Posted by Rulers and Tyrants (RP)

Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-05-09 19:51:39
This is (LOOSELY) based off of my adoption thread located here!

This will be edited lots before I am satisfied with it, but ya know!

This is where the RP will happen, I request that we try to keep OOC chat in the OOC forum, but I won't enforce it too hardcore.

Some Rules:
- All 18+ actions are to be fade to black
- nothing involving minors and adults
- Please put a warning before any gore, mutilation, or descriptive harm (self or otherwise)
- Do not have a response that describes how someone else's character reacts UNLESS this has been previously okay'ed by the original player

Each pride will be listed with a link to their respective page in the R&T Prides Forum. It is up to the creator of said pride to update it as people join! However, if they are anything like me, they may need occasionally reminders lol. But don't be pushy!!

I will try to update this ASAP as people join and switch up their roles as well!! As a reminder, I would love people joining my pride just remember that the lion/lioness either HAS to have a mutation or fake it somehow to be allowed in the pride. That is just how my lore works for my pride

- Mongoose

- Turkey

- Alex

- Tea

- Frostblight

- Avi

Death's Escaper (Death) (Turkey)
Talus Joined Sunbaked
Knawbones Joined Sunbaked
Ꮺ Miles (Miles)
Jester (Self Proclaimed Prophet) (Rayb1rd)
Angus (Tea)
Milzos (Randomness)
Tiny Nutbar (Randomness)
Ghost (Tea)
Marlboro (Alex)
Bubbling Spring (Spring) (Ryoka)
Eagle (lilpeep)
Zebra (Zeb) (lilpeep)
Faron (Tea)

Major NPCs:
- Albion: a mandrill who keeps a few falcons and bats he has trained to help see if anyone has mutations and the size of the litter to be expected. He lives out near the Oasis that is unclaimable by any prides. That is monkey only territory.

For reference (in case it is needed) in this RP sizes go in this order:

Male Tigon --> Smilus ---> Male Primal --> Female Tigon---> Male Felis ---> Female Felis ---> Male/Female Ferus ---> Female Primal ---> Male Lion ---> Female Lion ---> Male Leopon ---> Female Leopon ---> Mal/Female Dwarf

Other Links:

Follow this link to post your Pride description!

Go here to post a character sheet!

This one will show you to the deities (and you may add your own!)

For the actual RP, go here!

To just chat and talk, maybe come up with plot points, the OOC Forum is the perfect place!

We'd appreciate it if you introduced yourself here!!

To get some help figuring out how to insert images, change font type, and more- this link is really useful!!

And this is a link to my adoption forum!

Our Google Docs:
Herbs and Uses made by Ray
Languages made by Frost
The differences between lions/prides made by Frost as well!
The Agate Family made by me!
Explaing the Sleekwater Head Grave Tender Role made by Frost

Character Sheets

View and Post Character Sheets

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Edited on 07/08/22 @ 18:54:17 by Mutated Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

Frostblight (#282750)

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Posted on
2022-08-29 20:42:55

The lanky lion whimpered, starting to dig a deep grave for his Grandpaw. He sobbed through the whole process- not able to look at where he had set Howl's body. He felt sick, dizzy, and his heart ached. He wished Lady was here.. but then again- he wasn't sure he wanted her to see him like this.

Once he's finished he lays down the frail and cold body into the grave with stinging tears in his eyes.

" I.. I'll miss you.. Paw.." He murmured- not having the heart to bury him- instead crumpling into a shivering pile on the floor, sobbing into his paws.


She smiles, not noticing Harbinger's question. " Hey! You'll like this! Angel invited me, you and Bloss to go see my niece and nephew! Ain't that fun?" She chuckles, her face lighting up.

" Oh! Gardening! Right- Well, I'm certain Angel can help us find a good one! Aside from you of course." She jokes lightly, putting away the invitation.

" MAMA!! " She hears a very familiar voice come barreling into the Royals den before Calida's body- covered in mud and grass. She had grown quite a bit- Starting to show budding signs of her ferus traits. Her fangs poked way out beyond her chin.

" MAMA! LoOK!" She squealed- waving around a bloody mauled rat in her paw. " I caught something! I caught something!" She boasts, squeezing the thing so tight it looked like it may burst into a bloody explosion.

Hyena chuckles- coming over to settle her down- she peers into the pride for her mate and son- assuming they weren't far behind.

Calida rushes to Harbinger and hands him the tattered thing. " Here! You can have it! Since your king and all!" She chirps.

Nyoka|Mountain tops

He keeps a strained smile on his face- eyes narrowing as he shuffles to Smokes side. " Yes, well. We come from a rather odd background."

He remarks in a passive voice, he didn't show it. But he was fuming that she had snapped at his mate like that. He knew it was simply because of her culture, and Smokes deserved to know it.. But it still didn't make him any less peeved.

" On another note.. We'd be very thankful if you could patch us up Miss Shenzi" He changes the subject- mostly to subside his own anger.

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-𓀰 (#258201)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-08-29 21:15:05
Lucien | Mangrove

After harris was done with burying howl lucien started to lay down the lily flowers, muttering out a small prayer chant. Tears still poured out her eyes and into the soil as it disappeared into the earth. Looking to where Harris was laying and crying lucien felt her heart break, casting aside the now empty basket and went to comfort her son.

She put herself onto harris, hugging him close as she rubbed his back in an attempt to sooth him. Gazing back to the grave she couldn’t help but to look away, the sight of it being unbearable as of right now.

Raughan | Afyasi

“Hey! I caught something too, don’t go running off!” Raughan yelled as he entered the den, his words slightly muffled from the bird he carried in his mouth. As he sat down he occasionally used his hind leg to itch and scratch at his neck as little bits of black with pink ends grew out in different directions.

“Here you can have this mama, you can even use the feathers for stuff! See I’ve been paying attention to the lessons.” He dropped the bloody dead bird at hyenas legs, it’s right legs at a weird angle and it’s foot facing a different direction. The feathers themselves were bloody and the face of the bird disoriented with its tiny younger sticking out slightly.

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Frostblight (#282750)

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Posted on
2022-08-29 21:21:45

She scoffs, teasing her brother. " Yeah well- Mines bigger so." She comments, stinking out her tongue at him.


She rolls her eyes. Kids. She smiles at Ra, kissing his cheek and thanking him. " Thank you hun- I'll eat it later, I just had breakfast and all. And be Nice Cal. " She scolds her daughter slightly- kissing her cheek as well, which causes her to purr in response.

" Now where is your mother?" She asks them both- Calida being quick to answer. " She said we could run ahead to show you guys our catches! She shouldn't be far behind" She explains- grooming her fur rather sloppily.


He snuggles into his mother, despite having grown taller than her- he was clearly smaller when he was curled in a ball on the ground.

" I.. " He hiccups. " I knew he was going.. I knew But I didn't wanna think bout it.. I was so happy each day I woke up and saw he was still kicking.." He laughs sadly- " I'd get stampeded a thousand times if it meant he could c-come back" He whimpers- his tears wetting his mothers chest.

" M-Maybe he'd still be here if I hadn't kept training with him.. I-I shoulda let him rest!" He wails- heaving in deep broken breath, unsure what to feel.

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Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-08-29 21:28:04
Shadow Blossoms | Afyasi

She was panting as she arrived shortly behind Ra, a smile on her as her tail excitedly twitched behind her. She purred as she rubbed against Hyena with short chuffs, "They take after you, I can hardly keep up!" She laughed, almost smaller than both of her children. It was an incredibly odd feeling.

Jumbo | Mangrove

He held Jasper back as Howl was buried. When he thought she was relaxed enough, he let her go. Only to have Jasper break from him and run to Harris. She stopped the boy from burying Howl as she reached into the grave. She placed a paw upon Howl's cheek, whimpering all the while.

"Come on, Bug, come on." She murmured, "Come back to me. Please." She knew he couldn't, but she found herself unable to stop pleading with the body. She wanted to crawl into the grave with him and be buried with her mate.

Shenzi | Deadlands

She watched Smokes lean into Nyoka with a raised brow. Were they upset? She would have to ask Geralt later what she had done wrong, there was no point in upsetting her son's mates. Her pack was used to her brusque behavior, but she realized that she had only recently met the other two and thus was making a horrid first impression. For the first time, Shenzi showed some emotion- a grimace at herself.

"Apologies." She repeated, turning to the pool, "The water is hot, but you both desperately need-" She paused, was that rude too? Shenzi shrugged after a moment, "Fuck it, you all really need baths. The three of you reek of amok and fear." The aged matriarch spat at the ground, hackles rising at the thought of Ambar's so called pack. Little more than sniveling children, a mere pawful in comparison to her hundreds. Plus, she had that Vulture on her side.

Harbinger | Afyasi

He grinned at Calida, inclining his head in thanks and was about to respond to Hyena's brilliant news when Ra and Blossoms came in. Regardless how often he saw her, he was always amazed at just how small the lioness was in comparison to Hyena and the young ones. He chuckled in that odd new way of his and smiled, feeling at ease around them.

((I really need to head to bed ))

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Frostblight (#282750)

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Posted on
2022-08-29 21:30:13
(no probs!! Imma prolly head off as well lmao- just took my sleepy time gummies- gn!!! <3)

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-𓀰 (#258201)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-08-29 21:38:40
((Lol it’s all good, I’m heading out to bed rn- gn you guys, see ya in the morning!!))

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Frostblight (#282750)

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Posted on
2022-08-30 11:56:42
Nyoka|Mountain Top

He smiles fondly. " That'd be lovely- thank you" He chirps- starting to lower himself into the warm pool with a purr. He dunks his head under the water and runs his paws down his arms and legs, scrubbing off the dirt and grime of Ambars wasteland. He continued to preen himself, soothed by the heat of the pool. He liked his pool back home as well- but he always wanted a hot spring of some kind in all honesty.


He whimpers- watching as his Grandmaw reaches into the grave. He had done his best to lie him down in a way that made him seem as if he was in peaceful slumber. He sniffles, about to speak when he hears an unknown voice speak from behind some bramble- causing his pelt to rise.

" So another one lays to rest.." The voice was soothing and calm. It would have been comforting had he known who it was coming from.

A sleekwater lioness steps out from the grasses- her eyes were soft, yet hard to see behind the dark veil she wore. Her body was a deep blue- decorated with skull markings. Wait.. Oh right! This was Sage's Mate! He'd keep that to himself for now of course, but he became a bit more relaxed once he realized.

" Uh.. Excuse yew?? This is a rather private moment.." He grumbles- eyes narrowing. " What yew doing here anyways Stranger?"

She trots closer to the scene, speaking in the same tone.

" Where ever the dead may be is where I follow. I'm Sleekwater's Grave tender. I'm pulled to forces that can't be seen on the mortal realm." She explains.

" I've simply come to ensure the passed one makes it safely to the afterlife. I can step away if you need. " She informs calmly- eyes drifting to Kat. There was no hatred laced in her sight- she just seemed to be on guard considering their past.


She chuckles- grooming down Shadow Blossom's Tufted fur with a smile.

"Well- Angel just wrote to us and said that their cubs are born. He invited me, you, and Harbinger- and the kids if you both wanna come?" She asks over to them. Calida shrugs.

" I mean- I'm sure they're nice and all but Somebody has to watch over the pride! I'll be advisor one day anyhow so this'll be good practice!" She proclaims, Hyena hums, a bit worried.

" Yes well.. I'm certain Domino and Bongo can also help keep watch while your here" She suggests- making Calida roll her eyes.

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True King
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Posted on
2022-08-30 12:47:35
Lashpaw, Rustruff, Bristleback|Healers Den|Asyfai

Lashpaw had chuckled when the cub left but now he was slightly annoyed, they haddnt delivered the message and Domino was still frazzled with to many patients, to many cubs. 'Shoudl have flagged someone down from outside the den." he mumbles to himself. he closed his eyes to nap before trying to stand again when he heard a couple of familar and despretly needed voices.

"Ma, are you sure we can come in here now? Shouldnt we ask Domino first?" Bristleback asked his mother, looking around the den timidly.

"Of course we should, and Domino can be found in the den more often than not. Please calm down, im just as exciteed as you are but we need to be patient." Rustruff says the little leopon. She waits till she gets a nod from him befoer calling out softly into the den. "Domino, my dear are you here? We have a few questions for you, if youd be so kind."

Lashpaw could feel himself curling his paws into the dirt. As much as ne needed to see them he was afraid. Afraid that the lioness he loves and the cub he adores would be disgusted with him, his lack of limb, his weakness. He tries to flag down Domino befoer he can get to the den enterance but he has no idea if he was seen. He braces himself, 'This will ether be my salvation, or damnation.'

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Frostblight (#282750)

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Posted on
2022-08-30 12:52:48
Domino|Healers den

He perks up at the sound of his name- looking over to Lashpaw as he tries to wave him down. He blinks- unsure of what he wants. He shrugs and answers Rustruff first.

" You may! Lashpaw is in here as well! He should be good to go soon enough!" He explains, only then walking over to Lashpaw.

" Well then- I meant to tell you but I requested a false leg for you to use from the mandrills and it just arrived. It should be able to train your body to balance on 3 legs- it's not permanent sadly but it should last for a month or so." He informs the primal- adjusting a crude looking tool to the absent limb.

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-𓀰 (#258201)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-08-30 12:53:00
Raughan | Afyasi

“We’ll at least I’m not small, I’m bigger than you.” He teased as he stuck out his tongue at calida before looking away as if he’d done nothing before scratching at his neck again.

“Ya I wanna stay too! I’m going to be king soon and I need to have some lesson about doing that so I can’t do the trip. Maybe we’ll go next time, i wanna sneak out some of the stones there.”

Lucien | Mangrove

“Don’t you ever think that this was your fault, none of it was harris. Your grandpaw loved you and still does, I still remember when he first saw ya when you were born. You were small, too small and weak. So when you got bigger your grandpaw vowed he’d be there to help ya be strong.”

Lucien looked at the grave as the lily flowers moved in the silent wind, one of them toppling over and onto the ground.

“You’re grandpaw would go to the ends of this here mangrove if it meant that you’d be strong and survive. And now look at ya, his work payed off and he’d be happy to see you, even if he’s not here.” She gave harris a muzzle I too if his head before looking back to where jumbo and Jasper sat as the lioness begged her mate to wake up.

She stood from her position and walked towards jumbo, sitting besides her mate as she placed her head in his mane. When the stranger came by she raised her head, ears turned to their direction as she looked back and forth between the two, listening but not saying anything.

Geralt | Deadlands

“Wow….thank you mother. I’ll bring them back to your den when we’re done here.” He faked being offended with a smile before joining Nyoka in the hot springs, groaning when the hot water soothed his aching wounds.

“Ahhh that’s good, unfortunately we don’t have an soap over here besides mine.” He moved into the center of the hot spring, the hot steam hitting his face as the water dived itself when he moved.

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True King
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Posted on
2022-08-30 13:13:16
Lashpaw, Rustruff,Bristleback|Healers Den|Asyfai

Bristleback heard it was okay and rushed into the cave, avoiding his mothers grab to launch himself at lashpaw. In his suprise he simply curled his front pawsa round his cub and held him, listening as they began to sob. "D-Daad i-i w-was so sc-scared, you came back and w-were hurt a-and we werent alllow-allowed to see you!" briste wails into Lashaws mane. Rustruff watches the reunion with soft eyes, turning to listen to Domino. "Ill make sure that he practices daily, couple hours spread out through the day. We dont want him hurting himself while he recovers." She can hear Lashpaw whispering to his cub and holding him tight. She watches as Domino fits the mandrill prostetic so she can help when they practice later. Whn hes done Rust puts her small paw on Dominos fromt arm, "i havent said it yet but thank you. Without you here, im sure Lashpaw would have died. Hes done a lot of bad, but hes tried to do good too. So again, Thank you Domino."

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Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-08-30 18:10:22
Tiptail | Afyasi

He had been distracted by Cloudjumper telling him tall tales about a giant she had seen during the celebration. She had told stories about this 'Odin' figure before, but she was always happy to make up a new one. It helped her learn how to sign better. Her tail swayed behind her as she moved her paws, mouthing the words as she did so. Suddenly, Tiptail saw Rustruff and Bristle moving towards the healer's den and remembered he had been tasked with an errand. Blushing from head to toe-beans the small tripod jumped to his paws.

"Sorry, Cloud," He squeaked, "I gotta go talk to the king!" Cloud tried to sign a response, but the rambunctious cub was already racing away from her.

Harbinger | Afyasi

He chuckles at both Ra and Calida, liking the idea of the siblings ruling the pride lands after he retired. He didn't plan on being killed for the throne. "I would l-love t-t-to see Angel's, see Angel's c-cubs." He chuffed, averting his eyes from the affections Shadow Blossoms piled onto Hyena. The small lioness was returning the grooming with enthusiasm, muttering about how muscular and strong Hyena was the entire time. It was obvious Blossoms had a type. Harb's ears flicked as a small cub came tumbling into the group. It was the tripod one, though he seemed to move almost as well as the other cubs.

"Lash wants you both!" Tiptail wasted no time in announcing, panting from the exertion of sprinting clear across the pride.

Smokes | Deadlands

She watched suspiciously as Shenzi Chattered at another hyena she didn't recognize and left. The matriarch didn't even stop to say goodbye before trotting away. Smokes tested the water with a paw first, yanking it back with a hiss at how hot the water was. It took her a bit to ease into it, but once she had it was obvious she was loving it.

Grandmaw Jasper

She turned to the stranger, crying as she held onto her mate with one paw. She knew she must have looked pathetic, he family watching her in a semi-circle while she was inches away from crawling into the grave as well.

"Help him..." She croaked, voice barely more than a whisper as she sniffled.

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Frostblight (#282750)

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Posted on
2022-08-30 18:11:30
Domino|Healers den

He smiles, shaking his head. " Nothing at all dear- It's my job" His voice and face are pleasant- but Bongo seems to frown from the corner. Domino leaves the two to reunite and discuss plans- hoping Hyena would stop by sooner or later.

He trails outside, his smile still settled neatly on his features as he starts to make his rounds, cleaning and tending to each altar, chatting aloud to the god it was tied to. Many around still thought him insane, some even messing with Altars just to see him get flustered and clean it up. Mostly the rowdy youths- despite his warnings they never seemed to learn nor care.

As he approached the next ones he grumbled seeing a few young males lounging on it like it was a nest.

" Alright you lot. Get off I need to clean this altar" He scolds- the males complain and grumble, un-moving.

" Oh will you get that stick out of your ass? We ain't hurting nothing! " One scoffs.

" Yeah! Katsani will always be our god! Not this dopes" Another sneers, leading the others away. " Come on guys- let the loon tend to his pretty little altars!" He cackles- the three headed to another area. Domino sighs, cleaning up the mess they had left.

" I'm very sorry my dear Luanne.. The youth have been rather rebellious ever since I built the new altars." He sighs- receiving no response. Bongo slides up beside him, helping him clean it. He signs to him as they work.

" I don't understand why you still do this.. by all means the Gods should be protecting you- not cursing you.. You and I both know you wanna be a priest." He remarks, Domino doesn't respond- his smile faltering slightly.

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Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-08-30 18:20:08
Luanne | Afyasi

Tonight, the youths will find swamp grass and mud in their nests. Frogs will croak loudly, but only they will hear them. Maybe then they will respect the strange healer more. She sits besides her altar, watching him clean and tend to it as she remains unmoving. A small brilliantly colored frog emerges from the water of her altar, ribbiting almost melodiously. It stares at Domino, turning to maintain sight as the lions move around the altar. Its round and vivid body glistens with moisture and the eyes blink one after the other- as if it takes great concentration. Luanne hopes the message is clear, though she still says nothing.

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Frostblight (#282750)

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Posted on
2022-08-30 18:25:20

She smiles softly to the old Lioness- striding up to her and cupping her face.

" Oh miss.. you've already done so.."

She remarks softly. " Souls with no love can only be so lively. And your mate's is bursting."

She looks up- able to see what his aura looked like. It was a constantly moving ball of light- tinted orange like a sunrise, laughing spryly as it danced around with old friends. It only settled when it saw Jasper, expanding into a blanket of orange mist and falling over her and Dayla.

Dayla closes her eyes- holding out a paw to seemingly nothing. She closes it slowly- opening it again to show a very curious sight.

A stone. A stone of Howlite and Jasper mixed into one white and orange thing, smoothed down into a heart. A final gift to his lover, that he couldn't have passed on his own.

Dayla smiles and watches as his soul leaves, the mangrove starting to smell of moss and rain. The small garden that used to be his is blooming with flora.

Dayla hands the warm stone to Jasper- speaking in the same kind voice.

" Not many souls have so much love in them that they can spare some for a final time. That stone is only a fraction of the strength you all gave him in a physical form. He may not be able to stand here before us, but love is a funny thing isn't it? " She remarks, looking over to the unburied grave.

" There's just one last thing to do, miss.. And that's to say goodbye.. For now" She informs, giving her a small hug.


She giggles, flushing at shadow's affections- about to return them ten fold when a small cub comes stumbling in. She blinks, looking at Harbinger after the cub had said his peace.

" Ah.. right. Well then- Kids, could you pack me and your mother's things?" She asks her children.

Calida looks at Ra with a toothy grin. " BETCHA I CAN PACK MAMA'S STUFF FASTER THAN YOU CAN PACK MOMS!" She challenges him- cackling as she sprints to the advisors den.

Hyena shakes her head. That girl was something else. She peers to Harbinger before speaking. " Well- after you my king" She hums, joking slightly as she dips her head.

" And I'll be back for you later.. trouble" She teases Shadow blossoms softly, kissing her cheek.

Nyoka|hot springs

Nyoka chuffs- excited he can tend to Smokes after so long. He does as he normally does and starts to groom down her wet fur while holding her from behind, leaning onto Geralt's front as he does so.

" I missed this.." He sighs happily.

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