Posted by The Next Hope ~ Sign-ups
Teaminka (#73506)

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2016-05-16 09:34:34
Justice, honesty, and integrity binds us. Walking hand in hand; none shall be left behind.
In the land of Dririam, a special school is available for the young: a school for Dragon riding. Where everyone 16-23 can come to learn the necessities of being a dragon rider at the School of Dririam, where the Dragon Rider will train to become part of the army. Dririam is a large island with a healthy mix of plains, forests, and sandy beaches; off the shore from a few spots on the beaches there are small islands made of mostly rock-except for a few larger islands that have just grass-that water dragons can be spotted basking in the sun on, and many cliffs for dragons to hang off of, or perch on top of if their rider chooses to take a dip.

What you'l learn at the school of Dririam: How to fly, obviously, how to care for your dragon, hand to hand combat, dragon combat, and the history of dragons, and dragon riders.


There are many shapes and sizes of dragons, but every dragon has a special ability. This ability can be from cloning, to turning into fire itself, or even electricity. Now there are land dragons, and water dragons. Land dragons still have the ability to produce fire and smoke, even if that isn't their ability. Water dragons will still be able to produce water, and steam even if it isn't part of their ability.


There are no requirements to become a rider, but you have no choice over your dragon. But the bond the rider and the dragon form are for life, and uniquely enough, the rider will have the ability to with stand fire/hot steam more than a human, but still will burn eventually. The rider will also have a better tolerance for different water temps, or will be better at breathing in smoke. This bond also gives the rider their own special 'mark', kinda tattoo like, will appear on the rider. Along with this bond, the rider will be able to see through the dragons eyes, and they can hear each other's thoughts. Now, with this bond if the rider dies, the dragon dies, but if the dragon dies the rider won't.

The School

The Hadmaster of the school, is Mara Whitaker, is also the daughter of one of the fiercest generals in the army, and thus was suitingly appointed to teach the next soldiers.

Hand to Hand Combat: Taught by Mara Whitaker (Yours truly)
Flying: Taught by Kaden Akio (Fantastic Dorito (#78562))
Care For Your Dragon: Taught by Austin Icefall ( ❤ Dove ❤ {GDSS} (#39390))
Dragon Combat: Taught by Maeve Morlock ( |Lamb| (#90126))
History of Dragons & Dragon Riders: Taught by Miguel Ruiz (
[Side]winder (#71221))

Dragon Ages & Differences

Water dragons don't really have wings, if a water dragon has wings they're small and used more like flippers and not actual wings.

Newborn-3 months: Dragons are noted to being as small enough to fit in the palm of your hand up to the size of a horse.
3 months-6 months: Can grow to be the size of a bus.
6 months- 1 Year: Can grow to be just longer than an 18-wheeler and as tall as a three story building.
1 year-10 years: Can grow to 18 ft high at the shoulder, and about 60-70 ft long.
10 years-20 years: As tall as 25-30 ft high and about 150 ft long.
20 years-30 years: 35-40 ft tall and about 230 ft long.
(Dragons can live to be 200+ years old, but I think you get the idea. But 45ft is max height, and 330 ft long is max length.) Now, that does not mean that all dragons will get this big. Your dragon could be 30 years old and only be 20 ft tall and 100 ft long, the data above are just the biggest recorded for that age group. Wings can be as long as the dragon or short as well.

Upon Arrival

Upon arrival, students will be introduced to their teachers, and will be fitted for armor, given a sword or crossbow--which ever they prefer--and a shield, and their dragon will get measured for a temporary saddle, as the dragon will only be around a year, and won't get a permanent one tell they are about to graduate from the school.


*LioDen Rules apply.
*No powerplaying! You are new at flying, and your dragon won't be the best out there either! You will get hurt, fall off, stumble, get stabbed or shot, etc.
*Be active!
*Semi-Literate to advanced role-play. (A paragraph, or write (short) if you get a little writer's block, we've all been there)
*All sexualities allowed.
*No killing or serious maiming another played with out their permission!
*Be active!
*Be respectful to other members! Hate the character not the member!
*Make your character's unique! No perfect Patys/Pauls!
*Be active! (Yes, I purposely but it three times.)
*Put Pink Feather in Other if you read this.

Sign-up Form
Age: (Teachers: 25+)
Brief History:
Sword/Bow Description:
Shield Description:
Armor Description:
Dragon's Name:
Special Ability:
Description of Dragon:
Personality of Dragon:
Stats: (Rider and Dragon)
Balance (Rider only):0/10

RP Thread: Glad to have you!

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Edited on 28/05/16 @ 17:41:06 by Teaminka (#73506)

Teaminka (#73506)

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Posted on
2016-05-16 09:34:55
Name: Mara Whitaker (Major-Ra White-acre)
Age: 26 years

Appearance: An average height for a woman (5'7), with long brown hair with high light and undertones to match accordingly, with stunning blues eyes. A very feminine face, and when she does smile it seems to glow. A toned figured as well, as she has been trained all her life to be a warrior, explaining the serious look she always seems to have, those most would describe as a scowl or RBF. Three slashes run diagonally across her back to match that of a dragon's claw, a wound she received in battle. Picture Source:

Personality: A serious person, who just radiates respect and authority when she walks into a room, and doesn't have to say a word. In occasional moments she can crack a joke, or play around, but her work must come first. She's not one to cross, as she has no problem to put someone in their place verbally, or physically. Not one to hold her tongue, she'll say what's on her mind, and doesn't care who's feelings she hurts. She's training warriors, not nursery maids.

Brief History: Raised by two of the best Generals of Dririam, she was trained from birth to be a warrior, thus why she succeeds so much now, and was deprived of a childhood. Her mother died due to labor complications delivering her younger brother, who sadly died as well. This was a hard hit for her father, but he didn't let her skip a beat in her training. She excelled when she got her dragon, and she surpassed her class, and graduated quickly form the school. This allowed her to be in the army going on 9 years, 2 years of that training the next warriors.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Sword/Bow Description: (She likes both)
Sword:A long, wide, smooth blade made of the best metal is held by a grip wrapped in extravagant, pure black, bear leather. Because its sharp on just one edge this weapon is ideal for both cleaving enemies as well as blocking their attacks.The blade has a jagged, warped cross-guard, offering plenty of protection to the owner's hands and thus their life. The cross-guard has a lavish gold eagle crest on each side. A massive pommel is engraved with the sword maker's symbol, a symbol one can be proud of. The blade itself is engraved. Several words of power have been artistically etched into the blade, which only adds to the elegance of this weapon
Bow: This fine composite bow has been skillfully constructed of long-lasting walnut wood. Its string is made from a valuable hide. The limbs have been decorated with gilded details and end in long points ornamented with feathers. The handle is wrapped in rare leather and decorated with ominous carved woodworks. The large quiver is made from rare fur and hide and is supposed to be worn around the archer's back. The outer side has been decorated with carefully wrapped leather, which must be there for more than just decoration. In the hands of anybody this bow is capable of firing arrows up to 295 meters while still retaining lethal power.

Shield Description: This tough heater shield, made from ironbark, offers a robust cover, especially against attacks. This is no coincidence, as this shield was forged by fury dragonkin in a draconic workshop. The shield's edges are augmented with large metal studs and have been decorated with golden studs. Its center is ornamented with the family crest. Nothing has left its mark yet, who knows if this shield will ever get to stare at death and smile, but one this is for sure: this shield craves a master of its equal.

Armor Description: A mix of leather, metal, and chain mail complete her armor. Metal shoulder, hip, side, leg, and arm guards, while chain mail connects all the metal pieces, with leather under her armor as added protection and comfort. There are added spikes on the metal to make her look like her dragon. Her helmet, with spikes, fits snuggly, except in front of the face, where it juts out to, yet again, look like her dragon, with a raise-able piece over her eyes. Her armor meant to strike fear into the opponent, and it does so, and well.

Kin: Father- Laserous [Alive: Major General in the Army]
Mother- Martha [COD: Labor complications]
Brother-Mason [COD: Suffocation during birth]

Dragon's Name: Rootkan Holder of Storms (Root-Kaw-n)

Special Ability: Controls Storms (Thunder, lightning, storm clouds, rain, and wind to some degree)

Description of Dragon: 19 y/o, 33ft tall, and 160ft long, a large dragon for his age, that's entirely black, with spikes scattered around his body in both defensive and tactful positions. A ridge of spikes lines his back all the way down, and two large horns jut from his head like devil horns, and another horn of a smaller degree below that one, and large horns on his elbows as well. Horns are even in his wings, where it bends, and at the ends of them as well. And his wings are large, a couple of feet shorter than his body, but strong and able to lift his heft stature, and go through the air rather quickly. Moderator removed image due to lack of source.
Personality of Dragon: A terrifying dragon to say the least, and he can bit of a sour patch, but once you get past his very, very thick skin he can be very protective and friendly to you. He's confident in himself, and his rider, and does everything he can to the best of his ability for her. He's short tempered, and sharp tongued just like his rider, but he'll be the first one there for his friends, and his rider's friends. He is a serious dragon, but like his owner will be humorous occasionally, and can hear his rumbling chuckle from time to time.

Other: Pink Feather

Stats: (Rider and Dragon)
Balance (Rider only):10/10
Attack:9/10 & 10/10
Defense:9/10 & 9/10
Quick-Thinking:9/10 & 9/10
Intelligence: 10/10 & 9/10
Strength: 9/10 & 10/10
Agility: 10/10 & 7/10
Endurance: 9/10 &10/10

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Edited on 28/06/16 @ 21:47:13 by Katze (#20064)

Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-05-16 11:47:23
Hello there, Teaminka! :D
Love this plot! <3 May I reserve a spot? (just in case cx)
I would ask if I can only create a dragon, then have someone else play the rider of said dragon, but I think I'll just skip doing that and create both lol
Thanks! <33

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Teaminka (#73506)

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Posted on
2016-05-16 11:57:51
You can be a 'grounds dragon' which would be like a demonstration dragon, or if another dragon gets hurt you could sub in for it during the training, and other things like that, and just mingle with the other dragons of course. But what ever one you decide will work!

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Teaminka (#73506)

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Posted on
2016-05-16 11:57:52

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Edited on 16/05/16 @ 18:58:19 by Teaminka (#73506)

Crow (#39390)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-05-16 12:03:18
Fuck! I had half an application and the page reloaded! Dx

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-05-16 12:03:58

"You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have."


[Last Name Unknown]


20 years, 2 months

Heterosexual - Heteroromantic

Hunter is the most stubborn male you could ever come across; as stubborn as an ox, if you will. He would never, ever, back down from a fight. When asked about something he would rather keep to himself, the man simply lies, instead of not responding or deflecting the question, as he is quite good at lying, able to keep a straight face without giving away any hints that he is lying. This man's ego is easily damaged and is the first to jump with weapon(s) out to defend his honor, rather than tossing insults back and forth - this is long term, so he will argue with someone for a little while, but once he gets impatient, he'll jump. Along with that, Hunter - if given a reason - can become violent and aggressive, likely to hurt whoever he gets into a fight with, also having a good amount of strength.

Despite his more aggressive nature, Hunter has a strong sense of loyalty and love towards his dragon and, although he is a very violent and quick-to-fight man, Hunter is also a very passionate and protective male that tends to be protective and passionate towards and about 'people he cares about (family/friends/romantic).

Picture Above! <3 || Source
(are you okay with the pic being at the top?)

A handsome male with brown hair, a light/almost fully-shaved beard (look at pic), and intimidating yet captivating green eyes. Hunter stands at 6 feet and 2 inches with a weight of 190 pounds, a good bit of it muscle, with an immense amount of strength. Hunter is a very strong [/muscular] man with visible, stone-hard muscles, earned from violent and rather aggressive training (from his father+on the force/by himself). As is common for most on the police force, Hunter has a good amount of scars, but not all are significant; He has one on his chin and his left wrist (his POV), both from a knife (in the same fight). He also has a long one across the right side of his torso and another long one down his right arm (his POV).

[ Significant: Muscular - 6'2'' - 190 pounds ]

Sword/Bow Description:
Hunter is a skilled archer, using a longbow; an effective choice in comparison with a crossbow if used by a skilled solider. He uses a 'lightweight' bow made of a medium-brown (not too dark, but not too light) wood, a durable bow that can withstand many things. It has a design engraved into it as well as white wrappings around it in various places, the design and white wrappings significant for his particular German family. Hunter's quiver, like his bow, reflects his German heritage and compliments nicely the style of bow he carries. The color is the same medium-brown as the bow, with the same engravings and white wrappings around the higher and lower parts of the strap(s). The arrows are the same brown as the quiver and bow, but have razor-sharp, silver tips. These arrows have the same engravings and white feathers at the end,

Although Hunter is skilled with a sword as well, he doesn't use/like it as much as his bow and it usually remains in his sheath, which is place on his left hip. His sword has a long, beautiful blade with a razor-sharp point, as sharp as Shruikan's fangs, and is a strong yet not that heavy sword. Its handle, non-surprisingly, has the same white wrappings around it, just like his bow, quiver, and arrows. The very end (below the handle) of it is shaped like a dragons head and the same engravings are engraved into it as well.

Shield Description:
A simple, typical rider shield. He isn't a big fan or user of shields so he just quickly grabbed the one he liked best and took it with him, choosing a lighter one, so it didn't cause him trouble. It is a wooden shield with metal on the edges and the same engravings on the metal. He rarely ever uses his shield, relying on his other skills to protect him instead.

Armor Description:

Brief History:

Theresa [Mother - Loves / Grieves] [Deceased; Old Age]
Thomas [Father - Despises] [Alive; Location; Unknown.] [OPEN]
Alexandra ("Alex") [Kid Sister - Loves / Protects] [OPEN]
Ethan [Kid Brother - Loves / Grieves] [Deceased; Dragon Attack]

( PM me if interested. You can change their names. )

TBA (gotta meet them people first. cx)
( PM me if interested. He may come to have a crush his best friend -if a girl.)

"My scales are like tenfold shields, my teeth are swords, my claws spears, the shock of my tail a lightning bolt, my wings a hurricane, and my breath death."

"You may let other people advise you, but never allow them to decide for you."


Shruikan - "Kan"


Special Ability:
I'm working on it xD

Shruikan is a very aggressive, vicious, and courageous dragon. He is fearless, which can even be bad at times, as he'll take on any opponent and will rush into a fight, though his strength is helpful - and the fact that he is a usually avoided opponent. Although he doesn't fear much, one of the few things he fears is losing the people he loves (rider and/or a female he has feelings for).
Given his slightly short temper, Kan is very quick to fight and, due to his powerful body and strength, he can almost always cause damage if he attacks. He is likely to attack if given a reason (A good reason in his opinion. Not usually an actual good reason). Despite his violent personality, if someone manages to break through the stone surrounding his heart, Kan is one of the most passionate males there is, known to hold those he cares about very close and is very quick to strike with jaws open if he or someone he cares for is injured or threatened, often causing damage. Along with this, he is quite cold and doesn't really care who he hurts (there are exceptions).

Shruikan || Source

A ferocious four year old male with red scales, a tan-ish underbelly (and under-neck area. check ref lol), and intimidating green eyes with slits as pupils. He has razor-sharp spikes on some parts of his head, shoulder, legs, tail, and even his wings, the spikes proving to be good for protection- and as a weapon. Standing at 18 feet with a length of 70 feet and a weight of ??? pounds (a lot of it muscle), Shruikan is typically a startling and large beast, with an immense amount of strength. He is a very strong [/muscular] dragon with rippling, stone-hard muscles, earned from violent and rather aggressive training from his rider and by himself. Due to his size and intimidating figure, Kan is a dragon known to strike fear into others. This broad-shouldered male has a good amount of scars in different places on his scales, and is known to be ruthless and pretty hard to beat when fighting, though he is not undefeatable. At first glance, Kan appears as a large, intimidating, and unfriendly dragon.

Pink Feather....s... Are my favorite.

( Rider ~ Dragon )
Attack: 9/10 ~ 10/10
Defense: 9/10 ~ 9/10
Quick-Thinking: 8/10 ~ 9/10
Intelligence: 8/10 ~ 8/10
Strength: 10/10 ~ 10/10
Agility: 8/10 ~ 7/10
Speed: 8/10 ~ 7/10
Endurance: 9/10 ~ 9/10

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Edited on 19/05/16 @ 20:44:34 by Christicat15 (#54511)

Teaminka (#73506)

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Posted on
2016-05-16 12:08:52
I'm sorry Dove! I know the pain though, I fixed it by clicking the keep my signed in box at login!

Christicat15 That sounds great!

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Crow (#39390)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-05-16 12:48:34
Name: Skylark Christopher Quinn (Goes by Quinn or Chris)

Age: 17

Appearance: Quinn has sharp features, light skin, glasses, curly blonde hair, and green eyes. He is usually wearing a smug smirk, and if you see a true smile playing on his lips you should consider yourself very lucky.

Personality: He usually has a cold, cruel personality. Also known to go out of his way to piss people off, he used to flirt with most anyone but now he sticks to female teachers and anyone whom he knows will blush. With a superior IQ (or so he likes to think), he always has a sharp comment or comeback. He makes it look like anything rude said to him rolls off his back, but it can bother him for days or even months at a time.

Brief History: Quinn was born into a wealthy noble family and was really only trained in acedemics, but was always arrogant and unruly. His aunt had, at one point, been a rider. When she saw him acting up as he did, she decided to convince his parents to enroll him in a training school. His attitude didn't change until he met a baby dragon at around fourteen. This creature had been so exited, even if it had no idea who it was or what his intentions were... Since then, he'd always had a soft spot for any sort of young creature.

Sexuality: Pansexual

Bow Description: He has a finely carved Black Ironwood bow with a red-dyed leather grip and a string of the same material. His arrows are tipped with various poisons, evident from the color of the head. In training, he usually uses ones with a simple numbing poison, but he has very deadly ones in his arsenal.

Shield Description: His shield is rather small and has no real value, but it was a family heirloom and has lasted many generations. With a silver plate in the center carved with his family's seal and intricately carved wood around it, he usually just shows it off instead of actually using it so it doesn't get damaged.

Armor Description: He wears thick leather armor dyed to be dark colors. He has steel covers to go over his forearms, and sometimes wears a metal helmet. ((I know nothing about armor sorry))

Kin: Jaylin Quinn - Aunt
Kay Quinn - Mother
Andrew Quinn - Father
Theresa Quinn - Sister

Dragon's Name: Essence of Shadows

Special Ability: Secretes poison from various glands

Description of Dragon: Essence of Shadows is a three-year-old 14' dragon with a length of almost 45 feet. Her scales are a dark violet, almost black, and she has long fangs with peircing magenta eyes. She has long, pointed horns, shiny black talons, and grand wings that she always keeps folded.

Personality of Dragon: Her personality matches her ability. Absolutely poisonous, and very cynical. She is also a trickster, and if anyone tries to 'pet' her except for Quinn, she would pull a trick with the same numbing poison her rider uses in training. Essence is also known for being flirtatious, but is very standoffish and territorial. Her whip-like tail is always lashing, and her eyes are always narrowed. However, if her master commands her, she obeys with no question.

Other: Pink Feathers (Did I get that right?)

Stats: (Rider and Dragon)

Balance (Rider only): 6/10

Attack: 4/10 & 7/10

Defense: 5/10 & 5/10

Quick-Thinking: 8/10 & 10/10

Intelligence: 9/10 & 10/10

Strength: 3/10 & 4/10

Agility: 5/10 & 8/10

Endurance: 7/10 & 8/10

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Teaminka (#73506)

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Posted on
2016-05-16 12:58:09
Dove Accepted!

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Mayonayys (#68948)

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Posted on
2016-05-16 16:30:05
WIP!! Its currently 1 am, and i just want to get this started! Will definitely have it finished tomorrow!

Name: Sophia Adamcik

Age: 18

Appearance: Sophia is a small girl in stature, standing just at 4'8" tall. She is not the most fit person, and has a bit of a soft midsection, but does not lack strength. Her face is small and round, with a pair of large, light green eyes, and soft pink lips. He skin is lightly tanned from spending much time outside, and she has a few freckles here and there. Her hair is a deep auburn color, flowing down to just bellow her shoulder, and soft bangs frame her face. Most days, Sophia wears her hair up in a tight bun or a loose pony tail.

Personality: Sophia carries a bubbly air about her at all times, even when she is frustrated. Her mother used to refer to her as having a sickeningly sweet personality. Sophia has always blamed in on her small stature, she doesn't mean to act the way she does, but being smaller than everyone else and getting picked on makes some people eager to please others, and somewhat submissive. She can be rude sometimes, but that side of her is hardly ever shown.

Brief History: Sophia grew up as an only child in a household that consisted of herself, her parents, and her Grandmother. Every night, her grandmother, Baba, would tell her stories of great adventures she had had as a young woman. How she had sailed the seas with pirates, flown through the skies with dragons, and swan through the ocean with mermaids. The stories would get more and more elaborate every time. Sophia was a dreamer, for sure. She loved in a world of magic, but she was not a privileged child who saw its wonders often. That was until she became of age for training. She had never really believed her Baba's stories, but she should have. Her Baba had saved her treasures until it was time to give her precious granddaughter her own adventure. Sophia was passed on a Sword and Bow, of which her Baba used long ago. She trained vigorously, and once she was presented her dragon, her Baba gave her a shield, specially made for the your woman.

Sexuality: Straight

Sword Description: The sword that Sophia carries has is old, but reliable. The metal it is forged of is old and forgot, and the blade shows its wear. Nonetheless it is sharp and durable. It is decorated lightly with impressions of floral design. The guard is of the same metal, delicately decorated with Sophia's family crest in gold. The hilt is bound in leather and the pommel is steel, with a simple red jewel in the middle. Ref: Not Exact Sword Source: Guild Wars 2

Bow Description: Sophia's bow is made of a deep colored elder wood, flexible and powerful. Its is very simple in structure, but has the same pattern as on her sword leafed in gold. Ref: Nearly exact Source: Guild Wars 2

Shield Description: Sophia's shield is the only instrument she carries that was not passed onto her. She obtained her shield when she got her dragon. It is forged of silverite that was blessed by a dragon of old, or that is what she is told. The blessing is supposed to grant her extra protection, but she has yet to see anything magical while using her shield. To match her other weapons, the gold floral pattern was leafed onto the shield, and a dragon's head was added to the center. Ref: Shape, color, and floral design, minus the bird. Source: Guild Wars 2

Armor Description: Sophia's armor is mostly made of leather, with a few metal plates where most needed. She keeps her armor light, so to keep herself agile. Her bottom most layer consist of a simple cloth top and pants. The top has a high collar, with sleeves that reach just above her elbows, it is a deep, muted pink, with a few silver trimmings. Her pants are a deep green, reaching to just below her ankles, and are held up with a thick leather belt.
On her hands, she wears a pair of thick leather gloves, they reach almost to her elbow, leaving the joint exposed, as well as the tips of her fingers. Attached to her gloves are metal places, on the top of her hands. Her feet are covered by sturdy leather boots, going almost to her pants. Her shins are covered by a leather plate that straps to her leg.
On top of her simple top, she sometimes wears a leather vest, which she tends to need help donning, since the ties are in the back. For usual protection, she wears a metal chest plate, covering from collar bone to mid stomach.
Sometimes, she will wear a leather cloak on top of it all, providing an extra layer for in a fight, and to combat the cold.

•Mother: Aida Kerper Adamcik
•Father: Nevan Adamcik
•Grandmother-Fathers side: Marta Unger Adamcik

Dragon's Name: Lupin, Thief of Breath

Special Ability: Elemental Devouring and redirection: When up against another dragon Lupin is able to 'steal' the breath weapon of that dragon. He does this by absorbing the element into himself. This has its limits, after absorption, Lupin cannot absorb another breath until he rids the old breath from his reservoirs. At his age, his ability is very weak, the breath weapon will only be half as powerful as the original, and it will not stay in his system very long. At his stage, he can also absorb the 'breath' of certain environments. If he spends a long while in water, he can temporarily gain water, ice, or steam, depending on the environment, breath. He will later become strong enough to wield different breath weapons.

Description of Dragon: Lupin is a young dragon who only stands at 16 feet tall and from snout to tail is about 50 foot long. He is mostly gold and bronze in color, but his underbelly scales change depending on the light. The go from a beautiful shiny gold, to a dazzling emerald green. He has horns that will one day be larger than his skull, and he has spikes all along his bottom jaw. Ref for general looks Source: Dragon Age: Inquisition

Personality of Dragon: Lupin's personality complete's Sophia's. Unlike his human companion, he hates being submissive and showing that he is weaker than others. He is the type to puff out his chest and feign strength, even when it could get them in trouble. He acts very much like a protective older brother to Sophia, if a bit sweeter. He does not like to socialize very much with other dragons or human, remaining quiet, and can come off as a bit cold.

Other: Pink Feathers

Stats: (Rider and Dragon)

Balance (Rider only): 5/10

Attack: 4/10 & 6/10

Defense: 5/10 & 8/10

Quick-Thinking: 5/10 & 8/10

Intelligence: 8/10 & 9/10

Strength: 6/10 & 7/10

Agility: 7/10 & 8/10

Endurance: 4/10 & 9/10

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Edited on 17/05/16 @ 17:01:48 by Mayonayys (#68948)

OhHeyALion (#57070)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2016-05-16 17:24:56

Name: Darilash
Age: 19
Appearance: slightly tanned, body built for farming, keeps his dark hair in a ponytail, regular ol' brown eyes, and a bite mark on his left forearm from a dog attack
Personality: He's fairly laid back and patient most of the time. Not very willing to be the front runner of anything, though if it comes down to it he won't object. When it comes to small quarrels between allies, Darilash tries his best to keep the peace, and prefers not to fight. He always has a warm smile, and is as polite as polite can get.
Brief History: Darilash was born and raised on a farm. Never allowed to go to town, never allowed to venture far from his home, always expected to be working. He wouldn't mind the work, if it wasn't such a rut. Nothing ever changed and ,for a long time, he thought nothing ever would. So, when he heard about Dririam he did not hesitate to enroll himself, and didn't inform his parents until it was too late.
Sexuality: Straight
Sword Description: A simple long sword with a non-decorative copper hilt, and cow hide grip.
Shield Description: A curved kite Shield long enough to protect his whole side when fighting. The Shield is painted black, and has a brass dragon pressed on to the center.
Armor Description: His armor is made of an incredibly tough dark brown leather for better movement. (For a better image I'm just going to link this: with padded under armor to protect the areas the leather fails to reach. His gloves have a red hue, and their knuckles protrude pointed blades for a tough punch. His helmet is made like a Spartans. The boots are steel toed, and have thin metal shin guards for added protection
Delvan Olp (Father)
Morgana Olp (Mother)
Macy Keiltan (OlderSister)
Don Olp (Younger brother)
Derik Olp (Younger Brother)
David Olp (Younger Brother)
Dragon's Name: Harvakk
Special Ability: Flashbang (pretty much he just opens his mouth and then Boom- surprise blindness.)
Description of Dragon: 27 years old, 26 feet tall, and about 135 feet long. His wings are big and wide, and has two curved horns on each side of his golden-scaled head.
Personality of Dragon: A very proud dragon, Harvakk isn't one to make many jokes. He will always have his head held high and his chest puffed out. He's serious most of the time, but won't be afraid to show off, or roughhouse with anyone. He is constantly coddling Darilash to a point where the boy will get embarrassed, and shove the beast away. Which will only make him coddle him more. Harvakk is always looking to make sure everyone is safe and well, and will be the first to defend his friends.
Other: Pink Feather
Stats: (Rider and Dragon)
Balance (Rider only):3/10
Attack:1/10 - 7/10
Defense:2/10 - 6/10
Quick-Thinking:1/10 - 9/10
Intelligence:3/10 - 8/10
Strength:8/10 - 4/10
Agility:4/10 - 10/10
Endurance:3/10 - 2/10

Also I think it's funny that the dragon image you are using is named Deathwing. Sort of a tyrannical, cataclysmic causing, dragon God. It made me laugh a lil. Thought you'd like to know.

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Edited on 20/05/16 @ 16:14:14 by SurpriseImAGirl (#57070)

Teaminka (#73506)

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Posted on
2016-05-16 17:39:12
SurpriseImAGirl Accepted, and no I didn't know that lol I just really liked how he looked lol!

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Em1Lee (Work/School) (#70535)

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Posted on
2016-05-17 00:37:04
So tempted in joining, but
*looks at mountain of HW*
*looks at RP threads that I need to post*

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Teaminka (#73506)

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Posted on
2016-05-17 01:35:23
Lol, it's okay! We all have priorities

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Mayonayys (#68948)

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Posted on
2016-05-17 05:42:33
Our characters can have both a bow and a sword?

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