Posted by | Gathering Darkness- a multi species rp[open] |
![]() Patryx [1GCleanShadowCinnaM R] (#173231) Sinister View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-08-31 05:54:23 |
There's something lurking in the dark. The inhabitants of Fell have been living peacefully for centuries, thriving in the valley surrounded by sheer mountains. Nothing can get in through the mountains, and the ocean defends them from the south. But something is gathering in the north. That ravens that fly over the mountains bring back tales of plagues and death. Tensions begin to grow in the valley, and neighbors turn on eachother. As The inhabitants of the valley start to panic, they turn to the Elders, a group of beings that have guided their path for the centuries they've lived in the valley. But when they go to seek the Elders, they are missing. (Or so they think) What is coming, and what will happen to the peace? Os Rules! Be nice and have fun! You can have as many characters as you like, they can be any species, and there are no set rules for the groups they live in so it's a bit of a free for all. This is a laid back rp! No posting requirements, time limits, no one will push you to reply, etc. We all have lives<3 intercharacter romance is allowed, but if one is not your character you must ask permission. This is an lgbtq accepting rp! Please be nice. OOC CHAT! Go here to discuss characters, RL, or anything! Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 03/10/19 @ 10:03:19 by LucifurFalling[CleanWith.Bast] (#173231) |
AtlasMoth (#130870)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-10 16:38:52 |
Alaqirr's striped head tilted, one eyebrow arched. Slowly, he rose back up and smoothed his fur to the best of his ability. He pushed the dagger farther into his boot and cleared his throat awkwardly. "No, no-" he spoke quickly, "-Uh, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been so quick to- just jumpy, you know?" Alaqirr laughed again, now more nervously, flattening the last tufts of bristled fur on the top of his head with a hand. "I-um-guess you heard my name already?" ![]() |
Snini9 [Semi- Hiatus-stressed] (#154479) Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-10 16:48:07 |
Mala nodded. "Don't be sorry for being catious. It's a good skill to have." She said. "I do know your name. Alaqirr" she said, her hands clasped behind her back. ![]() |
Patryx [1GCleanShadowCinnaM R] (#173231) Sinister View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-10 23:42:51 |
Tamiel watched the exchange with slight irritation. He wanted to go /home/, dammit. He sighed and reshuffled his paws impatiently. ![]() |
AtlasMoth (#130870)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-11 13:35:48 |
Alaqirr's ears flicked. "Oh, uh-well. Thank you!" He chirped, He turned to Tamiel, watching him as he scuffed his paws on the ground, Qirr nodded reassuringly. "Nice meeting you, But we've got to be off- yeah? Maybe we'll see each other again soon." ![]() |
Snini9 [Semi- Hiatus-stressed] (#154479) Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-11 14:23:08 |
Tamu nodded."it was nice meeting you as well" she said, slipping back into the forest to hunt like she had originally planned ![]() |
🥝 cool.kiwi 🥝Uneven2ros (#182174) Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-11 14:31:51 |
The bright light of the midday sun shone down on Libra, making her cringe. She hated daytime, so she wore a thick, black, hooded cloak over her whole body. (Will continue in a sec, got to go) ![]() |
🥝 cool.kiwi 🥝Uneven2ros (#182174) Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-11 14:45:45 |
The bright light of the midday sun shone down on Libra, making her cringe. She hated daytime, so she wore a thick, black, hooded cloak over her whole body. The mocking rays of the sun made her feel exposed, seeming to burn through any disguise she could wear and display her for all to see. That was why she usually worked exclusively at night. But during the day, she spied. On the rich and the poor. Searching for their weaknesses and desires. Then, at night, she would make her move. Take what someone didn't need and give it to someone who did. This gave her a purpose.. It made her feel like she was doing something right. She was helping her society, by balancing it all out. But this wasn't for her, it was for Fell. Wasn't it? ![]() |
Patryx [1GCleanShadowCinnaM R] (#173231) Sinister View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-11 15:28:31 |
Tamiel stood eagerly, motioning for Qirr to follow him, then took off into the jungle. The cat-man kept up easily, bounding through the underbrush alongside the tiger with grace. Tamiel wasn't paying attention- not really, as he was more obsorbed with thoughts of home. He had been away a week- too long in his opinion, and he ached for Rahm. His heart burned the closer they grew. ------------- The raven returned only a few minutes later, nervous. “Oh, say, there wouldn't happen to be any… passes, through the mountains? Actually, can you double check?” Rahm shook himself minutely, trying to reassert emotional control. “I would have a map somewhere,” he said brusquely, bustling over to the honeycombed shelf full of rolled parchments. The raven shifted its weight nervously on the windowsill as Rahm pored over them, finally settling on one near the top. He carefully extracted it, cradling the browned parchment to his chest. This map was older, almost untoched. The inhabitants of Fell had no reason to leave, so they didn't bother to update the exits. The map had been neglected for years. Rahm spread it out on the table, the raven hopping onto his shoulder. “There's two ways into Fell,” Rahm said, pointing at the maps. “The sea and the mountains. There is only one pass through the mountains, but according to the notes on this map it was unstable when it was made, and it has probably caved in by now.” A distant memory of tumbling rocks flashed in his head. The great roar of rending stone and falling snow, desperate adrenaline and terror. They had to stop it or it would kill them all- “Map-maker!” The raven screamed in his ear. Rahm shuddered, focusing back on the map. “I'm fine, he said. When was tamiel getting back? "There's no way in, raven." He said." See?" It eyed the map suspiciously, but eventually seemed to relent. "Fine," it said, and flew off. Rahm leaned against the wall and watched him go, worried. ![]() Edited on 12/09/19 @ 05:11:26 by LucifurFalling[clean cinnabar] (#173231) |
🥝 cool.kiwi 🥝Uneven2ros (#182174) Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-11 15:29:33 |
Patryx [1GCleanShadowCinnaM R] (#173231) Sinister View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-11 15:31:07 |
AtlasMoth (#130870)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-11 17:39:16 |
Alaqirr kept silent, following close behind Tamiel. He kept up with the cat-man well, but Tamiel was obviously more faimly with the route and had probablyraken it hundreds of times. Qirr had to take many awkward double-steps over roots and fallen logs, as well as last minute dodges to avoid being slapped in the face by a curtain of moss or hanging vine. His guide and host was silent, and from the glances Qirr dared let stray from the path, he could tell he was focused on something. Probably something important to him, Qirr guessed, from the glint in his eyes and deadly precision in his every step. ![]() |
Snini9 [Semi- Hiatus-stressed] (#154479) Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-11 18:23:34 |
Mala made her way back towards her camp, killing a deer as she did so and bringing it back to her camp. She smiled as she saw her mate, Lorcan tending to the camp. "Hey Mala" he said, smiling as she came over to him. "How're you?" He asked, standing up and pressing a kiss against her lips gently."im good" mala said, pulling away gently to deal with the deer she'd brought. Lorca nodded. "That's good. " he said, going over to her and helping her deal with the doe. "How's little Mala doing?" He asked playfully, hugging her as he came up behind her. "The baby is fine" she said, shrugging his arms of fear from around her gently. "Unless you wouldn't like dinner, go do something else, it's hard to skin an animal when I c any move my arms die to you hugging me." She teased, only half serious. Lorcan sighed playfully. "Fiiinnnneee" he said as he went to the other side of the fire and tended to it, bringing it from a whisper to a roar. (I'll make a sheet for Lorcan in a bit.) ![]() |
Patryx [1GCleanShadowCinnaM R] (#173231) Sinister View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-12 00:56:49 |
The trees began to thin after a while, and tamiel paused to let Quirr catch his breath. But only for a moment. Tamiel didn't want to wast much time, and started again, this time as a much more sedate pace. The heavy leaf mold had given way to thick moss, which only deepened the closer they got to a crouching bungalow in the trees. Moss grew over the low roof, and pale smoke trickled from the skinny chimney. The cat man probably thought it awfully cliche, tamiel thought, but to him it was home. The tiger bounded forward again, wings shivering. He pushed the door open with one paw, grinning. Rahm could feel it in his mind, the closer tamiel got to home. A pulsing in the front of his skull. It got to the point where he couldn't concentrate on the troubling map before him, so he put it away and waited. He didn't have to wait long. ![]() |
🥝 cool.kiwi 🥝Uneven2ros (#182174) Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-12 05:02:28 |
Libra came up on Mala and Lorcan's den, and knew she had found her job for the night. They weren't exactly POOR, money wise, but she could sense that there was some old tension, some sadness still lingering. A gift of gems and money would help them wash away that last bit of negativity and live their lives to the fullest. She glanced around so she could remember the area, then ran off looking for someone to take the goods from. ![]() |
Snini9 [Semi- Hiatus-stressed] (#154479) Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-09-12 07:12:54 |
Lorcan heard Libra rustling in the bushes and stopped what he was doing, his eyes scanning the surrounding forest. "What's wrong?" Mala asked as she saw Lorca freeze and search for something."nothing. I just thought I heard something" Lorca said after a few moments, turning and smiling at mala."honestly. It was nothing" he said at Mala's raised brow. ![]() |