Posted by | Contagion [Wolf RP, CLOSED] |
![]() cass (POOP ME!) (#166237) Unholy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-01 01:39:11 |
Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 10/11/20 @ 09:45:09 by Eri (#166237) |
cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)
Unholy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-02 23:21:14 |
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pekoyama (#175041)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-02 23:44:29 |
kiyoshi | male | reaper location ; outside of the reapers den| mentions ; runa, hyuna. his black ears flicked at her joke, opening his scarred maw to respond. "there's no law regarding speaking, but that's what I remember. I'm not too sure." he answered as his tail flicked as a nervous habit. it wasn't that it wasn't funny, but kiyoshi didn't understand other's humor very much. listening to her gratefulness and her comment on the rabbit did make the corners of his lips twitch, but a smile still hadn't formed. "don't be afraid to get your paws dirty. it'd hell to get them clean again yes, but it's all worth it in the end." he advised the female, after she grabbed the leg of the hare. he lowered his head downward to let his teeth sink into the hunches of the rabbit, pulling out the back leg to tear it off. he slowly lowered his body down to let his stomach touch the earth beneath him, releasing the hunches to go for a bite. he paused to make the hyuna comment, but listening to the two speak to each other he felt a small sigh escape. at least it wasn't anything too violent or harmful. he was almost similar to a girl he knew, not quite remembering her name, but she was crazy on strength; both mentally and physically. kiyoshi sank his yellow, sharp teeth down onto the meat, pulling out a chunk to eat. his ears flicked up at the yifan comment runa made, and swallowed a piece of the hare he had. "I understand him. I may not be a leader, but I understand the feeling of being dependant on. it's a lot of stress for on wolf." he spoke up on yifan's behalf, "he's a grumpy old man, but he's doing his best. with the disease gone, a pack of many mouths, and trying to lead these wolves onto a good path. it can take a toll on a wolf." he spoke out calmly, holding sympathy for the leader. he lowered his head down to chew onto another chunk of a hare. letting any comments out if there was one. "we take yifan for granted, to be honest. okami was talking about sharing gratitude such as a surprise party, but I told her yifan wouldn't enjoy something so big." he commented finally, eating more of the hare hunch as a sign that he stopped talking. allowing runa to speak up on anything she had in mind. he chewed off the food of the hare and placed it to the side, knowing okami would love for a lucky rabbit's foot in her collection of many things.
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Folklore (#139547)
Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-03 13:02:35 |
Kismet | 20 Years | Female | Combatant | White and Cream Pelt ![]() Edited on 03/06/19 @ 13:09:22 by ♛LADYSEER♛ (#139547) |
Polo (#96942)
Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-03 13:10:13 |
Magnus | Male | Infiltrator | Location: Camp | Mentions: Runa, Echo, Kiyoshi, Fell, Hyuna The large male had run like he hadn't run before, massive paws propelling him forward in bounding strides, his muscles pushing him hard enough to arch his back with every take off. Logs, fallen branches, piles of leaves, and the occasional bone did little to hinder the mission- bound wolf. Though Magnus and his leader had split ways, the words of the sovereign echoed in his mind. Tell the pack. Warn them. What to do from there was anyone's guess. Even as the cream pelted wolf ran, he moved in silence. Even as his broad chest heaved for breath, he produced not a sound. Even as desperation forged of some innate fear, some quintessential feeling of wrongness, drove him onward, the wolf did little to shatter the windy quiet. Tell the pack. Warn them. He could now smell the familiar, natural perfume of the wolves in camp. Runa, Kiyoshi, and Hyuna were the first to reach his flaring nostrils. He leaped over the natural ridge just before the campsite, skidding to a stop atop the small rise. Chest heaving, Magnus pushed his words through gasping breaths, keeping the panic down, disguising it with the exhaustion that tore at his hot muscles. "The disease." He managed, swallowing air in his attempt to catch his fleeting breath. "It's back, Yifan had to-" He paused again, sucking in oxygen as he opened his maw to finish his sentence. "He had to kill a wolf with it." That was all. Now he sat down, none too gracefully, hind legs splayed, forelegs tucked straight beneath him. His shoulder blades rose from his earthen pelt like hills upon a horizon. He could only hope Yifan would be back soon. ![]() Edited on 03/06/19 @ 13:29:01 by Polopony (#96942) |
cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)
Unholy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-03 17:46:00 |
![]() Edited on 03/06/19 @ 18:29:22 by Loey (#166237) |
pekoyama (#175041)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-03 18:27:15 |
kiyoshi & aka | male & female | reaper & caretaker location ; somewhere in camp| mentions ; magnus. the heavy and rapid footsteps caught kiyoshi's attention, for a moment he believed it was a rabbit. his questions were answered as the scent of magnus filled his nostrils, but along with him was the stench he believed he forgotten. listening to the wolf speak caused the hairs of his neck to rise as the blood in his vaines turned to ice. his dull olive eyed stared at the wolf with confusion and anger. his black lips curled into a snarl as he rose onto his large paws. approaching the wolf, "you better not be telling lies, if I find out tou are, your throat will be under my teeth fastet than you can speak." he threatened the wolf, as his eyes narrowed down intk thin slits. kiyoshi wasn't going to let any type of joke slide, at least nothing so serious as the disease. a deep growl rumbled in his throat before he was pushed back against his paws. there between the wolves was pure white female. though her paws were dirty, her pink nose and dull pink eyes struck out most. "no, kiyoshi-san. no bite." she growled at the reaper, who only stared down the albino wolf. aka held a very thick japanese accent, often letting out small slang from her homeland escape. she turned away from the reaper and approached the wolf, rasping her tongue over the wolf's head. "ganbatte, magnus-san, ganbatte." (ganbatte = cheer up, be courageous, do your best.) she murmured to the cream pelted wolf, lowering down to her hunches as she tried to calm the wolf down for a moment. "no more wolf sick, yes? only ichi, magnus-san?" she questioned, hoping it was only that last diseased wolf. kiyoshi let a deep growl at the caretaker, "you're interfering, aka-" he was cut off by a quick snarl from the albino wolf. aka knew kiyoshi knew better than to use fear to get his answers. aka let her lips fall back into a frown, her pink eyes holding disapointment in the reaper. she turned her head towards the wolf, giving him a comforting lick on the top of his head once more. "ganbatte." ![]() |
FrootCake (#176680)
Bone Collector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-03 22:00:31 |
| |Leora/Echo|Female/Male|Combatant/Infiltrator || ◦◦◦ Leora had just made her way out of the Combatant den when she heard Magnus. She growled softly, slightly enraged, and thought, the Disease is back?! She had the belief that both of her parents were wiped out by the illness, but did not know the truth. Shaking out her long fur, Leora makes her way over to Echo, who seemed to be lost in thought. Butting his shoulder with her head, she breaks him out of his stupor. "Did you hear what Magnus said?" Echo looked around, seemingly confused. "No?" he questions, then spots Magnus. "Oh. When did he get back?" "...A few minutes ago. He said Sovereign killed a diseased." She replies, slightly shaking. Echo scents her fear before he sees it, and looks over at her. Oh no.... Echo thought. He takes a deep breath before reaching up and nuzzling Leora's thick neck fur. "Hey.... it's okay! It'll go away again, and we'll all be fine." Then he thinks about his siblings, Dog knows where they are. "All... all four of us." "The pack too?" she questions. Sure, they give her a hard time because of what she looks like, but that doesn't mean she wishes ill of them. Echo only gives a nod, before giving her a quick grin. He gets up, then pads behind Leora, his paws making no sound. Suddenly, he pounces on her tail, his small frame almost cat-like. Laughing, she asks, "What are you doing back there, shorty? You look like a cat acting like that!" She jumps up and begins to play wrestle with her step-brother, forgetting about her sadness. ![]() Edited on 06/06/19 @ 09:19:59 by Koder (#176680) |
FrootCake (#176680)
Bone Collector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-03 22:28:32 |
| | Everest/Aspen|Female/Male|Rookies || ◦◦◦ Just outside, two rookies were coming back to the camp after a night of attempting to find something for the pack prey-piles. They had both snuck out late last night, so were dead tired and had heavy paws, but they were victorious in their hunt. With Everest's intelligence and strength and Aspen's sense of smell and strong sight, they were able to catch a skinny deer fawn, 3 crows, and a couple mice. Can't really include the mice, though- They ate them. Other then this small act of disobedience, together the twins had the strength of a mercenary- or even a proxy! Too bad they don't like rules. After making their own entrance through the bushes surrounding the camp, Aspen and Everest drag the prey to the near-center of camp. Aspen drops the crows he had been carrying and plucks out six of the longest primary feathers from their wings. He sticks three of them in his sisters head fur then has her do the same from him. The camp knows of their ritual by now- they both stick a single feather of each bird they catch into their fur and walk around the rest of the day like that. Then at night they add the feathers to their shared nest before going to sleep. The fawn already has their sign cut into it's flank; an arrow, pointing towards the rear of the beast. Before going to the pile of rocks that they had claimed for their own for a nap, they glance over to the Infiltrator cave. Echo and Leora were playing outside the opening, seemingly having fun. As rookies Everest and Aspen didn't have time to have fun, but it did seem odd that the older pack members do. Guess they gotta be ready for anything, huh? ![]() Edited on 06/06/19 @ 09:20:20 by Koder (#176680) |
cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)
Unholy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-04 00:28:07 |
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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)
![]() Phoenix View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-04 01:53:59 |
![]() Edited on 04/06/19 @ 01:55:35 by 。BlazeRed。 (Team Anubis) (#27478) |
cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)
Unholy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-04 02:50:55 |
![]() Edited on 04/06/19 @ 03:02:56 by Loey (#166237) |
Folklore (#139547)
Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-04 05:31:24 |
Kismet | 20 Years | Female | Combatant | White and Cream Pelt ![]() Edited on 04/06/19 @ 05:56:55 by ♛LADYSEER♛ (#139547) |
❝Orion❞ (#172490)
Terrifying View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-04 08:05:29 |
『Adair』 ↳ ❦Combatant/F/Outside Combatant Den/Mentions: yifan, kismet(indirect)❦ ≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺ Adair awoke but just by the words she heard as she walked outside half asleep, she knew this would be a horrible morning. The wolf's mismatched eyes widened at the news, her voice getting caught in her throat as she opened her muzzle in astonishment. Surely this cannot be true! Surely it could not! ''Wh-what?!'' Her voice finally managed to escape her muzzle, but it came out like a quiet whisper. When she heard Kismet's reassuring words it only comforted the brown wolf slightly. Adair fixed her gaze on the ground as she shook her head to clear her panicked thoughts. She could not act so afraid of something she had believed would return eventually! The disease was like the wind, it left and returned, but this wind carried the reek of death and loss. She looked up at her alpha, hiding her fear behind the swirls of disapproval in her irises. His warning sank in, seeing the alpha's calm exterior, but she thought she could see the mixed feelings of dread. That was one thing Adair could always see in others, the feelings they kept hidden, and she could see her alpha's clearer than the clear blue sky reflected on a clear lake. ![]() Edited on 04/06/19 @ 08:57:21 by ❝Orion❞ (#172490) |
Polo (#96942)
Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-04 14:05:57 |
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Mire | G1 Subtle Supernal 3R (#51844) Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-04 14:11:31 |
![]() Edited on 06/06/19 @ 13:36:35 by Icy (#51844) |