Posted by Contagion [Wolf RP, CLOSED]

cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)

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Posted on
2019-06-01 01:39:11

OOC Chat!
Shipping page!4-46498_displaying-17-gallery-image-for-victorian-line-divider-horizontal-line-divider-png.pngContagion

the communication of disease from one person to another by close contact.

This image is a free to use clipart.

It's kill or be killed.
No one knows where it came from. No one knows how to defeat the virus.
No one is sure how to contract it.
All they knew is that a nameless disease has risen, wiping out half of the population of wolves, or maybe even other creatures. The forest is heavy with defeat and the ground is splattered with blood, although you are not sure if it is your own or another's.
After the mysterious disappearance of the virus and all it's traces, the pack of Contagion, one that once were notoriously known as the cold-hearted killers of the diseased, has been in a state of serenity.
That is, until the sovereign discovers a remaining diseased wolf on their territory. Much like what happened several seasons before, the forest is in peril- For the virus that took many lives is back, and each canine watches as their freedom and their will to live on crumbles away from them.
You. They protected you.
You joined the ranks of the pack when the disease had calmed, and now it is back. As each second ticks by, the disease worsens until you could no longer scent the normal forest odor, but rather, the scent of the virus.
Question is, would you be able to protect the ones you love, all the while stepping closer and closer to the cure? Or will you succumb to the plague that haunts the very place you call home?

[AKA The rules]
➵No arguing or fighting, please, unless it is part of the roleplay. But if not, either cut that off, take it to PMs or you will be forced to be suspended from the rp for a day or two.

➵Absolutely NO sexual or suggestive content, however innuendo is fine. Make it fade to black, take to PMs or offsite. Even then, make sure you are of age to roleplay in such a manner.

➵All LD roleplaying rules apply.

➵If your character will kill another roleplayer's character, make sure to ask permission first, and please do not be a power player. If fights in roleplay happen, I will use a wheel to determine who wins to make it fair.

➵This is not a rule but please dont let romance develop overnight, unless it is an established relationship from the start. Romance takes time. If you would like to have pups with another roleplayer's character, make sure to ask permission!

➵You must be semi-literate or literate to join. Minor grammar mistakes are fine and understandable, but do practice it.

➵No unrealistic colors for your character's pelt, or having a mary sue/gary sue as a character. Keep it realistic.

More rules to be added so check daily.
The Virus
The disease is simply referred to 'The Disease', for it has no name. The plague had started years ago, affecting the whole forest in which the roleplay will be located. Packs have been torn apart and various wolves were either killed by the infected, or infected themselves. Thanks to the previous Infiltrators, the pack of Contagion has reported on the most common symptoms of the infected.

1. Their scents change. Although, if you get a good whiff of the stench, a diseased's scent has the faintest trace of their original fragrance, but mainly overpowered by a sickening smell of decomposing corpses of mice.

2. Foam. The white, bubbling liquid oozes out from their victim's mouth instead of normal saliva.

3. Bloodshot eyes, or in the further stages of the disease if an infected manages to survive that long, blood from the eyes. The crimson liquid comes from their eye sockets, and this symptom generally appears a day or two before the victim succumbs to death.

4. The most recently discovered symptom, obviously death. The victim will suddenly go into a delirious, insensible state, and will kill anything in it's vision. The victim will attempt to kill, but this stage will make them freeze and convulse for a few seconds, before dying.

List of rankings you can apply for in the character sheets thread.

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Edited on 10/11/20 @ 09:45:09 by Eri (#166237)

ZABA (#53989)

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Posted on
2019-06-09 11:04:05

Clove | Loner | Forest | Mentions: Open

Clove could see past the verdant hue of the vast, sprawling forest and into the heart of its sickness. Vile. That's what came to mind when he inhaled deeply, the stench of the dead and dying hitting him like the foot of a buck to the stomach. The disease's presence was almost tangible. Whether this was because one of the infected was near, or because one of them had recently died he couldn't tell. His breath became shallow and labored. Little more than wisps of air escaped his mouth, but he couldn't help but chortle at the grim fate that would soon catch up to him. It was always good to be able to find amusement even in the direst situations. If Clove outlived his own sense of humor, then what was the point? So, he took all of the nihilism that had slowly started to weigh him down and put it on the sidelines.

Breathe. Focus. This is no time to be distracted. Can I smell anything?

Simple goals. Simple, one-foot-in-front-of-the-other goals were the only thing that kept Clove on his feet. First, he needed to know if there were any packs nearby. The wiry wolf turned his face toward the treetops as he inhaled deeply. His hopes fluttered as he caught on to the scent of another wolf out there, somewhere. Could it be?

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Edited on 09/06/19 @ 11:04:37 by ZABA (#53989)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-06-09 11:17:37

Tarkik | 20 Years Old | Genderfluid | Herbalist
Location: Camp | Mentions: Yifan (Directly) / Magnus, Tempest, Maculoses (Indirectly)

Thorns caught in the thick fur of his underbelly as Tarkik surged over the bushes to join Yifan among the damp vegetation of their secretive meeting place, not managing to clear the prickly shrubs despite his long legs. He landed gracelessly at the sovereign's paws, their muzzles nearly colliding before Tarkik pivoted sharply to avoid such a disaster. He ended up sprawled in the surrounding greenery, his front legs sinking deep into the muddied foliage; leaving his claws caked with mud and limbs stained a darker brown by the time he seated himself opposite of the Sovereign.

As Yifan elucidated the reasoning for his choices Tarkik's ears swiveled forward and his eyes remained glued to Yifan's face. It was clear the herbalist was hanging on to every word that spilled off his tongue, running the explanations through his brain. Yifan's dismissive tone did little to deter or discourage him, Tarkik had grown quite used to the black wolf's icy disposition and he was still a saint compared to the brute Tarkik once called his leader. He at times found Yifan utterly terrifying, but he had never taken Tarkik's tail between his teeth and bitten down until the bone snapped or dragged blunt claws through his ears until nothing was left beyond bloody, torn shreds of skin. Gazing at him now, Tarkik was humbled to be in the presence of a wolf so composed and kingly.

Yifan cared, he dared to conclude, even if he never admitted as much aloud, and he wasn't needlessly cruel. That was all Tarkik could ask for. "I can see the wisdom in your words. I apologize for doubting you," Tarkik spoke up after a prolonged moment of silence. "Thank you for hearing me out." Gazing at Yifan now, he wondered if he could detect uncertainty in his eyes. The thought left him feeling anxious and Tarkik decided not to linger on it. The comment concerning Tempest clearly struck a nerve in him, however, and he shifted uncomfortably. He realized wanting her with him had more to do with him than what was right for the mission and shame threatened to overwhelm him, ears flicking back.

Tarkik felt safe in her presence. She was a comfort, a confident, he felt he could trust her with anything regardless of whether or not such was true. When Tempest was with him he felt stronger and braver himself. "I-I suppose I've grown used to Tempest's protection. It is a habit perhaps, I should break. You are right, sir. I have no further concerns and I am ready to depart whenever you see fit," he conceded with a bowed head.


Frostbite | 25 Years Old | Male | Combatant
Location: Camp | Mentions: Runa, Clove

Despite the calm, level-headedness Frostbite displayed yesterday, the dark-furred male felt entirely unmotivated to do much with himself today. His limbs felt heavy, his eyes tired. Hunting himself to exhaustion the night prior allowed him a little extra shut-eye, but he knew if he lingered much longer his laziness would provoke ire in his packmates. Rising from his nest, Frostbite slipped through the entrance of his den, eyes squeezing shut as bright light flooded his vision. Once accustomed they slowly re-opened, sliding idly over the camp.

The sight of twin white pelts emerging into the camp caught his intrigue before long and he watched the pair of siblings as they moved in opposite directions; Fell attaching himself to the hunting patrol while Runa appeared otherwise distracted. He didn't know either well, he shared barely more than aqauntinceship with anyone in this pack, but through watching them he could detect something off between the littermates, an underlying sense of tension. It was a curious thing, but he was polite enough not to pry. Runa's gaze met his own as she peered across the camp and he made his way toward her, pausing beside her. His eyes turned toward the forest, nose lifting to take in the surrounding scents.

The breeze brought with it a hint of something...someone unfamiliar, and suddenly Frostbite realized what had Runa so antsy. "Ah, I see. We have a stranger in our midsts. Shall we investigate, or would you prefer to wait on Yifan's return?" He inquired. A rush of energy seemed to pulse through him, the promise of something new and exciting seeing the rapid return of his enthusiasm.

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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-06-09 15:27:32

Magnus | Male | Infiltrator | Camp | Mentions: Aka

The earthen brute smiled at her tender work, at the peace that seemed to radiate from the snowy wolf. Simply being around the albino mother-like figure was enough to slow the anxious thrum of Magnus' heart. He liked her, and perhaps this necklace was an effort to get closer to her. At her explanation, though albeit difficult to understand but appreciated nonetheless, Magnus found his grin broadening. "I'm sure they'll love them." He rumbled, his amber eyes becoming nearly lost under a furrow created by the joy simply being around Aka wrought. At her offer of one Magnus gladly accepted, bowing his head so she might slide a flower necklace around it. As his eyes sank to the ground, he couldn't help the tide of fear that surged up in his throat.

He'd always been quite fond of his pack mates- what if one of them died? What if it was something he could have prevented? What if he died? What if their quest failed and everyone he loved, everyone he held dear, was lost? Would he be able to live with himself? What of the herbalists- one was sick already. Would they be able to tell if she contracted the disease? He never did know much about healing. And Tarkik was young, inexperienced. What if he acted foolishly? He'd always been composed but what if he lost it at the excitement of studying something? What if all three of them died, leaving Yifan thinking of Magnus as a failure. He had, after all, been tasked with the sole job of protecting the herbalists.

Magnus shoved all these questions, all these worries and insecurities, back down his throat. His glittering gaze sought the rosy eyes of Aka, imploring, gentle, like the eyes of an upset cub might seek the gaze of his mother. "How do you stay so calm? How can you walk a steady path in such turmoil? What rock do you cling to in this heaving sea? How are okay?" Perhaps it was because Aka wasn't on such a suicide mission, or maybe she was just one of those calm wolves. Whatever it was, it stung Magnus' mental state into one of agitated anxiety, though he showed nothing on the outside. Had his loyalty been weaker, had the blood that surged through his veins not been of the same iron that once guided his ancestors to glory, Magnus might have walked out. Simply left the pack to fend for themselves, and disappear among the trees.

Hmm, that was inviting. A peaceful existence. A quiet one. But how long would it be before the disease caught up to him? Would it be any longer than it is now? Would have a better chance of survival by hiding from it, as opposed to seeking it out, like a weed among flowers? Whatever the answer, Magnus didn't cater to these thoughts long enough to hear it. He'd die anyway- why not die doing what he loved- helping others?

Maculoses | Female | Herbalist | Mentions: Baekhyun, Tempest

The thin female tilted her pale head, soft amber eyes settling upon the honey hued coat of Baekhyun. She'd never conversed with him before, and a soft smile played across her dark lips as he struggled with her name. When he finally managed, settling for her nickname with a polite title placed before it, she gave a soft nod. "I'm alright, dear. And you?" Mac didn't like sowing pity for herself. She was a goddamned healer, it should be the other way around. The irony tortured her almost as much as the sickness did. She could feel the shaking coming on, the tremors that signified another seizure, and she nodded at Baekhyun, giving him another encouraging, albeit weak, smile.

Before she could turn to leave, to hide away for her inevitable seizure and the roiling sickness that would follow, Tempest arrived. Mac had always appreciated the female, no matter how cold her reputation cut her out to be. The two rabbits in her jaws twisted the pale wolf's stomach, but Mac hid it well. Several things during her career as a healer had wrung out her gut in similar ways. The small nudge to her shoulder brought about a gentle boop to the cheek as thanks. "Thank you so much, dear. I should be alright, I'm about to head back to my den. I'm quite tired." Tempest's kind gaze, devoid of any pity, brought Mac some comfort. At least some didn't see her as a well, ripe for the spillage of 'feel better' and 'I'm so sorry.'

Sorry for what? It wasn't their fault she was sick- doomed to die a painful, gasping death. She could feel the tremors strengthening, the spinning of her stomach kick its speed up a few notches, and she knew she'd lose control of her limbs very soon. There was one worrying piece about her seizures, the bit she'd fought extremely hard to keep hidden. Whenever she awoke, no memory of the past few minutes, there was always dried foam flecked around her mouth and bubbling in piles on the ground. Somehow, those painful episodes made her saliva adopt the same carbonated consistency as that of the infected animals. The only symptom she'd been able to observe. If she ha a seizure right here, in the middle of everyone, and they were to see the foam rising from her throat, they might just kill her on the spot. She doubted it, but troubled times such as these forced the kind to become killers.

She smiled softly at Tempest before picking up the rabbit and returning quickly to her den, dropping the carcass as soon as she was out of the kind female's sight. She would certainly attempt to eat it, but later. Eating the fresh kill now would simply be a waste. With that, the ivory lass laid down on her bed and took a deep breath, prepping herself for the seizure that would soon follow.

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Mire | G1 Subtle
Supernal 3R (#51844)

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Posted on
2019-06-09 16:53:23

Khalida | 21 Years Old | Female | Combatant
Location: Camp | Mentions: Kismet, Fell, Aldair, Dove

Khalida bit her lip suggestively, greedy eyes roving over Kismet's serpentine form. The lewd movements of the other female's tongue had her gaze flaring in desire, pupils dilating and breath hitching silently as her own tongue darted out to moisten suddenly-dry lips. Damn. She slowed imperceptibly as a touch — feather-light and teasing — ghosted over her own neck, sending shivers down her spine as something almost akin to a voiceless purr exploded from her throat, amber eyes darkening and nose flaring. Damn.

Khalida quickly schooled her visage back into one of impassiveness, doing nothing to show how viciously her heart thrummed inside her chest. God, she hoped no one saw her brief moment of stupor, but knowing the perceptive demeanors that surrounded her, that was a lost cause. Khalida's gaze followed the sinuous female as she took the lead, lingering silently on well-toned thighs and swaying hips. So, she could play this game too, hm? (They were screwed.)

Her ears twitched, and she turned her head to greet Fell, the male proxy. "Oh, yes, congratulations," she spoke, nodding calmly, before once more focusing her attention ahead. It was a far cry from the... commemoration she gave Kismet, but, well, he didn't exactly have those supple curves and flanks to simply die for, now did he?

She subtly pressed her chin to her neck. It still tingled.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2019-06-09 17:55:44

Runa | Female | Combatant | Location: Camp --> Forest | Mentions: Frostbite [Directly], Clove [Indirectly]

Runa gave Frostbite a grateful look as he met her gaze, her wired behaviour apparently enough to alert him to the fact that something was amiss. She looked back out to the trees, vaguely aware of his shadowy frame coming up beside her only moments later from the corner of her eye. It didn't take him long to notice the same thing she had, and having her suspicions confirmed sent a tingling rush of excitement through her body; though the reasonable response would probably have been to be concerned. Perhaps she was just happy to have something thrilling to focus on rather than all the gloom around camp.

She turned her head to the Combatant as he spoke, considering his question for a moment. "No, I don't think we should go to Yifan just yet," she responded after some hesitation, "we could be mistaken. We wouldn't want to stress him out needlessly." In all honesty, she didn't truly believe in what she was saying. She was a practiced huntress, confident in her ability to identify scents, and they had both smelled it, after all.

No, there was a wolf out there, Frostbite was probably sure of it as well, but the glance she gave him implied that she knew that, and that her words were simply an empty excuse to allow the two of them to go out and investigate immediately. If Yifan was alerted to the presence of the stranger he'd probably want a full-sized patrol to seize the poor wolf and bring them back for questioning. That was all well and good, considering it was the job of the Sovereign to ensure the safety of the pack, but, perhaps naively, Runa wanted this to be her own little mission. A secret between her and her fellow Combatant. "Besides," she'd eventually speak up again, "if it's just one wolf, I'm sure you'll be able to handle them," she commented, glancing over the male's lean, muscular build.

She lifted her nose to the wind again, managing to latch onto the scent of the unknown wolf again after a few sniffs. "Come on, I've got it," she announced, setting off after the scent. It seemed that the conflict she had with Fell was momentarily forgotten.

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Folklore (#139547)

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Posted on
2019-06-09 18:21:47

Kismet | 20 Years | Female | Proxy | White and Cream Pelt
Location: Forest | Mentions: [Direct] Aldair, Dove, Fell [Indirect] Khalida

Kismet’s amber hues darted to the two close lasses, Dove and Aldair. There was something secret there, she noticed. A mischievous secret. It sparked a little bit of interest in the distracted proxy, but not enough for her to give them a sharp eye that demanded maturity because who was she to give them one, especially right now? She resisted the urge to look back once again, only settling for the tilt of her head and the flick of her feather-tipped ears, listening as Fell, her fellow proxy, made himself known.

She tossed him a casual smile and made a welcoming sweep of her tail. “Yes, yes, all able paws are welcome. We have to keep this pack afloat somehow, you know?” She easily got a grip on her own actions and pulled the reins on herself, using her usual sweet appearance and soft tones, tossing out the smokey and sultry smoothness. For now.

She waited a bit, letting Aldair and Dove get their comments in, and giving Fell time to breathe before she peered over at him, rather used to the interesting marring of his visage, and let a small smile twitch at the corner of her lips. “So, did you see the proxy rank coming, or am I the only one surprised?” She let out a small laugh and shook her head slightly, her tail swaying behind her. “I expected you, but I was a surprise.” Kismet nearly paused as the two females requested to split from the group. She sighed as they mostly went on ahead before she could say anything, but called out to them, a reminder to be safe and stick together.

Kismet, in her struggle to forget that purr she evoked from Khalida, kept her eyes focused ahead and her nose twitching as she tried to sort through scents and ignore the rather provoking female behind her. At least Kismet was allowing her a good view of her shapely bodice. All Kismet got to see was a forest. She nearly pouted, wanting to greedily call Khalida to walk ahead, but she had more dignity than that. Or, perhaps she just pretended to. Guess it didn’t matter, after all, once Khalida got what she wanted, they’d probably never have this interaction again. Gave her another reason to eat it all up. Or eat Khalida all up.

Tempest | 20 Years | Female | Combatant | Off-White, Gray, Brown Pelt
Location: Camp | Mentions: [Direct] Maculoses Baekhyun [Indirect] Tarkik,

Tempest hated not being able to help Mac. She could protect from attackers, but when the attacker was a sickness, it made her heart feel laden with pain. Tooth and claw couldn’t help her, and that was all she had to offer. What if Tarkik got this sick? The thought sent a volt down her spine and into her paws, causing her posture to go ramrod straight, stiff and alert, as if she could sense some sort of hidden enemy.

She could do nothing but watch as Maculoses departed. It took everything in her not to offer her powerful build as something to lean against if needed. No, she would not be like the rest of them. She would offer, if Mac needed it. Absolutely needed it. But she would not hover, she would not pity. She solidified herself, her emotionless mask slamming back into place. She blinked, turning her attention to the strange young whelp that was nearby and gave them a departing nod, her eyes staying soft as she took in his small frame. Another one for her to protect. Another one to shield.

She plucked the last rabbit off the ground and turned, strolling with sturdy extremities back around Tarkik’s den and made herself at home, stretching herself out leisurely. Wherever he was, she hoped he had stayed out of trouble. She thought of what she’d do if she found a speck of blood on his pelt, or a tuft of fur out of place. Or another part of him bent or twisted. Her lip curled into a nightmarish vision before she relaxed, switching back to a cold facade as easy as it was to breathe.

So she waited, eyes heavy-lidded and the large hare laying by her head, cursing whoever was keeping the male away. She knew they probably hadn’t even eaten yet, and the thought annoyed her more.

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Edited on 09/06/19 @ 18:50:56 by ♛LADYSEER♛ (#139547)

FrootCake (#176680)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-06-09 21:03:43

| |Leora|F|Combatant||
| |Location: Camp> outside camp|Mentions:(i) Echo, Aspen (d) open| |


Pushing her with her nose, Leora attempts to wake Everest. "Come on, you slug; it's past sunrise." All she got was a grunt in reply. Kicking Everest seemed to do the trick, though. "Come on. It's time to hunt." Growling, Everest follows Leora out of the den, then the camp. After five minutes of listening to Everest roughly kicking the underbrush, Leora had had it. "What is your deal?" She'd sharply turned and growled the question at her. "So much violence has been going on in the past few days, and you just had to add to it, didn't you?"
"...It's too early," Everest murmured, then yawned.
"Fine; if you need to sleep, then sleep. There's a tree over there," Leora pointed out a large oak, then turned to leave, not caring whether Everest followed or not.


| | Location: Outside Camp|Mentions: (i)Leora, (b) Infected chihuahua, open| |


She'd just begun to fall asleep when she'd heard a rustle in the bushes beside her. "I don't wanna hunt right now," Everest snapped, thinking it was Leora. When there was no response, she looked up from her sleeping position and looked at the bushes. She could see a... figure in them? Pushing herself up, Everest makes her way over to check it out. Giving it a couple sniffs, she only smells dead rodents, but a faint smell of a wolf rests within it. Shoving her muzzle into the bush wasn't the wisest move, but she was basically asleep at this point.
Yanking her muzzle back, she wonders why her muzzle hurt, and crossed her eyes to look at it. There was a small jagged scratch on her snout. Everest, lightly growling, backs up before hurdling herself at the small bush, crushing it and the creature within. Getting up and shaking herself off, she looks at the creature, now uncovered. It looked like a puppy, but she could tell that it was older then her. Not really caring, Everest licks the blood from her muzzle before going back to her spot under the tree to go back to sleep.

( ( I know this sounds horrible, but I'm tired iui ) )

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Posted on
2019-06-09 21:39:27

Combatant|F|Camp|Direct Kismet|

She smiled at Kismet, I tried my best to hide my mischievous smile, shifting my pace to end up ahead of her. She laughed abit as she smiled at Aldair, then back at Kismet, smiling.

“What’s wrong? I’m just talking to Aldair” she grinned, her black eyes trying to avoid eye contact.

She raced ahead a tiny bit of the group, smiling back at all my pack mates, she always shifted her gaze to the forest around us, but then I thought about the virus, and about what Aldair said. It was true that Yifan wasn’t doing anything, she seemed slight angry as she let out a small growl. She shook her head as she plastered a smile on her muzzle

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cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)

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Posted on
2019-06-10 03:04:48


Yifan|M|Sovereign|Mentions: Tarkik

There was a lingering, slightly awkward silence that lingered around the atmosphere. Yifan cleared his throat and looked away from the herbalist before him with his jaw slack, seemingly searching for something to say.
His gaze kept scanning his surroundings, looking as though he was trying not to look at Tarkik as he spoke, since there was quite nothing interesting enough around them to catch the sovereign's attention.
"Wait. Stay." He blurted out loudly and so suddenly, startling even himself. Despite his baritone voice and the monotone way he had said the two words, there was a hidden desperation beneath his dark golden eyes, an emotion he was not accustomed to. Yifan swallowed harshly, forcing the surprise at his own words to vanish from his youthful facial features, and instead trained an unreadable stare on Tarkik.
"How is... The pack? As in, how are they, by themselves?" The dark male murmured, his velveteen ears slowly flattening themselves as he internally struggled not to look at the pinecones that have fallen near his paws. "I don't quite have friends, or companions, and so I have never had the time to... Truly get to know them. I suppose they wouldn't like a cold, grumpy old leader like me, or maybe it's because of something else. It gets a bit lonely, sometimes. Just a bit." He already felt the self-pity catching him ahold as he realized he had put aside friendships and bonds in order to get his ranking, and that in turn had given him the dreaded loneliness following him like a second shadow. And yet, he forced a weak chuckle to escape him. Meekly gazing at the herbalist, Yifan tried to analyze Tarkik's expression, but he was not so good in reading others' feelings for, again, he put aside his own.
The sovereign waited anxiously, anticipating the younger's reaction to his own weakness which he had brought down at the wrong time. Why the heck did he even say it? Couldn't he have just shut up, like he always did? But no, the herbalist had an odd, soothing feeling about him, and it had lulled Yifan to a false sense of security.
Stupid, stupid Yifan. You have become faulty.

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❝Orion❞ (#172490)

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Posted on
2019-06-10 09:25:08

Combatant/F/forest/ kismet, Dove (direct) Fell, Khalida (indirect)


She smiled at the proxy, though she noticed that Kismet had a curious look in her eyes. She shrugged it off, her smile fading when she disappeared into the bushes and headed down a familiar path. She knew Dove was following her and sighed.

´´Yifan isn't saving the pack. He is just sending out wolves to get an infected. That will destroy them or the whole pack!´´ She kicked a rock in pure rage, huffing. ´´But I have a plan, better than our coward sovereign's one. It is quite interesting.´´ She stopped near the river, laying under a tree. ´´We can't touch the infected right? So why don't we get sticks or stones and stab them with it! It could work right?´´ She looked up at Dove, a determined look in her eyes. ´´I'm not sure if this tactic I have will solve anything. Maybe we can make a trap and test it out!- Wait no it's dangerous..´´

She grumbled as she began to think then sighed. Anger pulsed through her veins, her claws digging into the dirt once again. How could her leader be such a weakling? How could others not see him and the pack had already lost to the virus? How could they-...

´´Why can't he see his plan is foolish! He is making his pack pity him!´´ Aldair snarled her eyes like wildfire. ´´He doesn't even know if his plan will work! He is a coward, a big fat coward!´´ She realized she was standing near Dove's muzzle, towering over her in her angry state. Her eyes swirled with mixed feelings as she sat down.

´´Sorry...´´ She muttered her bristled fur lying flat as her ears slightly flattened. ´´I just believe... He won't save us. Not Kismet, not Khalida, not Fell, not you..., not even himself. But we can save the pack there has to be a chance! Are you with me?´´

She gave Dove a determined smile, but anticipation lingered in her eyes. What if Dove told her leader their plan? What if she told the proxys? What if she said no? Would she have no one to turn to?

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Posted on
2019-06-10 14:43:32

Combatant|F|Forest|Direct Aldair|

“I agree” she begun “Why should we live under Yifan’s orders” she growled, looking serious at her beloved friend, then she looked ahead of herself

“It ticks me off that he can’t see what a failure his plan is!” She snapped “How does he know it’s going to work?! Did he look into the future? No!” Dove snapped

She inhaled as her ears flattened her eyes on her own paws. “I want this entire pack to stay safe, not waste away over an infection.. and it might also take you!” She said looking at Aldair

“I’m going to stick to your plan, so we can keep the pack and each other safe!” Dove smiled

She laid beside Aldair, then smiled her kind smile “Whatever you need, you got me!” Dove grinned

The lass, adjusted herself abit, getting comfortable as she looked around at the fauna around her. Then smiled at Aldair, she was ready for whatever her friend had to say, well almost

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Edited on 10/06/19 @ 14:46:53 by Queen Emily (fluffy mane) (#171404)

cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)

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Posted on
2019-06-10 18:52:23

╔══════ ≪ °❈° ≫ ══════╗

Baekhyun|M|Youth|Mentions: Maculoses, Tempest

The youth didn't answer quickly. Instead, he gazed blankly at the female that had entered the den, his mouth pursed. "Okay. I am okay." He mumbled, shifting his position so that he faced Maculoses more clearly as he directed a burning stare on the herbalist. "But you're not okay, Ms. Mac. You out of all herbalists know you feel ill, and it will not go away easily. I hope when the day comes, Ms. Mac, you will be okay. No, the condition you have might not go away, but you will be okay because you are satisifed with what you have done in this life." His voice was a bit high for a male yet soft, soothing even, alike to the gentle breezes that were becoming more frequent in the chilly weather. Bowing his head, the petite male trotted out of the den and gave one last glance at the two adults behind him before continuing towards the apple tree bordering the campsite. His tail waved happily, and a childish grin appeared on his expression as he raced towards the tall plant, taking his place underneath the cool shade of his favorite resting area.

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Edited on 10/06/19 @ 18:52:41 by Loey {Anubis} (#166237)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-06-10 20:04:05

Tarkik | 20 Years Old | Genderfluid | Herbalist
Location: Camp | Mentions: Yifan

An awkward ambiance fell over them as Tarkik finished talking, left perplexed when it seemed Yifan couldn’t meet his eyes. So he had doubts after all. The thought was discomforting, but he reflected Yifan was only five years his senior. A young leader forced into an impossible situation. “It’s alright to be afraid,” he said softly. “These are troubling times and we...we don’t know what the future holds. The only thing we can do for sure is be there for each other and protect one another. “

Rising to his paws, he prepared to leave Yifan with his thoughts when the other male called him back, tossing a glance over his shoulder at the sovereign as he began speaking again. He turned back toward him fully as Yifan went on to ask after the pack as individuals, divulging what seemed like rather private information about himself. Tarkik's eyes softened into molten amber pools of empathy, not a hint of pity or judgment to be found. “I am your friend Yifan. Never doubt that,” he reassured him.

“As for the rest of the pack, they are all wonderful in their own ways. Luciel is eccentric, but she has a beautiful soul. Fell has a way with words, I’m sure you’ll find his charisma will help you sooth the pack during times of great stress, so don’t be afraid to lean on him. As your proxy, he’s here to support you and I have no doubt he will. Runa is helpful and generous, I’ve found more than once I can count on her to assist me with a task. Echo is young and a bit rough around the edges, but he has the pack’s best interests at heart. Magnus is charming and so devoted, perhaps it was wrong of me to doubt him. Mac...Mac is the kindest wolf I know,” he seems to pause for a moment, eyes glittering with emotion.

“But she never sugarcoats anything. You can trust her to be honest, to always tell you the truth. Kismet is inspiring, like Fell she always seems to know what to say and when to say it. You chose well when you picked her. Leora is candid and full of joy. It’s hard not to smile when she’s around. Aldair is...very outspoken, but she means well and I believe she cares. Aka is sweet and gentle, whenever I’m around I almost feel like a pup again. She reminds me of my mother,” he paused again, a small smile crossing his muzzle as if remembering a particularly fond memory.

“Khalida is clever if not cynical...we aren’t well acquainted just yet l, but I don't doubt she’s worth getting to know. Aspen and Everest are a pawful, as I’m sure you know, but they’re young and will grow out of it. Tempest is hard-working, courageous, loyal, intelligent selfless, wonderful!” He blurted out once the name of his friend was brought up, coughing awkwardly into a paw once he realized that came out a little too enthusiastic.

“I know she might seem a bit callous, but she’s treated me and the other herbalists with nothing beyond kindness. There’s so much more to her than meets the eye. Enyo ...I don’t know her very well yet either, she seems a bit distant, but her ambition will take her places, I think. Arthur, I’m just going to be honest...Arthur is a bit rude, but he’s also very brave and strong. I’m not sure you could ask for much more from a combatant. Baekhyun is sweet lad, a bit blunt, but he has no ill intent. Dove is a little silly, but I like that about her. She’s very creative. And Scorch is, um…” he trailed off, seemingly not having anything nice to say about that one.

“I doubt anyone here hates you Yifan. It’s not too late to get to know everyone, and no wolf should have to go through life alone.”


Frostbite | 25 Years Old | Male | Combatant
Location: Camp | Mentions: Runa, Clove

“Yes, Yifan has seems a bit on edge lately, hasn’t he? It wouldn’t do to worry him,” Frostbite agreed, seemingly needing no further convincing before plunging into the underbrush, breathing in deeply until he found the scent again and veered toward it, knowing Runa would be beside him within seconds. The comment alluding he’d be able to handle whatever they encountered saw a wry muzzle slide across his muzzle.

“It’s an honor to know you have such faith in me. Hopefully, it won’t come to that though. For all we know, this poor creature is simply lost.” He could detect any hints of sickness in the air, but perhaps it was too soon to tell. As they drew nearer his pawsteps slowed and he waved his tail to signify Runa should do the same. Peering through the trees, the form of a frighteningly thin wolf came into sight, each pawstep the poor bastard took appearing to be a struggle. “Indeed, I doubt any fighting will be necessary with this one. How do you want to handle this?”


Scorch | 19 Years Old | Female | Combatant
Location: Camp | Mentions: Aldair, Dove

Dark claws hovered above the stream, blunt tips occasionally sinking beneath the surface before pulling out again. Scorch watched cold droplets drip from her cracked nails to rejoin the swirling current with barely veiled boredom, eyes half-lidded. Turning her paw slightly, the tawny and rust she-wolf examined the scarred skin of her pad. Trauma induced, utterly terrifying at the time. Now it was just a memory that evoked little to no emotion.

The sound of approaching voices caused her ears to swivel, but she barely moved, chin resting atop crossed front legs as her dark yellow gaze shifted toward a small copse of trees across the river. It wasn’t long before two of her new packmates came into view, conversing beside the bank. The darker of the pair’s voice became heated and she was looming over the lighter female as if blinded by her own rage. Scorch’s head lifted, eyes fully opening as she took in the scene. Would there be bloodshed? Her lip curled marginally. She should hope not. The water here was so clear and pristine, it would be a shame to taint it.

Thankfully, Aldair seemed to remember herself, backing off and apologizing to her friend. Scorch saw fit to make her presence known once most of the tension evaporated, rising onto haunches and clearing her throat to catch the combatants’ attention. “I couldn't help overhearing. There is another way to eradicate a disease, you know. One I’ve found...very effective.” Her head inclined toward Dove and Aldair slowly. “Would you like me to tell you?”

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Edited on 10/06/19 @ 20:04:51 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

pekoyama (#175041)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-06-10 21:43:29

aka | female | forebearer

location ; outside the forebearer den| mentions ; magnus.

raising up onto her snowy white paws, she grabbed the flower necklace she had done before magnus approached. slowly lowering the bundles of flowers to let it chest and fall against his pelt, "flower give you courage." she murmured, and lowered her body down, proceeding to create her progressing trinket. it was going to be a large crown with pastel colored flowers, occasional vibrant flower in between a few. she wasn't sure who she was going to give it to, but she hoped some one would've enjoyed it. aka resembled her name well, aka meant red in japanese. her fur didn't match it, but her eyes did. holding a light red hues around her pupils as the pink covered her iris's. the pink matched her nose and paws, making her stand out even in the darkest of nights. it was unusual, but aka seemed to grown used to it. white fur that made the snow look grey, and with a slender frame and thick fur to warm and fit through the den entrance. aka's appearance matched her personality well, even if she knew a lick of english. twisting her fourth bundle together before she heard the voice of magnus. baring a puzzeled expression as he spoke out with unfamiliar words, but understanding the last question caused her large ears to perk up. blinking slowly as she watched magnus fall into a panic. frowning and pushing the tied bundle to the side, slowly rising onto her paws and approached the panicked wolf. her eyes swelled wit unwanted tears, but her voice was low and steady. "magnus-san, hush." she spoke, carefully stepping toward him to press her paws hesitantly again his shoulder, pushing him down to let him lay down. "you okay, you no worry." she whispered as her accent held a solemn tone to it. "you live. sickness no close. sickness no you. me lost lot people. everyone lost people. we live. we live for them. that why I okay. makoto-san want me live. yifan-sama want you live. everyone want you live, and you live. you always live. you will... you..." she paused for a moment, translating a few words before continuing with a warm smile curving her lips. "you will be okay. yifan-sama trust you." though her english was getting a bit better with time, her accent foreign with her broken english, but her words rolled off her tongue in a calm melody. aka pressed her nose against the cream pelt of magnus, showing her comfort for the stressed male. though her words broken, she hoped that at least some of the weight off his shoulders would disappear.

luciel | female | herbalist

location ; the herbalist den| mentions ; baekyun, maculoses, tempest.

concern and worry washed over her tow colored eyes, watching the two wolves disapear into the herbalist den. she remembered about their tail tips, but her thoughts raced on if maculoses was reaching the end of her life. wincing at the thought, luciel stepped back from the reaper den, abandoning her beetle as her paws broke into a sprint. hitting the ground with her weight as she approached the den, slowing down to duck under the den entrance and entire the den, her throat tightening before a large sigh of relief escaped seeing maculoses resting in her nest. "aha, ya old bat. you had me worried there for a moment." she teased the sick wolf, though she really ought to be careful with her words around the combatant. say the wrong word, she might as well go ahead and pray. the ginger wolf gazed at the sick herbalist with a concern clouding her eyes, swallowing the ball of emotions that cut or her air. she didn't like the idea of maculoses dying, she didn't like the idea of anyone dying. who's going to scold her when she does something wrong, who is she going to show her beetles to, who's going to lead the pack to find a newfound hope, who's going to keep her warm at night, who's going to look at her weird when she discovers a new trick or bug? she didn't want to lose anyone, she didn't want them to die. luciel took a shaky breath before forcing herself to smile. gingerly pressing her paw against the other herbalist's shoulder. "hey, mac, ya know that if you can cross your eyes it gives you double vision? kinda like what a spider sees, ya know?" though she wasn't correct, she hoped to bring a smile on her face. her round ginger head turned towards the younger wolf, "whatcha doin in here? bringing mac something to eat?" she questioned the young wolf. though the mix emotions in her eyes told a different story, she still kept her small smile. "that's a good habit to develop. everyone's gotten worked up, so they need someone else to care for them even when they refuse to. even yifan needs someone to look after him every once in a while. everyone lets their feelings get to them. good or bad, you can never bottle up your feelings for so long." luciel always acting strange, rebellious, and childish, it was refreshing to see her reach earth. her voice low and solemn, losing it's usual cheerful tone. It was mostly for the sake of keeping maculoses and herself calm. she didn't want to appear sad in front of these two, "don't do it too often, or you'll be stubborn and overprotective as this bat over here." she flicked her head towards tempest, letting a quiet laugh at the female wolf as she brought her gaze back to baehkyun. she knew he would turn out to be a fine wolf, he has aka and the rest of the pack taking care of him.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2019-06-11 07:58:58

Runa | Female | Combatant | Location: Forest | Mentions: Frostbite, Clove

Runa was quite happy to follow after Frostbite, keeping firmly latched onto the scent but her ears twitching around, enjoying the many sounds of the forest. Above them, in the treetops somewhere, there was the rustling of leaves as a bird took flight, and, at one point, barely audible over their own footsteps was the patter of a rodent, no doubt shooting into a tunnel as the two wolves neared. The growing signs of life provided such a stark contrast to what the forest had been like when the Disease was in its prime, and though Runa was aware that now that despairing silence might return, she didn't allow her mind to linger on the thought for long, lest it become too heavy again.

By the time they came upon the lone wolf Runa was so absorbed in her own thoughts that she hadn't realised how close she was walking to Frostbite, nearly padding straight into his hindquarters when he slowed his pace. She came to a stop right in time, his tail just managing to lightly brush against the fur of her chest when he wagged it in a signal to her. The feathery touch was enough to snap her out of her state, and within a split-second she'd zoned back in, now focused on the sight in front of them.

She had to stop herself from gasping at the state of the lone wolf, his jutted bones and tangled pelt almost making him look like a walking corpse. She was so shocked at his condition that she needed to drag her eyes away from him when Frostbite spoke, her gaze eventually settling back on the black-pelted Combatant. "He needs help," she responded, concern evident in the tone of her whisper. "I say we get him back to camp, preferably voluntarily."

Runa stepped out towards the stranger, offering a gentle wag of her tail in greeting. "Hello." Now closer to him, she could better recognise his scent. He didn't smell of the Disease, which was a reassuring sign, but clinging to his fur were the scents of unknown, foreign flora. He must have travelled far. "You look like you could use some help."

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Edited on 11/06/19 @ 08:03:06 by 。BlazeRed。 (Team Anubis) (#27478)

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