Posted by Contagion [Wolf RP, CLOSED]

cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)

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Posted on
2019-06-01 01:39:11

OOC Chat!
Shipping page!4-46498_displaying-17-gallery-image-for-victorian-line-divider-horizontal-line-divider-png.pngContagion

the communication of disease from one person to another by close contact.

This image is a free to use clipart.

It's kill or be killed.
No one knows where it came from. No one knows how to defeat the virus.
No one is sure how to contract it.
All they knew is that a nameless disease has risen, wiping out half of the population of wolves, or maybe even other creatures. The forest is heavy with defeat and the ground is splattered with blood, although you are not sure if it is your own or another's.
After the mysterious disappearance of the virus and all it's traces, the pack of Contagion, one that once were notoriously known as the cold-hearted killers of the diseased, has been in a state of serenity.
That is, until the sovereign discovers a remaining diseased wolf on their territory. Much like what happened several seasons before, the forest is in peril- For the virus that took many lives is back, and each canine watches as their freedom and their will to live on crumbles away from them.
You. They protected you.
You joined the ranks of the pack when the disease had calmed, and now it is back. As each second ticks by, the disease worsens until you could no longer scent the normal forest odor, but rather, the scent of the virus.
Question is, would you be able to protect the ones you love, all the while stepping closer and closer to the cure? Or will you succumb to the plague that haunts the very place you call home?

[AKA The rules]
➵No arguing or fighting, please, unless it is part of the roleplay. But if not, either cut that off, take it to PMs or you will be forced to be suspended from the rp for a day or two.

➵Absolutely NO sexual or suggestive content, however innuendo is fine. Make it fade to black, take to PMs or offsite. Even then, make sure you are of age to roleplay in such a manner.

➵All LD roleplaying rules apply.

➵If your character will kill another roleplayer's character, make sure to ask permission first, and please do not be a power player. If fights in roleplay happen, I will use a wheel to determine who wins to make it fair.

➵This is not a rule but please dont let romance develop overnight, unless it is an established relationship from the start. Romance takes time. If you would like to have pups with another roleplayer's character, make sure to ask permission!

➵You must be semi-literate or literate to join. Minor grammar mistakes are fine and understandable, but do practice it.

➵No unrealistic colors for your character's pelt, or having a mary sue/gary sue as a character. Keep it realistic.

More rules to be added so check daily.
The Virus
The disease is simply referred to 'The Disease', for it has no name. The plague had started years ago, affecting the whole forest in which the roleplay will be located. Packs have been torn apart and various wolves were either killed by the infected, or infected themselves. Thanks to the previous Infiltrators, the pack of Contagion has reported on the most common symptoms of the infected.

1. Their scents change. Although, if you get a good whiff of the stench, a diseased's scent has the faintest trace of their original fragrance, but mainly overpowered by a sickening smell of decomposing corpses of mice.

2. Foam. The white, bubbling liquid oozes out from their victim's mouth instead of normal saliva.

3. Bloodshot eyes, or in the further stages of the disease if an infected manages to survive that long, blood from the eyes. The crimson liquid comes from their eye sockets, and this symptom generally appears a day or two before the victim succumbs to death.

4. The most recently discovered symptom, obviously death. The victim will suddenly go into a delirious, insensible state, and will kill anything in it's vision. The victim will attempt to kill, but this stage will make them freeze and convulse for a few seconds, before dying.

List of rankings you can apply for in the character sheets thread.

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Edited on 10/11/20 @ 09:45:09 by Eri (#166237)

Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-06-11 13:35:23

Magnus | Male | Infiltrator | Location: Forebearer's den | Mentions: Aka

He smiled softly at her as she slipped the flowers around his thick neck, cherishing the soft touch of petals against his earthen fur. The short lived wave of anxiety had ebbed away, leaving a peculiar feeling of emptiness behind. But Aka placed a gentle paw on his shoulders, her voice level and kind. A mother's voice. Magnus obeyed her gentle paw, dropping to a sit, but he didn't quite feel comfortable enough to lay down. He shouldn't be this upset, he shouldn't show his weakness like this. He was the funny one, the tough one, the one to crack a joke. Not the one to cry, not the one to break down at challenge. This wasn't him.

Though her broken English, Magnus walked right alongside her, nodding with her wisdom. You will be okay. His comically round eyes found the reddish gaze of Aka, and his thick tail wagged a little. She had a way about her, a sort of calming aura. It soothed him, filling up the pit in his stomach, taking the edge off his fear. She radiated maternal peace and calmness, and right now, that was all Magnus needed. He peered at the necklace, the colorful flowers so lovingly intertwined. He glanced up at the pale wolf, but looked quickly away again. Maybe... maybe the necklace signified how he would someday like to end up with her, intertwined.

But not while this disease raged onward. Not while he had a job that might just kill him hanging over his broad head. No, he wouldn't tell her. It would be cruel. Professing his love, then dying. A sort of sick irony, seeding hope, then poisoning it. No, Magnus wouldn't do that. He couldn't. Instead, he stood up again, smiled at Aka, and sent a hopeful question through his dark lips. "Do you have plans today? I saw a really pretty patch of flowers the other day, maybe I could take you to pick some?" Magnus' eyes glimmered with hope, he really did want to get to know her better, even if it didn't end in love. Even if it ended with his death.

Maculoses | Female | Herbalist | Location: In The Herbalists' Den | Mentions: Luciel

The pale female's eyes had just drifted shut when a voice pried through her subconscious. Her amber eyes popped open. "Aha, you old bat. You had me worried there for a moment." Mac allowed a rueful smile to cross her face, still not lifting her head. "This disease is trying its best, but I'm not that easy to kill, dear." The final 'dear' seemed almost out of place, after that tough opening. But despite Mac's faux, stalwart answer, the winter wolf could feel the familiar tremors starting up in her muscles as her stomach clenched around nothing. Her teeth, hidden beneath ebony lips, gritted together. She couldn't seize, not here, not with Luciel standing right beside her. She couldn't let anyone see that side of the disease for fear of being misdiagnosed with the illness.

At Luciel's comment on seeing like a spider, Mac lifted one eye to look her over in curiosity. "What? I highly doubt that, dear." But even that was spoken with a touch of humor, no matter how forced, as Mac recognized the attempt to raise her spirits. Her thick tail wagged slightly before she felt the pins and needles in her paws, the stiffening of her limbs. When she spoke again her voice was strained, pushed through gritted teeth. "Luciel, love, can you get me water? The turtle shell is over there. Just-" She paused again, trying to regain some sort of strength before she succumbed. "Just get fresh water from the stream."

As soon as those last words were out Mac almost seemed to lose her breath, as she began panting. Then, her legs went rigidly straight as convulsions tore through her disease- stricken body. She made no sound, though her amber eyes stared blindly into the roof of the den as she trembled violently. Foam began to rise in her mouth, bubbling over and spilling onto her nest. The scent of urine began to emanate from the seizing wolf. But as quickly as it happened, it was over, the tremors subsiding. Mac's eyes lost their lifeless glaze soon thereafter as she regained her sight, painstakingly curling up again, the ache from stressed muscles resounding in her body, and allowed a puff of air to escape from her obsidian nose.

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Posted on
2019-06-11 13:47:36

Combatant|F|Forest|Direct Scorch|

“Oh hello!” Dove seem surprised

“You heard....everything...” she kinda seemed ashamed

She didn’t want anyone to hear her ranting, she sighed as you sighed. “Um.....” She mumbled “Wait...” her ears perked

“You know.....a type of cure?!” Dove seemed shocked “M-mind telling me?” Dove always wanted to know the cure if anyone got infected she wanted to know how to cure it. She got up and padded towards Scroch, smiling

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❝Orion❞ (#172490)

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Posted on
2019-06-11 14:24:29

combatant/f/ forest/ mentions: Scorch


Adair flinched, noticing Scorch. ``What do you want?! did you hear any of that?!``Aldair snared, hiding her fear behind a thick layer of hostility.

What if she heard her mean words? what if she heard her plan?

Her fur stood on end as she towered over the female, she bared her pearly white teeth and dug her claws deep into the soil. her eyes were menancing and, with the light behind her back, looked terrifying. ``Well?!``

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Edited on 11/06/19 @ 14:26:25 by ❝Orion❞ (#172490)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-06-11 15:23:30

Scorch | 19 Years Old | Female | Combatant
Location: Camp | Mentions: Aldair, Dove

“Not so much a cure as a...solution,” Scorch elaborated before gliding across the river with a poised leap, landing neatly beside Dove. Before she could expatiate further, Aldair’s anger redirected toward her and the darker she-wolf hovered over her with malevolent eyes and bared teeth.

Scorch’s head tilted slightly, surprised by the outburst. Aldair’s threatening posture and dangerous expression should have frightened her, but it was clear Scorch was far from fretful. Merely curious. What an intriguing response to her interruption.

“Yes, I heard everything,” she confirmed in a cheerful tone, seeing no reason to be dishonest. “You needn’t worry. I’m very good at keeping secrets,” she added, concluding perhaps Aldair worried she would reveal her strife. “I agree Yifan doesn’t seem fit for his position.”

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Posted on
2019-06-11 15:32:07

Combatant|F|Forest|Direct Scorch and Aldair|

“That’s cool!” She smiled, looking at her with her black eyes, then looked at Aldair.

“Sorry about her, she must be surprised” She looked back at Scorch

“I’m Dove! Pleasure to meet you”

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❝Orion❞ (#172490)

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Posted on
2019-06-11 16:00:48

Combatant - F - forest - Scorch


Aldair grumbled something but then nodded her head as she stepped back, her fur laying flat but her eyes still reflected some of her anger. ``Atleast we share something common.`` She sat down, huffing.

She still wasn't sure if she trusted Scorch but sighed. ``What's your plan?``

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cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)

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Posted on
2019-06-11 21:36:12


Yifan|M|Sovereign|Mentions: Tarkik, NPC 2

Yifan blinked gratefully at the herbalist, a rare fondness in his gaze. "Thank you, Tarki- I mean, friend." The word tasted foreign on his tongue, leaving another odd pang of loneliness. The young leader bowed his head low until it reached his front paws, a gesture of utmost respect and submission that he was not used to doing as he certainly wasn't a lower ranking, but he did it anyway. Why? This, he was not so sure. Leaving no time for the surprise to take place, the dark pelted wolf heaved himself to his paws and lifted his head just a bit higher, a new sense of peace calming his embarassed, racing heart.
He pricked his ears forward, raising a questioning brow at Tarkik before tilting his head ever so slightly towards the direction of the main campsite. Yifan's mouth twitched into a small smile as he once again leaped over the small yet prickly, mossy-green wall that prevented them from crossing the path easily.
Yifan took the opportunity to take in his surroundings, the leaves entangled in his pelt gently fluttering down onto his paws as he finally appreciated the subtle beauty of the forest. His home.
He couldn't lose it. Even if it meant looking cowardly and weak in front of the pack, even if it meant pretending not to notice the glares shot his way, hr'd protect it. His own way. He'd protect the pack he grew up with, even if they lost all respect for him.
Yifan closed his eyes briefly and inhaled the now all too familiar scent, the serene image he had been greeted with shattered as red fur showed itself from behind a nearby tree. A long tail with torn fur and bleedin cuts poked out from behind a tree, twitching repeatedly. Yifan felt his fur bristle with tension.
Another one, it seems...

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-06-11 23:30:55

Frostbite | 25 Years Old | Male | Combatant
Location: Forest | Mentions: Runa, Clove

As expected Runa wanted to help, and while admiring her easy compassion, Frostbite did find himself wishing she was more inclined to make decisions with her mind over her heart. “Wait a moment,” he whispered, baring her path before the pale-coated female could reveal herself to the newcomer. “Yifan won’t be happy with us for bringing home a stranger. He’s more likely to send him away, if not worse, than accept him into the pack. If we bring him with us to camp we’ll be responsible for him, and should be prepared to serve as his advocates. Are you willing to contend with Yifan’s temper if things go wrong? Think about that before you make this wolf any promises.”

With his point made, Frostbite stepped aside, trailing after Runa at a slower, more cautious pace as she approached Clove. Yellow eyes skimmed over the smaller male’s frail form and the neutral expression he wore softened, if only slightly. “You look to be in need of sustenance, at the very least. I’ll be back,” he announced before turning, preparing to plunge further into the forest. “Don’t go anywhere,” he tossed over his shoulder, tone light and joking before he disappeared among the underbrush.

It wasn’t long before he came across a familiar blackberry bush, a favorite hide of his. What this fellow needed most right now was meat, but prey often wasn’t quick to leap into a wolf’s paws. You had to search for it, seek it out, and there wasn’t much time for that at present. Grabbing hold of a sizable branch loaded with dark, luscious berries, he bit down until the spindly limb snapped between his teeth and pulled loose. Satisfied with his haul, he padded back to his packmate, confident the ailing creature he left her with could do her little harm.

Dropping the blackberry branch at Clove’s paws, he allowed a small smile to slide across his muzzle. “I come bearing gifts. It’s not much, but perhaps it will help tide you over for now.”


Scorch | 19 Years Old | Female | Combatant
Location: Camp | Mentions: Aldair, Dove

Once Aldair’s aggression faded into mere disgruntlement Scorch glanced from one wolf to the next, a dark gleam flashing in her eyes. “We burn them,” she replied simply.

She settled a thoughtful gaze on the she-wolves, eagerly awaiting their reactions. “It is a destructive method, no doubt. Painful even, for those of us who carry the flames,” she murmured, her gaze casting down to stare at her burnt paw pads, “but fire cleanses all.”

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❝Orion❞ (#172490)

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Posted on
2019-06-12 04:34:42

Combatant - F - forest - Scorch, Dove (directly)


´´That...´´ She paused thinking for a moment before her ears perked up and her eyes reflected a sort of enthusiasm. ´´That could actually work! It seems destructive like you said but it could work!´´

Ah yes, she could already imagine watching the infected crumble to the ground in a wreck of flame and flesh, the smell of burnt ash and rotten meat. Even though it probably wouldn't be pleasant to watch, it was the right thing to do.

She stood up, pacing back and forth. ´´Yes! Yes, it could work!´´

She paused mid-step and turned to her friend and Scorch. ´´But how do we start a fire? I did see humans dragging sticks along rocks to do it but that's about it.´´

She stared at Scorch, her ears and tail perked up to show her excitement.

She didn't know if she could trust the female, but her plan seemed smart enough to work. She did seem apprehensive, but at least she could find a way to trust her.

´´Before you answer that, swear on your wolf's tail.´´ She said in a cold voice, but her eyes seemed calm.

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Posted on
2019-06-12 04:44:41

Combatant|F|Forest|Direct Scorch and Aldair|

"That can work!" Dove smiled

"Its not risky and its easy" She ran around happily

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cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)

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Posted on
2019-06-12 20:48:23

╔══════ ≪ °❈° ≫ ══════╗

Baekhyun|M|Youth|Mentions: Luciel, NPC 2, Yifan

The golden-furred male stared with unblinking opalascent eyes at the herbalist, meeting her gaze stiffly as he craned his neck over his shoulder.
The male had halted in his tracks towards his general napping spot, instead turning to look over the source of his name.
For a moment, he simply stared at Luciel before he padded over to rejoin the small group of wolves crowding the tiny herbalist cave.
"Beetle." Baekhyun mumbled, chewing his lower lip as he glanced at the small insect, which was barely a dot in his vision, that Luciel had set free. "Why are you giving the beetle away to Mother Nature?" There was a flicker of sadness in his gaze, and his mouth slowly twisted into a sort of sulky pout.
Apparently not waiting for her response, Baekhyun stepped back and swerved to the right, and onto the path to the exit of the campsite.
He scented something, something nauseatic.
It made him feel slightly woozy as he followed the scent trail. It smelled of rotting, drowned mice, something he felt was wrong. It shouldn't be there.
Without thinking and ignoring his surroundings, Baekhyun struggled to lift himself over the ridge and noticed a black pelt from his viewpoint. A red stranger wolf was clawing at the ground, coughing up crimson milk onto the ground, and a new stench entered his nostrils.
Why is she coughing red milk? Is she okay? Baekhyun yapped at the female worriedly, his paws losing it's grip and he skidded downwards and right towards the female, completely ignoring the dark leader's horror-stricken figure.
When the red female looked up at him with blood smeared all over her face, Baekhyun regretted everything. Tiny desperate claws sheathed, and the youth attempted to grasp a hold onto the steep ridge, tearing patches of newly grown grass as he fought to carry himself upwards.
No, no, no-

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Edited on 12/06/19 @ 20:53:36 by Loey {Anubis} (#166237)

❝Orion❞ (#172490)

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Posted on
2019-06-13 08:51:10

Combatant/F/forest/ Baekhyun, NPC 2 (direct) Dove, Scorch (indirect)


When Aldair heard the cries of a pup, her ears perked up. Her heart sank, her blood running icy cold, and her voice seeming to die into a low barely audible whisper like wind.


She turned, zipping into the forest at top speed, her pupils growing small in fright. She shouldn`t have gone far from camp with Dove! She shouldn`t have! She ran and ran, her limbs soon getting sore but she kept running. 

No! No! It can`t be! Don`t take him!

She soon halted, her breathe coming in gasps for air as she saw the scene in front of her. She soon caught her breathe and yelled in a panicked voice.

``Baekhyun no!``

She wasn`t sure what she should do, but soon she was standing between the wolf and the pup, her claws digging into the dirt. Her tail bushed out, brushing the small pup behind her. Even though fear pumped in her veins, the ice cold feeling of it making her hesitate for a moment, she bared her teeth and her eyes turned vicious.

She couldn't touch the infected, but maybe... She saw a sharp rock sticking out of the ground, it's point glistening in the sun for a moment as if beckoning her. She quickly grasped it and pulled it out of with a grunt, holding the sharp rock firmly as she snarled.

Thoughts swirled in her head. ´´What am I doing? This is crazy!´´ She looked back at the scared whelp, her eyes reflecting his startled expression for just a moment ´´But I must protect them! I must protect my pack! I need to protect wolves like Baekhyun.´´

She looked back at the infected wolf, watching the sickening sight of the blood on it's muzzle drip to the ground. She kept her paws firm, ready to strike, and slowly through the rock in her mouth came out a determined venomous voice:

´´Bring it on.´´

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Edited on 13/06/19 @ 11:08:06 by ❝Orion❞ (#172490)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-06-13 19:57:17

Scorch | 19 Years Old | Female | Combatant
Location: Camp | Mentions: Aldair, Dove, Baekhyun, Yifan, NPC 2

“Yes, that is quite the issue,” Scorch murmured, eyes drifting to stare at the trees behind them. “A wolf cannot create fire on their own. We must find it and steal it, or wait for a storm and hope lightning strikes. We will need to be vigilant.”

Aldair’s demand she commit to a vow resulted in her yellow gaze trailing back to the dark she-wolf’s face. Scorch wasn’t one for making promises, and her eyes narrowed sharply, but she could see this was important to her and a refusal might lead to violence.

“I swear on my own tail, the tail of a wolf,” she declared, finding the phrasing of this ritual quite odd. What use was swearing over a tail of all things? Before anything more could be said a disturbance in the woods sent Aldair hurtling from the clearing, deserting her and Dove beside the river.

Scorch glanced over the other female briefly before departing as well, her pace slow and unperturbed as she tracked the startled combatant back toward camp.The scene unfolding before her caused Scorch to pause. Fur the color of flames, crimson droplets and foam dripping from the maw of a foreign female. Her pupils widened with interest and excitement. An infected this close to camp? The disease was progressing quicker than expected.

As Aldair leaped forward to defend the golden-furred youth subject to the infected's uncontrolled wrath, Scorch found herself admiring her courage regardless of finding her rash actions foolish. The black form of their leader lingered behind the pair and Scorch waited for him to act, his horror-stricken face leaving her less than impressed.

Much of Scorch’s agreement earlier had been in appeasement, but perhaps Aldair’s words held some truth. “Good luck my friend. If you should die, I will tell grand stories of you. Every pack member, every pup born, every stranger that wanders our lands will know of your bravery, though I hope such a fate should never befall you.” With that said, she clutched Baekhyun's scruff between her teeth and began to steer him away to safety.

Despite being more than half his age she was barely taller than the young male and nearly as petite, the task proving difficult. She could only hope he would come to his senses and begin moving himself.

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Edited on 13/06/19 @ 19:58:22 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)

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Posted on
2019-06-14 02:56:28

╔══════ ≪ °❈° ≫ ══════╗

Baekhyun|M|Youth|Mentions: Scorch, Adair, NPC 2, (Indirectly) Luhan

It was so sudden.
At one moment, Baekhyun was sure he was going to get killed, and he resorted to shutting his eyes tightly and hoping for the pain to be quick and non-existent. The next, he felt the ground fall away beneath his shaking paws, as if he were flying. Believing he had finally died, he male blinked in confusion as his scruff was suddenly grasped firmly. He couldn't help the small, fearful salty substance running down his chin and splattering on the terrain as he was whisked away to wherever they were going.
"Luhan?" The name escaped his mouth before he knew it. Luhan had always been a sort of older sibling figure to him, reprimanding him for his unreasonable actions or simply protecting him from any dangers. As his hazy vision cleared, the pup began to realize it was not the forebearer who had somehow saved him from the chaos that ensued earlier. For one thing, Luhan was a tiny bit taller, just the average size, but Baekhyun could see that the one carrying him was not so tall.
He felt his heart skip a beat as recognition glimmered within the depths of his white orbs.
Baekhyun was rather scared of the female, for unlike the others, she wasn't one to approach or converse with him in the main campsite. His heartbeat now thudding like the many hooves of a herd clacking on a meadow, Baekhyun tried to twist his head to look towards where the infected was. His pupils dilated in terror once he realized that a certain combatant was facing the deranged female.
"Scorch." He whined pitifully, thrashing his paws at the open air. He was not used to being carried since he was nearing his Rookie stage. "Adair. Adair." He repeated her name like a mantra, flicking a short, almost stubby golden tail at the combatant.

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Edited on 14/06/19 @ 02:57:07 by 《Baek's》Aeris (#166237)

❝Orion❞ (#172490)

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Posted on
2019-06-14 04:02:50

Combatant/F/forest/ Scorch, Baekhyun (indirect) NPC 2 (direct)


Aldair watched as Scorch picked up the pup and fled, the sound of her name slowly fading away making her heart skip a beat. She would’ve said thank you to Scorch in that instant, but she couldn’t. She couldn’t back down from this wolf, this sudden battle that could easily kill her.

She didn’t know what to do but the same words repeated in her head “Save the pack."

She held her ground firmly, her breathe coming in shaky gasps. Would she die? Would she live? She shook her head at her thoughts. No. She should protect her pack, even if it means losing her life.

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Edited on 14/06/19 @ 04:07:38 by ❝Orion❞ (#172490)

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