Posted by The Tempest [Feral Dog RP]

Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-07-06 07:44:52
OOC Thread

The event was completely unexpected for the beloved pets, but the humans were aware a month ahead of time. A great storm was coming, one that would destroy their town and kill them if they remained, or so the news said. With a look of regret in their eyes, some left their faithful companions behind, unable to take them to their safe havens. Others remained in the town, promising to never leave their canine behind, only to perish in the aftermath. Some...some were born strays.

Nonetheless, the city was destroyed, turned into uninhabitable ruins. The dogs that were left behind were strong, intelligent, and fit. Through all the terror, they reigned strong, and they fought for their survival. And now, they emerge with eyes round with horror after what they have witnessed. Their masters are gone, their home is destroyed, and who knows what obstacles they might face now.

Unbeknownst to these "pets", a pack of feral canines have run this cities for years, hidden in the shadows from those despicable humans. And now, they rise: will they be foes to these frightened pets, or will they let them join they ranks to survive?

The city is a place of ruins, with piles of rubble and ash, although a few buildings remain standing (or at least, they try to). Some dogs have found shelter in tunnels through the rubble, or in abandoned buildings that barely cling to life. The temperate is moderate, but a little on the humid side following the chaos of the storm. However, surrounding the city is a dark and foreboding forest where The Tempest calls home. Here, they hunt and prey upon smaller mammals, although they active scavenge the city. These little pets really do have their attention...

-All Lioden rules apply.
-Roleplay will be PG-13 (fade-to-black, please) and SEMI-LIT to LIT!
-Posts are required to be a minimum length of one paragraph (4-5 sentences preferably) and at least somewhat grammatically correct.
-Each user MUST roleplay at least one (1) pet character before they can own a feral dog. For plot purposes!
-Character sheets MUST be accepted before you roleplay, do not post without the say-so!
-Current character limit: 4 per person...pups born IN roleplay do not count.
-Characters must have realistic descriptions, no purple fur or bright red eyes.
-Users must ask permission before starting character fights, deep relationships, and what have you.
-The alpha and other high ranks may not be overthrown without permission.
-If user drama is created, it will be handled. Get along, or get kicked out.
-Large plots must receive permission from the owner (#66829 or #66703).
-Users are allowed 1 high rank at a time, unless plot reasons are permitted by the owner.
-Pack creation is NOT ALLOWED at the moment!!
-Users are granted ONE wolf hybrid, not including pups born from your hybrid.
-NPC parents *must* be purely domestic dog, not a hybrid or wolf (for *pregnant* characters only).
-Animals that are undomesticated (pure wolves, foxes, coyotes, etc) are not allowed, along with non-canine (cats, rats, rabbits, humans, etc) animals. Dogs only.
-Humans are not around. The few that are, are NPCs.
-Rules are always subject to change.
-Roleplay may be moved to Discord later on, with agreement from current roleplay participants (vote will be cast).

Lost Pets (Always open)
Maela - lean chestnut-and-white ibizan hound
Polaris - fluffy black-and-white border collie
Velocity - brindled cane corso
Saigo - massive brindled saint miguel cattle dog
Rusty - sturdy red australian cattle dog

The Tempest [Feral Pack]
The pack has its rules, and has the respect of all strays. Above all else, the obedience towards the alpha is necessary, and the pack is seen as family. Never betray them or your alpha, and always work towards keeping the pack safe.
Alpha: Thelduin - tall and slender black ibizan hound mix.
Captains (2):
Scouts (4):
Successors: CLOSED
Sitter (1):


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Edited on 07/07/19 @ 15:28:17 by Argus [Svelte Hellebore] (#66829)

msiai|g1 3xros ice (#174627)

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Posted on
2019-07-06 18:35:55
He trotted into her line of sight, looming about a foot over her. "Ah hello. Who are you? I'm Saigo." The mastiff wagged his stumpy tail a little bit and yawned

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midnight clan (#109190)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2019-07-06 18:44:44
he looked the male up and down trying to get a summary of who he is by looks. Looking at him for a second before responding "Saigo... interesting label, where do you come from?" she asked without answering his questions. She eyed his cropped ears, she could tell that he'd been in fights before. Taking in his appearance she glanced at the female in the distance, she was curious about her too.

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msiai|g1 3xros ice (#174627)

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Posted on
2019-07-06 18:47:47
"A bad place." He answered simply. He didn't go into any details about his past life. If he didn't tell any dog, no dog would know. He'd have a whole new life.

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midnight clan (#109190)

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Posted on
2019-07-06 19:00:25
" the usual bad place... my Velocity by the way" she said her eyes filling with happiness repeating her name. she had settled her hackles not raised anymore, he seemed...chill but complicated at the same time in her opinion. "what brings you out f your home? its gonna be hard to survive without my pack" she said with a slight sadness looming in her eyes. sitting down without being tense. her ears relaxed as her light chocolate eyes seem dull, they are usually full of light and excitement.

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msiai|g1 3xros ice (#174627)

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Posted on
2019-07-07 05:16:52
"I didn't want to stay there. It's the bad place." He replied. "And I'll probably be able to find better food than the scant bits of kibble i was given once a week."

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midnight clan (#109190)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2019-07-07 07:52:44
‘Once a week!?’ She thought to her self with a slight tilt of her head. velocity twitched her nose “have you ever had meat?” She said, the smell of blood still hung around like a bad Odor in a small room “I think it’s really good, and if I think i know where you come from, then your owners have an Empty Brain” She said calmly . Standing up now, she stretched her limbs and looked over at the other female, “Who is she? And why does she smell like fear? Did you do something? “ she glanced back at the male with a small glare on her large head. Shuffling her paws around the rubbish and ashes, as she grew antsy to move around. She wasn’t use to just sitting here clueless, the owner had them on a schedule, The Brindle was also still hungry, that rabbit wasn’t but a snack.

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Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-07-07 08:06:27

The anxious pet kept her eyes locked on the two brindles for several moments, wondering about what they might be discussing. Were they plotting to chase her down like a squirrel, and then tear her to pieces? Muscles stiff, the Ibizan swallowed a lump in her throat before slowly inching back towards the crate that had held her food. Once they seemed well distracted with each other, she began going to work on the crate that had held her food. She maneuvered her jaws around the snaps, until she finally pulled them free. Praise!!

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midnight clan (#109190)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2019-07-07 08:17:47
Velocity watched the female from afar “maybe I should greet her!” She said to herself, hoaxing at the male, she held her head high and started making her way to the dog. As she got closer she would think ‘oh this is scary’ her ears flickered with confusion. Out of all Dogs Velocity was never shy, but how come, now? She pushed the feeling aside and lowered her head a bit thinking it would scare the Dog if she approached with such confidence. As her paws carried her the distance the thought of a possible new friend had appeared. But what if she doesn’t like big dogs like myself, what if she only sticks with her breed? Velocity had to admit, she had never seen a breed of her kind, she wonder what their label was called. Standing at a good distance of a foot and 6 inches, her tail swayed anxiously as she looked at the female “Hello” she said in almost a whisper.

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msiai|g1 3xros ice (#174627)

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Posted on
2019-07-07 10:25:36
"Meat? What the heck is meat!? Is it like blood?" He asked, trailing behind her. 'I've only every had the little brown balls of kibble."

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midnight clan (#109190)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2019-07-07 10:34:52
She snorted, “That’s unbelievable! What kind of Dog are you?! Not knowing of meat! It’s only the greatest thing in the whole wide world, it’s only what are acceptors are many moons ago!” She said almost bragging that she knew what meat taste like. She shook her head “it’s a shame that you haven’t had it” she frowned slightly.

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Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-07-07 16:56:46

She felt like she hadn't eaten in ages, her dog food seemed so flavorful, more than it ever had before. Bat-ears and all, Maela kept her head shoved in the crate, practically swallowing her kibble whole, occasionally gagging when something went down the wrong pipe. She was so focused that she also didn't expect to have Velocity approach, and she immediately pulled her head out of the container like a frightened deer. She stared at the brindled female, wide-eyed, heart starting to race one more.

Thankfully, this one seemed a little more...cautious about her approach. Maybe Maela had overreacted a little bit...but then again, there was no knowing who these dogs were, and what they really wanted from her. Head lowered submissively once more, she managed to force out a reply to the greeting. "...H-Hi."

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midnight clan (#109190)

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Posted on
2019-07-07 17:25:23
She watched as the female gulped down her food ‘dang!’ She said to herself she must have been so hungry to be eating like that, maybe she hadn’t eaten in 6 moons, but would she be alive if she hadn’t? The brindle asked her self. Looking at her face with pure submission had made her feel bad, her ears against her skull with guilt she dipped her head with Apology, “ I’m sorry if I frightened you, I promise I’m not as scary as I look” she said with a slight tail wag to show she was sorry but also but not a threat to her. She looked at what’s left of the kibble “I see your hungry? Or was hungry, not sure if you even tasted the food” she laughed a little.

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Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-07-07 18:30:10

The skittish dog's eyes darted back towards the male that had spoken with her earlier, anxious to see if he'd make a move to rush in and attack, or something along those lines. Was it a set up to make her distracted? At this rate, Maela was willing to accept her fate. She was lonely, she felt beaten, and she was just so exhausted from all the overwhelming events.

Thin tail still tucked between oblong legs, the Ibizan returned her gaze to Velocity. "Yes, I-I'm very hungry." She overheard them talking about blood and meat, and it seemed so scary, but at at the same made her mouth water. Her treats were something special, raw or freeze dried or something, and they were delicious.

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midnight clan (#109190)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2019-07-07 18:34:39
She watched the female and her eyes glance to the male, she looked back at him and then her “he won’t hurt you, because if he does, I will hurt him” she said with an eyebrow. Hearing her words she licked her lips and look at the direction she had just came from”I found a rabbit and ate it, but I’m pretty sure there are some scraps left, if you’d like I can show you?” She said wanting to help her. ‘Maybe don’t ask questions now!’ She told herself.

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Edited on 07/07/19 @ 19:29:43 by midnight clan (#109190)

Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-07-07 19:26:35

The female offering her protection made Maela feel a little more secure, comfortable in her skin and current position. Or should she feel threatened? The hound didn't really know anymore, things were progressively starting to feel numb. Everything had just happened far too fast, causing her to lose her home and family in a blink of an eye. It was like she was stranded in a foreign world, or stuck in a horrible nightmare. At least this brindled female was willing to offer her a little confidence.

Rabbit...innocent and fluffy little creatures. However, no matter how adorable some of them appeared, Maela always had this unsatisfied urge to chase them, same as the neighborhood squirrels. What was that primitive instinct that always drove her to be such an animal? Was it the same thing that caused Thelduin to act out and abandon his foster family, leading him to run with feral dogs in a pack?

The chestnut pet shook the thought off. She needed to stop worrying about her half-brother, he'd be perfectly fine on his own. Or at least, that was what she tried to tell herself. "...maybe I wouldn't mind trying some." That had to be the most confident thing she'd said all day.

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