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ɴᴏʀᴛʜᴇʀɴ (#74490)

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Posted on
2015-11-04 13:58:26

( art above by lordblue )

• PLOT •

Chernobyl was once a thriving city that was left abandoned from a radioactive explosion. Due to the radiation that now circulates throughout Chernobyl, it is eerily silent and devoid of human life. The only people who can be seen lately are tourists who venture on the outskirts of the land, safely away from dangerous radiation exposure. The only beings that remain are animals, who have unfortunately suffered from permanent disfiguration, mutations, and terminal and psychological illnesses. Every day is a struggle for survival, whether it be for territory, food, or getting past the dog who's mental stability has withered away from radiation poisoning. _____________________________________________________________________

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♂ R o m a n | LORDBLUE
♀ S k i n s | LORDBLUE
♀ K a d e | Nyanunix
♂ P r o k o p e n k o | Nyanunix
♀ R j ú p a | Smew
♂ F á l k i | Smew
♂ B u t c h e r | Headless
♂ I n c o n n u | Piper
♂ M a n o l o | Slugzilla
♀ R u d o | Catatonia
♂ D a l t o n | Catatonia
♂ Z u l u | Headless
♀ L i n a | Kamay
♀ E v e r g r e e n | Fantasyland
♂ K o d i | Fantasyland
♀ N o r a | Atlas


H e a d q u a r t e r s
A massive ware-house type building that was once a busy and well-known nuclear plant. It is now dilapidated, filled with broken equipment, and home to many scavenging animals who hide in the shadows.

A m u s e m e n t P a r k

Once upon a time there lived a cheerful community bustling with a youthful presence. Not anymore. This creepy area is filled with old toys, broken rides and tumbledown ticket booths. Mothers always whisper to their pups that this place is haunted and filled with forsaken souls. Just a tale, of course. Or is it?

S o f t c a l l F o r e s t
More accurately labelled Red Forest by humans, this vast stretch of uninhabited woodland gives off an eerie sense of dread from it's silence and strangely red-coloured vegetation.


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Edited on 02/12/15 @ 23:09:02 by | LORDBLUE | (#74490)

Crownteeth (#39277)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2015-12-04 10:31:46
|Sclera|Male|Azawakh|Chernobyl Darkblood|Healer|Darkblood Camp|Mentions: North, General Pack|

Sclera’s stomach snarled at the thought of food but he paid it no heed as he laid down. Stretching his limbs out from where he laid on a set of ruined steps, his fur lying flat as he licked over the black skin on his front paws. Every now and again he nipped or bit at the skin and drew small amounts of blood but only gave a flinch when it happened. The sound of ripping flesh and bones was simply a background noise to his everyday life, but because it was North doing it, he watched the much larger and savage brute from the corner of his eye. He was all too aware what could happen to any dog seen as a threat or traitor, or even did something to rouse the monsters ire. Deciding not to be the one who got in trouble with Sobaka today, he thought up a simple and quick response to the decision that had been made by North and nodded. “Thank you, Sir. That is very gracious of you.”

|Butcher|Male|Great Dane x English Mastiff|Streets|Mentions: Skins and Inconnu|

Growling lowly in his chest and stepping forward, eyes locked on this new smaller dog as the need to attack was abetted slightly. He stayed a few steps behind Skins, as he looked over this dog. In all respects, it was around medium in height compared to some of the other dogs he had seen and didn’t seem to have a set gender at all, at least no one he could detect. The sleek, well-groomed look was put off by the mess of scars on this dogs legs. The cowardice attitude did nothing more besides further his need to attack something, and he started pacing back and forth in a wide arc to prevent any escaping besides over the fence behind the Basenji. But he highly doubted the dog would make that and contented himself to guarding, letting Skins do the talking for him.

(Short posts are short. I'm sorry.)

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Saeginko (#34696)

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Posted on
2015-12-04 14:43:50

|Checkers|Male|Tamaskan Dog|4 Years old|Chernobyl Darkblood|Lieutenant
Location: Softcall Forest | Mentions: Sobaka, Nora

As Checkers awaited Nora's reply, a bumbling idiot came flying up out of nowhere and went plowing into Checkers. The Tamaskan Dog really wanted to rip the dog's insolent ears off, but then the dog spoke. He knew that voice.
Speak of the devil! Or, close enough, anyway.
"Sobaka," Checkers stated, voice emotionless. This dog was North's little servant. He wasn't exactly what Checkers was looking for, but the Borzoi would surely lead him to North. "Lovely to see you," he said, even though his voice spoke otherwise. "And no, I would not like to hunt with you. I have better things to do, B-"
Checkers checked himself, biting back the word he was about to utter. If he called Sobaka the dreaded B word, then he would slowly start to hate him until the Borzoi ended up just like that dumb cat. And he doubted North would want his servant dead, no matter how despicable he was.
"Sobaka, lead me to North. Now. As for you..." He glanced over at Nora, his eyes flicking up and down her before resting on her face. "It was great to meet you, but now I must be going. I think it would be better for you if I left, anyhow." He gave a strange grin, his eyes sparkling mischievously. "The dogs I'm about to meet up with are not of the friendly sort, and they would eat you alive."

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Zesha (#15997)

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Posted on
2015-12-05 17:27:09

East | Female | 4 Years, 6 Months | Beauceron
Location: Amusement Park, Headquarters
Mentions: North, open for interaction

East's trip outside the city had been an eventful one. She had managed to find her parents safe and healthy, or at least as much as they could be still living so close by to Chernobyl. It had taken her a full two months to find them, and she was lucky enough that she knew how to hunt, otherwise she would be starving right now. As it was, she had eaten a crow back on the outskirts of town, and now she was carrying a common loon between her jaws. Its neck felt like a giant noodle and the weight from its body had her veering off to one side more often than not.

She decided to stop by the amusement park and look at the old Ferris wheel. It was a place she used to love going to with North. There was something he had talked about before she left, about making a pack here. Perhaps he had finally done that, and she'd have lots of new dogs to meet when she got back. But where on earth would he put a pack?

Setting down the loon, and laying on top of its body so no one else could take it, she thought. There was one building that was gigantic, most likely a former warehouse of some sort, that North had taken her to before. It would definitely be able to hold a lot of dogs.

She decided that's where he must be, and picking up her loon again, she trotted that way. As she drew nearer to the looming building, she thought she heard barking, possibly the sound of North's voice, but she was still too far away to hear it until she was only about twenty feet away from headquarters.

(( Hope my intro is okay Blue. I'll post with my lunatic later. ))

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Fantasyland (#77615)

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Posted on
2015-12-06 03:03:16
Evergreen//Female//about 4 years//Location - In town heading to the Amusement Park

Open for interaction

It was an excellent day apparently and Evergreen held her head up high at the sun, her patterned pelt glowing in its radiance.
Her long legs lifted softly above the pavement only to be put back on it a moment later, her tail waving from side to side as she walked.
She turned a corner, into a alley way to be exact, not making a sound to the ear except for the distant humming from her large, narrow jowls. Evergreen didnt care, not at this point. Most knew her as love, five time champion show dog, yet some knew her as the vicious canine instead of her lovely nickname. The one and only to tare a companion apart on stage. Only some knew the truth, only some, knew her in general.
Her dark eyes blinked, her iris's almost and inky black in color with faint hints of hazel and brown at the edges. She padded into a alley way, dogs barking at almost all corners of the street, some at her, and some, not. Her somewhat transparent claws clicked on the ground, almost like a nail against a glass of water to the untrained ear.
Her ears twitched as she glanced swiftly around, her long legs spread apart and ready to run. Evergreen pricked her ears. The top half of it folding over at the dimple just as most dog breeds in the world. He tail whipped towards her side, not in fright nor in thought, but merely, by instinct and accident.

Is there someone following me?

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Edited on 06/12/15 @ 10:08:48 by Fantasyland (#77615)

slugzillla (#51715)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2015-12-06 07:49:11

Manolo|Male|Chihuahua|4 y/o
Mentions: Zulu
Location: Alleyways

Blissfully unaware of the figures looming in Zulus mind, Manolo continued their conversation. He only picked up slightly of Zulus unease, but he assumed everything was alright, everyone was uneasy these days. "Me?" He repeated, his ears moving back a bit, "I was born here as well...right on the edge of the forest. I still live in the same den my mother raised me in.." He said with a fond smile. Nostalgia rattled his bones and the chihuahua turned his head to look off into the fog, his vision growing foggy and his mind numbing.

It was common for the small dog to disassociate, but it was a dangerous habit he couldn't break. His head began to shake and his body trembled before he quickly snapped out of it, quickly jerking his head back to make sure Zulu was still there. "P-pardon me," he stuttered sheepishly, "I...uh, what were we talking about?"

[blAAAh sorry this is short]

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ɴᴏʀᴛʜᴇʀɴ (#74490)

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Posted on
2015-12-06 09:21:34

Location: Softcall Forest
Mentions: Kade

Roman watched her draw herself back up, her head sitting atop her shoulders confidently as she regained her strength. It was an admirable thing, really. Most dogs weren't emotionally stable enough to calm themselves of their sorrow or rage- something that normally ended in disaster. "You're a good-hearted dog," He couldn't restrain the words as they came tumbling out of his mouth, flattening an ear awkwardly at his own compliment. "At least you know just how things in this world have come to be," Peeling his attention away from her, he acknowledged with a grim disposition just how dark the world around them was growing. Shadows enveloped the majority of the woods, and not much light was filtering in through the canopy of trees. Nightfall was soon approaching. "We should seek shelter," He suggested, but he rather noticeably cut himself off. Was this a good idea? To continue to wander around with this dog at his side? He wasn't sure he could even be trusted in her presence. His mind might've been left slightly less unscathed than his brother's, but he was still unpredictable. A bomb just waiting to go off. What if he turned on her in some sort of conscious fit of rage? "We should head back to one of the wings at headquarters, at least just for the night," He swept on anyway.

Location: The Streets
Mentions: Butcher, Inconnu

The thin white hound cast a glance over her left shoulder, her sightless eyes staring in the direction of where Butcher pace behind her, "Relax," She breathed at him soothingly, her eerie voice soft and convincing. As she turned her attention back to Inconnu, she inhaled his scent and let it rest against her tongue. He was young, terrified, apparently genderless, and unfamiliar with the terrifying lands of which they stood on. She almost pitied the young dog. Almost. "What is your name?" She asked firmly, though she was careful to keep any sort of accusation or aggression out of her tone. Trespassing he may be, but he was not to be considered a threat.

Location: Amusement Park , Softcall Forest
Mentions: Checkers, Nora

It was the first time he'd departed from the disheveled medical clinic in which he and his pack remained for several weeks, a time frame that Checkers had more or less been absent from. He honestly hadn't expected to run into the tamaskan, especially in such a literal manner. "Oh," The young dog was unable to disguise the disappointment in his tone, his ears flopping back against his skull. He knew his lack of success would reflect poorly on him and cause North to bend into a fit of rage, and Checkers would've been his last resort to redeem himself. Now he was doomed for sure, "Are you sure? I mean, it would only take-" His muzzle flinched back slightly as the lieutenant swept on without care, leaving Sobaka to offer him the only answer that would be considered acceptable, "Of course. He's just back at camp." As he turned to lead the larger dog back to their base, he let his own grey eyes drift over Nora's form. She was a pretty dog with a very innocent aura. What had Checkers been doing rendezvousing with this canine? "Whats your name?" He directed the cheerful question at the Gerbian Shepsky, cocking his head curiously to the side.

Location: Darkblood Headquarters
Mentions: Aviur, Jahla, East

Golden-brown eyes flickered to Sclera's form, waiting for a response. He had been acknowledged; he expected to be acknowledged back. When the hound finally spoke, North huffed in reply, his teeth snapping through a feline bone before using a giant forepaw to push it out of his way. The limp body slid pathetically across the dirtied floor, streaks of blood following it's carcass, "Well, what're you useless lumps waiting for then? Get on it!" The dark male turned his smoldering gaze across his pack, burning into their pelts like the heat of fire. He hated how he had to repeat himself. As he pivoted around to return to his station, he halted, a very, very faint scent hitting his nostrils and sending the fur along his spine bristling. He arched his neck in a peculiar fashion and turned around very slowly to face his pack once more, "Wait," He practically hissed, eyes narrowed in the direction of the doorway. Someone was out there that he hadn't seen for several months, he was sure of it. "Jahla, Aviur," He growled softly, "There is someone treading outside of our quarters. Bring them to me."

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May (#54848)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2015-12-06 14:17:48
Nora | Female | Softcall Forest | Interacting with Checkers, Sobaka, Open for Interaction

She seemed to shrink even more when this 'Checkers' character mention being eaten alive by his friends.. Of course, she didn't know if it was in the literal sense or not. "Oh, umm... okay. Yeah, you go ahead." Nora said, before being asked a question by a somewhat attractive, slender dog. She wasn't sure what he was, but Checkers seemed to be quite familiar with him. "I am Nora.." The female said quietly.

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Zesha (#15997)

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Posted on
2015-12-06 14:38:46

Loon | Male | 4 Years | Great Dane | Loner
Location: Town streets
Mentions: Evergreen

Loon lay in an alley, the ground covered in cracked concrete. His legs were splayed out to one side to make him as comfortable as possible which that wasn't very comfortable at all. If humans still inhabited this God forsaken city, he would have drug one of their bags of garbage over and settled down on it instead, despite the wretched stench most had. But Loon didn't know that world. He only knew it from what he had been told by other dogs.

A flicker of movement caught his eye and had him turning his head in its direction. In his line of sight was a lovely Saluki, a pretty, lithe dog with black fur and brown markings. It was about time he found another dog to pester. The last one hadn't lasted long, seeing through his tricks far too easily, but that was only because he had the misfortune of finding another psychopath. Hopefully, this young lass wouldn't be the same way.

Lifting himself up, he stretched each leg, keeping one ear lifted to hear where she was headed. In that direction lay the amusement park, long abandoned and full of old metal human things that were rusty and could potentially fall at any moment. Mm, what a wonderful way to get her to let him travel with her for a bit, maybe convince her to hunt for him in exchange for watching her back out there.

Quickly, he trotted after her, not surprised when she either heard or sensed him coming up behind her. It was hard to repress the stare he gave, which normally hinted that he was near, even if he couldn't be seen. As she whipped around, he stopped, then dipped his head to her. “Greetings,” he said, showing no signs of aggression to her, though since the muscles in his face were damaged, he couldn't so much as scowl if he wanted to.

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Fantasyland (#77615)

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Posted on
2015-12-07 14:35:32
Evergreen//Female//4 years//Afghan hound by blood - Appears as a Suluki

Location: Streets, heading towards the Amusement park
Mentions: Loon

Her fur bristled for a slight second.
Oh what a sweet surprise. Just when Evergreen felt alone at last, she was accompanied by another.
"Greetings..." She replied, her voice almost a low grumble compared to most. She sat down at the males words, forcing her back fur to relax at once, hoping not to show hostility. Yet in a way, she didn't care. Evergreen coughed, clearing her throat lightly before she looked over towards the male, her dark hues gleaming somewhat menacingly in the dim-lit corridor. "What may i pay to this visit, stray?" She questioned almost immediately after her last response. "Anything special?" She asked once more.
Oh what a curious being she was. Or at least, to some.
Evergreen tilted her head just slightly to the left in thought, her breathing faint to the ear.
With her paws planted on the concrete quite firmly and her fur now relaxed and lying flat, she held his oddly cool gaze.
A whisper seemed to screech into her right ear. Purring her name devilishly. Yet the odd thing was, it was only her, her alone, what seemed to hear it.
Evergreen whipped her head around, looking the direction of the amusement park, a deep growl soon rumbling with in her chest and lower throat. Loud enough that some would assume a small volcano were erupting. But they, like many, were surely wrong.
She growled towards the shadows towards a being unknown to the eye, one that was invisible to all but her.
"Shut up!" She snarled towards the transparent creature in the distance. And with that, she jerked her head back towards the male, eyes glistening in thought.
"So, as i said before, what may i offer this sweet surprise?"

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ɴᴏʀᴛʜᴇʀɴ (#74490)

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Posted on
2015-12-07 19:37:47

Mentions: North, Aviur, East

A resting form stirred from the edge of the room, her claws scraping against the cracked-marble flooring as she pushed herself into a formal pose, "Right. Yes sir," The sleek black female growled in a firm tone, all three of her honey-coloured eyes turning to flick briefly at her assigned partner before striding silently to the doorway. Indeed, an unfamiliar scent danced around her senses as she breathed in the contaminated air, though something about it made her tip her head. It was peculiar- it somehow reminded her of North. "This way," She said in a flat tone to Aviur as she flicked her tail in the direction of which the scent was coming from. As they approached, a dog came into view, causing Jahla to naturally act out a territorial display of aggression. With her tail raised behind her and her lips pulled back, she halted in front of the beauceron, not permitting her any further, "State your name and purpose, trespasser," She said in a smooth voice, her eyes flicking over her form. She was rather small for her breed, but shared a baffling resemblance to her leader she couldn't just ignore. Was this a relative? She didn't recall North mentioning he had living family. Not to mention, the more gentle look in her eyes didn't match North's at all. She cast Aviur a small glance, wondering if he harboured the same suspicions she did.

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2015-12-08 02:33:00
Kade | Female | 4 years | Doberman Pinscher
Mentions: Roman
Location: Softcall Forest

Kade acknowledged the compliment by gently nudging Roman's shoulder with her snout. All of her instincts screamed against returning to headquarters, however. The forest was safe and the city was not. A pack roamed the city of the insane. "Let's stay here. I don't trust the city and the headquarters least of all," she said, voice quiet, so, so relieved that he seemed to want to stay with her. Somehow a sort of sermon seemed to be forming in her head, triggered by Roman, by speaking to another, by talking about her past, even a little. The pack roams the city of the insane in the dead of night they kill in their madness with little regard for the world waking dreams will not save you now. Confused, she shook her head. "That was weird."

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Zesha (#15997)

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Posted on
2015-12-08 04:20:10

Loon | Male | 4 Years | Great Dane | Loner
Mentions: Evergreen

The massive dog watched the Saluki as her fur bristled. It didn't surprise him, he was a giant among dogs, and standing on his back legs he could rival the height of man. Had she not thrown up this aggressive display, he would have been more worried than he was about dogs with mental disorders that talked to themselves and thought they saw things that weren't there. But whether these dogs actually had schizophrenia or just radiation poisoning, he didn't know.

He copied her as she sat down, to indicate he was not a threat, either. Loon's fur had remained flat the entire time, and he was pleased to see she was brushing it down inside that head of hers, making it behave the way she wanted it to. Or, perhaps, how he wanted it to.

The Great Dane opened his mouth to speak but stopped, noticing the way her head tilted, not in interest for what he was saying, but as if something were whispering in her ear. Ah, he thought. Another of those unfortunate enough to have hallucinations. Best be careful with this one. He waited patiently as she whipped around to face the creature that was invisible to him, not even flinching at the growls rumbling through her throat loud as a lawn mower. It was best not to interrupt these, he had found. Once he had and the dog had believed him to be working with the invisible shadow, and had attacked him for it.

Once she had settled back down, he dipped his head once in greeting before starting, “I saw you as you walked past. It's not safe to wander alone in this place, no matter what type of dog you are. That's why I've been waiting, watching for another dog to happen by so that I could see if, possibly, they'd like to team up for a while to survive this hell on Earth. If you're up for that, that is.”


East | Female | 4 Years, 6 Months | Beauceron

It wasn't long before two forms, a male Doberman and a female Groenendael, came to stand in front of her, barring her way into the warehouse. Seems North got that pack he wanted, she thought, doing her best not to let it bring a smile to her face. These dogs meant business, and if she wanted to survive, she had to make sure they didn't think she saw them as a joke.

East took a step back so that she could drop her loon, a waterfowl she quite liked despite its name, so that she could speak without her voice being obstructed.

“My name is East,” she said, dipping her head formally, like her parents had done when she left them to come back to Chernobyl. “I am North's sister, but I've been away for a while, looking for our parents to make sure they were alright. I've returned now to tell my brother and to give him this bird I caught on the way back.” She nodded at the loon, its black and white feathers fluttering gently with a tiny breeze that drew by.

“I was hoping to be able to see him myself,” she admitted. “Is he busy right now?”

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Saeginko (#34696)

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Posted on
2015-12-08 04:24:46

|Checkers|Male|Tamaskan Dog|4 Years old|Chernobyl Darkblood|Lieutenant
Location: Softcall Forest | Mentions: Sobaka, Nora

Checkers looked between Sobaka and Nora, a growl rumbling in his throat. They had better things to do than talk at the present moment - which was a bit hypocritical, since he had been the one to strike up the conversation with Nora, not the other way around. "Nora, this is my... friend, Sobaka," he said, keeping his cool. "Sobaka, this is Nora." He walked behind Sobaka, trying to make it obvious to the dunce that he wanted to leave now. He began to mull over how North would handle him suddenly popping up... He doubted the dog would harm him - after all, they were great friends before Checkers left.

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Edited on 08/12/15 @ 11:25:02 by Saeginko (#34696)

ɴᴏʀᴛʜᴇʀɴ (#74490)

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Posted on
2015-12-10 09:21:46

Mentions: Kade

The edges of his mouth turned upwards as Kade nudged his shoulder, but the expression was torn away and replaced with a tense jawline. The thought of a roof over his head had always been more appealing to him- his mother had always assured himself and Checkers that it was the safest place for them to be, after all. Though his memories were faint, he distantly recalled her sharing stories with him of Softcall Forest and it's neighbouring area of the Amusement Park- not only was it unsafe after nightfall, but it was tainted with the souls of those who had not crossed over. In embarrassment of his own nervous thoughts, his ears pinned back to his skull, giving her a nod anyways, "Sure," He growled softly, "Let's at least find some sort of shelter incase it rains. The weather is annoyingly unpredictable around here," His amber eyes scouted through the darkness, catching sight of a more vegetated area of the woods that appeared to have many hollowed out logs moulded into the earth. "You coming?" He muttered in a snarky tone as he decided to boldly strut away without waiting for her to join him. He halted and looked at her with a tilted head as he caught sight of her expression and heard her words, "What was weird?"

Mentions: North, East

The black female hung back and remained silent as East carried on, lifting her nose to inspect the beauceron as she bowed her head in a respectful and formal fashion. A smart dog she was, submitting to them in such a cooperative manner. Or perhaps this was just her nature. "East?" She couldn't help but let the surprise trickle out in her tone, her ears flicking forward as she mentioned North as her sibling. She certainly wasn't surprised, though she couldn't quite understand just how this smaller and kinder canine was bound by blood with such a tyrant like North. When she finished speaking, Jahla allowed a much more friendly disposition to take hold of her features, "I see. You and your brother bare a great resemblance to one another. It's an honour to make your acquaintance," In turn, she bowed her head in a brief but genuine display of welcome. "My name is Jahla, and I am a huntress of the Chernobyl Darkbloods. Come, North is just preparing a hunt at headquarters," She turned away with a swish of her long-furred tail, not waiting for East to reply. As they treaded further into the territory, the overwhelming scent of many different dogs became very apparent.

Mentions: North, Nora, Checkers

"Nora," The slender canine repeated, his tail giving a slight wag behind him before he playfully jumped down and splayed his paws out, putting on a bit of a friendly show as he dipped his head to her, "Nice to meet you! You know, we have a lot of dogs and a lot of food.. okay, well we don't have much food now but-" The intimidating force of Checker's form lingering behind him made the youngster snap his jaws shut, immediately tucking his tail between his legs. It was something he just ended up doing in habit around North and Checkers. "Maybe we'll see you around," Were his departing words as he put himself into motion, his thin feet pattering against rotted leaves and damp soil as he quickly began to trot off. When he was sure they were far enough from Nora that he'd be permitted to speak freely with the Lieutenant, Sobaka flicked an ear curiously in the Tamaskan's direction, "Friend?" He asked innocently, his grey eyes wide. "I really didn't take you as a friend type. Maybe we can visit her again," Then again, with further inspection of the idea, Sobaka knew that North would not approve of such a thing.

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Edited on 10/12/15 @ 19:29:59 by | LORDBLUE | (#74490)

Fantasyland (#77615)

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Posted on
2015-12-10 15:51:13
Evergreen//Female//4 years 1/3rd//Afgan hound by blood - Appears as a Suluki

Location: Streets
Mentions: Loon

Evergreen gave off a slight huff of annoyance.
He wasn't the first to ask of such a thing.
"What? Is it too Dangerous for me to be out here by my self? Just because i seem a bit strange?" She growled aggressively, changing her mood practically in a split second. "Well, you're not the first to ask of such a thing." Evergreen snorted, her eyes narrowed in hostility.
Just then she got to her paws, her fur bristling just for a moment more, before relaxing again just a second later.
Her tail seemed to curl over her back, almost like most dog breeds to the eye.
She sighed. Breathing like so, so many times before. But not from sadness or possible anger, but out of thought instead.
Evergreen flexed her paws, almost as if she were to dig her nails into the hard cement before she looked up towards the male once more.
Her ears twitched.
Her hostility seemed to change with in moments, and currently she was quite calm compared to just seconds before in which she was spatting words towards him she barely remembered how to pronounce outside of aggression.
Evergreen looked towards the male, her eyes shaping into their normal almond-like form, studying from her paws.
She continued to breath and she continued to blink and or bat her semi-beautiful eyes in the air, her breath turning into a light fog or mist with in the universe.
Oh well
*What an odd beast* She thought to her self.
*I wonder what he'll say...*

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