Posted by | Raffle Lioness Tweaks |
![]() Blue [Full dawn vossoko] (#73123) ![]() Pervert View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2023-03-14 09:06:35 |
Background InfoHello! I want to preface this with the fact that I am an old fart. I've been playing this game since 2015-- Almost 7 years! In those 7 years, there have been quite a few new players that have joined the game. Every week, everyone can have a chance at the raffle lioness. Before, this used to cap at around 2,000 people-- Maybe 3,000 if it was a particularly gorgeous one. As of the Tuesday I'm writing this, our current girl has 9902 entries and counting. I expect this to top off around 10,000 by the Friday she's drawn, meaning that 2,000 of old is *long* past by a factor of 5! This system was designed with the smaller numbers in mind! The ProblemThe raffle lioness is a special lioness meant to introduce new markings into the game, or refresh the old pool. She's a very special thing to win, but there are a few issues with her as she stands: * She's nearly impossible to win. * There are too many marks in too many possible slots that need to be fulfilled, so much so that 10 marks released a week doesn't really cut it. When there were 2,000 people who wanted her, that was bad. With 10,000 people who want her, it's worse! In short, demand has gone WAY up, and supply has remained the same. Thalath summed it up beautifully: Too many marks, too many players, not enough lion. We need to factor into account that the population of the site has increased since 2013. Please note that I am NOT accusing the winners of hoarding marks! I also want to point out that it's HARD to let marks spread from a single lion only. Some examples: * Bushveld Brindle in slot 7 was released in October of 2022. There are currently 5 lions total with it. * Fiery Brindle in slot 7 was released in June of 2022. There is currently 1 lion total with it. * Shell Lace in slot 8 was released in July of 2017. There are currently 19 lions total with it. * Feline 7 Ginger in slot 6 was released in April of 2017. There are currently 23 lions with it. *Information has been gathered using the marking slot rarity Wiki page, and the raffle lioness directory pages. This list can go on forever with a litany of how many markings we have, along with how many possible slots that can be filled. For just a small sample size, there are 9 feline markings that can occur in 10 colors, making for 90 unique raffle feline markings. There are 10 possible slots that these can be released into, meaning that we're looking at about 900 separate slots and marks that need to be filled. There's 52 weeks in a year. If a lioness were released with nothing but unique feline markings in unique slots, it would take almost 2 years to get all of those out into circulation, which simply isn't reasonable. That said, there are a hell of a lot more raffle markings than just those few feline marks! Proposed Solutions1. More than 1 Raffle Lioness per week. Event unlock numbers have scaled to accommodate more players, so why can't raffle lions? This one could be achieved in two separate ways: 1. Multiple copies of the SAME lioness per week. 2. Many different raffle lionesses per week. This would get lionesses out to more hands per week, which is a greater opportunity for a marks to spread. It does not solve the possibility of marking hoarding, but it generally gets more markings out to more people. This resolves the issue of the old system being created for the smaller site traffic in mind. If multiple copies of the same lioness are given out per week, it may feel as if they are losing how 'special' they are to people, though one could counter this with the existence of raffle lioness clones via crunchy worms. Multiple copies of every raffle lioness are almost guaranteed anyway, this would just create multiple lines of them genetically. Markings could spread more rapidly than some of the given examples above. If multiple lionesses are given out per week, it allows for more diversity of markings to be released to the masses and stops the bottleneck of how slow dying marks take currently to be revived. This does come with the cons that raffle lionesses may be deemed to be a little less special to the community (but remember winners getting harassed for winning?), and the human aspect that someone has to design these girls to be sent out, which may get taxing. 2. Each week a raffle lionesses is released, but a replica stud releases along with her. Thank you to Angela! This one is my personal preference. Let's think of August for a moment! We use August studs to quickly spread a bunch of markings to everyone, and everyone gets a fair chance to breed for what they'd like. It's all around a good system! This option would see a regular raffle lionesses released per week, just as she is now. She'd also have a brother alongside her who can stud out to the community to release her marks on a much larger scale. Anyone who still wins the raffle lioness gets to keep a very special lady-- After all, a full breed-only lioness with g1 heritage is nothing to sneeze at! -- but those who may like her for her marks gets a chance at spreading those marks! To keep it fair, you wouldn't be able to use breeding items with the stud, but you can still use items on your lioness. It's still pretty difficult to breed an exact copy, but it could get you close to it, and then you can shop with other players to get what you're looking for! This is a system we see on Wolvden already. You could limit it to one lion breed per account, or you could make it a GB/SB sink-- Which is always needed in pet game economy to keep inflation from getting too high. Suggestion: 2.5 The raffle stud system could mimic Wolvden's exactly, where everyone can take a chance to breed to the raffle stud. I'm quite partial to keeping the raffle lioness, though! Space for DiscussionI do want to clarify that I do NOT want to get rid of the raffle lioness-- I personally have always loved the little mechanic. I'd love to hear what you think! Are you interested? Do you think another idea would be better? Let me know! :) |
🐉Giena [he/they/hir]🧋 (#269975) Buzzkill View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2023-07-14 09:29:23 |
Blue [Full dawn vossoko] (#73123) ![]() Pervert View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2023-07-14 13:07:18 |
@gee I do like your ideas, but #3 was actually a thing in the past and it was taken away because people who created raffle lioness designs felt entitled to them or something. Either way it used to exist! ![]() |
peepy (#48100)
Savage View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2023-07-14 17:29:10 |
Man...I've also been here for 9 years and I remember when the most players I saw online was less than 500... In those 9 years, the active player pool has grown several times over. And like the other two OldiesTM on this thread, I haven't won a RL >< I remember when Crunchies weren't even a thing and being able to clone your RL was next to impossible. I definitely think it's high time for something to change ![]() Edited on 14/07/23 @ 17:29:55 by peepy (#48100) |
Talmoi (#16689)
Heartless View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2023-07-14 23:37:09 |
I’d like to see user submitted designs back, but done using an in game tool, where designs can be created and submitted anonymously. Staff could look over / tweak designs and approve them into a pool for future raffle lioness’s or studs. An Official Raffle design tool could limit you on what can be used, how many of certain traits can be added to a design. Raffle studs could have more limits on traits per design since they would be accessible to a larger group of players. This could make multiple raffle girls / studs easier to implement without staff having to work on creating them all. ![]() |
Sprigatito G1 Deca (#169873)
![]() Amorous View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2023-07-28 22:29:43 |
I don't know if this exact suggestion has been made, but what if there were multiple different RLs per week (lets say 4, one for each base color of Red/Black/Cream/Golden), but you could only enter for one of those girls, each girl shares at least one of the new marking(s) (e.g. all four would get Noctis Burmese but in a different slot at different opacity or something like that). You could also add that while they all share one marking, they all also get 1 new marking that the others don't share. That way there's a smaller pool of users to pick from per RL, more bases and markings get released, and the opportunity to get an RL feels a little more evenly distributed. Like sure you can have 4 (or however many) RLs where you can enter for each one, but there's still the infinitesimally small chance that someone wins 2 in a week if someone can enter for all of them, and it doesn't fix the 8000-10000 people entering the same raffle issue -- this new system of only being able to enter for one of the four would guarantee that only one person can win one of the RLs that week, and it's a smaller pool to choose from. Thoughts? Edit: I've made mock-ups with the idea of 4 different girls sharing a marking; their pictures are clickable and will take you to their wardrobe page until the page auto-erases Each of these girls has BO marks and a BO base -- the one thing they share though is Noctis Burmese in different slots. Haze (Black Base Group), Noctis Burmese Slot 7: ![]() Pearl (Cream Base Group), Noctis Burmese Slot 3: ![]() Orchid (Red Base Group), Noctis Burmese Slot 5: ![]() Damu (Gold Base Group), Noctis Burmese Slot 6: ![]() So you could have a button beneath for each girl; once you pick that girl you're locked out of the other three; your side wouldn't be effected by this so theoretically you could pick your favorite two, or two tickets for one girl. As we've been averaging 8000-10000 players trying to win her over, this method could split the votes up to 2000-3000 per girl, +/- a few hundred depending on the desirability of the base which would make it more even; furthermore, people would also be likely to pick a girl with fewer raffle tickets for just the chance to get any RL. This method would keep the girls unique and special while also spreading the markings faster and farther to more players and in different slots without having to rely on either a) another RL or b) an RMA; the chances of the marking hoarding on all four girls would also decrease as well, now that there would be 4 different girls with it being released in four different slots. Edit: Given the news thread I have a bit of a suggestion to add onto this! A combo of Option 4 & Option 5! An older RL that's on a suspended/defunct account could be released, alongside two new ones that share the traits in different slots ![]() ![]() Edited on 05/08/24 @ 15:37:04 by Sprigatito G1 Deca (#169873) |
Kem |G2 Cinna (#391969)
Terrifying View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2023-08-15 22:39:07 |
![]() Edited on 16/08/23 @ 23:56:52 by Kem | G2 Bisected Colorbomb (#391969) |
kingrot | g2 cinna smilus nrlc (#64281) Angelic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2023-08-30 10:39:44 |
option 1.1 and option 2 together would be wonderful, specifically if option 2 went down the currency sink path. with how the population has grown, i'd say 3-5 copies of the RL as well as a raffle stud would work beautifully - it's in keeping with the rarity aspect of the raffle lioness system, but it also addresses the problem of markings not properly spreading. i could also suggest this; 3-5 copies of the same RL, but each one comes with randomized slots. that way we don't have to wait forever for, say, dark brown burmese to show up in a slot other than slot 7. i realize this might circle right back around to certain slots not spreading though so feel free to critique that however you will. ![]() |
Atlaz (#128752)
Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2023-10-12 00:06:04 |
For the multi-RL idea, while it would be amazing to have 3-5 copies of an RL around to avoid getting them all on dead accounts Or there could be a submission system where people can "create" a raffle lioness design with the typical restrictions, and submit it to the game? It wouldn't be a topic, everything would be anonymous and it would be submitted to the game, not to be seen by other players. Extra RL's could then be drawn and approved at the appropriate time from a randomized pool instead of one person creating several designs! The anonymity and RNG aspects would also prevent people from being absolutely sure that it's the design THEY made, so we could avoid the issue of players feeling entitled to a design because they made it. So it would be like bringing back user-made designs but HOPEFULLY without all that drama? I'm sorry if somebody else has suggested this by now. I fully support the whole of your suggestion, this is just an idea to help with the first option ;v; Having up to 10 winners out of thousands (or tens of thousands now it seems like) isn't a terrible deal. I've been playing for a long time as well and haven't even been able to breed a hybrid or a high value mutie! Winning an RL feels like a fever dream sometimes and the idea of more ladies being able to pass their looks around, making traits more accessible to everyone sounds so much better than just keeping to one RL per week. (I apologize if anything is jumbled mobile is hard to read and I cannot find my glasses to read over everything again) ![]() |
Blue [Full dawn vossoko] (#73123) ![]() Pervert View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2023-10-12 05:04:35 |
The raffle lion used to be a player created pool. That was scrapped because people who designed her ans got their idea approved felt like they were entitled to her and would harass the winners. So that was already a live feature that got pulled and I don't think it's coming back X) ![]() |
Atlaz (#128752)
Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2023-10-12 07:46:28 |
I am aware of the feature, it was awesome while it lasted but I do completely understand why it was scrapped, I was trying to suggest an idea that could kind of bring it back but hopefully prevent the entitlement issue! ![]() |
Lefris (#406768)
Confused View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2023-10-12 07:48:57 |
This couldn’t be more real… I wonder what their reasons for not making these changes are ![]() |
🌤Dikotsa | SHE/HER🇵🇸🌤 (#248234) View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2023-12-05 19:37:25 |
I think this is a cool idea, but personally I don't support. Raffle lionesses are meant to be rare and difficult to obtain. That is why theres an entire achievement for getting one! They in of themselves, are achievements. While marking hoarding is definitely a problem, that is one that is not the fault of the raffle lioness system. The RL designers can simply create more RL's with these BO markings that are being hoarded, that would solve the issue immediately. Winners have the right to keep a line private if they want to. That is up to them. They paid the SB, they gathered the impression, and they lucked out on a beautiful lady. They have every right to keep it to themselves, even if it is considered selfish to do so. Not to mention how the worth of RL's would absolutely TANK with this proposed system. That said, I do think I would support Two raffle lionesses a week. I think that would make it much fairer. Considering the (about) average entries for an RL these days is about 5-6k, players could be limited to entering for one of two RL's a week, which could divide this number and lower it to about 2.5k - 3k entries a lion, which I don't think is very bad considering the fact we have hundreds of thousands of players on this site. This is only my opinion- don't attack me. ![]() |
Astera [sleeping ] 🫶🫶💕 (#316203) ![]() Gorgeous View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2024-01-05 13:06:07 |
Traveler (#470651)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2024-05-24 08:36:51 |
Hi, random newbie >.> I come from flight rising, a game much like this but with dragons. there, their raffle system is on how many tickets 1 person can throw in, but there are 4 prizes. a dragon, a familiar, apparel, and in game currency. (the last three are changed out with other cool items but the dragon is always the jackpot.) I think the stud option is a great add on! :D My thought is, why not also have other raffle prizes like FR does? like have the lioness, the stud, maybe an applicator or rare item/appeal(changes out each week.) and have a pot of SB and GB as an option. (the currency would be raised by the people putting in their beetles for the pot. betting on their changes to get the lot.) it would give people the option to choose, and a way for newbies to make some coin if they win TwT but i agree, the site grew in size, if their isn't an update to accommodate that, it lags behind. having multiple prizes also draws more people in as interests vary. like I only bet on the lioness so if i get her i can sell her (my dragon brain likes shiny GB) but if there was a raffle for SB and GB i'd be betting on that like i'm at the races! ![]() ![]() |
💙CallMeLila💚 (#206891)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2024-06-05 20:14:45 |
Annndd we still don't have a RL Stud nor more than 1 raffle Lioness ![]() ![]() |