Posted by The Tempest [Feral Dog RP]

Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-07-06 07:44:52
OOC Thread

The event was completely unexpected for the beloved pets, but the humans were aware a month ahead of time. A great storm was coming, one that would destroy their town and kill them if they remained, or so the news said. With a look of regret in their eyes, some left their faithful companions behind, unable to take them to their safe havens. Others remained in the town, promising to never leave their canine behind, only to perish in the aftermath. Some...some were born strays.

Nonetheless, the city was destroyed, turned into uninhabitable ruins. The dogs that were left behind were strong, intelligent, and fit. Through all the terror, they reigned strong, and they fought for their survival. And now, they emerge with eyes round with horror after what they have witnessed. Their masters are gone, their home is destroyed, and who knows what obstacles they might face now.

Unbeknownst to these "pets", a pack of feral canines have run this cities for years, hidden in the shadows from those despicable humans. And now, they rise: will they be foes to these frightened pets, or will they let them join they ranks to survive?

The city is a place of ruins, with piles of rubble and ash, although a few buildings remain standing (or at least, they try to). Some dogs have found shelter in tunnels through the rubble, or in abandoned buildings that barely cling to life. The temperate is moderate, but a little on the humid side following the chaos of the storm. However, surrounding the city is a dark and foreboding forest where The Tempest calls home. Here, they hunt and prey upon smaller mammals, although they active scavenge the city. These little pets really do have their attention...

-All Lioden rules apply.
-Roleplay will be PG-13 (fade-to-black, please) and SEMI-LIT to LIT!
-Posts are required to be a minimum length of one paragraph (4-5 sentences preferably) and at least somewhat grammatically correct.
-Each user MUST roleplay at least one (1) pet character before they can own a feral dog. For plot purposes!
-Character sheets MUST be accepted before you roleplay, do not post without the say-so!
-Current character limit: 4 per person...pups born IN roleplay do not count.
-Characters must have realistic descriptions, no purple fur or bright red eyes.
-Users must ask permission before starting character fights, deep relationships, and what have you.
-The alpha and other high ranks may not be overthrown without permission.
-If user drama is created, it will be handled. Get along, or get kicked out.
-Large plots must receive permission from the owner (#66829 or #66703).
-Users are allowed 1 high rank at a time, unless plot reasons are permitted by the owner.
-Pack creation is NOT ALLOWED at the moment!!
-Users are granted ONE wolf hybrid, not including pups born from your hybrid.
-NPC parents *must* be purely domestic dog, not a hybrid or wolf (for *pregnant* characters only).
-Animals that are undomesticated (pure wolves, foxes, coyotes, etc) are not allowed, along with non-canine (cats, rats, rabbits, humans, etc) animals. Dogs only.
-Humans are not around. The few that are, are NPCs.
-Rules are always subject to change.
-Roleplay may be moved to Discord later on, with agreement from current roleplay participants (vote will be cast).

Lost Pets (Always open)
Maela - lean chestnut-and-white ibizan hound
Polaris - fluffy black-and-white border collie
Velocity - brindled cane corso
Saigo - massive brindled saint miguel cattle dog
Rusty - sturdy red australian cattle dog

The Tempest [Feral Pack]
The pack has its rules, and has the respect of all strays. Above all else, the obedience towards the alpha is necessary, and the pack is seen as family. Never betray them or your alpha, and always work towards keeping the pack safe.
Alpha: Thelduin - tall and slender black ibizan hound mix.
Captains (2):
Scouts (4):
Successors: CLOSED
Sitter (1):


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Edited on 07/07/19 @ 15:28:17 by Argus [Svelte Hellebore] (#66829)

Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-07-06 10:12:51

The ear-piercing howling of the winds and thunderous rumbling of the earth had ceased just yesterday, yet the hound was still scared stiff. Why- how could they leave her behind without a trace? What had driven them to make such a decision? Had she been...bad?

She had refused to leave the remains of what had been her home, which was now left to what was basically a pile of rubble in the shape of a lean-to. In the midst of chaos and terror, she had managed to rediscover her bed, something that still carried her scent and had faint traces of her humans on it. It smelled of her mother, too. Maela had lost her dam but a few weeks before the storm, leaving her to mourn and refuse to move from her bed. Her death was unexpected, and the hound was yet to break the news to Thelduin.

Then, there was that problem- Thelduin.

Was he alive, was he ok? Had he found shelter? The half-siblings had gone without proper communication for almost two whole moons, and her concerns for his safety were growing. Yes, he was "wild" now, running with that pack like he was some sort of monster. It terrified her, seeing that...that gleam in his eyes, finding so much pleasure in bursting through the undergrowth while haring after some terrified small creature. But she still loved Thelduin with all of her heart, and she could only hope that her half-brother felt the same about her.

Especially now, when she would be at the mercy of him and his goons.

Anxiously, Maela's pale amber optics briefly flashed towards the gloomy outside, with the humid breeze lightly disturbing the tag that still desperately clung to her ragged bedding. The sky was a dark gray, foreboding and unwelcoming, but it was nothing like the storm that had hit. There was no lightning, no howling of sirens, no relentless wind that could send her flying across the yard. It was silent.

Too quiet.

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midnight clan (#109190)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2019-07-06 14:56:46
A chilling feeling ran down the female's spine. looking back at what was left of the trailer...her home. Her pack. All gone, Her owner and her offspring. All gone, what am i suppose to do? the frighten female thought to herself, sadden by the lost her pack she lets loose variety of high pitched whimpers. Looking around at all the ashes and trash she inhaled the thick smoke and sneezed. Stretching her limbs, her stomached screamed for food, she dipped her head, disagreeing with her inner self telling her to 'go, GO find food!' but all she wanted to do is wait. Wait for something she knew wasn't going to happen, all she wanted was her owner, her pack back. The ones she loved so deeply. Her owners were the ones to stay sadly...and they all died.

Lying down looking up at the sky her stomach rumbled for food...once more. She was done waiting, she will come back once she had found the food, 'whats the point of coming back if your know they are gone' she spoke to herself, she knew it was healthy to come back, it would only harm her. 'Okay i'm not going back' the confused dog told herself, getting up with A yawn, she shook her fur she turn around looked into the distance. Silence consumed her thoughts, A single thought that kept appearing, Whats going to happen in the Suns to come?

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msiai|g1 3xros ice (#174627)

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2019-07-06 16:50:03
Saigo tasted the air, glad to be free of his chains at long last. He knew he was in possible danger, but at his size, hopefully he wouldn't be challenged. First thing he had to do was find shelter. Then he remembered how those dogs ran in a pack, and he thought idly about joining. He didn't feel a drop of remorse, but returned; There'd probably be some of the garbage he was fed there. No, that wouldn't work. Those dogs had often teased and snickered at him on the few nights he wasn't fighting. No, he'd need to start his own pack. Yes; That was it. His own pack. First he'd need to find a female dog, or a male would do. Anyone who might be interested. He though there'd been a house a few blocks down with a fluffy hound dog, so he'd check there first. He scented, tasting a little bit of dog scent in the breeze as he began his trot down the block.

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Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-07-06 16:57:29

Fear consumed her thoughts, causing her worries to become sickeningly overwhelming. Stomach churning, bloody pictures of war and fights filled her mind at the thought of the pack finding her without being aware of who she was. Surely, being Thelduin's half-sister would give her some sort of...leverage? Maybe they would come and rescue her from this terrible nightmare?

But she knew that they wouldn't.

Who knew if they were aware of her blood relation to their alpha, or if they even cared, for that matter. The black hound had always gone on about how his "pack was everything" and that "they were his family now". He hadn't meant it in a cruel manner, he still saw Maela as his sister and loved her for that. What mattered, however, was that she wasn't the pack's sister. If she was in between them and something they wanted...surely she wouldn't stand a chance.

Anxiously, Maela fought with herself over leaving or remaining hidden in her crumbling shelter. She was thin and agile, meant for speed and leaping and by no means capable of roughhousing with others. That was what she always had Thelduin for, and now, nobody knew where he was with his pack. Regrettably, the chestnut-and-white hound with impressively large ears cast her old bed one final, longing look, before heading off into the dust-ridden unknown.

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msiai|g1 3xros ice (#174627)

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Posted on
2019-07-06 17:01:53
Saigo sniffed in frustration. The scent was gone, but there was a trail. He decided it would be good to follow, as it was still very fresh. He trotted down, occasionally catching a glimpse of a chestnut bit of fur, or a white tuft of fluff. He barked, hoping to get a response. For all his fierce looks, he was a teeny, tiny, itty-bitty bit afraid. He angled his cropped ears forwards, the nearly invisible scarring on the edges shiny in the dim light.

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midnight clan (#109190)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2019-07-06 17:13:49
She glanced at the half remaining structure, the scent of death still lingering, why'd was she the only one who survived she wondered. Finally turning around, her head hung low as she carried her weight away from the pile of ashes, letting her tongue hang out as a heat consumed her. Her stomach growling again, she soon stood on the top of a hill. The scent of something fresh, maybe a rabbit, her mouth started watering as she sniffed the ground, the ashes flaring into the sky, 'not a place to raise pups, this place reeks!' she said to herself thinking of the recent little of pups her pack had.

Wait- she heard something in the distance, high on alert she looked around only to find nothing, a tree must have fallen, or she was just hearing things. pawing at the pile she snorts as she smells fresh blood, Velocity was raised on a meat based diet, she loved the taste of it, Digging faster as her stomach and mind drove her crazy at the thought of the food making her drool.

"JACKPOT!" she barked happily as a multicolored spotted rabbit shown up, someone must have owned it and it died from all the stuff, "rest your soul wabbit" she wagged her tail wrapped her jaws around it drawing it out of its crashed up cage.

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Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-07-06 17:20:41

Her movements were like those of a bird: travel a short distance, skittishly look around, skip around a little more. Her curled tail was tucked between her legs as she went about her hesitant exploring, slowly leaning forward to gently poke her nose into piles of rubbish that may have seemed promising. She had no luck with rediscovering any scraps of food just yet, which puzzled her. Maela was provided with plenty of high quality kibble back at home, where had it all gone?

Finally, she found a pile that seemed promising, something that was hiding a container with something in it. Her breed was frequently referred to as the "Peter Pan Dog", and she lived up to the mischievous title when it came to counter-diving and snack-stealing. Still, the unaltered female retained the grace and slenderness so characteristic to her kind, likely because she was crazy-active. She paced a lot at home, always playing games with the children and leaping fences at night to race off and find Thelduin.

Her focus was intense, keen instincts reawakened by her growing hunger. It was painful moving such large chunks of rubbish just by digging, and she was surprised that she didn't tear a claw and begin bleeding all over. Eventually, the dinged container was freed, but not yet open. And she knew just how to do it...

The sudden sound of a bark caused Maela to practically leap out of her skin. Immediately, her tail was forced between her legs once more before she spun around with a jump. A yelp of shock erupted from her parted jaws before she frantically looked around for this scary stranger.

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msiai|g1 3xros ice (#174627)

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Posted on
2019-07-06 17:23:59
Saigo trotted out of a cloud of dust, his brindled coat covered in it. "I'm sorry, did I scare you, pretty one?" He tilted his head, noting how much smaller she was. "I'm sorry if I did. My name is Saigo." He bowed his head gently, his chocolate brown eyes watching her.

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Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-07-06 17:35:26

The hound's heart pounded in her chest like the feet of a rabbit on the earth. Her entire frame tensed as her fight-or-flight instincts kicked in, and naturally, she would always pick flight. Maela typically got along with every canine, even the scary ones, but after the terrifying events with the storm...she was horribly on edge. Every little sound made her want to bolt for her life- but to where? She had no idea. She had taken countless walks with her family all over the city due to her activity needs, but...well, it was like she was in a whole other place. Nothing seemed similar.

While it was hard for her to focus on details from all the floating debris, the sight hound was capable of making out his notched, cropped ears that immediately gave her a bad vibe. The jumpy canine took an apprehensive step back as she debated fleeing, knowing that she'd have little to no problem out running whatever she came across. But almost immediately, she reminded herself that she was lost: and if she started running, the ground could easily collapse beneath her if she went into the wrong area.

His words seemed sweet enough, and she let her guard down the tiniest bit. Thelduin always told her to trust no-one- but that was probably because Maela was as naive as they came. But at the moment, terror kept her as anxious as ever. And- wait, pretty one?

By the stars, nobody ever called her pretty. Could he see her obnoxiously large ears? If she was ever called anything, it was something along the lines of "sonar", "german-shepherd-wannabe", or "small elephant". Heck, a stuck-up little bichon frise once referred to her as "batman"...whatever that was supposed to be. "I-I'm sorry, I thought this was my food. Well, it is my food, but I-" Great, she was definitely going to get herself killed!

"I-I mean it was, but you can have it!!"

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midnight clan (#109190)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2019-07-06 17:36:27
eagerly eyeing the rabbit , she was soon set onto alert, hearing a call in the distance her tail instantly going up and her hackles raised, she put her paw on the rabbit when she finished dragging the rabbit out, raising her head high, the brindle female looked around intensely. She soon let the bark go as she didn't hear another one, licking at the rabbits fur to clean all the ashes off, sinking her teeth into the rabbit the warm blood filled her mouth.

she finished the rabbit within a minute or so, sniffing at the carcass she twitch her nose curiously, she couldn't help but wonder whats this animals story? but she knew she would never get the answer, 'a chase would have been better' she though, she knew she wouldn't have been able to catch the fast little animal, maybe something bigger, but not to big, you know?

feeling comfortable with the place she went on her way 'maybe i can find a still standing den' she though to herself, i would hate for another storm to run by, maybe meet some other dogs, The adventurous dog trotted along the rubble and ashes searching for a place, a home again she guessed but doubted shed ever find one.

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msiai|g1 3xros ice (#174627)

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Posted on
2019-07-06 17:46:40
"Oh, I don't care for food. I've got enough. And, why so nervous, dear heart?" He tilted his head. He was wondering why this pretty dog was so jumpy and nervous. She looked like she could race the wind if she wanted. "I'm of no harm, pretty one. Most dogs assume I am, but no, I am not that kind of dog. I've fought those dogs, though. Not very good with teeth and claws when against a bigger dog. Now are you lost, sweet?" He tilted his head at her, his round ears turning like satellite discs. He could see the size of her ears, but mostly he noticed her finely shaped face.

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midnight clan (#109190)

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Posted on
2019-07-06 18:00:36
Her nose to the ground to attempt to pick up a scent, worst idea of her life, she sneezed and snorted as the ashes filled her nose. Swinging her huge paws over her muzzle to knock off any ashes off her nose, she shook her big head and continued her gurney. Getting a smell of food she licked her muzzle looking in the distance of the smell only to smell other dogs "oo" she whispered to herself she she seen them in a distance but it wasn't clear to make out, she took a few steps forwards to get the image clearer but she didn't step any closer, curiosity consumed her, but she didn't want to start a fight with two dogs... who knew they could be aggressive.

she had a 25% chance of winning that, she wasn't that high in rank with her other pack, but she was in there. Her tail waged slightly as she thought of maybe not approaching aggressively, or not to greet at all, her eyes flickered as she had a debate in her head.

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Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-07-06 18:12:42

This guy had to be pulling her chain by calling her pretty. Was he trying to mock her in some sick, twisted way by sarcastically referring to her as beautiful? Maela knew what she was: alien in the eyes of most, even some of the humans appeared repulsed by the thinness of her build. Thelduin always argued that beauty was inner, and that was one thing that she couldn't agree with more. She took another step back from the ex-fighting canine, uncertain if she liked the intense affection in his greeting. Maela was probably the most loving thing to grace the planet, but his instant fascination with her made the female uncomfortable.

Ugh! Why couldn't she just sound confident for once? "Th-This was my home, right here. I'm n-not lost." The sound of a distant sneeze caused those sonar-like ears to twitch in another direction. Oh no! She was surrounded! With her heart rate increasing once more, the idea of fleeing was becoming more and more tempting.

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msiai|g1 3xros ice (#174627)

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Posted on
2019-07-06 18:16:14
"Ah. That explains a bit." Saigo yawned. "Well, I guess I'll see you about, if we survive." With that, he trotted away in the direction of the sneeze. As he walked, he contemplated the jumpy dog. Why had she seemed so unnerved when he called her pretty? He did that with everyone he met. It was just a way he tried making friends, but it had only really worked on vain dogs.

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midnight clan (#109190)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2019-07-06 18:26:09
she could sense the fear of the other dog. she tilted her head with confusion wondering who this Canine is. Was the other dog maybe harming her? her cropped ears moved forward to hear what was going on. Velocity couldn't pick any sound up, sitting down looking puzzled for a minute. She sprung up as her hackles raised a bit 'the other dog is coming my way' she said to herself 'should i attack or should i be submissive?' she asked herself 'i'm not being submissive, what was thinking, if he wants to fight, ill give him a fight' a low growl rumbled in her scratchy throat 'play it cool Velocity! and there wont be a reason to fight'. She stood Slowly a slight hint of fear in her eyes, but mostly curiously.

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