Posted by Gathering Darkness- a multi species rp[open]

R] (#173231)

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Posted on
2019-08-31 05:54:23
There's something lurking in the dark.

The inhabitants of Fell have been living peacefully for centuries, thriving in the valley surrounded by sheer mountains. Nothing can get in through the mountains, and the ocean defends them from the south.
But something is gathering in the north.
That ravens that fly over the mountains bring back tales of plagues and death. Tensions begin to grow in the valley, and neighbors turn on eachother.
As The inhabitants of the valley start to panic, they turn to the Elders, a group of beings that have guided their path for the centuries they've lived in the valley. But when they go to seek the Elders, they are missing. (Or so they think)
What is coming, and what will happen to the peace?


Rules! Be nice and have fun!
You can have as many characters as you like, they can be any species, and there are no set rules for the groups they live in so it's a bit of a free for all.
This is a laid back rp! No posting requirements, time limits, no one will push you to reply, etc. We all have lives<3
intercharacter romance is allowed, but if one is not your character you must ask permission.
This is an lgbtq accepting rp! Please be nice.

OOC CHAT! Go here to discuss characters, RL, or anything!

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Edited on 03/10/19 @ 10:03:19 by LucifurFalling[CleanWith.Bast] (#173231)

R] (#173231)

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Posted on
2019-09-16 12:24:12
"We could go and ask the tribes," Tamiel suggested. "They live so close to the mountains- the Ravens would have reached them first. Also, if anything was happening near them they would know."
"There's no time," Rahm insisted, panic entering his voice. "We could stop by the budas and the leona, but we have to try to find the Elders as soon as possible. I know a a few places marked in maps where they might be."
"Hyenas first, Rahm," Tamiel warned. We shouldn't get ahead of ourselves. Does anyone else have any suggestions? Any other plan would be brilliant."

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Dilophosaur (#177674)

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Posted on
2019-09-16 19:16:36
Clover, despite Ofelia's disdain from the unicorns, felt it was only right to put in the suggestion. "Look.. What if we visit the unicorns? They know more than we would, wouldn't they? They're magical ancient beings themselves so maybe..?" Ofelia nudged Clover's neck and added to the suggestion. "However there's a chance they won't say anything. The clan doesn't take too kindly to outsiders, or.. me for that matter--" "But it's worth a try, isn't it? For the sake of Fell and the creatures in it?"

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Edited on 16/09/19 @ 19:16:55 by Dilophosaur (#177674)

dCrestPie] (#169921)

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Posted on
2019-09-17 02:47:59
Frick wrong acc

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Edited on 17/09/19 @ 02:48:37 by Brokenwing [clean seth primal] (#169921)

R] (#173231)

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Posted on
2019-09-17 02:49:08
"The unicorns might know something," Tamiel mused. "I think it would be best if we spilt up to contact different groups. Unicorns, Buda, Leona. What do you think? We could all meet up again after checking with them, probably at the base of the mountains."

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Dilophosaur (#177674)

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Posted on
2019-09-17 02:57:52
Clover nodded softly. "Ofelia and I should see the Unicorns, it only seems right -- besides. I'll make sure they keep their minds set on helping the valley and not on their selfish.. 'traditions.'" Ofelia was unsure about this, but felt enough trust in Clover. "Even if they won't help us, I suppose we have my mother to talk to, she'll help us out the best she can." "Good, alright. So we have me and Ofelia on Unicorn duty. Who's up for the others?"

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R] (#173231)

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Posted on
2019-09-17 06:41:13
"I'll go to the hyenas-" Tamiel suggested. " the buda know me. They aren't as forgiving to outsiders as the leona. If libra returns she can come with me. Rahm, you and qirr can go to the Leona?"
At Rahms uncomfortable look he snorted. "Relax, the Leona are close to the Buda. We won't be that far apart."
He looked over at qirr. "That sound good? We'd leave in the morning to allow us to rest abut from the fight."

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Edited on 17/09/19 @ 06:45:38 by LucifurFalling[2gwither.augur] (#173231)

AtlasMoth (#130870)

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Posted on
2019-09-17 12:52:38
Qirr nodded, smiling at Rahm. Traveling with a mapmaker, maybe this time he wouldn't get lost.

"Leona, the lions, got it."

He paused, dropping his hand from messing with his whisker, "And, everyone, keep a look out for that massive black lion. I have a feeling he's prowling around somewhere."

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R] (#173231)

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Posted on
2019-09-17 14:23:10
Tamiel agreed readily. "With us split up he'll be harder to fight though, so be on the lookout. For now though, who wants to sleep where? There's always outdoors, but there isn't really much room in here." He eyed up the huge Clydesdale warily. "You're definetly gonna have to sleep outside."

(I'll jump to morning after a couple more replies)

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AtlasMoth (#130870)

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Posted on
2019-09-17 15:42:48
Alaqirr stretched and yawned, displaying his fangs. "I'll set up a little camp and sleep outside, I don't mind. Goodnight, everyone."

He waved amicably and slipped past the Clysesdale in the doorway, looking up and pardoning himself with a quiet "Ah, 'scuse me, miss."

Once outside, he set to work quickly and efficiently. Choosing a sheltered spot near the corner of Tamiel and Rahm's home, he threw down a bedroll from his pack and swiftly assembled a makeshift lean-to. Qirr flopped down, exhaustion returning to him and dragging him to sleep.

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Dilophosaur (#177674)

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Posted on
2019-09-17 21:34:29
Clover's ears flicked back slightly but she gave a snort and a swift shake of her head. "I guess it's for the best, I am kinda tall huh?" Clover made her way outside, followed by Ofelia who gave a soft bow of her head out of respect to the couple and went to get some rest. Clover was less fussed about where she'd sleep, though instinct had taught her - and subsequently Ofelia too - how to not be eaten by predators. So, once she saw a spot within the clearing that gave her full awareness of sounds and sights from the brush before them, she gave a sigh and closed her eyes. Ofelia, being only slightly more picky, decided to make a shelter out of twigs and branches that were loose. Of course, she used magic to do all this, but even then the simplest task of levitation was draining, so when the shelter was around the pair she immediately plopped down onto the grass and fell asleep. Clover had opened her eyes once to see the shelter, but she didn't mind. If that was what Ofelia wanted, then she would deal with it.

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R] (#173231)

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Posted on
2019-09-18 07:36:06
(Oof gotta fit this in before we switch to morning)
Vivante slunk through the forest, nose to the wind. He was rather confused- multiple scents crossed paths here, all in a tangled knot of enotions. It was very late, almost dawn, but he was determined to discover the end of this trail- a bright and frantic trace of fear and adrenaline. It smelled of leopon.
Vivante loped off into the paling dark, unaware that the layer of the trail he was chasing was headed right for him.

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R] (#173231)

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Posted on
2019-09-18 08:10:51
Tamiel cracked his golden eyes open in the wake of the dawn, grey light trickling through the open door. He groaned, rolling over into his belly, paws on rahms back. Pale feathers fanned out over his face, shielding him from the first rays of the sun.
Below him, Rahm shifted and stirred, nearly dislodging his mate from where he lay half draped over him.
"Don't even think about it," Tamiel warned. "The sun isn't awake so neither am I."
Rahm chuckled, a deep rumble. "We do have to get up at some point tam. There's kind of a time pressure."
Tamiel pushed his face into Rahms shoulder, breathing in his mates scent. Warm paper, quills, ink and home.
"I know." He said slowly, choked. "I know. Just- promise me you'll be safe."
They both knew any promises made could be broken. You couldn't control fate. Once they rejoined each other in the mountains, all bets were off.
"I will," Rahm said anyway. "You must too."
Tam smiled, but it was a little forced. "Am I ever?" He joked, but it was a thin facade

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AtlasMoth (#130870)

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Posted on
2019-09-18 12:48:50
Qirr was already wide awake, he had been for some time. He had always risen before the sun- sometimes on purpose, sometimes naturally. He sat cross-legged where he had been sleeping, nibbling on a bit of dried meat from one of the many pockets of his satchel and taking in the ambience of early dawn. He watched unobtrusively as a group of small brown songbirds pecked at the ground not far from him, resting his head agansit his hand.

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Edited on 18/09/19 @ 12:50:00 by Reikier (#130870)

Dilophosaur (#177674)

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Posted on
2019-09-18 19:30:28
Yes, the day was starting peacefully indeed. Until a loud whinny filled the air. This, of course, was Clover's way of yawning. As she shook herself down and stepped out of the odd shelter Clover looked around. Yup, definitely morning, cold as hell too. Well, Clover was definitely not a picky horse and simply decided to move around before deciding to bow her head and begin grazing on the grass around them.

As Ofelia woke five minutes later, obviously unaffected by any loud noise produced by a massive Clydesdale, she went toward the treeline, accidentally prompting Clover to follow her. "Don't worry.. I'm just finding myself some food.." Clover felt confused as she vividly remembered Ofelia grazing with her one too many times, but she felt understanding if she wouldn't like to show it in front of new people. Ofelia hummed as she looked about - catching a glimpse of a fruit her people 'eat'. Plucking it down with her magic, and then stabbing it with her horn, she calmly held it up to her mouth and decided to drink the insides of the fruit rather than eat it. Unicorns didn't really need all that much food, yet they thrived from the inside produce of a sacred fruit - though Ofelia knew it wasn't that sacred given she found them with ease.

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Edited on 18/09/19 @ 19:31:33 by Dilophosaur (#177674)

Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2019-09-18 22:17:07
Mala and Lorca continued their trek to the elders, Mala sleeping long and hard in the evenings.

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