Posted by ✨The Days And Nights|open|✨

❝Orion❞ (#172490)

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2019-10-12 13:33:58

Girl in a jacket

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Millions of years ago, in a world of no humans, the sun and moon were rivals. The moon was jealous of the sun, being stronger and lighting up the world during the day. When the sun went to rest, the moon was left alone with nothing but itself to light up the emptiness of the sky. The moon felt alone, wanting companions to also light up the sky above. So the moon seeked the help of the creatures of the world below. The moon asked animals, animals across the globe, to help him bring light to the night sky.

The animals were surprised and were wary, but some animals changed their minds when the moon told them that they would become legends and people would talk about them for centuries. Some animals stepped forward to help the moon. The critters went to a large tower-like-ruin, where they would place their paws on a constellation and were sent up to light up the sky. With more and more animals going up to light up the sky at night, the sun became jealous of the moon.

The sun also seeked guidance from the animals of earth. The animals who accepted went to a castle ruin, where there they would place their paws over markings of types of natural occurences of the weather and nature itself. The animals joined the sun, bringing life and destruction to the world.

Everyday, the animals of the Moon and Sun went down to earth disguised as normal animals to watch it`s creatures. They seem to work together to protect this earth, but really they do not. The Sun and Moon were still in deep turmoil with one another, and the animals had chosen sides. A war seemed to be brewing... So... Which side are you on?

The Sides


Girl in a jacket

Animals of Asteria followed the moon and they lit up the night. They are usually peaceful and wise, some tend to be lazy. They seem peaceful with one another and try not to argue with the animals of the sun, but they still despise the ones on the sun`s side. In the sky they live in a moon fortress, with no roof to let the stars shine through. The moon fortress even has a large fountain, with dim lamps that cover the hallways. They all live in harmony up in their fortress, that is until the animals of the sun strike them.

Girl in a jacket

The animals of Apollo follow the sun. They are energetic and expressive, some even so confident their self-confidence only seems to blind them from the world around them. They are revolted by the animals of the moon, even saying nasty things about them. They live in a castle, with many windows to let the light of the sun shine through and lucious gardens.

Girl in a jacket

The animals who live in villages across the world and who live normal lives. Some believe in the sun, others believe in the moon, and others don't have a belief. They live normal lives as they go through the daily events of life. A kingdom of royals watch over the villagers, some being cruel and others being kind. With this interesting society, the anchorites try to go through their ordinary lives.

Which side are you on dear? Who will you follow? who do you trust

Current events
No... It can't be!.. He's supposed to be dead! His supposed to be gone!
He's back!


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Edited on 15/10/19 @ 07:48:25 by ❝Orion❞ (#172490)

Duskfeather (#179614)

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Posted on
2019-10-12 22:12:10
Faith| Warrior | snow fox | Location: the celestial pool | Mentions: Dark (for like 3 seconds), Yumi (indirectly)

Faith watched dark leave and set out to find yumi. She guessed Yumi would be near moon fortress.... hopefully. As she started waking there her mind wondered. How did that... thing... know her name? Why is Yumi after her? Wait.... what was that voice thing?

(ahhh I gtg. I'll continue this tomorrow)

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Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2019-10-13 00:16:18
Tamu nodded at Yumi's words."I'll keep an eye out" she said, glancing to the other female."thank you for making me aware" she said

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❝Orion❞ (#172490)

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Posted on
2019-10-13 01:27:34

Neoma | caracal | guardian | location: willow forest | mentions: open

The sound of birds and crickets accompanied theoccasional sound of crunching leaves as the black caracal with stars in her pelt walked through the willow forest. Her ears were pricked and her eyes glanced around the familliar atmosphere. The damp smell of the forest only sightly comforting the buzzing feeling in her heart.

The tensions between the sun and moon only seemed to cause more rivalry between Apollo and Asteria. It was as if they weren't guiding the anchronites anymore and only focused on shadow creatures and the battle. Neoma sighed. Maybe she should think about something else? Her mind began to travel elsewhere…

``Was the clan awake yet? Had Yumi set up patrols this morning?``
Neoma frowned, her blueish purple eyes fixing on a bird that flew into the night.

``Oh the clan's fine Neo.`` her british voice escaped her lips as she thought out loud. ``Yumi is a good girl. There is no trouble at the moment!…``

Her voice trailed off. What if there was trouble, coming just over the peaks of their future?


Zelda | warrior | wolf | location: moon fortress | mention: Yumi

Zelda's ears pricked as she looked at Yumi. What was the big deal? It was just a shadow creature bugging them, but not killing them.

Zelda snorted aloud. `` Puh-lease Yumi!`` she said, a small smirk on her maw as she rose to her paws and walked over. She basically stood over the border collie since she was pratically one of the tallest animal in the clan. ``Stop fussing over a cowardly shadow beast! It probably took other lives but it isn't harming anyone at the moment.`` she lowered her head, her neck straining forward as she stared into Yumi's blue eyes. ``What makes this beast so important anyway?``

Was that a hint of mockery in her voice?

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Edited on 13/10/19 @ 07:52:21 by ❝Orion❞ (#172490)


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Posted on
2019-10-13 05:57:17
| Yumi | Brown border collie | watcher | location: moon fortress | mentions: Dark(indirectly)

She began walking around, she couldnt get her thoughts straight.

"That shadow is harming people, reports of people missing are flowing in! Ugh!! Being a watcher is so hard!!" she sighed as she looked at her paws

"But its the path I chose....I need to make sure Dark is captured once and for all!" she said with a determined smile. She began walking over for people to patrol.

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Posted on
2019-10-13 06:21:01
| Dark | small snow leopard | shadow | Location: abandoned house in the woods | Mentions: open

She padded into the abandomed home, she had claimed this as her home for what seemed likee forever. She turned back into her normal snow leopard fur and blue eyes. She began organizing some fallen books from her rugged book shelf filled with books from moons ago. She then lit some candles bringing light to her home as she sat down. Taking a deep breath and relaxing, dozing off into peacful sleep

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Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-10-13 07:51:41
((Received the message that he was accepted))

Ortus | Wolf (M) | Apollo Guardian | Location: Apollo Castle/Gardens | Mentions: None

The fiery wolf slowly descended down the staircase with smooth strides, absorbing the endless sunlight into his fur to not only warm him up, but to give him an even brighter fire-colored glow from the accent of the sun's rays. Sleep had left him hours ago, and already he was practically beaming with energy just begging to be spent. Ortus squinted his hazel pools against the bright light so that he could glimpse out the window and take all the scenery in: endless views of happy sun-fed greenery, complimented by rows of colorful flowers with the sweetest of scents. How could they not praise the sun, when it blessed them with such beauty?

Finally the red wolf peeled his gaze away from the window and the great outdoors so he could finish traveling down the spiral staircase, until finally he reached the grand entrance to the castle. He stepped outside to welcome himself fully into Apollo's light, stretching his chin joyfully in its warm embrace. How could the followers of the Moon live such a life in the cold, without the warmth and beauty the sun created? They were fools to not respect what they had been given.

Swiftly he happily welcomed himself into the gardens to take an enjoyable "stroll", to see what fruits the sun had gifted him and his fellow Apollo members. Really, because of his high energy and enthusiasm, Ortus didn't move at a leisurely pace: he bolted through the orchards as fast as he possibly could, enjoying the feeling of dew-soaked grass on his paws, watching as the colors of flowers and fruits passed by.

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Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2019-10-13 07:54:04
Tamu followed Yumi quietly."I can go on patrol, if you'd like" the second eye said quietly

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Posted on
2019-10-13 08:02:35
| Yumi | brown border collie | watcher | Location: moon fortress | mentions: Zelda, Dark(indirectly) and Tamu

Yumi looked right at her with her blue eyes

"She is dangerous! She coukd possibly be planning to kill someeone or worse Zelda!" she said turning to Tamu

"Zelda will join you along with myself!" she eyed the wolf warrior then looked back at her second eye

"Let us go" she had a serious tone leading them out of the fortress

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Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2019-10-13 08:04:03
Tamu nodded and followed after Yumi and Zelda. She knew who dark was, she'd seen her from afar in a few occasions. What she would never admit was, she thought the snow leopard was cute, no matter how dangerous

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❝Orion❞ (#172490)

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Posted on
2019-10-13 08:32:27
(man I have a lot of reference sheets to do-)

Smokey | grey tabby maine coon | watcher | location: Sun castle | mentions: Ortus

The field of roses and many other flowers made a relaxing rustle as the wind blew through the meadows and forests of the Apollo grounds. Smokey, that was his name since he was before a normal ``house cat`` before he joined the sun, was sniffing a patch of daisies. His amber optics were half closed in satisfactory.

His relaxation was interrupted by a gust of wind buffeting his body. The mainecoon flinched back in alarm as his eyes staring shockingly up to see Ortus rush by.

``U-um good morning sire!`` Smokey yelled, his voice slightly caught in his throat as he
recovered from the shock.

He got up to his paws, his claws dugging in into the dirt as he pushed forward and rushed to his guardian's side. He enjoyed the wind blowing in his fur and stretching his legs only boosted his spirits even more.

How could Asteria stand that never ending darkness of their land? It was idiotic to follow the moon in his opinion!

He looked up at Ortus, since he was shorter than the male. He loved this land. He loved it a lot.

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Posted on
2019-10-13 08:36:19
| Yumi |Brown border collie | watcher | location: gateway | mentions: Tamu and Zelda

She walked through the portal heading to the mortal realm, where she led her companions through the village, wearing a cloak so she wouldnt be noticed as a watcher from Asteria. She leed them to the woods in search of the shadow feline that rested not far from them.

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Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2019-10-13 08:38:05
Tamu continued to follow, her paws slinking into the soft soil as she walked

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Posted on
2019-10-13 08:50:57
| Dark |small snow leopard | shadow | location: forest | mentions: Zelda, Yumi, Tamu(all indirectly)

She was carrying a basket of red berries she had bought and had a cloak to hide her, she noticed the patrol her blue eyes landing on Tamu. she quickly began running towards her home, trying to hide

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❝Orion❞ (#172490)

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Posted on
2019-10-13 08:59:28
Sonja | Merchant | Tortishell | location: forest | mentions: Zelda, Yumi, Tamu

The wind whistled through the air and the forest came by in a blur as Sonja ran through the forest, her scarf flowong behimd her in the wind and her daggers glistening in the sun. She enjoyed the wind that whistled in her ears and brushed her fur. Her claws dug into the dirt as her pace quickened.

Her blue eyes scanned the blurring forest past her and she could make out three other shapes through the dense undergrowth. She stopped, her breathe coming in a fog due to the early morning frost.

Who were they? Others wannting to hunt the bull creature?

Afer a few hesitant steps she walked over to them, the strange hooded figures coming into view. She... She had never seen them before... but the white wolf looked familiar.

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Argus [G2 July Bomb] (#66829)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-10-13 09:04:12
Ortus | Wolf (M) | Apollo Guardian | Location: Apollo Castle/Gardens | Mentions: Smokey

The canine had never been bothered to uphold the stereotypical "cat-dog" rivalry, unless said cat was a member of Asteria. If that was the case, he'd happily drive the little terror up a tree! However, felines that were followers of Apollo had his blessing, and therefore Ortus respected them as his fellow members. They had strengths that dogs lacked, such as the ability to scale trees with ease, and retractable claws that cut through flesh like it was nothing. Not to mention, they were able to...bend, a significantly easier than what a canine could manage. Ortus wasn't particularly malleable.

The red wolf had barely noticed the tabby enjoying the flowers as he zipped by, only briefly catching his scent as he moved past. The scent and color registered in the back of his mind as he moved, and he was able to put a face to the name: Smokey.

"C'mon furball, keep up! The morning is young, let's wake up to enjoy it!" The bold-natured wolf barked over his shoulder as he ran, his tone hinting at a playful mood. The sound of approaching light paw steps caused Ortus to snap his neck downward in surprise, noticing that Smokey had already caught up. Shoot! He wasn't a particularly fast wolf. Regardless, he enjoyed the feeling of the soft thundering caused by the cat's paws by his side, and he continued to power his way through the gardens, with the occasional free leaf slicing at his face.

Eventually, a pink tongue began to loll out the side of the Guardian's mouth, and his pace slowed to a light jog as his muscles screamed for a break.


Menhit| Panther (F) | Princess | Location: Royal Castle | Mentions: None

Oh- how she despised those lessons! The ramblings of the servants desperate to teach her the "royal way" always flew over her head, with the panther's eyes constantly resting on the great outdoors clearly visible from the window. She rested her head on her paws with an absolutely dreadful expression, the voice of her teacher eventually fading away as she became absorbed by her thoughts. What was out there, in the forests and hills beyond her castle? Adventure? Unknown beasts? Secrets that her parents kept from her?

"Menhit!" The voice of her teacher came sharp, a hiss seething with disappointment when the educator realized that his student wasn't paying attention. The melanistic leopard raised her head abruptly, blinking her round pastel eyes apologetically at the irritated puma before her. "Pay attention when I'm speaking to you, be a proper lady!" He scowled before casting the princess a final glare, later returning his attention to the lesson and proceeding to lecture her.

Life wasn't fair!

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Edited on 13/10/19 @ 09:05:13 by Argus [Clean Mandarin] (#66829)

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