Posted by The Tempest [Feral Dog RP]

Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-07-06 07:44:52
OOC Thread

The event was completely unexpected for the beloved pets, but the humans were aware a month ahead of time. A great storm was coming, one that would destroy their town and kill them if they remained, or so the news said. With a look of regret in their eyes, some left their faithful companions behind, unable to take them to their safe havens. Others remained in the town, promising to never leave their canine behind, only to perish in the aftermath. Some...some were born strays.

Nonetheless, the city was destroyed, turned into uninhabitable ruins. The dogs that were left behind were strong, intelligent, and fit. Through all the terror, they reigned strong, and they fought for their survival. And now, they emerge with eyes round with horror after what they have witnessed. Their masters are gone, their home is destroyed, and who knows what obstacles they might face now.

Unbeknownst to these "pets", a pack of feral canines have run this cities for years, hidden in the shadows from those despicable humans. And now, they rise: will they be foes to these frightened pets, or will they let them join they ranks to survive?

The city is a place of ruins, with piles of rubble and ash, although a few buildings remain standing (or at least, they try to). Some dogs have found shelter in tunnels through the rubble, or in abandoned buildings that barely cling to life. The temperate is moderate, but a little on the humid side following the chaos of the storm. However, surrounding the city is a dark and foreboding forest where The Tempest calls home. Here, they hunt and prey upon smaller mammals, although they active scavenge the city. These little pets really do have their attention...

-All Lioden rules apply.
-Roleplay will be PG-13 (fade-to-black, please) and SEMI-LIT to LIT!
-Posts are required to be a minimum length of one paragraph (4-5 sentences preferably) and at least somewhat grammatically correct.
-Each user MUST roleplay at least one (1) pet character before they can own a feral dog. For plot purposes!
-Character sheets MUST be accepted before you roleplay, do not post without the say-so!
-Current character limit: 4 per person...pups born IN roleplay do not count.
-Characters must have realistic descriptions, no purple fur or bright red eyes.
-Users must ask permission before starting character fights, deep relationships, and what have you.
-The alpha and other high ranks may not be overthrown without permission.
-If user drama is created, it will be handled. Get along, or get kicked out.
-Large plots must receive permission from the owner (#66829 or #66703).
-Users are allowed 1 high rank at a time, unless plot reasons are permitted by the owner.
-Pack creation is NOT ALLOWED at the moment!!
-Users are granted ONE wolf hybrid, not including pups born from your hybrid.
-NPC parents *must* be purely domestic dog, not a hybrid or wolf (for *pregnant* characters only).
-Animals that are undomesticated (pure wolves, foxes, coyotes, etc) are not allowed, along with non-canine (cats, rats, rabbits, humans, etc) animals. Dogs only.
-Humans are not around. The few that are, are NPCs.
-Rules are always subject to change.
-Roleplay may be moved to Discord later on, with agreement from current roleplay participants (vote will be cast).

Lost Pets (Always open)
Maela - lean chestnut-and-white ibizan hound
Polaris - fluffy black-and-white border collie
Velocity - brindled cane corso
Saigo - massive brindled saint miguel cattle dog
Rusty - sturdy red australian cattle dog

The Tempest [Feral Pack]
The pack has its rules, and has the respect of all strays. Above all else, the obedience towards the alpha is necessary, and the pack is seen as family. Never betray them or your alpha, and always work towards keeping the pack safe.
Alpha: Thelduin - tall and slender black ibizan hound mix.
Captains (2):
Scouts (4):
Successors: CLOSED
Sitter (1):


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Edited on 07/07/19 @ 15:28:17 by Argus [Svelte Hellebore] (#66829)

midnight clan (#109190)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2019-07-07 19:37:12
Velocity had been bundling all her feeling up, it looked like she didn’t have a care in the world, being nice and all, but on the inside she was freaking out. Still devastated by the lost of her pack and owner, she wondered when her next meal would be because that bunny really didn’t do anything to her stomach, it just made her crave more food that she knew she wouldn’t get. If things are how they are now, she will die from starvation, but the brindle would refuse to die to that, she had a good nose and intended to put it to use. Hearing the females, she as happy that she could at least just a tiny tiny tiny bit trust her, If she were to survive she needed friends, she knew she couldn’t do it herself, that’s why wolves live in packs, to hunt big game because they know they can’t do it by themselves. She looked the direction of the carcass and started leading the way “so how are you handling this? What’s your story?” She asked curiously.

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msiai|g1 3xros ice (#174627)

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Posted on
2019-07-07 20:04:59
He was confused. Meat? It couldn't be the best, fighting was the best, wasn't it? He paused, thinking. Then he decided that meat probably was better, Velocity was right, he wasn't like a real dog. He hadn't had the chances others had.

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midnight clan (#109190)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2019-07-08 14:18:06
She glanced back at the dog still looking confused about the meat, picking up the rabbit it still had a rib or two left ‘how did I miss that?’ She asked herself before dropping it in front of the she wolf. Scooting it closer to you “go on try it, I don’t know if you have had meat before, but it’s really good” she said with a slow tail wag

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msiai|g1 3xros ice (#174627)

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Posted on
2019-07-08 14:19:11
(me or maela?

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midnight clan (#109190)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2019-07-08 14:30:15
Maela but you could come over if you want ))

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msiai|g1 3xros ice (#174627)

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Posted on
2019-07-08 14:31:21
Saigo began to trot over, investigating why 'meat' was so good. Did it make you strong and good at fighting?

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midnight clan (#109190)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2019-07-08 14:34:29
She looked over at the male who was coming “ah good your here, this is meat, it’s the best for you, makes you stronger” she said looking at it, she picked up the smallest rib to leave the rest to the female. She scooted closer to him “here you now try it” she barked happily

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msiai|g1 3xros ice (#174627)

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Posted on
2019-07-08 14:36:33
He sniffed it warily, before suddenly grabbing the rib in his jaws and snapping it. He licked at his jaws, satisfied. "Tastes like blood."

(Also, he's massive because his owner was stupid and thought hey, my dog needs some steroids!

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midnight clan (#109190)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2019-07-08 14:48:33
“Because it as blood in it, it’s the inside of a animals body” she said looking at it, she licked her lips as she suddenly felt hungry. Eyeing the rib she sat down “eat it” she said looking at the massive male. She licked her jaws and looked at the meat “is it good?” She asked.

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msiai|g1 3xros ice (#174627)

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Posted on
2019-07-08 14:50:55
"I believe." He nibbeld it some more, before crushing the last bit of bone in his jaws and swallowing the bone.

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midnight clan (#109190)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2019-07-08 15:00:24
“You believe what?” The she dog asked confused, hearing the bones crack under the pressure of his jaws was a very satisfying sound to her canine ears, but the sudden thought of her pack popped up in her head “I wonder if there are another packs out there?” She said out loud “did you ever have a pack?” She asked eyeing the male ‘I’ve ask way to may question, I’m probably annoying them’ she wondered, but her voice grew silent at the thought.

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msiai|g1 3xros ice (#174627)

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Posted on
2019-07-08 15:01:22
"Wait, what's a pack?" He tilted his head, even more confused

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midnight clan (#109190)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2019-07-08 15:09:29
Her ears fall back and hey she’s full with pity for this dog, not knowing what a Pack was? How? “I- Woah” She said in whispered before standing up looking at him “How- who were you owner?” She asked not knowing what to say, she felt bad for him, not knowing. Not enjoying an life with a family, how could one not know, don’t they have that urge to be with others? She wondered, her eyes clearly shown her confusion and sorrow for the canine.

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Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-07-08 15:10:16

Her story.

It was long and something boring to talk about, at least at first, until the most recent moons. The death of her mother, the storm...her half brother. That was especially something she didn't want to discuss, especially if Velocity would find him a threat worth going after. The Ibizan thought that she might find comfort in the presence of Thelduin, making joining his pack awfully tempting, was an idea that required nights of thought, as it could be a life-changing experience. For better, or for worse. " story might be better if told at a different time." Maela finally answered, curiously nudging the rabbit's remains with her cherry-pink nose.

She didn't really want to force herself to re-process it, especially since she was only just adapting and silently pushing all those devastating thoughts away. The skittish canine helped herself to the small chunks of meat, finding the taste to be more wonderful than anything else she'd ever eaten. Refreshing, and it felt so right! While she enjoyed the flavor, the nervous Maela cast glances towards both canines, to ensure that they weren't making any suspicious moves.

When the mention of a "pack" came up, the hair along Maela's spine rose without her say-so...they didn't know, did they?

Maybe it was for the better.

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msiai|g1 3xros ice (#174627)

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Posted on
2019-07-08 15:20:00
His eyes darkened "My owner got me from a terrifying, loud place. There were hundreds of us and we were all locked in cages smaller than you. I was given all kinds of bad shots when I arrived at his place and they made me all big and strong. I was always penned up in a tiny cage, chained to the floor. The only times I was let out was for fights or to train. I only learned what that green stuff felt like when I broke out." When he mentioned green stuff, he pointed at a strip of grass. He suddenly lifted his paw and sank his teeth into it, giving a version of the beating his owner had given him.

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Edited on 08/07/19 @ 15:25:08 by ☆ Bright ☆ (#174627)

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