka, Magnus (Indirect)

Enyo had only gone a few paces when she heard an excited pattering of paws slamming into the ground behind her and before even fully reaching her, Aspen gave his answer. The rugged wolf felt a small smirk tug at her lips which she quickly composed before facing the smaller wolf "Good, now I need to prepare and attend to some other matters, we meet tomorrow at sunrise by the rock. Make sure you sleep well tonight Aspen" her raspy voice was cool in tone and she headed off allowing the youth time to prepare for training.

Enyo did want to set out and find a proper clearing to help Aspen properly train, but before that she headed towards the forebearer's den, having not seen the pups or Aka since before the insanity of yesterday. As the she-wolf approached, she noticed Magnus by Aka and quickly averted her gaze and switched directions. Not before a young pup caught her and happily called out a greeting, to which she offered a quick lopsided grin before hurrying off, hoping Magnus didn't ask or at least that Aka wouldn't answer. She ruffled her thick neck fur in embarrassment before heading out of camp. She knew she wasn't supposed to go alone right now, but she wasn't going far and didn't want to explain why she was helping Aspen to someone who would ask a million questions. Her paws hit the ground silently as she carefully avoided the twigs and debris of the forest floor, Enyo although large and imposing knew how to be light on her feet and often challenged herself to be silent. She wandered out further until she found the clearing she had been looking for. 'Perfect' she thought to herself, her whiskers twitching in satisfaction at her find.

The clearing was near a creek, surrounded by trees swooped over in age yet still strong enough to support weight. Enyo padded over to one of these trees and leaped up, digging her ink black claws into the bark. She began to climb up further, before leaping to another tree. She chuckled to herself thinking how odd the sight must be, a wolf in a tree! When Enyo was just a pup, her father introduced tree climbing into her already strict regime, being a she-wolf meant she just wan't built the same way as the male pups who were already gaining muscle faster than she could keep up. Tree-climbing offered a way to build more muscle, endurance, and strength and she practiced the skill whenever she could. She obviously wasn't amazing, and looked a little awkward sometimes but she felt confident enough to pass on her skills to Aspen and these trees were perfect for a beginner, a little sloped over making the climb up less difficult and not too high up. Enyo leaped down, landing evenly and began the trek home, satisfied with her find and eager to finally have someone to spar with.

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Edited on 08/06/19 @ 11:03:48 by Ginger (#93848)

Mire | G1 Subtle
Supernal 3R (#51844)

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Posted on
2019-06-08 16:19:35

Khalida | 21 Years Old | Female | Combatant
Location: Camp | Mentions: Kismet, Aldair, Luciel, Dove

As a rule, Khalida did not smirk — she was too dignified for that. However, she allowed herself a satisfied gleam in her amber gaze and a minuscule upturn to her lips, because damn, she was good. Although, admittedly, she didn't expect it at first, she sure as hell wasn't going to back down now. If she could get that reaction with only a gentle caress and sultry nothings, then they were both screwed (figuratively, and perhaps literally, if things progressed far enough), because fuck, how could she resist?

Turning to Aldair at her exclamation, she noted the heavily amused air surrounding the brown and black combatant, though without any provocation, it quickly dwindled into sadness. Loneliness, maybe? Either way, much to her hidden, vindictive satisfaction, it stopped the laughter. Khalida wasn't sure if the female was laughing at Kismet or her, but it was, well, embarrassing nonetheless. She never took kindly to being embarrassed. (Whoops.)

Her ears twitched as a bark from Luciel, the flame-colored herbalist, permeated the air. Oh, please, she could keep her warm, alright. How many wolves saw their little display, anyway?

Khalida turned to the camp's entrance, noticing Aldair conversing with a gray and white — Dove, was it? — lass. Kismet was still in her original position, serene as always. Impressive, considering she had been but a flustered, ravishing mess but a few moments ago. How did she do it? A... mask, perhaps? A queen who knew how to manipulate the crowd to her advantage...

She began moving forward, one paw in front of the other, steps unhurried. A sway to her hips, a fluidity to her shoulders, Khalida advanced in all but a glide. She turned her head over her shoulder, giving a slow, deliberate blink to the white and cream female, an upturn to her maw, heavy-lidded eyes watching.

"Yes, let us depart."

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Folklore (#139547)

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Posted on
2019-06-08 18:23:29

Kismet | 20 Years | Female | Proxy | White and Cream Pelt
Location: Camp | Mentions: [Direct] Khalida, Aldair, Dove, Luciel [Indirect]

Kismet lifted her head just a tad, to fight the burn that crackled like embers beneath her cream and white pelt that only burned brighter with Aldair’s smirk and secret look tossed at her. She narrowed her eerie eyes, letting the golden light of morning turn them into molten amber, her tail flicking just enough to show her annoyance. Nothing was going on, per say, she just simply had her eyes on the female for a while. Perhaps the only reason Khalida was even sparing her a glance was because of her new rank. The thought soothed some of the fire burning under her pelt, settling it with a fresh burst of ice into her veins.

Still, the serpentine female stood with confidence, and tossed Luciel a slight smile, though if one took a closer look, it looked more like the baring of teeth. Frozen heart, hm? She doubted it was frozen, but did it appear to be? She knew she had a strong mask, and it rarely shattered as it had just now, but… frozen? She didn’t let the wording bother her. Luciel was known for her strangeness, so she would refuse to dwell on it.

She offered Dove a testy smile when they joined her but her attention quickly went to Khalida as she began to move ahead of her in a spectral-like glide of paws, and the tempting sweep of her hips before tossing her a heavy-lidded look. Kismet’s nails dug into the earth, creating crescents as a different heat swept over her as she took in what she assumed was something similar to a come-hither look.

Kismet’s nares flared, her eyes returning to a smokey, doe-eyed appearance as she let her tongue graze her jowls slowly, lewdly, as if it were a promise for she could do. Lower. She moved towards Khalida, sporting a similar elegant stroll, unbothered, unhurried, and breezed past the female with a slight brush of her tail against the soft column of her throat, caressing with the phantom touch she could still feel across her hocks. “Yes, let’s. I’m getting bored.”

Her voice was soft and as feather-light as her touch, pleasant and queenly, but teasing all the same. Her eyes remained on the terrain ahead of her, not even allowing herself the tender lift of her usual smiles. I can play the game too, Khalida. Even if it’s just a little bit.

Tempest | 20 Years | Female | Combatant | Off-White, Gray, Brown Pelt
Location: Camp | Mentions: [Direct] Maculoses [Indirect] Tarkik, Baekhyun

Tempest could scent Tarkik’s familiar herbal scent heading away from the den, causing her head to droop a tad, though to anyone else it would appear that she was tired from carrying two plump hares by their feet. They hung limply, nearly brushing the ground. Sighing, she moved to find Mac, reluctantly. She did not want to see the great healer in pain. She had done her best to simply act as if all was well with the lass, but the strong flowers Mac used could only keep Tempest away for so long. She doubted the female even knew about her aversion to most floral scents as they caused a pounding sensation to begin behind her eyes.

Tempest moved as silently as her bulk could manage, which was quite a bit, which surprised quite a bit of wolves throughout her life. She followed the strong floral aroma, with an undertone of sickness, and found Mac with Baekhyun. The strange lad seemed to be struggling with the herbalists name. Her velveteen ears flicked as she took in the situation. She walked closer, her steps becoming audible as to not give the lass a shock when she settled down near her. Tempest’s eyes scoured over Mac, not a hint of pity in her eyes. If she was in this condition, she wouldn’t want pity, she’d want freedom to do as she wished. Again, she felt that burning anger towards Yifan.

She slowly laid out the hare that she had hunted for her and gently nosed her, the action seeming strange for someone so rough and cold. “Mac, I got you a hare,” she said, stating the obvious. “Is there something you need?” She lifted her head to peer into Maculoses’ eyes, to show her that she wasn’t asking out of pity or guilt. Tempest had wordlessly offered her protection and her able body to the whims of the herbalists once she had joined, and she wasn’t about to throw that away for simply hoping that she wouldn’t take it for some pathetic attempt at situational charity.

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Edited on 08/06/19 @ 18:28:25 by ♛LADYSEER♛ (#139547)

ZABA (#53989)

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Posted on
2019-06-08 22:01:40

Clove | Loner | Forest | Mentions: Open

How can you miss something you've never known? Is it not the Gods' greatest punishment to curse the tongue with a hunger for something it has never tasted? His stomach had been rumbling for days, and yet he could find no morsel to satisfy his hunger. He hadn't been full since he entered the forest and wondered if he ever would again. Clove could feel his ribcage expand and contract with each shaky breath. It took all of his willpower, every conscious effort, just to keep himself on his feet.

His unkempt fur caught on all sorts of bur plants as he trudged through the thickening woods, spindly legs dragging across the dusty earth. Clove had been trapped in the forest like an ant in amber for what seemed like years, never ceasing his struggle against whatever deity decided that this day would be his last this time.

If he wasn't a blink of an eye away from dying of starvation, perhaps Clove would have stopped to drink in the putrid hellhole of a forest that was left. Here, the birds would rather sing songs of mourning than greet the day with cheerful chirps. Could he even blame them?

No, this was not a place for singing. Here, whatever words came out of his mouth turned to dust and ash before they could even hit the air. Chicks died in the egg and just surviving was a miracle. He didn't blame the birds for such a somber mood in such a place. He wouldn't dare.

Where was he going? Perhaps he should figure out what lies a few feet in front of him before he explored the unknown. Clove's vision wobbled and shook as he continued to weave through the ancient trees.

Don't stop. Don't slow down.

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Edited on 08/06/19 @ 22:09:51 by ZABA (#53989)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-06-09 00:26:59

Tarkik | 20 Years Old | Genderfluid | Herbalist
Location: Camp | Mentions: Yifan (Directly) / Magnus, Tempest, Maculoses (Indirectly)

A lump formed in Tarkik's throat once Yifan's narrowed eyes settled on his face, momentarily rendering him speechless. Shocking warmth glittered within the depths of his amber irises, and Tarkik found himself entranced by the unexpected tenderness in the Sovereign's gaze. Approaching Yifan with the expectation of a scathing retort or harsh reprimanding, he found himself lost for words far longer than he would have liked. 'Get it together, this is important!' Feeling the imaginary mass lodged in his esophagus begin to fade, Tarkik cleared his throat and forced forth words, barely managing to subdue his tendency to stutter.

"Whichever you prefer is fine," he answered, wishing more than anything to get this conversation over with quickly before he lost his nerve. Waiting on the darker male to lead him wherever he saw fit, once they were situated Tarkik rested on his haunches, crooked tail stirring up motes of dust as it gave a twitch every few seconds, a nervous tic. Noticing for the first time the leaves that tangled in Yifan's thick pelt, he might have found the sight amusing on anyone else, but his Sovereign's stoic face kept him from commenting on the state of his appearance. He must not look much better, Tarkik reflected, bits of moss and grass still clinging to his silver coat.

"Before we begin, I want to assure you I haven't changed my mind. If we wish to survive, we'll need to take some risks," Tarkik started, hesitating as he considered how he wanted to phrase the rest of his speech before continuing. "However...I believe that risk should be a choice and one that's only taken by those fit for it. I don't mean to undermine your decisions, but I'm worried about involving Magnus and Maculoses. Mac is getting sicker with every passing day. I fear it will only get worse once we've left and progress to a point past helping her without compromising the mission. I...I know she wants to help, but I feel she is better off staying here with the pack," he rambled, his voice weakening despite his convictions.

"As for Magnus, I understand he has the experience, but he doesn't believe in this journey. I fear forcing him will only breed resentment, toward you and toward me. Let Tempest come with me. She volunteered. She's strong and capable," he pleaded, meeting Yifan's gaze with hopeful, beseeching eyes.

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Edited on 09/06/19 @ 00:27:18 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)

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Posted on
2019-06-09 01:12:08


Yifan|M|Sovereign|Mentions: Tarkik, (Indirectly) Mac, (Indirectly) Magnus, (Indirectly) Tempest, (Indirectly) Echo

Yifan headed wordlessly towards the path to his cave before unexpectedly veering to the side and towards a small, secluded spot- A clearing among the mass of shrubbery and puffed, thorny bushes threatening to make at least one of them stuck. He easily leaped over the plants, all the while carefully listening to the hesitant words of the male trailing after him. As he felt his pawpads land on the soft undergrowth, crumpling a few plant roots beneath the heavy weight of his body, the sovereign opened his mouth to speak. "Tarkik, I understand how you feel and worry about the others," His voice remained infuriatingly calm and indifferent, as though he was not affected by the pleading undertone of Tarkik's reasons. He flicked a tail to beckon the other to sit down across from his own placement, on an especially tender spot of the slightly muddy undergrowth which served as a sort of seat. "But I have my own reasons to why I chose those two. About Magnus, he doesn't know what he's capable of. He fears for failure, and that is a weakness of his that must be ridden of, through a cruel way or not. He is an infiltrator, someone who specializes in stealth, which is especially useful as I am sure that all of you know not to face a diseased head on in case they go into one of their..." His voice dwindled before picking up again, albeit more quiet, like he was telling a secret to a long-time friend. "...bloodthirsty frenzies."
Yifan sighed, curling a bushy tail elegantly around his forepaws as he lifted his head higher, seeming not to show weakness and instead, confidence. The male looked like a member of royalty there and then, the stance of a king who knew what he was doing, but the uncomfortable glint in his eyes on the topic of the conversation stated otherwise.
"I can't send Echo. The male is undeniably talented, but he is young. And the young may not think, and we do not need more to lose who still has many, many years to live. Magnus has a higher chance of success, and as he is more trained in his duties, more likely to be sensible and not a victim to the paralysis of panic." He continued quietly, faltering ever so slightly on his next words. "As for Maculoses, I am not blind to her weakened state like most assume due to not me sparing it a glance. Let us look at the most possible ending to her condition- None. Absolutely none. Her condition... Not even she knows what it is, and she is one of the more experienced herbalists. So, what is the use of moping around to something that can maybe not even be cured? I can tell she wants to do it, to be of more use to her pack before her time comes, which she already has done. Maculoses may be physically weakened, but her mind is strong, and so is her courage. I have faith in her." Yifan smiled faintly, his oculi hardening into brittle, golden fragments again. "As for Tempest, she is strong. Fit. But her protectiveness is not good in this situation. She may act on instinct and impulse instead of being logical. If the diseased were to merely look your way, she may already be running at it with claws out, when the chance is it hadn't seen you but was looking at something else. That will not be good at all. She is incredibly loyal. If, let's say, you and Maculoses were to be in danger and Tempest cannot protect you all herself, she will still try and get all of you killed. Her determination and loyalty is classified as possible weakness here." He explained thoroughly before gazing coldly at Tarkik, patiently waiting for an answer or some sort of response.

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Edited on 09/06/19 @ 01:15:26 by Loey {Anubis} (#166237)

❝Orion❞ (#172490)

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Posted on
2019-06-09 04:04:02

⇽𝔸𝕃𝕕𝕒𝕚𝕣 ⇾
Combatant/F/Camp entrance/ Dove, Khalida, Kismet (directly)


When dove approached the female, she straightened her posture with a jolt as she tried to look as casual as possible. Had the female seen her anger? It didn’t seem like it, but for some reason her heart still skipped a beat.

“H-hello Dove!” She tried to not let her voice shake but, unfortunately, it did.

She laughed at the way she had just done that and looked at Dove. Dove and her had been friends since childhood and ,honestly, she trusted the elegant lass. She gave a sweet smile, her eyes reflecting the happiness in her grin.

She didn’t know why but her voice got caught in her throat “H-how are you doing?” She cleared her throat, obviously feeling awkward, but why though?

She shifted on her paws for a moment, comforted by Dove’s smile and her calm black eyes. When the two females came over her ears perked up and her gaze turned to them.

“Mhm! Lets go!” She chirped, acting totally different than before.

She turned and paused mid-step to look at Dove.

“Um you can come if you want!” There a hint of anticipation in her words, hoping her friend would hopefully follow them.

As she turned and trotted into the woods, she realized maybe the reason she wanted Dove to come and was acting so strange was because she needed someone to talk to. That was probably it! She knew Dove would keep her muzzle quiet to her secret, to everything she had hid from others since yesterday’s news broke out, so maybe she needed to get some weight off her shoulders.

She sighed, hanging her head for a bit before raising it. Hunting would take her mind off her thoughts, hopefully, and so she trotted deeper into the undergrowth, hoping the others and maybe Dove were following.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2019-06-09 07:40:10

Fell | Male | Proxy | Location: Camp --> Forest | Mentions: Runa, Khalida, Kismet, Aldair, Dove

Fell stood squarely at the entrance of the den, staring on with dismay at the white lump of fur that was his sister. He'd been trying - and failing - for a while now to get her to leave her nest, but it seemed she was completely numb to anything that came out of his mouth. They'd been arguing ever since Magnus had announced the finding of the Diseased wolf. She still had the disillusion that the infected wolves could be helped, and was acting out with a stubbornness that he hadn't seen since... since their brothers. A pained expression crossed his features, and he tried once more to reach out to her. "Come, Runa. There's a hunting party leaving now, I've never known you to turn down an opportunity to hunt." He waited a few moments... and again, unresponsive. He could only handle so much.

"Could you at least look at me? You're being ridiculous!" he snapped, the volume of his voice raising dangerously close to a shout. When Runa responded by sitting up and turning so that she was faced even further away from him, Fell might have reached his breaking point, but, having just been promoted to a Proxy, he wasn't about to make a scene in front of the entire pack. The fury in his gaze soon faded, a look of dejected acceptance coming up to replace it. "You're not the only one suffering," he commented stonily, the last thing he said to her before padding towards the exit.

In that brief moment where he turned away from Runa a wave of fatigue crashed down on him, his heart so heavy he felt it might drag him to the ground. In less than twenty-four hours the Disease had made a return, he'd lost his only remaining family member as a confidante, and he'd been given the second most important rank in the entire pack. Under other circumstances Fell might have been elated; he'd had his sights set on being Proxy since joining the pack, after all. But right now he felt completely and utterly emotionally exhausted.

As soon as the light of the Camp hit his pelt, however, the facade slipped back on, and he emerged from the cave with confident strides and a straight posture. He spotted the creamy-pelted figure of Kismet heading into the forest, and, needing a task to put his mind to, he followed after the patrol.

"Got room for one more?" he called to his fellow Proxy, falling into step beside Aldair.

Runa | Female | Combatant | Location: Camp | Mentions: Fell [Directly], Clove [Indirectly]

When Runa heard the first flicker of hostility in Fell's voice she knew very well that if she continued to test him it would result in a full-on argument. It wouldn't be the first time it had happened. But, her mind clouded by memories she'd hoped she could bury along with the Disease, she didn't stop to think before pivoting away from him, her brown eyes focusing determinedly on the barren rock wall of the cave. She was fully braced herself for the hell her brother was going to let loose, so, when he didn't, she was left unprepared.

The bitter disappointment in his voice snapped her out of her state, and, surprised, she finally turned her head to look at him, but he'd already left. She scrambled to her paws and followed swiftly after him, coming out just in time to spot his feathery tail disappearing into the trees beyond camp. "Fell, wait..." she called out weakly to her brother, but he didn't reappear, instead leaving Runa to stare dolefully at spot he'd walked off into. She dropped her head, and would have returned to her nest if the wind hadn't changed directions at exactly that moment. The scent was gone just as quickly as it had come, but it was unmistakable. Wolf. And an unfamiliar one, at that.

Her head was back up again immediately, now looking curiously in the direction the scent had come from. Her first instinct was to go investigate, but Yifan's words from the previous day came to mind: she couldn't leave camp alone now that the Disease was back. She spun around, skimming the camp for any unoccupied Combatants. She wasn't going to let this go uninvestigated.

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Posted on
2019-06-09 10:21:28

Combatant|F|Camp|Direct (Aldair)|

She trotted behind the group. Her focus on the path ahead, she turned her attention to Aldair.

“I’m doing quiet wonderful!” She grinned, she looked at her long beloved friend as they followed the group

“Anything new with you?” She questioned, she was curious of why she wanted her to come so badly.

She had noticed her words were caught in her throat as she looked ahead, the breeze calm as she looked at Aldair, and gave her a reassuring smile

She looked over at Fell “We always have room for one more!” She smiled.

“I’m Dove I’m not sure we formally met” The lass smiled once more as she swayed her tail side to side with joy and curiosity

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Edited on 09/06/19 @ 10:30:54 by Queen Emily (fluffy mane) (#171404)

❝Orion❞ (#172490)

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Posted on
2019-06-09 10:43:31

⇽𝔸𝕃𝕕𝕒𝕚𝕣 ⇾
Combatant/F/Camp entrance/ Dove, Fell, Kismet (directly) Khalida (indirectly)


``Always room! Congrats on being proxy!`` A small grin formed on her misty muzzle.

Hearing Dove's question, she noticed a look in the white female's eyes. Was it curiosity?

She lowered her voice a bit, stepping a few feet away from Fell and heading closer to Dove, wanting this to be a private conversation as she gently nudged Dove a bit forward.

``Well..`` She looked around warily to make sure no one was listening. ``I have been quite upset lately. Yifan announced the virus is back and he's doing nothing good about it!`` Her voice was surprisingly quiet, but her voice got firmer with anger. ``He's not even certain if his plan is going to work, he's weak!-`` She took a moment to pause and turned her sharp gaze to Dove, her voice seeming to lower to a serious tone with a hint of resentment. ``-But I am certain of mine.``

She then paused, standing still and turning to Kismet with a now warm smile and happy look in her eyes. ``Hey Kismet don't mind if me and Dove go hunting together? We haven't done that in a while, haven't we D?``

Even though her voice was friendly, she hoped Dove would take the hint. She still kept her happy expression, but her heart swelled with anticipation to tell her friend her thoughts in a private secluded place.

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Edited on 09/06/19 @ 10:43:55 by ❝Orion❞ (#172490)


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Posted on
2019-06-09 11:02:21

Combatant|F|Camp|Direct (Adair)|

Dove smiled “Yes we haven’t!”

She smiled at her friend, she knew her well and knew when she was trying to get out of things, Dove snickered as she walked close to her friend

Her eyes darted across every bush and tree, trying to see a single little critter run by, she looked at her paws, then looked at her pack mates

“I agree with you” she whispered back “it bugs me that they haven’t moved a single paw, and here we are doing what they tell us to do..” her voice was stern as she looked around “And whatever your plan is, you can count me in”

She winked at her friend and stuck her tongue out, she knew she could keep her own mouth shut

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